Chinese New Year 2017 will come this night, January 28, at 2:06 am Kyiv time. New Year on the Chinese calendar will be 4715 and will be held under the sign of Red Fire Rooster. It will come on the second new moon after winter solstice. The Year of the Rooster will end on February 15, 2018.

In China and other countries East Asia We have already started celebrating this event, which is only a few hours away.

Chinese New Year 2017, Beijing (Photo: EPA)

It is also celebrated in Ukrainian Lvov:

Chinese New Year 2017 is now celebrated in Lviv, 01/27/2017 (Photo: EPA)

There will be three days of celebration, and Lviv residents have been celebrating this event for more than a year. The main location is Rynok Square. Event organizer - Cultural Center Longhwa.

Today the laser show "The Awakening of the Dragon" and the procession of dragons through the streets of Lviv have already taken place. At the weekend there will be all kinds of performances, master classes, a fair.

New Year of the Rooster in Lviv 01/27/2017: celebrated not only by the natives of China

The Chinese New Year is also called "Lunar New Year" because its exact date is calculated based on the phases of the moon.

Chinese astrologers predict that in the year of the Rooster, most countries will follow a tough policy. World governments will "stretch their muscles," but at the same time, 2017 will be the year of victories for diplomacy.

However, it is worth remembering that it was in the year of the Red Fire Rooster that many wars and revolutions began in China.

Astrologers warn that the most auspicious time will come in the middle of the year.

Concerning personal horoscope that the best 2017 will be for representatives of such signs as the Dragon, Tiger, Hare and Ox. For representatives of the Rooster sign, the year will be very eventful, and this can be both in a positive sense and in a negative one.

Reference: The Chinese New Year is literally called the Spring Festival. It has long been the main and longest holiday in China and other countries of East Asia.

Holiday date by Gregorian calendardifferent every year, but is always within the limits of January 21 - February 20.

The cycle of festivities begins on the first day of the first month and ends with the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of celebrations. At this time, most Chinese families gather for the annual reunion dinner.

The first day of the year begins with fireworks and burning incense - they should scare away evil spirits and attract the spirit of happiness.

According to the Chinese, on this day nature awakens, the earth comes to life. According to the Shangshu narration, the first day of the New Year was the day on which the ancient ruler Shun ascended the throne. His successor Yu followed this calendar precedent.

The traditions of the Eastern world are fundamentally different from the usual Slavic ones. Even the Chinese New Year in 2017 starts later than the date common in other countries. The Chinese are sure that for each event there is an individual spirit. He can be kind and generous, or he can be evil and treacherous. Depending on the intentions of the fairy-tale creature, it is customary to present and treat him or drive him away.

Chinese calendar

In China, residents keep track of the calendar according to the lunisolar calendar, so the year will not be 2017. Surprisingly, when the whole world celebrated 2016, the Chinese celebrated the onset of 4714. And the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire use a different name - the Spring Festival, decorating clothes with spikelets of rice as a symbol of the coming year's harvest. The name is translated literally, and the history of the Chinese celebration begins in 1911, although the New Year itself has been celebrated for more than 2 thousand years.

As the saying goes ancient legend, a long time ago, a terrible monster with huge horns on an ugly head came to Chinese villages. It lived in the sea, but once a year it crawled out onto land to feast on delicious food. By the arrival of the monster, the inhabitants began to prepare for a few days, collecting everything of value and leaving their own homes. According to legend, the nightmare ends when a wise, gray-haired old man with a cane and a bag visits one of the Chinese villages. In a panic, no one paid attention to him, except for one woman who took pity on the traveler. She advised him to run, because according to the calendar, a monster was supposed to appear. However, the elder only grinned and asked to stay overnight in one of the houses. Unable to dissuade him, the villagers left the village.

