The subject of our conversation is old and primitive, like a method of destroying snowmen. To put it figuratively, we're talking about fixing a problem in the form of a single individual by damaging the latter with minimal physical cost on your part. Phew! In a more understandable language, we will help you quickly and without straining to force a person who is physically superior to you to abandon the idea of ​​suppressing you.

Let's start with the fact that, although we will give below the ways in which you can quickly disable human body You will still need to make some efforts though. Let's take for granted the fact that your opponent is a person who is physically more developed / armed / not alone in his desire to inflict physical violence on you (underline as necessary). Taking into account the difference in the physical preparation of readers, we will present the options for influencing the opponent in ascending order of the muscular work required to achieve the desired effect. Simply put, if you already know how to fight at the very least, press Page Down 3 times; if very good and mean, then immediately 7.


The most vulnerable area of ​​most living beings is the eyes. Man is no exception. One of better ways to plunge him into an abyss of suffering, abundantly washed with tears - to strike at the eyes. However, the wrong execution of this martial pas can lead to the failure of the entire enterprise, on the one hand, and to the loss of your opponent's eye, on the other. Agree, neither is your goal. Best Option striking - diagonally from the bottom up, with the palm facing you. In this scenario, the upper integuments of the eyeball and eyelids are guaranteed to suffer, but the eyes will not receive serious injuries.

Also, your target may be the nose of the enemy. A direct hit on a person in this respiratory organ will in any case lead to a short-term shock. However, if you strike from the bottom up with the base of the palm, aiming at a point directly under the bridge of the nose, this shock will be much stronger. Our nose is designed in such a way that depreciation occurs in a plane parallel to the ground, and it is extremely sensitive to impacts perpendicular to the ground. Do not disregard the headbutt in the nose, which is popular in cinema. If a trained person strikes the enemy in the bridge of the nose with the receptacle of his thoughts, this will lead to profuse bleeding, a possible nose fracture, and in some cases - to a knockout. However, we recommend that you inflict such a blow only if your hands are occupied with some important artifacts, and snow-white slippers with Vladimir lace are on your feet, which you do not want to dirty about this scoundrel under any pretext. That is, it’s better to forget about him, unless, of course, your goal is a self-knockout, which will allow you to erase the shameful moments of your defeat from your memory. As an attentive reader, you have already noticed that the phrase "from the bottom up" is repeated twice already. And this is no coincidence. The vast majority of strikes designed to instantly hit a person are delivered precisely along this vector, since it allows you to strike unnoticed and with enough force to achieve your misanthropic goal. That is why we are afraid of children and petite women.

When we talked about the vulnerable parts of the human body, you certainly immediately thought about it. Groin area and the testicles in it have always been the target of blows, precisely because of their paradoxical sensitivity to meeting other people's shoes. Oddly enough, one of the most important organs is the only one that neither bones nor muscles protect. Due to the need for special storage conditions, the gonads of men are forced to be in a vulnerable position. An accurate kick with your toe in the cherished area will give you an undeniable advantage in the emerging discussion. In principle, this way of eliminating a person is the simplest and most effective. Its only drawback is the ethical side. We are of the opinion that this secret weapon Only worth it in extreme cases, when you are really in danger.


Continuing our bloodthirsty story, let's move on to the next cluster of areas of the human body (we have long wanted to write the word "cluster"). Impact on these organs will require you to high level physical training and general dexterity in this matter. Remembering all the people you have seen, you will undoubtedly notice that in addition to the nose and eyes, which we have already written about, ears grow on the head of any self-respecting person, which can also be a target for your crushing blows. A correct, accurate and strong blow to two ears at the same time can lead to a break eardrums, bleeding in the cavity of the ear, throat and nose, loss of consciousness.

In his book "Secrets of the Martial Arts of the World" J. Gilby talks about the Soviet wrestler Slimansky, who for a long time was an employee of the state security agencies, but after the Hungarian events of 1956 he emigrated to the United States. This person describes a blow to the ears with the palms folded in a boat, while all fingers are pressed tightly together. As a result of such a blow, a person is injured in the middle ear and disoriented in space. Similar strikes during World War II were also studied by the creator of the famous combat dagger, William Ewart Fairburn. It was considered the height of skill to sneak up on the sentry from behind and hit him on the ears, causing damage and stunning. Returning from the legends of superintelligence to harsh reality, we can say that a blow to the ear, even one, in any case, will give a person a lot of sensations. We must try to strike in such a way that the palm falls on the auricle. In this situation, even if you fail to stun the enemy or incapacitate him, the severe pain from the bruised ear cartilage and the blow to the sensitive area itself will give you two paths for the development of events: finishing off the opponent by all means known to you, or hastily disappearing from the scene . To maintain your optimism, option number three, when the two-meter-high aggressor looks at you in bewilderment, scratching your ear, and proceeds to your phased destruction, is not considered.

Continuing the study of the human head, you suddenly find out that the thickness of the skull is different in all its parts. On average, it is 5 millimeters, and in the most protected place, in the frontal part - up to a centimeter. In the temples, the bone has a thickness of only 1-2 millimeters. Also under the temple is the artery of the brain membrane. As you already understood, this area is extremely vulnerable to strikes. If it happens in life that you decide to knock out the enemy with a blow to the temple, you need to do it wisely, if you don’t want to hear the phrases “exceeding the necessary self-defense measures” and “sushi crackers” in your address. The smart thing to do in this situation is to strike with the palm of your hand, not with the bones of your fist. You should not be zealous with the base of the palm: this option can also be fatal, because even if you fail to knock out a person, the palm will lie in such a way that the blow will spread to the eye, and this is already a double blow. Combo!

Truly, the head is a unique collection of points to which you can direct your rage, denouncing it in the form of merciless fists. When it already seemed to you that you know everything about the forceful impact on the human skull, we extract another trump card from our sleeve - the jaw. lower. No, I don't. Hitting your opponent's jaw will require sharpness, accuracy, correct trajectory and a clenched fist. With the right combination of all factors, you will get a knockout. That is, the opponent will get a knockout, and you will get an incredibly increased self-confidence. Your punch doesn't have to be super strong. The knockout comes not so much from the force of the blow, but from its speed and sharpness. The brain, which is in the cranium in the liquid, is very sensitive to touching the walls of the skull. A blow to the jaw, delivered from the bottom up straight or diagonally to the vertical axis, will cause the head to make a sharp jerk. The brain, obeying the laws of physics, will hit the walls of the cranium, which will cause its partial short-term shutdown, that is, a knockout. It is highly undesirable to carry out a direct blow to the jaw, since a person has teeth. It would seem that this fact does not apply to the subject of our conversation, but your opinion will change at the moment when you, having missed the jaw, hit your teeth with your fist. Injuries to the hand received in such a situation are very dangerous, because, being in the places of the fold, they heal for an extremely long time. Periosteum damage is also possible. Such injuries are often accompanied by inflammation, infections that tend to get into the bone, suppuration, gangrene, amputation, apocalypse ... In general, do not hit people in the teeth. And the bottom-up vector, as you already know, has undeniable advantages.

So that you do not stare with frank bloodthirstiness at the heads of all the citizens around you, let's turn your attention to your feet. Kicks to the legs, although they do not knock out the enemy, may well make him reconsider his attitude towards you, or at least shock the enemy, giving time for reflection and further actions. Some craftsmen advise to ruthlessly stomp the opponent's toes, bringing him into a state of indescribable pain shock. The undoubted advantage of this option is that in case of failure, you can refer to the original national dances and defile somewhere far away with an elegant paso doble. If you want to inflict a more or less effective blow on the enemy, you just need to remember last time when you played football. You are required to make the simplest "football" kick with the toe of your boot into the shin of the ill-wisher. The blow should be applied to inside legs, where the bone is located, not protected by the muscle. To achieve this condition, it is enough to beat with the right foot on the right, and with the left, respectively, on the left limb of the adversary. The requirements for such a strike are accuracy, strength and preferably hard shoes. The nerve endings in the periosteum will immediately convey your positive mental impulse to the owner of the lower leg. An unpleasant surprise for you can be athletes with a stuffed shin (although a strong blow will pierce even such a trained leg) and people who do not feel their legs. Hit those fingers in the eyes! Or just leave - they still won't catch up with you.

