There are several common ways to grow mint at home. If you create all the necessary conditions, a fragrant plant will delight the harvest all year round. It is important to choose the right container for planting, soil, create optimal temperature and air humidity. Care does not take much time, the main thing is to water it on time and apply the necessary fertilizers.

Subject to the rules for growing herbs, you can get a good harvest in an apartment in winter. There is nothing difficult in the process of planting and leaving. The plant is unpretentious and does not require much attention.

The main thing is to choose a container, fill it with suitable soil and decide how the mint will be planted. In the future, set the mode of irrigation and fertilization.

A container with seedlings is placed on a light windowsill, insulated loggia or veranda. Plants should not be exposed to direct sunlight and there should be no drafts.

Suitable varieties for home growing

For growing at home, mint varieties with small roots and not too sprawling greens are chosen.

  1. Mint Vegetable fun is a perennial herb. The stem reaches a height of 55 centimeters. The leaves are small, oval in shape, with carved edges. Greens are characterized by a pleasant aroma and a refreshing aftertaste.
  2. Variety Zhemchug is characterized by a pleasant mint aroma. The dark green leaves are oval, slightly wrinkled. The plant is compact and does not take up much space.
  3. The ceremony is distinguished by a delicate sweetish aroma. The stem stretches up to 70 centimeters. The leaves are oval-elongated, with a wrinkled surface and a slight edge.
  4. Pennyroyal is characterized by a creeping form of growth. On numerous shoots, small leaves with a pleasant delicate aroma are formed.
  5. A compact upright variety of mint Moskvichka stretches up to 70 centimeters in height. The leaves are dark green with a slight pubescence. High immunity to many diseases and pests.

There are three main ways to grow any chosen mint variety.

How to plant and grow on a windowsill

There are several ways to grow mint at home:

  1. The hardest thing to grow mint is through seeds. You will have to wait more than 2 months for the harvest.
  2. It is easier to grow mint on the windowsill with shoots. Lateral shoots are cut from an adult bush in the garden, stepping back from the central stem 1.5 centimeters. Cut shoots are placed in a glass of water until roots appear, after which they begin to plant in the soil. Choose twigs with smooth straight leaves, without damage. A fresh harvest can be harvested in 3-4 weeks.
  3. Plant mint and root cuttings. Each cutting should have a bud and a couple of leaves. They are planted in a prepared hole, sprinkled with earth and watered. You can harvest after a month.

Whatever method is chosen for growing mint at home, it is necessary to create conditions and properly care for the plant. Only in this case it will be possible to harvest fragrant greens.

Preparing seeds and cuttings for planting

Mint seeds are best purchased at a specialized store. Self-collection of seeds is a laborious and complicated process. Even if it is possible to collect planting material, the plant will differ from the original version not only appearance but also aroma and taste.

  1. So that seedlings appear faster, the seeds are soaked.
  2. As soon as the first shoots hatch, they begin to plant in the soil.
  3. For a week, the container with seeds is covered with a film and cleaned in a warm, dark place.
  4. After the appearance of most of the seedlings, the container is moved to a bright place.

If it is supposed to grow mint by cuttings, then cut off the upper shoots of an adult plant, 10 centimeters long. The cuttings are first placed in water. As soon as the roots appear (after about 1.5 weeks), you can start planting in a prepared container with soil.

What should be the place

In the apartment, you should choose the most illuminated window sill, best of all on the western or eastern side. Lack of light leads to stretching of the stem of the plant and a decrease in the content of essential oils. At the same time, seedlings need to be protected from direct sunlight, which can burn the greens.

The plant develops well at room temperature from +20 to +25 degrees. The spice loves moist air, so it is recommended to put a container of water nearby.

Where to plant

When choosing a container, you need to consider the amount of desired crop. If a few branches are enough, then you can use flower pots. To get a large crop, you will need a large container.

The mint root system does not go deep into the ground, so it diverges close to the surface. It is better to choose shallow containers with a large diameter. At the bottom of the pot, holes must be made that will not allow excess liquid to stagnate. Drainage is placed before filling the container with soil.

What kind of soil to plant

The soil for mint should be loose, light, fertile, with normal acidity and high aeration. The soil can be bought or mixed by yourself. Humus, peat and sand are added to the ground from the garden. These components create additional nutrition for the plant and improve the access of oxygen to the roots. Then the resulting mixture is calcined in the oven.

The acidity level should be neutral. Low acidity leads to a decrease in the content of essential oils in greens. Acidity causes the plant to grow slowly.


In the prepared soil, grooves are made 5.5 millimeters deep, and the seeds are laid. The furrows are watered, sprinkled with earth, covered with a film. The container is moved to a warm, bright place. After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots should appear.

The temperature regime necessary for the normal development of the plant is in the range from +18 to +24 degrees. The container with seedlings is moved to the most illuminated window sill.

You can prepare for planting not only seeds, but also cuttings. Plants are dug up in autumn. The rhizome must be taken along with an earthen clod. Before planting, the rhizome is divided into several parts. It is important to ensure that there are kidneys in each separated part.

The cuttings are planted in pots with prepared soil. Holes are made, at the bottom of which wood ash is laid. The stalk is planted in a hole, sprinkled with earth, compacted and watered. In two weeks, the first, fresh leaves will appear.

plant care

Caring for mint is easy. IN winter time watering is reduced and make sure that the soil is not waterlogged. In winter, plant growth slows down, and the need for moisture and nutrients decreases. It is recommended to carry out regular spraying of greens from a spray bottle. The place must be protected from drafts.

In the summer, do not allow the soil to dry out. The lack of moisture leads to the death of the plant, the risk of developing diseases and the appearance of pests also increases.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the seedling container is moved to a lighted place. With a lack of light organize artificial lighting. The optimal temperature in the room is considered to be the border from +20 to +25 degrees.

Watering rules

Mint should be watered only with warm, preferably settled water. The best time for watering is considered to be the evening hours, when the sun's rays cease to penetrate the room.

top dressing

Mint does not need frequent feeding. It is enough to feed once a year, best in summer. In winter, the plant is at rest, and additional nutrients will contribute to the growth of shoots.

A week after planting, it is recommended to feed the plant with a solution based on urea (2 grams of urea are taken per liter of water). Nitrogen-containing fertilizers should not be applied, as they reduce the content of essential oils in the composition of the plant.

Diseases and pests

Diseases that can harm the development of mint:

  • rust - manifested by dark red spots on the inside of the leaves (excessive soil moisture, cold air, excess nitrogen in the soil provokes a fungal disease);
  • powdery mildew is distinguished by a whitish coating resembling flour;
  • verticillium wilt begins with blackening of the upper leaves of the plant;
  • in the case of the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, they speak of a disease such as anthracnose;
  • septoria is accompanied by the appearance of black dots and brown spots on the leaves.