Residents who returned in the morning did not believe to my own eyes, because grandfather not only survived, but also managed to drive away the insidious Chun. A fire burned peacefully in the hut, warming with its warmth, and the entrance to the house was painted red. As it turned out, the monster was afraid of fun, noise, red color and flames of fire. Since then, laughter has reigned everywhere and garlands have been burning. IN Chinese calendar a 60-year cycle is used, which began in February 1984 and ends at the end of January 2044.

In the old days, the Chinese New Year lasted at least a month and was celebrated with luxury and grandeur. accelerated pace modern life does not allow such indulgences, and working people cannot have so much rest. Holidays have been reduced to a half-moon and traditionally end on the 15th day of the holiday. When the Chinese celebration begins, for the first five days it is customary to meet with friends and visit each other. The grandiose Chinese Lantern Festival becomes the final point, so that evil spirits do not accidentally enter into new life. It is easy to calculate when the Chinese New Year 2017 begins and ends, if you know the basics of traditions.

How is the celebration

By tradition, the younger members of the family gather in the house of the elders, and the grown-up children return for a while to the parental hearth. No excuses are accepted, because in China it is customary to honor and respect the elderly and family customs. Giving gifts to each other for the new year is not customary, but the Chinese believe in omens. And on the first day when the countdown begins next year parents give their children a small sum of money. Banknotes must be placed in a red envelope, as a symbol of material well-being and a wish for financial stability.

not even found in major cities China and greeting cards, since this tradition, popular on other continents, also did not take root in the east. If in other countries in the pre-New Year period, green ripples in the eyes, then on the streets of China everything turns red. It is considered the main color of the holiday, as it is able to expel evil spirits. Most of all, the Chinese are afraid that at the moment when the new year begins according to the calendar, an evil creature will enter the house and bring trouble with it. He is banished with fireworks, fun, laughter and light, so instead of cards, scrolls with wishes and many bright red lanterns are presented.

Before the holiday, the Chinese change into new clothes, spend general cleaning in the house and cook delicious dishes. Clothing should be bright colors:

  • Green;
  • Pink;
  • golden;
  • Red.

The brighter the outfit, the more likely it is that an insidious and cunning spirit that can bring grief and loss will not enter the house. The Chinese celebration begins and ends with the observance of all ancient customs. Young people do not have the slightest doubt that signs will help keep peace in the house and bring good luck. To do this, you need to build a talisman against evil and win over the owner of the new year.

Together with garbage and rubbish, the Chinese throw out the old stagnant energy, giving way to a new and living one. The main dish on the New Year's table is dumplings, which are shaped like a gold ingot. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are sure that this symbol of prosperity and wealth will bring good luck with the first minutes of the new year according to the Chinese calendar 2017. Treats such as fish and soy tofu should also be on the table. With these dishes, the Chinese thank the patron of the outgoing year for his generosity and indulgence. It is customary to decorate houses with ripe juicy tangerines in the amount of 8 pieces, which means infinity.

One of the noisiest countries in the new year is China. Here, as in principle in Russia, it is customary to celebrate this holiday with fireworks, laughter and noisy companies. However, the Chinese New Year has one significant difference - it is celebrated at least two weeks later than in our country. So, let's look at when the Chinese New Year 2017 starts, how many days it lasts and how it is celebrated in China.

When does Chinese New Year 2017 start?

Chinese New Year is celebrated on the first new moon of the first month of the year, so in 2017 it falls on January 28 and will be celebrated for another 15 days, that is, until February 11. The Chinese New Year ends on February 15, 2018 according to the Eastern calendar. To divide the New Year in the Gregorian style, it was called "Spring Festival", and in China it is known as "chun jie".

Chinese New Year Celebration 2017

As we mentioned in the previous category, the New Year in China lasts 15 days, and during these two weeks, the Chinese have certain traditions for every day. So, let's find out in more detail what traditions the Chinese observe every day on the "Spring Festival":

1 day. As with us, it is customary to arrange a festive dinner at midnight. And if our New Year's table Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat are not complete, then in China, traditional dishes on this festive night are pork, dried meat, fish and Chinese sausage. Also on this day, it is customary to visit each other and present gifts. And on the streets that night there is a real extravaganza - fireworks and fireworks are launched, sparklers and bamboo sticks are lit, explosions of firecrackers are heard from all sides, as well as joyful laughter and fun. And be sure to visit the cemetery on this day - to honor the memory of your ancestors.

Day 2 One of the most important traditions on this day is prayer. Each person asks the Lord for his own - someone for prosperity in business, someone for well-being in the family, someone for health. After that, the Chinese continue to visit their relatives and friends, you should definitely go to your parents - chat with them, give gifts to children, they also go to those relatives and friends whom they have not seen for a long time. It is not uncommon to meet the poor and the homeless at their door asking for help. The Chinese do not refuse and help in any way they can, and those in need, in turn, say words of gratitude, congratulate them on the holidays and wish them all the best.

3 - 4 day. During this period, it is customary to visit each other. Young people go to their friends, who are older also try to visit all their friends and congratulate them on the holiday. One important tradition is to visit all your relatives, as it is extremely important to unite the whole family on this holiday. After all, they, like us, have a saying: "As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it."

5 - 6 day. These days for the Chinese begin with jiaozi or as it is also called bobo. This is a traditional Chinese dish that resembles our dumplings in shape, and tastes more like dumplings. In ancient times, they were eaten for five days, but today no one uses them like that and the Chinese bobos consume two or three days maximum. Also, starting from the fifth or sixth day of the New Year, the Chinese begin to more and more pour into work, do business and so on. However, necessarily the first working day after the weekend begins with fireworks and fireworks.

Day 7 was named Jinjitsu. On this day, it is also necessary to honor and glorify the Lord. After all, this is the celebration of the creation of man. The Chinese pray and thank God for the creation of mankind. It is also customary to serve one more a traditional dish- Yusheng raw fish salad. The Chinese believe that if you eat it on this day, then the whole coming year his income will only prosper, no one in the family will need anything, and harmony and prosperity will reign between relatives and friends.

Day 8 According to legend, the first grain was born on this day, and there is also a sign: if the weather is clear on this day, then the whole coming year will be a good rice harvest, and if vice versa, then the harvest will be bad and meager. And also on this day it is customary to go to the temple and light smoking candles in honor of the stars. And in the evening everyone gathers for dinner, and the hostesses always cook yuanxiao, the so-called koloboks.

Day 9 According to legend, the supreme heavenly deity the Jade Emperor was born on this day, and it is also the day of heaven. On the ninth day of the New Year, the Chinese go to the temple and pray in honor of the Emperor, as well as make sacrifices to him and pray for prosperity and wealth. Basically, from this day on, all Chinese return to work.

Day 10 This is the day of the stone. In no case should any objects made of stone be used, and in temples incense and candles are lit in honor of the stone. They also visit each other and basically the holiday is held for the game majian, and for some for chess.

Day 11 It's son-in-law's day. Be sure to father-in-law should arrange a real holiday for her daughter's husband and a real banquet in his honor.

12 - 14 days. During this period, careful preparations for the Lantern Festival begin - last day New Year. They buy decorations, paper lanterns and construct awnings for lanterns. Also during this period they try to eat more vegetarian food. In this way, the Chinese are trying to cleanse themselves of the previous days when they holiday tables were filled to the brim.

Day 15 The New Year ends with the Lantern Festival. It is considered more family and is held accordingly. The whole family gets together for a festive dinner. Be sure to all together create lanterns with their own hands. And on the table there must be a yuanxiao - a ball of rice flour with a sweet filling. This traditional dish is a symbol of happiness and prosperity in the family. After the meal, the whole family goes outside with their lanterns. Performances and concerts are often given in the city on this day.

