Tourist reviews: is it possible to swim in the sea in Israel in January

The first month of the year in Russia is snow and frost, cloudy weather and winds. And so you want warmth and the sea ... where to go? Many tourists go to Israel to spend new year holidays and enjoy the sun and warmth. But before you fly to the sacred land, you should find out if you can swim in the sea in Israel in January? To do this, you should study the weather in the region and only then make a decision about the trip. Let's start with the fact that January is the wettest month in Israel. And it is also the most cold month of the year. So it’s worth thinking a lot if you expect to sunbathe on the beach and swim in the sea.

And so, going to Israel in the month of January, you should remember that there is a lot of rain. Of course, there are not as many of them here as in the tropics during the rainy season, but they are.
Eilat is the main beach resort countries. In January, there is not as much rain here as in other cities of the country, but swimming is still almost impossible. The daily temperature almost does not exceed +20 degrees and only a couple of days per month can be around +28 degrees. The nights here are completely cold, and in the morning the temperature drops to +4 +6 degrees. There are almost no people who want to meet the sunrise, as well as those who want to watch the sunset.

Tel Aviv is a city that is visited for the sake of beach holiday, and for the sake of sightseeing. And if you don’t have problems with the second one, then you won’t be able to swim in the sea in the middle of winter. First, it often rains here. If there are about 4-5 completely rainy days, then in total it can begin to rain more than twenty times a month. Secondly, the weather during the day is clearly not conducive to swimming. The temperature rises to only +17 degrees. Thirdly, this month the cloudiness here is very high. More than 25% of all daytime in a month is clouds and clouds in the sky.

The warmest sea in January in Israel in Jerusalem. The water in it is warmed up to +22 degrees. Of course, you can go into the water and swim, but getting out of it will be very difficult. During the day, the thermometers almost never rise above +15 degrees. Therefore, in the water you will be warm and comfortable, but it will be difficult to leave the sea: you will immediately freeze and you will be very uncomfortable.

- Rest for body and soul.

Advantages: warm, cheap, beautiful sea, subtropics, coral reefs, attractions, spa treatments

Cons: none

Do you want an unforgettable winter vacation? Then boldly go to Israel in January for new experiences. And in any case, do not be upset that winter holidays will be in the Holy Land. The Holy Land has prepared many surprises for tourists, including in January.

Many tourists choose Israel in winter, claiming that this is one of the most attractive places on the planet.

January in Israel is the coldest month of the year, but this is only according to local residents, spoiled warm weather all year round. Whereas for Russian tourists the weather and air temperature in January is close to September in Russia.

Therefore, the air temperature, for example, in Eilat, in southern city country in January reaches +21 degrees. Therefore, you see, it is always pleasant to return to the velvet season at the time of the fierce Epiphany frosts and forget for a while about the snowfall and dreams of hot tea and a warm blanket.

The most successful coastal resort, Eilat, is ideal for waiting out the winter. Precipitation here is always very small, 4 mm. This is 2 days. But the water temperature is an average of +22 degrees. An excellent indicator.

Here subtropical climate and air temperature in January +18.

Jerusalem. The capital of Israel is inferior to Eilat and Tel Aviv, here the air temperature during the day reaches +12 degrees.

Haifa +16 degrees during the day in January. Agree, not bad.

In January, Jerusalem has the highest humidity.

January is ideal for those vacationers who want to take a break from the crowded atmosphere and constant queues to historical and religious places, as well as for those who do not tolerate sultry summer days and permanent dust storms afternoon. The holidays are over, which means that you can relax in a relaxed atmosphere and take your time.

If you are vacationing in Jerusalem in January, then be prepared for rain, including heavy rain. But they will not overshadow your vacation, because soon everything will turn green like in spring.

And although in January there is very little sun and blowing strong winds, there will always be that tourist who desperately wants to swim in the Mediterranean Sea. Water cools down to +18 degrees on average. In addition, frequent big waves. The exception is the Dead Sea. It is warmer by several degrees, the average temperature is +20 degrees.

And in Eilat, thanks to deep-sea warm currents The water temperature here is +22 degrees.
Therefore, off the coast you can swim in January in Eilat. There are practically no strong winds, so you can not only swim in the sea, but also go scuba diving.

"Kingdom of Neptune".

If you take up scuba diving, then your delight will not be the limit of what you see. You will see the most beautiful in the world coral reef, which is home to a set marine life. Rugged landscapes, gorges and colorful fish.

If the weather permits, be sure to go to the Negev desert and see with my own eyes the place where Jews lived several centuries ago.

It's very popular tourist facility. It is the capital of the Beersheba desert.

If you are a shopaholic, then you will definitely need to visit the Diamond Exchange. This place is notable for the fact that multi-million dollar transactions take place here every day. Gather all your will into a fist and go here. You run the risk of spending all your money here, so take not all the money if possible, since you can spend 5000-10000 dollars here on small ring unless, of course, you have that kind of money.

In the middle of winter, the cost of spa treatments is much lower than in bathing season. Therefore, for health and positive emotions go to the Dead Sea.

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Israel is a great place to relax at any time of the year. January is no exception. Climatic conditions are such that you can even manage to swim, the main thing is to choose right resort for these purposes (Eyplat on the Red Sea is suitable). Well, if the weather does not allow you to enjoy the reception of sea and sunbathing, then this time is perfect for excursions to the Promised Land. Another area that is widespread among tourists is recovery, because the healing properties Dead Sea know all over the world.


According to the air temperature typical for Israel at the beginning of the year, one can hardly say that it is winter outside. At the same time, January is the coldest month of the year. This period is also characterized by rain. But snow cover is rare for Israel, because at night the thermometer does not even drop to zero.

The warmest sea in January is the Red Sea, so if the weather is good, you can even swim, especially if you choose the Eiplat Bay for this, which is characterized by its microclimate. in Metvem and mediterranean seas the temperature is lower, so it is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy swimming.

weather features

Given the fact that Israel is seven climatic zones, V different regions country weather may vary. However, these deviations are not very significant. In general, the winter here is mild and warm. Discomfort can bring rain, which at this time is far from uncommon. The exception is the same Eiplat (although it is considered the rainiest month of the year), because 359 out of 365 days here are sunny. Low temperatures and even snow is observed only in mountainous areas, on the lowlands and the coast, precipitation falls in the form of rain.

Airfare prices

Israel can be called the Mecca of tourist pilgrimage. Believers of all faiths from all over the world strive to touch the shrines here. And air travel has never been a budget way to travel. Choosing from all the airports, the flight to Tel Aviv will be the least expensive, although there are other airports in the country.

The most budget accommodation is in Eiplat and Haifa, where you will have to pay from 1,919 rubles per night for a standard double room in a 3-star hotel. The most expensive option among 3 * hotels is Ein Bokek, where a night for two costs from 5,887 rubles. In other resorts, the price for similar services ranges from 3.2 to 4.0 thousand rubles.

What the country has to offer

The first thing that can be associated with a holiday in Israel at the beginning of the year is, of course, recovery and sightseeing. There is also room for active winter fun- Hermon mountain plateau. It is located in the coldest place in the country - the Golan, which is about 3 hours drive from seaside resort- Netanya.

Since January 2011, the Winter Jazz Festival has been held, which was created by analogy with the summer festival, held in August.

Another interesting event in January is the international marathon in Tiberias, which in 2015 year will pass 9th for the 38th time. By the way, registration is already open. The route runs through picturesque places - near Lake Kernet, along the Jordan Valley, through the Jordan River. All those who have reached the finish line receive memorable gifts, and a party is organized for all participants near the Golden Tulip Club, which is the place of the finish line. If the marathon is beyond your strength (this is all such a distance of more than 42 km), you can participate in shorter ones - for 5 or 10 km.

The first half of January is a special time for the Orthodox, at this time many pilgrims go to Israel, so Bethlehem, Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley will be crowded.

The Dead Sea is perhaps one of the most amazing places on the planet where many dream to visit. In addition to the fact that there are a lot of interesting and notable places, local waters can offer vacationers their own healing properties. Complement big picture and representatives of the tourism business, so they also try to create the most comfortable conditions for their guests, and, to their credit, they are very good at it.

It is impossible not to say a few words about the weather at the Dead Sea at this time of the year. The rainy season is in full swing here, so precipitation will be quite common, which, of course, will affect the overall popularity of the resort at this time of the year. But it won't be hot here. The air temperature during daylight hours will rarely rise above +20 degrees. Approximately the same warm water will be in the Dead Sea. But at night it will be noticeably cooler, the air temperature can drop to ten degrees. But, thanks to a good heating system in the hotel, this will not create any problems for vacationers.

Also, one cannot fail to mention the local prices for vacations in January. As noted above, the winter in Palestine is the rainy season, which, in turn, affects the price reduction. On average, they decrease by 30 percent. For example, if in high season the cost of a tour for two, in which everything is included, can reach $ 1,600–2,000, then in January married couple can afford a week-long vacation at the Dead Sea for about $1,200.

Of course, it is important to pay attention to the reviews about the vacation in January, left by tourists who have visited the Dead Sea. It is safe to say that most of the reviews are very positive. Travelers take great pleasure in talking about the magical time they spent on the world-famous coastline. Excellent hotel service, rich tourist programs, lack of heat: all this and much more, of course, cannot leave anyone indifferent. Dissatisfaction and complaints in reviews are an extremely rare exception. And even then it remains only to complain about the rains, which periodically remind of themselves.

January - best month to visit holy places in Israel. This month is characterized by rainy and cool weather, so the number of tourists is much less than in summer or early autumn, and last-minute tours low prices in Israel they offer much more often. At the beginning of the year, you can safely drive through sacred places - to Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and other holy cities.

Visiting holy places in 2020

Most of the pilgrims rush to this country not only to visit biblical places, but also to become a participant in the festive liturgy, which takes place in Bethlehem, in sacred temple of the Nativity of Christ, at the beginning of January, the sixth day. And at night, on January 19, thousands of pilgrims descend to the Jordan River and bathe in its cool water. An indispensable stop on a pilgrimage tour to Israel is a visit to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem - the main shrine of all Christians.

Is it worth taking trips to Israel in winter? Of course it's worth it! Especially if there is an offer for a resortEilat . The climate here in January is cool, at night the temperature can drop to 0 ° C, but during the day it is quite warm. Don't forget to bring warm clothes, especially if you are traveling in January with children.

If you come to Eilat, then by all means arrange a walk along Botanical garden spread over ancient stone terraces. Here you can walk along the winding footpaths with signs, admire the surface of the lakes, waterfalls, wooden buildings, and climbing one of the three observation platforms, see the vast expanses of the Red Sea and the picturesque Edom Mountains.

The Dead Sea is the best place for healing

But even in winter, no one abolished medical and health-improving operations. best place for medical procedures, the Dead Sea coast is considered, the waters of which have amazing and useful properties. This place is called the "natural pressure chamber". Due to the fact that the water in this sea is saturated with minerals, it is always warmer than the surrounding atmosphere. It is worth noting that in this place it does not rain so much, and if it will rain, then it will be short-lived and will not harm a great pastime.

Another Dead Sea resort is Ein Bokek, with an extensive network of hotels, spas and health centers with indoor pools and heated water of this amazing sea. From the above, it is clear that Israel in winter is as interesting as in summer, but the prices are much lower.

Weather in Israel in January

The first month of winter is rich in frequent rains. Water temperature: in the Mediterranean Sea - somewhere around 17 ° C, in the Red Sea - about 22 degrees. Only desperate daredevils can swim, but those who come to the sea will not be afraid and the temperatures are much lower. The temperature in Israel in January on the Mediterranean Sea is indicated by a number - during the day - 17 ° C, at night - about 10 ° C.

According to vacationers, holidays in Israel in January are quiet walks, visiting holy places, restaurants with excellent oriental cuisine, a variety of fruits and sweets. In a word - it's a fairy tale! Do you know what an oriental bazaar is? This is an incredible variety of juicy selected fruits and vegetables, located on the shelves, and such an unimaginable diversity! For the sake of this, it is worth going to this country in January.