The fragrant plant is attacked by many pests. Among the frequently encountered insects are.

Growing mint is an incredibly rewarding activity for a grower. Widely used in cooking for preparing side dishes or flavoring dishes, this plant also has unique healing properties. And what can we say about tea with mint! Fragrant, delicate, refreshing, thirst-quenching and rejuvenating, this drink is a traditional favorite meal of thousands of tea gourmets. How to plant mint and what is plant care? Consider the main issues of planting and growing this crop.

Mint: planting and care

When choosing a place for a future garden bed, many plant growing beginners ask themselves: where is it better to plant mint - in the sun or in the shade? The ideal place for planting mint is an open area, well lit by the sun during the day, with fairly fertile, moist and deeply cultivated soil.

Since mint, thanks to its creeping rhizomes, grows rather quickly, when arranging a bed, it is recommended to limit its edges with slate, iron or plastic, digging strips of protective material to the depth of the plant's roots. Garden Growing mint at home

How to plant mint

When planning planting activities, decide first of all how you will plant mint - by seeds, cuttings, or by dividing the rhizome. With the seed method, planting should begin as early as mid-April.

  1. Gently plant the seeds in a pot or container, using a pointed stick or a special seed planting syringe for easy planting.
  2. Carefully, to avoid washing out the seed, water the soil in the pots, then cover the containers with foil and place in a warm, bright place.
  3. When the plants reach 4-6 cm in height and release 3-4 pairs of leaves, you can relocate the seedlings to open ground, having previously introduced mineral (potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus) and organic (wood ash and rotted manure) fertilizers into it.

It is recommended to plant mint in rows, keeping a distance of 30-40 cm between them. It is best to make the gaps between seedlings half a meter: very soon the mint will grow and the rows will become thick. If you want the bushes to grow thick and low, about two weeks after planting, pinch the tops of young plants.

Another way to plant mint is to propagate by cuttings. Cut off the upper parts of adult plants 5-7 cm long, put in water and then transplant into open ground as roots appear.

If you plan to plant mint by dividing the rhizome, cut the root so that at least ten knots remain on each of the parts. Plant planting material to a depth of 10 cm, introducing a small handful of humus under each tuber.

Features of mint care

For such an unpretentious plant as mint, care consists in systematic (preferably daily) watering the beds and regular mulching of the soil, adding wood ash and compost to the mulch. Soil fertilization is carried out twice a year: the first time - in the spring, and the second time - in the fall, on the eve of frosts, during deep digging.


The optimal time to collect mint is the period of its flowering, when the plants accumulate the greatest amount of essential oils. To prepare mint leaves for the winter, they need to be dried well, spread out in a thin layer on thick paper. When the mint is ready to store, place the dry leaves in a dry, airtight container and place the container in a dark place. There, fragrant and healing mint will be stored for a long time, periodically delighting the household with the piquancy of dishes and the sophistication of tea family meals or healing them from the blues, malaise and annoying fatigue!

Mint is a unique perennial plant whose valuable properties are valued by many gardeners. It is used in cooking, to brew delicious fragrant tea and to treat certain colds. That is why many try to grow it not only in the country, but also at home. This can be done by cuttings and with the help of seeds.

general information

Mint is widely distributed in different regions our country

Mint is a fragrant, delicate and refreshing plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is not demanding on the climate and region of growth, therefore it is grown by many gardeners in the country. But its widespread use in cooking leads to the need for many housewives to grow it at home.

Mint is widely distributed in different regions of our country, while it has more than 300 different types, but only 20-25 varieties are most widely used. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • long-leaved;
  • spikelet;
  • field;
  • apple;
  • water;
  • green;
  • curly.

Unlike other garden crops, this plant has a menthol refreshing aroma, which is slightly weaker in pepper than in other varieties. Depending on the variety, it may have green or reddish-purple leaves and stems. In this case, cultivation can be carried out in different ways.

It can be planted with cuttings or seeds. At the same time, for growing at home, novice gardeners mainly choose the first option, since it is simple to implement. The second method is more complicated, since the use of seeds to obtain seedlings is a laborious and lengthy process.

Depending on the variety, it may have green or reddish-purple leaves and stems.

But subject to all the requirements and recommendations, any housewife, even a very busy one, will be able to grow viable seedlings at home. Mint is a rather undemanding plant, so it does not need regular watering, feeding and transplanting.

Landing - step by step instructions

Hybrid varieties, when propagated and grown from seeds, can produce a plant that is different from the parent.

Growing mint using seeds is a long, laborious and complex process, as it requires increased attention, without which the seedlings may die. Also, seeds do not guarantee full germination, so even when using a whole bag of them, only a few seedlings can sprout.

Another factor that is important to consider when using this method is the fact that hybrid varieties, when propagated and grown from seed, can produce a plant that is different from the parent. Such hybrid varieties include pepper, Dutch and others.

This method is preferably used if planting is carried out in winter, and the seeds cannot be collected from the mother. In this case, a bag of planting material of a certain variety (curly, pepper, lemon, long-leaved, and others) can be bought at a regular gardening store.

It is advisable to immediately take a few, since when using them it is difficult to obtain good germination. Despite the fact that planting mint seeds is quite difficult, if you follow all the recommendations, rules and requirements of gardeners, you can get a good result.

So, how to grow mint at home. To do this, it is important to follow the steps:

  1. Since the size of the seeds is very small, the process of sowing them must be taken very carefully. When a seed hits deep into the ground, it will not be able to break through to the surface. That is why it is important to observe the optimal planting depth, which is no more than 5 mm. The best time for this is considered early spring.
  2. For sowing at home, it is better to pick up a small clean enameled dish. The best option- this is an ordinary plastic pallet, since it is quite easy to operate, it is clearly visible even without the need to open the lid, and after transplanting seedlings, it can simply be thrown away.
  3. Mint of all varieties prefers fertile soil, which must be prepared in advance. To do this, the earth should be combined with humus, compost and wood ash. It is also possible to use the usual store-bought, which is suitable for vegetables or herbs. Moreover, if the earth contains a large amount of lime, then the mint flavor will not be so strong. This opportunity can be used by housewives with severe allergies.
  4. It is better to plant the seeds in a plastic container with a lid, as this will create airtight conditions and maintain the optimum temperature. When using plastic or iron enameled dishes, you will need to open the lid every day and look at the state of seedlings, moisture or dryness of the soil, and the transparent walls and lid of the container make it possible to do this without harming the seedlings.
  5. Favorable conditions for germination are a temperature of 21-24 degrees and optimal humidity conditions. Therefore, in winter, you can put a basin of water next to the seedlings, which will evaporate and humidify the surrounding air.
  6. If necessary, ventilation can be provided in plastic containers. To do this, small holes must be made on the walls and lid.

