Hello friends! How is your New Year mood? Did everyone get a lot of snow?) As promised, today I wrote the most practical article. It will be useful for both boys who love iron, and girls who dream of a beautiful priest. So that advertising does not motivate you to flush money down the toilet by buying an arsenal of various incomprehensible colorful jars of sports nutrition, I will tell you about the most effective sports supplements that give tangible results. There will be no clear distinction. There will be sports nutrition for muscle growth, as well as helping to lose weight. The main criterion for my selection is the result.

The short route is not the fastest, and the long route is not the longest. I say this because many novice athletes think that by buying more sports nutrition they immediately begin to show unrealistic progress.

It often happens just the opposite. Progress stays the same, but money goes down the toilet. It happens, it is usually not the fault of the newcomer.

How not to believe the advertising of sports nutrition manufacturers, which promises simply incredible results from the use of various supplements? Bright jars, with the image of the TOP bodybuilders of the planet, and even with names like "Super Protein", "Mega Pump", etc. so they ask to be bought.

I would like to make one digression:

Sports nutrition is NOT a substitute for a regular, balanced diet. This is just an addition to the main diet.

Just as an addition, it can not work badly. But do not think that if you eat only sports nutrition instead of regular food, then in a week you will become like the Hulk.

If you stop eating regular food, then your body will not need to produce enzymes to digest it, because sports nutrition is absorbed much easier, it will be absorbed without them. Therefore, all the best in moderation.

Sports nutrition that works

What sports nutrition works? Everything! But many supplements are not worth the money that manufacturers ask for them. The effect of some additives is very mild, and, frankly, often not noticeable at all.

Here are some sports supplements that are really worth paying attention to:

  1. Creatine monohydrate.
  2. Protein.
  3. BCAA amino acids.
  4. Vitamins and minerals.
  5. Fat burners.

Creatine Monohydrate

I talked much more about this supplement in the article:. I highly recommend you read it!

Creatine is found in our muscles, glands, kidneys and liver in the form of creatine phosphate. It circulates daily in an amount of approximately three grams in our blood.

If we talk about some abstract harmfulness of creatine, then you should not worry about this, it is an absolutely natural substance that belongs to the class of immins, i.e. is a protein.

Approximately 98% of creatine is found in our muscles. When taking creatine, the muscles become more massive, voluminous and strong. Creatine stores water. Muscle fibers thicken due to the deposition of additional protein on their walls, i.e. muscle mass grows.

Just don't get confused. Water does not accumulate between muscle fibers, as happens when taking steroids or cortisone, but inside muscle fibers, which promotes anabolism (growth) in muscle cells.

Creatine acts like this: when the ATP molecule (adenosine tri-phosphate) is oxidized, the energy necessary for the life of the body is released. As a result of oxidation, the ATP molecule loses one phosphate atom and turns into an ADP molecule (adenosine diphosphate).

The amount of ATP contained in the muscles is only enough for 10-15 seconds of active work. After that, creatine is needed to replenish ATP reserves. Replenishment of ATP occurs due to creatine phosphate, which restores the destroyed phosphate bond and converts ADP into ATP.

It can be taken by both men and women. After all, everyone has ATP?))) It works for about 70% of people. This is due to the fact that approximately 30% of people naturally have elevated levels of creatine in their blood.

Why can't a person do intensive work at the maximum level for a long time?

Very simple! This is primarily due to the rapid depletion of creatine phosphate reserves. From this follows the simplest, logical conclusion: the additional intake of creatine allows us to work harder and longer than usual.

Can you get creatine from regular food?

Yes! Can! The only problem is to get daily allowance creatine (5-6 g per day) you need to eat about 4 kg of meat. This is very harmful. in addition to creatine, you will heavily load your digestive system, greatly increase the level of cholesterol and fat, as well as your kidneys will be overloaded with other proteins that the body cannot absorb. Can you imagine if this happens every day?

That is why it is advisable to take creatine in concentrated form.

What form to take creatine?

In general, there is no difference in what form creatine enters your body. The main thing is not to overpay, buy CREATINE MONOHYDRATE! It's the monohydrate.

In what form it doesn't matter. It is available as a powder. white color, odorless, and in capsules, for example. I find it much more convenient to take it in powder form. It works out cheaper.

