Before deciding on a holiday in Thailand, the tourist must answer some questions, one of which is the choice of season. Perhaps this point is the most important, since the cost of the tour and air tickets depend on it.

Everything is connected with the "peak" season, just like with the weather. A massive influx of tourists is noted at a time when there is no rain. People from all over the world come to this country South-East Asia to recuperate and get recharged positive emotions. Thanks to this, many tourists already know when it is better to fly to Thailand on vacation. The question of choosing the season is quite simple, but often complicated due to the location of this resort state (different climatic zones).

In different periods, different weather. To a greater extent, this applies to Pattaya, a resort city located on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, but does not operate in Phuket. This should be addressed Special attention before collection in this country.

The Malay Peninsula is dominated by equatorial climate, and in other places - tropical, where monsoon winds are more common. In this regard, in different regions there is an uneven air temperature and humidity level. For example, it is dry and sunny on the sea coast, but at this time it is raining in the capital, which creates stuffiness.

Seasonal weather conditions

Who is going to the resort for the first time does not know when to fly to thailand, therefore, can draw a conclusion based on the following factors. Weather conditions can be divided into three seasons: rainy, cool and hot. The main resorts are located in the south, and the cool season is considered the most favorable. It starts in December and ends in March. The name of the season is completely unrelated to the cold, and the daytime temperature at this time is no less than 27°C and no more than 30°C. For Europeans, this is the most acceptable option. By the way, during this period, the beaches are quite calm, vacationers are not disturbed too much big waves.

The most unprecedented influx of tourists is observed in December and January.

If a potential tourist has made a decision about when it is better to fly to Thailand, then you should worry about the place of residence. It is better to book a hotel room in advance. Then you can get apartments at lower prices than upon arrival at the resort. You can rent an apartment or a big house.

Those who prefer the hot season arrive here in March, April or May. At this time there is a moderate amount of rain. The daily temperature is kept at 38°C. Humidity is so low that it is not even felt. By the way, in hot season there are certain advantages. At this time, in shops and markets, sellers significantly reduce prices for everything from fruits, vegetables and ending with any equipment.

The rainy season starts in May and ends in October. Naturally, it does not rain all over the country, but only in some regions. Most of the precipitation occurs in August and September. Despite this, the rains here are not long, but torrential.

Those who prefer to relax on an island located in the Andaman Sea should know when is the best time to fly to Phuket. Experienced tourists prefer to relax in this resort from November to the end of May. This is no coincidence, since the rainy season ends in November and the so-called dry period begins, which lasts for a long seven months.

Expected increase in tourists

The humidity level at this time becomes acceptable, and the water temperature rises to comfortable limits. Thereby, beach season starts during this period. Tourists are completely different, so their interests and needs also differ. couples with children, the elderly and young people feel comfortable in Phuket. Foreign flow here is noted from all countries of the world, but the leading positions are occupied by:

  • Russia;
  • China;
  • Australia;
  • Sweden;
  • South Korea.

Recently, Russian tourists are increasingly paying attention to Thailand. To some extent, this is due to the improvement in the well-being of Russians and big amount international charter flights. However, in the future, an increase in tourists is expected due to the development of transport infrastructure and new comfortable terminals. international airport. This will greatly affect the expansion bandwidth. Thailand will build modern hotels with affordable rooms. As for Phuket, during the "peak hours" the tourist hype here does not subside even today. A particularly large influx of Russians is celebrated during the New Year and Christmas.

Best time for holidays in this country, tourists choose based on their interests and preferences. Many do not tolerate heat, so they prefer the cool season. August and September are perfect for surfers. During these months, there is a big wave here. Tourists who prefer excursions and enjoyment wildlife heading to Thailand during the rainy season. This best option, since at this time there are the fewest tourists here, which means that vouchers are distributed at the lowest prices.

Most travel agencies offer the following:

  • Vouchers from tour operators without intermediaries.
  • "Hot" tours. This is due to the fact that the information is updated in real time.
  • Search and compare rates for individual resort towns and hotels in Thailand.
  • Instant notification when a new "burning" tour appears.
  • Reservation and payment by any known method.

Unlike Russia, Thailand has only three seasons, and they are called “dry”, “wet” and “rainy season”. We are often asked: is it possible to go to Thailand during the rainy season? These seasons relate more to central and northern Thailand, while the resorts are located in the south, and therefore it is believed that this country is suitable for year-round visits, with a few nuances.

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January - mid-Mayperfect time to visit any resorts in Thailand. As a rule, there is no rain at all, they gradually begin in April - Thais on this occasion celebrate the Songkran holiday, their New Year. If a trip to Thailand is scheduled for the period of the Russian May holidays, then keep in mind that in Northern Thailand - Chiang Mai - it is already quite humid, the comfort is not the same. For those who want to avoid the crowds of tourists in high season in Thailand, we recommend the Hua Hin resort located near Bangkok: there are no Russians there at all:

June August- smart period of visiting Thailand. It is believed that the wet season has arrived. The number of tourists is noticeably decreasing, but at the same time, prices for hotels and resorts in Thailand are falling. At the same time, the rains are short, they fall mainly at night, and bring not so much discomfort as freshness and coolness. Combined with sale tickets to Bangkok, which on these dates are barely more expensive than tickets to European destinations, a holiday in Thailand in the summer can be a great alternative to Europe, on the beaches of which there is nowhere to fall an apple. From the resorts of Thailand during this period, Phuket is quite comfortable:

September - mid-November- a great time to visit Koh Samui and the small islands nearby. On Koh Tao in September is the best time for snorkeling or diving.

November December– quite humid in Phuket, but at the same time this is the period of the most low prices. A great chance to stay in some secluded boutique hotel, which will cost several times cheaper than in the high season. On Koh Samui, rest can darken the sky, periodically covered with a white haze - but it all depends on the wind, it can clear up within a few minutes. Tip for this period - go to the Koh Chang Islands:

January- the traditional peak of the season for Russians in Thailand, our New Year holidays. It coincides with the best time to visit any resorts in Thailand. If for some reason you choose this period, we advise you to buy tickets and book hotels several months in advance. In December, direct (or with a convenient connection) tickets to Bangkok are much more expensive, you have to come up with a difficult route, and not the best options remain from hotels.

More and more often travelers choose Thailand for their vacation. And the country really deserves tourists to come there. all year round. After all, there everyone will find something for themselves.

But still there are periods that are worth paying attention to. The country is quite large, at the same time the climate in the north and south varies. You should know in which season it is better to choose the skeletons, and in which peninsula, while not falling into the rainy season or hot heat. More on all this below.

The best months for a holiday in the resorts of Thailand

It should immediately be noted that it is warm in Thailand throughout the year. There are no divisions like we have for summer, winter, autumn, spring.

But there are 3 weather season:


And each season has its own characteristics.

The best months for vacation are definitely cold season period from November to February. During this period, there is no sweltering heat and rain. The weather is comfortable throughout the kingdom. Without problems, you can both sunbathe on the beaches and go on excursions. There are a lot of tourists during this period, hotels work in full mode.

hottest months

The hot season starts from the 2nd half of March and ends at the end of May. The air temperature reaches 35-43 degrees. It's hard to hide from the heat. Walking around the city is not comfortable, the heat is tiring. There is a big risk of getting burned, air conditioners can not cope. And in the sea there is a lot of plankton, which makes swimming difficult.

Tourists suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, rest during this period is contraindicated. In general, this season is rarely visited, so hotels and flights become cheaper. IN big cities discount season for all products.

The rainy period lasts from June to October, if we talk about the island of Phuket. While on the islands of Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Tao it rains from November to early January.

In Pattaya, the rainy season is the period from May, as well as September and early October. But this does not mean that showers and rains are constantly coming.

It happens that It is raining once a day, or several times a day for 1–3 hours, days without precipitation are possible.

It should be noted that the air temperature is acceptable, namely 28–32 degrees. But the humidity is up.

Beach holidays during this period are not relevant, because at any moment the sky can be covered with clouds, and strong waves can begin on the sea, which are a danger when swimming and also bring mud to the shore.

If you still decide to go to Thailand during the rainy season, then tune in more to the excursion program, shopping. Goods in the off-season are much cheaper, and shopping centers are open almost around the clock.

