1. Learn with interest

Any teacher will confirm: abstract language learning is harder than mastering a language for a specific purpose. Therefore, at first, learn things that will be useful to you in your work. Another option is to read foreign language resources related to yours.

2. Remember only the right words

There are more than a million words in the English language, but in everyday speech, at best, several thousand are used. Therefore, even a modest vocabulary is enough for you to talk with a foreigner, read online publications, watch news and TV shows.

3. Post stickers at home

This effective way replenish your lexicon. Look around the room and see which items you don't know the names of. Translate the name of each subject into English, French, German - whatever language you want to learn. And paste these stickers around the room. New words will gradually be deposited in memory, and this will not require any additional effort.

4. Repeat

The technique of spaced repetitions allows you to better memorize new words and concepts. To do this, run the studied material at certain intervals: first, repeat the learned words often, then return to them after a few days, and fix the material again after a month.

5. Use new technologies

6. Set realistic goals

Be careful with the load and do not overwork. Especially at the beginning, so as not to lose interest. Teachers advise starting small: first learn 50 new words, try to apply them in life, and only then take up grammar rules.

The Internet opened up new world opportunities for those who aspire to .

Development information technologies makes its own adjustments to our lives: instead of attending regular classes and studying with a teacher in a traditional setting, many study English language without leaving your own home.

In addition to saving time, education through the Internet provides a number of new opportunities.

Learning English online effectively!

You probably think that by learning English online, you have to sacrifice quality. colloquial speech and reading skills. This is wrong! If you choose, you will have the opportunity to practice your written and spoken English. All you need is a microphone to speak and headphones to listen. The rest will depend only on you!

Benefits of learning English online

Whether you have chosen the Internet format or the computer format, there are many advantages to using a computer.

First, you can control the pace of your learning. When you study English in a traditional classroom, you are forced to learn at a pace that is comfortable for most of your group. If you learn material more slowly than your classmates, you may fall behind them. If your level is above average, you will have to limit yourself in development and adapt to everyone.

Usage computer technology allows you to choose the pace of your learning. This, in turn, will give you the opportunity to reallocate time to those areas where you need to improve your knowledge.

Another advantage of learning with new technologies especially is that you can learn regardless of your location. Using an Internet connection and Wi-Fi technology, you can very easily "enter" your class and take the right lesson.

If you have to travel a lot for work, this does not mean that you should start English classes. But in the case of traditional English classes, you would be assigned a “date” at a fixed time and, most importantly, in a strictly defined place. And until a way to instantly move in space and time has been invented, online education remains an excellent alternative to traditional learning when it is impossible to attend courses or an individual tutor.

The key to success is choosing the right training program

The key to success in learning English using a computer is to choose right program learning.

Select educational program, which, along with basic vocabulary, involves learning through written or oral dialogues.

Grammar rules are of course important. But if fluency is your goal, then you need a course that focuses on dialogue.

Ideally, choose . Do not forget that your course must necessarily include listening comprehension, that is, listening.

Only by repeatedly listening to the sounds of the language being studied, you will learn to pronounce them yourself.

In this case, the use of a computer in learning a language is extremely useful, because you can listen to phrases and dialogues for as long as you like - until you firmly master their pronunciation.

Other Useful Online Resources

The Internet also gives us the opportunity to improve our reading and writing skills in English. Since 80% of existing sites are made in English, you can learn new phrases and words of any subject every day. In addition to this, various chats and forums help develop written communication skills in English. There are also many sites where you can download themed word lists and games to help improve your

Now, when knowledge of English has become almost a mandatory requirement when applying for a job, the question of whether to study it or not practically does not arise. Of course, you can sign up for special courses, but often there is no time to attend them. As always, the World Wide Web comes to the rescue: there is great amount sites, thanks to which you can easily learn English, independently adjusting the load and distributing time. The language can be studied both with the help of the community method and individually.

1. At one time, two sites that users constantly recommend to each other became a sensation in the market for learning foreign languages. These are busuu and Livemocha. Although they are not identical, language learners tend to use busuu, if not Livemocha, although the former is preferred. Both services are partially free, so a special points distribution system allows you to access paid premium features without paying cash(for example, on Livemocha, extra points are awarded to native speakers who grade the assignments of those who have chosen their language). Busuu, which was named a UNESCO project and is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, has 150 topics available for study, and the proposed vocabulary is used more often in live speech compared to Livemocha, which is not surprising: the aforementioned the system is designed for levels from A1 to B2, i.e. from the level of survival to advanced. Livemocha also has four levels of courses, with exercises in reading, listening, writing and speaking. Chats for language practice are available on both resources. However, keep in mind that not all free materials are verified: there are still inaccuracies on Livemocha in some places. Both sites are available in Russian.

2. Another very popular site is Babbel. The service is completely paid, but this does not prevent four million people in 200 countries from using it with pleasure. Tasks can be performed not only online, but also by installing special software. Those who want to learn English can choose Business English, English for journalists and… railway workers. The course materials, in addition to grammar, include tongue twisters and songs. Babbel software can be installed on both Apple and Android devices so that you never stop learning for a minute. The credo of this site is modern methods and technologies: if speech recognition, then instantaneous (Babbel relies on pronunciation), if recommendation, then personalized. The site has already won numerous awards and is constantly evolving.

3. The application byki (an abbreviation for the phrase “before you know it”) of the American company Transparent Language found its fans among those who study foreign words a few years ago. Now the company has launched several projects, including paid online courses for learning English as a second language (ESL). At www.transparent.com, you can find a lot of useful materials, including the column "Word of the Day", current blog articles about languages, and various tests. The main emphasis is on using the mechanisms of declarative memory, designed to remember learned information - to memorize words, phrases and short sentences - and procedural memory, in which information about recent actions is stored - in order to remember the skills of applying grammatical rules and independently make proposals.

4. Another project that offers users a full range of services is the Chinese-American site Italki.com. This is such a hybrid of a social network where you can find a language partner, a place for self-study and a site that serves as a platform for finding the right professional tutor or program for money. Italki.com is available in Russian. Now the social network has 700 thousand users from 200 countries of the world, so it is also popular, and the prices for the services of native language teachers, according to reviews, are quite affordable, and such classes will be much more effective than using Skype with a Russian-speaking teacher.

5. If other sites offer a large number of languages, Russian LinguaLeo service, which was just a start-up, focused exclusively on learning English. According to its creators, this site is intended for those who learned the language by dry phrases and do not perceive the fluent speech of native speakers by ear. Main character LinguaLeo, as you might guess from the name of the service, is a Leo lion that needs to be fed meatballs. If the busuu service resembles a garden that constantly needs to be watered while learning new words, LinguaLeo is stylized as a jungle. You can invite friends to your pride from social networks. There is something from the Tamagotchi in it: the less often you do it, the hungrier the lion cub will be. Among the studied materials are audio and video content, quests and a multi-level training system.

Of course, these are not all online services for learning English. In fact, there are a lot of them, and which one to choose depends solely on the student himself. Each site offers both free and paid training with the ability to choose their own method.

Often people say that they really need to learn a language, but they don't have the ability. Remember: there are no incapable of languages. Just most often when studying foreign language people take the wrong approach.

How to start learning English yourself?

Emotional-psychological preparation

Away with doubt

First, decide if you need a language at all. If needed, then stop doubting, otherwise there will be no success.

goal setting

Set a goal: I want to know and speak English! Imagine what benefits you will get from fluent communication in English. Maybe this is a fascinating communication abroad, maybe - viewing interesting movie without a transfer or even a salary increase.


Learn to have fun while learning a language. It is much more effective if you learn the language with pleasure, for example, by listening to a good song or just chatting with a friend. Your motto is: “Everything I do when learning English is only with pleasure.”

Secrets of the method of successful language acquisition

When learning a language, the question of choosing a method inevitably arises. Modern methods can be divided by 2 large groups: communicative (oral speech) and classical (sequential study of grammar through reading and translations).

These methods have their own advantages and disadvantages: communication adherents speak fluently, but make many mistakes in grammar, while classical method makes oral communication difficult due to fear of grammatical errors. There is only one recipe here: talk and talk, even mentally.

The goal is to think in English.

Here are 5 cornerstones of successful English learning:

  • Grammar
  • Letter
  • Reading
  • Speech
  • Speech perception


Remember - it is strictly not recommended to absorb more than 2 pages of rules per day. Try to feel the joy of understanding the rule. Then, for 2 days, use it wherever possible. Hang the table so that it often catches your eye.


Chat with friends, communicate with them in English in ICQ, Twitter and Skype. It is very useful to write essays, especially for those who want to pass a special international exam in English (TOEFL, IELTS). Yes, and also - write SMS to friends in English.


Read only what you like. Avoid boring textbook stories! Learn how to use a dictionary - consider all uses given word, all his phraseological turns. To quickly expand your vocabulary - create thematic groups words (shopping, weather, food), writing them down on cards.


The main feature in teaching speech skills is the pleasure of communication. Visit an English club where people gather to just chat in English over a cup of tea. Another option is communication via Skype or ICQ. Helps a lot - check it out.

Speech perception

Do you love movies? See them in the original! Listen to your favorite songs and try to understand their meaning. It is very useful to watch the news (BBC, CNN), where a picture is given with the speech, which makes it easier to perceive. As practice shows, in a couple of months you can easily understand 80% of the news. In addition, there are wonderful radio broadcasts and just lectures on various topics; All of them are posted on the Internet - choose according to your interest.

Useful Rules

Do you want to learn English quickly and effectively? Stick to simple rules:

  1. Down with fear
  2. Use all possible sources
  3. Immerse yourself in the language atmosphere
  4. Practice live communication
  5. Do exercises with tests
  6. Sign up for voice recorder

Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. The main problem of people learning English is their fear of saying something wrong, making a mistake in grammar and looking stupid. They prefer to remain silent. Don't do it! English needs constant practice - don't let fear get in the way of your success.
  2. Use different sources (reading, watching movies) - this will make it possible to learn English much faster.
  3. Speak English with friends or relatives, write in English, listen to English-language radio stations and TV channels (BBC, Russia Today). This approach will help you improve your pronunciation and get used to the language. Oh, and one more thing - do not forget to read interesting books anywhere!
  4. Use Skype - look for foreign friends to communicate in English live. This is an indescribable feeling when you suddenly realize that you easily understand each other. In addition, you will learn a lot of colloquial expressions.
  5. Complete tasks - they will help you quickly learn grammar and expand your vocabulary. Pass the difficult test 2 times, with an interval of 6 months. This will help you test and consolidate your achievements.
  6. Recording your speech and thoughts on a voice recorder is a very useful technique. If you notice while listening grammatical errors Speak slowly, then pick up the pace.

We all get tired, but when you come home from work in the evening, try to find half an hour to study the language. Try various methods memories, invent your own, rejoice in success. And then learning English will turn into an exciting leisure activity, and the result will simply amaze you.