Everyone knows that water from the central plumbing system contains a large number of impurities. Wherein we are talking about mechanical impurities, which contain particles of the most different sizes, O chemicals organic and inorganic origin, about viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. To solve the problem of contaminants in tap water, you can use a filter. However, purchasing a product is not the most important step, it is necessary to correctly install it on the pipes of the plumbing system.

Installation of a coarse filter

The coarse filter has another name - a mud collector. The fact is that such a device is designed to delay the largest particles of mechanical impurities. The design of coarse filters has several options, but the installation of all types is carried out according to the same scheme.

The main condition that must be observed when installing the device is the location of the filter immediately after entering the apartment or house. The second condition is installation before the meter, but after the locking fittings.

The installation process can not be called very complicated. The filter housing has a thread through which the device is screwed onto the pipe. To seal the threaded connection, a sealant can be wound around the pipe.

Installing a cartridge type filter

With the help of a coarse filter, it is possible to purify water from large mechanical impurities, but after that a large number of inclusions of a different nature remain in the water. In particular, we are talking about fine mechanical suspension and various dissolved substances. For further water purification, cartridge filtration devices are used. Such devices have head part, which is fixed on the water pipe, and a glass into which the filter cartridge is inserted.

There are several types of filter media, each of which purifies water from contaminants of a certain origin. These can be carbon, adsorbing, ion-exchange fillers or allowing for finer purification from mechanical impurities (in more detail: "Fine water filter - types, purpose, selection rules").

The scheme for installing filters for water purification is the same in all cases and does not depend on the type of filler. In particular, the following actions are expected:

  • Before you install a water filter, you must determine its location. It is important to consider that the device should not interfere or be subjected to mechanical stress.
  • Next choose correct height location, here take into account the need for regular replacement of the cartridge. Therefore, in order to freely remove the glass, you need to maintain a distance from the filter to the bottom surface of at least 10 cm. Knowing how to change the water filter, you can do it yourself.
  • By choosing best option location, proceed to install the water filter. First, turn off the water in the system and open the nearest faucet. Such actions will allow you to remove all the water that filled the pipes.
  • Then you need to cut a section of the pipe to install the filter device.
  • A valve is welded directly in front of the location of the filter, with the help of which the water supply to the filter will be limited.
  • Couplings are used to connect the head of the device; after installation, the joints are subjected to a thorough check. Additional sealing materials can be used to more tightly seal the joints.
  • The selected type of cartridge is released from the packaging and inserted into a glass, which is then fixed on the head of the device.
  • After installing the water filter, the system and the new device are tested. For this purpose, open the shut-off valve at the inlet of the water pipe to the house and the water intake valve. The water supply will reveal defects at the installation site of the cartridge filter.

Features of installing a water filter under the sink

The design of the filter for washing is more complex than the previous options; it contains several filter elements. Therefore, you need to know how to connect a water filter. It is not necessary to assemble the device before installation, and the installation itself consists in attaching some parts to the pipe and filter.

The process looks like this:

  • Perform the connection of the tap and the tee, check the tightness of the connection.
  • The resulting element is connected to a pipe for cold water.
  • Fix the filter on the wall, leaving a distance of at least 10 cm from the floor.
  • Faucet on the table top pure water.
  • Connect the water filter to the water supply.
  • Check the performance of the installed filter and the tightness of the connections.

reverse osmosis system

Using the system reverse osmosis allows you to get the most purified water at the outlet.

To crash into the pipe of the sewer system, a hole is made in it. To ensure a snug fit, the clamp screws are tightly tightened.

Another feature is the need to install a storage tank when connecting a water filter, which is required for the normal flow of the reverse osmosis filtration process. The storage tank collects purified water, which provides uninterrupted supply water, despite the slow process of purification through the membrane.

A hose from the filter is installed at the inlet to the tank, and a hose for supplying water to the tap is installed at the outlet of the tank. Also, a stopcock must be installed on the tank, which stops the water supply.

