Everyone has probably heard about Oymyakon in Yakutia, which is the cold pole of the northern hemisphere. But in fact, it is. This lost World located at an altitude of one kilometer above sea level and 105 kilometers south and up into the mountains from Oymyakon. The mountain plateau is inaccessible. The temperature here sometimes drops below 71 degrees Celsius.

The Yakuts tell many legends about this mysterious lake. And the main thing is that some unknown predator lives in it - "Labynkyr devil" - a relative of the Loch Ness monster. Or more precisely whole population. Locals do not dare to go to the lake, as it has a bad reputation.

The Yakuts, as if at the beginning of the 20th century, somehow got the jaw of one inhabitant of the lake, measured it, and reported figures about the size of the whole monster. Its width, in their opinion, is "like a raft of 10 logs", and footprints are meter long.

The lake measures 14 by 4 kilometers. The average depth is just over 50 meters.

In March 1941, the ANT-6 military transport aircraft was returning from a special Arctic expedition. Pilot Ivan Cherevichny and navigator Valentin Akkuratov drove a heavy 4-engine vehicle from the so-called "Pole of Inaccessibility" to the south of Yakutia. Flying over the area with the coordinates of 62° 30' north latitude and 143° 36' east longitude, the crew drew attention to some incomprehensible objects on the ground, constantly in motion. The route of the polar pilots passed over these places more than once, but neither Cherevichny nor Akkuratov had seen anything like this before. They decided to descend to solve the riddle. When the altimeter showed a mark of 50 meters above the ground, Valentin Akkuratov saw that two huge creatures were rushing across the thick ice of the endless lake. Apparently frightened by the roar of the engine and the shadow of the plane, the monsters dived into the hole, raising a column of water. When the pilots returned to base and spoke about what they saw, they were listened to and did not believe a word. But only the Yakut, who was the commandant there, shook his head meaningfully and said: "This is the Labynkyr devil." No details were obtained from the commandant.

Photo from ykt.ru

On December 14, 1958, a rather strange article appeared in the Youth of Yakutia newspaper. In the Oymyakonsky district there is a large lake Labynkyr. The nearest settlement is the village of Tomtor. Its inhabitants tell about a huge mysterious monster that lives in Labynkyr. The Yakuts call this monster the devil. One day he chased a Yakut fisherman. The animal was dark gray in color, with a huge mouth. The fisherman died of fear. The author of the note was ridiculed by colleagues and readers. History was forgotten, but not for long.

After 4 years, another issue of the popular almanac "Around the World" appeared on the newsstands of Soyuzpechat. The circulation was sold out instantly. The journal published the diaries of Viktor Ivanovich Tverdokhlebov, head of the geological party of the East Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The culmination was the lines where the author described a meeting with an unknown relic animal on the shore of that same Yakut lake. The article was very difficult to print, even though it was already the beginning of the 60s, but the editors were afraid of everything in the old way, namely, any new trends or discoveries that go against science. Nevertheless, the publication appeared and made a splash in the Soviet Union.

Photo by Viktor Tverdokhlebov

This happened on July 30, 1953, when Viktor Tverdokhlebov and his partner Boris Bashkatov, collecting firewood for a fire, climbed a hill and noticed some object in the water. Here is what the scientist wrote in his diary: “The object swam and quite quickly. It was something alive, it moved in an arc, first along the lake, and then right towards us. We saw only a small part of the monster, but a huge massive body was guessed under the water. At the same time, waves were coming from his head, born somewhere under the water. doubt is one of the strongest predators in the world. Such an indomitable, merciless, some kind of meaningful ferocity was felt in his every movement, in his whole appearance. " These lines made the publication sensational. Immediately, Tverdokhlebov's testimony was criticized. The Permafrost Institute stated that eyewitnesses observed just a huge catfish. True catfish does not live in this lake. Naturally, many argued that geologists simply imagined all this. They say it happens so often with people who find themselves in the north one on one with wildlife. Ichthyologists tried to explain what they saw by the refraction of light in water. But Tverdokhlebov and Bashkatov were experienced researchers and were fully aware of what could be refraction and what could be a mirage.

Tverdokhlebov discovered this animal, described it and its descriptions are worth a lot, because he was, firstly, a real scientist, a geologist, although not a zoologist, but very an educated person, naturalist. His colleagues also understood antiquities and paleontology, and they realized that in front of them was just an unknown creature that lives in this lake.

"I have often been asked about the monster,

and I spoke much and willingly about the plateau. But often, too often

in matters of colleagues

heard hidden or

obvious mockery or distrust.

I got tired of it in the end

and I stopped talking

about the secrets of the plateau"

from the memoirs of V. Tverdokhlebov

Itself is called nothing more than " lost World". Some believe that this is a legend, a myth that has nothing to do with real story. Others believe in it, believing that this is another dimension, and so on. Is there even a version that it is a mammoth?! There were an unimaginable number of mammoths in Siberia. Great amount tusks were previously mined on the New Siberian Islands. And they supposedly switched to an aquatic lifestyle due to frost. Others believe that this is a huge relic pike.

There is a legend among the fishermen of Oymyakon that in the middle of the last century, one of the local residents caught here a pike the size of a crocodile, all covered with thick moss. However, few witnesses pointed to the amphibian image of the monster, which is unacceptable for a pike. The writer and traveler Nikolai Nepomniachtchi believes: "It looks like some kind of water lizard - a plesiosaur 8-10 meters in length with a huge long neck, small head, flippers and powerful tail. The animal reproduces by eggs and keeps them somewhere in underwater caves.

At the bottom of the lake there is a certain crack, which increases the depth, presumably up to 80 meters. Maybe more? There is a version that, for example, Lake Baikal is generally bottomless and all water bodies of the world are interconnected. The water in Labynkyr, despite severe frosts, freezes very slowly, which remains a mystery to scientists. The river of the same name flows into Labynkyr through an ice non-melting dam. There are three islands on the lake, which have the strange property of disappearing underwater from time to time, but the water level itself remains unchanged.

It turns out that the lake is a very suitable place for an unknown relic animal to live. No African jungle or Latin America they cannot be compared with Labynkyr in terms of the degree of abandonment, alienation and detachment, closeness from the rest of the world.

In the 60-70s of the last century, several expeditions visited Labynkyr, but no one managed to find either the mysterious monster or any of its traces. Over the next 30 years, almost no human foot set foot on the shores of the lake, except for rare fishermen. True, there is still one Yakut - a hermit settled not far away. Olyams (?) was his name, or nickname, or name. Seems to be half crazy. He traded fish for vodka and then told stories about the devil. As if on every full moon he comes out and devours tribute from the hermit. In 1993, Olyams fell seriously ill, fishermen found him in a serious condition and brought him to the hospital. When he recovered his senses, he shouted that he could not be taken away from Labynkyr. He was brought back. He seemed to have seen the devil many times. However, he died a natural death in a dugout, was not eaten.

Another story told by the locals. The Evenk family, wandering in the taiga, drove on the ice in winter on a team and tied the team of deer to a branch frozen into the ice. The branch turned out to be the horn of the Labynkyr devil. The monster broke through the ice and dragged all the people and deer down with it. But some of the Evenki remained alive, because at that moment they retreated and collected branches for a fire on the shore.

Another dramatic story. The nomads were heading to Oymyakon and stopped on the bank of a stream that flows into the lake. While the adults went about their business, no one noticed how a little boy fell into the stream. The flow of water carried the child into the lake. The parents rushed to help. But then the head of a monster suddenly surfaced and swallowed the boy. The angry father made a trap overnight. The devil was caught and killed. The stream where the tragedy occurred was called Children's. The remains of the monster were thrown on the shore. The jaw was later seen by many hunters who had been to the lake. It was said that it is so huge that if you put it like an arch, you can ride a deer through it. It all looks like a legend after all. But the researchers of Kosmopoisk faced the bloodthirstiness of the monster. That's how it was.

It seemed incomprehensible what the animal would eat there, since there is no food base, and how would it survive at such low temperatures? But the Kosmopoisk expedition, led by the well-known Vadim Chernobrov, arrived at the lake in winter and was surprised to find that there was no ice there. The temperature was close to zero. At the same time, the lake was teeming with fish.

Using an echo sounder, the researchers saw a large animal at a depth of several tens of meters, its size was about five meters. On the last night, the monster crawled out of the water and ate the dog. Vadim Chernobrov believes that it is unlikely that the monster was hungry, given the number of fish in the lake. This dog on the very first day, approaching the lake, felt the danger. She lay down to sleep between the tent and the lake. For some reason, the dog did not run away, but at the moment of eating it made a terrible sound. In the morning we saw traces of the monster. What is this predator?

The lake is a gorge, one border is an ice dam that is melting. V. Chernobrov puts forward a version that some relic animals could lie frozen, and with warming thaw and return to life again in aquatic environment. The researcher does not doubt the existence of this creature. Perhaps, Chernobrov believes, there are some other ancient creatures in this refrigerator.

Groups of tourists come there once or twice a year in the summer. They tell different stories. So a group of divers went to Labynkyr to unravel this mystery. From Yakutsk to Labynkyr they hardly reached. They took a shaman with them, as people associated with risk are very superstitious. This applies to divers in full measure. So the shaman performed the ceremony and they plunged. First, we checked the equipment. The second time the divers dived to 20 meters and stayed under water for about an hour. The researchers managed to fix not just some huge mass, but the researchers even heard the voice of this creature. This sound was like nothing else. It was something alive. With the help of echo sounders, the researchers found an underground mine-type formation at the bottom of the lake. They pass both in vertical and horizontal planes and possibly connect Labynkyr with other local lakes. Maybe that's why the monster was not found during the kidneys. But in the neighboring lake, the appearance of a giant animal was also repeatedly observed. And there, too, research was carried out with the help of special underwater equipment. But unfortunately, it was not possible to obtain any clear outlines of the creature.

So who is this Labynkyr devil fellow of Loch Ness? Obviously it's an amphibian. And not unique.

If we turn to the ancient Slavic chronicles, and Siberia until the 3rd-4th millennium BC. inhabited by the Slavs-Aryans even before the arrival of the Mongoloids from the south. So there are descriptions of the so-called "Russian crocodile". More precisely, the word was peel-dil, Where dil- horse. Later, this word passed into all languages ​​and returned back to Russian as if foreign. This animal lived in reservoirs of course. It looks like a giant salamander. Maybe his descendant lives now?

It is assumed that in the second half of August, egg laying begins at the Labynkyrsky line. During this period, the male rises to shallow depths and protects the litter. And then he perceives any intrusion as a threat and attacks. This could be the cause of the tragic incident with the child. But this is just a hypothesis.

Meanwhile, reports of unknown monsters come from all over the world. In China, there is a similar monster on Lake Kanas. In 1985, students at Xinjiang University saw an unknown animal on the shore. large sizes. And here again there were rumors that this monster was dragging away pets. And recently in Sweden, in a lake on the border with Norway, in front of dozens of people, something surfaced. Rumors have been circulating since the beginning of this century. It was said that a certain monster climbs ashore and chases people. After it frightened two girls, the locals decided to prepare a trap. But the monster had safely avoided her all these years. Recently we saw footprints on the shore...

Actually on the globe there are many such mysterious places. The appearance of some mysterious creatures often. After all, the depths of the oceans are practically not studied, perhaps such monsters appear from there, and water bodies can be interconnected.

In the territory Yakutia there are about a million lakes. No wonder they say that almost every inhabitant of the republic has a separate lake. However, from the total number of reservoirs, only the legendary Labynkyr lake. According to a legend that has been passed down for decades, a certain huge animal lives here, better known as "Labynkyr devil".

Legend of Lake Labynkyr

Lake Labynkyr is located in the Oymyakonsky district in the east of Yakutia. For hundreds of years, local Yakuts have been passing on the legend of the existence in the lake of a certain huge animal, called the "Labynkyrsky Devil", from generation to generation.

It should be noted that people rarely appear in the area of ​​this lake, the nearest village is 150 km away. No road leads here, and the lake itself can only be reached by all-terrain vehicles, horses or a helicopter.

Old-timers believe that the animal has been living in the lake since time immemorial and behaves extremely aggressively. Once, for example, it was chasing a Yakut fisherman, another time it swallowed a dog swimming after a shot game dog. But most often the object of hunting was deer.

The monster is always described as huge, dark gray in color, with such a large head that the distance between its eyes is more than a meter.

In addition, the locals talked about this creature long before there was talk about the famous Loch Ness monster from Scotland. It is impossible not to take into account the location of the area: that is, news, especially in the last century, came with a delay. Nevertheless, the Sakha and Evenki themselves sincerely believe in this creature.

Diagram of how the monster attacked the dog

According to eyewitnesses

The descriptions of the "devil" are similar, describing the creature as "huge, dark gray in color, with a head so large that the distance between its eyes is less than the traditional local rafts of 10 logs."

All eyewitness stories were scientifically attested. Here are just three of a dozen such stories:

“The family of the Evenk nomads was moving to summer lands. Evening found them on the banks of the Labynkyr. While the elders were preparing for the night, the boy was playing on the banks of the stream that flows into the lake. Suddenly he screamed.

The adults who turned around saw that the child was in the water and the current was carrying him to the middle of the lake. Adults rushed to help, but suddenly some dark creature five or six arshins long (3.55-4.26 meters) appeared from the depths, grabbed the boy with a mouth that looked like a bird's beak with many teeth, and dragged him under water.

The grandfather of the dead boy stuffed a leather bag with deer hair, rags, dry grass and needles, put a smoldering torch in it. He tied the bag to a lasso and threw it into the lake, and fastened the lasso to a large boulder on the shore. In the morning, the waves threw a dying monster ashore - about 10 arshins long (about 7 meters), with a huge, one-third of its height, beak-mouth, with small paws-fins.

The grandfather cut open the belly of the creature, took out the body of his grandson, and the family left the lake. The boy was buried on the bank of the stream, and since then this stream has been called the Child's Creek. And the jaw of the monster stood at Labynkyr for a long time, and under it, as they say, a horseman could ride.

Since local horses are short, the expedition members believe that the length of the jaw could be 2.1-2.5 meters. Where the jaw itself went, no one knows."

And here is another recorded story:

“Once in the winter, the Sakha family was driving along Labynkyr. Suddenly, a few meters from the shore, they saw a horn about a meter long sticking out of the ice. Stopping, people approached it. deer and a few people. And then some creature appeared, dragging people and deer under the water. "

And another one

"Two friends were fishing in the very middle of this lake from a large ten-meter launch. late fall. The lake was calm. And suddenly the boat tilted sharply, and its bow rose strongly above the water. The fishermen were speechless and froze, clutching the sides.

And after a while the boat sank into the water. Someone lifted a heavy barge above the water. Only a large animal can do this. But they didn't see anything - no head, no mouth, nothing at all."

According to locals, a certain Alyams became the only inhabitant on the shores of the lake for a long time. He was a local bliss, this half-mad exile who had served his term and did not want to return "to the mainland." Alyams caught fish, exchanged it with rare helicopter pilots for food and vodka, and then, drunk, told stories that even the experienced ones would drop their jaws.

Drawing according to the description of eyewitnesses. Vadim Chernobrov from Kosmopoisk.

According to him, the "devil" almost every full moon devoured the tribute that he brought to him. The only time Alyams was taken away from the lake was in 1993, when he became seriously ill, and visiting fishermen took him to the hospital.

Having come to his senses, Alyams shouted that it was impossible to take him away from Labynkyr, something now he would definitely die. He died - as soon as he was returned to the shore after urgent requests.


The search for the monster in the lake began after the authoritative testimony of Viktor Tverdokhlebov, head of the geological party of the East Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and geologist Boris Bashkatov, who in their diaries on July 30, 1953, while observing from the Sordonnokh plateau, left the following entry:

"... The object was floating, and quite close. It was something alive, some kind of animal. It moved in an arc: first along the lake, then straight towards us. As it approached, a strange numbness, from which it gets cold inside embraced us.

A dark gray carcass slightly rose above the water, two symmetrical light spots, similar to the eyes of an animal, were clearly distinguished, and something like a stick was sticking out of the body ... We saw only a small part of the animal, but a huge massive body was guessed under the water.

The monster moves with a heavy throw: having risen somewhat from the water, it rushed forward, and then completely immersed in the water. At the same time, waves were coming from his head, born under water.

"There was no doubt: we saw the "line" - the legendary monster of these places."

In the 1960s and 1970s, Labynkyr was visited by several expeditions and tourist groups. However, no one managed to find the "Labynkyrsky devil" or its traces. Interest in the lake monster died down for a long time. For 30 years no researcher has set foot on the shores of the lake.

It is worth noting that during these years, at least twice, divers descended into the lake - and both times "someone" was seen in clear waters.

The researchers found under the surface of the lake underwater - underground mine-type formations. They pass both in vertical and horizontal planes and, possibly, connect Labynkyr with other local lakes. Maybe that's why the monster was not found during the search.

But in the neighboring Labynkyr Lake Gate also repeatedly observed the appearance of a giant animal. However, later an expedition to Gateway Lake managed to prove that there were no monsters in it.

Lake Gate

In the period from October 15 to November 3, 1999, an expedition was carried out to find unknown giant animals in several lakes at once: Dead, Labynkyr, Krasnoe. Its only result was the disappearance of a husky, tied not far from the polynya, without a trace.

According to the researcher Vadim Chernobrov, incomprehensible traces and ice growths were found on the shore of Labynkyr - stalagmites - traces of water flowing from a body that crawled ashore: "Judging by the width of the stalagmites strip, we can conclude that the width of the alleged body from which water flowed ", about 1-1.5 meters. Something, but rather someone, crawled ashore from the water and crawled back. Judging by the size of the stalagmites, it was on the shore for at least a minute."

It was next to these tracks that on the night of October 26-27, the Laika dog disappeared without a trace. She voluntarily lay down to guard the boat on the shore and disappeared the next morning. There were no dog or other marks from the boat. The only way the husky could move away without a trace was towards the water.

The catch is that she was terribly afraid to approach the water. Members of the expedition lured the hungry dog ​​with lard, but it did not come closer than 1.5 meters to the calm surface of the water without waves, despite the fact that already 2-3 meters from the water it calmly pounced on the lard.

“Something on the eve of her was very frightening and she could not overcome her fear and, let me remind you, this is a husky that can not be afraid of a bear! Why has she gone to the water now? Or was she dragged into the water? Why didn’t we hear anything?”, - recalls He.

In 2005, the TV program "Searchers" organized an expedition to the lake, during which they carried out a number of studies and measurements. In particular, with the help of an echo sounder, an anomalous crack was detected at the bottom of the lake, and with the help of a deep-sea telesonde, remains of the jaws and vertebrae of animals were found at the bottom.

In February 2013, a dive was made to the bottom of the lake, the air temperature on the surface is 46 degrees Celsius, the water temperature is +2 degrees. The organizer was the Federation of Underwater Sports of Russia and Russian geographical society, the expedition was named "Pole of Cold". They never met the Labynkyr devil, but they were able to prove that it is possible to work in conditions of a sharp temperature drop without special equipment and gear.

lake anomalies

The lake itself is located at an altitude of 1020 meters above sea level, stretched from north to south for 14 km. The width of the rectangular reservoir is almost the same everywhere - 4 km, depth - up to 60 meters. average temperature water in the lake is +9 degrees, in the bottom layers +1 - +1.5 degrees. However, despite such low temperature, the lake freezes abnormally slowly.

Labynkyr is located in the coldest zone of the continental part of the mainland, a hundred kilometers from the village of Tomtor - the world famous pole of cold. It was here that academician Obruchev once recorded a record low temperature on earth - minus 71.2 degrees Celsius.

Nevertheless, if Labynkyr freezes, it is much later than all other local reservoirs, and even in the most severe winters, the ice here is relatively thin. But most often, a noticeable part of the lake still does not freeze, and local residents are forced to go around it along the shore, although all other reservoirs are crossed on ice. Why the lake has such a feature is still unknown to science. No one has found here warm springs or any other circumstances that explain this phenomenon.

From the expedition of Vadim Chernobrov: "Unfortunately, the reality turned out to be more complicated. All the lakes really stood up, but ... not Labynkyr and Vorota. This fact, later told by us in Moscow, greatly surprised all experienced taiga residents, and, probably, it can only be attributed at the expense of the amazing microclimate reigning around or inside these two lakes.

One way or another, but our plans had to be changed right on the spot, instead of locating through the holes, we had to pick up a boat lying on the shore and locate directly from it.

Who lives in Lake Labynkyr?

Some researchers believe that perhaps it is a mammoth. This version is not as surprising as it seems at first glance. When switching to a semi-aquatic lifestyle, like seals, mammoths could easily survive local frosts down to -60 degrees. And polynyas that do not freeze in any frost on the surface of the lake allow it to breathe air. The only thing that confuses in this version is that eyewitnesses describe the animal as a predator.

Other researchers believe that this is a huge relic pike. Here, the amphibious way of life of the "Labynkyrsky devil" confirmed by witnesses, or a surviving prehistoric lizard, is questionable. If we take the version of the lizard as a basis, then this is a plesiosaur, or a creature closely related to it.

Almost all stories testify that the Labynkyr miracle is seen late autumn or early winter. The descriptions match its dimensions: about nine to ten meters long, twenty meters wide - fifty meters wide. The body is slightly flattened above and below.

A certain bone horn about a meter and a half long sticks out of the body. All narrators note a huge, up to a third of the body length, mouth, similar to a long beak, but with many small teeth.

Often, ice stalactites are seen on the shore, which can be formed from water flowing down from the sides of a lying animal. All meetings take place either in Labynkyr or in the neighboring, much smaller Lake Vorota, and the locals are convinced that these lakes are connected by a long cave.

Similar cases

Perhaps the most famous "relative" of the Labynkyr devil is Nessie - a monster loch ness lake in Scotland.

This animal, whose existence causes a lot of controversy, even has a monument. In Russia, in addition to Lake Labynkyr, there are also lakes in which, according to some eyewitnesses, their monsters live.

Lake Shaitan. The name of the lake speaks for itself, it translates as "hell". The reservoir is located on the territory of the Urzhumsky district of the Kirov region. Locals have long believed that an evil spirit or sea monster lives at the bottom of the lake. It is precisely by the fact that this monster is angry that they explain the rare natural phenomena taking place on the lake. Among them are arbitrary ejections of water on the surface of the lake, floating islands and more.

On the territory of the Lovozero tundra of the Kola Peninsula is located Seydozero. Since the area is considered anomalous zone, there are many legends and stories about Bigfoot living on the shores, as well as about sea ​​monster, allegedly sometimes rising from the bottom of the lake.

Local residents, the Sami, have a legend according to which the underworld is located at the bottom of the lake. And the monster that lives in Seydozero must guard the borders between our world (the world of the living) and world of the dead. The existence of certain creatures living in the lake and on its shores has not been proven.

Lake Brosno is located in the Tver region of Russia. The area of ​​the lake is quite extensive - about 7.5 km. But the lake became known thanks to people who allegedly saw a floating creature on its surface, which they called the Brosna monster.

Lake Chany is in Novosibirsk region. For a long time mysterious cases of the disappearance of fishermen on the lake were discussed on the Web, various hypotheses were put forward, among which was the theory of the existence of an ancient lizard in the lake.

About a million lakes are located on the territory of Yakutia. No wonder they say that almost every inhabitant of Yakutia has its own lake. However, from the total number of reservoirs, only the legendary Labynkyr Lake in Oymyakon is distinguished. According to a legend that has been passed down for decades, a certain huge animal, better known as the "Labynkyr devil", lives here. About what keeps local residents in fear, haunts scientists and is found in the most mysterious lake in Yakutia.

Lake Labynkyr is located in the Oymyakonsky district in the east of Yakutia. For hundreds of years, local Yakuts have been passing on the legend of the existence in the lake of a certain huge animal, called the "Labynkyrsky Devil", from generation to generation. It should be noted that people rarely appear in the area of ​​this lake, the nearest village is 150 km away. No road leads here, and the lake itself can only be reached by all-terrain vehicles, horses or a helicopter.

Old-timers believe that the animal has been living in the lake since time immemorial and behaves extremely aggressively. Once, for example, it was chasing a Yakut fisherman, another time it swallowed a dog swimming after a shot game dog. But most often the object of hunting was deer.

The monster is always described as huge, dark gray in color, with such a large head that the distance between its eyes is more than a meter.

In addition, the locals were talking about this creature long before there was talk about the famous Loch Ness Monster from Scotland. It is impossible not to take into account the location of the area: that is, news, especially in the last century, came with a delay. Nevertheless, the Sakha and Evenki themselves sincerely believe in this creature.

According to eyewitnesses

The descriptions of the "devil" are similar, describing the creature as "huge, dark gray in color, with a head so large that the distance between its eyes is less than the traditional local rafts of 10 logs."

All eyewitness stories were scientifically attested. Here are just three of a dozen such stories:

“A family of Evenk nomads was moving to summer lands. Evening found them on the banks of the Labynkyr. While the elders were preparing for the night, the boy was playing on the bank of a stream that flows into the lake. Suddenly he screamed. The adults who turned around saw that the child was in the water and the current was carrying him adults rushed to help, but suddenly some dark creature five or six arshins long (3.55-4.26 meters) appeared from the depths, grabbed the boy with a mouth that looked like a bird's beak with many teeth, and dragged him away under water.
The grandfather of the dead boy stuffed a leather bag with deer hair, rags, dry grass and needles, put a smoldering torch in it. He tied the bag to a lasso and threw it into the lake, and fastened the lasso to a large boulder on the shore. In the morning, the waves threw a dying monster ashore - about 10 arshins long (about 7 meters), with a huge, one-third of its height, beak-mouth, with small paws-fins. The grandfather cut open the belly of the creature, took out the body of his grandson, and the family left the lake. The boy was buried on the bank of the stream, and since then this stream has been called the Child's Creek. And the jaw of the monster stood at Labynkyr for a long time, and under it, as they say, a horseman could ride. Since local horses are short, the expedition members believe that the length of the jaw could be 2.1-2.5 meters. Where the jaw itself went, no one knows."

And here is another recorded story:

“Once in the winter, the Sakha family was driving along Labynkyr. Suddenly, a few meters from the shore, they saw a horn about a meter long sticking out of the ice. Stopping, people approached it. deer and a few people. And then some creature appeared, dragging people and deer under the water. "

"Two friends were fishing in the very middle of this lake from a large ten-meter launch. It was late autumn. The lake was calm. And suddenly the boat tilted sharply, and its bow rose strongly above the water. The fishermen were speechless and froze, clutching the sides. And after a while "For a while the boat sank into the water. Someone lifted a heavy barge above the water. Only a large animal can do this. But they saw nothing - no head, no mouth, nothing at all."

According to locals, a certain Alyams became the only inhabitant on the shores of the lake for a long time. He was a local bliss, this half-mad exile who had served his term and did not want to return "to the mainland." Alyams caught fish, exchanged it with rare helicopter pilots for food and vodka, and then, drunk, told stories that even the experienced ones would drop their jaws.

According to him, the "devil" almost every full moon devoured the tribute that he brought to him. The only time Alyams was taken away from the lake was in 1993, when he became seriously ill, and visiting fishermen took him to the hospital. Having come to his senses, Alyams shouted that it was impossible to take him away from Labynkyr, something now he would definitely die. He died - as soon as he was returned to the shore after urgent requests.


The search for the monster in the lake began after the authoritative testimony of Viktor Tverdokhlebov, head of the geological party of the East Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and geologist Boris Bashkatov, who in their diaries on July 30, 1953, while observing from the Sordonnokh plateau, left the following entry:

"... The object was floating, and quite close. It was something alive, some kind of animal. It moved in an arc: first along the lake, then straight towards us. As it approached, a strange numbness, from which it gets cold inside A dark gray carcass slightly rose above the water, two symmetrical bright spots, similar to the eyes of an animal, were clearly distinguished, and something like a stick was sticking out of the body ... We saw only a small part of the animal, but under the water one could guess a huge massive body. The monster moves with a heavy throw: having risen somewhat from the water, it rushed forward, and then completely immersed in water. At the same time, waves were born from its head, born under water.

"There was no doubt: we saw the "line" - the legendary monster of these places."

In the 1960s and 1970s, Labynkyr was visited by several expeditions and tourist groups. However, no one managed to find the "Labynkyrsky devil" or its traces. Interest in the lake monster died down for a long time. For 30 years no researcher has set foot on the shores of the lake.

It is worth noting that during these years, at least twice, divers descended into the lake - and both times "someone" was seen in clear waters.

The researchers found under the surface of the lake underwater - underground mine-type formations. They pass both in vertical and horizontal planes and, possibly, connect Labynkyr with other local lakes. Maybe that's why the monster was not found during the search. But in the Vorota Lake, adjacent to Labynkyr, the appearance of a giant animal was also repeatedly observed. However, later an expedition to Gateway Lake managed to prove that there were no monsters in it.

In the period from October 15 to November 3, 1999, an expedition was carried out to find unknown giant animals in several lakes at once: Dead, Labynkyr, Krasnoe. Its only result was the disappearance of a husky, tied not far from the polynya, without a trace.

According to the researcher Vadim Chernobrov, incomprehensible traces and ice growths were found on the shore of Labynkyr - stalagmites - traces of water flowing from a body that crawled ashore: "Judging by the width of the stalagmites strip, we can conclude that the width of the alleged body from which water flowed ", about 1-1.5 meters. Something, but rather someone, crawled ashore from the water and crawled back. Judging by the size of the stalagmites, it was on the shore for at least a minute."

It was next to these tracks that on the night of October 26-27, the Laika dog disappeared without a trace. She voluntarily lay down to guard the boat on the shore and disappeared the next morning. There were no dog or other marks from the boat. The only way the husky could move away without a trace was towards the water. The catch is that she was terribly afraid to approach the water. Members of the expedition lured the hungry dog ​​with lard, but it did not come closer than 1.5 meters to the calm surface of the water without waves, despite the fact that already 2-3 meters from the water it calmly pounced on the lard. “Something on the eve of her was very frightening and she could not overcome her fear and, let me remind you, this is a husky that can not be afraid of a bear! Why has she gone to the water now? Or was she dragged into the water? Why didn’t we hear anything?”, - recalls He.

In 2005, the TV program "Searchers" organized an expedition to the lake, during which they carried out a number of studies and measurements. In particular, with the help of an echo sounder, an anomalous crack was detected at the bottom of the lake, and with the help of a deep-sea telesonde, remains of the jaws and vertebrae of animals were found at the bottom.

In February 2013, a dive was made to the bottom of the lake, the air temperature on the surface is 46 degrees Celsius, the water temperature is +2 degrees. The organizer was the Federation of Underwater Sports of Russia and the Russian Geographical Society, the expedition was called the "Pole of Cold". They never met the Labynkyr devil, but they were able to prove that it is possible to work in conditions of a sharp temperature drop without special equipment and gear.

lake anomalies

The lake itself is located at an altitude of 1020 meters above sea level, stretched from north to south for 14 km. The width of the rectangular reservoir is almost the same everywhere - 4 km, depth - up to 60 meters. The average water temperature in the lake is +9 degrees, in the bottom layers +1 - +1.5 degrees. However, despite such a low temperature, the lake freezes abnormally slowly.

Labynkyr is located in the coldest zone of the continental part of the mainland, a hundred kilometers from the village of Tomtor - the world famous pole of cold. It was here that academician Obruchev once recorded a record low temperature on earth - minus 71.2 degrees Celsius. Nevertheless, if Labynkyr freezes, it is much later than all other local reservoirs, and even in the most severe winters, the ice here is relatively thin. But most often, a noticeable part of the lake still does not freeze, and local residents are forced to go around it along the shore, although all other reservoirs are crossed on ice. Why the lake has such a feature is still unknown to science. No one has found here warm springs or any other circumstances that explain this phenomenon.

From the expedition of Vadim Chernobrov: "Unfortunately, the reality turned out to be more complicated. All the lakes really stood up, but ... not Labynkyr and Vorota. This fact, later told by us in Moscow, greatly surprised all experienced taiga residents, and, probably, it can only be attributed due to the amazing microclimate reigning around or inside these two lakes. Anyway, but our plans had to be changed right on the spot, instead of locating through the holes, we had to pick up a boat lying on the shore and locate directly from it. "

Photo: Loch Ness doesn't it look like Lake Labynkyr in Yakutia?

Who lives in Lake Labynkyr?

Some researchers believe that perhaps it is a mammoth. This version is not as surprising as it seems at first glance. When switching to a semi-aquatic lifestyle, like seals, mammoths could easily survive local frosts down to -60 degrees. And polynyas that do not freeze in any frost on the surface of the lake allow it to breathe air. The only thing that confuses in this version is that eyewitnesses describe the animal as a predator.

Other researchers believe that this is a huge relic pike. Here, the amphibious way of life of the "Labynkyrsky devil" confirmed by witnesses, or a surviving prehistoric lizard, is questionable. If we take the version of the lizard as a basis, then this is a plesiosaur, or a creature closely related to it.

Almost all stories testify that the Labynkyr miracle is seen in late autumn or early winter. The descriptions match its dimensions: about nine to ten meters long, twenty meters wide - fifty meters wide. The body is slightly flattened above and below. A certain bone horn about a meter and a half long sticks out of the body. All narrators note a huge, up to a third of the body length, mouth, similar to a long beak, but with many small teeth. Often, ice stalactites are seen on the shore, which can be formed from water flowing down from the sides of a lying animal. All meetings take place either in Labynkyr or in the neighboring, much smaller Lake Vorota, and the locals are convinced that these lakes are connected by a long cave.

Photo: Lookout on Loch Ness, we think they will install Labynkyr soon...

Perhaps the most famous "relative" of the Labynkyr devil is Nessie, the monster of Loch Ness in Scotland. This animal, whose existence causes a lot of controversy, even has a monument. In Russia, in addition to Lake Labynkyr, there are also lakes in which, according to some eyewitnesses, their monsters live.

Lake Satan. The name of the lake speaks for itself, it translates as "hell". The reservoir is located on the territory of the Urzhumsky district of the Kirov region. Locals have long believed that an evil spirit or sea monster lives at the bottom of the lake. It is by the fact that this monster is angry that they explain the rare natural phenomena that occur on the lake. Among them are arbitrary ejections of water on the surface of the lake, floating islands and more.

Seidozero is located on the territory of the Lovozero tundra of the Kola Peninsula. Since the territory is considered an anomalous zone, there are many legends and stories about Bigfoot living on the shores, as well as about a sea monster that supposedly sometimes rises from the bottom of the lake. Local residents, the Sami, have a legend according to which the underworld is located at the bottom of the lake. And the monster that lives in Seydozero must guard the borders between our world (the world of the living) and the world of the dead. The existence of certain creatures living in the lake and on its shores has not been proven.

Lake Brosno is located in the Tver region of Russia. The area of ​​the lake is quite extensive - about 7.5 km. But the lake became known thanks to people who allegedly saw a floating creature on its surface, which they called the Brosna monster.

Lake Chany is located in the Novosibirsk region. For a long time, mysterious cases of the disappearance of fishermen on the lake were discussed on the Web, various hypotheses were put forward, among which was the theory of the existence of an ancient lizard in the lake.

In the meantime, research, searches, on famous lake Labynkyr ride, fly, swim all year round in winter, summer, autumn, spring, tourists from all over the world and pilgrims visit Lake Labynkyr to see the sunrise and sunset pristine nature these places will retire with mystery!

About a million lakes are located on the territory of Yakutia. No wonder they say that almost every inhabitant of Yakutia has its own lake. However, only the mysterious Lake Labynkyr in the east of Yakutia is distinguished from the total number of reservoirs, the depths of which to this day keep the secret of an unknown creature.

For hundreds of years, local Yakuts from generation to generation have been passing on the legend of the existence of a certain huge animal in the lake, called the “Labynkyr devil”. It is worth noting that people rarely appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis lake, since you can only get there by all-terrain vehicles, horses or a helicopter.

Photo: sachaja

Old-timers believe that the animal has been living in the lake since time immemorial and behaves extremely aggressively. Once, for example, it was chasing a Yakut fisherman, another time it swallowed a dog swimming after a shot game dog. But most often the object of hunting was deer.

The descriptions of the "devil" are similar, in which the creature looks like "a huge, dark gray color, with a head so large that the distance between its eyes is less than the traditional local rafts of 10 logs."

There are many eyewitness stories. They tell how a family of Evenk nomads moved to summer lands. Evening found them on the banks of the Labynkyr. While the elders were getting ready for the night, the boy was playing on the bank of the stream that flows into the lake. Suddenly he screamed. The adults who turned around saw that the child was in the water and the current was carrying him to the middle of the lake. Adults rushed to help, but suddenly some dark creature five or six arshins long (3.55-4.26 meters) appeared from the depths, grabbed the boy with a mouth that looked like a bird's beak with many teeth, and dragged him under water.

The grandfather of the dead boy stuffed a leather bag with deer hair, rags, dry grass and needles, put a smoldering torch in it. He tied the bag to a lasso and threw it into the lake, and fastened the lasso to a large boulder on the shore. In the morning, the waves threw a dying monster ashore - about 10 arshins long (about 7 meters), with a huge, one-third of its height, beak-mouth and small paws-fins. The grandfather cut the belly of the creature, took out the body of his grandson and the family left the lake. The boy was buried on the bank of the stream, and since then this stream has been called the Child's Creek.

The jaw of the monster stood at Labynkyr for a long time and, as they say, a rider could ride under it. Since local horses are short, the researchers believe that the length of the jaw could be 2.1-2.5 meters. Where the jaw itself went, no one knows.

Photo: Nordskif

One winter, a Sakha family was driving along Labynkyr. Suddenly, a few meters from the shore, they saw a horn about a meter long sticking out of the ice. Stopping, people approached him. Suddenly, the ice cracked, and the old people who remained on the shore saw that a polynya had formed, into which deer and several people fell. And then some creature appeared, dragging people and deer under the water.

Experienced discomfort and two friends who were fishing in the middle of this lake from a large ten-meter launch. It was late autumn. The lake was calm. And suddenly the boat tilted sharply, and its bow rose strongly above the water. The fishermen were speechless and froze, clutching the sides. And after a while the boat sank into the water. Someone lifted a heavy barge above the water. Only a large animal can do this. But they saw nothing - no head, no mouth, nothing at all.

Photo: sachaja

Old-timers say that a certain Alyams became the only resident on the shores of the lake for a long time - a half-crazy exile who served his term and did not want to return "to the mainland." He caught fish, exchanged it with rare helicopter pilots for food and vodka, and then, drunk, he told stories that made even the most experienced ones freeze their blood.

According to him, the "devil" almost every full moon devoured the tribute that he brought to him. The only time Alyams was taken away from the lake was in 1993, when he became seriously ill, and visiting fishermen took him to the hospital. Having come to his senses, Alyams shouted that it was impossible to take him away from Labynkyr, something now he would definitely die. He died as soon as he was returned to the shore after urgent requests.

The search for the monster in the lake began after the authoritative testimony of Viktor Tverdokhlebov, head of the geological party of the East Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and geologist Boris Bashkatov, who in their diaries on July 30, 1953, while observing from the Sordonnokh plateau, left the following entry:

The object floated quite close. It was something alive, some kind of animal. It moved in an arc: first along the lake, then straight towards us. As he approached, a strange numbness that made me feel cold inside seized me. A dark-gray carcass slightly towered above the water, two symmetrical light spots, similar to the eyes of a creature, were clearly distinguished, and something like a stick was sticking out of the body. We saw only a small part of the animal, but a huge massive body was guessed under the water.

The monster moved with a heavy throw, rising a little from the water, it rushed forward, and then completely immersed in the water. At the same time, waves were coming from his head, born under water. “Slamming its mouth, catching fish,” a hunch flashed through. There was no doubt: we saw the "Labynkyr devil" - the legendary monster of these places.

Viktor Tverdokhlebov (photo from personal archive geologist) / sachaja

In the 60-70s of the last century, several expeditions and tourist groups visited Labynkyr. However, no one was able to find the "Labynkyr devil" or its traces. Interest in the lake monster died down for a long time. For 30 years no researcher has set foot on the shores of the lake. It is worth noting that during these years, at least twice, divers descended into the lake and both times “someone” was seen in its clear waters.

In October-November 1999, the Kosmopoisk research association took up the study of the lakes. Here is what Vadim Chernobrov, leader of the expedition, said about the first weeks of the expedition:

It was the 12th day of an exhausting journey through the frosty taiga. It cannot be said that it was difficult for us on the way, no, this is not the right word, it’s easier to say that something or someone interfered with progress all the time. We crossed the last ridge and in the gaps between the forest of stunted larches, in the end, the brilliant expanse of Lake Labynkyr appeared.

Surprisingly, the lake was not frozen when it was very cold! This paradox, which we later talked about in Moscow, greatly surprised all experienced taiga residents.

At a depth of 39 meters, the researchers found underwater underground formations of a mine type, passing both in vertical and horizontal planes and, possibly, connecting Labynkyr with other local lakes.

Photo: sachaja

According to Vadim Chernobrov, incomprehensible traces and ice growths (stalagmites) were found on the banks of the Labynkyr - traces of water flowing from a body that crawled ashore:

Judging by the width of the strip of stalagmites, it can be concluded that the width of the alleged body from which water flowed is about 1-1.5 meters. Something, but rather someone, crawled ashore from the water and crawled back. Judging by the size of the stalagmites, it was on the shore for at least a minute.

It was next to these tracks that on the night of October 26-27, the Laika dog disappeared without a trace. She voluntarily lay down to guard the boat on the shore and disappeared the next morning. There were no dog or other tracks coming from the boat. The husky could only move away without a trace towards the water, and she was terribly afraid to approach the water. Members of the expedition lured the hungry dog ​​with lard, but it did not come closer than 1.5 meters to the calm surface of the water without waves, despite the fact that already 2-3 meters from the water it calmly pounced on the lard.

Something on the eve of her was very frightening and she could not overcome fear, and this is a husky, capable of not being afraid of a bear. Why did she go to the water? Or was she dragged into the water? Why did no one from the expedition hear anything?

In 2005, the TV program "Searchers" organized an expedition to the lake, during which they conducted a series of studies and measurements. In particular, with the help of an echo sounder, an anomalous crack was detected at the bottom of the lake, and with the help of a deep-sea telesonde, remains of the jaws and vertebrae of animals were found at the bottom.

In February 2013, a dive was made to the bottom of the lake. The air temperature on the surface was −46°С, and the water temperature was +2°С. The organizer was the Federation of Underwater Sports of Russia and the Russian Geographical Society, the expedition was called the Pole of Cold. They never met the Labynkyr devil, but they were able to prove that it is possible to work in conditions of a sharp temperature drop without special equipment and equipment.

Photo: sachaja

Lake Labynkyr is located at an altitude of 1,020 meters above sea level, stretched from north to south for 14 kilometers. The width of the rectangular reservoir is almost the same everywhere - 4 kilometers, depth - up to 60 meters. The average water temperature in the lake is +9°C, in the bottom layers - about +1.5°C. However, despite such a low temperature, the lake freezes abnormally slowly.

Labynkyr is located in the coldest zone of the continental part of the mainland, a hundred kilometers from the village of Tomtor - the world famous pole of cold. It was here that academician Obruchev once recorded a temperature of -71.2 ° C - a record low on Earth. Nevertheless, if Labynkyr freezes, then much later than all other local reservoirs. Even in the harshest winters, the ice here is relatively thin. But most often, a noticeable part of the lake still does not freeze, and local residents are forced to go around it along the coast, although all other reservoirs are crossed on ice. Why the lake has such a feature is still unknown to science. No one has found here warm springs or any other circumstances that explain this phenomenon.

Some researchers believe that perhaps it is a mammoth. The version is not as surprising as it seems at first glance. When switching to a semi-aquatic lifestyle, like seals, mammoths could easily survive the local cold. And polynyas that do not freeze in any frost on the surface of the lake would allow them to breathe air. Confused in this version is that eyewitnesses describe the animal as a predator.

Others believe that the mysterious inhabitant of the lake is a huge relic pike or a surviving prehistoric lizard. If we take the version of the lizard as a basis, then this is a plesiosaur or a creature closely related to it.

Almost all stories testify that the Labynkyr monster is seen in late autumn or early winter. The descriptions match its dimensions: length 9-10 meters, width - 1.2-1.5 meters. The body is slightly flattened above and below. A certain bone horn about one and a half meters long sticks out of the body. All narrators note a huge, up to a third of the body length, mouth, similar to a long beak with many small teeth.

Gate Lake / Photo: lin.irk.ru

All meetings take place either in Labynkyr or in the neighboring, much smaller Lake Vorota, and the locals are convinced that these lakes are connected by a long cave. Lake Labynkyr continues to keep its secrets, which will still be revealed someday.

Website materials used:

There are few regions on Earth with as many lakes as in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). There are 600-800 thousand of them here! In fact, most are small. But it's not just the size that makes a geographical feature famous. Lake Labynkyr in Yakutia can serve as a convincing example.

No secrets!

Yes, imagine, for geologists the birth of the lake - an event of a thousand years ago - is generally understandable. A cap powerful ice that covered the north of Eurasia, melted. Powerful streams gave rise to rivers, including the current Labynkyr River. But retreating to the north, the glacier left what it had once dragged: an accumulation of boulders, rock fragments, pebbles, etc.

Lake Labynkyr in Yakutia, photo

All this stuff he moved in front of his edge, sliding south. And now it has remained lying and dammed the river like a dam. The river began to overflow, filled the basin and paved the same course for itself. But the dam remained, and the lake in place of the basin, too.

The shores of the lake are made up of what was once dragged by a glacier. The river of the same name flows into Lake Labynkyr, and it also flows out of it. There are two "special signs" near the lake: depth and temperature.

The average depth exceeds fifty meters, but at the bottom the instruments found a crevice about eighty meters deep. Well, and the temperature ... Let's not forget that Oymyakon, known as the pole of cold, is very close. Above the waters of Labynkyr, winter temperatures of -50°C are not uncommon. Even at the height of summer, swimming in the water of the lake, which warmed up to invigorating + 9 °, can, perhaps, big fans of "winter swimming".

To be honest, they are not here, because the nearest settlements are about a hundred kilometers, and people generally come here extremely rarely. However, for some time now the monotony of local life has been increasingly disturbed by curious visitors. They were all interested in the same...

Photo of Lake Labynkyr, Russia, Yakutia

The mystery of the Yakut lake

Two weeks before the new year of 1959, the Youth of Yakutia newspaper intrigued readers with the assumption that an unknown monster lives in the waters of Labynkyr. Some claimed to have seen it with their own eyes. A “verbal portrait”, compiled according to their descriptions, draws a dark gray beast with a huge head and a toothy mouth. The monster is aggressive and can easily swallow a dog or even a deer. Sometimes it gets ashore for a short time, and when the lake is covered with ice, it breaks through the crust.

Since then, many journalists and hunters of the unknown have visited the lake. Polls of local residents showed that many have heard about the monster living in Lake Labynkyr, but those old-timers who allegedly saw it have already passed away.

Can a waterfowl giant of prehistoric times survive in the lake? Scientists are skeptical. They are accustomed to believing incontrovertible facts. And logically speaking, it is difficult to believe in the existence of the "Northern Nessie". Even if there were enough fish in the lake to feed it, there must be several pangolins, otherwise the population would not survive and leave the next generation. But even the most avid supporters of their existence do not stutter about a pack of monsters - it looks too unrealistic.

Enthusiasts of the Labynkyr monster cannot confirm its existence with anything material. No one managed to take a photo of a suspicious object on Lake Labynkyr, or at least its traces on the shores. They say they found a huge man-high jaw near the water, but all subsequent attempts to find out where it went and where the lucky one who found it ended in nothing. Examination of the depths of the lake with an echo sounder revealed large moving objects, but they could well turn out to be schools of fish.

In the meantime, enthusiasts are busy looking for the Yakut monster, its virtual counterpart lives and thrives. He became the hero of one of the versions computer game"Russian fishing". The game allows everyone to try to catch the Labynkyr lake monster. Of course, you will need special virtual tackle and bait and quite real ingenuity and luck. By the way, the last two qualities will be useful to you, even if you are not going to hunt for a legendary creature.

Lake Labynkyr on the map

Report from the island of Lake Labynkyr