Why do I focus so much on monohydrate, and all because now sports nutrition manufacturers are trying to powder their brains with newfangled names and useless "super working" transport systems.

The transport system is what helps get the creatine into the blood as quickly as possible, but the trick is that creatine is best absorbed and transported at the maximum level of insulin in the blood.

Insulin (a transport hormone) is produced to lower blood glucose levels. Those. all “transporters” (transport systems) are essentially just fast carbohydrates (sugars) that raise insulin levels to transport creatine.

In short, if you buy creatine with transport systems, then you will pay 2-3 times more just for adding, roughly speaking, glucose to creatine monohydrate. Do you need it?

Many people advise taking creatine starting from the so-called phase. "downloads". Those. take 20 g of creatine per day for a week, and then just maintain the level of creatine by drinking 5 g (one teaspoon) per day.

I think that this is not necessary in FIG! Swedish scientists conducted an experiment, the essence of which is that they gathered two groups, one group took creatine with a loading phase, the other without it. A month later, the level of creatine in the blood of all people from the two groups was the same, increased by 20%.

I'll tell myself. Creatine monohydrate was taken and so, and so. Didn't feel a difference. Then why is it useless for you to translate the product?

Creatine regimen:

  1. Take creatine at 5 g (one teaspoon) either immediately in the morning, on an empty stomach with sweet (grape) juice, or 30-60 minutes after training.
  2. If you miss one dose of creatine, it's okay, just continue taking it further according to the plan. It accumulates cumulatively in the body and reaches the desired concentration (about 8 g) within 2 weeks.
  3. It should be taken in cycles. Although the creatine molecule itself is very small and is unlikely to cause problems for the kidneys, people in white coats still recommend taking it for 6-8 weeks, and then taking a break for 2 weeks. I do the same.


I will not write about protein in detail in this article, because. we have already considered this question. Let's take a look at how to take it correctly.

Now my goal is to tell you exactly why protein is a working supplement that brings results.

Protein is produced in dairies from whey left over, for example, from cheese or cottage cheese, dried, flavored and scattered in colorful jars or bags. In fact - IT'S JUST PROTEIN, but easier to digest.

It can be used to compensate for the lack of protein in the diet. It's also very convenient. Instead of serving a meal, simply stir the protein in milk or water and drink a delicious shake.

You should not completely replace food with canned protein, but as an ADDITION to the main diet, this is a good helper.

You can drink it for both girls and boys. There are no contraindications, of course. Eat often and drink a protein shake a couple of times a day.

Protein regimen:

  1. Quickly digestible protein (whey - WHEY) drink 2 hours after lifting and immediately after training, 1-2 scoops (30-60 g) with 200-300 ml of water or milk. I advise you to read my very powerful article about that.
  2. Medium-digestible protein (egg (Eggs), beef (Primal) drink between meals throughout the day.
  3. Slow-digesting protein (from cottage cheese (Casein) drink at night, before going to bed.

In fact, in most cases, you will be more than enough complex protein, which contains all of the above types of protein.

Amino acids BCAA

BCAAs are branched chain amino acids. Especially indispensable for "drying" and for vegetarians, because. they need to carefully monitor the amino acid profile due to the lack of animal protein in the diet.

BCAAs restore the energy potential of the cell after a workout so that the cell can start building new contractile elements.

These amino acids include three amino acids:

  • leucine;
  • valine;
  • isoleucine;

There have been many studies that have proven the real effectiveness of BCAA amino acids, namely:

Quote from the conclusion:

“By adding BCAA (76% leucine) to your daily servings of protein, it was possible to increase the amount of dry muscle mass, to increase the strength indicators of athletes, the level of muscle proteolysis has decreased. Decreased body fat Here is a link to the study.

Here is another interesting conclusion from one study:

Quote from the conclusion:

“Essential amino acids accelerate muscle protein synthesis, but the introduction of non-essential amino acids for these purposes, as shown by the experiment, is not necessary. The greater the dose of BCAAs administered, the greater the anabolic response was obtained” Here is a link to the study.

As a rule, on banks with amino acids the ratio of these amino acids in relation to each other is indicated.

