In the “Butterfly” group, an integrated lesson was held on the development of speech on the topic: “ My city"

Educator: Plaksina V.N.

Target : Continue to acquaint children with their small homeland.


Expand children's understanding of hometown;

To evoke in children a feeling of admiration for the beauty of their native city;

To teach children to draw a big house, to convey the rectangular shape of the walls, rows of windows.

Develop the ability to complement the image based on the impressions of the surrounding life.

To cultivate love for the native city and a sense of pride in it, the desire to make it even more beautiful.

vocabulary work : the city of Magnitogorsk, the Ural River, the name of the streets, the name of the buildings (hospital, library, school, kindergarten, shop).

Material:Photo booth "My favorite city", album sheets for drawing, wax pencils.

preliminary work : a city tour, memorizing poems about the city, looking at the photo album “The Nature of Our City”, conversations about the city of Magnitogorsk, going out into nature with children, the application “City Houses”.

Lesson progress :

Educator: Guys, let's stand in a circle. Show your palms. Rub them against each other. What do you feel? (Warm). It is the warmth of kind hands and kind souls. We offer our warmth, our hands to friends and say:

Morning is coming

The sun is rising.

We are going to,

Let's go on a good journey.

Let's look at each other

Let's talk about ourselves:

"Who's good with us?

Who is handsome? »

(Children take turns calling each other affectionate words).

Educator: I am very pleased that you are such affectionate, kind, skillful guys. It is interesting to talk with such children.

(I draw the attention of children in the photo).

Look closely at the pictures and say what they show. (Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? Magnitogorsk

Where is our city?

Educator: There are a lot of big and small cities in the world. And we will talk about our city, about the most beloved, about the most beautiful. Am I right in saying that our city is the most beautiful? (children's answers)

Educator: Tell me, please, what do you like in our city? (children's answers).

Educator: There are many streets in our city. And every street has its own name. What street do you live on? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, you walk along familiar streets every day. And what buildings can be seen on the streets of our city? (Shops, post office, pharmacy, hospital, school, library, kindergarten).

Educator: There are many different buildings in our city. But there is one large, spacious building, which both adults and children like to come to.

Educator: Who recognized this building? (children's answers)

Educator: Many of you went to the drama theater to watch performances, a circus performance. The drama theater not only shows performances, but also holds various concerts where artists sing, dance and recite poetry. Let us now turn into little artists and play musical instruments. (Children play musical instruments to the Russian folk melody).

Educator. Guys, tell me, what do your moms do? Where do they work? (children's stories)

Educator: Who cares about the beauty of our city? (Adults).

How do they care? (Adults plant trees, flowers, remove garbage.)

Conclusion. Right. Adults try to make our city beautiful and cozy. They want everyone to have a fun and interesting life in our city. Therefore, we must protect what is done by the hands of adults, keep it clean and tidy.

Educator: All people love their city in which they live. They compose poems and songs about their hometown. We also know poems about our hometown. (Reading poetry)

Conclusion. You have told a lot about our city. They correctly said that we have many streets, houses, beautiful nature. There are many people working in our city who want our city to become better, more beautiful and richer.

Educator: And now let's go for a walk around our city. Whoever finds a photo of our city, shows it to all the guys (photos of Magnitogorsk and other cities are laid out on the table).


We get up early in the morning

We see the city outside the window.

He woke up, he lives.

He calls us to the street.

Educator: And now, I suggest everyone to draw their own home.

Educator: Look how many beautiful houses you have drawn (built). It turned out whole city. Children are looking at work.

Program content:
To instill in preschoolers love and respect for their native city, its inhabitants; the desire to preserve the beauty of the native city and increase it. Cultivate cultural behavior habits, consolidate safety rules traffic as a passenger of a vehicle, rules of conduct in public places.
To enrich children's ideas about the city in which they live, about the sights, about the interaction of man and nature through the implementation of different educational areas.
To develop cognitive interest, the desire to get acquainted with your native city: look for answers to questions, make guesses and assumptions.

My friends, I know that you are very fond of solving riddles. But today I want to offer you a word game called a crossword puzzle. Having solved it, we will find out the answer to the question: what is the name of the place where we were born and live.
1. Center of the Yakovlevsky district (Builder)
2. The bird depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? (eagle)
3. The building we live in? (house)
4. What is the name of people living in Russia? (Russians)
5. the central street of our city (Lenin)
6. The building in which students receive knowledge (School)

So, the place where we were born and live, we go to kindergarten, where our mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, friends live, is called - RO-DI-NA.

