On May 9, Russia celebrates a national holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in which the Soviet people fought for the freedom and independence of their homeland against Nazi Germany and its allies. The Great Patriotic War is the most important and decisive part World War II 1939-1945.

The Great Patriotic War began at dawn on June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany, violating the Soviet-German treaties of 1939, attacked the Soviet Union. On her side were Romania, Italy, and a few days later Slovakia, Finland, Hungary and Norway.

The war lasted almost four years and became the largest armed clash in the history of mankind. On the front, stretching from the Barents to the Black Seas, on both sides fought from 8 million to 12.8 million people in different periods, from 5.7 thousand to 20 thousand tanks and assault guns, from 84 thousand to 163 thousand guns and mortars were used , from 6.5 thousand to 18.8 thousand aircraft.

Already in 1941, the plan for a lightning war, during which the German command planned to capture the entire Soviet Union in a few months, failed. The steadfast defense of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), the Arctic, Kyiv, Odessa, Sevastopol, the battle of Smolensk contributed to the disruption of Hitler's plan for a lightning war.

The country survived, the course of events turned around. Soviet soldiers defeated the fascist troops near Moscow, Stalingrad (now Volgograd) and Leningrad, in the Caucasus, inflicted crushing blows on the enemy on the Kursk Bulge, Right-Bank Ukraine and Belarus, in the Jassy-Kishinev, Vistula-Oder and Berlin operations.

During almost four years of the war, the Armed Forces of the USSR defeated 607 divisions of the fascist bloc. On the Eastern Front, German troops and their allies lost more than 8.6 million people. More than 75% of all weapons were captured and destroyed and military equipment enemy.

The war, which has become a tragedy in almost every Soviet family, ended with the victory of the USSR. The act of unconditional surrender of fascist Germany was signed in the suburbs of Berlin on May 8, 1945 at 22.43 Central European time (Moscow time on May 9 at 0.43). It is because of this time difference that the Day of the end of World War II is celebrated on May 8 in Europe, and on May 9 in the USSR and then in Russia.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1996, on Victory Day, when laying wreaths at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, holding solemn meetings, parades of troops and processions of veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Red Square in Moscow, along with the State Flag of the Russian Federation, the Banner of Victory hoisted over the Reichstag in May 1945.

Where in Moscow you can get a St. George ribbonThe action "St. George's Ribbon" runs from April 26 to May 9. There are 17 points for issuing ribbons in Moscow. Where you can get the St. George ribbon, see RIA Novosti infographic.

Since 2005, a few days before Victory Day, it starts with the aim of returning and instilling the value of the holiday in the younger generation. Black and orange ribbons have become a symbol of memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a sign of gratitude to the veterans who liberated the world from fascism. The motto of the action is "I remember, I'm proud."
The promotion covers almost the entire territory of Russia, many countries former USSR, and in the last few years also takes place in Europe and North America.

According to the established tradition, meetings of veterans, solemn events and concerts are held on the Victory Day. Wreaths and flowers are laid at the monuments of military glory, memorials, mass graves, guards of honor are put up. Memorial services are held in churches and temples of Russia. Since 1965, radio and television have been holding a special solemn and mourning program "A Minute of Silence" on May 9.

May 9, 2013 military the parade will take place in 24 cities across the country. 11,312 people will take part in the parade on Red Square in Moscow. It will involve 101 units of weapons and military equipment. Eight helicopters will carry the flags of the types and types of troops.


The history of Victory Day, and such symbols of the holiday as a parade, fireworks, a banner of victory, a St. George ribbon.

Victory Day. History and attributes of the holiday.

Already 73 years old in Russia and the participating countries of the former USSR are celebrating. However, many, especially young people, do not know anything about the history of the holiday.

Experts in the field of history claim that on April 30, 1945, the suicide of A. Hitler became a sign of the approaching victory. However, the German troops did not stop, and only after a series of bloody battles on May 2, Germany capitulated. The surrender was signed on May 9, 1945. So the official date for the celebration of the victory over Nazi Germany was set, which was announced in the USSR on the radio.

