Epiphany is one of the main holidays of Christians, completing the Christmas festivities (Christmas). It was on January 19 that John the Baptist called to cleanse the souls of people from sins and diseases in the waters of the Jordan. At the same time, the baptism of Jesus took place, in whose honor this holiday was approved.

Beginning January 18 Epiphany Christmas Eve representing strict post before a big holiday, the name of which is the Epiphany of the Lord. We mark this day by lighting the water in the churches, which Orthodox whole they keep it at home for a year, giving it in case of illness, sprinkling clothes and their house, and also perform the ritual of bathing in an ice hole. It is believed that holy water heals the body and soul.

Traditions and signs for Baptism

There are special signs and traditions for every holiday of religion. Baptism is also different. From them you can determine what the coming year is preparing.

Interesting! It is believed that the signs of this holiday are the most fateful and true, which is why they are so closely paid attention, especially by the older generation.

Epiphany signs:

clear and cold weather promises a poor harvest due to a dry summer.

If the weather is snowy and cloudy, then the year promises to be fruitful.

· Blizzard and snow in Epiphany promises a rich harvest year.

· Dogs bark - this year the hunters will be lucky, as there will be a lot of game.

If a bird knocks on the window, then you need to pray for the dead relatives, as they ask for help from the living and deeds that are pleasing to God.

These are old Russian signs, but there are also more modern signs of the feast of Epiphany:

Meeting on the street with a person carrying a bouquet of flowers - fortunately.

To meet a man in red means to fall in love.

· Meeting with a man in black clothes, so you should not indulge in novels this year, as only deceitful people will come across.

A broken plate - for the wedding (of one's own or loved ones), and dropping it, but not breaking it - to new perspectives.

Burn yourself on this day - to move. If the burn fell on the upper body - to move of one's own free will, and if on the lower - move under duress.

Acquaintance with new people during the period of the Epiphany holidays promises to be good friends. The Lord blesses the relationships created on such a day.

· If you were lucky enough to get into a blizzard at Epiphany, then there will be money and prosperity all year.

· An interesting sign for girls. If a girl had to wash all the dishes after a festive feast, then this year she will be married. The groom is already on the doorstep.

Epiphany traditions:

· Since ancient times, at the Epiphany of the Lord, housewives baked cookies for breakfast in the form of crosses for each household. If the cross turned out to be lush and fried, then a successful year awaited the person, if the pastries were a little burnt, then the year would be unfavorable. An uneven cracked cross meant serious problems for the family member to whom it was intended. Burnt pastries were not given to anyone, but simply given to the birds.

· On the day of the Epiphany, priests bless the water in the rivers, lowering the cross into it. By dipping into holy water three times, the Orthodox are cleansed of diseases and sins. But it is advisable to plunge not in a bathing suit, but in a shirt, and then, without washing, dry it and store it. During an illness, you need to dress it and the illness will recede.

· On January 19, the Great Blessing of Water takes place on Epiphany. People line up for holy water in temples, and then they keep it at home all year, considering it a cure for all ailments.

· The great celebration is traditionally accompanied by the release of doves into the wild as a sign of the ending Christmas holidays.

· Epiphany frosts have always been strong since ancient times. On Christmas Eve, it was customary to put kutya on oneself before dinner, and the owner of the family, looking out the window, called the frost to taste the treats. At
he always said: “If the frost does not come to my house, let it not go to the harvest either.”

· Interesting fact! Now this tradition is no longer observed, but earlier it was customary to put a bowl of water on the table. The ripples on the surface of the water meant that the sacrament of baptism had come to pass.

· Divination has long been a tradition. You can guess from January 6, before Christmas and until January 18. On January 19, fortune-telling is banned.

Cleansing the home with holy water.

After quarrels in each house, negative energy accumulates in the corners, which is capable, if you do not periodically clean the housing, again and again provoke household members into conflicts.