Starting the system after installing the water filter involves the following steps:

  • The tap on the tank is closed and water is supplied.
  • Next, open the faucet of clean water and wait for a while.
  • The incoming water is drained.
  • Then the faucet for clean water is blocked and the shut-off valve on the tank is opened. The incoming liquid should be poured out to flush the tank.

Passing through complex communication systems from the water station to the consumer, water very often ceases to meet sanitary standards. First of all, this is due to the imperfection of water mains, most of which have long been in need of replacement. Perhaps the simplest and accessible means filtration is a coarse water filter. And although it will not help to remove absolutely all impurities, the largest suspended particles will be screened out, which will significantly improve the quality of water in the house.

Means of mechanical water purification

Tap water filtration: prejudice or necessity

Drinking tap water without prior purification, many do not think about the harm it does to the body. The fact is that water is an excellent solvent for various chemical components providing negative impact on human organs. Of course, there are special treatment facilities, but they, as a rule, remove only the most dangerous contaminants at the inlet to the water main. In addition, municipal pipelines do not always meet hygienic requirements, so water often reaches the consumer with a different quality composition.

Important! Excessive hardness of water can cause increased salt deposition in the body. Excessive levels of manganese and iron adversely affect the skeletal system, contribute to liver disease and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The need to use a coarse filter for tap water is also caused by the harmful effects of large suspended particles on household appliances and plumbing. Various deposits can quickly break down expensive equipment, forming deposits and clogging small passage holes.

Impact of untreated water on household appliances

The principle of operation of mechanical cleaning

Rough water treatment is mechanical removal suspended components (sand, rust, etc.). Typically, the removed particles have a size of 15 microns and in some cases are clearly visible to the naked eye. That is why such filtering is considered coarse.

The principle of operation of a filter for mechanical water purification is similar to sifting grain or cereals through a fine sieve (mesh). Only large particles are filtered, the size of which does not allow to overcome the filter zone. At the same time, it makes no sense to install several coarse filters in series, since the first element in the line will cope with its task, while the rest will only create additional hydraulic resistance in the line.

Screening of suspended particles using a mesh

To increase the filtration efficiency, fine water purification is carried out after coarse water, the difference of which is less bandwidth (< 5 мкм). В этом случае в роли фильтрующего элемента выступает сорбционный материал (например, уголь), ионообменная смола или мембрана обратного осмоса.

Types of coarse filters

Structurally, coarse water filters for houses and apartments are not particularly complex and are quite easy to maintain. Their advantages include:

  • low cost;
  • simple installation;
  • convenient operation;
  • wide temperature range of application;
  • durability.

Depending on the device and method of filtration, mechanical coarse filters are divided into mesh and cartridge filters.


The mesh filter has small dimensions and a simple device. As the name implies, in this case, a metal mesh acts as a filter element, which is able to screen out large suspended particles of sand, clay or rust, which are often found in tap water.

For your information. Mesh devices belong to the class of main devices, since they are installed directly into the water pipe. Due to their resistance to temperature effects, they are widely used in cold and hot water supply lines, as well as heating systems.

The mesh filter for pre-treatment of water consists of an inlet and outlet pipe, as well as a special tank (sump), in which, in fact, filtration is carried out. The sump can be located both perpendicular to the line, and be made in the form of an oblique element.

Sectional strainer

The direct design of the sump implies an exclusively horizontal arrangement. In addition, these filters are often larger in size, so sufficient space under the pipe is required for their installation.

Unlike the placement of direct devices, the installation of an oblique coarse filter can be carried out not only horizontally, but also vertically. Since oblique filters are smaller overall, they can be installed on a pipeline that runs in close proximity to the floor or wall.


The use of a cartridge contributes to more efficient filtration. Externally, cartridge devices look like a vessel with a double wall - there is a transparent or opaque body on the outside, and a filter element inside.

Interesting to know. The shape of the cartridge design resembles a cartridge. Hence the alternative name - cartridge filter.

The principle of operation is as follows: water enters the body cavity, passes through the cartridge, which traps large inclusions, and returns back to the line. Since the filter zone and sump are larger than simple mesh devices, cleaning or replacing the filter element is much less common.

