Far cry 4 (part 2)

Hunting and fishing.

How many years did he take from all those animals he killed? How many years of life did he ruin in just one day, when in the morning on the same mountain slope he shot three bears, and in the evening, in the valley - two caribou? All together - at least a hundred years. One hundred years of heartbeat in a few minutes of passion that overwhelmed the hunter! (James Oliver Curwood. "Vagabonds of the North").

Kirat is a real paradise for a hunter, there are really a lot of animals here, from banal wolves, deer, nahurs and wild boars to exotic honey badgers, rhinos, alligators and huge demon fish (by the way, all animals really exist in reality). Among other things, by capturing an outpost, you can get access to the original quest line, which consists in hunting rare animals.

What you need to know about hunting:
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1. The killing of animals is conditionally divided into pure (without the help of firearms) and dirty. From a clean kill, you will receive a double portion of the skins. If you use explosives, then you won’t get anything at all, it’s logical, the poor little animal will be so smashed that at best you will find a piece of skin on a fur thong.
2. Looking ahead, I’ll say that when hunting, especially for herbivores, the hunter’s injector is simply irreplaceable, it helps to track down prey and makes animals stop being afraid of you.
3. Estimate the size of the animal. If you can still somehow stand against wolves or wild dogs with a bow and arrows, then there is less for a rhinoceros than with a machine gun, but better with "Elephant Boy" don't even think about it.

Here is the famous "Elephant Boy" - two shots between the eyes and you can skin the carcass. By the way, it is better to hit large animals in the head.

What is hunting for?
What does it mean for what??? But what about the male excitement, adrenaline, the opportunity to hunt the "big five" and collect " grand slam"(speaking of the big five, the yak will take the place of the buffalo in it, and the tiger will take the place of the lion, all the rest are available).
If this is not enough for you, then I’ll tell you a secret, firstly, the skins cost money and sometimes quite a lot, and secondly, they are required for the manufacture of additional equipment, which greatly simplifies life. As an example, I will say that initially you can only carry one weapon, no matter what (automatic, pistol, shotgun ...). But having made a holster, you have the opportunity to constantly carry a pistol + 1 weapon, the final look of the holster allows you to carry a pistol + 3 types of weapons.

There are no problems with detecting ownerless vehicles either (this is not a fallout where, in order to own a car, you had to kill a whole horde of rats, find a repair kit, hit the road in Gekko, New Reno and NCR and complete a couple of quests). A free car, as a rule, can always be found near a city or an outpost, in last resort, you can stop any civilian car and locals they will gladly give it to you for use for the benefit of the fight against the dictator (some kind of communism is direct).
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Another way to get hold of the technique is to attack the patrol, which often travel along the roads in the territory of the dictator (and sometimes they also visit the territory of the golden path). Having shot the car, it can always be repaired and expropriated. A particularly valuable specimen is a pickup truck with an mounted heavy machine gun (with the help of such a machine I captured more than one outpost).
Things are a little more complicated with the Helicopter, such goodness does not lie around on the roads, and it is very rare to meet it. Therefore, I do not advise you to throw it anywhere. Moreover, despite the small difficulties with control (if you take off too high, overload starts and you can collapse), it can take you anywhere in the country, which is very convenient in mountainous areas, as it saves a lot of time, and enemy patrols are not stumble upon.
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Ground transportation management is quite friendly if found golden mean between the novice driving technique (gas-brake) and the Abkhaz taxi driver (first, second, third, and now rocket). Personally, it seemed to me that the speed was picking up too quickly, and there were no gearboxes in the game, so if you don’t calculate the speed, you can easily fly off a very sickly height or fit into a tree, about riding an ATV in the forest, I will modestly keep silent. However, experience, experience and more experience will help here.
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As for boat trips, then there are all the more no problems, you can not be afraid of trees and fences, and flying ashore is not so scary.
Well, as an exclusive, another vehicle that refuels with bananas. The speed, of course, is so-so, but for movement in the mountains the very thing you need, besides, you can not be afraid of predators. Elephant riding requires you to spend skill points and learn the appropriate skill, but trust me, it's worth it.
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And of course, the main charm is the ability to shoot on the go. Unfortunately, it is only allowed to shoot from weapons classified as pistols. Do not be especially upset, because, oddly enough, the Scorpion submachine gun and even hand grenade launcher.
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Weapon. Ammunition and more

If absolutely normal person to put a weapon in his hands, he can do such things ... And he will not even understand what prompted him to do this. Such is the devilish power in the weapon. (Jörmungand).
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Weapons can be conditionally divided into two groups: common and unique. Ordinary weapons are purchased for money, unique ones are issued for completing tasks, reaching a new level of karma, collecting masks and completing other tasks. Also, any weapon can be permanently added to your collection by taking it away from the enemy or by finding it in the vastness of Kyrat. Conventional weapons, in turn, are conditionally divided into pistols and so on.