Customs for Chinese New Year

  • On the eve of the holiday, as in principle before the New Year, it is customary for the Chinese to clean the house and decorate it. And it is desirable that the decorations are mostly red. This is a kind of ritual to attract good luck and success to the house;

  • But their gifts are not as common as ours. They are practically not given to anyone, only to children, and often they are just red envelopes in which money is. Moreover, if a child knocks on a visit, then it is also customary to hand him such an envelope with money. If suddenly there were not enough red envelopes, then the money is handed over just like that;

  • If on New Year's Eve someone goes to visit, then it is imperative to take a couple of tangerines with you, and the hosts, in turn, give two tangerines to the guests. This tradition has long been a symbol of wealth and success. By exchanging these fruits, the Chinese seem to wish each other wealth and prosperity;

  • If the Chinese want to please their loved ones and still present a gift, then they give paired items, for example, two cups, or two souvenirs, in general, anything, the main thing is that the gift should be a couple. Thus they wish each other happiness and harmony in the family;

  • Dinner must be plentiful and rich. It is considered a symbol of prosperity in the family. Therefore, almost the entire holiday, as you have already noticed, the Chinese indulge themselves with a variety of delicacies;

  • On New Year's Eve it is customary to wear only new things. They believe that in this way they attract good luck and success for the whole coming year, and leave old mistakes and failures in the past year;

  • But you can’t buy something new from clothes, especially shoes. Since this word is consonant with the words bad and unhealthy. And it is also undesirable to have a haircut during this period, because you can cut off your happiness in the coming year;

  • On the first night of the new year, it is also customary not to sleep. In China, this is called "show sui", but in our opinion it's just to protect the year. And so that the year goes well, they stick paper on the jambs, where they write good wishes for the coming year.

Chinese New Year 2017 in Russia

As we can see, quite a lot of traditions of the Chinese New Year and the Russian New Year are mixed together. And perhaps this is no accident. In our country, as is customary in China, every year they are tied to the Eastern horoscope, and some families sometimes gather as families on this day. In large cities of Russia, you can often see events dedicated to the Chinese New Year. Like Halloween, the Chinese New Year is increasingly winning the hearts of Russians, and it is already increasingly possible to meet families where they create beautiful and bright red lanterns with their own hands, and some simply buy them in a store and launch them into the sky.

Do's and Don'ts for Chinese New Year

In China, like ours, there are many superstitions and beliefs about the holiday, which they carefully fulfill:

  1. In no case should you clean up on the first two days of the New Year, as well as wash your hair and do laundry.

  2. You can not give gifts with elements of white and blue flowers, even on the gift box they should not be present.

  3. Engage in any needlework that is associated with threads - sew, knit, sew, patch, embroider, and so on. It is believed that the threads are the lines of fate. which can be easily confused.

  4. It is bad to pronounce words associated with negativity - this is death, funeral, resentment, betrayal.

  5. Borrowing and lending to someone.

  6. You can't grieve and cry.

  7. Going to the doctor and being in the hospital is also a bad omen.

  8. You can not kill any animal, insect, and in general any living creature.

  9. Clothing can be of any color, but not white or black.

  10. There must be only an even amount of money in the wallet, otherwise a year will pass in poverty and misery.

There are several beautiful legends, according to which, each year of the eastern (Chinese) horoscope is named after an animal. For example, 2017 is the year of the Rooster, and not just a simple one, but a Fiery one.. This fiery red herald will come into its own dawn January 28, 2017, and will end his "reign" on February 16, 2018.

The rooster is the tenth animal in the Chinese calendar and this eastern sign like his real prototype, there are some qualities that are worth paying attention to. The rooster is the head of the family, but it can love more than one chicken. He has many children (little chickens).

The rooster carefully monitors the order in his house (chicken coop). He works all day to provide food for his family. How does he present himself? Gait, stand, proud landing of the head, appearance- feather to feather!