Scheme of a cartridge (cartridge) coarse water filter

The body can be made of metal or plastic. In this case, a transparent flask is usually used for cold water, which makes it possible to visually observe the level of contamination of the cartridge. Whereas for hot water, filters made of opaque material are used.

Filter installation and maintenance

To understand how to properly install a coarse water filter, you should know some installation rules. In addition, such devices imply periodic cleaning measures, without which the filter will quickly become clogged with debris, which will significantly reduce the quality of the water flow.

Installation rules

  • It is best to install the water pre-treatment element in front of the meter in order to protect its parts from exposure to large insoluble particles.
  • When installing, be sure to take into account the direction of water flow and install according to the arrow indicated on the product body.
  • Installation of a coarse water strainer in a vertical pipeline is allowed only in the case of an oblique arrangement of the sump and only when the water flow moves from top to bottom.
  • Installation of the product with a direct sump is carried out only in a horizontal pipeline. In this case, it is necessary to provide a place for the possibility of cleaning activities.
  • Do not install the filter with the cover up. Both the straight and oblique sump must point downwards after installation.

Filter layout

Cleaning the filter element

Since the principle of operation of the coarse mechanical filter is based on the retention of suspended particles in the water, over time the filter element must be cleaned or replaced. To do this, it is necessary to unscrew the so-called sump, in which filtered elements accumulate, and then flush the mesh, cartridge or replace them in case of heavy wear.

Note. Some filters are additionally equipped with a flushing system. In this case, it is enough to periodically open the tap located below and remove the dirt under the pressure of water into the sewer or a separate container.

If there is no flushing system, all debris will have to be removed manually. To do this, first shut off the pressure line, unscrew the sump or flask, carefully remove the filter element, rinse it under water or replace it.

Cleaning measures should be carried out at least 1 time in 3-4 months

Since this is a pressure line, all installation, cleaning and replacement work must be carried out with the utmost care. If you do not know which coarse water filter to install in the apartment, or doubt your own abilities before carrying out routine maintenance, then it is much safer to turn to specialists in order to prevent accidents.

The quality of water both in a private house and in a city apartment leaves much to be desired. To clean it, experts recommend using several stages of cleaning. The first stage of this procedure is carried out by installing coarse filters, the task of which is to detain mechanical elements, silt, sand, rust particles that have fallen into the water.


Coarse filters are designed to retain large particles (hard and soft), thereby providing primary water purification. When used in individual water supply systems, such devices mainly retain silt, sand, clay from wells or wells. With centralized water supply, such contaminants do not enter the water, however, when water is transported through outdated pipes, rust particles appear in it. Wherein chemical composition water remains unchanged.

Coarse filters are also installed before installing meters, washing machines and dishwashers, which reduces the risk of breakdowns due to poor water quality and thereby extends the life of the equipment.

Thus, among the main functions of coarse filters, the following can be distinguished:

  • elimination of polluting particles, due to which water consumption can become hazardous to health;
  • protection of the water supply system (pipes, gaskets, joints and bends) from abrasive wear;
  • preventing clogging of pipes;
  • protection of household appliances and water meters from damage and wear caused by exposure to polluting particles;
  • elimination of extraneous tastes and odors of water caused by the ingress of foreign particles into it.

Such devices can have different designs, dimensions, degrees of water purification, but they all work on the same principle - they create a barrier to the passage of polluting particles and allow water to pass through.


Depending on the features of the device, the coarse water filter can have one of several types.


The most affordable and simple, but nevertheless effective devices. Mounting points - main cold and hot water supply in city apartments, a point to the heating unit in private facilities. In addition, there are mesh filters fixed directly to the crane. They are an excellent option for summer cottages, as they are easy to install, and at the end of the season they can simply be removed and reinstalled on a crane in a city apartment.

The mesh filter can have a different diameter of the passing holes - from 20 to 500 microns. The cleaning ability is due to the small size of the grid cells. In addition, there are devices that are cleaned manually (mud collectors), as well as analogues that have the function of self-washing and a system for removing polluted water.