However, the first celebration took place only on June 24, 1945. Under the command of Konstantin Rokossovsky, a parade was organized in Moscow, and festive fireworks thundered in other cities throughout the USSR.

In 1947, all events related to the celebration of the great victory were canceled by the country's leadership due to the opinion that people should rest and forget these bloody years. Some documents testify to this.

Only in 1965, 20 years later, the victory Soviet troops was recognized as a national holiday and on May 9, parades and fireworks were held in the cities.

In the 90s, due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the holidays in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War subsided somewhat, but in 1995 two full-fledged parades were already held. One - on Red Square, and the second - on Poklonnaya Hill with the participation of armored vehicles. Wreaths were laid at monuments and memorials.
To feel the atmosphere of Victory Day, let's consider what is typical for this holiday.

Fireworks on Victory Day

The first homemade salute was given on August 5, 1943, which honored the successful offensive of the Soviet troops near Orel and Nizhny Novgorod. So salutes became a tradition that marked the successes of the Red Army in battles.

The army held a grandiose salute in Kharkov when the city was liberated. This time they even used machine guns that fired bullets into the sky. But, since after the experiment there were victims, more machine guns did not participate in the salutes.

And, of course, on May 9, 1945, the largest salute was organized with the participation of 1000 anti-aircraft guns.

Banner of Victory

Another attribute of the holiday is the banner of victory, which was removed from the Reichstag. Participating in parades, it proudly hovered over the soldiers marching along Red Square.

Parades for Victory Day

And finally myself holiday parade. By tradition, this festive event takes place on Red Square. For the first time, Stalin made such a decision; on June 22, 1945, he issued an appropriate order to schedule a parade on June 24 on Red Square. Since then, this has been the case.

The first parade was rehearsed for a month and a half, teaching soldiers to mint 120 steps per minute. For a quick result, stripes were drawn along the length of the step, the ropes were pulled at a certain height. The sky was reflected in patent leather boots, metal plates nailed to the soles of boots clattered on the asphalt. It was raining during the first parade. About 40 thousand people took part in the parade.

George Ribbons

Already in our time, the symbol of the celebration of Victory Day is the St. George Ribbon herd, which is painted black - the color of smoke, and orange - the color of fire. Its history begins in 1769, when Catherine II approved the Order of St. George the Victorious. IN Soviet time the tape began to be called the "Guards" and to reward distinguished soldiers. "Guards Ribbon" is involved in the design of the Order of Glory.
On Victory Day, the ribbon is tied around clothes as a sign of memory, sorrow and respect for the Russian soldiers who defended our freedom at the cost of their own lives.

The holiday and the history of Victory Day will be unforgettable for many generations. May 9 is celebrated in many countries around the world. Behind long years The holiday managed to acquire its symbolism and receive many conflicting assessments. About all this - in an interesting, written in a living language and completely author's article.

9th May our entire country is celebrating the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. This is a holiday of glory, pride, courage and eternal memory. It was on May 9, 1945, at the first hour of the night Moscow time, that the act of capitulation of the Third Reich was adopted. On the same day, the Banner of Victory and the document itself were delivered by plane to Moscow on Red Square. And in the evening, in honor of the victory in the capital, a large-scale salute of 1000 guns was given, 30 artillery salvos were fired, supplemented by the flight of multi-colored rockets and the illumination of searchlights. All this was accompanied by a noisy celebration of the crowd that spontaneously formed on the streets of Moscow.

The government decided to declare May 9 the Victory Day and consider this day a non-working day. So already in the first peaceful moments, the traditions of the great holiday began to be laid. However, after 2 years, in the midst of the restoration of the post-war economy, May 9 becomes a weekday. This continued until 1965, when L.I. Brezhnev, who had just come to power, ordered to restore the status of a non-working day.

Not a single holiday can be imagined without traditions, and Victory Day also has them. Meeting front-line soldiers, congratulating war and home front veterans, laying flowers at monuments and memorials, holding festive processions and parades with a demonstration of military equipment, it is impossible to imagine May 9 without this. And in the anniversary years, traditions acquire a particularly solemn scope.