For example, a very common ratio of 2:2:1 will be deciphered in absolute terms as 5 g of leucine and valine, in relation to 2.5 g of isoleucine.

The individual characteristics of digestion and assimilation for each person are so specific that it is impossible for everyone to choose a universal working BCAA supplement, but there are still general recommendations on the features of their intake, which I will discuss below.

Scheme of taking BCAA amino acids:

  1. NEVER take BCAAs on an empty stomach!
  2. Take BCAAs during and after training for 15-20 g. During training, it is more convenient to take amino acids in the form of a powder dissolved in water.
  3. Sometimes you should take BCAAs before training to rule out the possibility of insufficient glycogen in the liver cells.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are involved in almost all metabolic processes in the body. We must try to get the maximum of them from food, but at present there are not so many of them in food, because. vegetables and fruits pass different kinds cleaning and disinfection. Also, various growth stimulants are used for their cultivation, but this is not about that now.

As a rule, every person involved in sports needs to take these trace elements from additional sources.

There are excellent specialized vitamins for athletes sold in sports nutrition stores. Another thing is that they have become increasingly fake, so buy vitamins either in large, specialized sports nutrition stores or in a pharmacy.

Pharmacy vitamins have a much lower concentration than special ones, so it makes sense to double their dosage.

The most important among vitamins is. Not only because of its ability to stimulate the immune system, but simply because it is vital, because. its deficiency causes scurvy (sorbut).

Scheme of taking amino acids, vitamins and minerals:

  1. Everything is very simple. The main rule: DRINK VITAMINS IN THE MORNING, AND MINERALS FOR THE NIGHT.
  2. Buy vitamins and minerals in large specialized stores or pharmacies.

There are some very interesting supplements that work great and are available in almost EVERY PHARMACY, such as adaptogens, glutamic acid and enzymes, etc. You can read about them in VERY DETAILS in my article about.

Fat burners

They work really well when combined with proper nutrition. EXACTLY IN COMBINATION! Fat burners will not replace you proper nutrition aimed at reducing body fat. They really work, but at the same time you need to control your diet. As a rule, it should be aimed at losing weight. and are the best options In my opinion.

Fat burners work, but they give a temporary effect. They only bear fruit when you take them, so you probably don't need them!

They are used, as a rule, on drying, when it is necessary to show a short-term result. Usually their reception is advisable by professional athletes in order to achieve a competitive form.

There are drugs and supplements that are prohibited by Russian law (for example, ephedrine). I will not consider them. Also, I will not consider drugs that interfere with your endocrine system. I will consider only those that are safe for your health and, if desired, can be purchased without any problems.

  • caffeine and guarana

Stimulate the CNS (central nervous system) and the production of nor-adrenaline, which triggers fat burning in our body.

Guarana is the same coffee, only guarana beans contain twice as much caffeine as coffee beans.

The positive “invigorating” effect of these additives has been proven, so if an increased dose of caffeine is found in the blood of an Olympic athlete, then he will be disqualified for doping.

  • L-Carnitine (L-Carnitine)

You can easily find this supplement in any sports nutrition store. Carnitine does not burn fat on its own, but it greatly facilitates this process when you are on a diet (there will be no sense without a diet).

In other words, it helps the body use fat as energy. Also, it increases the digestibility of food by increasing the secretion of enzymes involved in digestion.

Fat burner regimen:

Caffeine: 3-6mg of coffee per pound of body 30-60 minutes before workout.

L-Carnitine: 0.5 to 5 grams per day in the morning (morning, afternoon and pre-workout)


  • sports nutrition is only an ADDITION to the basic diet;
  • Creatine Monohydrate is worth it to buy, because. it is inexpensive (500 r. 500 gr, on average), but gives a very tangible effect;
  • protein can be a good help in replenishing the daily protein requirement, but if you can eat well (6-8 times a day), then there is no particular need for protein;
  • BCAAs work great, but it's a very expensive protein per gram. They are especially necessary for drying and for vegetarians;
  • vitamins and minerals won't hurt anyone. A good thing, although there is a lot of controversy about the digestibility of "tablet" supplements;
  • fat burners work only in conjunction with a diet. If there is no diet, then do not expect any weight loss;

That's all, friends. Now choose sports nutrition for muscle growth or weight loss, I think you will succeed without any problems. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer everyone in the comments.

