Hello friends! Pavel Yamb is in touch. How difficult would it be to use different situations one single style of speech: a story, a study, an essay, and even a conversation - according to one sample. Represented? This is because there are several styles, and each has its own purpose. How to define text style? In this article, I gave an example for each style, read it, it's funny there. Today I will summarize this information a bit and present it in a different way.

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  1. Task 1 of 10

    1 .

    - Yes, he drank the entire scholarship. Instead of buying a “computer” for yourself a new one, or at least a “laptop”

  2. Task 2 of 10

    2 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    "Varenka, such a sweet, good-natured and sympathetic girl, whose eyes always shone with kindness and warmth, with a calm look of a real demon, walked to the Ugly Harry bar with a Thompson machine gun at the ready, ready to roll these vile, dirty, smelly and slippery types into the asphalt, who dared stare at her charms and drool lewdly."

  3. Task 3 of 10

    3 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “But I don’t love him, I don’t love him, that’s all!” And I will never love. And what am I to blame?

  4. Task 4 of 10

    4 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude that simplicity is the key to success”

  5. Task 5 of 10

    5 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    "The transition to a multi-tier architecture of Internet-oriented client-server applications has presented developers with the problem of distributing data processing functions between the client and server parts of the application."

  6. Task 6 of 10

    6 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    "Yasha was just a petty dirty trickster, who, nevertheless, had very great potential. Even in his pink childhood, he masterfully poked apples from Aunt Nyura, and not even twenty years had passed, when he switched to banks in twenty-three countries of the world, and managed to clean them so skillfully that neither the police nor Interpol could ever catch him red-handed. "

  7. Task 7 of 10

    7 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “Why did you come to our monastery? - he asked.

    - What do you care, get out of the way! the stranger snapped.

    “Uuuu…” the monk pointedly drawled. Looks like you weren't taught manners. Okay, I'm in the mood today, I'll teach you some lessons.

    - You got me, monk, angard! hissed the uninvited guest.

    “My blood is starting to play!” the churchman groaned with delight, “Please try not to disappoint me.”

  8. Task 8 of 10

    8 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    "I ask you to grant me a week's leave to travel abroad for family reasons. I am enclosing my wife's health certificate. October 8, 2012."

  9. Task 9 of 10

    9 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “I am a student of the 7th grade, I took the book “Alice in Wonderland” from the school library for a literature lesson. I promise to return it on January 17th. January 11, 2017"

  10. Task 10 of 10

    10 .

    What style of text does this passage refer to:

    “During the war in 45 out of 77 houses survived in Borovoye. Collective farmers had 4 cows, 3 heifers, 13 sheep, 3 pigs. Most of the gardens on household plots, as well as an orchard with a total area of ​​2.7 hectares, belonging to the Krasnaya Zarya collective farm, were cut down. Damage caused fascist german invaders property of the collective farm and collective farmers, is estimated at approximately 230,700 rubles.

Book or colloquial?

Styles are divided into book and colloquial.

The main features of the conversational style: brightness, colorfulness, capacity, the use of colloquial words, repetitions, interjections. This includes dialogues, conversations and private conversations.

Conversational - for daily communication. People share their thoughts and feelings in an informal setting.

Features of book styles

Book styles are journalistic, artistic, official business and scientific styles. The task of the latter is to report the data and prove their truth. I wrote a separate book about book style.


Scientific style - for scientific articles, educational literature, dissertations, reports.

Terminology, professionalisms and abstract vocabulary are actively used. Sentences with a predominance of nouns are precise, unambiguous. There are many generalizations, the assessment is objective.

Official business

Needed to inform people in a formal setting. It is used in orders, legislative acts, certificates.

The ability to write in any of these styles will give you an advantage when making money on the exchange of texts, the most common of which are Advego And Etxt.


Journalism is the favorite style of the media. Reports, interviews, essays, essays, sketches are examples of journalistic style. Publications are addressed to the general public, not to a limited circle.

Publications are distinguished by emotionality, consistency, the presence of the author's assessment and motivation for action.


The literary style is necessary for influencing the reader, conveying the feelings, thoughts of the author, his experiences. Main application in fiction.

The main features are: figurativeness, all lexical means of the language are used, the emotionality of speech.

How to determine the style of the text

To determine which style a publication belongs to, you need to carefully read the text, determine where it is used: in an informal setting, an excerpt from literary work, instruction, memo, textbook, lecture or report. Is it possible to use it to speak at a meeting?

If doubts remain about the correctness of the choice, then it is necessary to determine the tasks: exchange of impressions, communication, communication of accurate data for practical application, instructions, recommendations, communication of scientific information, explanation of the causes of phenomena.

Is such a text capable of influencing broad sections of people, of forming the right attitude to the problems of society?

Doubts remain? Then we find out whether the text contains ease, freedom of choice of expressions, figurativeness, emotionality or accuracy, formality and the absence of any emotions.

Perhaps the publication is dispassionate, generalized, conclusive, or topical, inviting and passionate?

Let's define the genre. It can be an anecdote, a diary entry, a note, a dispute, a portrait, an excerpt from a literary work. Or maybe a proverb, a riddle, a memoir, a biography, a statement, a review, an annotation.

Now let's determine the ownership of the text:

  • In a conversational style, they write notes, sayings, proverbs, stories and conversations.
  • Decrees, decrees, receipts are written in a business style.
  • Publicism includes reports, essays, oratorical speeches, articles, feuilletons, leaflets.
  • Reviews, abstracts, reports, dictionaries, textbooks are written in the scientific style.
  • Artistic style - a story, novels, ballads, poems.

Here is a video to help you:

It's funny, but the researchers argue that there is no strict adherence to one style: they are intertwined and mixed. Subscribe, read articles and share with friends. Until communication.