In addition to several types of pistols, they also include the Scorpion SMG, rocket launcher, double-barreled shotgun, crossbow and hand grenade launcher. Pistols have several features:
- for storing pistols there is a separate slot in which you can only carry weapons classified as pistols;
- it is also possible to shoot from a car only with pistols.

Among other weapons there are different kinds submachine guns, machine guns, assault and sniper rifles and machine guns, as well as RPGs, a flamethrower, a bow.

Most Models unique weapons equipped with silencers, so it is ideal for sabotage missions. Others represent models with higher damage or easier handling.

It is worth noting that almost all weapons presented in the game have real prototypes. For example, from a domestic manufacturer, in addition to the canonical AK, PK and SVD, the game also features the Bizon submachine gun used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In general, there are more than 50 barrels in the game, each of which performs its task at a certain stage of the game.

In addition to the standard firearms, there are also grenades, Molotov cocktails, mines, throwing knives, sticky bombs and, of course, the good old C-4 in the arsenal. You can also purchase a bulletproof vest, health injectors (immediately restoring several health cells) and mercenary tokens that allow you to call in reinforcements in the form of one but very serious mercenary.

As I said in the section on hunting, various items can be created from the obtained skins. These include a holster that allows you to carry more weapons, wallet (which defines maximum amount money that you can save), backpack (an indispensable thing that determines the number of maximum items carried), a set of injectors (determines the number of portable injectors), a bag of baits (determines the number of baits), a bag of cartridges (determines the amount of ammunition), a bag with throwing weapons ( determines the number of grenades, Molotov cocktails and throwing knives), a bag with explosives (s-4, mines, etc.), a bag with heavy ammunition (RPG shells, flamethrower cylinders, etc.) and a quiver (number of various arrows).

In principle, not often and is treated with a restart.

The game turned out to be interesting, with excellent graphics, great open world and interesting places, with regard to several original console elements and the lack of a third-person view, here, as they say, for an amateur. It is possible that many will not even pay attention to this and they will be quite comfortable playing. Nevertheless, despite huge world it was too empty. A game that could very well be a good RPG in a modern setting, do it "Alcove", turned out to be just a good action game and it's a shame. As regards the evaluation 9/10 like action and 7/10 as a game that didn't live up to its potential.

This page contains the first part guide
How to quickly make best improvements for items in Far Cry 4".

Don't forget to check out second part of the guide

If you want to pump your inventory to the maximum as quickly as possible, then simply follow the steps listed below in order.

Having completed everything sixteen steps of this guide, all your items will be upgraded to the third level. Needed for further improvement rare skins , which can be obtained during the passage of the chain additional tasks "Kyrat Fashion Week"

In this part of the guide we will get Hunter bow to commit clean killings of beasts Kyrat, let's make some improvements for things Ajaya Geyla, learn how to use bait to lure predators, and find out where the small, but very deadly honey badger .

Step one

We pass Prologue games and the next task Sabala "propaganda machine", which gives access to the bell towers. We teach Elephant skills: Reaper And Hunter Injector . Hunter Injector will greatly simplify the tracking of animals. Therefore, do not be lazy to collect blue And red leaves to craft an injector, and use it while hunting.

step two

We accept the task Amites "Wolf Lair", we get Hunter bow . However, first we are not going to north , perform the task, and East To hunt on sambarov. Their habitat is shown on the map in the game - on east from Banapura, near the road, halfway to the lake. Don't be upset if you don't see animals when you arrive at the point, run around and you will definitely stumble upon them. Be extremely careful, do not get close, they are very easy to scare away, and they run very fast. When shooting from a bow, aim for the head - a direct hit is deadly for them. Collecting 8 sambar skins , we manufacture first backpack upgrade and move back to Banapura.