Pump your muscles, transform your body and life.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, !

Agree, pros and amateurs train and different modes. And if so, then should amateurs take as a model the diet programs of the pros, in particular, copy their habits in relation to sports nutrition? Nutritionists are convinced that lovers have their own wedding. An amateur spends much more nervous energy at work and in the family, but professionals only do what they train. So, in the foreground, the amateur has an increase in the ever-low neuropsychic tone, and not a load of chemistry. Second: the amateur eats irregularly, which means chronic interruptions not only in protein, but also in carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.


They say that creatine is useless. Like, weight from creatine grows only due to the accumulation of fluid in muscle tissue, but muscle tissue itself does not react to creatine in any way. Don't believe! Yes, water in the muscles arrives, but that's good! According to science, its amount in your muscles is directly proportional to the growth potential. Dehydrated muscles are not strong. Creatine is not a steroid; and builds muscle through an indirect effect. Punctual intake of creatine always "casts" muscle growth.


Before my eyes, one salesman advised a lop-eared newbie to distribute creatine in hot water. In no case! In boiling water, creatine will immediately "cook" like sour milk. If you dissolve creatine, then in warm water. The secret is that creatine itself does not dissolve well. A cloudy suspension forms in the water, creatine microcrystals creak on the teeth. Ideally, water with creatine dissolved in it should regain almost complete transparency. warm water slightly improves the solubility of creatine. However, the surest thing is to patiently stir the powder until it is completely dissolved. And remember the basics of chemistry. The worse the substance dissolves, the more water should be. Specialists advise to stir 10 g of creatine in a liter of water and put it in the refrigerator overnight. And then pour into equal portions into three empty plastic bottles from under the cola. You will get a single dose of 3-3.5 grams, which in addition will be convenient to take with you to training.


Usually recommend 3-3.5 grams of creatine per day. However, science has established that if you use 2-gram doses, after a "loading" cycle of 28 days, you will have the same level of creatine in the muscles. In any case, more does not mean better. Experiments with large doses have shown their complete uselessness. The body has a daily rate of absorption of creatine, above which you can not jump.

On the other hand, there is nothing to do with the opinion of practitioners. They say that scientists experimented with creatine on the townsfolk, and bodybuilders are people of a completely different breed. In short, if you want to put on a lot of mass, take a lot of creatine. For the first week, "pump" into yourself 20 grams of creatine per day. This is a heaping teaspoon four times a day. Next, creatine should be taken at 10 grams. Within two weeks from the beginning of the cycle, the weight will increase by 2-3 kg without signs of swelling and "swollen" muscle relief. I repeat, scientists do not believe practitioners. Nevertheless, the rocked "stars" of American football confidently take 10 grams of creatine per day.


Doctors do not advise "filling up" with creatine on an empty stomach - only with food. Moreover, any food stimulates the secretion of insulin, and it improves the absorption of creatine. There is no need to add or mix creatine into meals. Just half an hour after eating, drink an aqueous solution of creatine. Pump practitioners insist that creatine should be taken immediately after training. Contrary to the rule - on an empty stomach. Tired, exhausted muscles absorb creatine like a sponge. Science on her account so far remains silent. If you want, check for yourself.


Do not take creatine with caffeine. If you "sit" on caffeine "fat burners", the effect of creatine will be "killed" completely. Reducing the dose won't help. Even half the daily dose of a "fat burner" is enough to make taking creatine pointless. The same must be said for coffee. If you are a coffee drinker, creatine is not for you. But creatine tea is not dangerous.

Food substitutes

You just got back from a workout, and an hour later a date. There is no time for cooking. How to be? It was necessary to stock up in advance on the so-called. "meal substitute". It is sold in bags and is a powder mixture of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. All in optimal balance. The energy content of one sachet is usually 300-350 calories. One meal "pulls" 600 calories, so a bodybuilder should "eat" two bags at a time. For a light snack, one bag will do. The contents are diluted in milk or juice. If you are on a diet and carefully monitor the energy balance, then in the water. Do not listen to any nonsense about the fact that this is, they say, powder "chemistry". Meal substitutes do not have any side effects. Furthermore, they can completely replace natural products - you will be healthier. Meal replacements do not contain potentially carcinogenic substances that are stuffed with products in supermarkets.


The purpose of this type of product is clear from the name, but in bodybuilding and fitness it is used to solve two more, extremely complex tasks. Here is the first one. Let's say for active muscle growth you need 3000 calories a day, and your stomach takes only 2000. By the way, this is not so rare in our world. The assimilation of food largely depends on the state of the nervous system, but today we all live under a flurry of stress.

According to statistics, only one person out of ten has a healthy nervous system, and everyone else suffers from various disorders, such as poor sleep or decreased appetite. It is enough to add 3-4 sachets of a substitute to the daily diet so that the total calorie content of the diet rises to normal, and the strength results begin to grow. The increase of one or two liquid cocktails is painless for the stomach. You will not experience any symptoms of overeating such as increased gas formation, abdominal pain, heaviness in the stomach, and even more so vomiting.

Another problem is adherence to dietary restrictions. Well, which of us has the patience to calculate daily food calories, measure out the intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates by grams? Meal replacements easily solve this problem. You can use a meal replacement for breakfast, lunch, and afternoon tea. In the evening, you can cook something natural for yourself, knowing in advance that you do not overdo it with fats and carbohydrates.

If you go to workouts at the end of the working day, then you can’t do without meal replacements. Your last meal was probably before three o'clock in the afternoon, and you come to the hall at seven. There is a long break in nutrition with all the bad consequences, such as a drop in blood sugar, a decrease in pressure and a bad mood.

Half an hour or an hour before training, you need to knock over a cocktail from a substitute, and then drink the same cocktail immediately after training. In about an hour you will be at home and you can have a full dinner. Otherwise, you will train on an empty stomach, but worst of all, after training, your muscles will also be on a starvation diet.

Coming home with an empty stomach, you will miss that one-hour "window" when tired muscles soak up nutrients with a special desire. In other words, if you're a hobbyist who trains after work, meal replacements are as much a must-have in your gym bag as sneakers. For the sake of increasing the return of the substitute after training, it is worth adding the amino acid glutamine and a little creatine to it.


It is an essential amino acid for a bodybuilder. There is more of this amino acid in the muscles than the rest combined. Under the influence of loads, glutamine is washed out of the muscles in large quantities. However, losses quickly recover. By itself, this amino acid is not deficient. There is a lot of it in everyday foods, besides, the body knows how to synthesize it. Another thing is that this amino acid is never superfluous. The more of it in the muscles, the better. Fortunately for us, muscle cells can "absorb" glutamine beyond the natural limit. So daily you should take up to 8-20 grams of glutamine in powder or capsules.


Glutamine reduces the loss of muscle mass under conditions of training stress. This means that glutamine should be taken at the peak of the loads. According to the pros, at the end of the "mass-gathering" cycle, you need to load yourself with glutamine twice a day - up to 10 grams at a time.


It happens that training does not go in any way, in addition, muscle mass is reduced, strength decreases, and overall well-being worsens. This condition is called overtraining. Formally, its cause is an excess physical activity However, the mechanism of the "disease" itself has not been clear until now. That is why no cure has been found. Today, scientists are starting to unravel the mystery.

It seems that an acute deficiency of glutamine in the body is to blame. Under the influence of loads, the body rapidly loses glutamine and does not have time to replenish the lost. Worst of all, glutamine is the main "fuel" of our immunity. If the body lacks glutamine, immunity drops sharply, and even a simple runny nose becomes deadly.

The scientists' hypothesis is supported by the fact that famous cases deaths from overtraining one to one resemble the picture of death from AIDS. This is unlikely to threaten lovers, however, glutamine should be taken at least for the purpose of household immunity insurance. The fact is that the natural drop in glutamine reserves during training can be superimposed on life stresses, and the recovery of glutamine will slow down. From here, one step to reduce immunity. You will become vulnerable to the most trifling misfortunes like fungi.


Powdered glutamine dissolves easily in a variety of drinks and is virtually tasteless, so you can easily get an "active" dose of about 14 grams without the risk of glutamine climbing back out of you.