What do we call motherland?
The house where you and I grow up.
And birches along the road
which we're walking on
What do we call motherland?
The land where we live with you!

Every person has a homeland. We call it Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us.
- What is the name of the city in which we were born and live? (Builder)
- Why is it called that? (because at first builders came here and started building houses in the cornfield in order to live with their families, then they started building a factory and a mine).
- Do you love your city Builder - your Motherland?
Today I invite you for a walk around our beloved city to once again admire its streets and sights.
Before you go out, you need to dress for the weather

I'm going for a walk
I dress very quickly
I put on boots
How to put on shoes - I check
I stomp my feet
I stomp on the floor!
I put on a hat and cover my ears.
I quickly zip up my jacket
I will look at myself.
Enough to stand already
It's time for us to go for a walk!

Where do you think we can take a tour? (answers)
- A tour bus is waiting for you. But before we take seats on the bus, I will distribute tickets to each of you - the ticket number corresponds to the seat number on the bus.
- Take your seats on the bus, and while you are seated, I will remind you that it is forbidden to get up from your seats while the bus is in motion, and even more so to move around the cabin.
We got on the bus together and looked out the window,
Our driver stepped on the gas and the bus ran!
Our first stop is TEMPLE. Let's get off the bus and get closer to the building.
2. The construction of the temple lasted 5 years, people invested a lot of work to make it one of the most beautiful buildings in our city.
Why do you think we need temples? (answers) (to, praying to ask God for health to yourself and your loved ones, so that there is no war, so that people live in peace, to celebrate joyful and sad events)

Is the temple building different from other buildings in our city? How?
The walls of the temple have windows that look like narrow cracks, and there are very few of them. They are not intended to be looked into, but to allow light to enter the temple. Therefore, they are located high. The doors in the temple are massive. The temple is crowned with a dome. What do they look like? (answers) They are like the flame of a burning candle.
Didactic game"Good bad"(according to the TRIZ system)
Tell me, is a candle good or bad? (answers). Why it is good? It is good that it illuminates, warms, soothes, is good for vision, different figures can be made from melted wax. And I say that a candle is bad. Why? You can get burned, a fire can happen, it smokes, smokes.
(Recorded bell sounds)
You hear the music floats over the city,
Joyful, solemn, beautiful.
Bell ringing, what a force!
Clear sound what a soul!
Why is the bell tolling? The voice of the bells calls the Orthodox citizens to the church for morning and evening services, announces great holidays.
Our walk continues, take your seats on the bus
Our tour continues
The bus is approaching the forest.
Stopped the bus here
Stop "MARSHALKOVO". Forest.

3. Dynamic pause"Walking in the Forest"
Let's go for a walk in the forest
Let's have fun walking (marching)
We will walk along the path
Friend after friend goose (snake)
And walking along the road, we raise our legs higher.
To have fun walking, never get tired!
How beautiful in the spring forest! So I want to say hello to everyone!
Finger gymnastics"Hello!"

Hello golden sun!
Hello blue sky!
Hello free breeze!
Hello little oak tree!
We live in the same region
I welcome you all!

4. There is a zoo in our Marshalkovo park. But what kind of inhabitants are there, we will find out by playing the game "Cut pictures" (children collect pictures depicting a roe deer, deer, wild boar, peacock, squirrel)
At the zoo, a sign hangs over the cages, which says “It is forbidden to feed the animals.” Why do you think? /children's answers/
- Imagine that you will be given sweets, cookies, fresh bread, bananas and more. What will happen to you by the end of the day / children's answers / true, stomachs and teeth will ache. And animals in the wild don't eat all day either. In addition, many people do not know what this or that animal can eat, and people throw anything into the cages. Animals from this are very sick and can even die.
- What else should not be done at the zoo? / children's answers / That's right, come close to the cages and even more so stick your hands in there. After all, the cage is the house of the animal and it will protect this house. And, of course, you can not make noise in the zoo! There are always a lot of people in the zoo, and the animals are used to the silence in the forest. Therefore, when coming to our city zoo with moms and dads, remember these rules and try not to break them! (They return from the forest like a snake to the music and take their seats on the bus)
The bus picks up speed
Rides, rides faster
To the left, then to the right
And he shouts: “Hurry! Hurry!”
Very soon we will arrive
It's time for us to get together.
Stop the bus
Come out, kids!

