Most animals find their homes in secluded places, caves in trees, underground or in burrows. Some of them occupy someone else's home. But birds, ants, bees and other representatives of the fauna build their nests, hives or colonies for rest, for breeding and raising offspring. There are animals that are incredibly meticulous about the process of building, arranging housing, like real architects. We offer an overview of the best architects of the animal world and their impeccable buildings.

There are other animals on planet Earth that deserve to be on the list of the most talented architects. For example, beavers are excellent dam builders who are able to block the riverbed and create a pond for themselves. In his dwelling of branches and mud, the beaver is warm and safe. Ants are excellent builders capable of short time build housing for their colonies underground. Gophers are talented in building burrows with a system of passages that create entire cities on several hundred hectares of land, where hundreds of individuals live. Bees are great craftsmen in building wax combs to store honey and raise offspring. Cunning spiders with a secret door, which is attached to silk threads and opens instantly, are also capable of building a whole system of tunnels.

10. Ordinary weaver

The bird lives in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. Common weavers build their communal nests from twigs and grass on trees or other objects such as telephone poles. Their nests are considered the largest among those built by birds, they can accommodate several generations, hundreds of pairs of birds. Nests are considered communal, since one large nest consists of many individual nests. It is very warm in the center of the structure, where the birds gather at night, and in the outer nests the temperature during the day is 7-80C, if it is 16-330C outside. Outwardly, the structure resembles a haystack, the entrance to the nests is located at the bottom of the structure.

9. Tailor Ants / Leaf Spinner

Everyone knows that ants live in colonies in an anthill on the ground or in a tree, like the red European ant. weaver ant in Central Africa and Southeast Asia builds nests from living leaves, which are attached to each other with silk threads. A whole colony lives in such a cocoon. The design is waterproof. A very similar dwelling is found in the leaf-spinning spider from Australia. The only difference is that the spider uses an already dead leaf, twists it and lines it with silk threads. The leaf is located in the center of the web.

8. Barbecue from the Chendravasih Peninsula

The bowerbird lives on the Chendrawasih peninsula in Indonesia. When building a nest, the male uses grass and twigs. He builds it in the form of a hut on the ground in order to attract a potential female to create a family. Building a hut is not the ultimate goal of the male. He also does interior and exterior design, decorating everything with berries, flowers, bugs, and other colorful objects for added appeal. The female visits the nest, assesses the situation and the level of responsibility of the male, and makes a decision to create a family.

7. Termites

termites in wild nature The northern regions of Australia demonstrate unsurpassed architectural talent, constructing termite mounds up to 10 m high from mud, clay processed by them, saliva and excrement. These structures are equipped with tunnels, an elaborate air conditioning system and are located from north to south for proper temperature regulation. Their structures cover acres of land. In addition, there is a mold in which they breed offspring.

Spiders are known to weave webs, but some have gone even further, such as the leaf-web spider or certain types spiders of Texas and Canada, which weave a web several hectares in size. But the spider, which has in the house secret door, surpassed all. He lives underground in a mink that he digs himself. Using soil, vegetation and silky threads, he builds a door for his mink. It can open and close, and the spider can ambush its prey with lightning speed. When the door is closed, it is well camouflaged.

5. Indian weaver / Oropendula Montezuma

The Indian weaver lives in India and South-East Asia. The bird is known for building elegant hanging nests. But these houses are not unusual.

Far away in the Caribbean, another bird, the Oropendula Montezuma, builds similar hanging nests out of grass and vine for a colony of 30 individuals. They build nests on tall trees in the forest, in plantations or on plantations, which distinguishes them from Indian weavers, who place their nests on thorny trees above the water.

4. Paper wasp

While most wasps do not build nests and prefer to take over, paper wasps build elegant homes from chewed plants, wood, or stems that are held together with resin, saliva, and silky threads. Some species use mud. The nest has honeycombs with cells, just like the bees in the hive. Outside, the honeycombs are in a cocoon of a kind of paper. The nest by the leg is attached to a tree branch. Wasps spread a special smell around the nest, which repels ants that are not averse to stealing eggs. The nest is built in a secluded place.

3. Red stove / Swallows

The thrush songbird or red stove keeper uses mud or manure to build bowls on the upper parts of the crown of trees, pillars, where the finished nest is dried in the sun. The result is durable dwelling and a place to raise offspring. The nest is not subject to the wind and is habitable in any weather. Many species of swallows also use mud and saliva to build nests. They build their nests in colonies near human dwellings. Nest size is associated with the number of eggs laid by swallow species.

2. Sfecida

The sfecida builds its elegant cylindrical tube-shaped nests, similar to organ pipes or panflutes, out of mud and vomit on bridge foundations, walls, rocks, and other surfaces. In a wasp, the nest is obtained in a simple form, in the form of an amphora, then the nests are connected together with the help of mud. In the nest of the sfecida there are many cells not for placing eggs, but for "prisoners", for example, spiders, so that they cannot escape, the sfecida paralyzes them. The larvae then eat the prey.

1. May fly

The Mayfly is an underwater architect of its kind. In the state of the larva, the fly moves with difficulty in streams, ponds and other fresh water bodies, where it lives in sand, underwater plants, where it can hide. Everything that it finds, the fly attaches to its cocoon with the help of silky threads produced by its glands. In such a camouflaged shelter, the larva grows, feeds and breathes. Around herself she puts "nets" for catching prey.
If the animal cannot take care of itself, then the person equips him

Together with cats, these are perhaps the most traditional animals that live with people outside the city. But not all summer residents love the "traditional". Make a mini-zoo out of a country house ... why not? Children will be happy! Our article is about what unusual animals it is quite possible to keep in the country or in the house. Suddenly, someone will like you too?

Anteater without ants

The first person to have an anteater at home was Salvador Dali. Known for his eccentricity, the artist walked with his pet, leading him on a golden leash, and taking him with him to all receptions.
At first glance, this animal is not very suitable for home conditions. It feeds on ants, and rather big claws can instill fear not only on him natural enemies but also potential hosts. And yet, this outlandish little animal is no more dangerous than other "exotics". On the contrary, it is distinguished by playfulness, affection and good-natured character.

Keeping it is not as troublesome as it seems. A domestic anteater does not have to be fed insects. Well-mashed minced meat with rice, fruits and eggs is enough - these animals do not have teeth. But be prepared that from his claws-daggers sometimes you will get not only furniture, but also you. One consolation is that your pet will not scratch on purpose.
This unusual and cute animal can even be taught some tricks. For example, domestic anteaters tamandua can walk on their hind legs. The price of domestic anteaters reaches 5 thousand dollars. But it is not easy to buy them in Russia - you will not find such an animal in an ordinary pet store.

little hippo

If you have your own, then it's time to think of your own ... hippopotamus! But, of course, dwarf. Fortunately, such animals exist: the size of a small pig (adult animals are 150-177 cm long and weigh up to 300 kg; for comparison, an ordinary hippopotamus weighs up to 4.5 tons). Hippos are not very smart, they cannot be trained, but they quickly become attached to people.

On the one hand, it is not troublesome to keep them - a reservoir or pool with a water temperature of at least 18 degrees and a lawn with green grass is enough. But on the other hand, it is not so easy to provide all this in the winter. The way out is to teach the animal to eat not only grass, but also fruits from childhood.
Another plus of these animals - unlike the usual hippopotamus, pygmy hippos are not aggressive. They are not inclined to defend their territory. So hang a sign on the gate that says "Beware of the evil hippopotamus!" hardly worth it.

eared fox

From this charming little animal the size of a little less cat hard to take your eyes off. Ears similar to a sail cause surprise and tenderness. Fennec chanterelles are not only cute, but also quick-witted, quickly become tame. They are unpretentious in food: they are fed, like other foxes, raw meat, insects and small rodents, fruits and vegetables. Periodically, you can give sour-milk and grain products, eggs and fish. What you need to worry about is drafts. When walking in cool weather, they put on overalls (sold at a pet store for small dogs). Otherwise, the animal will catch a cold. Another disadvantage is that fenech is difficult to accustom to the tray.

On average, chanterelles live 12 years. To maintain the house, they need a spacious aviary or, preferably, a heated room where they can run around. The price of these animals is quite high - from 25 to 100 thousand rubles.

Sloth for the lazy

If you want “someone alive” at home, but one that doesn’t take a lot of time to maintain, think about a sloth. This animal sleeps most of the day (up to 15 hours!) Hanging on a branch. In the summer it is quietly released into the garden. The beast is so lazy that it won't run away. Slowness is a kind of protection: in this way, sloths merge with the environment and become invisible to enemies.
With a sloth, you don’t need to walk on the street, and you don’t have to clean the aviary often. Due to their physiology, these animals go to the toilet only once a week. IN vivo sloths eat eucalyptus leaves. But at home they need special food with the taste of woody leaves.

The animal will spend more than a dozen years with you: in the wild they live up to 30-40 years. But be warned: do not expect the same tender emotions from a sloth as from traditional pets - dogs and cats. Sloths are not smart and smart, they will not play with you. The only thing you can count on is to scratch the animal behind the ear. If he gets used to you so much that he occasionally crawls into his arms, then we can say this is happiness.
You can buy a sloth in Russia in specialized nurseries. The price varies from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.

For beauty

It's not troublesome to show off unusual pet it is possible with the help of ... snails. But, of course, not ordinary, but gigantic. Their shell reaches a length of 25 cm. They live for about ten years. For example, the Achatina snail is an option for the lazy. Or for those who often and for a long time leave home.
This snail comes from East Africa. Hence the peculiarities of the content: the main thing is heat and humidity. This is where the difficulties end. The animal eats almost everything - vegetables, fruits, chopped eggshells, greens, meat, porridge, mushrooms. But there may be preferences: someone leans on cucumbers, someone cannot be pulled away from banana skins, and the third requires only lettuce leaves. Therefore, it is important to initially accustom them to a variety of foods. By the way, Achatina snail - smart creature and is able to distinguish "friends" from "outsiders".

What will happen to the snail if you forget to spray the terrarium or feed the Achatina? Nothing. At adverse conditions she crawls deep into the sink, seals the entrance with hard captivity and falls asleep - until she feels that things have improved. Waking up a snail is easy - just put it under a stream of warm water.
The cost of snails is low - 50-70 rubles, and many will even give away a pet for nothing, because the animals are very very prolific.

Chip and Dale

Jumpy and funny squirrels with a fluffy tail are very cute, and for sure, many thought about buying them. Country plot with aviary - a good option for the animal. But keep in mind: the squirrel needs a large cage, and you will have to clean it often. It is also believed that squirrels have a short memory. Imagine: you tamed her, tamed her ... You almost achieved success, now she is already coming up to you, playing, taking food from your hands. And then you have to leave for a couple of weeks. You come - and the animal does not recognize you. It doesn’t go on the hands, or it can bite. It's a shame, in general.
But you should not despair. There is a more docile animal, a great alternative normal squirrel- chipmunk.

If the animal is alone, it does not need a large cage. Eats nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables, herbs, raw eggs. There will be no problems with cleaning the cage: firstly, chipmunks do not have a "mouse" smell, and secondly, they are very neat. Unlike a squirrel, a chipmunk “goes to the potty” in one place, just like a cat. It is enough to put a small tray in the cage and periodically remove it.
And what fun it is to play with this little animal! And watch how she runs on the wallpaper, flies from the table to the floor or basks on the pillow! Of course, you should not leave a chipmunk completely unattended - after all, a rodent.
And one more feature. In winter, chipmunks hibernate, but not all. If your house is not cold, it is unlikely that the animal will lie down for several months. But it is very possible that it will become aggressive - it will bite, protecting its reserves, which it will strain in excess in the cage. An aggressive chipmunk can inflict serious bites, so if you notice a change in behavior, do not let him out of the cage. For several months, the chipmunk will live in cramped conditions, but with the advent of spring, he will “become kinder” again.
Chipmunks are inexpensive - up to five thousand rubles.

Living Surprise

Giving animals, especially to strangers, is a big risk. It may well turn out that a person does not want to mess around with a kitten or puppy. But if you still want to surprise your family or friends with a living gift, buy them homemade butterflies. They are on sale and affordable. Yes, and there is something to choose from: there are many types, different in size and color. Particularly spectacular butterflies from the genus morpho.
It is easy to care for them: it is enough to give the butterfly nectar once a day: mix a drop of honey with water, pour it into a saucer and plant an insect there. You can also feed with fruits - breaking, for example, a grape, so that juice comes out on the surface.
In dry air, especially with air conditioning, the butterfly should be sprayed more often, at least three times a day, with a spray bottle. With minimal care, the butterfly will live for a whole month! Of course, it is sad to see the death of the creature that he was caring for. But you will understand - are you ready to have a more serious pet?
You can buy a variety of exotic animals here.
Do you have experience of keeping exotics in the country? Tell us about it!

Game classroom hour in the 2nd grade "Animal World"

Goals: develop students' cognitive interest in environment; improve knowledge of the animal world.

Game progress

I. Opening speech of the teacher.


There is one garden planet

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds calling migratory,

Only on it one bloom

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other like it.

Ya Akim

Teacher. Today we will play a little, identify the most active and inquisitive. Our game is called "Animal World".

What does the concept of "animal world" include?

What do animals need to live?

Many animals, birds, insects and other animals live in the forest. Animal world forests are very rich. What are the conditions for them in the forest?

Name the animals by tiers (animals of holes, terrestrial animals and birds, inhabitants of the shrub layer, inhabitants of crowns, etc.).

The earth is ours common Home because both plants and animals live in certain places, only where it is convenient and where they used to live.

“It is we, the people,” writes M. Prishvin, “we can change floors, forest dwellers they don't do it." Animals strictly adhere to their tier. - What is the use of forest animals and birds?

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet...

V. Berestov

II. The main part of the game.

The game is played by two teams.

Stage 1 - "Warm-up".

The teacher takes turns asking questions to the teams. For each correct answer -10 points.

1st team

1) Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog.)

2) What berry is black, red, yellow? (Currant.)

3) Who sleeps upside down? (Bat.)

4) What happens to the bee after it stings? (Dies.)

2nd team

1) Who runs with their hind legs forward? (Hare.)

2) What is the biggest bird? (Ostrich.)

3) What does a moose lose every winter? (Horns.)

4) How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)

2nd stage - "Troubles from the barrel."

Teams take turns taking out a “trouble” (question) from the barrel and answering it. For each correct answer -10 points.

1) How many wings does a beetle have? (Four.)

2) An animal that builds a house on the river? (Beaver.)

3) The arrival of what birds means the beginning of spring? (Rook.)

4) Born in water, lives on earth? (Frog.)

5) What mushroom is called a forest predatory animal? (Fox.)

6) Which animal spends most of its time underground? (Mole.)

7) Grass that even the blind can recognize by touch? (Nettle.)

8) What animal in the fairy tale turns into a princess? (Frog.)

9) What animal is the book "Mu-Mu" written about? (Dog.)

10) What breed was the dog Artemon? (Poodle.)

3rd stage - "Race for the leader".

The essence of the stage is which team will answer the question faster. For each correct answer - 5 points.

1) Who has ears on their feet? (Grasshopper.)

2) Small horse? (Pony.)

3) What is the longest animal? (Giraffe.)

4) A cat with tassels on its ears? (Lynx.)

5) Mother of the lamb? (Sheep.)

6) City institution for animals? (Zoo.)

7) Brothers of hares? (Rabbits.)

8) Who treats animals? (Vet.)

9) What bird builds nests on the roof of houses? (Stork.)

12) Predatory night-bird? (Owl.)

14) Most large predator? (Polar bear.)

15) Which birds have wings covered with scales? (Penguins.)

16) What bird in our country flies the fastest? (Swift.)

17) Does it look like a notebook in a line? (Zebra.)

18) Who easily changes its color? (Chameleon.)

19) What is the largest mammal in the world? (Cat.)

20) Is an insect capable of lifting weight larger than its own? (Ant.)

III. Final part.

Summarizing; rewarding participants.

When you walk along the forest path,

Questions overtake you in a crowd.

One "why" rushes between the trees,

Flies on the heels of an unknown bird.

Another - a bee climbed onto a flower,

And the third - a frog jump into a stream.

"What" with a mouse snoops under the leaves in holes,

"Who" is looking for a hidden rustle in the bushes,

Sits "why" on a green leaf,

"Where" flew on a beetle,

"Why" after the lizard climbed onto the stump ...

Question after question, and so - the whole day.

Let's go, my friend, along the path together

Look for answers under the green tent.

Try to learn more about the life of animals and plants from books, educational TV shows.

Natalya Stepanovna Savostyanova
“We are building a house for animals, it will be more fun for all of them.” Design lesson in the senior group

municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Zaigraevsky kindergarten "Fairy tale"


educational event

in the educational field “cognition. cognitive - research and productive (constructive) activity"




caregiver: Savostyanova Natalya Stepanovna

Zaigraevo settlement 2013

Target: pin skill build a house made of wooden cubes, using previously acquired skills and abilities, to cultivate a desire to help, to be needed, to learn to work in a team, to be able to solve problems, to think, to draw conclusions, to rejoice, to cultivate interest in occupation.

Integration of educational regions: artistic creativity, cognition, socialization, communication, fiction, physical culture.

caregiver: Guys, trouble happened in our forest,

Winter is too cold and harsh,

There little animals freeze run away from frost.

And today they ran to kindergarten,

We need to warm them here, feel sorry for them,

We will help them.

Something needs to be done!

Children: We are their home let's build,

Let them live in it

Protect their children.

Children: And what animals came running from the forest?

caregiver: And who came from the forest to us, we will find out if we guess the riddles.

1 riddle: Masha plays with him in a fairy tale,

They are cleverly managed there,

Well, he's so big

Is he friends with her?


2 riddle: Lives in Pushkin's fairy tales

And she sings songs!


3 riddle: Grandfather Mazay saved him,

So that he doesn't disappear.


caregiver: You guessed the riddles,

All you named the animals.

I know that you and I

(in chorus) Friendly family together!

caregiver: Here, guys, we have wooden cubes and plastic and foam rubber. What material do you think is best for us? build a house for animals?

1 child: A house made of wood is stronger,

It will be warm for them!

2 child: If you had a brick,

We would choose him

After all, the brick does not burn,

The strength will surprise everyone.

3 child: You do not argue, friends,

Since there is no brick.

We will build a wooden.

I live in such a house.

It's warm and good

And cozy and light!

4 child: Maybe ask little animals that they are better and warmer.

(a knock on the door. A forest fairy appears with a squirrel, a bunny and a bear in her hands)

Forest Fairy: I found out that trouble happened

And quickly rushed here.

Now I will wave my wand

AND little animals I will turn into speakers

For miracles to happen now

your eyes quickly closed!

(children close their eyes, a squirrel, a hare, a bear come out)

Forest Fairy: And now, friends, it's time

You can open your eyes

(Children open their eyes, rejoice animals greet them)

Beasts: We are very happy guys

What care surrounded

We were warmed and fed.

To survive the winter

We will live in any house.

5 child: You will have a wooden house,

Don't be sad, don't be sad.

Sit together, relax.

Tell about yourself.

Squirrel: We live together in the forest,

Once upon a time we are lazy there,

Need to stock up on cones

And take them to the hollow.

Hare: So that the wolf does not catch up.

I change coat quickly!

Bear: Well, I began to freeze,

I began to call a squirrel with a hare.

To in "Fairy tale" to come to you

And for you to help us.

caregiver: Animals need help,

It's time for us to get down to business!

(Children start build a house made of wooden cubes, consult on how to do better, express their ideas, talking quietly among themselves)

caregiver: Why does a person need a house?

Children: 1. if you have a house, it's very good.

So someone needs you.

In the house you live with your family,

You protect your loved ones.

2. Home is where you can relax, retire, we can’t live without a home. Where home is, there are your friends.

3. each child or small animal

Must have, of course, his own house,

And then always, everywhere

There will be peace throughout the earth!

Children: Well, that's all, the house is ready!

(Children on their own built a house, in the course of work clarified which geometric figure looks like a cube, a brick, please show which wooden figure looks like a triangle, a cylinder)

Beasts: Thanks guys,

You are very kind.

We'll spend the winter here

As it gets warmer, we'll go to the forest,

Your concern is not let's forget,

And always grateful we will!

Hare: You come to us in the spring forest,

And bring your friends!

caregiver: I'm glad, guys, that you are all friendly,

You helped the animals from the forest.

And together they were saved from trouble!

Forest Fairy (gives children a model of a house for playing)

I will give you a house

And thank you all!

You are smart and everyone is friendly,

Are you a problem animals decided,

What surprised me.

And I wish you everyone,

Help when needed

Don't leave your friends in trouble!

(Children and the animals say"Thank you" and say goodbye to the forest fairy)

caregiver: Guys, let's play with our animals.

A squirrel, a bear and a hare sit on chairs and fall asleep. Around we put Christmas trees and talk, walking in a circle)

We are from "Fairy tales" we were walking.

All of a sudden we saw the animals.

They all sleep under the tree

And they don't look at us.

We walked around all of them

AND we woke up all the animals.

Well, ka little animals everybody get up

And catch up with us soon!

(animals wake up and catch up with children)

Beasts: We played well, but the time has come to say goodbye. Thanks for the house! Come to visit us!

Saying goodbye to animals.

You have decided to build a house and not an ordinary dwelling, but a house with a pool. And you made the right decision to do it because the pool in the cottage is not only a pleasant coolness on a hot day. summer evening, not only a beautiful engineering structure, but also a great way to keep yourself in good shape and take care of your health.

arranging swimming pool in a private house worth knowing a few important points associated with its construction and operation.

A lot depends on the soil!

Before you start construction, you should not forget that the pool is an ordinary bath with water, though large sizes and with special devices that ensure its operation. In order to build a pool, you must first consult with specialists who can conduct a thorough study of the composition of the soil in the place where you want to build a pool bowl. For this, it is desirable to geological surveys on the site of such construction, regardless of where you will equip the pool in a private house - in the courtyard of the cottage or inside it. This weight will press constantly on the soil. Why is it so important?

For example, you have clay or loamy soil under your feet, then the construction of the pool will require not only significant costs, but specific technology his buildings. In a place where the soil consists mainly of clay, due to the significant content of groundwater, wet earth in winter, when freezing, deforms the earth, and in warm time year, on the contrary - due to drying, it shrinks the soil. Such changes in the soil will lead to cracking and sometimes fracture of the bottom or destruction of the side walls of the pool bowl.

If the soil is sandy or contains gravel, then you can safely build a pool without fear of breaking its structure. However, in such an area big weight water and the weight of the pool itself can lead to the structure sliding down, subsidence relative to the ground level. An ideal place for building an artificial micro-reservoir is rocky or stony soil. Here you can build house with large pool without any fear.

If experts have determined that the soil where the house is located is still of little use for building a pool, you can try to strengthen it by driving piles. In any case, it is desirable to listen to the opinion of designers, those who professionally designs houses and knows all the intricacies of construction and such a complex hydraulic structure as a pool. This will not only save you from unnecessary financial costs, but also ensure your safety by preventing possible landslides or destruction.

Choosing projects

After the decision has been made, and the experts have given you the conclusion that it is possible to build a pool here, look at the projects of houses with a pool. The house with the pool in the photo looks very attractive. Among such projects there are both simple solutions and more expensive and complex. So you can choose the pool you want and at the same time peep those elements that you like and that you can offer designers for your pool.

But besides the technical aspects, the projects of houses with a pool have purely aesthetic features. Typically, pools are built in a wide variety of shapes, and the complexity of the design directly depends only on the wishes of the customer and the capabilities of those who build it. Therefore, now you can build both square and complex shape pool. It is important to choose a constructive type of pool.

It could be:

  • dug-in pool - the upper edge of the pool at ground level or slightly protrudes above it;
  • semi-dug - the pool is dug into the ground by no less than 1/3;
  • ground - the bottom of the pool is poured at ground level;
  • portable - collapsible, inflatable.

How to build a pool?

A pool in a cottage can be arranged not only inside the house and in the yard. These types of pools have several important differences.

Indoor pool:

  • all-weather, works at any time of the year;
  • requires special system cleaning;
  • heating is required during the cold season.

Outside or courtyard pool:

  • used in spring and summer;
  • easier on the cleaning system and maintenance;
  • the bath is cleared of water in winter;
  • requires regular cleaning from dust, dirt, debris.

Depending on what type of pool you choose, the designer will receive such a task. Tell the designer your wishes, which you can express, including in a sketch with your vision of how you want to see a house with a pool and a photo of the surrounding area. For all the seeming simplicity of the design, it is still not worth taking risks and trying to design a pool on your own, especially if you have no experience in building hydraulic structures. Printed projects of houses with a pool, catalogs where there is more than one house with a pool in the photo are available. And if you intend to build both a pool and a house on the same site, do not forget about all the nuances. It is important to note that a pool bowl filled with water is a potentially unsafe structure and an incorrect calculation of the bottom thickness, the system for collecting or draining water, and much more, can lead to breakdowns, and sometimes man-made accidents.

How pools work

It is advisable to build a pool with the help of specialists who know design features pool operations. We will only briefly describe the contents of a modern pool in order to understand how difficult this part of the house is and how difficult it is to make it.

There are two main types of pools:

  • skimmer;
  • overflow.

A skimmer pool is a pool in which water is transferred to a filtration unit from the surface of the pool. The skimmer itself is a hydraulic device that allows you to pull together the contaminated surface layer in the pool. Pools are usually also built with a drain at the bottom of the pool. After water intake from the skimmer and bottom intake, the water:

  • filtered;
  • heated (if necessary);
  • disinfected.

After cleaning, the water is transferred back to the pool. Skimmer pools can be used for both outdoor and indoor pools.

An overflow pool is a pool where water overflows from the edge of the pool and enters special gutters. After that, the water is transferred to the tanks and from there it is already taken for the filter installation. Here, too, filtration, heating and purification of water from infections takes place. Through outlets at the bottom, water is fed back into the pool. The overflow system is more complex, however, experts believe that it still works better and can serve large-capacity pools.

Security can be attractive

And a little more about security. The fact is that statistics show that in artificial reservoirs, including pools, about 80% of people who fall into emergencies Or it happens by accident. For example, only 11% of people die in fires in such cases, and no more than 2% from electric shock. That is why it is worth taking simple security measures and then already at the design stage you guarantee peace and security for yourself and your family members.

  • The first rule of arranging a safe pool is that if there are small children (or you are waiting for an addition to the family), then it is best to choose a pool design so that the child cannot independently climb over the barrier or limiters along the contour of the pool. For a child, it is best to take a small section of the pool and set a depth of no more than 50 cm there. This can be done by building a special partition inside the pool or by making a bottom with a slope. If the bottom is sloping, then you can install a buoy and stretch the net so that the child, even if desired and out of curiosity, cannot swim into the danger zone.
  • The second rule is this: if you are an insecure swimmer, do not make the pool deeper than 1.5 meters. This depth is more than enough to splash around, practice swimming for therapeutic and preventive purposes, and try to learn to swim. For confident swimmers with experience, you can, of course, build a pool with a depth of 2.5 meters.

  • And the third is very important rule– equipping the pool with handrails at the entrance and exit from the pool saves the swimmer's strength, and the so-called waterproof rubber can be laid along the edge of the bowl. This interesting material absorbs and ejects water. Thus, the edges of the pool will not be slippery, and if necessary, a person will always get out of the water. In the third rule, it is worth mentioning that it is not advisable to equip the bottom with stone or concrete steps. This is very dangerous in terms of accidental injury.

That's actually all the precautions that can decorate appearance pool. For example, shiny, metal handrails. And they can also save a person’s life and protect all users and house with swimming pool will be safe.

How to choose a place for the pool

We have already said that it is important to know if the soil will support the weight of the filled pool bowl. But if everything is in order with this, then it is worth knowing a few more tips on right choice pool construction site.

If this is an outdoor pool, then the ideal place would be:

  • sunny, open to constant and unhindered sunlight;
  • at the highest point land plot for good natural heating and the ability to organize gravity drainage of water;
  • without trees or if the trees are at a considerable distance, as this will save the pool from splits in the walls due to the growth of roots and the need to collect debris flying from the trees - dry foliage and branches.

Building a swimming pool is a very difficult process. It is very different depending on the types of soil on which the structure is being built and therefore is usually trusted to professional builders.

Keep your water clean

The water in the pool stands, it does not flow, as in a river or the sea. Because of this, standing water in the pool needs:

  • cleanse;
  • monitor and regulate the composition of water, its acid-base balance;
  • time to pour or drain the water in the bowl.

You should talk a little more about caring for water in the pool, if only because if you do not monitor the condition of the water, you can get a very serious illness. Dirty water in the pool, which is saturated with microorganisms under the rays of hot summer sun, can cause skin rashes, inflammation of human mucous membranes, allergies various kinds, eczema and many other diseases and painful manifestations.

No less unpleasant is the imbalance of the acid-base environment, calcium hardness, alkalinity, and the concentration of solids that do not dissolve. To some extent, this also affects a person - it causes irritation, negative reactions on the skin, but all these factors have a greater effect on the condition of the technical devices of the pool, tiles.

You can fight these negative factors with the help of:

  • water chlorination;
  • chlorine-free disinfection;
  • coagulation, that is, the removal of small insoluble particles;
  • maintenance of acid-base balance with the help of special additives.

If you decide to acquire a swimming pool, then a very correct decision would be not only consultation with specialists, but also a personal study of the issue of arranging the pool. We talked only about the main features of arranging pools in a private house.

Now you have enough knowledge to start thinking about the possibility of building a full-fledged pool both in the yard of the cottage and inside the house. But you should not forget - only the list of mandatory conditions takes dozens of positions. And this suggests that this issue should be taken very seriously:

  • get advice from specialists and order special studies if necessary;
  • get ready for the need to reconstruct the house, and the same may apply to communications and the need to install additional sophisticated equipment;
  • it is necessary to spend considerable resources in order for the pool to become safe and convenient.

But there should be no obstacles on the way for a person who wants to create a house where you can not only sleep, eat, gather with friends for a picnic, watch movies in the living room, learn lessons with a child, but also have a good rest - this is a dream that can come true and this requires perseverance and desire, and you already have certain knowledge .