For lovers nightlife bars also open their doors. All entertainment venues in Thailand (bars, clubs, restaurants) are open until the morning, and some even until the last client.

Winter holidays in Thailand

What a pleasure to plunge from winter into summer. Thailand in winter is one of the best places for traveling. Many have long been celebrating the New Year holidays not in snowy Russia, but on the sunny beaches of Thailand.

Comfortable air temperature, from 25 to 30 degrees, the absence of wild humidity and rain, all these are favorable factors for relaxation. Remember that this does not apply to Koh Samui, unfortunately, it rains there at this time.

The peak of the season, which means that there are always a lot of tourists, prices rise, you should take care and purchase tours for this period in advance.

This is especially true for the New Year holidays, the price tag rises two or even more times.

Yes, Thailand celebrates January 1st. The first two days of the New Year are holidays for Thais. As the holiday approaches, residents throw away all unnecessary utensils and clean up.

In churches, you can listen to prayers, and on the streets you can see processions of festively dressed monks. All celebrations are accompanied by meals from national dishes.

And in early February in Thailand they meet Chinese New Year. The Chinese arrive in huge families and stay in the country for almost a month.

Another highlight of the winter period is the holiday kites. It starts in February and lasts as long as a good wind blows. A huge number of bright kites launched into the sky are an amazing sight.

Features of rest in the cold season

Choose your holiday to your liking. Love fun, noise, movement, you should go to Pattaya. Day and night, this resort is full of life. Fun, excitement and delight replace each other.

Tourists of all ages will find something interesting for themselves. The resort is rich in sightseeing and entertainment program.

In Phuket, rest is more measured. The island is rich in natural colors. This natural beauty bewitches. Therefore, all excursions are more natural in nature.

With all this, the infrastructure is very well developed. There are both expensive hotels with the highest level of service, and simple bungalows on the beach.

The most popular activity on the island is diving. For scuba diving, there are all ideal conditions.

Great weather on the other smaller islands as well. Krabi, Pi Pi, Phang Nga, Lanta, Trang, Mak, Kud, Chang, these places also find their tourists.

In addition to these resorts, you can go to the north of the country. To places like: Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai.

The main reasons to go to Thailand in the winter:

Good weather conditions.
Different types recreation. From noisy, active, to calm and measured.
Opportunity to visit festivals and holidays.

Get travel medical insurance

Order an inexpensive transfer - a taxi in Thailand

Summer period in Thailand is not like in Russia. Here the years begin in March and end in June. You might think that this is the best time to relax, summer is the same, but there are some nuances. The air is warmed up to forty degrees, the heat does not allow to be in the open sun for a long time. Even the sea is so warm that it does not refresh at all.

But heat-loving tourists will be delighted. Excursions during this period, of course, are more tiring, but there are much fewer people, there are no traffic jams, but there are discounts on excursion programs.

This period is suitable for lovers of heat, you can sunbathe in the shade, and in the evening, when the temperature drops a little, you can go out “in public”. Spas provide discounts on services, during the sultry peak you can enjoy cosmetic services or the famous Thai massage.

Summer vacation in Thailand is possible.

And here are a few reasons to come to the country in the summer:

  1. Secluded vacation. The summer period is not considered a high season, there are few people in the resorts, which contributes to a quiet and secluded vacation.
  2. Plenty of fresh fruit. No, of course, at other times they also eat, just in the summer the fruits ripen to the fullest.
  3. Unique landscapes. After exhausting heat and rain, nature reveals all its colors and allows you to admire amazing landscapes.
  4. Reducing the cost of tours.

beach holiday

That in Thailand are some of the the best beaches the world is no secret. And many tourists go to Thailand to visit these beaches. The beach strip of Pattaya is narrow, while the beaches on the islands are large and gentle. The width of the beaches may vary depending on the ebb and flow of the tides.

Usually the tides come early in the morning, and low tides in the evening. The beaches of Pattaya can hardly be called good. The water is muddy, from the huge number of people the coastal strip is dirty.

Tourists for good sea they go to the nearest islands, but at the peak of the season these islands turn into mini Pattaya.