6. And now, guys, we are coming to the most sacred place in our city - to the Veterans Park.
The Russian people will never forget those who gave their lives to liberate our Motherland from the German invaders. In gratitude and in memory of the dead, a monument was erected to the soldiers who, not sparing their lives in that terrible war, gave us a blue, peaceful sky.
Grateful residents of our city lay fresh flowers at the monument to the defending soldiers, at the graves of unknown heroes and honor the memory of all those who died in this war with a moment of silence.
(music plays)
Sacred places of all battles.
Where the warriors went to the feat,
Country Victory Day spring
They brought from the battles.
We come to the square with flowers,
The immortal soldier is standing there.
AND Eternal flame- our memory -
Always illuminates granite.

7. Special pride of our city - central square with lawns, fountains and many beautiful flowers.
Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.

Flowers growing in our city give people good mood, admiration and everyone admires this beauty.

Beauty is like a miracle
Beauty lives everywhere
Close to us, far away
In every little flower

Today we will plant flowers that you will plant in the spring on the flower beds of the kindergarten, and they will delight not only you, but also all the guests of your garden.
(labor activity)

8. Well, what kind of house is this -
You will hear music in it!
Singing, dancing, games, laughter -
Fun for everyone!

This is the Zvezdny Palace of Culture, which has become a true decoration of the city. It has become a real leisure center - everyone can find something to their liking in art groups, studios, theaters and circles. Do any of you attend circles at the Palace of Culture? (answers) And now you and I are given the opportunity to feel like real artists.

Orchestra performance
We will make you happy now
Orchestra musicians
They will try for you.
(Music Orchestra)

On this, our walk came to an end, let's take a seat on the bus and go to our favorite kindergarten.
9. Did you enjoy today's trip? Let's remember the places we've been, shall we? What would you tell your friend about our walk? Where else would you like to visit?
Do you love your city? I invite each of you now to say Nice words and give our city a Bouquet of good wishes! (answers).

My favorite city
My native city
You are green in summer
Colored in autumn.
Clean, white
You stand in the winter
And in the spring you are gentle ...
I'm proud of you!

Annotation: Lexico-grammatical lesson in secondary speech therapy group on the topic "My city". The material selected for the lesson corresponds to the age of the children, is understandable, full of play and visualization, and involves the active activity of children. A presentation, an artistic word (poem), speech exercises were used, which contributed to the accumulation and refinement of the vocabulary of children, breathing exercises. Attention was paid to the development of skills in children learning activities: the ability to listen and hear the instructions of the teacher, to work at a certain pace.

Summary of GCD for educational field « Speech development»

Theme: "My city"

Integration of educational areas: " cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Program tasks:

Educational area "Speech development":

  1. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary lexical topic"My city".
  2. Develop the ability to form and use nouns in the form of the singular and plural I.p.
  3. To consolidate the ability to form and use nouns with a diminutive - affectionate meaning in speech.

Educational area "Cognitive development":

  1. To form in children ideas about their hometown.
  2. They will continue to acquaint children with the history of their native city, its culture and traditions.
  3. Introduce children to the flag of the city of Serpukhov.

Educational area "Social and communicative development":

  1. Cultivate love for your native city, a sense of pride in your city.

Educational area "Physical development":

  1. Develop gross motor skills and fine motor skills hands.


  • Dunno toy, a picture and an image of the Flower City, pictures and photographs depicting the city of Serpukhov, pictures for the One-Many game (house-houses, tree-trees, road-roads, park-parks, shop-shops, etc. ), pictures for the game “Name it affectionately”, schemes - labyrinths by the number of children, constructor, diagram of Dunno’s house.

GCD progress

1. Open entrance to activities

Guys, let's stand in a circle. Show your palms. Rub them against each other. What do you feel? (Warm). It is the warmth of kind hands and kind souls. We offer our warmth, our hands to friends.

Morning is coming
The sun is rising.
We are going to,
Let's go on a good journey.
Let's look at each other
Let's talk about ourselves:
"Who's good with us?
Who is handsome among us?

(Children take turns calling each other affectionate names).

2. Introductory - organizational

There is a knock on the door.

Who has come to us? (a toy appears - Dunno)

Hello guys! I am a Dunno. I came to visit you from the Flower City. Do you want me to tell you about my city?

Dunno shows illustrations with fabulous houses and describes them.

3. Motivation for activity

Dunno The flower city is very beautiful, but do you want us to introduce you to our city in which we live?

4. Expansion of existing knowledge

Guys, what is the name of our city? (Serpukhov).

Listen to a poem about Serpukhov

My glorious Serpukhov!
Cathedral Mountain, Serpeika.
So many temples and churches!
I love you, my city is bright,
You are the prettiest and sweetest of all!

Dunno, would you like to see our city?

I propose to take a tour of our city and take a closer look at the city. (Slide show with photos of the city).

Guys, do you know what this building is? (City Polyclinic).

What is it for? (children's answers)

That's right, we go to the clinic for treatment.

Who works at the clinic? (children's answers)

And here is the building that keeps the history of our city. Who knows what it's called? (museum) Have you been to the museum? What did you see there? (children's answers).

This is the main sports facility of our city. What is it called? (stadium). The stadium hosts competitions, training sessions and holidays.

What is this building? Did you go with mom and dad to the Palace of Culture "Russia"? What did you see there? (children's answers)

And in the Palace of Culture there are different circles in which children are involved. They learn to sing, dance and play musical instruments there.

Look, what a beautiful building, what is its name?

That's right, this is the shopping center "Korston" and it was built recently.

What do you think it is for? (children's answers)

"Korston" is called shopping mall because here you can buy everything at once: food, clothes, shoes, toys, and much more.

Guys, let's walk through the streets of our city.

5. Dynamic pause

"We're walking down the street"

We're walking down the street, walking in place
let's sing a song together.
We all want to see. show visor
we all want to know! index finger up
To give a place to passers-by, hands on the belt
on the right side we walk. right hand put aside
Red flag ahead hold the flag
visible to us as a beacon. waving a flag
Gotta cross the road walking in place
traffic lights are here to help.
Everyone is standing and we are standing still
and look closely. show visor
Here's a little green man walking in place
we have a signal to move.
Red - we stand still, stand still
We don't want to be friends with him!
Relax a little sit down
and ate ice cream. tongue movements

And now, guys, I suggest you play the game.

6. Introduction to new material

Game "One - many"

The speech therapist invites children to remember a lot of things in our city and name:

Home - home
Shop -
Road -
Street -
A park -
Monument - etc

The game "Call it affectionately"

The speech therapist asks the children to name small objects in the pictures:

House - house
Tree -
Street -
Machine - etc.

7. Practical activities

Guys, I liked playing with you so much, can I come to visit you?

Dunno, so that you do not get lost in our city, we will show you the right way to our kindergarten.

Each of you has a piece of paper with a picture of Dunno's house and our kindergarten, on which you need to mark the right path. Let's draw a path with our finger, and now take a pencil and draw a path from the house to the garden.

Well done guys, you did the job, give the scheme to Dunno.

And so that Dunno does not forget, let's remember once again what buildings are in our city. (children's answers)

Dunno: Thank you guys, I learned a lot of interesting things about your city, and I will leave you a picture of my house as a keepsake.

Goodbye guys, I will definitely come to visit you again!

8 . Open Exit Activity

Guys, look what beautiful house Ik built Dunno for himself.

I have a builder, let's build the same beautiful house out of him. (children build a building according to the scheme).

Bikmaeva A.N.,
teacher speech therapist

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution“Kindergarten of a combined type No. 35“ Nightingale ”Cities of Naberezhnye Chelny of the Republic of Tatarstan Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the environment in senior group Prepared by the educator Blagova Natalya Ivanovna Topic: "Our city" Program content: -Introduce children to the history of the city. -To consolidate the existing knowledge of children about the city, about the sights of the city, what it is famous for. -To instill in children a love for their native places, the desire to see them always beautiful. Vocabulary work: Enrichment: settlements, sights Activation: avenue Organization of the lesson: Children sit in a semicircle. Lesson structure: I hour introductory: 1-2 min. (thin word, questions). II part main: 13-15 min. (teacher's story, questions, illustrations, physical minutes, artistic word, game). III h. final: 2-Zmin. (generalization, proverbs, encouragement). Individual work: Involve inactive children in conversation (Polina, Arina, Artem). Preliminary work: Conversations, examination of the set of postcards "Naberezhnye Chelny", the album "Our City", excursions, the album "Earth's favorite corner", pictures depicting the sights of the city. Course of the lesson: I. Trees in three girths. Dense forests. Among the forests once the City rose. - Children, today we will talk about our hometown. - Who knows the name of the city in which we live? (Naberezhnye Chelny) - What is there in our city? (Streets, parks, schools, kindergartens, shops, houses, etc.) - What do you think our city was like before? (small, with wooden houses). II. Listen, I will tell you the story of the origin of our city. Previously, on the site of modern Naberezhnye Chelny, there were settlements - large villages - Borovets village, Mironovka, Berezhny Chelny, Mysovye Chelny, Orlovka, Sidorovka. People in these settlements were engaged in growing bread, raising livestock, fishing, and hunting. Gradually, these villages grew, and formed Big city, and named it Naberezhnye Chelny. Builders came from different cities and built large beautiful houses, schools, kindergartens, shops, etc. Fizminutka: Let's build a house with you. We received gifts: Children portray bricks, bars and arches. lay out objects From the box we take, from the box We build a beautiful house. Children squat down We build quickly, we build soon, gradually straightening up, Without cement, without mortar. and then getting up on your toes. The house is growing higher and higher, As if they are laying with their hands. There is a cornice, a pipe and a roof. bricks. - They built a house. Through the efforts they built not only houses, schools, hospitals, but also a large factory where they began to produce cars. - Tell me, what cars are produced at our plant? (Heavy trucks of the KamAZ brand.) - They can be found not only on the roads of our republic, but also in many foreign countries. Our KamAZ trucks take part in races and win prizes. One of these KamAZ trucks is driven by Igor Chagin's father, he has won races many times. (Show illustrations) - Our city has beautiful wide streets with two-way traffic. - What is another name for wide streets? (Prospectus) - What prospectuses do you know? (Mira, Syuyumbike, Chulman, Moskovsky, Vakhitov, Khasan Tufan, Friendship of Peoples, Naberezhnye Chelninsky.) Show the map of the city, consider the avenues (location) - On which avenue is our kindergarten located? (Prospect Chulman). - Who knows what else is located on this avenue? (Maidan, Coastal Park, hippodrome, city health complex, schools, residential buildings, Borovetskaya church, spring). Show illustrations mark Chulman Avenue on the city map. - Our city is surrounded by beautiful nature, a river. And what is it called? (Kama). - A lot grows in the forest different trees. Most of them you know. Name! (pine, spruce, birch, aspen, etc.) - Many trees, shrubs, flower beds have been planted in our city. Why do you think they were imprisoned? Love your native nature - Lakes, forests and fields After all, this is ours with you Forever native land. We were born on it You and I live on it So let's be, people, all together We are kinder to her. - Remember these lines and always take care of trees, flowers, all living things. Fizminutka: Let's imagine how we are walking in the forest. We went out to the forest clearing, Raising our legs higher, Through the bushes and tussocks, Through the branches and stumps, We walked for a very long time Our legs were tired. Now let's sit down, have a rest, And then we'll go for a walk. Children walk in a circle, raising their legs high, squat down, get up and continue to move). - Let's go back to the city. - Today we will meet with you new game"Our City" Children are offered cards - poems. The host reads poems - riddles, and the children guess which institution in question, and lay them out on the corresponding scheme of the city of the avenue. 1. Kids come in the morning And spend the day together With a kind teacher They are not too lazy to play and sing. (Kindergarten) 2. Stunt performers, Clowns, jugglers in the arena Multi-colored rays. Loud laughter is cheerful. (Circus) 3. Alleys invite you to take a walk. Benches invite you to sit. Here you can play, have fun, And just look at the sky. (Park) 4. In the pavilion and from stalls People are always ready to buy. Bargaining on price Products, things on price. (Market) 5. Here children learn to read, Write and add numbers, Learn the laws of the world, Prove theories. (School) 6. Green field, tribune mountain, Seats in rows, expanse of blue. Athletes game, her score on the scoreboard, Fans cry - so lucky again! (Stadium) 7. These waterways are very fond of kids, You can soak your feet in them, And swim from the heart. (Pool) III. - What did we talk about today? - What do you remember most of all, did you like it? - Remember the proverbs: “To each his own side is sweet” “On native side and a pebble is familiar "Literature: 1. Bogomolova M. M. "To preschoolers about Tatarstan." 2. Vakhrushev A. A. "Hello world." 3. Kamilova A. K. "Earth's favorite corner."



Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten of the combined type No. 35" Nightingale "

Cities of Naberezhnye Chelny of the Republic of Tatarstan


environmental awareness training

in the senior group

Theme: "Our city"

Prepared by the teacher

Blagova Natalya Ivanovna

Naberezhnye Chelny


Theme: "Our city"

Program content:

Introduce children to the history of the city.

To consolidate the existing knowledge of children about the city, about the sights of the city, what it is famous for.

To instill in children a love for their native places, the desire to see them always beautiful.

Vocabulary work:

Enrichment: settlements, sights

Activation: avenue

Organization of the lesson: Children sit in a semicircle.

Lesson structure:

I hour introductory: 1-2 minutes. (thin word, questions).

II part main: 13-15 min. (teacher's story, questions, illustrations, physical minutes, artistic word, game).

III h. final: 2-Zmin. (generalization, proverbs, encouragement).

Individual work:Involve inactive children in conversation (Polina, Arina, Artem).

Preliminary work:Conversations, viewing a set of postcards "Naberezhnye Chelny", the album "Our City", excursions, the album "Earth's favorite corner", pictures depicting the sights of the city.

Lesson progress:

I. Trees in three girths. Dense forests.

Among the forests once the City rose.

Children, today we will talk about our hometown.

Who knows the name of the city we live in? (Naberezhnye Chelny)

What is in our city? (Streets, parks, schools, kindergartens, shops, houses, etc.)

What do you think our city was like before? (small, with wooden houses).

II. Listen, I will tell you the story of the origin of our city.

Previously, on the site of modern Naberezhnye Chelny, there were settlements - large villages - Borovets village, Mironovka, Berezhny Chelny, Mysovye Chelny, Orlovka, Sidorovka. People in these settlements were engaged in growing bread, raising livestock, fishing, and hunting. Gradually, these villages grew, and a large city was formed, and they called it Naberezhnye Chelny. Builders came from different cities and built large beautiful houses, schools, kindergartens, shops, etc.

Fizminutka: Let's build a house together.

We received gifts:Children are portrayed as

Bricks, bars and arches.lay out items

From the box we take from the box

We are building a beautiful house.Children squat down

Build fast, build soongradually straightening

No cement, no mortar.and then getting up on your toes.

The house is growing higher, higher,Hands, as it were, put

There is a cornice, a chimney and a roof. bricks.

Here they built a house.

Through the efforts they built not only houses, schools, hospitals, but also a large factory where they began to produce cars.

Tell me, what kind of cars are produced at our plant? (Heavy trucks of the KamAZ brand.)

They can be found not only on the roads of our republic, but also in many foreign countries. Our KamAZ trucks take part in races and win prizes. One of these KamAZ trucks is driven by Igor Chagin's father, he has won races many times.

(Show illustrations)

Our city has beautiful wide streets with two-way traffic.

What is another word for wide streets? (Prospectus)

What avenues do you know? (Mira, Syuyumbike, Chulman, Moscow, Vakhitov, Khasan Tufan, Friendship of Peoples, Naberezhnochelninsky.)Show city map, view avenues (location)

On which avenue is our kindergarten located? (Prospect Chulman).

Who knows what else is located on this avenue? (Maidan, Coastal Park, hippodrome, city health complex, schools, residential buildings, Borovetskaya church, spring).

Show illustrations mark Chulman Avenue on the city map.

Our city is surrounded by beautiful nature, a river. And what is it called? (Kama).

There are many different trees in the forest. Most of them you know. Name! (pine, spruce, birch, aspen, etc.)

Many trees, shrubs, flower beds have been planted in our city. Why do you think they were imprisoned?

Love native nature

Lakes, forests and fields

After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land.

On it you and I were born

We live with you on it

So let's go, people, all together

We treat her kindly.

Remember these lines and always take care of trees, flowers, all living things.

Fizminutka: Let's imagine that we are walking in the forest.

We went to the forest clearing,

Raising your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps

For a very long time we walked

Our legs are tired.

Now let's sit down and rest

And then we'll go for a walk.

Children go around

raising your legs high

squat down, stand up and keep moving).

We return to the city.

Today we will get acquainted with the new game "Our City"

Children are offered cards - verses. The host reads poems - riddles, and the children guess which institution they are talking about, and lay them out on the corresponding diagram of the city of the avenue.

The kids come in the morning

And spend the day together

With a good teacher

They are not too lazy to play and sing.


In the arena, tricksters, clowns, jugglers Multi-colored rays. Loud laughter is cheerful.


The alleys invite you to take a walk

The benches invite you to sit.

Here you can play, have fun,

And just look at the sky.

(A park)

In the pavilion and from the stalls

People are always ready to buy. Bargaining on price Products, things on price.


Write and add numbers

Learn the laws of the world

Theories to prove.


Green field, stands with a mountain,

Seats in rows, blue space.

Athletes game, her score on the scoreboard,

Fans shout - it means you're lucky again!


7. These waterways

Very fond of kids

You can soak your feet in them

And swim from the heart.


III. - What did we talk about today?

What do you remember most, what did you like?

Remember proverbs:

"Everyone has their own side"

"On the native side and the pebble is familiar"


1. Bogomolova M. M. “To preschoolers about Tatarstan”.

2. Vakhrushev A. A. "Hello world."

3. Kamilova A. K. "Earth's favorite corner."

Synopsis of GCD

on the topic: "The city in which I live"

(senior group).

Educational area:"Cognitive-speech development".

Target: expanding children's ideas about their hometown.


Clarify children's knowledge of their hometown. Introduce geographic location Vyazemsky district. Strengthen the ability of children to work in groups. To enrich children's ideas about the historical past of the city, about its modern appearance, sights, memorable places. Raise patriotic feelings, love for your city.

vocabulary work Key words: news, district, anniversary, coat of arms, flag.


1. Newspaper "Vyazemskie Vesti".

2. Map Far East, pointer.

3. Geometric shapes for dividing children into 2 subgroups.

4. Envelope No. 1 with photographs of the views of Khabarovsk, Vyazemsky, Moscow.

5. Photos depicting the coat of arms and the flag.

6. Children's project "Where can I go on a day off in Vyazemsky?"

7. Photos depicting various monuments in Vyazemsky.

8. Computer, slides.

9. Envelope No. 2 - riddles for slides.

10. A folder with pictures about the improvement of kindergarten sites.

11. Schematic representation of the street, the contours of houses, enterprises, organizations of the city of Vyazemsky on a roll of wallpaper.

12. Envelope No. 3- geometric figures, carved trees, flags, lanterns, snowmen.

13. Phonogram with a song about the city of Vyazemsky.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive-speech, communicative-personal, artistic-aesthetic, physical development.

Q. - Guys, who can guess what is in my hand? (the newspaper is in a case, or simply wrapped in a roll).

Newspaper riddle: "How does a big country live,

What is she deciding now?

How does the native area live,

What he does, what he breathes -

We will all know if together

We will read these news” (newspaper “Vyazemskiye Vesti”)

The teacher unfolds the newspaper, asks the children why it is called that:

What does "lead" mean? (News is news about the life of people living in this city).

Why "Vyazemsky"? (Because our city is called "Vyazemsky")

What area do we live in?

What is the name of our country?

V. - That's right! We live in Russia, in the Khabarovsk Territory, in the city of Vyazemsky - this is our homeland.

Who can show our city on the map?

(after the children's attempts to show) Our Vyazemsky is located in the southern part of the Khabarovsk Territory (circle the entire region with a pointer).

Children, why is the city called "Vyazemsky"? (children's answers)

V. - That's right, the city is named after the engineer Orest Polienovich Vyazemsky, who led the construction of the Ussuri railway. Many villages adjoin our city, forming the Vyazemsky district (show on the map). In the north and east, our district borders on the district of them. Lazo, in the south - with the Bikinsky district, and in the west it borders on the People's Republic of China.

Guys, tell me, please, is our city big or small? (children's answers)

And Khabarovsk? Can you recognize your city in the photos?

Didactic game "Know your city"

(Divide the children into 2 subgroups. One subgroup chooses photographs with views of Vyazemsky, the other - the city of Khabarovsk) Find out where the children attributed the views of Moscow.

V. – Well done, you did it! Do you want to know what they write in our regional newspaper? (Opens newspaper, shows)

The newspaper writes about the anniversary of the Vyazemsky district. It turns out our district will be 80 years old this year! For the anniversary of the district, our artists depicted the symbols of our district - the coat of arms and the flag, look how they look. Do you recognize? - this is the silhouette of our Sinyukha hill, and this is a miracle - lotuses that grow in the lake of our region. We will get acquainted with the coat of arms and the flag in more detail another time, but now, guys, tell me, eh, that we are with you can we do something good for our district in honor of its anniversary? (children suggest: arrange a holiday, fireworks, learn poems, songs, decorate the city, etc.)

Q. – Do you know any poems about our hometown Vyazemsky? (children read three quatrains)

Our town lies among the hills

At the crossroads of wide roads,

There are a lot of well-trodden paths here,

Our sunny land, the Far East!

City of Vyazemsky, beloved city

Connected with us by the same fate,

The face of the homeland is unique,

You are a part of Russia, dear.

My city is far from the capital,

He meets the birth of the dawn,

It's right next to the Chinese border.

On the steep banks of the Ussuri.

V. - Well done! Do you think our city is beautiful? (Yes)

Where can you go to relax in it, have an interesting time? (to the library, to the stadium, to the skating rink, to the cinema, to the park, to the river…)

At home, be sure to ask your mom and dad about this, where did they go on vacation in childhood? But Katya has already asked her relatives and now she will tell us about her research. Please, Katya.

(Protection children's project“Where can I go on a day off in Vyazemsky?”)

V. - Thank you,

Fizminutka "City"

This city. How tall is he! (hold hands raise hands up)

How many roofs and how many windows (show)

Our city is so big (hands to the sides)

It's cozy and lively (we hug ourselves)

It sparkles and blooms (we show “lanterns” with our hands)

The city is smiling (smiling at each other)

We really like him (they show the “class” sign with brushes).

V. – Vyazemtsy are proud of their city, their heroic past. I suggest everyone to go to our cinema hall. In our cinema hall there are photographs depicting various monuments. Here is a bust of engineer Vyazemsky, but a monument to heroes civil war on the station square, and this is the square of the 30th anniversary of the Victory. 600 names of Vyazma residents who did not return from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, can be seen next to the monument. This is the “Cranes” monument near the walls of school No. 20, which was erected to graduates of this school who died during the war for our happy future. And now sit down comfortably, we will watch slides about our city and guess riddles.

Guess my riddles (do not peep into riddles)

Who will solve the riddles -

So he knows our city.

1. Don't tell me in my ear

We have a hill - ... (Sinyuha) A slide show on a computer.

2. The snow melted in early May,

We have a river "Second"

Since childhood, I do not understand:

Why else - ... (Seventh)

3. Knock on the steps, yes knock -

We ascend to ... (viaduct)

4. They always run under the bridge

Day and night ... (trains)

5. It was built recently

This bright, red house

And it's not right at all

"Sunny" is called it (the store).

6. On the main street

Good for all guys

It stands and flaunts

Favorite ... (kindergarten).

7. What kind of street is this

All green, dear -

Our kindergarten stands on it,

Who can quickly guess? (Communist)

Q. – What other streets do you know? (children list)

V. - And our city Vyazemsky, what is it like? (beautiful, clean, young, green, blooming…)

Q. – What should be done to make our city even more beautiful? (do not litter, plant trees, flowers, build beautiful houses, decorate for the holidays)

V. - That's right, the Vyazma people love their city and every year they try to improve it. So do you and I, remember, in the summer we decorated our plots and then took part in the courtyard festival? (show folder with pictures about this event).

Q. – Would you like to decorate today one of the main streets of our city – Communist?

(children go to the tables)

V. - Guys, look. Here we have st. Communist. It depicts the contours of houses, enterprises, organizations. Before you lie geometric shapes. You need to pick them up according to the size of the structures and glue them. Think about how you can decorate our street (children do work to the soundtrack of a song about the city of Vyazemsky).

V. - You did a great job, next time we will make a model of our street and decorate it even more.

We live in the city we love

We will become big

We'll grow up fast.

We will decorate our city with new gardens,

He will be wonderful