It is impossible to lose sight of such an object for kicks as knee-joint. Of course, there is a risk of causing serious injury to a person. However, if the villain is not hit, there is a risk of injury to himself. The blow is completely identical to the previous one, the difference is only in the purpose of the blow and the effectiveness. It takes much less effort to hurt a person in the knee. The knee joint, being one of the most complex joints of the human body, will respond even to a medium-strength blow inflicted by the toe of the boot under the kneecap.

Advanced user

Having examined the head and legs for vulnerable points, you involuntarily wonder what to do if you think that poking a person with your fingers in the eyes is undignified, kicking in the legs is somehow girlish, and pounding in the groin is generally unacceptable. It is at this moment that an inconspicuous torso at first glance will appear before your eyes! This receptacle of the respiratory, digestive and circulatory organs cannot but arouse your interest as a bloodthirsty nature. However internal organs perfectly protected by bones and muscles. Although, as you understand, if everything was so hopeless, we would not even write about it. During experiments and simulations life situations we have found several points on the torso of a person that you could well influence to resolve disagreements with anyone.

For some, the phrase "hit in the liver" is associated exclusively with holidays, fatty foods, alcohol and other options for having a good time. But for you, a street fighter, the liver is primarily the target for a blow that delivers unbearable suffering to the victim, and for you - the primal joy of an alpha male, overthrowing an opponent. This organ performs a number of important functions in the body: removing harmful substances from the blood, converting various substances into energy (glucose), hematopoiesis, and so on. The liver is located on the right side abdominal cavity and is protected only by a muscular frame, and in someone - by fat. A blow to the liver results in a sharp, severe pain, an inability to straighten up and often move the limbs. Simply put, having received it in the liver, a person immediately assumes the fetal position and stays in this state for several minutes. To defeat this organ, you need the simplest knowledge of anatomy and more or less developed strength hit. If you have a habit of punching through concrete blocks, be careful. Rupture of the liver leads to serious consequences, and in some cases to immediate death.

The human body can also respond very expressively to a blow to solar plexus- a nerve node located in the very center of the human body and controlling the muscular diaphragm of the lungs and the muscles of most abdominal organs. When struck at this point, a spasm of the diaphragm occurs, which almost deprives a person of the ability to breathe. There are also short-term disturbances in the work of the heart, which cannot but affect the general well-being of your opponent. As with the liver punch, you will need to invest in this punch in order to achieve the desired result.

Of course, there are many more ways to disable the human body. We decided that if we give you a little more information on this topic, then in the next issue we will have to write an article-guide for those who want to protect themselves from an aggressive madman who attacks people with enviable obstinacy, pokes his fingers in their eyes, hits them in the ears , kicks on the knees and rolls around the crotch.

It remains only to say that the main factor that can interfere with you is your own civilized consciousness that will resist for a long time your decision to end the conflict in such a primitive, but in an efficient way like a fight.

Fighting is always bad. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, but a fight is usually just the beginning of trouble. If you lose, you can be killed or robbed, but if you win, they can sue and imprison you, our justice system operates according to some strange scenario, and the one who remains on his feet is always to blame.

It's best to try not to fight and run away if possible, but if you're not given the opportunity, here are some tips. where to hit a man, so that if not to dump, then deprive him of the desire to continue the fight.

  1. The nose is a fragile thing, and even sticks out forward. By hitting the schnobel from above, with some luck, you can break the opponent's nasal cartilage, which will deprive him of the ability to breathe normally for a long time.
  2. The upper lip is one of the most vulnerable parts of the face. Accurate hit on upper lip guarantees a cut, which is quite painful and looks scary - there is a lot of blood, it flows strongly, puts pressure on the psyche, but after the fight, it is also a bill from a traumatologist for a needle and thread.
  3. Floating ribs - those ribs at the very bottom chest, are not attached to the sternum, only connected to the spine, which makes them much more vulnerable than the rest. A knee strike, as well as a good kick, easily breaks them. broken ribs is pain, it is the inability to move normally and continue the fight, as well as the danger of damage to the lungs. Remember this vulnerable point - breaking ribs is extreme case, under unfortunate circumstances, this can result in death or serious injury. Of course, in a fight there is no time for reflection, but still, if there is a choice where to hit a man, better give a fist in the eye - a lantern is any better than a broken rib.
  4. The coccyx is perhaps the most sensitive part of the human spine. A good kick, knee strike or hard landing on the coccyx is very painful and traumatic, although not fatal.
  5. Groin - it is generally believed that a blow to the groin is a technique from the female arsenal, and men rarely use it, but when the fight is serious, and not a light brawl between neighbors, then all means are good. A blow to the groin is very painful and discourages the desire to continue the fight for a long time, and then again, it can threaten with some complications. Hitting is best done with a long range kick or a knee in the clinch.
  6. Kneecap - by hitting it well, you can greatly impair the enemy’s mobility, which will make it possible to either finish off the lame enemy or run away from him.