The beaches of Phuket should be chosen not only to just sunbathe and swim, but to visit nearby restaurants, cafes and other places of leisure. In summer, undercurrents form in the water, but in winter, both the weather and the sea favor an ideal holiday.

True, one of the central beaches of Patong is crowded, the water is not the cleanest, noisy and dirty. I want peace and more clean sea, go to other beaches.

The beaches of Koh Samui are not crowded, rich nature will give inspiration and an unforgettable vacation. On other smaller islands, such as Krabi, Phi Phi, Samet, you can find especially seductive beaches.

shopping season

Going to Thailand for shopping, it is better to choose the period from the second half of June to the second half of August. During this period, the biggest sale "AmazingThailandGrandSale" takes place.

Up to 70% discounts are provided by shopping centers, entertainment complexes, restaurants, jewelry stores, spas, museums and duty-free zones.

Main outlets located in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui, Chingmai, Hua Hin.

In Bangkok, sales are mainly in large shopping malls, and on the islands discounts are available even in small shops on the coast.

When to go to save money?

To travel to Thailand on a budget, you should choose the "low" season. This is either the peak of the rains or the peak of the heat. The hot period falls on May - June, the rainy period - in September. The number of travelers during these periods is significantly reduced, and the quality of service and services in hotels, restaurants and other complexes increases.

Another way to save on a ticket is to purchase a last-minute tour. There are times when the tour operator reduces the cost of the tour by 20-50 percent a few days before departure. And the reverse situation is when the tour is bought in advance. For example, booking a tour for the New Year holidays in the summer. This will give you more choice of the desired resort and hotel.

Car rental in Thailand

The influence of the season on housing

When going on a tour to Thailand, you should think not only about what period to rest, but also about what place to book. The choice is large, from expensive luxury hotels to hostels and private houses. On the islands, tourists are also offered accommodation in bungalows and villas.

It is most convenient to book accommodation online, it is simple and often cheaper. You can come and try to bargain on the spot, especially if you come with a large company and take several rooms for a long time. In the high season, the cost increases, and the rooms quickly get to the "stop", book in advance.

Brief summary

Thus, in Thailand you can relax at any time, all year round. The most important thing is to choose the right place. Bring flip flops, shorts, a T-shirt and good mood. Discover this country and get a lot of positive emotions.

When choosing the best time for a holiday in Thailand, it is important to understand that Thailand is enough big country and in different parts of it the climate varies significantly. If in the northern mountainous areas in January it is relatively cool, but at the same time, the most favorable conditions for recreation are established in the southern part of the country. Thus, you can relax in the land of smiles all year round, you just need to select right resorts. But let's take a closer look at when is the best time to go to Thailand.

The best months for holidays

There are three seasons in Thailand: cool, hot and rainy. The main resorts of the country are located in the south, and The most favorable for recreation is the cool season, which lasts from December to mid-March.. But despite the fact that the season is called cool, this does not mean that it is cold during this period. Not at all, it's just that the daytime temperature drops to 27-30 0 C acceptable for Europeans and big waves do not bother the beaches. The largest flow of tourists falls on December and January, if you are going to rest in any of these two months, then in advance or.

hottest months

The hot season lasts from the second half of March to May. During these months, the air temperature rises to 35-38 0 C. This creates certain difficulties for a comfortable stay: if you walk around the city for a long time, you quickly get tired; can quickly "burn out"; in hotels without air conditioning it gets hot even at night; there is a lot of plankton in the sea, which creates great difficulties for swimming (there are no plankton on some beaches, so you just need to carefully choose a place and the rest will be comfortable). But if this is not a problem for you, then you can safely go on vacation to Thailand during these months. By the way, the heat has its advantages, for example, in Bangkok during the hot season there are big discounts on almost everything: from fruits to appliances.