The mudguard can be straight or oblique. The first is mounted on horizontal sections of the pipe, the sump is directed downwards. The oblique filter is suitable for installation on both horizontally and vertically directed pipes. Depending on the type of installation, strainers are sleeved and flanged.

Modern products are equipped with pressure regulators, thanks to which it is possible to maintain a constant water pressure. A useful "addition" is a double pressure gauge installed before and after the sump. If there is an excessive difference between the readings of the devices, it is necessary to clean the filter.

The advantage of mesh devices is their low cost and durability, strength, ease of installation, the ability to install on hot and cold water. This makes it possible to combine them with meters and install them in front of every household appliance connected to the plumbing system. However, such models trap only large particles, and if we are talking about a sump without a self-cleaning system, then it is necessary to clean it quite often.


The disc filter has special discs made of high-strength plastic, which are characterized by the presence of grooves of a certain depth. The principle of operation is based on the ability of the discs to compress, resulting in a grooved cylinder. The latter retain heavy suspensions and let water through. The fineness of cleaning is 5-250 microns. For convenience, many manufacturers paint discs in different colors depending on cell sizes.

Due to its high strength, increased performance and resistance to high and low temperatures, they have found wide application in industrial environments.


They are an element of a multi-stage cleaning system, which is usually mounted independently or under the sink. Provide more a high degree cleaning compared to mesh models, since they retain particles of 0.5-30 microns in size. They are suitable for holding small debris. Devices are installed under the sink, provided that the water flow does not differ in intensity. Stronger flows require stand-alone equivalents of greater power.

The principle of their action is based on the retention of contaminants during the passage of cleaning compounds.(granules), between which a small gap is maintained. And clay, silt and other similar impurities tend to settle on surfaces when the pressure of the water flow decreases, which happens when the liquid passes through the filter layer.

They are a housing filled with filter material. The body can be steel or plastic. First stand high temperatures, differ in greater strength and durability, but have a higher cost. Usually they are mounted on hot water mains, and more affordable plastic options are chosen for cold water pipes.

However, the majority modern models plastic cartridges are characterized by versatility and are suitable for cleaning both cold and hot water. The advantage of such a housing is its transparency, so that you can control the degree of contamination.

Polyester acts as a filter base(sometimes filter nonwoven) or mesh insert. The latter is usually removed from the device, it can be washed and returned to its place. Polyester counterparts, as a rule, are subject to replacement. Accurate information about the possibility of flushing or the need for replacement is usually indicated by the filter manufacturer.


They are equipped with a pressure regulator, since in such filters water is supplied and cleaned under pressure. This becomes the reason for their bulkiness, however, it is the pressure devices that cope with the delay of different-fractional contaminants, which gives a high degree of purification.

Depending on the diameter of the pipe and performance, household and industrial devices are distinguished, having the same principle of operation. The differences relate only to dimensions. The sizes of the filter cells are also different, which, in turn, affects the degree of water purification.


The filter device is quite simple. It is a mesh enclosed in a body. The latter has an inlet and outlet. Below the nozzles is the so-called sump - the place where filtration is carried out. In this area, the speed of water movement decreases, so large particles (sand, rust, silt) settle in the body. The rest of the water tends to the grid, where it is also purified.

The material for the manufacture of the mesh is usually steel, sometimes brass or bronze. In any case, it is a metal that can withstand contact with water, mechanical damage, and pressure well.

The body (flask) of the filter is made of metal or plastic, and there are also combined models. Products made of steel, or those with a steel box, are suitable for hot water pipes, plastic ones are used for cold water treatment.

Polypropylene is most often used as the filtering components of a cartridge device. It provides high-quality filtration, is chemically inert, resistant to biological factors.

Polypropylene is wound from a cord, due to which large suspensions remain on the outside of the cartridge, and smaller ones settle on the twisted surface of the cord. They are enough for long term and even when filled, such a cartridge does not cause a decrease in water pressure in the pipes.

Polypropylene cartridges withstand temperatures within 1-52C and are suitable for cleaning cold and warm water. Filtration of hot liquid is carried out by means of devices having a cartridge made of cotton-based fibers impregnated with a special substance. The temperature of exposure to the system can reach 93C.