So in 1995, in honor of the half-century anniversary of the Victory in Moscow, two parades took place: on foot on Poklonnaya Hill and on Red Square with the participation of military equipment. Since then, parades have been held annually. The marches of veterans who have not lost their military bearing in their advanced years always look especially touching.

An invariable attribute of Victory Day was a festive salute, the tradition of which was founded in Moscow in 1943 in honor of the liberation of Orel and Belgorod, although then it was not yet a salute of the winners. Since 1945, a tradition has been established to fire the Victory salute in the capital from 31 points with an interval of 20 seconds for 30 volleys.

One of the symbols of the celebrations is the St. George's Ribbon - two colors of black and orange. During the war years, it became a sign of a special military prowess of a soldier. Nowadays, since 2005, it has been customary on the eve of the holiday to distribute the ribbon to everyone and tie it on clothes as a sign of gratitude, respect, memory, sorrow for the fallen in the war.

It is impossible to imagine Victory Day without the Banner of Victory, the state relic of Russia, which was hoisted over the Reichstag on April 30, 1945. Since 1996, it has become a state-accepted symbol of the victory of the Soviet people over the enemy and should be used in official celebrations, as well as mass events in memory of the war.

Of course, the spiritual symbol of the holiday is the city-heroes and cities of military glory (officially their status was determined in 2006), which took over main blow fascist troops. In Russia, there are 7 and 45 of them, respectively. Commemorative obelisks and steles are installed in them, and on May 9 and on the birthday of these cities, festive events and fireworks.

In far-abroad countries, it is customary to celebrate the Victory Day on May 8, since formally the surrender of Germany was signed first in France on May 7, and then again on Central European time the next day in Germany. And the date itself, as a rule, has a different context. In the United States, the holiday is not a public holiday and is called Victory in Europe Day. It is usually attended by officials, veterans, public figures laying flowers and wreaths at memorials.

And in West Hollywood, where the country's first monument in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was opened, next to which veterans hold a solemn procession. In England, May 9 is not a day off, however, according to the established tradition, on this day, a solemn ceremony in memory of the victims of the war is held at the Soviet war memorial in London.

The countries through which the war passed with a heavy skating rink stand apart. In Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, it is customary to celebrate the day of liberation from fascism. In the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, festive events are of a particularly solemn and official nature, accompanied by the laying of flowers at memorials, solemn demonstrations, parades and rallies. In Germany, Victory Day is not a holiday, which does not cancel the celebration. A lot of veterans usually come to the country these days.

IN modern Russia great status The holiday is beyond doubt, therefore it is celebrated with the maximum scope. Although the date is official, it has a solid foundation in society, because the war, one way or another, touched almost every family. The current 73rd anniversary was no exception. Solemn marches are planned in 40 cities, and parades are held in 28 cities. In Moscow, the parade will be attended by soldiers dressed in the uniform of the war years, equipment from the era of the Second World War and modern designs the latest weapons. A very interesting and expected event will be the participation in the parade of units of a number of foreign armies.

Today, the day of victory over Nazism has acquired a vivid political context both in the near and far abroad. He became the subject of bargaining and manipulation, incorrect assessments and opinions. The victory of the Soviet people is called into question, new assessments of the actions of the Red Army are heard - not liberation, but occupation of Eastern Europe. Despite this, the eternal ideals of peace, kindness, harmony, which, as the anti-values ​​of war, were given to us by the Great Victory, will not cease to be relevant.

On May 9, 2018, Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to take part in the festive events dedicated to the Victory Day.

Parade on Red Square May 9, 2018

The main event on Victory Day will be a military parade on Red Square. It will be the largest parade in Russia, where over 12 thousand people will march in a solemn march, more than 120 combat vehicles will take part in the parade.

The parade will start with the removal state flag Russia and the Banner of Victory, then we will honor those who died during the Great Patriotic War with a moment of silence.

