Legends and myths about Aconite

♦ Among the people there are other names for this plant:

wrestler, wrestler-root, wolfroot, wolfbreaker, Issyk-Kul root, king-potion, king-grass, black root, black potion, goat death, iron helmet, skullcap, helmet, hood, horse, shoe, blue buttercup, blue-eye , backache-grass, cover-grass.

♦ Perhaps the Latin name of aconite alludes to the Greek city of Akone, where these plants were especially common. Aconite is a poisonous plant.

♦ In Indian mythology, there is a legend about a beautiful girl who taught herself to consume only aconite roots and gradually became so saturated with poison that it was impossible to touch her, and admiring her appearance was mortally dangerous.

♦ Related to this ancient greek myth describing the eleventh labor of Hercules. Once King Eurystheus ordered Hercules to descend into Hades and tame the terrible three-headed dog Cerberus (Cerberus). The entrance to the realm of the dead was located near the city of Akone. Hercules descended into the underworld and went to the god of death, Hades. He allowed Hercules to take Cerberus with him on the condition that the hero tame the terrible three-headed dog without arrows and spears. The hero manages to overcome the monster and pull him out of the realm of the dead into the light. Cerberus whimpered in horror, poisonous saliva flowing from his mouth. Where it fell to the ground, deadly aconites grew.

♦ According to Ovid's poem, Medea wanted to poison Theseus with the juice of aconite.

♦ The ancient Scandinavians called aconite a "fighter". In one of the Scandinavian sagas, this plant is associated with Thor, the strongest of all gods. Thor fought with a poisonous snake, defeated him, but then he himself died from the bites of a monster and a wrestler grew up at the place of his death.

♦ The plant was called "Skullcap" in Rome because of the similarity of the leaves of the calyx with the Roman helmet.

♦ In the dream book: to see hemlock, henbane, aconite and other poisonous plants in a dream portends dangers coming from your environment.

♦ Aconite was also familiar to the ancient Germans.
In myths, poisonous aconite is often associated with the Wolf - the embodiment of World Evil. It is no coincidence that the Germans called this plant "wolf root".

♦ Among the Slavic peoples, aconite was called "king-grass"; only enlightened people, in particular monks, could deal with this poisonous plant.

♦ In Greco-Roman culture, symbolizes crime, verbal poison and coldness. The plant was dedicated to Saturn and usually grew in the place where the saliva of Cerberus fell. Witch flower (aconite is considered a symbol of Hecate, who in Greek mythology is the ruler of the underworld and the patroness of witches and sorceresses, and by whose will aconite arose from the mouth of Cerberus, the three-headed dog guarding the entrance to the Kingdom of Shadows).

♦ In the spurs of the Himalayas grows special kind black aconite. locals they say that they go out to collect it at night. In the dark, the plant glows, and they distinguish it in this way from other types of aconite. Verily, the Fire-flower grows in the Himalayas! Aconite here is a symbol of knowledge.

♦ In ancient times, aconite was used to make poisons.

In Nepal, for example, when attacking enemies with poison from aconite, they poisoned drinking water in wells. Plutarch writes that the warriors of Mark Antony poisoned by aconite lost their memory, they vomited bile. According to legend, the famous Khan Timur died from aconite; the conspirators soaked his skullcap with the poisonous juice of this plant.

♦ Later, aconite began to be used in medicine. ABOUT healing properties aconite was written by V. Dahl, who became famous as the compiler of the famous “ explanatory dictionary» . In a letter to Odoevsky "On Homeopathy" he wrote about his use of aconite for the treatment of pneumonia.

♦ The famous Russian writer P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky in the novel "In the Forests" spoke of this poisonous plant as a remedy for forty diseases. Since aconite, even in small doses, is extremely poisonous, in modern medicine tinctures based on it are used only externally. They are effective painkillers for radiculitis, neuralgia, gout and rheumatism.

Jungar aconite: medicinal properties

Jungar aconite is a poisonous herbaceous plant belonging to the buttercup family. Other names are Issyk-Kul root, backache-grass, blue-eye, wrestler-root.

Where does it grow

Name "Aconite" ancient Greek origin: Numerous plantations of poisonous grass grew in the vicinity of the city of Akoni.

Source: Depositphotos

Jungar aconite: beautiful and dangerous

Botanical description of the plant:

    • A tall plant with a straight stem up to 2 m high.
    • The leaves are rounded, numerous, palmately dissected, with small petioles.
    • Multiple irregular large flowers form an apical raceme. The petals are tinted purple. Flowering lasts from July to August.
    • The fruit is a dry leaflet with 3 nests. Seeds ripen in September.
    • Tubers are elongated, up to 3–8 cm long, conical, black-brown in color, yellowish flesh. Due to the considerable concentration of toxic alkaloids, root crops are unsuitable for food. Dig up the tubers in the fall for use in traditional medicine.

In the wild, aconite grows in Kazakhstan - along the banks of rivers, on the slopes of the Dzungarian Alatau, in the foothills of the Tien Shan, and also in Kyrgyzstan near Lake Issyk-Kul.

Medicinal properties and uses

Used in folk medicine medicinal properties of this plant. Interestingly, 50 g of dry raw materials are sold for 100 US dollars. The plant is valued for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, antitumor effects on human body.

With the help of medicines containing plant extracts, severe stages of cancer, sciatica, psoriasis are treated. The drugs are used for neurological diseases and fractures. The appointment of such medicines is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

Preparations, which include this type of aconite, are extremely toxic. Therefore, it is important to use them as prescribed by a doctor and observe the exact dosage.

In folk medicine, dried leaves and tubers of aconite are used. When preparing medicinal raw materials in without fail wear gloves, as toxic substances enter the body through the skin.

Thanks to attractive flowers, aconite is planted as an ornamental plant in parks, gardens and used as lawn decoration. Additional benefits, because of which aconite is bred - frost resistance, unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil and the ability to grow in partial shade.

Wolf aconite belongs to the Buttercup family. This is a perennial that has toxic substances in its composition. This culture has many names: wrestler, wolf root, aconite, wolf slayer, king-grass, etc. Its stems are straight, the flowers have a rich blue or purple color.

A wrestler grows in conditions wildlife, came to Russia from North America. It is also quite common in Asian and European countries. Ideal conditions for the development and growth of a wrestler, moist soils rich in humus are considered. Since the wrestler aconite is a herbaceous and perennial plant, it can grow in one place for quite a long time. After a few years, the grass will lose its poisonous properties. This feature is very good for gardeners who want to apply a wrestler in landscape design.

One of the varieties of culture - New York aconite, is under threat of extinction. By outward signs wolf root is more reminiscent of plants from the legume family. Therefore, it is often confused with a well-known herb called lupine.

Wolfboy contains in his chemical composition alkaloids, most of which are aconitines.

wolf aconite

Reproduction and cultivation of wolf root

To date, more than 330 species of this plant are known. The most common is aconite klobuchkovy. Its second name is aconite blue. It is common in European countries, especially often it can be found on the northern slopes of the Alps. About 80 species of wolf killer grow on the territory of Russia. For example, in Novosibirsk region Dzhungarian aconite and oak wrestler are found, and in Altai - paniculate, motley and cammarum.

When breeding a wolf root on a garden or personal plot you should be aware of some features. Aconite prefers well-moistened places, but without stagnant moisture, as this can destroy it. root system. Plant it next to ornamental plants maybe it won't do any harm. But when choosing a place for a wrestler, one must take into account the distance to vegetable and fruit crops that are eaten.

Note! The king-grass transmits aconitines through the root system, which, when ingested, cause severe intoxication, up to death.

Aconite develops equally quickly both in areas well lit by the sun and in shaded areas. For fall planting necessary condition are the cut leaves of the plant, for the spring - not yet grown. The aconite root should lie freely in the planting hole. Plants are planted at intervals of 30 cm. The soil should be fertilized with mineral fertilizers.

Important! It is impossible to grow a wrestler in places that are accessible to children or animals, since contact with this plant causes toxic poisoning of the body, which can lead to death.

The plant does not need careful care and maintenance, but it still needs to be given minimal attention. It consists in top dressing, loosening the soil, removing weeds, as well as removing dried flowers. The plant needs to mulch the soil twice a year.

The plant is prone to diseases, various pests do not bypass it, despite its high toxicity. When a plant is affected by diseases such as powdery mildew or leaf spot, it is recommended to dig it up and destroy it.

In the cold season, the king-grass should be fed with preparations applied under the root. During sap flow, organic and mineral fertilizers. In the spring, manure is applied under each bush. This is done for a more saturated color of the inflorescences.

Wolfsbane breeds in two ways:

  • Root division, that is, vegetative;
  • Seeds.

Reproduction and cultivation of wolf root

The most common method of reproduction is vegetative. In spring or autumn, it is very easy and convenient to divide the root.

The seed method is used much less frequently, as it has poor germination rates. With this method of reproduction, aconite will give sprouts no earlier than a year later. Flowering of plants planted by the seed method should be expected in 3 years.

Properties of the king-grass

The aconite herb is described as being very dangerous because it is toxic. For this reason, its use in traditional medicine is prohibited. But this plant is very popular in folk medicine.

According to traditional healers, the wolf slayer has the following healing properties:

  • Relieves inflammation and pain of the musculoskeletal system. The herb has not only an analgesic effect, but also antibacterial and hemostatic;
  • Relieves the body of certain types of fever. Great popularity has in Central Asian countries, where febrile conditions are very common;
  • It is used in the treatment of hypertension, as it is able to lower arterial pressure. Regular intake of aconite root tincture for 4 months helps to stabilize pressure;
  • Helps with liver diseases, in particular, relieves mild degrees of hepatitis;
  • Used in folk medicine for disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • Effective when exposed to the body of various infections;
  • Able to improve immunity;
  • The use of aconite is relevant in the treatment alcohol addiction. Relieves hangover syndrome;
  • It rids the body of cancerous tumors. With complex treatment with other herbs, it will cure oncological diseases of any degree.

On the basis of aconite, tinctures, ointments, oil extracts, powders, decoctions are made. From plant extracts, you can prepare a solution for rubbing.

Despite all the properties that positive influence on the body, it is contraindicated to take drugs that have in their composition an extract of the blue wrestler plant. You should also be careful when growing poisonous aconite. When in contact with the leaves or inflorescences of the plant, protective equipment must be used.

Properties of the king-grass

If aconite flowers get into the stomach, you should immediately call ambulance and while waiting to drink a large number of saline liquid, trying to induce a gag reflex. Self wrestling with symptoms and consequences of ingestion of a wolfberry is fraught with death, from the ability of alkaloids to poison internal organs person.

Legends of the wolf

Wolf aconite legend has a variety of origins.

According to one of them, aconite appeared during Hercules' twelfth labor. When capturing the guard of the kingdom of the dead - Cerberus and bringing him to the earth's surface, a monster blinded by bright sunlight, began to escape, splashing saliva. In those places where the saliva of Cerberus fell, a poisonous flower aconite grew. He received such a name because all the events took place near the city of Akoni.

According to Scandinavian legends, the wrestler grew up on the spot where Thor died in the fight against dark forces. Before his death, he expelled them from earth's surface. Therefore, the grown flower was called "wrestler".

In ancient times, warriors soaked the tips of their arrows with the juice of the plant. As soon as the arrow hit the target, the slain warrior fell shaking in death convulsions.

Legends of the wolf

IN Tsarist Russia extracts from this plant were used to fight wolves. Therefore, in our area, the flower has taken root under the name wolf aconite or wolf slayer.

Despite the poisonous properties of the plant, appearance he is very harmless. Inflorescences resemble an elegant women's shoe or a military helmet with a lowered visor. However, one should be very careful to have any contact with wolf aconite.

More than 50 species of aconite grow in Russia (out of 300 known), among them there is also Dzhungarian aconite. The people gave many other names to this perennial herbaceous plant: cover - grass, wolf root, wrestler - root, Issyk-Kul root, wolf slayer, king - grass, king - potion, black potion, black root, iron helmet, goat death, helmet, skullcap, horse, hood, blue buttercup, slipper, backache - grass, blue-eye.

What does aconite look like?

The medicinal plant Jungar aconite belongs to the buttercup family. The stem of the plant is leafy, straight, up to 1.8 meters high. The leaves of aconite are rounded in outline, alternate, petiolate, dark green, repeatedly and deeply lobed - five-dissected.

The inflorescence at the top is a brush of irregular large flowers, which, depending on the species, have a wide variety of colors: purple, blue, yellow, lilac, white or cream. The sepals are corolla-shaped and five-leaved.

The fruit of the plant is a three-celled dry leaflet. Aconite tubers are elongated-conical in shape, longitudinally wrinkled from the surface and with buds on the tops of the tubers. The thickness of the tubers is from 0.5 to 2 cm along the entire length, their length is from 3 to 8 cm. The color of the tuber is yellowish inside, black-brown outside. Jungar aconite blooms from mid-summer.

Aconite Dzungarian photo.

Where does aconite grow?

Since aconites are pollinated by bumblebees, the areas geographical distribution plants on the ground coincide with the areas of geographical distribution of bumblebees. Jungar aconite grows along roadsides and on wet places along river banks, in mountain meadows and on humus-rich soils. It is often cultivated in gardens, and the housewives sometimes do not know what kind beautiful plant decorates their front garden.


Dried leaves and tubers of wild plants are used as medicinal raw materials. Why wild, because there is unconfirmed information that cultivated aconite loses its toxicity after a few years. Since wild-growing aconite contains poisonous compounds in its tubers and stems, the plant is harvested by putting on mittens or gloves. And this is done not out of a desire to be safe, but because the poison, in contact with the plant, enters the body through the skin. When working with the plant, do not touch your eyes, and then immediately wash your hands with soap and water.

The most poisonous are the tuber roots of the plant, and most of all in the fall, after the tops wither, when they are harvested (from August 15 to October 1). They dig them up, clear the ground, wash only cold water, and dry quickly with good ventilation in a dryer with 60 ° C.

The grass of the plant is especially poisonous during flowering and before flowering. It is at this time that the leaves are collected, then they are dried in the sun and then dried under a canopy. Properly dried raw materials remain dark green.

Raw materials of the medicinal plant Dzhungarian aconite should be stored separately from non-poisonous herbs in a sealed container with the label "Poison!". Shelf life of raw materials - up to 24 months.

Chemical composition.

The chemical composition of the Jungar aconite is still poorly understood, but it is known that all parts of the medicinal plant contain an alkaloid (aconitine). Mesoaconitin, aconitin, gstaakonitin, hypoacoiitin, benzoilaconin, sasaaconitin, napellin, neopellin, traces of ephedrine, spartein, saponins, flavones, starch, resins and coumarins were found in tubers.

Palmitic, myristic, oleic, stearic and linoleic acids have been found.

In the stems and leaves of the Jungar aconite, in addition to the alkaloid aconitine, there are tannins, inositol, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and more than 20 trace elements.

pharmacological properties.

Jungar aconite has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, narcotic, antispasmodic and analgesic effects.
Aconite and preparations from the tubers of the plant are prescribed as an analgesic for severe pain (colds, rheumatic pains in the joints and muscles, with trigeminal neuralgia).

Application in medicine.

Conventional medicine does not use Jengar aconite due to its toxicity. Traditional medicine, on the contrary, has found its use in: dislocations and fractures of bones, arthritis, bruises (externally), gout, articular rheumatism, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, cancer of various localization, sciatica (externally), melanoma, bone tumors, convulsions, epilepsy, insanity, mental illness, melancholy, nervous disorders, fright, depression, hysteria, severe tearfulness, neuralgia, overexcitation nervous system, neuritis of the auditory nerve, especially with trigeminal neuralgia (locally and orally), migraine, severe headache, nervous headaches, dizziness, Parkinson's disease, paralysis, paralytic relaxation of the tongue and Bladder, take-take diseases, anemia, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, to improve hearing and vision, senile breakdown, goiter, diabetes, persistent uterine bleeding, uterine fibromyoma, pain in the stomach, impotence, gastritis, stomach ulcers, hepatic and intestinal colic, constipation, flatulence, jaundice, as an antihelminthic, dropsy as a diuretic, cystitis, angina pectoris, hypertension, as an antidote for poisoning and bites poisonous snakes or insects, scarlet fever, infectious diseases, anthrax, diphtheria, venereal diseases, malaria, leprosy (topically and internally), psoriasis, ulcers (externally), erysipelas, lice (externally), scabies.

Leaves of Jungar aconite are applied for a while to chronic ulcers and abscesses. The medicinal plant can act as a diaphoretic. Aconite is useful for urinary retention, urinary stones, nosebleeds, asthma, jaundice, promotes hair growth.

If it is not possible to be treated by a doctor, the Jungar aconite plant can be used for self-treatment in severe cases:
- with prostate adenoma, uterine myoma, goiter and other tumors;
- with parkinsonism, paralysis, epilepsy;
- in oncological diseases. However, it is correct when the patient is treated in an oncological dispensary, and treatment with aconite supplements the main treatment.

How to use aconite?

Tincture for cancer.

1 tsp crushed roots of the Jungar aconite plant (dry or fresh), pour 0.5 liters of vodka, soak for 2 weeks in the dark, shake every day. Filter the tincture through 2 layers of gauze.

A course of treatment.

Every day, half an hour before meals, 3 times a day, take 50 ml of water with 1 drop of tincture. Every next day, add 1 drop at each dose and go up to 10 drops three times a day. Take this dosage for 10 days in a row and then reduce the dose, reducing each day by 1 drop at each dose, reaching a dose of 1 drop 3 times a day.

If the treatment is only with Jungar aconite, then take a break for 30 days (in other cases - for 6 months). Then repeat the course of treatment according to the scheme again. In total, 7 courses of treatment are needed. But it is contraindicated to treat children with aconite!

Tincture as an analgesic for migraine, neuralgia, toothache and rheumatism.

Pour 20 grams of root tubers with 0.5 liters of vodka, soak for a week, waiting until the tincture acquires the same color as brewed tea. For rheumatism, rub the tincture overnight, wrapping it in a flannel cloth. With migraine and neuralgia in the first days, 1 tsp is used, increasing the dose gradually to 1 tbsp. l. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. For toothache, drop 1 drop of tincture and 1 tbsp. l. rub on the cheek over the aching tooth.


Jungar aconite - very poisonous medicinal plant. It must be handled with great care! Do not exceed dosages! Store preparations with aconite out of the reach of children! Sign containers with medicines on the basis of aconite - "Poison (plant aconite Dzungarian)". Large plantings of this plant should be located as far as possible from the hives so that the bees do not collect poisonous honey for you.

Botanical characteristic

A strong wrestler, in translation - Aconite firmum, another name for this perennial herbaceous plant- aconite or otherwise wolf root. Its roots are thickened, a bit like a turnip. The stem is mostly simple, bare, erect, its height varies from seventy-five to one hundred and twenty centimeters.

The leaves are rounded, petiolate, palmately divided, with wide wedge-shaped rhombic segments. The flowers are dark purple in color, irregular, up to twenty-five millimeters long, they are collected in branched paniculate inflorescences. The fruit is modular, consisting of leaflets. The plant blooms from July to August.


The plant is common in the Carpathians. It grows mainly in mountain meadows, and it can also be seen on rocky slopes.

Used part

It is worth saying that aconite is poisonous, but, nevertheless, tubers and grass belong to its used part.

Plant collection and harvesting

A strong wrestler must be prepared very carefully, as it is poisonous, do not forget to wear strong rubber gloves, and then wash your hands thoroughly. You will need a shovel to dig up tubers, and sharp scissors or a knife to collect grass.

Otherwise, the preparation of this plant does not differ in anything special from the rest of the aconites. It is dried in the same way, and its shelf life is no more than twenty-four months, since, after its expiration, a strong wrestler loses its healing properties.


A strong wrestler is used in folk medicine. Drugs prepared from it have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, effect, as well as a narcotic and analgesic effect on the human body.

Preparations that are made on the basis of tubers are used for colds, for joint pain, and they are also used for trigeminal neuralgia.

Traditional healers use it for a number of diseases, such as osteochondrosis, gout, epilepsy, bruises, convulsions and paralysis, depression, migraines and headaches, tonsillitis and respiratory diseases, as well as many other pathological conditions.

Aconite is used as a diaphoretic. It is worth noting that a decoction of this plant affects hair growth, but this does not mean that you urgently need to rub the drug into your head, remember, the wrestler is poisonous, and you should handle it with extreme caution, since an overdose is fraught with poisoning.

Recipe for tincture for oncological pathology

In oncological pathology, a tincture prepared from this plant is used. To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of powder from its roots, which is recommended to be poured with 500 milliliters of vodka.

Then it is necessary to insist the drug for two weeks, preferably in a dark room, while it is recommended to shake the tincture daily. After fourteen days have passed, it is necessary to filter the liquid.

And when the amount reaches ten drops, it is recommended to take this dosage for 10 days, after which it is necessary to reduce the dose every day, that is, nine, eight ...

Thus, one drop can be reached, this dosage should be consumed three times a day. Then, for a month, you should refrain from using the tincture. And then the treatment should be continued again, thus, it is necessary to conduct seven courses.

Tincture recipe for migraine, rheumatism, neuralgia

For its preparation, twenty grams of dry roots are required, which are poured with 500 milliliters of alcohol or vodka. The drug must be left for one week in order to infuse it.

The finished tincture should have a color similar to brewed tea. In case of rheumatism, it is recommended to rub it overnight into the problem area, after which it is worth wrapping it with a warm flannel cloth.

Such treatment must be carried out for a month. If a toothache haunts a person, then in this case, aconite tincture will also help. In this case, it is recommended to bury a drop of the finished drug into the destroyed tooth, and rub a tablespoon of this liquid into the cheek area.

Of course, there may be a tincture and it will help with toothache, but, nevertheless, it is better not to experiment on your health, but to seek help from a qualified dentist.

Contraindications to the use of potions prepared from aconite

Let me remind you once again that the wrestler is strong and poisonous, so you should handle him very skillfully. Never increase the dose on your own, it can be dangerous. Drugs from aconite should not be used by children, therefore, it should be stored in a place protected from babies.

If aconite grows near your bee hives, then place them away from this plant, otherwise the insects will collect poisonous honey.


Before using the tincture, where a strong wrestler is used, it is imperative to consult a doctor, and without fail.