The Chicken God Stone is a simple talisman that can literally be found underfoot. Since ancient times, people believe that he has tremendous energy that can be used for your own good. There are several ways to properly wear an amulet.

What is the "Chicken God" stone?

A pebble of any shape and size, with a through hole, is called the "Chicken God" and is used as a strong talisman. Ideal are options in which the hole is exactly in the middle. When figuring out what the “Chicken God” stone looks like, it is worth noting that it can be dyed in different colors, which directly affects the force.

Why is the "Chicken God" so called?

Unusual stones with a through hole had different names which depended on the traditions of the people. For example, among Europeans they were “snake eggs” or “witch stones”, and among Belarusians they were “arrows of Perun”. The Russians called the stone with a hole "Chicken God", due to the fact that it was used in ancient times to protect chicken coops and other outbuildings from evil spirits that could send pestilence. According to another version, “chicken” is a word form from “skuriny”, that is, from the god Shchur, who protected doors and windows from various troubles entering the house.

Where can I find the "Chicken God" stone?

The largest accumulation of such stones is located on the coast of reservoirs. For those who are interested in where to look for the “Chicken God” stone, which has the most energy, then it is better to go in search of the Urals. A stone found in the mouth of a volcano will become a powerful amulet, as it absorbed the fiery energy of lava for a long time, which is the embodiment of the spirit of the earth. Understanding the topic - how to find the "Chicken God" stone, it is worth saying that artificial talismans will not have any energy.

Stone "Chicken God" - magical properties

The right talisman has great energy and is used to attract material wealth, improve health and recover from various diseases, cope with various life problems, find love and fulfill cherished desire. It has already been mentioned that the color of the talisman affects its strength:

  1. White - makes thoughts cleaner, teaches kindness and patience.
  2. Red - such a stone "Chicken God" will help you find true love.
  3. Blue - will attract good luck and give inspiration.
  4. Black - will attract members of the opposite sex.
  5. Black and white - cleanse the soul of the mistakes of the past.
  6. Green - will attract financial flow.
  7. Orange - will give strength to resist the blows of fate.

The capabilities of the talisman depend on how many pebbles are used. For example, if you combine three pieces, then you can count on good luck for 10 years. If you manage to find and bind together seven stones, then a person will receive protection for the rest of his life. The material from which the “Chicken God” stone is made is also important, so the coral option will be a powerful amulet for travelers, and from turquoise it will help to move along career ladder. A malachite product is a powerful amulet for children, but the strongest talisman will be crystal.

How to wear the "Chicken God"?

After the stone is found, it is necessary to bring it home, wash it in running water to wash away possible negative energy. After that, you should speak a stone with a hole "Chicken God", the spell is presented below. There are several options for how you can use the amulet:

  1. To improve sleep, you need to put a talisman near the bed. It can help a person see prophetic dreams and get a hint. To do this, before falling asleep, turn to the stone with your question.
  2. The "Chicken God" amulet can be worn as a pendant, used for protection in a particular situation.
  3. You can hang the talisman near front door on a prominent place. Thanks to this, it will be possible to protect yourself from various negative things.
  4. In order to, you need to look into the hole of the stone and talk about your dream. After that, squeeze it in your hands and feel its energy.
  5. To attract money, carry a stone in your wallet.
  6. During the period when the help of the amulet is not needed, it is recommended to hang it in the closet where clothes are stored.

"Chicken god" is a medium-sized stone with a hole of natural origin. This hole, as a rule, is the result of prolonged exposure to river or sea ​​water.

AT different countries it is called by different names. In Europe, this stone is known as the “mare god”, the sorcerer or witch stone, the “glass of the druids”

Among the Slavs, he was called precisely " chicken god”or “cattle god”, “dog happiness”, Boglaz.

This stone, unusual in shape, got its name, most likely, because of the analogy with the phrase “cattle god”. It was this that defined the sphere of influence Slavic god Veles.

There is also an assumption that the name “chicken” is a modified “churiny”, that is, related to Chur or Shchur, the ancestor. The spirits of the dead were considered among the Slavs as patrons and intercessors of the family.

This stone was hung on a high place in chicken coops and other poultry houses, believing that this would prevent the brownie from pinching and spoiling the chickens. Gradually, faith in the protection of this talisman spread to other cattle. At first, they began to install the chicken god in cowsheds, and then in kennels, believing that he would not allow the kikimore to pass the dogs, and the puppies would grow up healthy.

Gradually, this amulet migrated to a human dwelling and began to play the role of a personal talisman.


It is believed that the “chicken god” brings good luck to the one who finds it and protects from trouble. If such a stone was given to someone, the recipient of the gift had to kiss the giver, and then luck passed to him.

According to popular beliefs, hung at the head of the bed, such a stone protected from nightmares, witchcraft and illness. Placed at the front door, he did not let sorcerers and witches into the house.

Pebbles with holes were hung on boats to increase the catch and not die in a storm.

In the stables, the "chicken god" was located for reasons of protection from witches, who, according to legend, are great lovers of horseback riding and thus spoiling them.

"Chicken God" was used not only as a talisman. He was often associated with the other world, identifying the hole in it with the entrance to other dimensions. So, if you look at the world through a stone, you could see fairies, goblins, elves and the souls of the dead. And if you looked at a person in the same way, you could determine whether he was deceiving.

It was also possible to put a stone on the left palm and rub the thumb clockwise around the hole. Such a technique was supposed to lead to the fulfillment of desire.

A stone with a hole was also used in folk medicine: with toothache, with difficulty urinating, as well as for the treatment of infants in lactating women.

Now the "chicken god" is used as a talisman to attract good luck. A thread is passed through its hole and worn around the neck.

“In the Khvalyn Sea, waves and sand drove that stone slowly, sculpting, like sculptors, marvelously. And now the chicken god is ready ... "

The chicken god stone is the oldest amulet of all magic items. The history of an inconspicuous at first glance pebble with a hole has more than a million years. According to ethnographers magical properties such a pebble acquired during pagan times. According to ancient beliefs, the chicken god protected from evil spirits. It was a protective talisman for livestock and poultry.

This amulet, created by nature itself, has its own holiday. On January 15, the Slavs celebrated the day of Kurki (holiday). All chicken coops were thoroughly cleaned. In Russia, it was believed that on this date a black rooster laid an egg, and soon the serpent Basilisk was born from there. On January 15, elderly women fumigated the premises for livestock with elecampane and resin to protect animals from the evil spirits of lihomanki.

The Slavs hung it in chicken coops, cowsheds and pigsties. And the name of the talisman is a derivative of the word "churiny", which refers to the spirit of Churu's ancestors, who protected the borders of the world of reality.

How to use the amulet in modern times

Stone is the element of earth. A through hole in it is a symbol of successfully overcoming difficulties and various obstacles. And water (sea, flowing or river) gave a pebble with a hole its energy, cleansing from any negativity. People who found such a talisman said that they had less hardships in life and more luck.

A hole in the stone, according to esotericists, opens the way through the universe, contributes to the successful overcoming of all sorts of adversities, attracts good luck and fulfills all desires.

Do you dream of losing weight? Is it profitable to sell an apartment or a car? A stone amulet will help in this as well - you just need to vilify it constantly. The amulet is especially useful for the earth signs of the Zodiac (Capricorns, Virgos, Taurus). These individuals have a somewhat heavy disposition, and life often tests them for strength. But for the representatives of the air element (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini), a magic stone will help preserve the innate lightness and optimism.

Stones are different

Amulets of chicken gods can be varied, large and small, simple and precious. You can pick up a stone and use it, starting from what you want to correct in your life.

  • Three through pebbles together - the talisman will bring good luck to the owner for 10 years.
  • Five amulets on one string - fortune will be with you for 20 years.
  • Seven amulets at once (provided that they are all found by one person) will make him an exceptional lucky man for the rest of his life.
  • Coral is a strong amulet for travelers. It will save the owner from injuries and troubles on the road.
  • Turquoise with a natural hole will help career growth and the success of your own business.
  • Malachite round timber will protect children from the attacks of evil spirits. For adults, it is a talisman of physical health.
  • A crystal mineral with a hole is the most powerful amulet. The power to completely change the fate of the owner for the better.

The talisman can also have a different color, the strength of the impact depends on it. But color only matters natural stones(not precious or semi-precious). If you manage to find a through pebble, depending on the color, you can understand how best to apply it.

  • White. Charm of kindness and tolerance. It will make the owner soft and understanding, help to better understand others and become a more harmonious person.
  • Black. It is believed that the black chicken god is a talisman that helps to find a common language with the person you like. It liberates a person and gives a feeling of confidence.
  • Red. The color of love and strong relationships. Such a charm will soon bring real heartfelt feelings to the life of its owner.
  • White and red patches. This chicken god is a reliable amulet in preserving marriage. It will help preserve loyalty in the family and strengthen the union.
  • Blue. Mascot blue color is the perfect companion for creative people. It is in his power to give endless inspiration and awaken the muse.
  • Green. Such a stone will contribute to the improvement of material wealth and financial situation.
  • Orange. The chicken god of the color of the sun endows the owner with a powerful life force. A very strong amulet will help the owner to resist all the vicissitudes of fate.
  • Black and white. Such a charm cleanses the soul of a person. Delicately points out mistakes to its owner and helps to correct them. Black and white round timber opens people's eyes, becomes a reliable guide to a world without hatred and malice.
  • A necklace of multi-colored stones greatly enhances their strength. Such an object of power will become a reliable defender to its owner.

But it’s not enough just to find a talisman; a native amulet with a hole requires an attentive attitude. It is important to be able to use it correctly and charge it to work. Otherwise, it will simply become a nice souvenir, and will not bring much benefit.

How to work with a talisman

As soon as you find a stone with a hole, take the chicken god in your hands and say the following words three times: “On the stone throne, in the mighty sky, the lucky god sits, driving away the deadly cloud. Thunder thunder, drive away melancholy, remove the disease and call for success, help in everything. Then bring the amulet home, rinse with running, cool water. Your talisman is ready.

How to use it correctly?

  • Near the bed to normalize and improve sleep. The chicken god stone can also give prophetic dreams with clues to any questions. To do this, before going to bed, tell him what is bothering you and what to do. In a dream, the amulet will answer you.
  • Wear an amulet as a pendant. But only on condition that the talisman must protect in the current difficult situation.
  • Hang at the front door in a conspicuous place. The chicken god will protect your house from negativity, uninvited, dishonest people who carry anger and envy in themselves.

To make a wish come true, take a stone with a hole in your hand and look through the hole while saying your wish out loud. Then squeeze the amulet very tightly and feel how its power passes through your fingers and dissolves in the body. When there is no special need for a chicken god, hang it in your closet with your clothes.

Where to get a stone - a talisman with a hole

It doesn't matter what size the chicken god is, what shape it is, and the shape of the hole. There is only one main condition for using the talisman. You must find the amulet yourself! An amulet bought in a souvenir shop, even a gift from someone, will be just a pretty trinket. And you can find a chicken god among the coastal pebbles, just look carefully under your feet.

In 2003, near Mount Demerdzhi, in the Crimea, near Alushta, a huge accumulation of wonderful stones was found. Each of them had a hole! And the nudes were completely different sizes: some weighing several tens of kilograms, others the size of a fingernail. Found thousands of chicken god mascots in one go!

There are really a lot of such miracles on the Crimean beaches. The warm Black Sea sometimes rolls out beautiful, amazing amulets right at the feet of vacationers, which in good hands capable of magic. Good luck in finding!

Many mysterious talismans can be found right under your feet. Some of them are very ancient origin. We are talking about stones with natural holes - the so-called "Chicken God" stone (sometimes "dog god" or Boglaz) in Europe, these stones are called witch stones, snake eggs. Hagstone, Holystone, Witchstone, Adderstone. Adderstanes in the south of Scotland and Gloin Nan Druidhe ("Glass of the Druids" in Scottish Gaelic) in the north. In Egypt they are called Aggry or Aggri.
Similar stones are found all over the world, since ancient times they have been used as protection amulets by many peoples of the world. The origin of the hole in such stones is attributed primarily to running water, river or sea. This is one of the reasons why these stones are considered very strong protective amulets - the stones have retained the energy of the water that has been sharpening them for hundreds of years, which, as you know, is the best way to wash away bad energy. The Belarusians believed that the holes in such "lesson stones" appeared from a lightning strike, and called them "perun's arrow" or "gromovka". Other legends say that the snake stone is called so because it comes from the head of a snake or because the snakes twisted deep and stuck together to death, then petrified.
Such a stone was unequivocally considered by all peoples to be a very lucky stone, and the person who found it was lucky.
The Russian folk name for the stone, Chicken God, most likely came from a magical village environment. It was believed that a stone with a hole, suspended over a chicken roost, protects poultry from foxes, kikimor and all sorts of troubles. Over time, people noticed that the "chicken god" guards them no worse.
The name chicken god also, perhaps, appeared by analogy with the “cattle god” (as the god Veles is characterized) - guardian of cattle; the functions of a talisman could be performed by the same objects. The role of the dog god could be played by pebbles with through holes, a pot, a krinka or a clay washstand without a bottom, the neck of a broken jug, a worn bast shoe, etc. Nizhny Novgorod province necks from broken jugs were hung in chicken coops and under the eaves of houses, believing that this would prevent the brownie from pinching chickens and torturing livestock. In the Yaroslavl province, the "dog god" was called an old pot, which was placed on a high pole in the place of the yard where the perches are: "The spirit that patronizes chickens settles in the pot."
In some villages, round stones with a small hole inside are hung in kennels; such a stone, reminiscent of Thor's thunder hammer, protects the bird from disease and is called the dog god.
It is also believed that the word “chicken” is a modified “churiny”, i.e. related to Chur or Shchur, the deity or spirit of the ancestors of the ancient Slavs, who protected borders, doors and openings. This is not without meaning, because. in Europe, a similar amulet, paired with a key tied to it, was used as protection against thieves.
In addition to chickens, "Perun's Arrow" was also used as a remedy for diseases, primarily for the treatment of breasts in women and cows. A sick woman squeezed milk onto the floor, passing it through a hole in a stone, and a sick cow was rubbed with a thunderous udder and milked through it into a depression made in the ground. According to the ideas of the Golds, a round jade stone with a hole gave a person happiness: for this, boys were allowed to suck their mother's breasts through a hole in such a stone, and the girls were hung the same stone around their necks.
In the event of the death of one of the relatives, the household, so as not to yearn for the dead, looked into the mouth of the stove or into the chimney, saying: "All sorrow in the furnace." After the removal of the body, they turned over all the hollow utensils in the house: pots, buckets, tubs, etc., and put a kvass on the bench where the deceased lay. On the Northern Dvina, after the funeral, they went to the story "to look into the holes", it was necessary to look not at anything in particular, but simply through the gap. Kamchadals, after participating in the funeral rite, made rings from wood rods, crawled through them twice and threw them into the forest. The purpose of all these actions is to isolate oneself from the deceased, cut off contact with him, and mark the boundaries of the human and other worlds.
A holey pebble, dishes without a bottom and a torn bast shoe - they all have a hole, and since they belong to the elements of the earth, this hole is likened to a cave, the possibility of passing through the matter of heavenly fire. It should also be taken into account that in ancient times the rooster was called a chicken and was also associated with fire. But not only small specimens of pebbles were perceived as carriers of special power. In the Cornish Madrone, a sick lumbago had to crawl nine times in the course of the sun through a “creeping stone”, and in order to add health to a child, put it through a gap in the Men-an-tol stone. The stone of Odin (in Orkney) was entrusted with the marriage of those who, holding hands, passed through the hole in it, taking an oath of allegiance to each other. And in Castledermot there is an Oathstone, also with a hole. If you join hands in this opening and utter an oath, it is considered unbreakable. The same stones that fit in the palm of your hand were recognized practically
everywhere as important amulets. And protective shells with holes are found at the sites of a man of the Stone Age. At the same time, in different places they were sometimes called sacred, sometimes witches, and in Scotland - mares (most likely because of the belief that they protect horses from sweating, and also help foaling mares).
Some researchers talk about a separate divine being - the Chicken God, partly correlated with Hekate-Artemis (Hecate is the goddess of night and death, Artemis is a maiden goddess, a huntress). Gaia - the earth, and from there to the more ancient Rhea-Cybele and, possibly, to the Assyrian Astarte. The chicken god is a female patron who endows the keeper of the hearth with special power. Researchers believe that the holey stone, as an earthly artifact, symbolizes the uterus of the "Earth Goddess" - a female symbol, as opposed to phallic ones.

In Europe, holey stones - witch stones, are considered witches, they help against witches. Even the Celts valued them as strong amulets. The general purpose was the same as for everyone - protection from the evil eye, evil witches and nightmares, for which such a stone was hung at the head of a child or an adult. Also, the witch's stone was hung in the stables so that the witches could not ride horses and spoil them with it. Boaters in Weymouth attached them to their boats to increase their catch and protect themselves from the unpredictable elements.

In the UK, they were used as a special protection, tying a key to a holey stone. locals it was believed that in this way they somehow connected the key to the front door and the magic stone with a special protection against thieves. Of course, the thieves quickly realized this, and the real key had to be replaced with an old one that did not open the door.
Also, perforated stones in folk legends were used to see the souls of the dead and fairy folk such as fairies, gnomes, goblins and elves. A hole in the stone revealed the secret world of spirits.
In Italy, both the perforated stone and the key are symbols of the goddess Diana, known to the Greeks as Artemis. The virgin goddess was the patroness of women and witches.
The key is an important magical symbol that gives access to a desired place in a physical and mystical sense. The key refers to Diana, who reincarnates in the form of Yana, an alternate form of her name, Janus (god of entrances and exits), and her role as guardian of the heavenly gates, doors, and thresholds of the home. It is also a symbol of Hecate, the mistress of the lower world, who has the ability to open gates and imprisoned souls.
Italian folklore also links the perforated stone with fairies. It is often said that it is a holy stone. It is considered as a doorway, or a key to a doorway, to a magical kingdom.

Arab custom states that a similar stone should be tied around the necks of young camels to protect them from evil spirits and the evil eye.

Interesting beliefs are found in the use of a holey stone as a kind of "lie detector". To ensure that the person was telling the truth, it was necessary to look at the speaker through the hole and then it was clearly visible whether the person was lying or telling the truth.

Large, perforated stones were used to control the weather by threading a string through them and then twisting them overhead to disperse clouds, winds, and rain.
You could also take a stone in the palm of your left hand and rub it clockwise around the hole with your thumb, thinking about your desire. A similar technique is also used with amber.
Some farmers used witch stones to keep milk from curdling. They believed that milk passed through a hole in such a stone would be protected from evil witches, who cause the milk to quickly curdle before it is used for the right purposes.
The hole stone - the stone of the snake - was in great respect among the druids as well. It was sort of one of their insignia of extraordinary ability. There are even mentions of this by Pliny in his books Natural History.

"There is a kind of egg, which is highly valued among the Gaels, which the Greek authors did not mention. A large number of in the summer the snake curls up and sticks together in a tight ball, with its saliva and mucus, after which it turns to stone, and this is called the "snake's egg." Druids say that an amulet thrown into the air must be caught in the cloak before it touches the ground. The person who intercepts the stone will be able to fly<… "Этот дырявый камень как знак, некоторый носят с такой показной роскошью, что я знал римского рыцаря, Воконтия, который был убит глупым императором Клавдием, просто потому, что он носил этот камень на груди во время судебного процесса, полагая, что камень сможет защитить его от приговора."

Each nation has traditions associated with a stone perforated by nature, regardless of its size and shape. Some believe that with the help of a hole, the stone accumulates the energy of the cosmos and transfers it to its owner.
In Gobustan (Azerbaijan), at the entrance to the cave of petroglyphs, there is a large triangular stone with a hole. It is not known what the ancients used it for, but it is now believed to help girls get married. To find the groom, you need to crawl into the hole three times. They say that when buses with schoolgirls arrive, the girls line up.
Near the Afurdzhinsky waterfall there is a Pir sanctuary, to which the childless go couples to crawl through a hole in the rock.
The English believe that you can be healed if you climb through a crevice in a tree or step over a stone with a hole.
In Koktebel, the "chicken god" is worn around the neck in the amount of seven pieces.
The stone is the embodiment of the elements of the earth. And a through hole in a stone symbolizes passage through matter, overcoming earthly obstacles, “a drop wears away a stone”, therefore the “chicken god” can serve as a talisman helping to overcome everyday difficulties and physical ailments. Many people noticed that after finding a holey stone, the hardships in life became less, as if someone took them away from those places where trouble could happen to them.
Such a stone certainly brought its owner health, success and fulfillment of desires. To fulfill a special wish, one had to look through a hole in the stone at the sunrise and make one's cherished wish. They say that during the execution, the stone can even fall apart, giving all its strength to the implementation of the plan.
. Leaky stones also help to get rid of the experiences associated with material difficulties, to drive away thoughts about the hopelessness of one's situation. The spirit of the "chicken god" relieves mental and physical suffering, inspires the desire to look for ways to solve their problems, so it is useful to wear holey stones for those who are depressed and pessimists.
It is especially useful to have holey stones with you as a talisman that makes life easier for people born under one of the earth signs of the Zodiac (

No. 28 “Hamsa and red thread. Talismans that you want to wear. ">>>

Leaky Stones - Chicken God, Witch Stone, Perun's Arrow.

Many mysterious talismans can be found right under your feet. Some of them are of very ancient origin. We will talk about stones with natural holes - the so-called "Chicken God" stone (sometimes "dog god" or Boglaz) in Europe, these stones are called witch stones, snake eggs. Hagstone, Holystone, Witchstone, Adderstone. Adderstanes in the south of Scotland and Gloin Nan Druidhe ("Glass of the Druids" in Scottish Gaelic) in the north. In Egypt they are called Aggry or Aggri.

Similar stones are found all over the world, since ancient times they have been used as protection amulets by many peoples of the world. The origin of the hole in such stones is attributed primarily to running water, river or sea. This is one of the reasons why these stones are considered very strong protective amulets - the stones retained the energy of the water that has been sharpening them for hundreds of years, which, as you know, washes away bad energy best of all. Belarusians believed that the holes in such "lesson stones" appeared from a lightning strike, and called them "perun's arrow" or "gromovka". Other legends say that the snake stone is called because it comes from the head of a snake or from the fact that the snakes twisted deep and stuck together to death, then petrified.

Such a stone was unequivocally considered by all peoples to be a very lucky stone, and the person who found it was lucky.

The Russian folk name for the stone Chicken God most likely came from a magical village environment. It was believed that a stone with a hole, suspended over a chicken perch, protects poultry from foxes, kikimors and all sorts of troubles. Over time, people noticed that the “chicken god” guards them no worse.

The name chicken god is also possible, appeared by analogy with the "cattle god" (as the god Veles is characterized) - guardian of cattle; the functions of a talisman could be performed by the same objects. The role of a dog god could be played by pebbles with through holes, a pot, a krinka or a clay washstand without a bottom, the neck of a broken jug, a worn bast shoe, etc. pinching chickens and torturing livestock. In the Yaroslavl province, the "dog god" was called an old pot, which was placed on a high pole in the place of the yard where the perches are: "The spirit that patronizes chickens settles in the pot."

In some villages, round stones with a small hole inside are hung in kennels; such a stone, reminiscent of Thor's thunder hammer, protects the bird from disease and is called the dog god.

It is also believed that the word “chicken” is a modified “churiny”, i.e. related to Chur or Shchur, the deity or spirit of the ancestors of the ancient Slavs, who protected borders, doors and openings. This is not without meaning, because. in Europe, a similar amulet, paired with a key tied to it, was used as protection against thieves.

In addition to chickens, the “Perun arrow” was also used as a remedy for diseases, primarily for the treatment of breasts in women and cows. A sick woman squeezed milk onto the floor, passing it through a hole in a stone, and a sick cow was rubbed with a thunderous udder and milked through it into a depression made in the ground. According to the ideas of the Golds, a round jade stone with a hole gave a person happiness: for this, boys were allowed to suck their mother's breasts through a hole in such a stone, and the girls were hung the same stone around their necks.

In the event of the death of one of the relatives, the household, in order not to yearn for the deceased, looked into the mouth of the stove or into the chimney, saying: “All sorrow is in the stove.” After the removal of the body, they turned over all the hollow utensils in the house: pots, buckets, tubs, etc., and put a sourdough on the bench where the deceased lay. On the Northern Dvina, after the funeral, they went to the story “to look into the holes”, it was necessary to look not at anything in particular, but simply at the crack. Kamchadals, after participating in the funeral rite, made rings from wood rods, crawled through them twice and threw them into the forest. The purpose of all these actions is to isolate oneself from the deceased, cut off contact with him, and mark the boundaries of the human and other worlds.

A holey pebble, dishes without a bottom and a torn bast shoe - they all have a hole, and since they belong to the elements of the earth, this hole is likened to a cave, the possibility of passing through the matter of heavenly fire. It should also be taken into account that in ancient times the rooster was called a chicken and was also associated with fire. But not only small specimens of pebbles were perceived as carriers of special power. In Cornish Madrone, a sick lumbago had to crawl nine times in the course of the sun through a “creeping stone”, and in order to add health to a child, put it through a gap in the Men-an-tol stone. The stone of Odin (in Orkney) was entrusted with the marriage of those who, holding hands, passed through the hole in it, taking an oath of allegiance to each other. And in Castledermote there is an Oath Stone, also with a hole. If you join hands in this opening and take an oath, it is considered unbreakable. The same stones that fit in the palm of your hand were recognized practically
everywhere as important amulets. And protective shells with holes are found at the sites of a man of the Stone Age. At the same time, in different places they were called either sacred, or sorceress, and in Scotland - mares (most likely because of the belief that they protect horses from sweating, and also help foaling mares).

Some researchers talk about a separate divine being - the Chicken God, partly correlated with Hekate-Artemis (Hecate is the goddess of night and death, Artemis is a maiden goddess, a huntress). Gaia - the earth, and from there to the more ancient Rhea-Cybele and, possibly, to the Assyrian Astarte. The chicken god is a female patron who endows the keeper of the hearth with special power. Researchers believe that the holey stone as an earthly artifact symbolizes the womb of the "Earth Goddess" - a female symbol, as opposed to phallic ones.

In Europe, holey stones - witch stones, are considered witches, they help against witches. Even the Celts valued them as strong amulets. The general purpose was the same as for everyone - protection from the evil eye, evil witches and nightmares, for which such a stone was hung at the head of a child or person. Also, the witch's stone was hung in the stables so that the witches could not ride horses and spoil them with it. Boaters in Weymouth attached them to their boats to increase their catch and protect themselves from the unpredictable elements.

In the UK, they were used as a special protection, tying a key to a holey stone. The locals believed that in this way they somehow connected the key to the front door and the magic stone with a special protection against thieves. Of course, the thieves quickly realized this, and the real key had to be replaced with an old one that did not open the door.

Also, perforated stones in folk legends were used to see the souls of the dead and fairy folk such as fairies, dwarves, goblins and elves. A hole in the stone revealed the secret world of spirits.

In Italy, both the perforated stone and the key are symbols of the goddess Diana, known to the Greeks as Artemis. The virgin goddess was the patroness of women and witches.

The key is an important magical symbol that gives access to a desired place in a physical and mystical sense. The key refers to Diana, who reincarnates in the form of Yana, an alternate form of her name, Janus (god of entrances and exits), and her role as guardian of the heavenly gates, doors, and thresholds of the home. It is also a symbol of Hecate, the mistress of the lower world, who has the ability to open gates and imprisoned souls.

Italian folklore also connects the perforated stone with fairies. It is often said that this is a holy stone. It is considered as a doorway, or a key to a doorway, to a magical kingdom.
Arab custom states that a similar stone should be tied around the necks of young camels to protect them from evil spirits and the evil eye.

Interesting beliefs are found in the use of a holey stone as a kind of "lie detector". To ensure that the person was telling the truth, it was necessary to look at the speaker through the hole and then it was clearly visible whether the person was lying or telling the truth.

Large, perforated stones were used to control the weather by threading a string through them and then twisting them overhead to disperse clouds, winds, and rain.

You could also take a stone in the palm of your left hand and rub it clockwise around the hole with your thumb, thinking about your desire. A similar technique is also used with amber.

Some farmers used witch stones to keep milk from curdling. They believed that milk passed through a hole in such a stone would be protected from evil witches, who cause the milk to curdle quickly before it is used for the right purposes.

The hole stone - the stone of the snake was in great respect among the druids. It was sort of one of their insignia of extraordinary ability. There are even mentions of this by Pliny in his books Natural History.

“There is a kind of egg, which is highly valued among the Gaels, which the Greek authors did not mention. A large number of snakes in the summer curl up and stick together into a tight ball, with their saliva and mucus, after which they turn to stone, and this is called the “snake egg”. Druids say that an amulet thrown into the air must be caught in the cloak before it touches the ground. The person who intercepts the stone will be able to fly<…>This is a stone with holes as a sign, some wear it with such ostentation that I knew a Roman knight, Vokontius, who was killed by the stupid emperor Claudius, simply because he wore this stone on his chest, during litigation believing that the stone would protect him from judgment."

Each nation has traditions associated with a stone perforated by nature, regardless of its size and shape. Some believe that with the help of a hole, the stone accumulates the energy of the cosmos and transfers it to its owner.

The stone of Odin (in Orkney) was entrusted with the marriage of those who, holding hands, passed through the hole in it, taking an oath of allegiance to each other. And in Castledermote there is an Oath Stone, also with a hole. If you join hands in this opening and take an oath, it is considered unbreakable.

In Gobustan (Azerbaijan), at the entrance to the cave of petroglyphs, there is a large triangular stone with a hole. It is not known what the ancients used it for, but it is now believed to help girls get married. To find the groom, you need to crawl into the hole three times. They say that when buses with schoolgirls arrive, the girls line up.

Near the Afurdzhinsky waterfall there is a Pir sanctuary, where childless couples go to crawl through a hole in the rock.

The English believe that you can be healed if you climb through a crevice in a tree or step over a stone with a hole.

In Koktebel, "chicken god" is worn around the neck in the amount of seven pieces

The stone is the embodiment of the elements of the earth. And a through hole in a stone symbolizes the passage through matter, overcoming earthly obstacles, “a drop wears away a stone”, therefore the “chicken god” can serve as a talisman that helps to overcome everyday difficulties and physical ailments. Many people noticed that after finding a holey stone, the hardships in life became less, as if someone took them away from those places where trouble could happen to them.

Such a stone certainly brought its owner health, success and fulfillment of desires. For a special wish, it was necessary to look through a hole in the stone at the sunrise and make your cherished wish. They say that during the execution, the stone can even fall apart, giving all its strength to the implementation of the plan.

Leaky stones also help to get rid of the experiences associated with material difficulties, to drive away thoughts about the hopelessness of one's situation. The spirit of the "chicken god" alleviates mental and physical suffering, inspires the desire to look for ways to solve their problems, so it is useful to wear holey stones for those who are depressed and pessimists.

It is especially useful to have holey stones with you as a talisman that makes life easier for people born under one of the earth signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), whose character is by definition difficult and in whose life difficult trials are most likely.

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Stone with a hole. Signs.

A special place among the stones occupies stone with a hole. Signs say that a person who finds such a stone will always be lucky. It is customary to carry a stone with a hole with you, perhaps as an ornament; it protects its owner from adversity and difficulties, brings happiness and helps fulfill desires.

Psychics use such a stone in predictions. They argue that it is with the help of stones that you can see the future and even change it for the better.

Esotericists also give a stone with a hole special meaning. They call him "Chicken God" and recommend carrying the stone with you. If this is not possible, then you need to place it in the house, for example, hang it in the bedroom. In this case, a stone with a hole, according to signs, will bring harmony to the family and cleanse the home of negative energy.

In Feng Shui, a stone with a hole is placed in zone of wealth and prosperity, it harmonizes this zone, which gives its owner what he wants.

In India, such a stone symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and if a person accidentally finds it, then signs promise him a speedy recovery from all illnesses and mental anguish.

In many countries, a stone with a hole is a stone that brings only good to the owner, so people who find it are considered lucky and minions of fate.

Other signs about stones.

Stones in Russia were considered sacred, as if the soul of the earth was embodied in them.

Peasants did not throw away stones without need. And in one of the stories of the cycle “The Power of the Earth” by Gleb Uspensky, the story of a peasant is given, who from afar rolled a huge boulder into his yard - only because he "looked".

Stone women from pagan times to this day have been preserved in some places in remote corners of Siberia. According to legend, it is enough to touch them to be healed of ailments.

It is bad luck to bring stones into the house with you (except for a stone with a hole).