Filter fibers can have an additional carbon coating, due to which they acquire the ability to purify water from chlorine. Although this is usually the task of fine cleaning cartridges, which are installed after the type of device in question.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

There are a large number of primary water filters on the market today. The most famous, which received the approval of buyers, is the products of several brands.

  • honeywell. Compact devices that have several versions depending on the features of operation. For cold water mains, devices made of transparent plastic are usually chosen; for hot water pipes, similar models are purchased that have a brass protective box. The advantage of the devices of this manufacturer is that there is no need to dismantle the entire system during repair or cleaning. The system is cleaned automatically. The collection of this brand mainly presents systems for industrial filtration, however, household filters are also available.
  • Valtec. Products are made of steel and brass, which ensures their wear resistance, increased strength, durability. They are equipped with a self-cleaning system, capable of retaining particles no more than 100 microns. They have pressure gauges that simplify the process of system management, as well as indicators for monitoring the degree of filter contamination. They can be installed on pipes with hot water, as they can withstand up to 115-150C.

  • "Sapphire-P". Compact models (lower in height than many analogues), represented by filters for cold and hot water with manual and automatic control. They have the function of self-cleaning and regeneration by means of reverse current. In automatic models, you can set the period or amount of purified water, after which the self-cleaning process starts. They have a special controller that starts automatic cleaning after a specified period or after processing a certain amount of water. The required period or volume indicators are set by pre-programming by the user. Devices trap particles up to 100 microns in size, suitable for domestic and industrial use.
  • Soyuzintellect. Filters of universal action, providing not only mechanical, but also sorption and antibacterial cleaning. In addition, in such filters, water is saturated with oxygen. This, in turn, allows you to reduce water consumption (the amount of liquid decreases, but does not affect the user's feelings in any way), improves its quality (water becomes more voluminous, foams, soap or detergent is better lathered in such water).

The developed line is suitable even for pipes with high water pressure and can be installed on the DHW line, the devices are resistant to corrosion.

  • "Geyser". The most popular was the Typhoon line. Available in a metal filter, suitable for hot and cold water. The equipment serves not only to retain impurities, but also to soften water with a high iron content. There are also models for very hard water. Great popularity acquire three-stage purification systems, the first stage of purification in which is carried out by coarse water purification systems.
  • "Barrier". The products are easy to use and affordable. For a long time The company's specialization was the production of cassette filters for jugs, but today the main activity is the production of stationary filters. It is a cartridge-type filter, when using which, as users note, in better side the taste characteristics of water change, the unpleasant odor is eliminated.

  • Aquaphor. The company has been manufacturing various water purification systems for a long time (about 15 years), and therefore its range includes a large number of manual and automatic coarse filters. The systems “under the sink”, which can be installed on pipes for hot and cold water supply, are especially trusted by buyers.

The disadvantage of these models is the complexity of the installation, however, when buying a product from official representatives installation will be done by professionals free of charge.

How to choose and install?

Important selection criteria are the size of the retained contaminants and performance. The performance of the filter is determined by the volume of treated water and the required amount for a particular user. At the same time, high productivity should not cause a decrease in water pressure in the tap.

When using filters of small capacity, you can mount a storage tank where purified water will flow while the tap is closed. After the tap is opened, the purified water accumulated in the tank is consumed.

The size of the cells or mesh should be selected based on the quality of the water, the nature and size of impurities. If the dimensions of the filter elements exceed the dimensions of the polluting particles, there will be no effect from the filter.

When using fine-grained systems to purify heavily polluted water with large particles, the filter will often have to be removed and cleaned, and its elements changed. With intensive use in such conditions, the risk of premature failure of the filter increases.

A preliminary laboratory analysis of water will help you not to make a mistake in choosing a filter. Based on the results of the water quality assessment, experts will recommend optimal type filter. In some cases, it is advantageous to use 2 mesh filters installed in series with larger and then fine meshes. This will reduce the frequency of cleaning and extend the life of the device.