The MS-DOS operating system is a single-tasking environment, that is, a program that working under the control of MS‑DOS, captures all the resources of the computer and does not give them to other programs until its work is completed. However, there is a special class of programs in MS‑DOS that called resident. These are usually small utility programs that, being running, run in the background unnoticed by the user. Such programs include, for example, keyboard Russification programs. They intercept interruptions from the keyboard and process them, as a result of which we are able to switch the keyboard to enter Russian and English letters. The mouse driver in an MS‑DOS system is also a resident program, working By dedicated for her interruptions. Several tens of times per second, she takes control from working program and "checks" whether the mouse has moved or its button has been pressed. (According to the materials of educational literature)

Exercise 10. Read the text. Analyze its morphological features: a) noun - abstract, concrete, real; gender, number, case; b) adjective - qualitative, relative, possessive; c) verb - mood, tense, number, person; d) participles and participles.

Molecular physics and thermodynamics are branches of physics that study macroscopic processes in bodies associated with a huge number of atoms and molecules contained in bodies. To study these processes, two qualitatively different and mutually complementary methods are used: statistical (molecular-kinetic) and thermodynamic. The first is the basis of molecular physics, the second - thermodynamics. Molecular physics is a branch of physics that studies the structure and properties of matter, based on molecular kinetic concepts, based on the fact that all bodies consist of molecules in continuous chaotic motion. The laws of behavior of a huge number of molecules, being statistical regularities, are studied using the statistical method. Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that studies the general properties of macroscopic systems in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, and the processes of transition between these states. Thermodynamics does not consider the microprocesses that underlie these transformations. This is the difference between the thermodynamic method and the statistical one.

Task 2. Tell us about the morphological features of the scientific style.

Exercise 11. Analyze the lexical and grammatical features of this text. Define the style and substyle of the text. Justify your choice.

Connecting to Bluetooth devices

Bluetooth is a technology wireless communication on short distances, which allows devices to exchange information within a radius of 8 meters. Among the common Bluetooth devices. - includes headphones for talking and listening to music, headsets and other portable devices including laptops.

There are several Bluetooth profiles that define the features and communication standards for the respective devices. A list of profiles supported by your tablet can be found in the user guide.

To connect to the device, you need to turn on the Bluetooth module on your phone. If you are connecting for the first time, you need to pair the devices to establish a secure connection between them. In the future, they will be connected automatically.

To extend battery life, turn off Bluetooth when not in use. In some places, the use of Bluetooth. may be prohibited. In particular, this feature is disabled when you enter flight mode.

Exercise 12. Read the text. Determine on what grounds it should be attributed to the scientific style. Analyze the vocabulary, write out: a) terms; b) general scientific words. Determine the type of relationship used in these sentences. Tell me what constructions provide consistency and coherence in the presentation of thoughts.

For writing and understanding a scientific text, all its components are important, but the formulation of the title deserves special attention. The title (title) of a scientific text is a special informative unit that reflects the theme of this work and corresponds to the content of the text. There are several types of headings: title general; title specifying the questions being developed by the author scientific theory and practices; names reflecting the features of the author's statement of the question. When creating and designing headings, there are some guidelines to keep in mind.

The title should not reduce or expand the amount of information contained in the text. Headings of sections, chapters and paragraphs should accurately reflect the content of the text related to them. The title should not include redundant words; general concepts that are not directly related to the text; highly specialized and native language (A.A. Reformatsky) terms; abbreviated words and conventions; chemical, physical and technical formulas. In addition, word wrapping is not allowed in headings. Do not put a dot at the end of the title. (According to the materials of educational literature).

Exercise 13. Read the headings. Determine what texts they call: actually scientific, popular science, educational and scientific, etc. Argument your answer.

"Photosynthesis", "Theory of rational expectations", "Minerals", "Development of domestic metallurgy", "Complex sentence", "Bridge to science", "Thermal expansion of solids", "Ecos means "home", "On the issue of formation "Language Competence", "Strength", "The Scientist and His School", "Newton's Third Law".

Exercise 14. Read the text. Determine the topic of the text, give the text a heading. Determine what style it belongs to, argue your point of view. Retell the text.

Logic is considered one of the important features (qualities, properties) of a scientific text. Consistent with this feature, all parts of a scientific text must be tightly interconnected thematically, in meaning; they must be combined sequentially, the conclusions must follow from the facts stated in the text. From a linguistic point of view, this is done by typical means. One of the most common ways to connect sentences is to connect adjacent sentences with repeated nouns (lexical repetition).

Cause-and-effect and conditional-effect relationships between parts of a sentence or between sentences within a paragraph are described using constructions: in view of the fact that (this), due to the fact that, as a result, as a result, therefore, in connection with which, since, in such case, therefore and under. If it is necessary to compare or contrast certain information blocks, it is recommended to arrange it using the following means: on the one (other) side; on the contrary, on the contrary, but, although, however, but; not only, but also: also; contrary to what has been said and others. Generalization, conclusion are formulated using the following introductory constructions: so, therefore, in this way, in a word, generally speaking, it follows ... The sequence is indicated introductory words first, first of all, then, next; firstly, secondly, finally, etc. Explanations, illustrations, clarifications, selection of a particular case are carried out by introducing constructions into the text: for example, so, for example, only, only, especially, in particular, moreover. For the introduction of generalizing information, such constructions are used, for example: consider the following cases, give an example, consider, compare.

Exercise 15. Read the text. Prove that it belongs to the scientific style of speech. Analyze the grammar, write down: a) verbal nouns in н/-н; b) verbs in personal form, determine their form and tense; c) participles and participles. Determine what means are used by the compilers to combine these sentences into a single text.