To cleanse the house, it is necessary to constantly ventilate, releasing negative energy, do wet cleaning with the addition of salt to the water. It is believed that salt helps to "dissolve" the negative. This should be done at least once a week, but cleansing the house for Baptism has special meaning. On this day, such a ceremony is performed: with the help of holy water, with the right pinch, they sprinkle each corner in a cruciform movement, passing clockwise and starting from front door with the words: "By sprinkling this sacred water, let every unclean and demonic action be turned into flight." The ceremony ends at the door.

These traditions and signs have been revered by Orthodox people since Ancient Rus'. Much is allowed on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, but there are also prohibitions.

What is allowed to do at Baptism

1. It is possible and necessary to perform all religious rites at Baptism, such as attending a service in a church, drawing holy water, plunging into an ice hole 3 times and covering festive table.

Important! Most often, the hole is made in the form of a crucifix, and you should enter the hole strictly from the west, and exit to the east side.

2. Keep fast before the holiday.

3. For the hostess of the house, draw crosses with chalk over windows and doors to protect housing from troubles.

4. Sprinkle housing with holy water from evil spirits.

6. On this holiday, you can baptize children and get married. Such events on this day promise great happiness.

What is forbidden to do at Epiphany on January 19

1. You can not quarrel, think about the bad and wish someone evil.

2. You can’t just quarrel on this holiday, but even more so, holding holy water in your hands. It is believed that from negative energy she loses her power.

3. You can not draw a lot of baptismal water.

Although it has a double power in Baptism, it must be treated as a spiritual medicine.

4. You can not be greedy when collecting sacred water. It is believed that greed brings trouble to a person.

5. Do not dilute holy water with water. Because of this, she loses her magical properties.

6. Divination on the feast of the Epiphany is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to hide all the items with which fortune-telling was carried out during the Christmas season. Guessing after the holiday is also prohibited.

7. You can't get drunk. You are allowed to drink a glass of wine, but you should not get drunk.

8. Starting from Christmas Eve and until the end of January 19, you can’t take anything out of the house and lend money, otherwise you can bring need to the family for the whole year.

9. Physical labor in Baptism is prohibited.

You can have fun, visit, relax. Physical labor is allowed only on Christmas Eve and only before lunch.

10. You can’t cry on Epiphany, otherwise tears will flow all year.

Fortune telling on the feast of Epiphany is prohibited, but various ceremonies are allowed. All of them are carried out using sacred water. It is believed that the rituals performed on Epiphany have special power.

The main rituals performed at the Baptism of the Lord:

1. Ritual for physical health and peace of mind.

It is best to perform the ritual on the night of January 18-19. Need a full bath hot water, add a little holy water, then lower your cross into it and lie down in the bath so that the water covers the body completely. You need to lie down like this for about 15 minutes and get out without wiping yourself.

2. Ritual for the fulfillment of desires.

On the evening of Epiphany Christmas Eve, you need to pour holy water into a bowl, then lower a silver-colored coin there and put the bowl under the moonlight. It is necessary to make a wish and whisper it 3 times over the bowl. In the morning, the water should be poured out, and the coin should be hidden in a secluded place and not told to anyone about it. The rite takes on double strength if Baptism coincided with the full moon.

3. Ritual to attract wealth.

On the night of January 18-19, you need to take holy water in the church, bring it home and go around all the rooms clockwise (without sprinkling) with the words: “Holy water came into the house and brought well-being. Losses will pass this house, and prosperity will arrive every day. Good luck will accompany me in everything, I will not know failure in anything!

Water must be left overnight in the most important place of the house, according to the hostess, and washed with it in the morning.