A reducer will also become a useful equipment for the filter. It reduces the water pressure at the inlet to the filter, and also dampens water hammer in the system, which provides better cleaning and extends the life of the device.

Due to the structural features, direct filters demonstrate greater efficiency compared to oblique ones. The latter are best chosen only if it is impossible to install a direct model (usually this happens when there is not enough free space, for example, when the pipeline is close to the floor or another pipe).

For a country house, it is recommended to install 2-3 mesh filters that differ in mesh sizes. As a rule, coarse-grained protection is installed in a private house, while for a city apartment it is better to choose a more frequent mesh.

It is recommended to install additional filters in front of washing machines and dishwashers. Ideally, they are needed in front of every household or engineering device, but this is expensive. But it’s still worth installing a filter on the installation in front of the “washer” and dishwasher, this is a rather demanding technique for water quality. And the more expensive, the more "capricious".

When buying a filter, you should pay attention to the materials - they must be not only durable, but also environmentally friendly. All connecting and threaded elements must be securely fixed, rubber gaskets and seals must fit snugly against the structure.

It is important to understand how necessary certain functions are, since their presence increases the cost of the product. For example, devices that soften water with excess iron are very popular. However, it will be useless in the absence of those. Moreover, the water may contain an excessive amount of manganese and potassium ions, which must be reduced. The type of product in question in this case also will not cope with the task.

The way out of the situation, as already mentioned, is a preliminary laboratory study of the quality and composition of water.

Only on the basis of the received analysis data should a filter be purchased.

There is an opinion that it is better to give preference to the equipment of a Russian manufacturer because it the best way adapted to the characteristics of the water composition of the nearby areas. The leading positions are occupied by such companies as Aquaphor, Geyser, Barrier. Among foreign filters, German and Scottish brands enjoy the trust of buyers.

The way the meter is installed is usually determined by its type. Professionals advise using detachable connections for all types of devices - both for those who need to extract and flush, and stationary, bulk ones. This will simplify the process of dismantling the device if necessary to repair it. Proper installation of main filters with your own hands begins with cleaning the surface of the pipe, removing traces of rust, and checking its tightness.

To reduce the load on the pipes after installing the filter, it is recommended to additionally fix it to the wall with a clamp.

The place of installation of the filter is the point of the main line from the entrance of the plumbing system to the apartment (house) to the subsequent wiring to the points of water consumption. If there are counters, then the filter is placed before them.

If the meter is sealed, the filter installed in front of it will also have to be sealed., to prevent "cheating" the testimony of the latter. In this case, it is more convenient to purchase special filters, in the plug of which there is an eyelet for threading the seal wire.

When installing, be sure to seal the joints to avoid leaks. Well, if valves are installed, then the owner will be able to shut off the water supply during cleaning or repair, and carry out a test supply. When installing stationary models, it is recommended to supplement them with bypass lines to ensure water supply in case of an accident.

It should be borne in mind that installing a filter in most cases entails an increase in the total length of communications.

According to user reviews, mesh filters are the easiest to install. Their coupling varieties cut into the water supply (with a pipe diameter of 1 inch, but not more than a diameter of 2 inches), flanged ones are installed on the flange. Flanged filters can be mounted on pipelines with a diameter of 2, 3, 4 or more inches. It is quite simple to install a cartridge filter according to the attached instructions.

A feature of the self-cleaning device is the need to connect the drainage pipe to the sewer system.

The installation of the bulk flask will be more difficult, since its cleaning implies the implementation of the backwash principle. In this regard, the piping of such a system requires turning off the direct flow and supplying water through the bypass line for the period while the filter is being flushed. At the same time, it is necessary to provide a system for the return water supply and removal of dirty liquid.

The efficiency of the filter can only be maintained if it is cleaned or replaced in a timely manner. Cleaning mesh filters without a self-cleaning system involves removing the mesh and washing it under water. Before unscrewing the sump, turn off the water to the filter.

After the mesh is cleaned, provided there is no damage on it, the system is assembled in the reverse order.