One of the most actual ways presentation of the scientific text are keywords - CS. The increasing flow of information makes it necessary ... to search for the most optimal means to facilitate access to the important information encoded in a given text.

It is known that the main meanings of the text are contained in certain words, phrases, constructions. Words that determine the content of the text and are carriers of its main meaning are called key words. Key words are the most significant and essential lexical units necessary for understanding the content of the text, isolating the main information. It is they who have highest value for the embodiment of the author's thought, they are basic in drawing up the plan of the text, determining the micro-themes. In terms of organizing search engines, keywords are also very important, since it is these few basic lexical units that are the semantic milestones by which the search engine understands what is being said in the searched material. It accepts the request to display the article as a search result.

How to determine which words are keywords? There are certain signs of keywords.

1) frequency, repetition in this text;

2) semantic proximity to the topic of the text (these can be synonyms, generic constructions, words, phrases);

3) information saturation (words that convey maximum information in a minimum space; in other words, these are, first of all, terms).

Scientific text is very difficult to understand. Usually a scientific text is designed for the perception of a trained person. For an accurate and correct understanding of the text, the actions of many components are necessary, one of which is the following process: the text is folded in volume into a kind of “cocoon” and stored in the long-term memory of a person who perceives the text as a set of keywords. We add that, depending on the volume of the perceived text, the list of keywords and phrases can be 5-10 units.

(Based on the article: Moskvitina T.N. Key words and their functions in the scientific text. Vestnik ChSPU. Philology and art history// 2009, pp. 277 - 285.)

Exercise 16. Determine which functional-semantic type of speech (description, narration, reasoning) this text belongs to, provide evidence. Find the keywords of the text. Determine the style of the text, justify your point of view.

The set of squares consists of quadrangles with the following properties: all sides of each of these quadrangles are equal to each other and at least one of the corners of such a quadrilateral is a right one. The set of spheres consists of closed surfaces, each of which has the following property: all points of this surface are at the same distance from one point, called the center of the sphere. The definition of the infinite sets given above as examples (sets of even numbers, sets of squares, sets of spheres) essentially boiled down to separating them from other, more general sets (sets of integers, sets of quadrilaterals, sets of surfaces). This selection of some sets from others, more general, was carried out on the basis of the following criterion: the elements of the selected set must have some specific properties (divisible by 2, have equal sides and a right angle, etc.), which not all elements of a more general set possess. (According to L.I. Babushkin)

Exercise 78 Read the text. Prove that it belongs to the scientific style. Highlight the lexical, morphological and syntactic means inherent in scientific speech.

Word is a significant independent unit, the main function of which is naming.

Every word, except for service words, has a meaning; only one word has one meaning: pencil, bus, saying, and others are a few: house, nose, mark, path. There are relatively few unambiguous words in the language. There are many more words with multiple meanings, having two, three, four or more meanings. So, in the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegov recorded 26 meanings of the word go. The presence of several (two or more) meanings in a word is called polysemy or polysemy (from the Greek poly - "many" and sema - "sign"). The more in the language polysemantic words, the richer the language.

Three types of polysemy (polysemy) are distinguished depending on the basis on which the meaning of the word is transferred: metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche.

Metaphor- this is the transfer of the name according to the similarity of signs. Similarity can be in the form: apple(fruit) and apple(eye); by color: golden(thing) - and golden(autumn); by location: nose(person) and nose(ship); by function: street cleaner(employee) and street cleaner(windshield wiper at the car).

Metonymy based not on similarity, but on adjacency. Phenomena that are really related to each other receive the same name: audience(room) and audience(a group of listeners); silver(metal) and silver(silver plate); tenor(voice) and tenor(a singer with such a voice).

Synecdoche- this is the transfer of the name from the whole to its part and vice versa. For example, proper facial features(part of the human body) - lists of persons(lists of people); head(part of the body) - desperate head(Human).

Exercise 79 Using the clichés below (that is, stable turns) inherent in scientific speech, compose and write an abstract for one chapter or one paragraph of a physics, biology, chemistry, Russian language textbook.

  • In the work (book, article, paragraph) the problem is analyzed (a characteristic is given, a theory is stated, the problem is investigated, the thesis is substantiated, experience is generalized, the theory is described, the problem is highlighted, the essence is shown, an analysis is given, the problem is analyzed, a description is given) ...
  • The author analyzes the problem (reveals the essence, raises the issue, solves a set of problems)...
  • In this regard, the author refers to (highlights) ...
  • The author illustrates his reasoning with concrete examples...
  • According to the author...
  • As the author notes (believes), ...
  • However, as the author points out...
  • Particular attention is paid to...
  • It is important...
  • The following is a problem (question) ...
  • Describing the meaning (of what?), the author writes (notes, notes, emphasizes): “...”.
  • In this regard, the reasons are also revealed ...
  • Concerning the reasons..., the author emphasizes that...
  • Firstly Secondly Thirdly,...
  • This problem can be considered in two main aspects: ...
  • The next chapter looks at...
  • It highlights...
  • An example of this would be...
  • It details the role...
  • In particular, it is noted that...
  • Emphasizes the importance...
  • This thesis is illustrated by an example.
  • "...", - the author points out in this regard.
  • This position is supported, in particular, by the example ...
  • In conclusion, the author concludes...
  • As a result, the following conclusion is made: "...".

To avoid mistakes in determining the style of the text, it is necessary to answer a number of questions. They will help to identify extralinguistic (extralinguistic) and proper linguistic (linguistic) specific features of style. We present these questions (together with answers) in the form of a memo:

1. The sphere of communication (where this style is common: everyday life - conversational style; scientific activity- scientific style; official sphere (legislation, office work) - formal business style; mass communication(newspaper, radio, television, etc.) – journalistic style; aesthetic sphere (fiction) - artistic style).