Mint of all varieties prefers fertile soil, which must be prepared in advance.

Growing and transplanting seedlings

Mint from seeds, like parsley in winter, hatches after some time - an average of 1-2 weeks. When sowing a significant amount of seeds, you can arrange plastic containers on top of each other, which will help to significantly reduce the space they occupy on the windowsill.

Growing mint will be more successful if the containers with the growth are placed on the windowsill. The plant is light-loving enough, so it must receive at least 4 hours a day of ultraviolet rays. To do this, it is best to place the containers on windows that face the northeast or west.

Mint from seeds, like parsley in winter, hatches after some time - an average of 1-2 weeks

With a lack of sunlight when planting at home, the plant may simply die, but it is not recommended to allow direct sunlight to fall on the seedlings during the daytime. This can lead to burns on the leaves and complication of care.

But with a lack of light during the day or in winter conditions, you can use artificial light from table or special lamps.

To do this, they must be placed at a certain height, which will prevent the occurrence of burns, which is 50 cm.

Video about growing fragrant mint in an apartment

After the seedlings get stronger and become stronger, they can be planted in separate containers. To do this, you need to pick up plastic deep containers and bowls, and place them on a lighted windowsill. It is important to provide good drainage in pots, which can be crushed stone or broken brick.

Fertile soil with an acid-base composition in the range of 6-7 is suitable for transplantation, top dressing is carried out with specialized fertilizers and preparations.

Care after landing

Mint, like lemon balm, is not a demanding plant, which is why its cultivation is so common at home. But to ensure good survival of seedlings and abundant growth, special care is required for it, which should include the main activities:

  1. Removal of weeds during periodic weeding and loosening of the earth in a pot or container for planting seedlings.
  2. Moderate watering, the frequency of which depends on temperature and humidity. For example, when grown in winter, the plant requires moderate watering, and in hot summer - plentiful.
  3. Application mineral fertilizers with the content of nitrogen and phosphorus, which allow to maintain viability.
  4. Plant transplantation, which is mandatory once every two or three years. This procedure allows you to rejuvenate the plant and provide it good growth and development.

We propagate mint cuttings

Planting mint requires careful adherence to all these care requirements at first, until the mint gets stronger and stronger. Subsequently, she ceases to require such careful care.

Growing mint at home from seeds, like growing lettuce, is not difficult. But in order to obtain viable seedlings, it is important to comply with all the basic requirements for planting and care.

Its aroma is one of the most recognizable and beloved, the leaves are present in the kitchen stocks of almost every housewife, and the natural properties help to remove nervous tension and restore healthy sound sleep.

Mint is a herbaceous plant that has earned the respect of culinary craftsmen and connoisseurs. traditional medicine. How to grow mint at home?

Characterized by serrated leaves and tiny pink, purple, white flowers, the perennial is widely distributed in the wild and cultivated horticulture. Mint at home is not a capricious and adaptable plant at all.

Vegetative growing method

How to grow mint at home? The most common method of propagation is vegetative, in which cuttings or rhizome segments with shoots can be used.

To obtain a cutting in the summer of an adult plant, cut off a twig with leaf knots and place it in a glass of water or in sand. After a week, you can observe the appearance of small white roots. When they reach a decent length, the plant can be planted on permanent place growth. You can also get planting material by digging a mint bush in early autumn and dividing it into several parts. Each of them should have shoots with roots and several buds.

Propagation of mint seeds

The seed method is less in demand and quite long. As a rule, mint seeds are purchased in stores. They need to be planted in containers with barely moist soil to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm, create them greenhouse conditions, having covered plastic wrap or glass. After 7-16 days, mint seeds will germinate; seedlings that have appeared and strengthened should be transplanted into pots and determined in cooler conditions for the purpose of gradual acclimatization. After 7-10 days, the young plant will be ready to be determined for a permanent place of growth.

Mint can be grown in open field and as a pot culture. For indoor maintenance, in which the plant can be grown all year round, a drainage layer should be placed in the planting container, and a soil composition of 1 part of humus and 2 parts of leafy soil should be used as nutrient soil. Plant a new plant here as well.

Mint on the windowsill will feel good in the western or eastern side of the room, without direct sunlight on the green leaves. In summer, the plant will be comfortable on the balcony, in winter - on the illuminated windowsill. At room conditions, it should be controlled that the soil is constantly wet, and there is always water in the pot pan. Mint on the windowsill needs regular watering with soft water at room temperature, it is also recommended to periodically spray the leaves. A weekly shower during the warm season will only benefit a fragrant room culture. With regular breaking off of leaves, the plant is recommended to be fed once a month.

Mint: growing conditions in open ground

When grown outdoors, mint should be placed in a sunny position in fertile, well-drained soil. The best precursors for mint are turnips, carrots and potatoes. The planting depth of the seedling is 10-12 cm, the recommended distance between plants is 15-30 cm. The bush will take root better if, when planting at a distance of 5 cm from the soil surface, cut off its aerial part.

How to grow mint at home so that its reserves are not depleted? Mint tends to grow strongly. You can limit it in active growth to the sides by planting a bush in a wide container, which you can immerse in the ground. The planted plant will please with young leaves in a couple of weeks. The top of fragrant grass should be kept trimmed: this inhibits growth in height, causes growth to the sides, thereby increasing the yield.

After planting, you can feed the mint with a solution of urea at the rate of 2 grams of the drug per 1 liter of water. It is not recommended to fertilize the plant with nitrogen-containing agents: they will cause an active increase in the vegetative mass, which will negatively affect the accumulation of essential oils by mint.

Harvesting and storage

Harvesting can begin in the second year after planting: about 3 cuts are made per season. It is best to collect mint leaves during flowering (June-September) - it is at this moment that it has the highest content of essential oils.

Dried leaves and petioles, which are a fragrant component herbal tea and seasoning for dishes, you need to store in a dark place in glassware. It is recommended to grow a horticultural crop in one place for no more than 4 years.

Diseases and pests

Mint can be affected by pests such as spider mites, slugs, whiteflies and weevils. To keep the plant healthy, it is necessary to ensure good air circulation in the soil and drainage. Insects, which most often choose to live on the underside of the leaves, can be washed off with a hose.

Varieties of mint in home cultivation

On your own site, you can plant several types of mint or stop at one of them.