Arginine (L - arginine)

This amino acid is able to stimulate the secretion of growth hormone, but for this it must be taken in large quantities. However, there are direct benefits from smaller doses. Arginine increases the content of nitric oxide in muscle tissues. This connection plays key role in protein synthesis, in other words, muscle growth. Remedy for injury.

It has been experimentally established that nitric oxide accelerates the growth of sarcomeres - segments of muscle fibers. Arginine is also known for its ability to improve blood circulation. All these "side" effects are extremely important in bodybuilding. Professionals are sure that arginine increases its effectiveness many times over if taken together with glutamine. Powder or cocktail. It is best to take arginine in powder form. One teaspoon holds up to 4 grams of this amino acid, which can be dissolved in water or any fruit juice.

Consult with your doctor and trainer before taking these drugs. Doses may vary depending on the manufacturer and brand of the drug.

  • Each person's body is unique, so it reacts differently to supplements.
  • Athletes tend to prefer creatine, it allows you to maintain a high pace of training and better strengthen muscles.
  • With the support of proper nutrition and training, supplements will help you get to the next level faster.

So, the five most important supplements for rapid muscle growth

If you walk through a bodybuilding store, you will see great amount supplements designed specifically for better growth muscles and recovery of your body after a grueling workout. For the most part, all supplements are good in their own way, but not all of them are suitable for every individual. Each person's body is unique, so it reacts differently to supplements. Despite all this, there are a number of supplements that help you achieve the best results and get the most bang for your buck across the board. Next, Pitsport will tell you about the supplements that the best way help you build muscle.

1. Creatine

Creatine is a completely natural, natural substance found in our muscle cells. Primarily around skeletal muscle tissue, where about 95% of all creatine in the body is located. The remaining five percent is evenly distributed throughout the body.

This natural metabolite is reproduced as creatine monohydrate for sports dietary nutrition. In the body, it is needed for cellular energy production and modulation.

Benefits of using creatine:

  • Stimulating the beginning of muscle growth
  • Increasing the volume of muscle cells
  • Fast recovery after workouts
  • Rapid glycogen synthesis
  • High intensity muscle work

Athletes tend to enjoy using creatine both during strength training, and in bodybuilding, it allows you to maintain a high pace of training and better strengthen muscles. At the same time, it is always easy to stop taking creatine, because it is always present in the body anyway. As a rule, it will take the body 3-4 weeks to bring the level of creatine back to normal.


Beta-Alanine is a naturally occurring, non-essential amino acid that comes into our bodies from protein-rich foods such as chicken. The increase in training performance is due to its ability to increase intramuscular levels of carnosine. Taking Beta-Alanine as a supplement will allow you to increase your carnosine levels by over 60% in just 4 weeks.

This is very important during intense training, when our body produces a large amount of hydrogen, due to which the pH drops, that is, there is more lactic acid in the body. This acidity can cause very severe fatigue, reduce muscle performance, and even stop the transmission of nerve impulses.

By maintaining elevated carnosine levels with Beta-Alanine supplements, you will be able to delay the production of hydrogen and subsequent acidity, which will allow you to avoid rapid fatigue or muscle failure.

Additional positive points when using Beta-Alanine:

  • Enhanced endurance
  • Increased power
  • Less fatigue
  • Improved body composition
  • Beta Alanine Works Well With Creatine
  • Increased performance, regardless of intensity or duration.

3. Whey protein.

It has long been a known truth that bodybuilders can increase their performance and build powerful muscles by consuming whey protein shakes. These proteins provide our body with a lot of protein, as well as the necessary amount of calcium, magnesium and other minerals that are so easily absorbed in the form of a drink.

These protein blends are usually consumed both before and after workouts for better recovery. If you're strictly following your muscle-building diet, or want to burn excess fat, then, using whey protein every day, you can speed up these processes. Next, Pittsport will tell you about the main benefits of this supplement.