Step Three

If the task Amites folded, accept it again and move on north from Banapura to the place of the task, Old woman's farm Kanan. We speak with the old woman, listen on the radio Amitu and we go to southwest ruin wolf lair while killing Tibetan wolves and collecting their skins in quantity 6 items . We make first holster upgrade from the collected wolf skins . Completing the task "Wolf Lair" by talking to Amita .

Step Four

After completing the task, we move to East from Old Woman Kanan's Farms. There you will surely meet pigs . From them it is necessary to collect 4 skins . Having done this, we go to the manufacturing menu and see that you have the opportunity to improve backpack And quiver , even though the upgrade tooltip mentions a boar skin. This is a mistake made by localizers. Feel free to improve backpack before second level behind 3 pig skins And quiver before first level behind 1 hide .

Step five

We open the map, we see that it is very close, on southeast from where you are now, dwell boars . Let's go for their skins. Collecting 4 boar skins . We make from them first improvement set of injectors And first improvement ammo bags . Each of them is worth 2 boar skins . Don't forget to make and second improvement set of injectors of the remaining 3 Tibetan wolf skins .

Step Six

We continue our journey to East to the place where, as shown on the map, live wild dogs . They are predators, and therefore must prey on other animals living nearby. Arriving at the habitat of wild dogs, we will see many black-backed tapirs . We'll need to take them off 7 skins . From the collected skins we make second holster upgrade behind 3 skins And third improvement of the injector kit behind 4 black tapir skins .

step seven

It's time to hunt for predators. wild dogs do not pose a great danger and you can easily cope with them and on close range with the help kukri . However, you need to learn how to kill them at a distance, because very soon a beast will be much larger in the place of a wild dog. You need to learn how to lure predators with bait . We select it in the weapon selector and throw it at the distance of an aimed shot from a bow. After a while, you will hear a characteristic roar and see a wild dog running towards the bait. Shoot her and go for the skin. All you need to collect 5 wild dog skins . Make it right away first lure bag upgrade from 2 skins .

Step eight

We open the map and see that just below the habitat wild dogs located icon interesting place . This place is called House of old Isha. Let's go there. A little to the east little ones running around at home mountain rhesus - monkeys. We collect from them 3 skins . There is nothing to make from them yet, but these skins will definitely come in handy in the future.

Step nine

ATTENTION! At Houses of old Isha settled honey badger ! Carefully explore the area around. Don't underestimate this little creature. It has very sharp teeth and extremely durable. Therefore, do not be discouraged if the first time you do not manage to defeat him. If you have defeated this deadly animal, skin it and move to banapur and then go back to To the house of old Isha seek and kill honey badger again. Keep doing this until you get 7 honey badger skins . This will allow you to make the last, third holster upgrade behind 3 honey badger skins .

To be continued…

In the next part of the guide we will continue to collect the skins of wild animals Kyrat and make improvements for things Ajaya Geyla. We will know where to find snow leopard V southern Kyrat and what kind of grass do they prefer to pluck mountain yaks .

This material will answer the most popular questions about Far Cry 4. Be careful - at the end of the material there are several questions, the answers to which contain spoilers.

Who is the main character

Ajay Gheil, son of rebel Mohan Gheil.

Who is the maniac

Pagan Ming, a tyrant king who came to power in a military coup.

Who is better - Amita or Sabal

It is up to the player to decide, each of them has its own character and negative traits. Both Amita and Sabal want to make Kirat better. Choose the one whose views are closer to you.

How to improve the Gale house

Buy upgrades from the Overseer.

How are the difficulty levels different?

The higher the difficulty level, the more realistic the battles become and the smarter the opponents.

How to make an injector

Gather two green plants and then craft an injector.

How to unlock all weapons

Weapons are unlocked gradually as you progress through the game. But if you're impatient, use the cheat trainer.

How to pass the king's bridge

To do this, you will need a fuel truck with chemicals near the bridge in the military camp. Destroy the guards, steal the fuel truck, take it to the bridge and blow up the car at the gate. This will break through the fence and you will be able to capture this control point.

How to kill a rhinoceros

To do this, you need an elephant fighter or a Perforator machine gun. It is enough to make four accurate shots to the head, and the rhinoceros will fall dead.

How to shoot down a helicopter

Effective against helicopter sniper rifle(with its help it is enough to kill the pilot, and the transport will fall) or RPG (one successful salvo, and nothing will remain of the helicopter).

When is Shangri La open

You need to complete the task from Reggie and Yogi, they will give you the first "thank", after which Shangri La will open.

Why sleep

To pass the time if you don't like wandering Kyrat at night, for example.

Why flowers

Flowers are needed to create various injector concentrates. The type of concentrate depends on the color of the flower used.

Why money is needed

They are used to buy equipment, ingredients, and other useful items, including home improvements.

Why do we need grass

Glades with grass serve as pasture for animals. If you mean flowers, then they are needed to create various injector concentrates.

What happens if you collect all the masks

You will receive infinite mercenary summon tokens.

What happens if you collect all the posters

You will receive bonus experience points.

Where to find nahur

Nahurs are found in the highlands of the Himalayas, but they can also be found in some villages where the locals keep them in cages.

Where to find Bhadra

The first meeting will take place in Banapur, where she will need to be rescued from a burning house. Then she will constantly move with the leaders of the mercenaries throughout the game, depending on the plot.

Where to find a honey badger

It is found at the foot of the mountains and at the tributaries of the river.

Where to find a helicopter

You won't be able to control a helicopter, but there are gyroplanes in the game. You can find them at roadblocks and during missions. Gyroplanes are scattered all over the map, finding them will not be a problem.

Where to find pigs

Pigs are domestic animals, you can find them in the villages of local residents.

Where is the arena

You can enter the arena during the Shanat mission. Yogi and Reggie will inject you with a drug, and you will wake up in the arena. Subsequently, it will be marked on the map, and you can return there.

Why is it automatically treated

As in most modern shooters, health in Far Cry 4 is restored automatically as intended by the developers.

How to pass the task "Who am I and why do I live in this world"

These are two drug trials from Yogi and Reggie. The first is a flooded tunnel. Swim it forward, find the equipment and get to the end of the checkpoints. Second - fall into the water from a helicopter, get ashore, destroy enemies, collect equipment and get to the checkpoint.

When will North Kirat open?

After completing the mission "Key to Northern Kirat".

When will the map open

In the second chapter after the capture of the bell tower.

Who killed Mohan

His wife is Ishwari.

How to remove black bars on top and bottom

Black bars will help remove a special mod.

How to put Russian

During the game, press F3 and select the appropriate language.

How to skip videos

To skip intro videos, in the game shortcut, write -skipintro after the "object" field.

What is the difference between Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 4 Gold

Far Cry 4 is a standard game without any add-ons. Far Cry 4 Gold is a game that includes all released expansions.

When they kill - black screen

Update the game to the latest version.

What to do if there is no sound in the game

Update DirectX with DirectX 10 installed first.

What to do if Far Cry 4 won't start

- Make sure you are running the licensed version of the game;

- Make sure your computer is compliant system requirements games;

- Run the game as an administrator;

- Make sure that the path to the game does not contain Russian letters, and your name in the system is written in Latin;

- Before starting, close unnecessary programs and turn off unnecessary devices;

- If you are running the game on a laptop, connect the charger and turn on the maximum performance mode;

- Update graphics card drivers and DirectX, C++ Redistributable, Microsoft XNA and NET Framework libraries.

Where are the saves

Go to the root folder of the game, go to the “bin” folder, then go to the “profiles” folder.

What is the Season Pass

A subscription that gives access to all existing DLC.

Who voiced the game in Russian

This was done by Ubisoft itself.

Attention! Answers to the following questions contain spoilers.

How Far Cry 4 ends

The game has five endings:

    At the beginning of the game, you need to stay at the dining table and wait for Pagan Ming. After his return, you will scatter the mother's ashes and the game will end.

    It is necessary to choose the path of Sabal and support him - this will return the traditional Kirat. Amita will die, Pagan Min will die, Bhadra will become a nun, and Kirat himself will pass into the power of Sabal.

    You need to choose the path of Amita and support her, then Kirat will become a rich land through slave labor and the sale of drugs. Bhadra will not become a nun, Pagan Min will get a bullet in the forehead.

    If you leave Pagan alive, he will fly out of the country and leave Kyrat to you.

    If you blow up the helicopter on which Peygan Min flies, then you can pick up the golden hand and become the ruler of Kyrat.

What happens if you don't kill Pagan

He will run away and you will never see him again.

Where to find Amita after the ending

If you supported the path of Amita, you can find her in the city of Tirta. If you supported the path of Sabal, then Amita will either be executed or can be found in the nearby caves, where she will prepare a military coup against Sabal.

What to do after passing

You can go to Kirat and see how the world has changed after choosing the path of Amita or Sabal.