4. Ritual for marriage.

On the night before Epiphany, a girl who wants to get married should go to the crossroads and say the following words to all 4 sides:

“Soul of a man, my betrothed, Follow me and come to my home. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

5. Ritual of purification.

You need to bless the water in the temple and buy 3 candles there. It is not allowed to talk to anyone on the way home. At home, in the center of the table on a new white tablecloth (this is important!) You need to put the brought water. One candle should stand behind a vessel with water, the other two on the sides. Then you need to light all the candles one by one with the help of one match and look through the water at the fire of the candles, clasping the vessel with your hands, feeling how the flame warms and cleanses. After the words are spoken:

“How pure are the thoughts of Christ, so be my soul pure. As holy water is pure, so be my body pure. I wash myself, remove damage, cleanse my spirit and body. Amen."

Then the hands should be wetted in water, and the rest should be poured on the head, feeling a surge of divine energy and cleansing from all that is bad. During next week you can not give anything from your home to anyone and take from others yourself.

All signs and rituals on great holiday The baptisms of the Lord will be effective if you sincerely believe in them, and believe in a change in fate in better side.

Baptism, like any religious holiday, is celebrated not only by believers. On this day, many simply go “for company” to swim in the hole, set the festive table and stock up on holy water.

And as is usually the case, people contribute to every religious holiday folk traditions. There are various signs that people trust, and which they perform exactly like church rites. All these traditions take root over time and become inseparable from each other. What are the signs for Baptism on January 19, what can and cannot be done, let's consider.

On Epiphany, you can and should perform all the religious rites of this holiday: go to church, defend the service, plunge into the hole three times, and set the festive table.

In addition, you can pray all day and ask for something good. If a titmouse knocks on the window at Baptism, then it is also necessary to pray for those who have already passed away.

Every hostess on the eve of Epiphany has the right to draw small crosses in the house above the windows and the door with chalk. It is believed that such a ritual is able to protect the home from harm.

And on Epiphany, you can sprinkle the house with freshly brought holy water. This can drive away evil spirits.

Baptism is a holiday that should help people become spiritually enriched, forget all the bad things, wash away their sins and be nourished with strength for the whole year. Each person should remember how important he is to believers and respect their feelings.

Therefore, on January 19, in no case should you think about the bad, and even more so quarrel and wish someone harm. In addition, it is believed that if during a conflict a person has holy water in his hands, then it immediately loses its magical properties.

Also on this holiday you can not be greedy. We need to share food and, of course, holy water. You can’t take too much of it, you can’t push around while standing in line for water, it is believed that this will bring trouble to a person.

In addition, it is forbidden to guess at Epiphany - before that there was plenty of time for such rituals, Christmas time lasted from January 6 to January 18, so on the evening before 19, you need to hide all the items with which magical rituals were performed. After Baptism, it is also impossible to guess.

You can't get drunk on Epiphany. Since this is a great holiday, you can drink a glass of wine, but you should not abuse alcohol.

Is it possible to do physical labor in Baptism

Many housewives are probably interested in whether it is possible to get out on January 19th. No, you can’t, because on religious holidays it is strictly forbidden to work and engage in physical labor.

Is it possible to clean up on January 18 before Epiphany - it is possible if the hostess did not have time to prepare the apartment for the holiday, but only in the morning - in the evening you need to pray, go to church and fast.

It is also worth remembering that you can only do laundry until January 18th. And then on Epiphany and two more days after the holiday, you can’t wash things. Previously, women who wanted to wash clothes in the river where the hole had been cut down had to wait until two weeks had passed after the holiday.

Signs for Baptism

There are several other interesting baptismal signs. So, for example, residents of villages and villages claim that chickens cannot be fed on Epiphany. A folk sign says that if you feed poultry on this day, then in the summer they will ruin the beds and destroy the seedlings.

Also, people who have a garden believe in another sign that if a poorly growing tree is poured with holy water, then it will begin to bear fruit next fall.

Another one good omen- to baptize a child on this holiday. It is believed that thanks to this he will be happy and grow up healthy.

People also believe that it is necessary to monitor the weather on Epiphany, because it determines how the whole year will be: warm or cold, rainy or dry.

To find out what weather will prevail in summer, you need to leave the house in the morning and look at the sky. If the sky is clear and the frost stings your cheeks, it means that the summer will be dry. And if the weather is cloudy, then in the summer there will be a lot of precipitation, which means that in the fall you can expect a good harvest.

You can also find out whether the harvest will be rich by the number of stars in the sky. If there are a lot of them, then this year it will be possible to eat plenty of fruits, berries and legumes.

Here is a list of the main things you can and cannot do at Epiphany. It is believed that if you spend this holiday peacefully, observing all the traditions, you can be sure that the whole a year will pass Fine.

The Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on January 19. Majority modern people, not to mention the representatives of the older generation, honor this great religious holiday. Believers have no doubt: real miracles can happen on this day. Consecrated water becomes healing, the right food after fasting is only beneficial. And by taking communion, confessing to a priest, you will be able to cleanse not only your soul, but also your body for a whole year. But there is certain rules to be observed at Baptism.

  • Where without signs ...

Prepare for the holiday ahead of time

Be sure to prepare a festive kutya before Epiphany. It is done in an elementary way: rice or wheat acts as the main ingredient. Honey, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, poppy seeds are added to the dish. Sit down with all your household at the table on the evening of January 18th. Wait for the first star to appear, start eating. Then you can also eat fish dishes, dumplings, pancakes, rich products and a variety of cereals.

Go to church and bless the water. Spray it on every corner of your home. It is believed that in this way you will protect your home from all evil spirits. Give holy water to each member of the family to drink in order to protect relatives and friends from illness.

By the way, if you did not have time to go to the temple, you should not despair. You can draw water from any body of water on Epiphany night. It is believed that in all sources it acquires healing power.

And, of course, what is Baptism without swimming in the hole? No matter what the weather, even the frostiest, is, millions of people plunge into holy water on January 19. Just remember: church ministers do not recommend going to the fonts and diving into the hole without confession and communion. So go to the temple beforehand.

If you go swimming at Epiphany to the reservoirs from year to year, you probably noticed that a lot of people gather near the ice holes who suffer various diseases. As we noted above, people believe that it is miraculous water that will help them heal from ailments. It is clear that many diseases do not leave the body "with a wave of a magic wand." But these people (as they themselves admit) begin to feel much better. Faith is sometimes much stronger than medicine.

Postpone things for another day

What can not be done at Baptism? Let's highlight the main points:

Do not under any circumstances use alcoholic drinks on such a holiday (even the weakest). Especially if you are going to plunge into the ice hole. Not only is it contrary to religious rites. So also such relaxation can cause enormous harm to health, which doctors do not get tired of repeating;
Don't use swear words. Even negative thoughts drive away. Especially near the reservoir;
You can not shed tears on a holy holiday. Believers believe that, having cried at Baptism, you will be unhappy all year;
They don’t wash on holidays (so that, God forbid, they don’t pollute the water), they don’t do hard physical labor, they don’t knit or sew. Leave everything for later.

By the way, many of our compatriots (and not only!) Like to guess just at Epiphany. But the clergy do not take this very well: you can change your fate. But here, as they say, everyone is free to decide for himself: to guess or not to guess on Epiphany night.

Where without signs ...

According to popular beliefs, the most faithful signs are just those that are noticed at Baptism. So, if January 19 is “frost and sun, a wonderful day”, then in summer there will be a drought. Is it snowing, is it bad weather? Then in the summer and autumn you should expect a great harvest!

Hunters dream of hearing the barking of dogs from everywhere at Epiphany. They believe that our four-legged friends are preparing people with frequent barks for an abundance of game this year. This means that the hunter will not be left without work, everyone in the house will be fed.

Baptism of the Lord - traditions, customs, rituals, signs, congratulations

On the night of January 18-19, the Orthodox celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord ( Holy Epiphany). What should be done at Baptism? How to celebrate a holiday? What rites must be performed? What signs should you pay attention to? How to congratulate relatives and friends?

Epiphany is one of the main Christian holidays. The feast of the Epiphany ends with Christmas time, which lasts from January 7 to 19.

This holiday is established in memory of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, when he was 30 years old. It is known from the Gospel that John the Baptist, calling the people to repentance, baptized people in the waters of the Jordan. The Savior, being sinless from the beginning, had no need for John's Baptism of repentance, but in His humility accepted Baptism with water, while sanctifying the watery nature with Himself.

The Feast of Baptism is also called the Feast of Theophany, because at the Baptism of the Lord the Most Holy Trinity appeared to the world: “God the Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove”.

Epiphany. Holy Epiphany

On the eve of Epiphany, January 18, believers fast- they don’t eat anything until the evening, and in the evening they celebrate the second Holy Evening or “Hungry Kutya”. Lenten dishes are served for dinner - fried fish, dumplings with cabbage, buckwheat pancakes in butter, kutya and uzvar.

The whole family, as before Christmas, gathers at the table, to which only lean meals are served, kutya (sochivo) is prepared from rice, honey and raisins.

That evening, returning from the church from a prayer service, people put crosses over all windows and doors with chalk or candle soot.

After dinner, all the spoons are collected in one bowl, and bread is placed on top - "so that the bread is born." The girls guessed with the same spoons: they went out on the threshold and knocked with them until a dog barks somewhere - the girl will marry in the same direction.

Main tradition feast of the Baptism of the Lord - the blessing of water.

On the morning of January 19, they sanctify the water - either in the church, or, where possible, near a lake, river or stream. It is believed that on Epiphany, from midnight to midnight, the water acquires healing properties and retains them throughout the year. It is given to drink to the seriously ill, churches, houses and animals are consecrated with it. It remains a mystery to science that Epiphany water does not deteriorate, has no smell and can be stored for a year or longer.

In the old days, on the eve of Jordan, a large cross ("Jordan") was cut out in the ice and placed vertically next to the hole. The ice cross was decorated with periwinkle and pine branches or doused with beet kvass, from which it turned red.

Water is consecrated in the springs, and where this is not possible - in the courtyard of the temple. Consecrating the water, the priest lowers the cross into a special Epiphany hole, called "Jordan", the consecrated water is called the "great agiasma", that is, the great shrine.

It is believed that Epiphany water has the same miraculous power as the waters of the Jordan, which included Jesus Christ.

On the day of Epiphany, after a prayer service, the sick bathe in the hole - to be cured of the disease, and dressed up in masks under New Year- to be cleansed from sin.

On the day of the holiday and on the day of Epiphany Christmas Eve, the Great Blessing of Water is performed. In the courtyards of the temples, long queues stretch for holy water.

If a person for some serious reason cannot go to the service, he can resort to the healing power of plain water taken from an ordinary reservoir on Epiphany night. It is believed that Epiphany water is gaining special strength and healing. Epiphany water heals wounds, sprinkles every corner of their home - there will be order and peace in the house.

Has survived to this day the tradition of dipping at Epiphany in the hole- the one who dared to do this believed that the healing baptismal water would give him health for a whole year. And today there are daredevils who, even in severe frost, jump into icy water. Everyone who wants to join them should remember that you need to plunge into the Epiphany hole, not trying to "perform a feat", but remembering the religious meaning of this action - it is best to take a blessing from the priest before doing this. You also need to know that washing in baptismal water does not “automatically” cleanse from all sins.

After the celebration of Epiphany, a new wedding season begins, which continues until Lent. In the old days it was a time of fun and leisure. Young people gathered for evening parties, families arranged clubbing and went to visit each other.

Epiphany holy water

On Epiphany, you can drink baptismal water all day long. But then it should be consumed on an empty stomach or when there is a special need (for example, in case of a sudden illness). In addition, on the day of the holiday, we sprinkle holy water on all dwellings, including latrines and those rooms where our pets live. You can sprinkle the office, the place of study, and the car.

And if you see that there is not as much water as you would like, you can dilute it with a simple clean water, and all of it will be as full of grace as before, and just as not spoiled.

Therefore, it is not at all necessary to overstrain, taking away from the temple on this day a canister of a dozen or two liters. It is enough to take a small bottle - and there will be enough water for up to next Baptism you and your loved ones.

But the miraculous preservation of baptismal water is not guaranteed to a person who will not treat it reverently.

It is better to pour water from plastic dishes into glass ones and store it next to the icons. Also drink this water with prayer so that this gift of the Lord be to us for the health of soul and body.

Epiphany water can stand for years and not deteriorate.

Divination for Baptism

On Epiphany evening, the girl must leave the house and walk down the street. If she meets the first young and handsome man on her way, it is likely that she will get married this year. If the passerby is old, then marriage is not soon.

At Epiphany, in addition to traditional New Year and Christmas fortune-telling, from ancient times they practiced a special fortune-telling - with kutya.

The essence of it was that the fortune-tellers, having taken hot kutya in a cup and hiding it under an apron or scarf, ran out into the street and threw the kutya in the face of the first man who came across, asking his name.

Even more original is another type of special baptismal divination: on Christmas Eve, after sunset, the girls went out naked into the street, “weeded” the snow, threw it over their shoulders and then listened - in which side they heard something, in that direction they would marry.

Epiphany signs

♦ If the trees are covered with frost on Epiphany, winter wheat should be sown in the spring on the same day of the week - the harvest will be rich.

♦ If it snows on Epiphany with a shovel - to a good harvest.

♦ If it is clear and cold at Epiphany - to a crop failure, a dry summer.

♦ If there is a starry night at Epiphany, there will be a good harvest of nuts and berries.

♦ If a lot of fish are seen at Epiphany, the bees will swarm well.

♦ If after Baptism in heaven full month Spring floods are possible.

♦ If dogs bark a lot - to a large number beasts and game in the forest.

♦ To find out how warm the rest of winter will be, on the night of Christmas Eve before Epiphany, you just need to look at the sky. If the stars shine brightly, then the summer will be dry and hot, and spring will start early. Moreover, autumn will also be warm and lingering. Also bright stars in heaven at Epiphany they say that the year will be calm, without political or economic upheavals.

♦ If there is a full moon on the night of Epiphany, then in the spring one must beware of a strong flood of rivers.

♦ It is not very good if it is warm at Epiphany: signs say that there will be health problems in the coming year. On the contrary, if there is a lot of snow on Epiphany, this is a sign of good health.

♦ If you hear dogs barking at Epiphany, it bodes well financial condition in the coming year. It is believed that dogs are called to hunt, which promises excellent prey.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

♦ Let frosts at christening
Bring a blessing
Warmth, comfort, your home -
Let it be filled with good
Thoughts, feelings and hearts.
Let the relatives gather.
Let fun come into the house
On this holiday at Epiphany.

♦ Let the Epiphany frosts
Carry away sorrow and tears
And add fun to life
Happiness, joy, luck!
Get ready for the holiday
Very cheerful, healthy,
To swim in the hole
And stay healthy!

♦ Let in Epiphany frosts
Your sorrows will go away.
Let there be tears only from happiness
Let the good news come.
I want you to laugh more often
And never be sad!
To admire love
And they were always happy!

♦ For the people at Epiphany
An update is coming.
Jumped into the hole with his head -
Life becomes different.
And then step on the ice
Turn back to sunrise.
Raise your hands up boldly
So that your soul sings.

♦ I want to wish a holiday on Epiphany,
More poems, less prose in the life,
Let there be such a life so as not to suffer,
Love is stronger than Epiphany frost.
Hope, beauty and kindness,
And, of course, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive,
Strive for the height of your dreams
Under life's eternal motives.

♦ With Holy Epiphany
Congratulations, friends!
Cast away all doubts
Be happy love!
Do not be afraid of various wickedness,
And wash yourself with holy water!
Guess for love...
The holiday is coming to us again!

♦ I hasten to congratulate you on Baptism
And wish you purity
All thoughts and all aspirations,
Health, happiness and love!
May the Angels protect you
And guard your sound sleep
Let the grief of loved ones not know
And the Lord will be by your side!

♦ On the bright day of the Lord's Epiphany
I wish you all earthly bounties.
May souls and bodies be cleansed
On this day, it will descend to you from heaven.
The blessings of the earth and God's grace
I want to wish you now.
Let everything be on time and by the way,
May the Lord protect you.
Let everything in life be easy for you,
And let the baptismal water
What is pouring from everywhere today,
Wash away all the bad forever!

♦ Let the holy water
Your sin will wash away any
Let any trouble
Will bypass.
Let it be revealed to you
Pure light and love
And the temple of your soul
Reborn again.

♦ Happy Epiphany Day
Congratulations today!
Let the house not be impoverished
The world will be better for you.
Help will be noticeable
Your happiness will not fade.
Family love and support
May they grow stronger over the years!

In commemoration of this bright event, a holiday was approved, which is otherwise called the Epiphany. The event is celebrated annually on the same date.

  • Epiphany rites and traditions
  • Make a wish for Baptism
  • Folk omens for baptism

When does the blessing of water take place?

Church holidays, as a rule, begin from the second half of the previous day. Therefore, in churches and temples, the consecration of water begins after the morning service during Epiphany Christmas Eve, the procedure continues on the day of the feast - January 19 at the end of the liturgy.

The clergy say that the water consecrated on Christmas Eve is in no way inferior in its miraculous powers to the water consecrated on the very day of Epiphany. Holy water can heal a person from fatal diseases, fulfill his innermost dreams, and bestow good luck.

The water consecrated in Baptism is used in small doses throughout the current year until the next feast. Holy water is sprinkled on the corners of the apartment to cleanse it of negativity, this liquid is able to fill the home with powerful positive energy. The consecrated liquid should be drunk in small sips, but pouring it under your feet and washing dirty objects on this day is highly undesirable.

Epiphany rites and traditions

The main world Christian tradition on the Epiphany feast is the solemn procession of the cross to the Jordan River, where Christ was baptized. On this day, Christians from all over the world gather and march to holy places, having reached the river, people bathe in its waters, being cleansed of sins and sinful thoughts.

But far from always a person has the opportunity to join the global procession. Therefore, in all Russian cities and villages, bathing is carried out in local rivers. Immersion is carried out in three steps, with each dive it is required to pronounce the words of the sacred text: “I plunge in the name of the Father; I dip in the name of the Son, I dip in the name of the Holy Spirit.” Those who do not have the courage and health to plunge into the icy water sprinkle themselves with holy liquid while saying prayers.
A special hole for swimming is called Jordan.

It is worth noting that dipping into Jordan is a folk, not a church tradition. The ministers of the church claim that any water on this sacred day becomes holy. Therefore, you can even wash yourself with ordinary tap water, while reading a prayer and believing with all your heart in liberation from sins.

Those who regularly bathe in Jordan at Baptism should not bear in mind the following rules:

You can start swimming after the evening service on January 18;
for safety reasons, diving is carried out only in special places equipped for this purpose, after the consecration ceremony has been performed;
before starting the dive, you should say the Our Father prayer;
immersion is carried out completely, together with the head, after which you should cross yourself three times;
it is advisable to purchase special shirts for swimming, you should not perform this procedure in shorts and bathing suits;
On the eve of the dive, it is recommended to eat well, but not to overeat; after the procedure, it is advisable to drink a cup of hot tea.

Not everyone can take a dip in ice cold water. There are some diseases that are a contraindication to such a procedure. You can not dive into the hole in the presence of a cold, hypertension, chronic skin diseases.

It is noted that the water on the day of the Epiphany becomes different, it is softer and more palatable. This applies not only to holy water, but also to any other, even the one that flows from the tap. Throughout the holiday, you can draw water directly from the tap, noting the improvement in its properties. On this day, the water becomes tastier and cleaner.

What to do on Epiphany and Epiphany Christmas Eve

The celebration of the Epiphany is accompanied by several rituals and traditions. It is very important to observe a strict fast on the day before the festival. Epiphany Christmas Eve comes on January 18, in the people this date is called "Hungry Kutia". On Christmas Eve, the only dish is kutia, made from cereals. You can not add butter or milk to it, it must be lean. Eating kutya is allowed only after sunset. Even water should be consumed at this time in a limited amount.

But on Christmas Eve, you should prepare for the celebration, and by Epiphany itself, at least 12 types of dishes should be on the table. Baptism is celebrated at a chicly laid table, on which meat dishes must be present.
Holy water brought from the church is necessary for sprinkling all the corners in the room, this procedure will save a person's family from illness and trouble for the whole year. It is believed that people baptized on January 19 are of good health, they live happily ever after. Theophany is an ideal holiday for reconciliation, if a person is in a quarrel with someone, then on this day you need to forget about disagreements and reconcile.

What Not to Do on Epiphany Day

Baptism is a sacred holiday, on this bright day one cannot be discouraged, suffer and be sad, otherwise the whole year will be sad. On this day, such a quality as the forgiveness that Christ preached is highly valued, so it is very important to be able to forgive your offenders, you cannot be offended and quarrel on this great day.

On Epiphany you can not do dirty things related to water. Since any water on Epiphany is holy, there is no need to desecrate it, wash floors with it, and do laundry. For another three days after the celebration, water can retain its properties; it cannot be defiled at this time. It is better to postpone any work for this period.

You can guess on the eve of Epiphany, but it is not recommended to do this on the holy day itself. There is a belief that if you guess on Epiphany Day, you can guess fate not for the better. You should not read conspiracies on this day, the church is categorically against such actions, you should not go against its canons, especially on holy days.

You can not drink alcohol on a holy day, even if they are not strong. It is not recommended to use obscene words, any negativity should be driven away from oneself, especially before swimming in the hole.

Make a wish for Baptism

On the night of January 18-19, anyone can make a wish, if the plan is full of pure thoughts, then it will come true, because on this holy day heaven heeds the requests of sincerely believing people. In order for the Lord to hear the one who asks, his desires should not contain the desire to harm someone, you cannot ask for material goods, just as one cannot demand undeserved respect for oneself.

Before making a wish, you need to read the Our Father prayer, standing in front of the icon, then you should make a request. If the request is pure and really necessary for the asker, it will be fulfilled.

Folk omens for baptism

There are several popular beliefs and accept at Baptism, which will help predict the weather and the future.

Our ancestors believed in the following signs:

On the night of Epiphany, you should look at the starry sky, bright stars indicate that the summer will be dry and spring will come early;
if Epiphany night falls on a new moon, there is a danger of spring floods, spring will come late, summer will be cool;
if severe frosts are observed on Epiphany, and they are stronger than Christmas ones, then the year will be fruitful;
Epiphany snow has healing property;
if on the night of January 19, dogs bark loudly in the vicinity, this portends a successful financial year;
a lot of snow fell Epiphany holiday- the year will be grain.

In order to scare away evil from the home, our ancestors drew crosses over doors and windows. This custom continues to this day. You can not leave shoes outside the threshold on Epiphany night, this can lead to illness.

In order to have a lot of happiness and love in personal life, from ancient times in Rus', weddings were played between Epiphany and Maslenitsa. A person born on Epiphany day will be healthy and happy.
All signs and beliefs have deep roots, the ancestors sacredly believed in them. But to believe in them or not is everyone's business. Epiphany is a holy holiday, which is better to meet with your friends and relatives.