2. The function of speech [informative (message of objective generalized knowledge) - in a scientific style; prescriptive-stating (voluntarily) - in official business; informative and influencing - in journalistic; aesthetic (creation of an artistic image) - in the artistic].

3. Specific features of the style [logicality, conclusiveness, dispassionateness, accuracy (uniqueness), ugliness, hidden emotionality - in a scientific style; formality, accuracy, unambiguity, standardization - in official business; information content, evidence, accuracy, "open evaluation of speech", standardization, expressiveness - in journalistic; figurativeness, concretization (translation of the word-
concepts into a word-image), emotionality, expressiveness, dynamism, the inadmissibility of the standard, a pronounced individuality of the author - artistic].
Based on the analysis of the text on the proposed questions, it is possible to determine to which style of speech it belongs. In addition, the characterization of the method of presentation chosen by the author will help determine the style of the text. To characterize the method of presentation, as reference can be used next questions:

What features are inherent in the method of presentation: objectivity, "dryness", rigor, emphasized logic; officiality, standardization; emotionality, pronounced author's individuality; pronounced author's evaluation of speech, expressiveness, standardization.

To whom the text is addressed: a wide range of readers of the newspaper, fiction; a narrow circle of specialists; those who are associated with the execution of documents (clerical work), the issuance of decrees, laws (legislation), etc.

What is the nature of the presentation: personal, abstract, combining generalization with the author's individuality.

What means are used to achieve: a) a personal way of presentation (using personal pronouns and personal forms of verbs, personal syntactic constructions, etc.); b) an impersonal way of presentation (with the exception of the use of the forms of the 1st and 2nd person of the verb and the corresponding personal pronouns, the use of impersonal syntactic constructions and constructions with a weakened meaning of the syntactic person);

§ What is the emotional plan of presentation.

§ What determines the choice of the method of presentation (specific features of the style of speech).

The specific features of the style and the way of presentation determine the choice of language means in the text, therefore the next point of the stylistic analysis is the characteristic language tools style, speech systemic style, which is manifested in the frequency of the use of certain lexical, morphological and syntactic means. Since the most striking linguistic features of style are lexical and syntactic, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the characteristics of the lexical and syntactic means of style, as well as on the figurative means of the language (tropes and stylistic figures).

Let us give an example of reasoning on a specific language material. A similar text (in a slightly modified form) was offered to students at the Unified State Examination in 2003 and caused certain difficulties in its qualification: some attributed it to the scientific style, others to the journalistic style, still others to the artistic style, and still others to the colloquial one. What style of speech does this text belong to?

In my opinion, nettle is one of the most curious plants. First, why should she complain? Meanwhile, nature does nothing in vain... The bee sting is explained, snake venom is understandable, the poisonous spines of some fish do not cause any rumors. But why does nettle sting? Protecting yourself? From whom? Why do other neighboring herbs go without such protection and thrive? And what is the harm to the nettle if some herbivore eats it? To lime it, one needs not a benevolent cow, not an elk, not a goat, but iron, fire, patience, and many years...

As soon as there is a sign human activity, as soon as human habitation, nettles are already right there. Dig a well in the middle of a clear meadow, around which not a single nettle grew for a kilometer, immediately your well will be surrounded by a green crowd of nettles that have come from nowhere. Put up a log house, build a cellar, raise a fence, stack a pile of firewood, pour out a basket of wood chips or other garbage, nettles are right there!

Perhaps she knows that where there is a person, various human disasters are also possible: fire, war, famine, disease? Maybe she offers herself to the rescue in advance, as a very nutritious and healing herb (many times more nutritious than cabbage)? After all, it is especially rampant where human disaster, trouble is really noticed. Oh, the expanse of nettles from edge to edge of Russia in the place of disappearing houses, villages and villages! .. Well, let's say that many peasants ... leave for the cities ... but nettles, of course, cannot understand all the sociological subtleties . She sees that houses are disappearing, leaving behind pits and brick chimneys, she thinks that there is a disaster, trouble, and she pounces, and grows, and grows fat in abandoned ashes, while the former owners of houses work safely in factories, go to movies... sipping beer at plywood stalls.

Or maybe the nettle pounces on the traces of human activity from other motives? Maybe nature tells her: “Go and fix everything. Do it the way it was." And in the abandoned places... nettles will grow until every trace of a person is recycled in itself so that it will be here again... a garbage-free place. The wound heals. The trace will be erased...

(According to V. Soloukhin).