At the same time, attention should be paid to the condition of the rubber gaskets, if water flows at the joints, the gaskets must be replaced with new ones.

If there is a flushing system in the filter, it is cleaned as follows. First of all, it is necessary to close the water supply to the dwelling by opening the water supply in the opposite direction to the filter. Open a valve or plug on the sump, and rinse the mesh under the incoming pressure of water. A bucket should be placed below. Usually 5 minutes is sufficient for flushing.

It is required to change the filter in case of irreparable defects and damage - breakage of the mesh, damage to the housing, broken mounting thread. Cartridge devices do not require cleaning; when the maximum filter contamination is reached, the cartridge must be replaced.

Before entering residential buildings, water always passes through a whole system of filters of urban wastewater treatment plants. But despite this, many chemical particles larger than 10 microns remain in it. Their impact negatively affects human health, the operation of household appliances that consume water, and plumbing. Installing coarse filters will prevent them from entering the house.

Pre-filters are divided based on many factors of their design, installation and purpose.

Worth knowing: if a pre-treatment element is not installed at the place where water enters the house, many manufacturers of expensive household appliances and plumbing refuse to provide a guarantee for their products.

Depending on the degree to which cleaning is performed, there are:

  • Single stage;
  • two-stage;
  • Three stage filters.

Filtration of the first stage involves only the removal of rust particles, sediment and sand from the water stream. While the second stage of cleaning helps to get rid of organic elements, chlorine and odors, and the third one removes iron particles and makes it softer.

Considering how the sump is located, in which the filtered contaminants are collected, the filter can be oblique or straight. A straight line is a tank installed perpendicular to the water tank, and an oblique one is one placed under a certain slope.

Depending on the type of element that performs filtering, devices can be:

  • corrugated;
  • Mesh;
  • Winding.

If the filter does not have a cartridge, it is called a sump filter. The degree of their filtration is much lower. This is partly offset by the low cost and ease of use of the device. Cartridges are periodically subject to replacement with new ones, while you can simply remove the cover from the mud collectors and rinse.

Features of installing different types of devices

How to install a coarse water filter? Mesh oblique filters are the most common and easy to install. The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. The installation location is selected. Horizontal installation and areas with good accessibility are preferred. This allows easy access to the sump for later cleaning.
  2. A section of the pipeline is cut out to fit the size of the device and its additional elements.
  3. Threads are applied to the pipes so that the components can be securely fastened.
  4. The connecting parts and the filter itself are installed.
  5. Water turns on.

The same sequence applies to cartridge systems, with the only feature that the reservoir where dirt particles accumulate is much larger for such devices, which, accordingly, requires more free space for it.

Rules for installing a coarse filter in a country house

When installing each type of device, you must take into account its specifics and act in accordance with the instructions. Ignoring the rules will lead to incorrect installation and complete inoperability of the filter.

It is important: regardless of which device will be installed, before starting work, the water supply to the house must be shut off.

Rules applicable to any type of appliance:

  • The filter is always placed in the place of the system where water begins to flow directly into the house;
  • When installed horizontally, the sump of the device must be located at the bottom;
  • The filtration element is placed in the direction of the water flow immediately after the shut-off valve;
  • The device is installed in front of the water flow meter;
  • Vertical installation is allowed only in areas of water flow from top to bottom;
  • The movement must necessarily correspond to the arrow indicated on each filter;
  • All structural elements must be suitable for each other in terms of such parameters as pipe diameter, allowable pressure, etc.

It is important: Immediately after installation, let the water run briefly and pay attention to the appearance of even slight leaks. This will help to identify whether errors were made during the work and promptly eliminate them.

A properly installed coarse filter will significantly improve the quality and safety of water used in the house.

Water flowing through pipes or from a well contains a variety of biological and chemical impurities, as well as mechanical pollution, which can be dangerous both for human health and for complex household appliances and expensive plumbing.

Helps remove large impurities main filter for coarse water purification.

It is installed directly at the entrance to the house. Also, such devices are also called pre-filters. They trap grains of sand, silt and other contaminants and prepare water for further purification by other filters.

Those who purchased expensive household appliances were probably warned that the manufacturer's warranty would only be valid if there was a filter at the inlet, that is, pre-cleaning is a prerequisite. Plumbing reacts to water quality, stains and plaque may appear, connections begin to leak, gaskets need to be replaced faster.

Even water meters can not withstand dirty water and fail.

If the house has a fine filter, then the pre-filter will facilitate its work, less often it will be necessary to replace the cartridges.


In city apartments, the installation of different main devices for both types of water is required. At the same time, the filter for cold water should never be used for cleaning hot water.

By the type of cartridges, the following types of devices are distinguished:

  • mesh,
  • corrugated,
  • winding filters.

The equipment can also differ in the degree of cleaning.

By this indicator allocate:

  1. single-stage - to remove rust, sand, sediment,
  2. two-stage - additionally remove chlorine, clay, organic matter, unpleasant odors,
  3. three-stage - make water softer, remove iron.

Before buying a main device, it is important to determine the following parameters:

  • line type (hot or cold water),
  • required level of purification (mesh or cartridge filters can be used),
  • body type (with high water flow - Big blue, with a small Slim Line),
  • the level of hydraulic losses (the higher your apartment, the less losses should be),
  • type of cartridge (selected after water analysis).


Rating of the best coarse water filters for home

Main filters Geyser- are used for cleaning and conditioning water for household needs. Perform whole complex tasks - from the simplest to complete reverse osmosis treatment, as a result of which the water becomes completely drinkable.

The body can be made of plastic or stainless steel. Introduced big choice cartridges for water purification of any level of contamination. Replacing equipment cartridges is quite simple, and the devices themselves are durable and reliable.

Another market leader is the company Aquaphor offers Viking models for installation in a city apartment or in the country. Effectively remove sand and rust, pesticides, heavy metals, unpleasant odors.

The strong metal case provides resistance to mechanical loadings and a high pressure.

Is different high speed cleaning - about 25 l / min. The compact design allows you to place equipment in inconvenient and hard-to-reach places.

The honeywell coarse water filter is deservedly considered one of the best, its advantages:

  • patented backwash mechanism,
  • no need for cleaning
  • increased reliability and durability.

Not afraid of pressure surges, easy to install and use.

The Israeli company Arkal produces equally high-quality coarse water flow filters than the previous manufacturer. Their products are not yet so popular in Russia, but they are very often used in European countries. The main cleaning element is polymer discs that are resistant to corrosion and pressure surges.

Installation instructions - how to unscrew the coarse water filter

At installation of a coarse water filter it is worth relying on the arrow pattern on the body, which shows the direction of water flow.

If filter cleaning is provided, a bypass line will be required.

In general, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Install the equipment with an adjustable wrench. For a perpendicular filter, the sump must be placed with a cover down to allow dirt to accumulate.
  2. Flush the equipment by opening the drain cocks under the instrument.
  3. After 30 seconds, you can return the device to its working position.

Do-it-yourself coarse water strainer cleaning

If you need to replace the device with a new one, follow these steps:

  • Turn off the water, leave all taps open to relieve pressure. Then close the taps back.
  • Twist the old filter with a wrench, remove the clamps from the wall.
  • Remove the old seal, wind a new insulating tape.
  • Attach the device to the wall.
  • Turn on the water, check for leaks.

Are there any differences in coarse water filters for a country house

Coarse water filters for summer cottages have a number of differences from similar equipment for use in urban apartments. First of all, the difference is due to the composition of water. In the city, water is characterized by increased hardness, and in the country, many are faced with the smell of hydrogen sulfide and the taste of metal.

Also, the selection of equipment is carried out taking into account the source of water intake, because the water outside the city does not undergo preliminary treatment and comes directly from a well or well.

In individual houses it is possible to use a wider range of equipment, since there are usually no problems with free space under appliances. For this reason, many install more complex integrated systems of not only coarse, but also fine water purification.

Some manufacturers offer universal devices that can be used both in a private house and in an apartment. Before buying such a device, it is still recommended to analyze the water and understand whether it is suitable for water treatment in your area.