Rain season

Rainy season in Thailand starts in June and ends in October. Contrary to popular belief, during these months there are no round-the-clock showers every day. Rains can be 2-3 times a week and then they usually last a couple of hours, and then sunny weather immediately sets in. Only strong humidity is felt, but this is not critical. But the biggest disadvantage is that large waves rise in the sea, which do not allow you to swim safely (a person who swims poorly can be carried away to the open sea), and a large number of garbage. But there is a way out of this situation: some beaches in Thailand are protected by reefs (mostly those beaches that are located in bays, especially), which means there are no waves and garbage, so if you choose the right beach, you can relax and in the rainy season. Moreover, in the rainy season, hotel rooms can be booked several times cheaper than in the cool (popular) season, besides, prices for all goods are significantly reduced - this is the best time for shopping and budget travel.


So, when is the best time to go to Thailand for a vacation? The most favorable conditions for beach holiday from December to mid-March, but in Thailand you can relax at any time, the main thing is to choose the right place. For example, on the same island there may be different conditions for relaxation: in the east of the island it is raining, the waves are raging, and on the western side the weather is sunny with calm in the bay. Especially for visitors, I have compiled a table that in in general terms shows in which months in which places in Thailand the weather is most favorable for recreation. And here is the table itself.

Hello dear readers!

Are you going to Thailand? In this article, you will find out what time of the year is best for have a good rest in Thailand.

The main criteria for choosing the time of year are weather And peak tourist season , during which there is a massive influx of tourists from all over the globe and these circumstances are inextricably linked with each other.

Climate in Thailand

Thailand is located in two climatic zones: subtropical monsoon climate prevails in most of the country and equatorial on the Malay Peninsula. This results in both temperature differences and differences in humidity levels.

Therefore, it happens that, for example, in Bangkok it can rain, be stuffy and steamy, and on the Andaman coast it will be clear, sunny and dry. There are even differences between the resorts and the islands themselves.

Despite the short distance, it happens that on Phuket we will be met torrential rains, and on Koh Samui will be beautiful sunny weather and vice versa.

three seasons

There are three weather seasons in Thailand: hot, rain And cold. However, it is warm here throughout the year.

hot period starts here in March and lasts I'm at home. It is characterized by lack of precipitation, high temperature and high humidity, especially in the central part of the country and Bangkok.

This leads to the fact that the perceived temperature in the capital is much higher than the real one and reaches 38°C!

The rainy season falls on the period from late May to October. However, this does not mean that there are continuous heavy rains all over Thailand at this time.

Most of the precipitation occurs in August and September. Rain at this time short but pretty plentiful.

At this time of the year, rain can be found everywhere, but despite this, sunny and hot days can also please tourists. It rarely happens that it rains continuously for whole days.

Cold season in Thailand lasts November to February. “Cold” is only a conventional name, since throughout the year we are dealing with high temperatures reaching over 30 °C.

During this period, there is practically no precipitation, although occasionally it can rain a little.

Humidity is much less, although it also remains high in Bangkok and the suburbs.

Best time to travel

Best time to travel to Thailand is definitely cold season, during which you will not be disturbed by too high temperatures and rains. At this time, the weather is optimal throughout the country.

This period is ideal for both sightseeing trips and relaxing on the beach. Some prefer the very beginning of the rainy season, as during this period the air becomes fresher.

However, it should be remembered that because of dropping out more and more often or even continuous rains May be limited access to some places, such as national parks . However, the early rainy season should not prevent you from relaxing in the south of Thailand, on one of the local beaches.

Strongly it is recommended not to travel in hot weather due too high temperatures and air humidity. And if you still find yourself there during the hottest time, from March to May, it is best to immediately go to the coast to compensate for the heat by swimming in the sea.

Most travel agencies organize trips to Thailand during the cold season. It leads to massive influx of tourists to local resort towns.

Thailand is a very fashionable destination not only among tourists from Europe and Russia, but also closer to Australia. Summer in Australia, and at the same time, the holiday season begins around December. Therefore, places like Phuket are filled with tourists at this time.

If you want a more relaxing holiday, then you can choose another, not the most comfortable time of the year, or find a place that is not the most popular.

So, best time to travel to thailand is the period November to February. This is the time when excellent weather will accompany both visiting monuments and getting to know the culture and customs, as well as relaxing on the beach.

Some believe that every season is good, and the choice depends solely on the purpose of the trip. For example, you can always go to the sea, and at any time of the year there is a place where, both the weather and other factors will accompany the best vacation.