  • 3.2. Orthoepic and accentological norms
  • 3.3. Morphological norms
  • 1. Determine the gender of nouns and agree adjectives with them:
  • 2. Select the required form from the data in brackets and write down the resulting phrases:
  • 3. Put proper names in the required form:
  • 4. Open the brackets, determine the gender of adjectives, nouns and verbs (in the past tense) related to proper names:
  • 5. Write down the words that are undesirable for use in cases of official communication:
  • 6. A) Put the nouns in the nominative plural form:
  • 7. Choose the desired ending for the genitive case:
  • gender of nouns
  • Noun endings in the nominative plural form
  • Noun endings in the genitive plural form
  • 1. Replace the numerals written in numbers with the words:
  • 2. Specify the numbers of the correct options:
  • Declension of numerals
  • 1. Analyze the use of personal pronouns in A.P. Chekhov "You and You" What makes the narrator's speech unclear and unintelligible?
  • 2. Open the brackets and choose the correct pronoun form. In what constructions is it possible to use both possessive pronouns? what is it connected with?
  • 1. What violations of the norms associated with the use of forms of the comparative degree of adjectives are committed in these sentences? Fix:
  • 1. Open brackets, compose and write down phrases with these homogeneous members:
  • 2. Open brackets, compose and write down phrases with these words:
  • 3. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets in the correct form. Use prepositions where necessary:
  • 4. Coordinate the predicate with the subject, add the endings:
  • 5. Choose the correct form of subject-predicate coordination in the following sentences:
  • 6. Give a stylistic assessment of the coordination of the main members of the sentence in the examples given. Correct spelling errors if necessary:
  • 7. Edit these sentences, eliminating the stringing of cases that make it difficult to understand:
  • 8. Eliminate errors in the use of adverbial phrases:
  • 9. Correct errors in the construction of phrases and sentences:
  • 3.5. Lexical norms
  • A) The meaning of the word and lexical compatibility
  • 1. Comment and correct errors related to inaccurate understanding of the meaning of the highlighted words:
  • 2. Specify and correct the errors associated with inaccurate word choice:
  • 3. Comment on cases of violation of the lexical compatibility of words and correct the sentences:
  • 4. Indicate cases of violation of the compatibility of words. Explain what they are. Correct the sentences:
  • B) Polysemy and homonymy
  • 1. In the following sentences, find homonyms. Replacing homonyms with synonyms (synonymous combinations), eliminate the double meaning of statements:
  • 2. Explain why the underlined words are used unsuccessfully. Correct spelling errors:
  • C) Pleonasm and tautology
  • 1. Determine which of the given pleonastic phrases are fixed in the language, and which are contrary to the language norm:
  • 3. Find cases of tautology and correct the phrases:
  • 4. Eliminate speech redundancy and tautology:
  • D) Paronyms
  • 1. Explain the difference in the meaning of phrases (see Appendix):
  • 2. Choose the appropriate synonyms from brackets for these paronyms:
  • 3. Choose the right word from the data in brackets:
  • 4. Determine the meaning of paronyms, make phrases with them:
  • D) Synonyms
  • 2. Make phrases of adjectives and verbs with nouns enclosed in brackets:
  • 3. Choose the right word from those in brackets:
  • 4. Correct the errors in the sentences below by replacing the incorrectly used words with similar ones in meaning:
  • 5. Find and correct errors in the following sentences related to the incorrect use of synonyms:
  • E) Antonyms
  • 1. Match the following words with pairs with opposite meanings:
  • 2. Eliminate errors associated with the unmotivated use of words that are opposite in meaning:
  • Topic 4. The communicative aspect of the culture of speech
  • 1. Indicate speech errors in newspaper texts that have arisen as a result of the unjustified use of borrowed words. Correct the sentences:
  • 2. Find synonyms for borrowed words. Determine the cases of "crowding out" of the original word by the borrowed one:
  • 3. Make phrases or sentences with these words of foreign origin:
  • 4. Make a dictionary of foreign words (borrowings), including in it the most significant, in your opinion, words (10-12 words).
  • 5. Find examples of metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche in the sentences:
  • 6. What figurative and expressive means are used in the examples below?
  • Topic 5. Culture of scientific speech
  • Text Logic
  • 2. Log the text: Drivers of Climate Change
  • 3. Prove that this text belongs to the scientific style:
  • I. Scheme for constructing the introductory part of a scientific work (term paper and thesis, problematic article, etc.):
  • II. The scheme for constructing the final part of a scientific work:
  • Scientific Text Analysis Sample
  • 10. What type of text (abstract, abstract, review) corresponds to the following turns:
  • 11. Highlight the typical parts of the annotation:
  • 12. Divide the abstract into parts, find the keywords:
  • 13. Edit the annotation text:
  • The birth of the universe from "nothing"
  • 15. Underline the turns of speech typical for the text of the abstract. Correct speech errors:
  • 22. Write a simple informational abstract to the text, taking into account the structure of the text, its main provisions, the author's argumentation and conclusions: e. Gorodetsky How many states does a substance have?
  • Essay
  • Review
  • I. Factors affecting the climate
  • 1. Does the application below meet the requirements for the details, language and style of official documents? Edit the text of the statement:
  • 6. Write a resume, assuming that you are applying for one of the positions: a) environmentalist of an industrial enterprise; b) laboratory chemist; c) a teacher of biology (ecology, chemistry) at school.
  • 7. Using the content of the text, write another in the form of an official autobiography:
  • Topic 7. Fundamentals of public speaking skills
  • 7.1. Types of public speaking
  • 1. Which statements are correct?
  • 2. Do the following belong to public speaking (if so, to what type according to the purpose):
  • 3. Determine what form of public speaking is used (report, message, speech, lecture, conversation):
  • 4. What is your opinion: why do our politicians speak so badly?
  • 7.2. Basic requirements for public speaking
  • 1. Which statements are correct?
  • 3. Dialogize the statements below: enter elements of dialogue into them, turn part of the statement into a question for the audience, replace book phrases and words with colloquial ones, etc.
  • 5. Your opinion: who achieves more in life - those who master the art of speaking or writing?
  • 7.3. Work on the speech form of speech
  • 1. Which statements are correct?
  • 2. Replace with a synonym:
  • 3. Give a simple, accessible definition of the following words and make sentences with them:
  • 4. Suggest different ways to verbalize the ideas below:
  • 5. Replace common names with specific words that evoke images:
  • 6. Specify (expand) the phrase:
  • 8. Convert the following words and expressions into conversational style units:
  • 9. Convert expressions to colloquial; where possible, replace nouns with verbs:
  • 10. Simplify the phrase syntactically and lexically by breaking it into several sentences and thus preparing for listening:
  • I. Our surgeons will be able to cut without blood
  • II. Aerospace companies are preparing to open space for tourism
  • III. Mind is there - strength is not needed
  • Outline of a persuasive speech “Does a person need to explore space?”
  • I. Introduction
  • II. Main part
  • III. Conclusion
  • Sample Persuasive Speech “Should we protect nature?”
  • Topic 8. Ethical and social aspect of speech culture
  • 1. The national specificity of Russian etiquette is reflected in proverbs and sayings. Get to know some of them and formulate the communication rules recommended by proverbs and sayings:
  • 3. What expressions will you use to a) induce the interlocutor to be silent; b) express sympathy in the following situations:
  • 4. Formulas for parting:
  • 5. The beginning of the conversation is due to the situation:
  • 5.1. Solemn (holidays, anniversaries, awards, invitations, etc.):
  • 5.3. In a difficult, mournful or unpleasant situation, people need sympathy, consolation:
  • 6. Expression of gratitude:
  • 7. Remark, warning:
  • 9. Consent, permission:
  • 10. Disclaimer:
  • © Snigireva Liliya Mikhailovna Russian languages ​​culture of speech
  • 98309 Kerch, st. Ordzhonikidze, 82
  • 3. Prove that this text belongs to the scientific style:


    chemical name: ethyl-(Zalpha, 16alpha)-eburnamenine-14-carboxylate.

    Compound: One tablet contains Vinpocetine 5 mg and excipients (milk sugar, potato starch, talc, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, medical gelatin).

    Pharmacological properties: Has vasodilating, antihypoxic and antiaggregatory effects. It inhibits phosphodiesterase and increases the content of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in cells, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the calcium content in the cytoplasm of smooth muscle cells and relaxation of myofibrils. Combines vascular and metabolic actions. Expands the vessels of the brain, increases blood flow, mainly in ischemic areas, improves the supply of oxygen to the brain. Promotes the utilization of glucose and increases the level of catecholamines in the central nervous system, stimulates the metabolism of norepinephrine and serotonin in brain tissues. It reduces platelet aggregation, blood viscosity, increases the deformability of erythrocytes and normalizes venous outflow against the background of a decrease in the resistance of cerebral vessels. Systemic arterial pressure decreases slightly. It is effective in the acute period of a stroke: it accelerates the regression of cerebral and focal neurological symptoms, improves memory, attention, and intellectual productivity. In the elderly and senile age, the sensitivity of cerebral vessels to the relaxing effect of vinpocetine increases, which is due to the sensitization of the adenylate cyclase system of cyclic adenosine monophosphate during aging. Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, bioavailability of about 60%. The maximum plasma concentration is reached after 1 hour. It easily diffuses through histohematogenous barriers (including through the blood-brain barrier) and penetrates into tissues. The half-life is about 5 hours.

    (Instructions for the use of the drug Vinpocetine)

    4. Compare how the descriptions of a lynx differ in a scientific (reference) publication and in a work of art. Note the linguistic differences between the two passages and indicate the features that are characteristic of the scientific style:

    A. LYNX(Felis (Lynx) linx), a mammal of the cat genus. Length body 82-109 cm, tail 20-24 cm, usually weighs 8-19 kg (as an exception - up to 32 kg). The legs are strong, relatively long, the paws are very wide. There are long tassels on the ears, there are tanks. The color is different: monophonic (fawn, red) or spotted. Distributed by R. in Europe, Sev., Wed. and partly Western Asia, Sev. America. It lives in vast dense forests, both on the plains and in the mountains; sometimes enters the forest-steppe. Eats preim. Hares, mouse-like rodents and birds; sometimes attacks ungulates (roe deer, musk deer, etc.). Hunt preim. at night. Good for climbing trees. With an abundance of food, he lives settled, with a lack of it, he wanders. Race in February - March. Pregnancy 9-10 weeks. There are usually 2-3 cubs in a brood. The number of R. fluctuates in different years depending on the amount of food, the commercial value is small (fur is used). R. sometimes causes some harm to the hunting x-wu, exterminating game animals (Great Soviet Encyclopedia).

    B. The cat's eyes were golden green, wise and ancient. They were glowing eyes. Sometimes a sapphire light flickered in them, sometimes they shone like two small moons greened by time, sometimes they were beryl with warm heat in the depths, like coals that hold fire. He inherited such eyes from those past animals, from the very essence of nature, which for billions of years, drop by drop, bit by bit, created vision - the ability to survey and comprehend oneself in spite of chaos and darkness. Nature, like a woman, loves to look in a mirror, and perhaps the lynx eyes were her perfection in a series of perfections created in order not only to see, but to hear everything that is beautiful and opposed, opposite to it. Maybe the cat has seen the sky as no one sees it, and even a man is powerless with all his telescopes. The sky above him burned with countless colors. On black, moonless nights, the cat liked to look at the sky. Milky Way was his forest path, the stars guided him when he hunted, played, looked for a cat or simply wandered, enjoying the sounds and smells of silence, as only animals and very few now, special people can enjoy. Yes, the cat could think only within the limits of the experience open to him, but he, of course, thought, otherwise why his big ears with tassels of sensitive hair-antennas at the very tips were moving and half-alert. Tassels allowed him to hear everything: an inaudible squeak bats, their flight-flickering, like a dance of spirits, the movement-rustle of moles in the depths of the earth, the creaking of the teeth of invisible shrews, the jogging of mice, the flight of owls. The ears told the cat how the hares frolic in the clearings near the swamp, how the fox sneaks towards them with the bushes of the edge, how the big capercaillie mutters in a dream - the last adult capercaillie in the district (N. Nikonov).