He is always ready for a good fight, but in all sorts of skirmishes he “loses his head”, putting all his conservatism and practicality on the line, and fights to the end. Do not forget that our brave bird is armed with a sharp beak, claws and spurs. So next to her you need to be always on the alert.

What qualities are inherent in the Rooster?

The rooster is a wonderful family man, he is responsible for all his household members, his appearance is one of the first places on the list of priorities. In order to achieve their goals, the Rooster is ready to go to great lengths. He may have more than one family, but he loves all his children dearly. People born in the year of the Rooster have both positive and negative traits.

Positive traits born under the sign of the Rooster:

Generosity, but not wastefulness, honesty towards people and ourselves, absolute rejection of lies in any of its manifestations, straightforwardness and conviction that justice should rule the world.

These people are very hardworking and will never miss the moment to take this or that action in favor of themselves and their families (in material terms). They are good listeners, they will always suggest the right decision in any situation or simply provide moral support.

Negative Traits:

Cruelty of character, willfulness, imposing one's opinion, which is not always correct. Sometimes excessive passion is inherent, which develops into outright fanaticism in creativity and work. If they suddenly fail, they will never ask for help, but, quite likely, they will withdraw into themselves and begin to lead a closed and limited lifestyle.

2017 is ruled by the element of Fire, which means that everything will be “too much” and all the qualities of the Rooster, both good and not so, will multiply many times

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 to appease the Rooster?

Of course, the holiday itself should be celebrated with family, with relatives and friends, wearing something stylish and fashionable - this bright Rooster should like it. Since the color of the Fire Rooster in 2017 is red, then the color of that one must be chosen to match the patron of the year. All shades of red are ideal, you can also focus on golden, white and black colors.

Particular attention should be paid to the little things: jewelry, hairstyle, makeup accessories, manicure, etc. What the Rooster will definitely not appreciate is any hint of predators in clothes or accessories, because they are ardent enemies of the Rooster.

The food on the table should be predominantly vegetarian, and in no case should dishes be made from chicken, you should not “quarrel” with the Rooster at the first meeting.

Gifts are better to give useful and functional. Also, the Rooster will definitely not approve of extra expenses, so all gifts should not be very expensive.

Year of the Rooster for all signs

Certainly for Rooster The coming year will be successful in all areas and undertakings. Success is inevitable.

Rat will be observant, will be able to benefit from all the events and changes noticed. Waiting for her career. In personal life - romance and flirting.

TO Bull the previously lost stability and self-confidence will return. Calmness will bring good results.

Tiger reconsider his life and decide on big changes.

Cat (Rabbit) the year will bring upheavals, disorder, and out of this chaos, already in the second half of the year, new creative goals, work, relationships.

The Dragon will bring to life a long-conceived creative idea. Despite the cries of the mind, which reminds the Dragon of the newfound stability, nothing will shake him in the chosen decision.

snake should fight bouts of laziness, otherwise she is threatened with depression. If you manage to overcome the idleness of the soul, the Snake will be happy and in harmony, especially in the monetary sphere.

Both in America and in Europe, it has become a tradition to celebrate the Chinese New Year, and 2017 is now eagerly awaited not only in China, but throughout the world. This holiday is celebrated brightly, cheerfully and extraordinary, and for compatriots this is an additional reason to relax and have fun with pleasure. New Year brings together people around the world - fair-skinned and dark-skinned, young and old, as well as representatives of various social strata. They prepare for the holiday in advance, remember recipes for their favorite dishes, buy new outfits and gifts.

Where did the Chinese New Year come from?

Among the popular holidays, the New Year can be called the only one whose history spans several centuries. It was first celebrated in Mesopotamia, where it fell in March. There is every reason to believe that in those days people associated the awakening of nature with the beginning of a new stage in their lives. With the spring period, when the first flowers appear, the Mesopotamians tied their hopes and dreams to next year. They celebrated this holiday for twelve days - during this period people forgot about work, had fun, drank and walked with pleasure. As today, it was customary then to give gifts to relatives, friends and relatives.

New Year in China and its history

The 2017 Chinese New Year will be celebrated as the most important holiday, as well as the longest, in East Asia and China. It is called Chun Jie, and we literally translate this phrase as "Spring Festival". This day began to be celebrated in China more than two thousand years ago.

According to legend, in those days there was a terrible monster Chun with horns on its head (it was also called “Nian”, which means “year” in translation). This creature lived in the sea, but every year crawled to the nearest village to replenish its food supply for for a long time. They were afraid of him, so on the eve of the monster's release every year, people left the village, taking with them the necessary things and food.

This continued until a weak old man with a gray mustache, a cane and a bag over his shoulders appeared in the village. According to the description, he is similar to the domestic Santa Claus, whom modern children are waiting for on a festive night. According to legend, the old man appeared just at the time when there was chaos in the village, and all the inhabitants were trying to hide from the terrible monster. No one paid any attention to him, except for a kind woman who told about the reason for what was happening and advised grandfather to run to the mountains along with everyone. He did not rush, smiled slyly and asked to be sheltered for one night. The woman realized that he could no longer run so fast, so she left the guest in her house.

The next morning, when the inhabitants began to return to the village, they saw the whole and unharmed old man. Not only did he feel great, but, to everyone's surprise, he banished the fearsome monster named Chun. Grandfather was dressed in a painted red robe, the fire crackled comfortably in the hut, and the remains of firecrackers lay at the red door. As it turned out, Chun is afraid of fire, the noise of firecrackers, the color red and sincere fun. Since then, Chinese people have been celebrating the New Year in bright red outfits with noisy crackers and lights that help get rid of evil spirits.

How do the Chinese celebrate the New Year today?

  1. In China, this holiday is celebrated for a whole month and is considered a wonderful time after the working year.
  2. The night before the New Year in China is called the "night of the meeting before parting" - at this time it is customary to meet at the family table to discuss the events that have taken place during the year.
  3. First night is different huge amount colorful salutes and fireworks, noisy firecrackers.
  4. The general fun is accompanied by dances of puppet dragons and an abundance of delicious dishes.
  5. Dumplings familiar to us, as well as fish, tofu soy cheese and special eight-ingredient labadijou porridge, including lotus seeds, are considered traditional dishes.
  6. The main celebration period begins on New Year's Day and lasts for 15 days thereafter.
  7. During the first five days of the festive period, it is customary to visit with congratulations.
  8. The Chinese also have a tradition of exchanging gifts, which are usually decorated in red. A red envelope with money is often presented as a present.
  9. In China, it is customary to choose bright outfits for the holiday - most often they prefer green, red, gold or pink clothes. In this case, it is considered: the brighter the outfit, the better it is.

When is the Chinese New Year 2017 celebrated?

According to eastern horoscope, the symbol of each year is an animal-talisman, a certain element and color. Animals repeat in a twelve-year cycle, elements in a ten-year cycle, and colors in a five-year cycle. The tradition of giving each other figurines of animals, which are considered a talisman of their owners from adversity in the coming year, is firmly established in the life of compatriots.

If our New Year traditionally falls on the first of January, then in China the holiday changes annually and depends on the lunar cycle. For example, 2017 in the Chinese calendar starts on January 28 and ends on February 15, 2018. The coming year of the Fire Rooster will immediately follow the year of the Fire Monkey.

The Chinese calendar also provides for cycles of sixty years - we are now in a period that began in 1984 on February 2 and will last until January 29, 2044.

In the Chinese calendar, luck will accompany creative people who strive for success. Residents of China consider the Fire Rooster almost the most curious character Eastern calendar, and bright red is considered the color of the year. This year is favorable for those who easily let the new and unusual into their lives, accept the changes with gratitude. Singles will finally meet their loved one during this year, and couples will have every chance to cement their bonds for years to come.