So, apple mint, characterized by a pleasant aroma and a delicate refreshing taste, does not give bitterness and is tasty in compotes, jelly, jams. IN culinary purposes the entire aerial part of the plant is used. Green and variegated varieties, combining spicy and decorative qualities, are characterized by wide ovate leaves with a clearly visible dense pile. The height of grassy bushes is about 70 cm.

Spearmint is ideal for culinary use because it does not have the cold menthol flavor of peppermint. The plant is characterized by powerful stems and bright green, serrated leaves along the edges. Mint in a pot looks very nice, giving a year-round crop when grown indoors.

Field mint fully reveals its qualities in tonic drinks. The long-leaved species contains a large amount of vitamin C and, due to the high content of essential oils, is successfully used in cosmetology and home soap making. Therefore, it is definitely worth acquiring such a useful culture on your own site, which is at the same time medicine, spice and seasoning.

In cultural horticulture, peppermint is widespread - a plant with creeping long roots, numerous branches with green egg-shaped leaves and miniature purple-pink inflorescences. Due to the high content of menthol, the aerial part of the herb emits a strong aroma and is characterized by a specific "cooling" taste.

Mint young greens are used to flavor drinks, sauces, desserts, fruit and vegetable dishes. Peppermint with sedative and antiseptic properties, is a component of many medicines, is effective in the treatment of colds and improves digestion.

Mint and coming to her related species, known as essential oil, spicy and medicinal crops, have long found their place in garden beds and gardens. But if during the summer the plants are regularly supplied with fresh herbs, then with the advent of autumn frosts, the gardener has to be content with pre-frozen or dried mint. And although these methods allow the plant to preserve most of the nutrients, such raw materials cannot compare with green juicy leaves.

In order not to depend on the season and not to refuse mint greens containing menthol, vitamins, valuable acids and trace elements, when it is frosty outside and a snowstorm is raging, you can plant mint on the windowsill.

How to grow mint at home?

A perennial with a branched superficial rhizome and many shoots extending from it is easy to grow at home. The main thing is to provide the plants with comfortable conditions, including adequate nutrition, lighting and watering.

Mint feels best on loose soils with an average organic content and low acidity, in the range of 5-7 pH.

Before planting mint for plants, a soil mixture is prepared from two parts of garden soil, one part of humus, the same volume of peat and washed sand. So that the mint roots do not get wet, and there is no danger of rotting, drainage is necessarily done in a container for growing mint at home.

Since mint is quite unpretentious, you can propagate the plant:

  • sowing seeds;
  • root layers;
  • cuttings;
  • division of an adult bush.

How to grow mint on a windowsill from seeds?

Propagation by seeds is the most time-consuming and time-consuming method, but it cannot be avoided if you want to get a plant of a certain variety or species.

In order for the seedlings to be strong and friendly, it is better to give preference to purchased seeds. Not all hybrid species, when seeding material is collected from them, inherit parental traits. For example, only a third of seedlings spearmint has curly foliage, and the rest of the seedlings are a simple garden variety. So, how to plant mint seeds?

It is better to sow mint in March or April, in moistened soil to a depth of 0.5 cm. Sprinkle the seeds on top with a small amount of humus or nutrient soil and cover with glass or film. At room temperature, seedlings appear 14–18 days after sowing. Until this moment, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture, to prevent it from drying out or waterlogging. If necessary, the surface of the soil is gently sprayed, trying not to disturb the small seeds, and the glass is slightly opened for a while for ventilation.

When the mint seedlings on the windowsill give two true leaves, they dive, planting them in separate small containers or according to the 5x5 scheme in a single wide container.

How to plant mint with root layers and dividing the bush?

Gardeners and gardeners know how mint, which has taken root on the site, quickly occupies more and more new spaces. Long rhizomes with dormant buds on them are to blame for the predatory activity of the plant. The growing root system of one plant gives life to new shoots and bushes. How to plant mint using root cuttings?

If you take advantage of this feature of mint, and stock up on root cuttings in August or September, about 10–12 cm long and two or three buds, then there will be no difficulty in the question of how to grow mint at home. Root cuttings are planted in moistened soil to a depth of 5–7 cm. If there are already developed shoots on such a cutting, the roots are carefully preserved, and the above-ground part, after sprinkling with soil, is cut at a height of 4–5 cm. The same is done with planting material obtained after dividing the whole bush.

Two weeks later, with proper care, indoor mint, as in the photo, forms dense green sprouts and the first fragrant leaves above the soil.

The same breeding methods are suitable for planting on the windowsill such herbs as oregano and thyme, which belong to the same family with mint and have common habits and characteristics.

All these crops are grown perennials at home and require easy, but constant care.

Growing mint at home using cuttings

As planting material for growing mint on the windowsill, cuttings cut from the apical parts of the shoots of an adult bush are also suitable. How to grow mint on the windowsill in this case? Twigs 6–8 cm long are dipped in a root solution and, having removed the two lower leaves, they are placed in water. Roots sufficient for planting in the ground are formed after 7-15 days.

Two weeks after planting the rooted cuttings and the appearance of sprouts on the planted root shoots, the plants are fed with urea at the rate of 1 gram per liter of water.

Care for mint grown on the windowsill

When wondering how to grow mint at home and get strong bushes with juicy bright foliage on the windowsill, it is important to remember that this is possible only if you have the right temperature regime, watering and adequate lighting.

A comfortable temperature for growth is 20–25 °C. With this mode, a long daylight hours and moist soil, the plants form foliage well.

Mint sensitively reacts to changes in illumination, in room conditions, without additional 6-hour illumination in autumn and winter, its shoots begin to stretch, the leaves become smaller, lose their rich color and aroma. If it is impossible to organize the necessary artificial lighting of mint pots on the windowsill, you can lower the temperature to 15-17 ° C and limit watering. This measure will somewhat slow down the growth processes and will not allow the quality of greenery to decrease.

With all the love of mint for the light, the plant does not tolerate being in the sun under the direct rays of the sun. Exhibited on the balcony, terrace, loggia or on the windowsill, the mint must be shaded, protecting the plantings from burns and drying out.

In rooms with a dry atmosphere, especially when heating devices are on, you can put a container of water next to the mint so that the air humidity does not fall below 80%, which can adversely affect the condition of the bush. For the same purpose, for mint in summer days and in winter, in a warm room, irrigation is carried out with water at room temperature.

Like excessive dryness of the air, mint on the windowsill also does not tolerate drying out of the soil. The soil is watered at the first sign of dryness of the upper layer, but at the same time, moisture stagnation, which is detrimental to the roots, is not allowed. When the air temperature drops, the need for watering drops somewhat.

To simplify care, as in the photo, for room mint, a little hydrogel can be introduced into the composition of the soil for planting it. A few granules in the soil layer above the drainage will allow the soil to better retain moisture and fertilizer.

It is necessary to feed mint grown on greens using nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers, but very carefully, because with an excess of nitrogen, the plant can accumulate it in greens.

Terms of mint collection at home

The first crop of fragrant greens obtained from home-grown mint is harvested within 15-20 days after the first leaves appear above the ground. By this time, mint bushes reach a height of 20-30 cm, while pruning the tops of the shoots leads to the awakening of the buds in the axils and the growth of the plant.

If mint is grown in order to obtain raw materials with the maximum content of useful essential oils, then the mint collection dates fall at the time of the formation of peduncles or the beginning of flowering. In this case, during the warm season, when growth is most active, you can get up to three full-fledged crops.

Mint, Melissa on the windowsill - video

Mint is a very useful and tasty plant. It is added to tea to calm nerves, improve mood and tune in to a sweet dream. And if you just touch the mint leaves, then the space will be filled with a wonderful aroma. Therefore, many people want to know if it is possible to grow mint on a windowsill in winter. It is possible, for this you need to know the basic rules for planting a bush in the ground and basic plant care at home.

Features of growing on the windowsill

Growing mint at home on a windowsill is considered a bit exotic. Usually it lives well in open ground. But some people really want to grow it in a pot and keep it not only for the beauty of the interior, but also in order to obtain health and wellness benefits.

To do this, you need to take into account some features of planting and caring for a young plant. There are several ways to grow homemade mint on a windowsill. If rooting is carried out by seeds, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the seedlings germinate poorly and slowly. Most importantly, in most cases, young seedlings have poor heredity and often get sick.

It is best to grow mint on the windowsill with cuttings, they take root faster and carry all the useful qualities taken from the mother shrub.

Important! It is necessary to keep mint at room temperature not lower than + 250C, in winter it should be +17 .. + 200C. Hypothermia for indoor flower- disastrous.

Watering is required in the summer to carry out high-quality. During the winter months, over-irrigation should be avoided, supplying nutrient moisture to the shrub only when needed. But unlike summer, from January you need to spray the leaves daily with warm room water.

Thus, the features of growing mint on the windowsill are not too different from other rooted plants in indoor living conditions. The main point of keeping the shrub on the window is a comfortable temperature, a sufficient amount of light and watering provided.

Video: features of growing mint on the windowsill.

What varieties are suitable for growing on the windowsill

Mint is considered a spice that grows outdoors, so there are not many varieties for growing on a windowsill. A small list is represented by the following species, suitable for planting on the windowsill in the room. Here are some varieties of mint that can be grown on the windowsill:

  1. Pearl- small sizes. It is distinguished by wrinkled leaves, medium volume with dark green tint. In order for the bush to begin to branch, you need to pinch the top point of growth. Then the lateral dormant buds will grow. The smell of the species is distinguished by a spicy-mint aroma.
  2. Pennyroyal- home bush of compact volume. Its advantage is the formation of a large number of long processes. Its foliage is insignificant in length, the leaves are closely spaced to each other. The inflorescences are small, give a purple tone. The smell of foliage when touched is bright, clearly defined.
  3. Ceremony- essential oily deciduous plant. The foliage vaguely resembles the "Pearl" variety, having the same wrinkled leaf plates and a rich dark shade. The upper bud must be pinched so that the shrub begins to branch actively. Without this, the flower will begin to stretch out as a single trunk. The taste of fresh leaves is minty, rich, and the aroma is bright, spreading over a large area.

In addition to these varieties of mint, you can try to grow garden bushes in pots on the windowsill. For this purpose, a larger flowerpot and constant monitoring of active growth will be required. Perfect for planting on the windowsill are mint varieties such as Garden menthol, Pepper garden and Anise Lofant.

How to plant and grow on a windowsill - features, conditions and step by step instructions

To grow mint on the windowsill at home, you need to know how to plant it correctly, at what depth to place mint seedlings or seedlings.

Reference! Properly selected planting substrate will provide the shrub with good germination and rapid growth. Therefore, you should follow the basic recommendations during planting.

What should be the place

To safely grow mint on the windowsill in an apartment or private house, you should choose the right place. Mint prefers sunny window sills. But at the same time, the midday rays of the luminary can burn young tender leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to put slides with shrubs on the western or eastern windows. If it is not possible to place flowerpots on these sides, then the southern window sill at noon should be shaded or the plant should be moved into the shade for a while.

Interesting! If the bush does not have enough light, the shoots begin to stretch excessively, and the leaves become light in color and small in size. Therefore, the sun should be the optimal amount.

The shrub is very sensitive to humidity. Therefore, on hot summer days and at times when the battery next to the window is hot in winter, it is imperative to adhere to high humidity. To do this, the leaves 1-2 times a day should be sprayed with boiled, settled water.

The temperature regime at which mint shoots quickly grow is + 23 .. + 250С. If the degrees drop below, then the shrub tends to slow down active growth. Therefore, in winter, the temperature in the room where the mint is located is reduced to +17 .. + 190 C. This is done so that the mint rests and gains strength for the spring release of young shoots.

What container to plant

It is necessary to organize the planting of mint for growing on the windowsill in pots of small size in height, but with a fairly large width. Mint grows in breadth, and does not go deep into the roots. An ideal option for planting would be a ceramic pot. If you plant mint at home on the windowsill in a plastic flowerpot, then the roots of the shrub can rot.

Attention! The plant takes root well in a ceramic pot. It has the ability to absorb excess moisture and pass the air required for the roots.

It is also important to choose a fairly large flowerpot. If the root system is crowded, then the shrub will slow down its growth and will not please with a rich color.

What kind of soil to plant

Mint is not picky about the soil substrate, but its active growth is noted in loose, fertile soils. The acidity of the earth is not recommended to exceed 6 pH. If the indicator is higher, then the plant will sit in one place, showing no signs of an increase in green shoots.

The fragrant bush will not refuse to take root in peat soil. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase soil mixtures based on peat and humus. It is they who favorably affect the transformation from a young cutting into a beautifully developed plant.

Attention! If possible, you can prepare the soil for planting yourself. To do this, you need to take in equal proportions the soil from the garden or vegetable garden, river sand, leafy humus and crushed peat. Mix the contents thoroughly and leave the whole consistency for a month.

There is another option for preparing the land for planting mint at home on the windowsill. The earth is taken from the garden and combined in a ratio of 2: 1 with leafy humus. This concentration is somewhat poorer than the first option, but with additional dressings, this composition is perfect for growing.

Preparing seeds and cuttings for planting

Reproduction of mint occurs in two ways: seeds and cuttings. Before starting planting work, planting material should be prepared. Seedlings can be collected from the mother bush after the inflorescences have faded. The main point to consider is the timing of seed ripening. If they are collected green, they will not sprout.

Important! To grow mint on a windowsill from seeds, it is better to buy planting material in a specialized store. Additional processing of seedlings purchased in the store is not required. They are immediately placed in the ground.

To prepare the cuttings, they are cut from the mother bush. The seedling should be up to 10 cm tall. It can be put in water until the moment when the stalk takes root. Or immediately root in moist soil.

For the rapid release of young roots, the plant must be warm, constantly irrigated with moisture. The main thing is to control the process of germination of the root system.

As soon as the first roots began to appear, the seedlings should be immediately planted in the ground.

The disadvantage of the method is the moment of rooting. After all, if the root system grows significantly, it is possible to damage or completely break the roots during placement in the ground.

Video: how to grow mint on a windowsill using cuttings.

Direct landing

Seeds are sown on the soil, and sprinkled on top with a small amount of earth, but so that the seedlings are at a depth of 0.5 cm from the top. In turn, the cuttings are buried to a depth not exceeding 7 cm.

When growing mint on a windowsill with seeds, it is recommended to plant them in March or April. After planting, they need to be covered with glass or film. This is necessary in order to reproduce greenhouse conditions for rapid germination.

Attention! Cuttings, as opposed to seedlings, should be rooted in the fall. It is at this moment that the mother bush contains a large amount of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on fast process release of young roots.

Further growth depends only on quality care, which includes watering, fertilizing and loosening young seedlings.

Video: how to grow mint at home on the windowsill.

How to care after planting and before harvesting - tips

To successfully grow mint on the windowsill in the apartment, you need to properly care for it. A proper care must be carried out in accordance with established rules. You need to follow the advice and then the shrub will begin to grow quickly and delight with a persistent aroma. The following recommendations are made:

  1. The temperature should be at + 250C.
  2. In winter, on a short daylight hours, plantings should be highlighted. If you do not light an additional 6 hours, then the sprouts will begin to stretch.
  3. If additional lighting is organized, then the temperature is recommended to be reduced to +17 .. + 180С and reduce watering.
  4. Humidity should be kept at 80%. This moment is relevant on winter days, when heating appliances are turned on and sufficiently dry air is observed. Requires water containers.
  5. In addition to containers with water, it is required to spray tender leaves. Moisture should be boiled, separated, at room temperature.
  6. To simplify the care of mint on the windowsill, you can introduce a small amount of hydrogel into the soil. It accumulates moisture and evaporates it for a long period, which reduces the frequency of watering.
  7. Top dressing is carried out with the help of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. With the latter, you need to carefully act on the bush. When it is oversaturated, fertilizers begin to be deposited in the soil.

Thus, by caring for mint and controlling its constant state, you can achieve a chic bush that will delight with its appearance, aromatic smell and culinary additives.

Diseases and pests

Important! Also likes to settle on the foliage of the leaf beetle. He often attacks a bush with increased dampness and excessive watering. To fight, it is necessary to eliminate the beneficial conditions for the pest to live - to ventilate more and reduce watering.

In addition, the plant can be affected by diseases - rust and powdery mildew. To combat rust, the bush is ruthlessly removed from the collection so that the disease does not have time to move to other specimens. And in the case of powdery mildew, it is sprayed with colloidal sulfur.

Planting and harvesting dates

When growing mint on a windowsill using seeds, the first shoots appear after 21 days. After passing 14-17 days, you can pluck the first leaves. By this time, the shrub will be 25-30 cm tall, after which young leaves can be used in cooking.

When rooting by cuttings, you need to wait until the young leaves grow. They will appear in 10-15 days from the moment the cutting is planted. Only after that you can pinch off the greens.

Attention! If the foliage is needed for drying and use in tea, then it is better to wait until more essential oils are accumulated in the leaf plate. This period begins simultaneously with the beginning of the formation of peduncles.

Thus, growing mint on the windowsill in winter (or in any other season) at home is not difficult at all. The main thing is to fulfill all the requirements for landing, choose correct composition soil and continuously care for the plant, and then the mint on the windowsill will delight you all year round.

Mint - valuable plant which has been used by mankind since ancient times. Also in ancient egypt sprigs of this herb flavored the tombs of the pharaohs. Mint got its name thanks to the ancient Greek nymph Mente, the beloved of Hades, the ruler of the underworld.

From huge amount various species of this plant that exist in natural conditions and bred by selection, each variety has its own characteristic menthol aroma.

The most widespread peppermint, the most fragrant of all species. It was bred almost three hundred years ago by the British, crossing different varieties this plant

It is this variety that is most often used by culinary specialists, perfumers and pharmacologists, since it is the leader in the content of essential oil.

There are two types of peppermint - black and white. Black differs from white in a coarser smell due to the higher content of essential oil, it is the most popular.

There are also lesser-known varieties, including: green mint, apple mint, curly mint. In addition, there are varieties with "delicious" flavors: banana, pineapple, lemon (known as lemon balm), strawberry, etc.

Mint is an excellent honey plant. And it also contains natural phytoncides - biologically active substances, which kill harmful microbes, can even prevent the spread of typhoid fever, dysentery and other infections. These are very valuable qualities make mint an attractive crop to grow.

However, there is a serious nuance here. And if you do not take it into account, you can face a big problem when breeding this crop in the garden. This plant will instantly fill the entire area with its shoots!

She has such a rapidly growing root system, similar to a web, that it will not be easy to uproot this perennial from the site later.

Therefore, before planting this beautiful herb in the garden, some precautions must be taken. Some gardeners dig deep sheets of metal or slate around the mint bed to keep the roots from spreading.

But there is an easier and more effective way to save the beds - plant mint in a suitable container (pot, bucket, old basin). Then this container, together with the mint planted in it, is added dropwise to the soil, leaving only a rim on the surface. This option will give 100% protection against the encroachments of this all-pervading neighbor.

Conditions for successful growth

Since mint is a perennial plant, you should decide in advance on the place for planting, clarify the composition of the soil necessary for it, lighting, humidity.

The best choice for planting will be a place after growing legumes and root crops. The areas after buckwheat or melon are also quite suitable - crops after which the soil is saturated with calcium, which is necessary for the successful development and growth of mint.

But with plants that involve treatment with pesticides, in no case should mint coexist. Getting poisons on mint leaves makes it dangerous to consume.


Warm sunny places are what you need for successful mint growth. In addition, the scorching midday rays should not annoy this plant. The plant also does not like drying out of the soil.

But even if there is not too much sunlight, mint will still be able to develop normally, as long as it is not too damp.

The soil

For successful growth, mint needs light and loose soil with a good fertile layer. It will grow well in sandy and loamy soils. But marshy soils are not suitable for her at all.

From the drying of the soil, mulching should be carried out. Once or twice a month, you can fertilize with organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

Twice a year, it is necessary to loosen the soil, remove weeds on the site so that they do not damage the root system of the plant.

Growing mint, video:

When to plant mint

Mint is a frost-resistant plant, so planting can be done with equal success both in spring and in summer period, and in the fall, you just need to decide on the landing methods.

If you plant mint in spring

In early spring, you can sow mint seeds in open ground, since it makes no sense to sow them in autumn - they will simply freeze over the winter. Summer is also not suitable for this method - young plants will not be able to take root normally before the onset of frost.

The same can be said about vegetative planting methods - spring, but not early, is the most suitable time for planting.

Is it possible to plant mint in the fall

With the help of cuttings and root layers, you can plant mint in the spring, and in the summer, and in the fall. Here it is necessary to take into account the advantages of the climate.

For colder areas, it is better to plant the plant before the end of August so that it can take root before the start of frost.

In addition, with fairly late plantings, it is necessary to protect young shoots for the winter by mulching the soil with a rather large layer of peat - about 20 centimeters.

For the autumn period, planting by dividing the bush may be the latest, the main thing here is to have time to do this at least a week before frost.


Reproduction by sowing seeds and vegetatively is possible.

Planting seeds

This method is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance. Difficulties begin with the fact that mint seeds have very poor germination. Instead of one package of seeds, it is better to buy two, since a dozen sprouts usually sprout from one.

For growing hybrid varieties, this method is generally not suitable.

However, when sowing seedlings, start sowing seeds from early spring. Grooves are prepared half a centimeter deep, the seeds are lightly pressed into the ground, and then lightly sprinkled with soil, without tamping.

The box is covered with glass or film and left in a warm place for germination, periodically airing and spraying the soil so that the soil does not dry out.

Shoots appear after 2-3 weeks, and after the appearance of two true leaves, you can dive into separate pots.

Vegetative propagation

The vegetative method is simpler and more reliable. Mint takes root very quickly and begins to grow.

For this plant, there are three methods of reproduction: root cuttings, cuttings by stems and reproduction by dividing the bush.

stem cuttings

To do this, cut off a stalk of 7-10 centimeters from an adult plant and put it in a container with water. Then place the container with the cuttings in a warm and bright place for rooting.

After waiting for the roots to appear, the seedlings are planted in the soil. There is also an option when the cuttings are not rooted in water, but are added dropwise in wet sand.

In the absence of mint bushes on the site, you can try using mint bought at the market or in the supermarket. This is not the most reliable option, but if there is no other possibility, then it is quite possible to experiment.

Propagation by root cuttings

Suitable root cuttings for propagation are those that have at least one bud and three to four leaves.

Root cuttings are separated from the main bush and added dropwise in a cool (not higher than + 5-10 degrees) and bright place. Watering the cuttings is moderate.

This method of reproduction ensures that all the qualities of the parent variety are obtained.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

To do this, they dig an adult bush, free it from the ground and divide it into several parts. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that each separated part has both buds and shoots with roots.

Each separated part is planted in a designated permanent place. For more reliable rooting, the aerial part of the bush is cut off, leaving only a few centimeters. After two weeks, the bush should take root.


Mint is a very hardy plant. Just enough time to water and weed the weeds. And also loosen the soil and carry out top dressing for better growth.

  • Radical pruning in the spring promotes better growth and greater splendor of mint bushes.
  • In autumn, plants are mulched with spruce branches, straw, or sprinkled with peat from winter freezing.
  • Mint can live in one place for up to 10 years, but every 3-4 years the bushes must be completely renewed, since the roots are destroyed by weeds, the plant weakens and degenerates.

Possible difficulties in plant care

When breeding this crop, pests sometimes appear. The main enemies of a young plant are mint flea, leaf beetle, tick and aphid.

It is best to destroy the flea that feeds on the leaves and roots of the plant with Karbofos. Processing is carried out only in the fall, when the crop is harvested. To do this, 60 grams of the herbicide is diluted in 10 liters of water and the bed is treated.

If the bed with mint is in a damp, low-lying place, then the leaf beetle often attacks the bushes, which is very difficult to get rid of. But if you minimize moisture and provide ventilation, then the leaf beetle will have a hard time.

Many diseases can be prevented by systematically weeding the beds from weeds and not planting bushes too densely.

Sometimes the bushes are affected by a rust fungus. At the beginning of the disease, the roots suffer, and then orange spots appear with reverse side sheet plate. This is a very dangerous disease. Infected plants must be removed from the garden and burned.

When can you harvest mint?

In the spring, a couple of weeks after the start of germination of the shoots, when the bush has grown by 20-30 cm, you can start pruning. It will even promote better crop growth and add fluffiness.

Mint is a fragrant and fragrant plant. Mint more than 25 species. The plant has a special taste and pleasant smell due to the content in the shoots of a certain element called menthol. Cultivation of mint can be carried out in the open field in the country or on the balcony of the house.

Mint varieties

Mint is a perennial plant that is undemanding to care for. Grows in areas of countries with temperate climate and is used in numerous industries. At the same time, there are a large number of varieties of this fragrant herb. All these varieties of mint have different nutritional properties and smell, but peppermint is more famous. It can be green or red-purple in color.

You can breed this fragrant plant in the garden, in the garden and at home. However, planting and caring for mint will depend on its variety. For example, mixed species cannot be grown from seeds, only vegetatively is likely. You can also use the rhizome and cuttings.

Location and growth

Since the plant prefers light and warmth, sunny hillocks and clearings are perfect for its growth, in afternoon moderate shade will be acceptable. To save space in not very large areas, it can be planted near fruit trees with a sparse crown. special requirements culture does not present itself to the quality of the land, nevertheless, it grows more magnificently and richer in free, well-fertilized soils.

In accordance with the crop rotation rate, some of the best predecessor crops for mint are various root crops (beets, carrots, potatoes), corn and legumes (peas, beans). In late autumn, the bed under the plant is loosened, freeing it from the roots of weeds and tops. In the event that the site has not been cultivated in any way before, it must be dug up with the introduction of manure, humus or peat, and then leveled with a rake. Small sheets of iron are dug into the ground along the edges of the plot, as the plant grows rapidly and begins to overwhelm the surrounding plants.


How to plant mint? The most popular method of growing mint is by plant rhizomes. To do this, a number of strong, well-developed processes are cut out from the roots of a mature bush, dug out from the ground.

When planting them in the ground, the following order is observed:

In order not to dig a bush from the ground, mint can be propagated by cuttings. To do this, several shoots are cut from a large plant, placed in water or sand, and after rooting they are planted in a garden. Mint is a viable crop, so all methods of its cultivation are effective and successfully used in practice.

Growing a plant from seed

How to grow mint from seed? With this breeding method, it is recommended to take mint seeds purchased in a special store. At first, seedlings grow from seeds, which is then transplanted into open ground. best time for sowing at home - the 2nd half of March.

This process includes the following steps:

  1. Loose soil is poured into a low container (a mixture for seedlings is suitable).
  2. Seeds are distributed along the plane, slightly pressing their soil. For convenience, small small seeds can be mixed with drunk coffee.
  3. Crops are very carefully moistened with a spray bottle and covered with plastic wrap.
  4. With the appearance of sprouts, the cellophane is removed and the container is moved to the windowsill, and with the advent of heat, the seedlings can be kept in the air.

The transfer of seedlings to available soil in the country begins in late May - early June, by which time 3-5 pairs of leaves should develop in the bushes.

Transplantation is carried out in the following way:

  1. On the surface of the prepared beds, small holes are formed according to the scheme 45 * 25 cm, in which the strongest seedlings are planted, compressing them with soil.
  2. The soil under the plantings is mulched with humus, which contributes to the preservation of moisture and prevents the increased growth of weeds.
  3. In the first week, seedlings are watered every 2 days.

If the sowing of seeds was carried out in the second mid-March, then by the end of August the mint plant turns into powerful bushes up to 60–80 cm high. In the right conditions, culture flourishes may begin in the first year of existence.

Landing Rules

How to plant mint? When growing a plant in open ground, it is necessary to take into account the characteristic features of the culture. Her bushes are rapidly forming, providing a lot of shoots and filling the bed with them. In order for the site not to turn into a continuous jungle of mint over time, the space allotted for it must be limited by driving sheets of slate or metal into the base. Can help with the cultivation of mint in this and hoops cut from barrels.

It is better to grow mint of various varieties in the garden. Its varieties are well combined with each other when grown.

Before planting a plant, the soil is enriched with fertilizers, including:

  • humus;
  • potassium chloride;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • superphosphate;
  • wood ash.

Having dug up the soil by 20 cm, they level the surface and create a bed with row spacing of 40 cm. Mint bushes are planted with an interval of 50 cm. The rhizome is well buried in the soil to a depth of 5 cm. All plants will bush well. Early spring and summer planting of mint is practiced. In two cases, the procedure is completed with abundant watering.

If the planting of the crop in the garden is carried out with seeds, the furrow prepared for them is thoroughly moistened. After sowing, sprinkle a little soil. It performs the function of a normal mulch. Growing mint at home is possible at any time.

Planting peppermint in open ground

They begin to grow a plant in the spring, in April, and in the summer, in early August. In case you decide use the seedling method of seed propagation or plant cuttings, planting mint is carried out in May. A well-lit or slightly shaded place is suitable for growing this crop.

It is preferable that there are practically no flowers and vegetables within a radius of 80 cm from the mint, otherwise you will not be able to grow a quality plant. Try to allocate an area for mint farther from cucumbers, cabbage and beets, because dark spots can appear in mint leaves from such a neighborhood.

Where to grow mint? What is the best soil to plant it in? The plant grows well from seeds not only at home in special soil, but also in soils in which manure was applied under previous crops. The earth is preferably loose, wet and fertile - for example, black earth. Mint growing on calcareous soil is not as fragrant, and in marshy, acidic soil, the plant will be rather weak. . If the groundwater in the area is close to the surface, organize beds for mint above.

Mint care is practically not required. Newly planted bushes are watered frequently. It is better to do it in the evening. Mature plants moisturize well and rarely. IN rainy weather mint will be enough natural precipitation, in arid it is watered once every 1.5-2 weeks. Landings must be constantly weeded. Mint roots are located almost at the plane of the earth and weeds interfere with them very much.

It is more convenient to carry out care after watering or a downpour, while the earth has not yet dried out. It is easier to get weeds from wet soil without damaging the mint roots. Culture responds well to top dressing. It is better to take for them preparations with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus, however, it is allowed to limit yourself to basic compositions - rotted manure. Especially significant for mint is the care of top dressing at the stage of intensive growth of its bushes - in the spring. In the future, the beds will be mulched by adding wood ash to the compost.

In autumn, experts advise seriously digging up the soil by adding manure to it (2 kg per 1 sq. M). If you want to buy thick plants, they are trimmed from time to time, shortening the top. In this case, the plant ceases to stretch upward and begins to dynamically form lateral processes. As a result of fragrant leaves more can be collected from mint. If the mint bushes are very tall, you need to pay considerable attention to watering. As a rule, the plant responds in this way to a lack of moisture.

Pests and diseases of mint

Rust is considered the most harmful disease for a plant. This is a disease caused by low temperatures with high ambient humidity, excess nitrogen in the soil and crop rotation. . Signs of the disease is the appearance of dark red spots on the underside of the leaves.

Powdery mildew also damages the plant, which can be identified by a cobweb white coating on leaves and stems that appears in the 2nd half of summer. You can protect the plant from powdery mildew by digging the area in the fall to a depth of 20 cm and treating mint with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

Verticillium wilt is another disease from which the leaves turn black, which leads to the death of the plant. Crop rotation, destruction of plant fragments after harvest, and breeding of disease-resistant mint species can be considered as control measures for the disease.

Anthracnose disease can be established on brown spots on the leaves of the plant. The fungus is destroyed by treating the stem with Bordeaux liquid, and as a preventive measure, an autumn digging of the site is carried out.

Spotting or septoria, expressed on the leaves of the plant with black dots and brown spots up to 8 millimeters in size, bordered by a black rim. The methods of dealing with this type of fungus are the same as with anthracnose: treating the plant with Bordeaux liquid. The most dangerous is the disease caused by mycoplasmas. At the same time, the plant ceases to develop well, its leaves acquire an unusual color for the species, and the development of the root system temporarily stops.

The plant attracts a large number of insects, mostly harmful. Among them is the mint flea - a small yellow bug only 1.5 mm long, making round holes in the leaves of the plant. This pest is most annoying in a dry, warm spring. The green shield-bearer behaves in approximately the same way, which not only gnaws holes in the leaves, but also eats them along the edges. Makes holes in mint leaves and leaf beetle.

Collection and storage of mint

Mint is already harvested in the first year of planting. Before flowering, tear off the leaves for drying, at this stage they are more saturated with useful elements. It is necessary to dry in bunches in the shade. Usually dried in the attic. The plant will retain its taste and smell for whole winter. In an effort to indulge and fresh herbs, it must be cut, washed and placed in a damp cloth in a special container in the refrigerator.