Almost all products can be prepared for future use. This time, the conversation will be about all the well-known vegetables - is it possible to freeze onions for the winter, and what recipes exist. After all, there are times when there is no fresh vegetable at hand, and there is not enough time to go to the store.

Many people doubt whether it is possible to freeze onions. In fact, yes, and several recipes below will describe how to do this.

Recipe for harvesting raw for the winter

It is worth remembering that the vegetable will lose some of its taste. Therefore, it cannot be consumed without heat treatment, for example, for making salads. But you can add it to soups, main dishes and pastries without any problems.


Servings: - +

  • bulb onions 1 kg

per serving

Calories: 61 kcal

Proteins: 0.17 g

Fats: 0.08 g

Carbohydrates: 14.63 g

25 min. Video recipe Print

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Whole house freezer

Not only pre-chopped onion is subject to freezing, but also the entire head as a whole. You can find out how to do this by following the instructions below.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Servings: 4

Energy value

For 1 serving:

  • calorie content - 89.6 kcal;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • proteins - 13.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 19 g.


  • onion - 800 g.

Step by step cooking

  1. First of all, it is necessary to select high-quality bulbs - only fresh vegetables are suitable, without any spots, moldiness, external damage and an unpleasant smell of decay. Thoroughly clean them, rinse under the tap with cold water and pat dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture.
  2. Arrange the prepared whole heads in plastic bags for freezing, gently squeeze as much excess air out of them as possible and tie or fasten.
  3. Sign the blank, indicating the packaging date on the sticker, and send it to the freezer until the right moment.

Advice: In addition to freezer bags, you can also use airtight containers.

Not everyone knows whether it is possible to freeze onions for the winter in finished form. In order to do it right, we have selected the best recipes.

How to freeze fried onions

Fried onions are added to dishes shortly before the end of cooking. It can be eaten without additional processing: it is enough to defrost or reheat in the microwave.

Advice: to cook evenly a large number of vegetables, carry out the process in stages. Divide the onion into portions and fry one by one.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Servings: 5

Energy value

For 1 serving:

  • caloric content - 449.1 kcal;
  • proteins - 5.1 g;
  • fats - 35 g;
  • carbohydrates - 28.5 g.


  • onion - 600 g;
  • vegetable oil - 70 g.

Step by step cooking

  1. Clean and cut the way you used to do it.
  2. Heat a skillet or skillet with oil on the stove. Put aside and mix.
  3. After a minute, repeat and reduce the heat. With this method, the onion is well fried, becomes soft, but does not burn.
  4. Cook until golden brown.
  5. Then remove it from the pan and transfer to a wide container to cool. You can see in the photo what consistency a properly prepared onion should have.
  6. While the first portion is cooling, prepare the second.
  7. Once chilled, transfer to small freezer bags.

Freeze dried in the oven

To get rid of excess moisture and create conditions for better preservation of frozen onions, you can pre-dry it a little in the oven.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Servings: 6

Energy value

For 1 serving:

  • calorie content - 134.5 kcal;
  • fats - 5;
  • proteins - 3.4;
  • carbohydrates - 19.


  • onion - 1.2 kg;
  • olive oil - 30 ml.

Step by step cooking

  1. We set the temperature of the oven to 180 ℃ on the thermostat and leave it to warm up, and in the meantime, we will take care of the rest of the preparatory processes.
  2. Fresh vegetables are peeled, washed under a cold running stream and, after wiping dry with paper napkins, chopped in the way you need.
  3. We take a large baking sheet and, after greasing it with olive oil, lay the chopped onions on it. We put the container in a preheated oven for about 5-7 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, remove from the oven and cool. We lay out the cooled dried vegetable in special packages in portions (always leave free place, since the onion will increase in volume during freezing), mark with a sticker and transfer to the freezer for storage.

Pickled Harvesting Rules

In order for the vegetable to retain all its useful and taste properties for a longer period of time, it can be pre-marinated lightly in table salt.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Servings: 5

Energy value

For 1 serving:

  • calorie content - 89.6 kcal;
  • fats - 0;
  • proteins - 3.4;
  • carbohydrates - 19.


  • onion - 1 kg;
  • edible salt - 350 g.

Step by step cooking

  1. First you need to process the main ingredient - having selected whole, not spoiled fruits, carefully clean them, wash them under a running stream and, having dried from excess moisture, cut them in any convenient way (cubes, rings, half rings).
  2. Then, shifting into a deep container, pour the food table salt and leave to marinate for about 7-8 minutes.
  3. We lay out the resulting product in special plastic bags or sealed containers and, having pumped out excess air, close it tightly and put it away for storage in the freezer.

Important: just before cooking, you will definitely need to soak such a workpiece in cool water for about half an hour so that all excess salt comes out of it.

How to save after blanching

One of the most best practices freezing products is their preliminary blanching. During this process, a kind of protective film is created on the vegetable, which prevents it from losing its beneficial features, and also allows you to save juiciness and taste characteristics. This processing method slows down the action of enzymes and promotes better storage.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Servings: 5

Energy value

For 1 serving:

  • calorie content - 89.6 kcal;
  • fats - 0;
  • proteins - 3.4;
  • carbohydrates - 19.


  • onion - 1 kg;
  • water - 4 l;
  • edible salt - 60 g.

Step by step cooking

  1. Peeled vegetables, rinse thoroughly, dry with paper towels and chop into small cubes.
  2. Following this, we take a deep container, fill it with 4 liters pure water and, sending to a medium flame, bring to a boil. As soon as the liquid boils, pour 2 tablespoons of salt there, stir and lower the chopped onion into boiling water for literally 15-20 seconds.
  3. We throw the scalded product onto a culinary sieve and immediately transfer it to ice or wash it under ice water - this must be done in order to stop the heat treatment. We leave the cooled vegetable in kitchen utensils until all the water has drained.
  4. We lay out the resulting workpiece in portions in packages, sign it, not forgetting to indicate the date of freezing, and put it in the freezer.

Leek in the fridge for the winter - a step by step recipe

This vegetable stays in the refrigerator for a long time. But still, is it possible to freeze leeks for the winter? The answer to this question is positive. IN freezer it can stay much longer without losing its taste.

Important: a feature of leeks is that during growth, particles of earth fall between the leaves. Therefore, before cooking, you need to separate the top feathers and rinse them thoroughly.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Servings: 5

Energy value

For 1 serving:

  • calorie content - 82.4 kcal;
  • proteins - 6 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14.6 g.


  • leek - 1 kg.

Step by step cooking

  1. Everything is suitable for freezing, except for the root. cut off lower part and wash the vegetable thoroughly.
  2. Shake it off and leave to dry. You can dry it gently with a paper towel.
  3. You can cut into circles or half rings, and greens - into thin strips.
  4. Fold into portion bags, and send to freeze.

Advice: do not freeze whole. A thawed vegetable will be inconvenient to cut, as it loses its elasticity a little.

Freezing Secret

Onions, regardless of the type of processing, have a persistent and pungent odor. Therefore, it should not be frozen next to fruit.

To prevent the smell from spreading through the freezer, pack it in two bags or an airtight container. Onions can be added to a cooked dish without defrosting.

Shelf life

The blank is stored for no more than 6 months if the temperature in the freezer is not higher than -18 ° C. Otherwise, the onion will be edible for 3 months.

Freezing container

For packaging, the same container is suitable as for any other product - plastic or polyethylene. But you need to turn Special attention on the tightness of the packaging so that the smell is not absorbed into all the products in the freezer.

Try to make an onion different ways, and you will never worry that you have run out of this odorous vegetable.

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Greenery. This makes it possible to nourish the body with the necessary vitamins and other useful substances in winter time when getting fresh vegetables and fruits is problematic. On our site you can find the best recipes for freezing various products. In this article we will talk about the correct freezing at home.

What greens can be frozen

Perhaps, it is best suited for such a storage method as freezing. After all, it is it that allows you to save most of the valuable substances that make up the plants. And greens are very useful for the human body, and nutritionists everywhere recommend introducing it into the daily diet. For example, it contains up to 25% of the daily iron requirement for human body, and contains four times more vitamin C than, for example,.

However, not all greens can be frozen. So, do not recommend freezing as it becomes watery. In addition, it changes its taste and attractive appearance. Although culinary experts say that there are several recipes that can be used to avoid this problem. For example, add a plant to dishes in an unfrozen form, or freeze with or.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to freeze the leaves for the winter. This should not be done either. After defrosting, it turns into an unattractive porridge that no longer has a fresh taste or smell.

Freezing is also not advised. If there is a need to preserve it for the winter, it is better to use drying. This will keep the flavor better.

For soup

For soup, frozen ones are perfect. They can be frozen individually or as a mix.

To decorate dishes

To decorate dishes, you can freeze curly and ordinary,. Also, greens are frozen for filling in savory pies. For this purpose, and are well suited.

For tea

Excellent is obtained from frozen. You can also freeze tea sets from:

  • leaves;
  • leaves;
  • leaves;
  • leaves;

In addition to tea, such frozen decoctions are great for cosmetic procedures rubbing the face.

Preparing greens before freezing

Preparing and freezing greens for freezing is very simple. First of all, it must be washed - pour water into a bowl and rinse well in it several times. Then rinse under running water.

Then the herbs need to be dried well, but not more than an hour. Excess moisture will lead to the formation of unnecessary pieces of ice. To dry, the grass should be placed on a paper or cotton towel.

If you plan to freeze the green mass in bunches, then you will need to remove the stalks. When freezing in other ways, the greens will need to be finely chopped using a sharp knife or scissors.

Also, some plants recommend blanching before freezing. In the case of greens, this means scalding with boiling water. It is important to understand that during this process, some of the vitamins disappear and the smell weakens somewhat.

Important! The less time passes from the process of collecting herbs to freezing, the more vitamins will remain in the plants..

Freezing methods

There are several ways to freeze fresh herbs for the winter. They must be selected depending on where you plan to use it in the future.

in bunches

In order not to bother much, the green mass can be frozen in its entirety in bunches. Here's how to do it:

  1. From the washed and dried, with the stems of the greens removed, form a small bunch.
  2. Wrap it in cling film or foil, forming a kind of sausage or roll.
  3. Place in freezer.

To use, you will need to remove the "sausage" from the freezer, open it from one end and cut required amount greenery. Pack the rest and place back in the freezer. In case of accidental violation of the integrity of the film or foil - wrap with a new layer.

You can freeze any greens in bunches. In this form, it can be used in salads, first courses, side dishes, pies, sauces, pizza.
There is also a way to store greens in bags and containers:

  1. Dry the washed branches and put on a tray (baking tray, tray, plate, dish) in one layer.
  2. Put in the freezer for two to three hours.
  3. After this time, remove the branches from the freezer and scatter them in vacuum or regular bags, or in plastic containers.

The green seasoning prepared in this way immediately before being placed in ready meal removed from the freezer and, without defrosting, cut, and then added to food.


If you have time, then all the grass that you plan to freeze will need to be chopped.

Sliced ​​plants are frozen in this way:

  1. Wash and dry.
  2. Finely cut with a knife or scissors.
  3. Placed in a regular or vacuum bag.
  4. Well leveled and let out air.
  5. Send the package to the freezer.

So you can freeze one type of grass or several. Preferably in small batches.

There is another way to freeze cut plants:

  1. Finely chopped green mass is wrapped in a film, thus creating a “sausage”, as is the case with bunches. The length of such a package should not exceed 10-12 cm - this is enough for four to five uses.
  2. "Sausage" put in the freezer.

ice cubes

Few people know how to freeze greens in the freezer with cubes. However, this is a simple matter and not at all troublesome. Here's what the process looks like in practice:

  1. Washed and dried plants finely chop.
  2. Place, tamping, in molds for ice.
  3. Fill molds with water.
  4. Place in freezer.

Cubes can continue to be stored in the ice tray. And after freezing, you can take them out and pour them into one container or bag.
Cubes are also great for freezing herbs for tea. To do this, they are first brewed in a teapot, and then, after the tea has cooled, it is poured into ice molds. After freezing, such cubes are good to add for a herbal taste to regular hot tea or just to boiled water. They are also used to wipe the face with various skin problems, or for toning.

Shelf life

Frozen herbs are usable for one year after freezing. In the future, they will lose large quantity their valuable substances and remain tasty, but useless for the body.

  1. Greens are easy to freeze plastic bags, silicone molds, plastic containers. Metal or glass containers are not suitable for these purposes.
  2. Packages with frozen plants should be made small, for several times of use. If the grass is stored in bunches, then it must be cut very quickly so that the remaining branches do not have time to unfreeze. Re-freezing of the product is strictly prohibited.
  3. When freezing plants in bags, the air must be completely removed before placing them in the freezer. A straw for a cocktail will help with this, which is inserted into a small hole where the bag is closed or tied.
  4. In the freezer, greens can be kept in the same compartment with, but not next to, fish.
  5. In packages, you can freeze a mix of vegetables and herbs, soup sets with the addition of herbs.
  6. It is not necessary to grind the grass with the help of cutting objects; a blender will quickly cope with this task.
  7. If you plan to freeze the herb cubes, it is advisable to use separate molds for this purpose, as they tend to absorb the aroma.
  8. When freezing simply chopped plants, or in cubes, before being placed in bags and an ice mold, they must be poured over with boiling water, that is, blanched. It is better to put the grass in a colander for this - so the water will drain quickly. Plants are sent for freezing after they dry out.
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Prepare food. Freshest is great for freezing. green onion with young feathers (it is better to take onions that have not dried out the tips of the feathers). Peel the onion, rinse thoroughly under running water, remove the flaccid parts (if any). Place in a colander to drain the water.

Separate the green feathers from the white bulbs.

The white and green part of the onion must be cut separately (the frozen white part of the onion is convenient to use, for example, for frying, and the green part can be added during the preparation of various dishes). Cut the white part of the onion about 1 cm wide, that is, cut it the way you cut an onion into okroshka or into a salad.

Separately chop the green onions.

In a part of the plastic containers or freezer bags, being careful not to stuff them too much, fold the chopped green feathers, and fill the remaining containers or freezer bags with the chopped white part of the onion. Close tightly and send to the freezer.

You can also freeze green onion feathers in foil. To do this, rinse the green feathers, remove, if any, flaccid parts, let the onion dry. Place the green onions on the foil.

Frozen green onions keep in the freezer for about 6 months. Perfect for cooking omelettes, various casseroles, sauces, first courses, savory pastries. Frozen white onions can, for example, be fried and added to various dishes. It is not necessary to defrost onions before cooking. Great preparation for the winter, try it!

If, like me, you appreciate green onions for their excellent taste qualities and useful properties, you will definitely miss it in the cold season. Today I offer you an elegant solution to this problem. Now you will learn how to save green onions for the winter in several ways.

Preparation rules

Before freezing green onions for the winter, you need to carry out preliminary manipulations, which involve several stages:

Image Procedure

Step 1. Choosing greens.

Harvesting green onions begins with its proper selection. Prefer bright green feathers with no visible damage. If the tips of the plant are dry, cut them off.

Step 2 Clean up.

Rinse the plant thoroughly under running water, removing any remaining dust and earth.

Step 3. Slicing.

You can skip this step if you want to keep the greens whole. But I would still recommend chopping green leaves - so, the plant is much more convenient to store.

How large to cut, it's up to you - it all depends on personal preference.

For example, I cut some of the blanks finely (I use them later for sauces), and some into medium pieces (these can be added to a salad or side dish).

How to harvest onions for the winter

Method 1. Simple

If you still do not know if it is possible to freeze green onions in the freezer, I will answer - of course you can. Moreover, it is the freezer that will help preserve the plant for as long as 12 months.

Regular freezing is the most common type of greens storage. It is simple and does not require additional components:

  1. Chop your feathers greens to the required size.
  2. Divide them into molds for ice or baking. Fill mini-containers no more than a third.
  3. Fill the remaining space with water and put the containers in the freezer.
  4. When the cubes are frozen, stack them in individual bags and use as needed.

Put a limited number of frozen cubes in one bag so that you do not have to defrost large volumes of onions in the future.

Method 2. Salting

  1. For 1 kg of greens, prepare about 250 grams of salt.
  2. Dry the plant thoroughly. It is very important that water drops do not get into the jar with the workpiece.
  3. Mix the herbs with half the prepared salt.
  4. Start spreading the resulting mass in a jar in layers. a couple of centimeters, sprinkle each new layer with the remaining salt.

Do-it-yourself onions after salting can be used only after 2-3 weeks. This time is necessary for the greens to marinate well and give juice. In this form, the plant can be stored for up to 7 months.

Method 3. Billet in oil

  1. Wash the herbs and dry them thoroughly.
  2. Cut the grass and fill a clean jar with it about ¾.
  3. Pour the oil into the container and stir, pour some more oil on top of the mixture.
  4. Close the jar with a capron lid.

Such a blank is stored in the refrigerator for at least six months. And the main advantage of this method is that greens do not lose their nutritional components.

Method 4. Drying

Describing the ways of storing a plant, it is impossible not to mention the drying of the plant:

  1. Wash the greens and cut them.
  2. Lay out the plant on white paper. It is very important to place the plant in warm place where he can dry off. Avoid direct sunlight on the plant - they will destroy nutrients contained in it. If necessary, wash and cover it with a sheet of paper.
  3. Wait approximately 5-7 days. The readiness of the greens will be indicated by its fragility. If the onion crumbles easily in your hands, you can pour it into a dry jar and store it at room temperature (in a closet, for example).


In the summer, when seasonal greens are in abundance, many housewives are wondering: how to properly prepare green onions for the winter, whether it is possible to freeze them at home. Not only possible, but necessary! Recipes with photos for beginners from an experienced hostess with useful tips, just will be a reliable answer and visual help.

It is important to note that grown in greenhouse conditions greens in the cold and little sunny season are poor in those nutrients and vitamins that are inherent in the seasonal harvest. And the price issue is not always in last place. Profitable and economical: collect a feather on the site, buy and save green onions for the winter at the beginning of summer.
Fortunately, today it is not at all difficult to do this, and if the place in the freezer allows you to place stocks there, then why not save the fruits of the summer harvest by making stocks for future use.

One of the simple, quick and versatile ways to harvest greens (not only green onion arrows, but also dill or parsley) is the freezing method. Due to the fact that the product is not amenable to heat treatment, fermentation, salting, but is harvested in its natural form, all useful components are preserved in it.

To prepare green onions for the coming winter fresh, by freezing in the freezer of the refrigerator, you need to know only three best recipes and simple tricks.

You can freeze both as a whole and in the form of slices. For liquid dishes, it is best to grind the arrows in advance onion and send them to the freezer. In winter, all that remains is to get the package, take the right amount of chopped greens for hot dishes and a jar of sorrel.
But for salads, it is best to keep green onions for future use in their entirety, without chopping.

Let's stop in detail and consider the subtleties of each method.

For this we need:

  • Large bunch of green onions
  • Small plastic cups - 4 pcs.
  • Food wrap or thick cellophane
  • Packages - T-shirt - 1 pc.
  • Plastic bottle - 500 ml
  • Paper napkins - 10-15 pcs. You can also use a hair dryer to dry the herbs.
  • Water.

Yield of the finished product: from one and a half kg of green onions, taking into account what is cut for freezing and the white part of the arrow, one package of chopped onions, 4 plastic cups with a blank, one full plastic bottle and five onion blanks as a whole, preserved in cling film.

Sort the onion, rinse thoroughly under running cold water and shake off the remaining water or remove excess liquid with paper napkins. Separate 5-7 bow arrows for further cutting.

The first recipe with a photo will show how to protect the pen for future use in a bag, cellophane, in the freezer:

how to freeze green onions for the winter whole and sliced

The second method is even more practical and does not require much time from the hostess.

  1. Onion arrows washed under running water are laid out on cellophane or cling film, rolled up.
  2. The excess film is cut off, and its edges are moistened with water and fixed.
  3. These are the blanks of the bow feather with arrows in general form are obtained at home, as in the photo below.

Another option, it is more time-consuming and space-consuming in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, but at the same time very convenient - it's like preparing green onions in plastic cups for the winter.

Harvesting in this way is perfect for its further use in soups or borscht. It is enough to take out a frozen onion mold with ice and lower it into a boiling broth a couple of minutes before it is ready.
Chopped green onions are put into plastic cups.

It is filled with cold water to the brim and covered with cling film so that the greens do not absorb and transfer the smell to other nearby products.

Transfer to the freezer until the water is completely frozen.

As soon as they are ready, that is, frosts, the cups are removed from the cold and sent under the stream for half a minute. warm water. After such a reception, the contents of the ice and onions are easily removed from the plastic cup. Such portioned blanks can be folded into a bag and sent back to the freezer.

We also share one simple, but requiring compliance certain rules preparation method -

freeze green onions for the winter in a plastic bottle

  1. Before cutting the onion, it must be washed well and dried with thick napkins. You can dry the bow arrows in the sun for at least half an hour or direct the cold air of a hair dryer onto the greens.
  2. The cutting and the bottle must be completely dry - this is the most important rule For this method greenery conservation. Only in this form will frozen onions fall out of the bottle without problems, and not turn into a wet mixture that cannot be used.
  3. The bottle is filled with chopped onion and closed with a lid.

That's all the secrets of home recipes: how you can prepare quickly and easily, by freezing green onions, preserving its freshness and aroma for the whole winter.

For more on the topic, see: