Title Tender May
Years 1986 - 1992 2009 - present
USSR countries Russia
Line-up: Andrey Razin Sergey Serkov Andrey Kucherov Sergey Lenyuk Former members Sergey Kuznetsov
Yuriy Shatunov

"Tender May"- cult popular musical group late 80s and early 1990s in the USSR, playing in the Eurodisco style. The first group focused on teenagers in the USSR. The Group acquired great popularity in the USSR in the late 1980s, not only among teenagers, but also among people of all ages, largely due to the fact that its participants were teenagers themselves from orphanages, and the theme of orphanhood was exploited in the songs; advertising in the press also played a role (competent promotion of the group by Andrei Razin). The founder of the group Sergey Kuznetsov left it in 1989. Currently, the group is successfully touring thanks to nostalgia for the past, but not in the main line-up, the soloist and leader is Andrey Razin. calling card group was the song White Roses.

The group was created on December 6, 1986 in the Orenburg boarding school No. 2 by the head of the musical circle, Sergei Kuznetsov, and a thirteen-year-old student of the school, Yuri Shatunov. The first director of the "Tender May" group is Rashid Dairabayev.

Soloists: main soloist Yuri Shatunov, Konstantin Pakhomov, Andrey Razin (since 1988 - group leader), composer Sergei Kuznetsov, music director (since 1989), composer Vladimir Boyko.
Andrey Razin, who was the administrator of the Mirage group at that time, transports the group to Moscow, where the members of the Laskovy May group lived in the Moscow boarding school No. 24 (6 Skolkovskoye Highway), and the Laskovy May studio also worked there.
offering them good money for touring and a free recording at Yu. Chernavsky's Record Studio. Later, he becomes the head and soloist of the Laskovy May studio. In 1989, after the departure of Sergei Kuznetsov, Andrei Razin invites music director Studio Tender May, founder of the group "White Roses", composer - Vladimir Boyko. All phonograms were re-recorded by Igor Babenko in one of the Record audio studios. All arrangements, with the exception of later works, belong to Sergey Kuznetsov. An employee of Record, sound engineer Anatoly Meshaev, who worked there at that time, turned out to be a direct participant in all the hits created by Tender May.

The first youth musical group in the Soviet Union, which worked in the style of "Euro-disco of the 80s" and appealed to young people aged 13 to 18 years. It had unprecedented popularity both among the young audience of the country and among people different ages, but was completely disavowed by means mass media Soviet Union. However, it also gained notoriety. Thanks to the incredible success of the group, in 1989, at the peak of the popularity of "Tender May", various "clones" of the group called "Tender May" toured simultaneously in different cities. In 1989, a studio was founded in which gifted children auditioned. "Tender May" itself gathered thousands of stadiums (40-60 thousand people) and set a record for the number of concerts per day. The number reached eight concerts per day and more than forty concerts per month. Russian stage I was faced with the fact that many composers and poets who have long worked in show business could not write songs, which at first glance are simple. Attempts to create new songs similar to "Pink Evening" and "White Roses" and other hits were not as successful as copying the very style of the "Tender May" group.

At the same time, "Tender May" was a group that had a huge impact on the formation of the pop music genre in Russia.

So far, no one in our country has managed to repeat the phenomenal success of the Laskovy May group. According to some reports, every third resident of Russia at least once, but was at a group concert. Newspaper "MK" 25.10.2008

In 1992, "Tender May" ceased to exist.

Immediately after leaving Tender May, Yura Shatunov successfully begins his solo career.
In 2009, on the wave of a new round of popularity associated with the fashion for the 1980s and the release of the film "Tender May", the Tender May group again appeared on the stage with: Andrey Razin, Sergey Serkov, Andrey Kucherov and Sergey Linyuk.

Andrey Razin
# Sergey Serkov
Andrey Kucherov
# Sergey Lenyuk - drummer ( ex-husband Lera Kudryavtseva)

Former members

Below is the list in alphabetical order.
Alexander Egunov - sound engineer
# Alexander Priko - keyboardist
Alla Goltseva - poetess, author of lyrics performed by Razin, Shatunov, Krestovsky and other soloists
# Anatoly Meshaev - composer, arranger
Andrey Gurov - vocalist
# Anton Tokarev - vocalist
Arkady Kudryashov - group administrator
# Victor Kulikov - vocalist
Vlada Moskovskaya - vocals
# Vladimir Boyko - music director, composer. Also created groups: "White Roses", "Stayer", The Velvet season" and etc.
Vladimir Khozyaenko - sound engineer
# Oleg Andreev - sound engineer
Evgeny Bychkov - keyboardist
# Igor Safiullin - saxophone
Konstantin Pakhomov - vocalist
# Natalia Grozovskaya - vocal group "White Roses"
Oleg Krestovsky - vocalist
# Pavel Tomov - sound engineer
Rafael Isangulov - vocalist, keyboardist
# Sergey Kuznetsov - poet, composer, arranger, keyboardist
Sergey Kulagin - keyboardist
# Yuri Shatunov - vocalist

Deceased band members:
Alexey Burda - keyboardist (1974 - †2012)
# Arvid Jurgaitis - keyboardist (1969 - †2005)
Vyacheslav Ponomarev - bass guitarist (†2007)
# Evgeny Zakulaev - Deputy CEO center creative team for gifted orphans "Tender May" (1963 - †2013)
Igor Anisimov - keyboardist of the first composition, worked in 1986-1991 (1973 - †2013)
# Igor Igoshin - drummer, rhythm-engineer (1972 - †1992)
Mikhail Sukhomlinov - keyboardist (1974 - †1993)
# Rashid Dairabaev - the first director of the group (1967 - †2013)
Yuri Barabash - vocalist (1974 - †1996)
# Yuri Gurov - vocalist (1971 - †2012)

Interesting Facts

October 1, 2009 was released Feature Film"Tender May", which tells about the life of the group.
In the 1980s, the sensational group Laskovy May was even compared with Modern Talking (information was revealed from the first interview with Yuri Shatunov and Andrei Razin).
The work of the group "Tender May" influenced the popular Uzbek pop-rock band "Bolalar".
The Vakhtang Kikabidze Waterfall group had an album called Musical Ring, which parodied a fictional episode of the program featuring Waterfall and Tender May.

1986-87 - First album (Kuznetsov, solo by Y. Shatunov)
# 1988 - White roses - (Yu. Shatunov)
1988 - Autumn - (Konstantin Pakhomov) + Autumn is slowly leaving (Yuri Shatunov)
# 1988 - A little about myself - (Andrey Razin)
1988 - Dear Madam - (Severe February, Kulikov Brothers)
# 1989 - March 8 - (Yuri Shatunov, Andrey Razin and Kostya Pakhomov)
1989 - Pink evening - (Yu. Shatunov)
# 1989 - On the roof - (Yu. Shatunov and A. Razin)
1989 - Goodbye, baby! - (V. Shurochkin)
# 1989 - Tender summer - (Kostya Pakhomov)
1989 - September album - (Brothers Kulikov, Andrey Gurov)
# 1989 - October album - (A. Razin)
1989 - Tender May - Masquerade
# 1990 - Stupid snowflakes - (Yu. Shatunov)
1990 - Naughty girl - (Oleg Krestovsky)
# 1990 - Masha-matryoshka - (V. Shurochkin)
1990 - Come back - (Brothers Gurov)
# 1990 - Island for two - (A. Razin)
1991 - Fatima (Yu. Shatunov and A. Razin)
# 1992 - You know ... - (Yu. Shatunov)
1992 - Younger sister - (Yuri Orlov, Yuri Barabash, Petlyura)
# 1998 - And then the buzz comes - (A. Kucherov)
2010 - Tender May - original recordings 1988 - 1989

The first cassette with the recordings of the group "Tender May" was then sold by its producer Sergey Kuznetsov for 30 rubles. With them he bought a box of ice cream and pennies. Digital Watch: some for themselves, others for their ward Yura Shatunov, a 13-year-old orphan who soloed on this recording. According to Shatunov, this watch is still kept by him.

When the team was headed by producer Andrei Razin, he forbade the photo and video shooting of the team, the guys were not shown on TV - this made it possible to launch several groups called “Tender May” with tours around the country at once. But soon information about the "false-LM" began to seep into the press. A scandal was brewing. Then Razin declared himself the nephew of Mikhail Gorbachev, and after this trick did not work, he announced a recruitment to the Tender May Studio. This made it possible to produce the line-ups of the group quite officially, and soon two dozen bands under the sign "Tender May Studio" traveled around the country, performing various programs.

During the New Year holidays of 1989-1990, the team gave 13 sold-out concerts in a row in the largest concert hall in the country - the Olimpiysky sports complex. They would have given more, but even energetic teenagers could not afford to go on such a big stage every day for two weeks. By the way, this achievement has not yet been blocked by anyone.

Yuri Shatunov (1989). Photo: Global Look Press

The soloists of the group were often accused of keeping aloof from show business, not communicating with colleagues and distancing themselves from fans. There were reasons for this. The producers were afraid of the bad influence that adult musicians could have on teenagers, they were afraid that they would get carried away with alcohol and drugs. The fans had their own scores. Many times they tried to hang a criminal article “inciting to suicide” on the group, since the girls who cut their veins to the songs of Shatunov were then a dime a dozen. With adult fans, things were no easier. Andrey Razin said that very respectable ladies regularly chased him with a knife, trying to prove that they were the legal mothers of Yura Shatunov.

According to Andrei Razin, Shatunov earned $ 10 million during his work in Tender May. "The guys had good salary- they were paid them one and a half thousand rubles a month. Then the average salary barely exceeded 150 rubles, ”said the producer. However, the ex-soloist claims that he received this money only after he filed a lawsuit against his former producer, becoming an adult and breaking off business relations with him.

Why did gentle May fall apart? Members of the legendary team have not yet come to a common opinion. Yuri Shatunov commented on it like this. While the soloists of the group were minors and they did not have documents, they did what adults told them: they went on tour and recorded songs. And as soon as they got the opportunity to decide on their own, they realized that it was time to finish with the group: it was time to live with your own mind.

Tender May (1989). Photo: Global Look Press

In 2000, Yuri Shatunov left for Germany, has been living there for 16 years and does not plan to return, although he still has an apartment in Moscow, which he was given as soon as Yura left orphanage. According to him, this is where he stops when he comes on tour to Moscow.

Svetlana, Yura's wife, a lawyer, they met in 2000 in the lobby bar of one of the German hotels. According to Shatunov, it was love at first sight. Svetlana never had anything to do with show business. Yuri is very happy about this - moreover, he never looked for a life partner among his colleagues. “Someone must be at home. And since my father’s work involves traveling, my mother stays at home with the children, ”he says.

The Shatunovs have two children: 10-year-old Dennis and three-year-old Estella. Yuri was present at the birth of his son and not only held his wife's hand at that moment, but also cut the umbilical cord with his own hands. Andrey Razin - Godfather boy.

Yuri Shatunov (November 24, 2012) Photo: Yulia Khanina

The most expensive gift that fans have ever given Yuri is a car. The keys to a luxurious Mercedes were handed to him by a family of his former fans when he was already living in Germany. At first, Shatunov decided that this was a joke, but when it came to paperwork, he was terribly flattered.

“If there was no Tender May, everything would be easier,” Shatunov believes, “this group broke the fate of many. Someone is no longer alive, someone went to prison, and someone drank himself.” As for Shatunov himself, he believes that he was just lucky - he finished this story on time and came out of it safe and sound.

75 rebounds, 2 of them this month


"Tender May" is a cult group of the perestroika period, eclipsing in popularity all musical groups and performers who have ever performed on the domestic pop scene. On account of this group, several thousand concerts, stadiums packed to capacity and millions of fans. In 1990, according to the census with the assistance of Central Television, the group had 16 million fans. It was with the advent of this team in the country that they first started talking about show business. It was not exemplary pioneers with red ties and ideological songs that entered the stage, but ordinary teenagers singing about love. Before "Tender May" there were no youth concerts, there were only children's morning performances and preschool evenings, where poor children were forced to stand "at attention". This group simply blew up the entire Soviet stage from the inside, they sobbed and shouted at their concerts, school activists-excellent students simply went crazy, sometimes waving with might and main underwear. Young people finally have real idols - their peers.

The group "Tender May" was formed on December 6, 1986 in the Orenburg boarding school No. 2. Then it consisted of only two people: a talented poet and composer, Sergey Kuznetsov, who worked at that time as the head of the musical circle of the same boarding school, and a thirteen-year-old pupil of the Akbulak orphanage, Yuri Shatunov . Already by the New Year, they made a musical program, with which they performed at the same boarding school. And then there were rehearsals, writing new musical material, participation in the show amateur performances orphanages, Shatunov's escape from the boarding school and rehearsals again. This is how 1987 passed. For the New Year holidays, the guys made new program, and after, on February 18, they recorded Shatunov's voice in one of the local recreation centers and, having superimposed it on a musical soundtrack, created, thus, their first magnetic album. After that, Sergei gave it away for a purely symbolic price to one of the music stalls at the local railway station And...

And then an unprecedented thing happened, after a couple of months the entire Union was listening to "Tender May".

So popularity came - the group began to perform in local recreation centers, the attention of the press appeared. However, not everyone was ready for such a rapid rise in the local youth team, in particular, this did not suit the director of the boarding school, Valentina Nikolaevna Tazikenova, who began to "clamp" the group in every possible way, motivating her actions by caring for the fragile psyche of Shatunov, who, in her opinion, was not ready for the popularity that fell upon him. After all, it is one thing for a boarding musical group performing at matinees and discos, which can always close holes in cultural and entertainment events of a swarm scale, and another for a group that attracts the attention of television and crowds of fans. From the side of the administration of the boarding school, accusations fell towards Kuznetsov of exploiting a child and stealing musical equipment, which led to Sergei's dismissal and the initiation of a criminal case. As a result, the group actually broke up.

Approximately then - in the summer of 1988 in Orenburg with a linden crust of an employee of the Ministry of Culture, Andrei Razin appears, who actually works at the Moscow recording studio "Record". Shortly before that, Razin accidentally heard about the Orenburg group, which was already quite popular at that time, and an action plan was immediately born in his head. Having caused a stir in the "cultural elites" of the Orenburg region, Andrei hushed up the scandals associated with Kuznetsov and strictly forbade the boarding school leadership to let the press in on Yuri Shatunov, because only in this way, in the absence of any information about the group, Razin will be able to join the team and realize his plans. Further, Andrei Razin persuades Kuznetsov to move to Moscow to work at the studio, promising to soon move Shatunov there as well. Sergei agrees and on July 4, 1988 arrives in the capital. However, in reality, everything turns out differently, it turns out that in Moscow with light hand Razin to the soundtrack of Yuri Shatunov has been performing for more than a day by completely strangers who call themselves the "Tender May" group. Under the pretext of earning initial capital, Andrei Razin persuades Kuznetsov to participate in "tours".

Seeing Razin's inaction in transferring Shatunov to Moscow, Sergey himself goes to Orenburg and, without the permission of the boarding school leadership, on September 9, 1988, brings Yuri to Moscow.

Based on the current situation, Razin makes every effort and soon formalizes Shatunov in the Moscow boarding school No. 24.

Soon Sergey Serkov (Shatunov's friend from the boarding school) joined the team as a drummer, and on January 3, 1989, Kuznetsov brought Igor Igoshin and Sasha Priko (keyboards) from the Akbulak orphanage to Moscow.

Also in January 1989, the premiere of the video "White Roses" was held in the "Morning Mail" program, at the same time the country for the first time saw the main soloist of "Tender May" on the screen.

A little later, on February 11, a musician arrives from Akbulak - an old acquaintance of Sergei Kuznetsov, thanks to whom the fateful meeting between Sergei Borisovich Kuznetsov and Yuri Vasilyevich Shatunov - Slava Ponamarev, took place.

However, the "expansion" of the creative team did not end there - later Razin created the studio "Tender May" under the flag of this gathering great amount people and put together several teams that, on behalf of the group, simultaneously performed in different cities, earning at that time simply unprecedented money for pop performers.

Razin also persuades Kuznetsov to record a solo album for him, which is subsequently served under the guise of "Tender May". So Razin moves from the administration of the group to the vocalists.

By that time, a rather unhealthy situation was developing in the group - the relationship between Sergei Kuznetsov and Andrei Razin was very strained. The current state of affairs did not become obsolete for Sergei, but he could not influence the current situation in any way.

And Kuznetsov leaves the band, having previously recorded the album "Adults" in March 1989 with the new soloist Alexander Priko. Subsequently, this album, elementarily overlaying the voice of Shatunov on the soundtrack, the group "Tender May" publishes on its own behalf, which noticeably "sads" new team Kuznetsova called "Mom".

Two years in a row, in 1990 and 1991, during the winter school holidays in Moscow, the Olimpiysky sports complex hosted the largest concerts of the Laskovy May group - the show review White Roses in White Winter, which, by their popularity and The number of tickets sold was eclipsed by the famous "Christmas Meetings" by Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, who invited the most eminent stars of the pop scene to her place. Before these concerts, the very first musical newspaper in the history of the national stage, published by the group itself, was sold in the foyer. "Tender May" has its own printed organ with the same name. It was possible to subscribe to the newspaper at any post office in the country.

Together with Sergey Kuznetsov to work in new group Alexander Priko, Igor Igoshin, Slava Ponomarev and a little later Sergey Serkov left the "Tender May".

Also, by the summer of 1989, the soloist Konstantin Pakhomov, who worked with Kuznetsov in Orenburg, left the group "Tender May" during the period when the administration of the boarding school was harassing the young team, stopping all meetings between Sergei and Shatunov. In fact, only Yuri Shatunov with his director Arkady Kudryashov and, of course, Andrey Razin, who, having created countless clones of the famous group, remained in his hands, held the reins of the team in his hands. Moreover, to maintain interest in the team, Andrei Alexandrovich chose very controversial methods, which, in particular, later led to the collapse of "Tender May". Namely, Razin periodically launched news of a dubious nature to the press, which often had a very detrimental effect on the group itself. According to Andrei Razin, he believed that scandalous articles regularly appearing in the press were able to keep the group afloat. However, in reality, everything turned out differently, the group began to develop a very scandalous reputation - it was overgrown with a mass of rumors, the faces of the soloists, who changed endlessly in the team, did not have time to remember even the most devoted fans, plus the glory of the group working only under "plywood". All this led to the complete discrediting of the team.

As a result, in January 1992, Yuri Shatunov left the Tender May group, and after some time, Andrei Razin announced the dissolution of the group itself. Recent events have a very strong resonance in society, again not without the assistance of the team itself. Andrei Razin accuses Shatunov of seizing a mansion in the city of Sochi and threatens him with conscription armed forces The Russian Federation, in turn, broadcasts from TV screens that Razin stole from him and does not think to give away all the creative material, work book and a passport.

However, over time, passions subside even after the release of several solo albums. former colleagues in 1996 they get together again to take part in the election campaign of Gennady Zyuganov for the presidency of the Russian Federation. Several joint concerts are held, campaigns with photographs of "stars" are issued, and with the completion of election campaigns, Yuri Shatunov and Andrei Razin again part in order to disappear again for several years from the field of view of their fans. Andrei is engaged in politics in Stavropol, Yuri lives in Sochi for some time, then leaves for Germany to learn the profession of a sound engineer, while occasionally giving concerts for local emigrants from Russia.

But everything changes Changes with the advent of the new millennium. In the wake of the rise of disco music, Shatunov makes remakes of old compositions and returns to the Russian big stage with this material in 2002. His songs are once again a resounding success, and although his popularity cannot even be closely compared to that which was in the heyday of "Tender May", he again collects the halls, his clips are shown on TV, and the songs now and then come from the radio.

At the same time, Yuri Shatunov speaks on his own behalf, calling him his current brand, thereby emphasizing his non-involvement in the notoriety of "Tender May". However, not everyone is so indifferent to the promoted name of the once popular group, Andrey Razin's interviews appear in the press, in which he announces a new reunion of the group led by Yuri Shatunov and holding grandiose performances in the image of those that were in the 90th and 91st m years in Moscow, then about the new soloist, who will take his familiar place. However, in 2002, while Razin, as usual, is making unfulfilled promises, the former composer of "Tender May" Vladimir Shurochkin, who worked in the group after the departure of Sergei Kuznetsov, releases, with the silent consent of him, his own songs (not his own!) new processing and the performance of two unknown guys and one girl whose father is, having titled his work "Tender May NEW 2002".

After that, accusations are heard from Razin of illegal use of the name of the group and threats towards Shurochkin, who reciprocates. They once again light up on television. Then information appears on the Internet either about Razin's disruption of the presentation of the new album of Shurochkin's group, or about changing the name of it, or about her performances abroad. At the same time, there are rumors that several bands calling themselves the "Tender May" group are again traveling around the country.

On this moment it can be stated that Shurochkin's project is not a real success, his discs are sold in small numbers. Andrei Razin continues to engage in politics, occasionally appearing on talk shows on central television channels with stories about "Tender May" and singing the song "White Roses". The brilliant poet and composer Sergei Kuznetsov, although he has been working exclusively in music in Orenburg all these years, also does not have the due success due to the limited funding for his projects. And perhaps only Shatunov at the moment has a relatively large popularity. After the release of the album "Grey Night" in 2004, he released the album "If you want do not be afraid", which is a compilation of old hits performed almost in their original sound and new compositions, lyrics, which were again written by Kuznetsov. However this work meets the public more reservedly.

Well, that's all that at the moment can be said about the team called "Tender May", if you do not go into details However, it's too early to put an end to the history of the group. More than once the sonorous name of the cult group "Tender May" will sound on radios and televisions, more than once we will hear the immortal hits of the legendary band!

This is the life story of a simple Stavropol guy who, thanks to his talent and enterprising character, was able to become one of the richest people in the USSR. Various rumors circulated about him, his death was wished on and the juvenile fans of the orphan musical group "Tender May" prayed for him. How did Andrei Razin break through the stage, create a legendary group and manage to survive in the dashing 90s?


Born on September 15, 1963 in Stavropol. Fate did not give him a chance to grow up in a loving and happy family. Andrei's parents died in a car accident 11 months after his birth. The child ended up in a sanatorium orphanage, where he was brought up until 1972. It was there that he, being a third grade student, was photographed with Mikhail Gorbachev. Subsequently, this photo will play key role in his life.

After leaving school, he entered a vocational school, where he mastered the profession of a bricklayer. The next three years he worked in the Far North, laying a gas pipeline. There he graduated from the evening high school. Creative nature required other employment, and he returns home, where he enters a cultural education school. However, it was not possible to get a second profession, as he was expelled for poor progress. He joined the ensemble "Bravo" and performed in its composition before the army.

creative endeavors

Having paid his debt to the Motherland, he decides to build a career on television. For several months he worked as an assistant director until he met Anne Veski. The singer came on tour, and Andrei Razin became her administrator. Having studied all the pop cuisine, he decides to become a singer, especially since there were data for this.

In 1985, a truly historic debut took place in the Morning Post program. Then they didn’t pay attention to the slender twitchy boy special attention, but what was worth only his backing dancers - Boris Moiseev himself and his trio "Expression".

Never having received recognition, he returns home and becomes the deputy chairman of the collective farm. He needed money to get off to a good start. Not having a wide vocal range, he was well aware that he would not compete with Leshchenko or Kobzon. Having received money to buy a tractor, without hesitation, he leaves for Moscow.

Running the pipeline

In the capital, he adjoins the composition of the Mirage group. Working as the administrator of a popular band, he quickly realizes that the change of soloists does not affect popularity in any way. The director does not even bother to re-record the soundtrack - people simply do not have time to remember all the singers. It makes no difference who opens his mouth, the main thing is that the people of the song love and want to see a dancing girl on stage. Soon, several bands called Mirage are already touring the country.


In 1986, several children from the orphanage were preparing for the school disco and were deciding what to name their beginning group. When a few minutes remain before entering the dance floor, everyone agrees on the name "Tender May". The team is wildly successful with their peers, and soon Andrei Razin was lucky to hear several songs from their repertoire. Being the same orphanage as the guys, he decides to help the boys unwind. The head of the musical group, Sergei Kuznetsov, agrees to move to Moscow with the boys. At that time, soloist Yuri Shatunov was only 13 years old, and he had to go to school. The songs were recorded right in the boarding school, and Andrei Razin himself took up further promotion.

Having a cassette with recordings in his hands, Razin simply did not know what to do with it now. There is no point in bringing it to television: even eminent performers have to fight their way there. The radio will not take the songs of unknown boys into rotation. Then a brilliant idea comes to mind. Where else can people hear compositions, and even many times? Of course, on the train. Razin does a large number of copies and distributes to conductors. For weeks, songs performed by the group are spinning in all long-distance trains. The people like both the repertoire and the voices. You can start issuing a real circulation and wait for the profit.

Cassettes scattered all over the country. Sales have been phenomenal. “Tender May” was listened to by everyone - from young to old. When the story about the boys from the orphanage was leaked to the press, the country was drowned in tears. Never before have Soviet performers known such fame as a few young orphans. Yuri Shatunov became the idol of the generation of the late 80s of the last century.


But before his first tour of the USSR, even Razin himself did not know how enormously popular his team was. Something unimaginable happened at the concerts - girls from 12 to 18 years old went crazy, squealed and tried to tear at least a shred from Shatunov's T-shirt. Full halls, full houses and incredible profits led to the fact that Andrei Razin quickly and without any problems became a millionaire. In the Soviet Union, a salary of 120 rubles was considered very decent, and his apartment was filled with bags of money.


Giving a lot of time to study, Yura could not constantly travel around the country and enrich his producer. Then Razin decided that it was not worth interrupting the tour because of such a trifle. People will go to the performance, even if Shatunov does not sing. He records several songs and becomes the lead singer of the group himself. It is worth noting that the public accepted him well, he gained his fan base. But still, the glory of his protégé was far away, even though the same Kuznetsov wrote songs to Andrei Razin. Yes, people went to concerts, but not so willingly. Then he recalls the experience in the Mirage and decides to repeat the trick with several teams.


At first, people did not notice anything unusual. Shatunov was shown on TV extremely rarely, and more recently, Razin completely forbade filming guys without his knowledge. But the photo of Andrei Razin adorned all the posters. Dozens of bands traveled around the cities and gave concerts. Outwardly similar to Shatunov, the boys diligently opened their mouths to the soundtrack and broke the applause. But for a long time to hide such a scam did not work. Razin was threatened with a criminal case, so he quickly announced the recruitment of talented guys in the group. Now he could officially send dozens of young men on tour. In addition, even at the beginning of his career, he managed to tell everyone that he was the nephew of Mikhail Gorbachev. To whom it is necessary and not necessary, he showed a photo, and they preferred not to touch him for the time being.


For three years, the group has been at the peak of popularity. Money flows like a river. It was they who became the reason for the departure of Sergei Kuznetsov from the team. They did not share income with Razin, and Andrei became the absolute director of the group. The ambitious Kuznetsov prophetically declared that there would be no “Tender May” without him, and he could create a new team and repeat the success. The last big breakthrough was 13 concerts at the Olimpiysky sports complex. Every day, 60 thousand people came to listen to their favorite band. But then the decline began. New songs did not become hits, and after two years of fruitless attempts to repeat the success, the group broke up. Shatunov went to live in Germany.

Life after success

Back in 1985 Andrei Razin lived civil marriage with your girlfriend. Relations did not work out, and they quickly dispersed. At that moment, the aspiring singer did not yet know that ex-lover gave birth to a child from him. Only in 2003 did he receive information that he had a son, Ilya.

By that time, Razin's life was already more like a Brazilian TV series. Faina's second wife was forgotten when the producer met the blond beauty Maritana on the Sochi embankment. He could not resist, and soon they were already living together. But Razin was in no hurry to get a divorce: he officially broke off relations with his wife when his son and Maritana were already 6 years old. But in new family he did not find what he was looking for, and soon divorced again. He returned to Faina, who became his second and fourth wife.


In 2017, the youngest son of Andrei Razin, Alexander, turned 16 years old. The guy grew up athletic and very sociable. While walking with his girlfriend, he suddenly fell right on the street and died. Ambulance arrived quickly, but they failed to bring the guy back to life. Recently, the young man had an acute respiratory viral infection, and the doctor who prescribed him did not notice any complications. They caused the heart to stop. Andrei Razin was crippled by the death of his son, but he did not make scandals and sue the hospital. His comments were concise and did not contain any angry or offensive words.

At the moment, Razin is engaged in his political career and is not officially married. He is regularly seen with charming companions, but he is in no hurry to propose to anyone. Sometimes he appears at retro concerts and performs his biggest hits. He continues to be friends with Yuri Shatunov, but no longer aspires to be a producer.

"Tender May"- a cult popular musical group of the late 80s and early 1990s in the USSR, playing in the Eurodisco style. The first group focused on teenagers in the USSR. The group gained great popularity in the USSR in the late 1980s, not only among teenagers, but also among people of all ages, largely due to the fact that its members were teenagers themselves from orphanages, and the theme of orphanhood was exploited in the songs; advertising in the press also played a role (competent promotion of the group by Andrei Razin). The founder of the group Sergey Kuznetsov left it in 1989. Currently, the group is successfully touring thanks to nostalgia for the past, but not in the main line-up, the soloist and leader is Andrey Razin. The hallmark of the group was the song White Rose.

History of creation

The group was created on December 6, 1986 in the Orenburg boarding school No. 2 by the head of the musical circle, Sergei Kuznetsov, and a thirteen-year-old student of the school, Yuri Shatunov. The first director of the "Tender May" group is Rashid Dairabayev.

About the group

Soloists: main soloist Yuri Shatunov, Konstantin Pakhomov, Andrey Razin (since 1988 - group leader), composer Sergei Kuznetsov, music director (since 1989), composer Vladimir Boyko.

Andrey Razin, who was then the administrator of the Mirage group, transported the group to Moscow, where the members of the Laskovy May group lived in the Moscow boarding school No. 24 (6 Skolkovskoye Highway), and the Laskovy May studio also worked there.

offering them good money for touring and a free recording at Yu. Chernavsky's Record Studio. Later, he became the head and soloist of the Laskovy May studio. In 1989, after the departure of Sergei Kuznetsov, Andrei Razin invited Vladimir Boyko, the founder of the White Roses group, to the position of musical director of the Laskovy May studio, the founder of the White Roses group. All phonograms were re-recorded by Igor Babenko in one of the Record audio studios. All arrangements, with the exception of later works, belong to Sergey Kuznetsov. An employee of Record, sound engineer Anatoly Meshaev, who worked there at that time, turned out to be a direct participant in all the hits created by Tender May.

The first youth musical group in the Soviet Union, which worked in the style of "Euro-disco of the 80s" and appealed to young people aged 13 to 18 years. It had unprecedented popularity both among the young audience of the country and among people of different ages, but was completely disavowed by the mass media of the Soviet Union. However, it also gained notoriety. Thanks to the incredible success of the group, in 1989, at the peak of the popularity of "Tender May", various "clones" of the group called "Tender May" toured simultaneously in different cities. In 1989, a studio was founded in which gifted children auditioned. "Tender May" itself gathered thousands of stadiums (40-60 thousand people) and set a record for the number of concerts per day. The number reached eight concerts per day and more than forty concerts per month. The Russian stage is faced with the fact that songs, at first glance, simple, could not be written by many composers and poets who have long worked in show business. Attempts to create new songs similar to "Pink Evening" and "White Roses" and other hits were not as successful as copying the very style of the "Tender May" group.