    A. Text of the article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia "Belukha" (scientific style):

    BELUGA, beluga, mammal of the fam. dolphins of the suborder of toothed whales. Length body up to 6 m, weighs up to 1.5 tons. The color of adult B. is white (hence the name). Distributed around the polar, inhabits the Arctic seas, meeting among the ice. The skin has a thick (up to 2 cm) layer of loose epidermis. It feeds on fish, crustaceans and mollusks. In pursuit of fish often included in big rivers…; along the Amur sometimes rises upstream for 2000 km or more. Lives in herds. It makes regular seasonal migrations. Females give birth to one cub. 140-160 cm. B.'s color changes dramatically with age: newborns are slate-blue, then B. become gray, light gray (blue), only adult B. are white. The object of the trade is the skin and fat.


    The text of the scientific and informational content and purpose provides the most necessary information about belugas: their place in zoological systematics is determined; information about appearance, age characteristics, lifestyle and economic significance. This description is dominated by terminology and vocabulary specifically descriptive: length, skin, layer, cub, newborn, molluscs, fat, coloration; weighs, feeds, inhabits; white, slate blue, light grey, light blue. All words are used in their direct meaning, adjectives perform an informative function, i.e. only designate a sign, a property of an object. Syntax text is typical for the "encyclopedic" genre: simple and compound (with enumerative intonation between their parts) sentences predominate, as well as incomplete sentences, mostly without a subject, which is easily restored by the first (nominative) sentence: Distributed around the polar; Eats fish. Both syntax and vocabulary of a nominative nature (i.e., the use of vocabulary in direct, nominative meanings in order to name, designate an object, action, concept, their signs, properties) create an atmosphere of objectivity of scientific presentation. This corresponds to the goals and objectives of the encyclopedia as a special genre of scientific style: to provide accurate information, a strictly scientific description, explanation and interpretation of concepts, phenomena, events, etc.

    B. An excerpt from Y. Kazakov's story "Belukha" (language of fiction):

    In those short moments, greedily looking around at them, managing to grasp some details in their movement, in their expression, I was struck by some kind of otherness, their ugly beauty... They seemed primitively blind, like some kind of pale underground worm, because that their eyes were shifted back and to the sides, and in front - only this deathly, expressionless, dull forehead. There was still something of a newt in them. When they came out in turn and immediately, they stood up, as the Pomors say, from the water to breathe air and again plunged into the green abyss - then in their curved sharp ridges at the moment of immersion I fancied something from a salamander, from those amphibians who lived alone once upon a land flooded with water. But they were also beautiful. With smooth, like satin, elastic skin, impetuous, as if even lazy in their power and speed ... But when I saw the belugas, I suddenly cooled down and put down the rifle.


    In this text artistic style the author's task is to tell about his impression of these beautiful, powerful animals, to convey his vision of nature, sublime, deeply humane attitude towards it. Author use vocabulary due to his general attitude to the creation of figurative speech. In the general ensemble means of expression 1. epithets stand out - rare, but capacious pictorial adjectives: deathly forehead, elastic leather, impetuous; 2. oxymoron - the union of logically incompatible concepts: I was amazed at them ugly beauty, as if even lazy in its power and speed. Expressive (especially against the background of the first text) and syntax, conveying the dynamics of thought and emotional state of the author. In the syntax of this fragment, among the specific features, one should note 1. inversion - a violation of the usual arrangement of words: I was amazed..., their eyes; 2. gradation - such an arrangement of words in which each subsequent word reinforces the previous one: this dead, expressionless, dull forehead; 3. the form of presentation "in the first person", which helps to create an atmosphere of relaxed conversation, makes it possible to include elements of "colloquialism" in the narrative, to make syntactic constructions more flexible and expressive.

    5. Analyze the text of a scientific article. Determine its lexical, phraseological and grammatical features, manner of presentation, structure of speech. Rework the text so that it takes on the qualities of a newspaper article:

    Oil displacement by foam

    In increasing the recovery of oil from heterogeneous reservoirs saturated with high-viscosity oil, it is promising to use foams as a displacing agent. The study of foaming in free volume showed that this process is complex, as it depends on many factors. The process of foam movement in a porous medium is even more complicated, where it contacts rock, oil, formation water, is exposed to pressure, temperature, etc.

    Foam is a good displacing agent, since its apparent viscosity is many times greater than that of water. This improves the oil displacement efficiency of foam compared to water. For the preparation of foam, from 0.2 to 1% (by weight of the liquid) foaming surfactants are consumed, while other methods for increasing the viscosity of water, for example, the addition of starch, require significant amounts of the necessary materials.

    The presence of surfactants in the foam improves its oil-washing properties. Since the foam bubbles are in contact with the rock only at certain points, the adsorption of surfactants by the rock proceeds less actively.

    A particularly interesting and important property of the foam is the change in its apparent viscosity depending on the diameter of the capillary. This means that the pressure gradients required to move the foam will be large for high-permeability formation layers and smaller for low-permeability zones. This feature of the foams provides a more uniform displacement of oil from heterogeneous reservoirs.

    Experiments have shown that the viscosity of the foam is almost directly proportional to the diameter of the steam channel. This is explained by the fact that individual foam bubbles occupy almost the entire cross section of the steam channel and move like a plastic solid body. With such a movement, resistances arise only from the friction of the outer surface and, therefore, depend on the diameter of the latter.

    The process of oil displacement by foam can be represented as follows. When foam is injected into a porous medium, its bubbles first pass into the largest steam channels, for which the input resistances are minimal. As large pores are filled with foam bubbles, the pressures required to push it further down the reservoir rapidly increase, as the foam has an increased viscosity in large channels. An increase in pressure leads to the fact that the foam begins to enter into ever smaller pores in diameter and gradually the entire section of the reservoir is filled with it.