The parade will be opened by foot columns of cadets of military schools and active servicemen. The culmination will be the procession of military equipment.

Military wheeled vehicles will be presented by Tigr vehicles, armored personnel carriers BTR-82A and missile systems"Yars", "Iskander-M" and anti-aircraft missile and gun systems S-400, "Pantsir-S" and armored vehicles "Typhoon".

Tracked vehicles will also pass through Red Square, including tanks T-34-85, T-72B3, Boomerang, BMD-4M, BMD-MDM, self-propelled guns Coalition, Msta-S, BMP-3 and air defense systems "Buk-M2" and "Tor-M2".

At the solemn parade, it will be possible to see the Uran-9 and Uran-6 combat multifunctional robotic systems (demining complex).

The parade will end with a flight of military aircraft and an air show.

The parade will be attended by 73 aircraft and helicopters, which corresponds to the number of "victorious" years. Unmanned aircrafts short range "Corsair". For the first time, the latest Su-57 fighters will take to the skies over Moscow. These are the first promising Russian fifth-generation multifunctional fighters, which the whole world will see on May 9, 2018.

Aviation groups will also take part in the parade aerobatics Swifts and Russian Knights. The air part will end with a flight of SU-25s, which will “draw” the Russian flag in the sky.

Parade rehearsals in Moscow in 2018

You can see military equipment during rehearsals on the way to Red Square from the street. Lower Mnevniki, where she is based. The equipment will pass along the Zvenigorod highway, then turn along the Garden Ring to the street. Tverskaya-Yamskaya, turning into Tverskaya, where there will be a stop and you can go up to the cars and take photos.

The equipment is returning along Vasilyevsky Spusk, through the Kremlin Embankment, Vozdvizhenka Street and Novy Arbat, with a turn to the Garden Ring and Zvenigorodskoye Highway.

On April 26 and May 3, night rehearsals will take place, and on May 6 from 10:00 - dress rehearsal, which will almost completely correspond to the Victory Parade on May 9, 2018.

The aerial part of the parade can be seen from the following places:

  • Petrovsky Park
  • Leningrad highway
  • Friendship Park near the River Station
  • White Square near Belorussky railway station
  • Sofia and Kremlin embankments.

Action "Immortal Regiment" in Moscow

May 9 is a holiday with tears in our eyes, and this year one of the touching actions, the Immortal Regiment, will be held again. All those who lost their relatives in the war, who had relatives who were home front workers, are invited to take part in it. The gathering will start at 13:00, and the procession itself - from 15:00. In 2018, more than 700 thousand Muscovites are going to take part in the procession.

The Immortal Regiment folk procession will take place on May 9 along the route: from the Dynamo metro station along Leningradsky Prospekt, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, Tverskaya Street, Manezhnaya Square and Red Square.

Residents of other cities of Russia can get information about the place of gathering and the time of the procession on the official website of the event.

For guests and residents of Moscow, more than 300 various events, these are concerts and memorial events, exhibitions and sports programs. The celebration of Victory Day will be held at 35 sites in the city center, 9 - in districts and 20 sites will be organized in city parks. The festivities will start at 9:00.

Unified annual schedule of events

  • 9:00 - the beginning of the work of festive sites
  • 10:00 - Victory Parade on Red Square
  • 13:00 - festive events in honor of the 73rd anniversary of the Great Patriotic War at the sites of the city
  • 15:00 - start of the action "Immortal Regiment" - Moscow 2018, st. Tverskaya
  • 18:55 - minute of silence
  • 19:00 - evening concerts
  • 22:00 - fireworks.

The main venues for celebrating Victory Day

The main venues for celebrating Victory Day are Triumfalnaya and Pushkinskaya squares, the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and Poklonnaya Gora, Theater Square and the square in front of the main entrance to VDNH, Tverskaya and Arbat streets, Gogolevsky, Nikitsky and Chistoprudny boulevards.

  • On Theater Square - entertainment for veterans. (songs of the war years, as well as famous opera arias, will be accompanied by the orchestra)
  • Square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior- a big concert of songs of the war years, a performance by a symphony orchestra
  • Poklonnaya Gora- broadcast of the parade, a concert of the symphony orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev, a concert of city bands and a gala concert
  • Triumfalnaya Square- literary, theatrical and musical program, performances, a concert of an author's song, performances of actors.

The festive program will be presented in 27 parks. A brass band will play here, Muscovites and guests of the capital will see films about the war and theatrical performances. A dance program has also been prepared.

Program of events on Victory Day May 9, 2018 (free, public, in the city center and memorial places)



All-Russian patriotic action "St. George's Ribbon"

Performances, concerts, creative and sports workshops, lectures

Parks of culture and recreation


From Akademik Sakharov Avenue along the Garden Ring, then along Mira Avenue to the monument "Worker and Collective Farm Girl". U-turn and movement to the center to Sparrow Hills

Entertainment: performances of motorcycle show and motorsport stars, demonstration performances, show program of the aerobatic team of the traffic police "Cascade" and the Moscow police team, a concert of domestic rock stars

Parade "Not the connection will be interrupted generations" with the participation of pupils of the cadet classes of Moscow schools

Laying wreaths and flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the monument to the marshal Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov

Evening concerts

Broadcasts of the Victory Parade on large TV screens

Final concert of the Moscow Easter Festival with the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev


Moscow Spring Festival

As a reminder, from April 27 to May 9, Moscow hosts the Moscow Spring Festival for the second time as part of a cycle of city street events. These days, Muscovites and tourists are waiting for hundreds of concerts of the best performers and vocal groups from around the world, numerous exciting quests and exciting games, interesting workshops, exhibitions and excursions, fairs and much more. The arenas of the holiday will be parks and squares, squares and historical sites. One of the sites will be organized behind the monument to Karl Marx on Revolution Square.

On May 8 and 9 as part of the festival is scheduled special program, dedicated to the Day Victory, which will include theatrical and musical events.

The work of museums and exhibitions on Victory Day May 9, 2018

All military museums in Moscow will be open on Victory Day. You can visit for free:

  • Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and its branches
  • Museum of Victory on Poklonnaya Hill
  • State Museum of Defense of Moscow (Michurinskiy Prospekt, Olympic village, building 3)
  • Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia (Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya street, 24, building 3)

From May 1 to May 21 you will be able to visit photo exhibitions under open sky. They will be organized on the Arbat, Nikitsky, Gogolevsky and Chistoprudny boulevards. You will see archival photographs of the war years, which depict life at the front and in the rear, pictures of the Victory Days different years, photographs of veterans and home front workers, as well as documentary footage of military chronicles and photos taken by war correspondents.

Sports events

35 sporting events will be held in Moscow during May holidays. The most significant of them:

  • International Sports Games for Children of Hero Cities (Moskvich Stadium, 46/15 Volgogradsky Prospekt, SEAD), May 1–4
  • Holiday "Sports Moscow salutes the Great Victory!" (SShOR "Moskvich", Volgogradsky prospect, house 46/15, SEAD), May 5
  • Moscow Motorcycle Festival, route: Akademika Sakharov Avenue - Vorobyovy Gory; expected number of participants - 3 thousand people, May 5
  • "Victory Cup" and relay race "Silver Rook" in rowing (Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye, CJSC), May 9
  • XI St. George Games (Cheryomushki stadium, Profsoyuznaya street, house 40-2, SWAD), May 12.

The best points for viewing fireworks in Moscow

high altitude salute in honor of Victory Day will be organized in Moscow at the sites:

  • Poklonnaya Gora (2 points)
  • Novo-Peredelkino
  • Luzhnetskaya embankment
  • Lianozovo, st. Novgorodskaya, 38
  • Gorodok im. Bauman
  • Kuzminki Park, st. District
  • Nagatinsky backwater
  • Obruchevskiy district
  • South Butovo
  • Mitino
  • Pokrovskoe Streshnevo, Tushino airfield
  • Friendship Park, st. Festivalnaya, 26
  • Troitsk

The most colorful show awaits guests on Poklonnaya Gora, where there will be two fireworks launch sites.

holiday fireworks, despite the fact that they open at a lower height, will also be very spectacular. They will be launched in 17 metropolitan parks. During this time, the guns will fire more than 80 thousand volleys.

The evening sky of the city will be decorated with golden peonies, colorful chrysanthemums, as well as red, blue, green and yellow balloons.

You can watch the fireworks organized by the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow in the following parks:

  • Central District
    • Park "Krasnaya Presnya"
    • Tagansky park
    • Hermitage Garden
    • Bauman Garden
  • Northeastern District
    • Lianozovsky park
    • Babushkinsky park
  • Eastern District
    • Sokolniki Park"
    • Izmailovsky park
    • Perovsky park
    • Lilac garden
  • Southern District
    • Park "Gardeners"
  • Western District
    • Park of the 50th Anniversary of October
  • Southwestern District
    • Vorontsovsky park
  • Southeastern District
    • Park "Kuzminki"

Transport work on public holidays in May 2018

Metro and MCC on April 30, May 1, 2 and 9 will work as usual - until one in the morning. May 3 from 18:00 and May 6 from 06:00 (until the end of the rehearsal), as well as May 9 from 07:00 (until the end of the parade) of the metro station "Revolution Square", " Okhotny Ryad”, “Teatralnaya”, “Alexander Garden”, “Borovitskaya” and “Library named after Lenin” will work only for the entrance and transfer of passengers.

The first vestibule of the Park Pobedy station will work as an exit, and the second one as an entrance.

After the Victory Parade on May 9, entry will be limited at Ploshchad Revolyutsii, Okhotny Ryad, Aleksandrovsky Sad and Arbatskaya metro stations of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line, at the Borovitskaya, Lubyanka, Kuznetsky Most metro stations, Kitai-Gorod, Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya, Park of Culture of Sokolnicheskaya and Circle lines, at the Oktyabrskaya metro station of the Koltsevaya and Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya lines, Vorobyovy Gory, Universitet and Sportivnaya lines.

During the rehearsal of the parade on May 3 and 6, it is planned to remove and change the movement of 55 ground urban transport routes from the military equipment and weapons route.

Interesting and helpful information for schoolchildren about the Victory Day holiday.

On May 9, Victory Day is celebrated in Russia. Day of Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. The war began on June 22, 1941. All our people rose up to fight against fascist german invaders: queues lined up at the military registration and enlistment offices, sometimes they went to the front right from the school bench. Only women, children and the elderly remained behind. They worked in factories, dug trenches, built fortifications, extinguished incendiary bombs on the roofs. And also - raised children, saved the future of the country. The main motto of the whole people was: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!"

But despite the heroic resistance, the enemy was irresistibly approaching Moscow. To deceive the German pilots who bombed Moscow, houses and trees were painted on the Kremlin wall. The domes of the Kremlin cathedrals did not shine with gold: they were painted with black paint, and the walls were smeared with green and black stripes. Our fighters also blocked the way for enemy aircraft. A division under the command of General Panfilov fought on the outskirts of Moscow. At the Dubosekovo railway junction, twenty-eight of our soldiers with political instructor Vasily Klochkov stopped a fascist tank column. Klochkov, before the start of a fierce battle, uttered a phrase that became historic: "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind." Almost all Panfilov heroes died, but were not allowed to enemy tanks to Moscow.

As the Nazi army moved east, partisan detachments began to appear in the territories occupied by the Germans. The partisans blew up fascist trains, organized ambushes and surprise raids.

Berlin has fallen. The war of the Soviet and other peoples against German fascism ended in complete victory. But the price of this victory was great and bitter. Our country lost about 27 million people in this terrible war.

On May 9, 1945, Moscow was lit up with a salute to the long-awaited victory. Our entire country celebrated the first day of peace with jubilation. Muscovites, leaving their homes, hurried to Red Square. On the streets, the military were hugged, kissed, grabbed in an armful and rocked, tossing the seething sea of ​​people over their heads. At midnight, fireworks never seen before struck. Thirty volleys from a thousand guns were fired.

May 9 holiday has become sacred for each of us. We should all remember the past and thank the older generation for the Great Victory.

How to celebrate May 9th with your family

On this holiday, you should definitely congratulate all the veterans you know. A terrible fate was prepared for many peoples by fascist fanatics. They wanted to wipe entire nations off the face of the earth, leaving them without a future - without children. There was not a single family in our country that this war did not bring grief. And all of us, born after this terrible war, should be grateful for our lives to veterans of the Great Patriotic War! Buy a few carnations with mom or dad that day, go to the city park. You will surely see people there with orders and medals on their chests. There are fewer and fewer heroes of that war every year. Come and congratulate such a person on the holiday, give him a flower or just a postcard. He will be very pleased that even the smallest Russians remember his feat.

And in the evening, when the whole family is together, ask your parents to show you Family album. Surely there will be photos of the war years of your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. These photographs are black and white, sometimes reddened from time to time. Let adults remember the names and surnames of those who look at you from the album pages, remember where your great-grandfathers worked and served during and after the war. If the photos are not signed, sign them with mom and dad. Then you can flip through and sign dad's army photos or student photos of mom and dad. And now your childhood photos are smiling from the album. They are bright, elegant, colorful. This is what those who will forever remain “black and white” dreamed about and fought for. All photographs must be signed. Because memory is short-lived. And “what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.” Someday you yourself will leaf through this album with your son or daughter and tell them the story of your family. In Rus', it has long been about people who do not remember family traditions, dismissively said: "Ivan, who does not remember kinship." Let's cherish, preserve and increase the history and traditions of our family!

You can finish this slightly sad holiday with songs of the war years. They are known and loved in every Russian family. And, of course, the main song of this holiday is “Victory Day”. Before you sing it all together, you need to stand up and honor the memory of all the dead soldiers of the front and rear with a minute of silence.

Song "Victory Day"

Music: David Tukhmanov

Words: Vladimir Kharitonov

Victory Day,

how far he was from us,

Like in an extinct fire

coal melted.

There were miles

burnt, covered in dust,

We have approached this day

as they could.


This Victory Day

smell of gunpowder

This is a holiday

with gray hair at the temples.

It's joy

with tears in his eyes.

Victory Day!

Victory Day!

Victory Day!

Days and nights

at open-hearth furnaces

Our Motherland did not close

Days and nights

fought a hard battle -

We have approached this day

as they could.


Hello mother,

We didn't all return...

Barefoot to run

Half of Europe walked

half of the earth,

We have approached this day

as they could.


Official name - "Victory Day Soviet army and people over Fascist Germany in the Great Patriotic War».
The celebration of this date takes place annually on a strictly fixed date - May 9, which is a non-working holiday.
Historically this day is included in the feed public holidays in 1945 and until the age of 48 it was a public holiday, and then until 1965 (the twentieth anniversary of the Victory) it was a public holiday. Starting from May 9, 1965, in honor of commemorating the victory, parades were held annually on Red Square using both foot formations of all branches of the armed forces and military equipment. Particularly grandiose parades were held in the anniversary years for the Victory (1965, 75, 85 and 90s).
In the wake of national festivities, military parades began to be held in all major cities USSR, and after its collapse in Russia.
Traditionally, on this day, veterans of the war and the labor front are honored. Mourning events and the laying of wreaths at the monuments to the wars of the liberators are taking place.
IN last years the country's leadership organized a number of measures social assistance veterans in raising their pensions and providing them with their own housing.
The unofficial symbol of Victory Day is the St. George ribbon and the song "Victory Day"
It is officially celebrated in Russia, Belarus, Georgia. World War II Victory Day is celebrated on May 8 throughout the rest of the world. And in some countries, after equalizing the rights of soldiers of the warring parties, May 9 is called the Day of Historical Justice (the Baltic countries).