Higher level strikes that require precise hitting:

  1. The chin is the real switch of a person. Direct blows to the jaw go directly to the cerebellum and force it to withdraw into itself for a while. Hits from the side, with proper skill, can result in a fracture of the jaw, but hits from below, in lower part chin, easily knock out a person.
  2. Solar plexus - everyone probably got hit in the "sun" at one time. A strong blow to this area knocks down breathing, affects directly the diaphragm, which seriously interferes with breathing. It is best to hit with a knee, well, or with a fist, if the blow is more or less delivered.
  3. The arch of the foot - the entire foot consists of many small bones held together by cartilage and ligaments, which in itself does not imply high strength. A heel strike shod in a heavy, best army boot on the arch of the foot, from top to bottom, and even with an investment in the impact of the mass of the whole body, is perhaps the best remedy to get rid of the grip from behind
  4. The lower leg is essentially bare bone, slightly covered with skin. No muscles by and large. no fat layer, no matter how you hit it, it still hurts a lot.
  5. Eyes - hit in the eyeball, instantly makes you forget the picture of the world. It is difficult to hit with a fist - the brow arches of the skull protect such a vulnerable point as the eye well, but by waving a splayed five, you can hit. You can also hit with a bent finger, bend your finger as if you are going to knock on the door with your knuckle, hit like that. The finger is much narrower than the fist, and will pass between the cheekbone and the superciliary arch.

Prohibited techniques, points where it is extremely undesirable to beat a person, the use of these techniques is deadly for the enemy. Such blows are the last argument of kings, they should be tried not to inflict, and try to avoid getting one yourself.

  1. The cardiac plexus is located slightly to the left and slightly above the solar plexus. A blow here could easily be fatal. Remember and do not use if your life does not depend on it.
  2. Lower back - it is dangerous to hit here, and it is dangerous to miss. If you hit, you can break the spine, it is in this place that it is especially vulnerable, if you miss slightly, you can seriously damage the kidneys. It’s better not to hit here, hit the coccyx if the enemy has already opened his back for a blow.
  3. Temple - a hook on the left or a hook on the right, in some cases it can turn out to be fatal. Almost one hundred percent death or loss of consciousness at best, if you have a good swing to hit the temple with the bottom of your fist - that's when you knock on the table with your fist, this is the bottom of the fist. Blows with the bottom of the fist are generally the strongest that can only be applied with the hand.
  4. The back of the head is a strong blow to the back of the head, in some cases it can deprive a person of vision forever. There is often a strong temptation to hit the back of the head when the opponent is bent over, such as from a blow to the stomach or groin.
  5. Adam's apple - a strong, direct blow with a fist, or a chopping, karate blow delivered with the edge of the palm, if it hits the Adam's apple, it threatens to become fatal, because with such a blow there is a very high probability of breaking the trachea.

Today we will consider with you several vulnerable points on the human body and answer some of our questions. Where it is necessary to beat a person in order to inflict various injuries on him, and where it is better not to beat, so as not to kill!

The following information will be useful to you and you can use it in case of self-defense or in a normal street fight. So, let's begin....

Where to hit in a fight?


That's where you need to hit to knock out a person. Even a weak blow sends a boar into a knockout. When hit in the jaw, the brain shakes very strongly and the enemy either begins to swim or is cut off for several minutes. Yes, you can try it yourself! Grit your teeth and lightly hit yourself on the side of the chin and you yourself will feel everything. By the way, it is very convenient to hit the jaw with the palm of your hand. In general, a palm strike is very effective and correct use much more powerful than punching. In vain, many underestimate him.


This is probably the most dangerous place which often leads to death. The temporal bone is very fragile, it breaks and pierces the brain. Therefore, when you hit the temple, you will not only be able to knock out the enemy, but also kill him. Therefore, if you are not going to kill anyone, then try not to purposefully hit the temporal bone, especially with your elbow, better hit in the jaw :)

back of the head

A blow to the back of the head causes a loss of orientation in space, a person begins to swim or loses consciousness for a short period of time. With a strong blow, a concussion and a fracture of the cervical vertebrae are possible.


Well, in general, the eyes are a good enough target for a strike, they are not protected in any way, and with damaged eyes, the enemy will not be able to do anything to you. You won’t be able to hit exactly in the eye with your fist, so you need to either poke with closed fingers, or strike with a biting blow with your hand, with your fingertips. You can also press on the eye with your thumb. If you got into a fight with the enemy and started rolling on the ground, then start pressing your finger right into the eyeball, I'm sure your enemy won't like it very much :) In general, train your hands, it will be very useful to you.


Also a vulnerable part in the human body, a blow to the throat causes severe pain, sometimes vomiting, with a powerful blow, loss of consciousness and sometimes even death.
In principle, you can beat in a very diverse way, but the most convenient way is with the edge of the palm or the so-called "fork" - this is the place between the thumb and the rest of the fingers.


It is very good to beat on the ears with two palms at once. Hit simultaneously and quickly. Such a blow causes pain shock and loss of orientation. With a strong blow, even the membranes sometimes burst. You can also press your thumb on the parotid cavity. You can look for it behind your ear from below and try to put pressure on it. Feelings are not the most pleasant. Of course, such pressing techniques on the ears and eyes are best done when you are on the ground with the opponent.


Well, in the groin it's not at all masculine ... Although, throw all these moral principles aside. Especially if you did not have a mutual desire to fight with someone one on one. You can hit in the groin with anything and in any way. Any blows are very painful and dangerous. After a missed blow to the groin, you only want to curl up on the floor, the desire to do something else immediately disappears.

Well, we have considered perhaps the most dangerous and vulnerable points on the human body, there are, of course, many more places where you can hit and need to hit. For example, a blow to the shin, to the solar plexus, to the bridge of the nose, to the liver will also cause a lot of pain and trouble. But, I think that the above methods will suffice. So run outside today, offend someone in a drunken campaign and try all these tricks in practice so as not to forget and consolidate :) Good luck.

As self-defense instructors say, the perfect fight is one that doesn't take place. In this article, we will touch on the reverse situation, when it was still not possible to avoid a fight. What to do in this case? Well, if you have experience in martial arts. Then your reaction and perfection of movements will help to emerge victorious in such a situation. But regardless of the level of training, you must know where to send blows in order to neutralize the opponent with the greatest probability. We have listed these places below. Just keep in mind that hitting these areas can cause significant damage to your opponent. Therefore, they can only be used in cases where your life is in danger and the only way escape is to disable the attacker.

1. The base of the neck(also known as the back of the head) - pretty vulnerable spot. A blow to this area can cause damage to the spinal cord. Therefore, it is necessary to beat there only in case of emergency.

2. Kidneys: a successful blow to this organ causes severe drawing pain in the back and abdominal region. It's not always sporty, but it works.

3. Liver- a very vulnerable spot. An accurate hit in the liver can cause slight paralysis of the respiratory tract, after which the opponent is unlikely to stand on his feet. But before hitting this body, you need to know where it is. The liver is located in the right upper abdomen. Accordingly, you should have a good left hand.

4. Coccyx is a small, sensitive bone. If you hit it with the hard toe of the boot at a right angle, then the opponent will feel severe pain in the lower back and legs. Depending on the strength of the blow, the coccyx may even break.

5. Jaw (chin): A hit in this area of ​​the face usually ends the fight in an instant, as it affects the brain the most.

6. Base of throat (trachea) is one of the most sensitive places on the body and should be treated accordingly. Even a light blow to this area can cause the opponent to choke. Therefore, it is necessary to beat there only in exceptional cases of self-defense.

7. Solar plexus- hollow place between the lower chest and upper abdomen. Swipe into the solar plexus will block the breath of the opponent and neutralize him for a while.

8. Knees: The ligaments and tendons that hold the knees are quite vulnerable to blows to this area. A blow to the knee can lead to their rupture, which will stop the aggressive fuse of your offender.

9. Ankles: A strong blow to this area can also easily damage ligaments or break a joint, especially if you are wearing heavy shoes.

10. Groin: we know that this is against the rules; We know that for a man this is the most vulnerable place. But if the question is about survival, then to hell with manners!

11. Temple: Hitting this area can cause severe brain injury and render the opponent unconscious.

12. Nose: getting there is not difficult, given that the nose is in the very center of the face. A strong blow to the nose will surely stop your opponent. First, it hurts a lot; secondly, the damaged nose will activate the person's tear ducts, which will cause even more disorientation of the enemy.

13. Eyes- this is an extreme measure, especially if you roughly work on them with your hands. This may damage the opponent's vision. Although even slight pressure on the eyes can temporarily deprive him of the ability to see.

Experts hold different opinions about the number of vulnerable points. The Chinese, for example, counted about two hundred of them. Our experts in their calculations are much more modest. On average, they indicate about thirty such points. This is no accident, since most of the points counted by Chinese masters are covered with clothes, and frankly, it is not easy to break through such “protection” with your fingers. In addition, to successfully hit the points, you need to have trained fingers, otherwise you risk breaking them. In addition, in the process of a fight, it is difficult to “aim” well at the right point. Therefore, it is better to hit not on them, but on vulnerable areas of the body. Let's go through them in more detail.


The crown is affected by the muscular part of the fist, i.e. its lower part from the side of the little finger. It’s also good to hit the top of the head with your elbow, and if the enemy gave you such a gift that he bent down, then God himself ordered to give him a toe on the top of the head. As a result, your action will cause shock, loss of consciousness, possibly a concussion.

Temple area.

Everyone knows that blows to the temple are very dangerous. Such a blow can cause shock, loss of consciousness. A strong blow can cause the death of the opponent, because the temporal bone pierces the brain and large blood vessels. Therefore, if you did not set out to kill the enemy, be careful with this blow. The blow is delivered with a fist, elbow, or, if the opponent is bent over or lying on the ground, then with the toe of the foot. The blow is delivered at close range.


The enemy's eyes are a great target to hit. To defeat them, great strength is not required, and the effect is excellent (for you) - the enemy loses orientation, is in a state of shock, and loss of consciousness is possible. For life, such blows are not dangerous, but they perfectly incapacitate. Try to fight when you can't see anything! Moreover, such a blow is by no means painless. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not always possible to accurately hit the eyes.

The blow is applied with a poke of closed fingers (the so-called beak), you can simply put pressure on them. In addition, you can apply a whipping blow with your fingertips. If you do not have much experience in hitting the eyes, do not hit the eyes with a "goat", that is, with two spread fingers.

Bridge of the nose

You can hit anything on the bridge of your nose. It is best to beat with a fist or the edge of the palm. Elbows and head are also quite fit. Blows to the bridge of the nose cause bleeding and shock. Possible loss of consciousness. If you hit it very hard, then the nasal bone and cartilage pierce the brain and this means instant death. Such blows are very fond of action heroes in the final battles.

base of the nose.

Here, blows are applied with the edge of the palm from the bottom up, the base of the palm, the fork of the fingers or the phalanges of the fingers. Blows cause bleeding, shock, pain. It is best to use blows to the base of the nose so that the opponent opens his throat for an attack when he throws his head back.


They beat the chin with a fist from the bottom up or directly (under the lower jaw), with the base of the palm or with the elbow from the side and from below. If possible, it is worth hitting with the toe of the foot. The impact causes shock, loss of consciousness, and a concussion can occur.

Area of ​​the carotid arteries.

When struck in this area, a person experiences shock, loss of consciousness, he experiences severe pain. You need to beat with the edge of the palm, fist or elbow. In any case, your opponent will experience a whole range of indescribable sensations.


When hitting the throat, it is best to aim at the Adam's apple. Blows can be applied with the edge of the palm, a fist, especially with the knuckles, you can hit with a fork, that is, the place between the thumb and the rest of the fingers. The impact causes severe pain. Possible vomiting, with a strong impact, loss of consciousness and death.

Base of skull

They hit the back of the head with a fist, the edge of the palm or the base of the palm. An elbow strike will also give the enemy a lot of "joy" - such strikes cause severe pain, loss of orientation in space and consciousness. Possible concussion. A strong blow can damage the cervical vertebrae.

Ears and parotid cavities.

Press on the parotid cavities with the thumb. This causes severe pain in the opponent with due diligence of the presser.

As for the ears themselves, a blow to both ears at the same time proved to be excellent, which causes a painful shock and disorientation. You need to hit with your palms. A strong blow can cause eardrum rupture.


The collarbone is a very sensitive bone. Therefore, blows to it are very painful. Hit with the edge of the palm or the muscle of the fist from top to bottom. The blows cause shock and fracture of the collarbone, as a result of which the opponent will not be able to put much force into the blows, this will cause him great pain. If you hit very hard, the clavicle injures the lungs.

Region of the heart.

Blows are applied with a fist, elbow, toe. The defeat of this nerve plexus causes loss of consciousness. A strong blow can cause cardiac arrest and death.

Region of the liver and spleen.

This area is located under the ribs. You can hit the liver and spleen with a fist, elbow, edge of the palm and toe. The blows cause loss of consciousness. When the liver or spleen ruptures from a strong blow, there is a lot of internal bleeding and death.

Solar plexus.

It is better to hit him with the elbow, knee, fist, knuckles. A blow is especially destructive if it hits the target while the opponent is inhaling. It will cause severe pain, respiratory arrest, suffocation and death. If you intend to kill the enemy, hit from the bottom up.

Groin area.

Blows to this area are very painful. They can be applied with a fist, knee, edge of the palm or toe. Not less joy will deliver to the enemy and jerk his genitals with his hand.

No less painful and blows to the lower abdomen. They cause pain shock and loss of consciousness.

Lumbar region of the spine.

Blows to the spine are generally very painful. It is recommended to beat in this area of ​​​​the spine with a fist, elbow or toe. Blows cause pain shock and loss of consciousness.


The sacrum should be beaten with the toe of the foot. A strong blow causes shock, it is possible that the enemy will lose consciousness.

Sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve runs under the buttocks. Blows on it cause pain shock and temporary limitation motor ability. Giving in the ass is most convenient with the toe of the foot.


Very successful and affordable target. Hits on it cause the enemy pain. If you apply with all your strength, then the enemy, at best (for him), is provided with a rupture of the knee ligaments, and at worst, a fracture of the bones knee joint. You need to beat with your foot, specifically with your foot - with a toe or plantar part, as you prefer.


Blows to the shin are very painful, since the bones are practically not covered by muscles. Therefore, any blows to them will bring your opponent into ecstasy. It is best to attack with the edge of the foot or the heel. A strong blow causes pain shock and loss of consciousness.

Foot lift.

This place is also not protected by muscles and is very sensitive to influences. Work on it with kicks, especially with the heel. In addition to severe pain, such blows will cause a limitation of motor ability, in other words, your enemy will move his leg much less quickly. A strong blow crushes the bones of the foot and tears the ligaments.

Knee bend.

The hamstring is affected by toe strikes. They cause severe pain and limit the opponent's motor ability for a while. A strong blow can tear the ligaments and seriously damage the joint.

Calf muscle.

Attacks with the toe. It causes severe pain and limits motor ability.

Achilles tendon.

Blows are applied to it with the toe of the foot. The consequences are similar to the consequences of blows to the calf muscle. A strong blow can tear the tendon.

As you can see, the human body is quite vulnerable. The main thing is to know where and how to hit. Usually the fights that almost every one of us had to watch do not end in the death or serious injury of those fighting. This happens because few people know how to strike correctly and where to strike. In addition, in ordinary brawls, it makes no sense to cripple each other. However, in an extreme situation, the last thing you need to think about is the integrity and health of your opponent or opponents. When your life is at stake, there is no time for nobility. Your task is to survive. And survive by any means. You were attacked in a dark park by three stab scumbags. Just like that, for fun. Should we expect nobility from them or demonstrate it ourselves? The more so-called forbidden sports you use, the higher your chance of preventing your opponents from using these techniques and, therefore, to survive. And your excuses that you want everything to be honest will be exactly your life too late.