    When a foam slug forms around the bottom of the well, it is pushed further into the formation by gas injection. As experiments have shown, it is more expedient to move the foam slug along the formation with gas, and not with water, since the latter, as it were, seeps through the foam layer without moving it.

    When the foam moves, two opposite processes occur - the destruction and enlargement of the bubbles due to coalescence and adsorption of the foam-forming substance by the rock and the pressure of the bubbles during the passage or narrowing of the steam channels. The balance of these various processes and the longest life and movement of the foam are achieved with medium stability foams. Overly stable foams formed by highly active foaming agents quickly clog the porous medium and the movement of the foam slug stops. Unstable foams are also ineffective due to their rapid degradation.

    When foam is injected, the sweep efficiency of the reservoir increases due to an increase in filtration resistance in high-permeability zones of the reservoir, where foam first penetrates. Studies have shown that when oil is displaced by foam formed by gas in sodium sulfonate solutions, filtration resistance increases several times. In this case, the degree of water permeability reduction after pumping the foam significantly depends on the properties of the oil and the absolute permeability of the porous medium. These studies also found that the foam based on the tested surfactants is unstable in the presence of oil.

    6. Analyze the nature of syntactic and lexical corrections in examples of editing a scientific text; explain the reasons for the stylistic corrections. Based on the comparison of options, draw conclusions about the features of the syntactic structure of scientific speech:

    Unedited version

    edited version

    I. 1. The fact that isomeric ditetraalkylbenzenes have different molecular refractions does not agree with the ideas of this scientist.

    I. 1. The difference in molecular refractions of isomeric di- and tetraalkylbenzenes does not agree with the ideas of this scientist.

    2. From the table it is clear that in 37 out of 49 cases the formation of compounds of the M2O3 type was recorded.

    2. According to the table. 1, in 37 out of 49 cases, the formation of compounds of the M2O3 type was established.

    3. When we systematize chemical substances, then the chemical approach will be completely legitimate, but when we systematize structural types, then the chemical principle should be completely abandoned.

    3. When systematizing chemical substances, the chemical approach is completely legitimate, but when systematizing structural types, the chemical principle should be completely abandoned.

    4. It is impossible not to take into account the circumstance that it is also necessary to carry out research on the virgin fauna in order to preserve for future generations accurate data on the animal population of these natural landscapes.

    4. Conducting research on virgin fauna is also necessary in order to preserve accurate data on the animal population of these natural landscapes for future generations.

    5. The dorsal cover is preserved, expanded in the anterior part so that the pterygoid processes only slightly cover the lateral parts of the head.

    5. The dorsal cover is preserved, the pterygoid processes of which only slightly cover the lateral parts of the head.

    6. It is very interesting that the EO values ​​tend to high values ​​as the EO of the addend (halogen, oxygen) decreases.

    6. It is very interesting that as the EO of the addend (halogen, oxygen) decreases, the values ​​of the EO of metals tend to high values.

    7. The stripes are approaching each other.

    7. The stripes are getting closer.

    8. A number of expeditions were planned.

    8. A number of expeditions were planned.

    9. Crystal hydrates of nitric acid uranyl nitrate are a peculiar group of compounds.

    9. Crystal hydrates of uranyl nitrate represent a peculiar group of compounds.

    10. The first conference took place three years ago.

    10. The first conference took place three years ago.

    II. 1. This discovery belongs to one of the remarkable Russian zoologists of the century before last.

    II. 1. This discovery belongs to a remarkable Russian zoologist of the 19th century.

    2. The whole question of excretion is presented in a new way.

    2. The question of excretion is presented in a new way.

    3. The curves shown in the figure show that the process is intermittent.

    3. The curves in the figure show an intermittent flow of the process.

    4. The results obtained in the analysis are shown in the table.

    4. The results obtained are shown in the table.

    5. Considering the curves showing seasonal fluctuations in the average weight of birds, one can see that they have an individual character.

    5. Curves showing seasonal fluctuations in the average weight of birds have an individual character.

    6. Separate orbits of both oxygen and rhenium can enter into mutual combinations.

    6. Separate orbits of oxygen and rhenium can enter into mutual combinations.

    7. The largest number of reports, namely 75, was devoted to biological control.

    7. The largest number of reports (75) was devoted to biological control.

    8. As observations have shown, thanks to aerial dusting, good results were obtained.

    8. Thanks to aerial dusting, good results were obtained.

    9. A true cell may be a monoclinic cell.

    9. A monoclinic cell can be true.

    10. The figure shows the dependence of the coefficient on the radius of the ion. There are some regularities in this dependence.

    10. The figure shows the dependence of the coefficient on the radius of the ion, in which some patterns are found.

    11. Distributed representatives of this complex in the coastal waters of the North Atlantic.

    11. Representatives of this complex are distributed in the coastal waters of the North Atlantic.

    7. Analyze an excerpt from a student's term paper on the problem of the connection between the title and the text. Does the language of the essay correspond to the norms of scientific style? Based on the analysis, edit the text:

    The headline, being an integral part of newspaper publications, defines the face of the entire newspaper. Faced with this or that periodical, the reader receives the first information about it precisely from the headlines. On the example of the newspaper "Sport - Express" for April - May 1994, I will consider the connection: headline - text, because, as they say in folk wisdom, "they meet by clothes, and see off - by mind." But even with the finest dress (the headlines) and the greatest mind (the materials themselves), the stylistic conception of the newspaper will not be complete if there is no thoughtful and logical connection between the content and the headline. So, trying to choose the most thoughtful titles, I will try to trace the principle by which the connection is built between the content and the title of the most popular sports newspaper in Russia, Sport Express. And besides, I will dwell on the classification of headlines according to the type of their relationship with the newspaper text in general.

    For reference: