From a simple girl from Yakutia to an aspiring star Russian stage- so was life path Victoria Daineko. More than anything, she wanted to sing on stage. Pretty in early age she became popular in her hometown. But I wanted more. And she went to conquer Moscow.

Arriving in Moscow, the girl did not even think about the career of a singer. She went to university and studied English language. But one day she saw a casting ad for the Star Factory show.

Young and talented singers were invited to the 5th season of the show. Victoria decided to try her hand. And she not only passed the casting, but also won this show.

Then everything was like in a fairy tale. Producer, new songs, video shooting and an army of fans. This is the life Victoria wanted. But, like any girl, she wanted a strong man nearby who would understand and support her.

Love novels of the singer

Victoria had several love relationships. Basically it was the relationship with colleagues in the shop. For some time she met with the lead singer of the Roots group Pavel Artemiev. Their romance was stormy, but not long.

The next chosen one of the girl was another soloist of the group "Roots" Dmitry Pakulichev. And again was passionate romance and the same quick breakup. These relationships were replaced by relationships with.

The couple looked so happy together that fans got them married. They even released a few songs as a duet. But then they suddenly broke up. They didn't even explain why they did it.

Iconic casting

Victoria Daineko met her future husband during the casting. She was just looking for a drummer in new team. Dmitry Kleiman came to audition and patiently waited his turn. When the singer approached him in order to get acquainted, he was struck by her wide sincere smile.

Victoria herself remembers this moment with a smile. She says that she liked Dmitry immediately. And she even had to hastily leave so as not to embarrass him. Dmitry did not pay any attention to the girl for some time. They had only a working relationship. But gradually communication went beyond the working framework, and then grew into a relationship.

Dmitry, like Victoria, dreamed of music since childhood. He tried to play the drum set at the age of five. And since then, he's been hitting the beat on everything that was good for it. Already in adulthood he sat down at a professional drum kit.

A guy with a natural sense of rhythm, he quickly became popular in musical circles. Except Drums he plays the guitar well and tried himself as a beatboxer. But at the same time he decided that the drums are his favorite pastime.

In his career, Dmitry managed to work both with novice singers and already with famous performers. He also created his own group, of which he is to this day.

Musician's personal life

Before the relationship with Victoria Daineko, little is known about the musician's personal life. He didn't have high-profile novels and scandalous breakups. We can say that he appeared in the gossip column thanks to Daineko.

He met his future wife in 2014. A few months later, the couple began a close relationship and very soon they became husband and wife. Neither Dmitry nor Vika was embarrassed by the age difference. The husband of Victoria Daineko is 7 years younger than the singer.

A few months after the wedding, the couple had a daughter, who was named Lydia. It would seem that young people are incredibly happy. Relatives, friends and colleagues considered them a wonderful family. But then information began to appear about the couple's quarrels and that they were on the verge of a divorce.

Fans simply refused to believe in such an outcome, but still it happened. The couple divorced 2 years after the wedding. The initiator of the divorce was the Husband of Victoria Daineko. The girl tried to save her marriage with Dmitry. But, despite the divorce, the well-being of their daughter remained important for both.

Life after divorce

Quite often in the star news, one could see publications that ex-husband Victoria Daineko Dmitry Kleiman threw a party in honor of the divorce. A lot of photos of Dmitry with different girls appeared on the Internet. It is not known whether he was so worried about the divorce, trying to drown out the pain, or there was no love in the relationship.

But Dmitry turns into another person next to his daughter. He reads fairy tales to her, cooks her favorite dishes and is ready to walk with her for hours. He has repeatedly admitted that for Lydia he is ready to become the best father in the world.

Interesting Notes:

Keanu Reeves is one of the most famous Hollywood actors, will celebrate his 53rd birthday. During his career, he has starred in huge number various films. He gained particular popularity after The Matrix, although even before that almost the whole world knew about him. The last of it famous films became "John Wick" and "John Wick 2". And in honor of the actor's birthday, we decided to tell you Interesting Facts from his life.

Interesting facts about Keanu Reeves

The actor has a rather exotic appearance, and all thanks to his roots. The mother is English, but the father was a Hawaiian with Chinese roots. By the way, the name Keanu appeared in honor of the grandfather of the actor, whose name was Henry Keanu.
In his youth, the actor was very fond of playing hockey. And he was very good at it, his friends even called him "the wall". It can already be assumed that he was standing at the gate. And not just standing, he very often received the title of the most useful player of the match. By the way, the first role of the actor is a hockey player (drama "Young Blood").

Moreover, he plays the bass guitar remarkably, at one time he founded the Dogstar group, and when it broke up, he became a member of the Becky team.
Reeves never wanted children, but when the opportunity to become a father did arise, he was very happy. But, unfortunately, his fears were justified, his daughter died due to a blood clot in the umbilical cord. Her parents named her Quince and buried her.

In order to play Neo in The Matrix, Reeves studied several types of martial arts. After the release of the first part of the trilogy on the screen, he became the highest paid actor.
Speed ​​made Keanu Reeves a star. After that, he was offered to play in the continuation of the film, but the actor refused despite the huge fee. By the way, rightly so, because the film was a failure. Instead, Reeves starred in The Devil's Advocate. And this film became one of the most successful in his career.

Keanu Reeves Mood Day. Have you heard of this? Probably not. And such a holiday appeared thanks to the fans who saw everyone famous shot, which has already received the name "Sad Keanu".

Among the large number of actors of the generation of the 90s, he was and will be the most unpredictable and intriguing. He is a puzzle man. He is a man of the future.

His ideal figure and unusual appearance, memorable at first sight, attracts and beckons. Black as night, hair, sharp features, and the look with which he pierces through. With an unusual combination of West and East in it, it is as if outside certain culture. He is for everyone and at the same time no one, free, like the wind, from all conventions and generally accepted norms. He seems to exist outside of time.

Keanu Reeves created his own style of play, when you can see a whole life in his barely noticeable gesture, but at the same time no one can explain it. This is what Reeves is all about.

He is the actor that at first you can not perceive, but just admire, but over time you listen to him, look closely and gradually fall in love ...

keanu reeves man s difficult fate, extraordinary in everything, starting from the origin, which is reflected in the appearance and ending with the way of life - so modest and friendly in relationships that, in fact, is a fall out of Hollywood norms. And his such touching love for Shakespeare is a definite plus for the handsome Keanu.

Unfortunately, we do not know him as a person. We know little about him. We see him on the screen, that mysterious, unique image. We only see what he allows us to see. What he wants us to see.

And, to be honest, I don't know another actor who, in his images, would be as sexy and attractive as Keanu Reeves. Even if there is not a single "nude" scene in the film, you will still feel the magic of intimacy. His romantic images combine the impossible - a sense of security and acute sexuality.

Although, sometimes it still seems that his natural charm and sexuality interfere with him. Nevertheless, Keanu is always a pleasure to watch, his interviews are interesting, he is smart, well-read, he is always unpredictable and controversial. He is peculiar. He doesn't look like anyone at all. He is Keanu Reeves!!!

Prepared Lavrja

Head of the fan page Vkontakte

Keanu Charles Reeves*Keanu Charles Reeves

Your life is cinema and theater

And in this life you're just an actor

You don't care what others say

On stage you are your own director

Die? It's easy, just ask

Sing a song, no problem for you

Hate, love, laugh and cry

You can become a hero or a simple guy

Without removing your mask, you play

And well believe me! I know what I am saying

You're on the screen so easy to dream

In the desire to see you, I burn again

How many turns do you have ahead of you

Like Shakespeare's Hamlet you decided to go

And here is the turn and you are the chosen Neo

Now you can forget about the cameo

Your life on the screen is beautiful, easy

And few people know how much work

You invested to play perfectly

I watch your films in bliss

You cheat on yourself without much zeal

That you live loving that, trying to forget ...

You try to do it, without bright consequences

To love someone again on stage..

Movie over, end credits

It's just that life is a completely different game.

In which there is almost no word

There are no second takes and editing

And you're not looking from the last floor

Your life may or may not be a game.

What can the Internet know about you?

So much hype around create

Journalists forgot about comfort

Always and everywhere on your heels

Tired of smiling at them cameras

But here's another project.

You can't say no to yourself

You go back to work

And few can understand it

Your life is like a reality show

Flashes make it difficult to see the road

But you still found your way

Without changing your duty

Again the light of the cameras blinds the eyes

For you it's not a threat for a long time

It's part of your life as it is

Now this is ordinary prose.

It's never too late to be a man

He was always ordered to be an idol!

It's not that hard for me to say

After all, he is our "close" star.

We bow our heads to Reeves, we humbly,

Before his heavenly beauty.

We love Key all these years right

Dreaming to be near and be yourself.

And on your birthday, as before,

He must have a good look,

So that Reeves' happiness does not wander somewhere,

And all misfortunes began to smolder quickly.

Well, what to wish Key on his birthday? ..

Probably health, happiness and all of us.

Whatever happened in life, never a moment

With fans without brightly shining eyes!!!

Julia Veselova

Keanu Reeves can't seem to get over his depression. The actor even celebrated his next birthday not with a noisy party, but with a modest snack right on the street. IN Lately the paparazzi now and then catch the star with a gloomy expression on his face and all alone. And even on his 46th birthday, Keanu preferred to stay away from the hustle and bustle. The actor was photographed modestly sitting on the parapet near the shop window. Next to him was a cup of coffee, and a small cake with a candle served as a festive treat. Keanu Reeves celebrated his birthday with a modest snack In order not to disturb the workers fussing around, Keanu settled in a corner and chatted on his mobile phone. True, he was not allowed to be bored alone for a long time. Soon, Reeves was joined by several workers, with whom he had a nice chat and drank coffee. Later, Reeves also talked to a fan who recognized him and allowed him to take a photo as a keepsake. Naturally, all this is not the most interesting option for meeting a birthday. So the Daily Mail hopes the actor has something more festive in store for the evening.
Keanu did not mind the society of store workers The actor was happy to talk with a fan

No one will argue with the fact that Keanu Reeves is not like most Hollywood actors. We know how he loves to talk to the homeless about high matters, he walks around in torn clothes and shoes. But all this does not negate the fact that he is a wonderful person.

The actor often becomes the hero of memes, especially about the "sad Keanu". But he considers himself happy man despite what he's been through. Editorial "AWESOME" collected the most amazing facts about this extraordinary man.


Reeves was born in the Lebanese capital. His parents divorced when he was still very young. A little later, my father went to jail for selling drugs. As a child, Keanu often moved and constantly lived with different stepfathers.


Jennifer Syme has been building since she was 18 acting career. But she was not like other Hollywood actresses who tried to achieve fame by any means. She was modest and shy, it seems that this is what she attracted the attention of Keanu Reeves.

At one of the acting parties, the girl became friends with Keanu's sister, after which she had the opportunity to get to know the actor himself. Jennifer immediately won his heart, Reeves could not ignore the girl who did not try to please him, but behaved very naturally.

Their romance developed so rapidly that they were already predicted to become the most beautiful Hollywood couple. At one point, they announced that they would soon become parents. Keanu even managed to equip a room for his daughter, but a month before the birth it turned out that the child died due to a blood clot in the umbilical cord, never being born.

After the tragedy, the lovers could no longer look into each other's eyes. They practically stopped talking and decided to leave. Keanu threw himself into work, but Jen could not hide from the grief that she experienced.

She began to drink often, and after one of the parties she got drunk behind the wheel, without even wearing her seat belt. In the morning she was found dead near the wrecked jeep. Keanu experienced another loss all alone. He simply buried his beloved next to his unborn daughter.


There are many successful roles in Reeves' acting piggy bank. However, he does not attack any money work. If an actor believes that there is too much violence in the film or his character is very cruel, he simply will not agree to this role, no matter what fees he is promised.

The nicest guy in Hollywood

Reeves' younger sister was sick with leukemia, so he spent most of the fee for his role in The Matrix on her treatment and transfers to the fund to combat the disease.

He can be seen on the street eating a sandwich or drinking coffee and muffin (as he once did on his birthday), riding the subway or chatting with the homeless.

When the actor was asked if his sadness had gone, he only replied that sadness does not go away, it only changes form.

We infinitely love this guy for his!