  • Easy absorption. Many athletes can save time by using post-workout whey shakes for fast-absorbing nutrients Because these supplements contain a range of vitamins and minerals not available in everyday food, they are a great option for very busy business people.
  • There are no problems with digestion of lactose. People with lactose intolerance are aware of the discomfort that often awaits them when using everyday shakes. Whey protein blends are usually a combination of egg and soy proteins, as well as calcium caseinate. As you yourself may have noticed by the composition, no negative effect, as after milk, is observed.
  • Increased muscle recovery. After intense weight lifting or other sporting activities are over, your body needs to recover, and for this it needs special nutrition. Protein is the most important building block for muscle recovery. Protein is the main ingredient in protein blends and many other supplements. If you use it immediately after training, then your body will start the process of rapid recovery.
  • Natural appetite suppressants. Eating a high protein diet can easily satisfy hunger, thereby allowing you to eat a low-calorie diet without feeling hungry. Whey protein supplements and shakes can be used as meal replacements or as a snack between meals.
  • Amino acids. Our bodies require significant amounts of quality proteins and amino acids to normal operation. Whey protein supplements are literally loaded with amino acids that enable protein synthesis.
  • Improved metabolism. A large number of protein is necessary for athletes as fuel for the furnace. When consumed throughout the day, it serves as a great source of energy and fuels that fire we call metabolism. With an improved metabolism, you will burn more calories and satisfy your hunger.

Recommended Portion: consume 30-40 grams of whey protein. Best before or after workouts, and also when there is simply no other food nearby to get required amount squirrel. However, while these shakes are ideal workout supplements, at other times, always try to eat whole foods.

4. Branched amino acids.

Another essential supplement that is often used by both strength and bodybuilders are branched-chain amino acids. Of the 21 essential acids, three are branched: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These amino acids are the main building blocks of protein and make up about 30% of all skeletal muscle in our body. Our body uses them to repair muscles. Just like whey proteins, they send nutrients directly to the muscles, allowing them to recover better. Your body uses up BCAAs during exercise, so supplementing can help you replenish lost nutrients. This supplement also reduces muscle pain from fatigue and speeds up metabolic recovery.

A good proof that BCAAs really help is the increase in muscle endurance through constant fueling. This may be of interest to long-distance athletes such as marathon runners, swimmers, or even just backpackers.

5. Glutamine

Glutamine is generally praised for its ability to cushion muscle tissue breakdown during intense exercise, which can help increase endurance and strength threshold. You will find that you can lift heavier weights, both longer and longer. large quantity once. Your body compensates for overcoming strength limits with muscle growth. Glutamine, as a supplement, also has a number of other benefits:

  • Preserving muscle tissue allows your body to burn extra fat, because the stronger your muscles, the more efficient your metabolism. When you work out to lose weight, your body can burn some muscle mass, so it's important to slow down this process.
  • Glutamine has been shown to be beneficial in restoring the immune system in many people who have taken it. During intense training, glutamine allows you to distribute part of the load on the immune system, thus it not only restores muscles, but also integrates into the immune system, allowing the whole body to recover faster.
  • Glutamine is also known for its ability to increase growth hormone levels in the body. This is incredibly important for those who are focused specifically on muscle growth. Studies show that as little as 2 grams of glutamine supplementation already increases hormone levels.
  • Muscle tissue needs nitrogen. Glutamine supplements (L-glutamine) contain about 20% nitrogen, making them one of the best sources of nitrogen for muscles.
  • Together with other builders and building blocks such as creatine and whey protein, you will see significant growth and move quickly towards your goal.

It is very difficult to build decent muscle mass without the support of nutritional supplements. Sports nutrition is not in all cases a chemistry that harms your health. On the contrary, it often helps you. Heavy weight training is always a lot of stress for the body, it is a big load on the heart. Nutritional supplements help to take part of this blow on yourself and recover faster after exhausting exercises.

However, without proper experience, once in a sports nutrition store, it is not surprising to get confused. There are hundreds of different brands in the supplement industry, producing an incredible number of products, each of which is positioned as the only one that will help you build muscle, lose excess fat, improve training performance - all at the same time. Just a head spin! The problem of choice is very acute! In order to somehow help you, we have prepared a short list of five essential sports nutrition products. These are five nutritional supplements that have long earned a reputation as the best. This is the set that must be in your arsenal if you want to achieve anything in bodybuilding.

Whey Protein

So, let's start with probably the most famous nutritional supplement, the basis of sports nutrition. This is whey protein. It saturates the body not only with the proper amount of protein, but also with calcium (calcium), magnesium (magnesium) and others. useful elements that fully contribute to the achievement of your bodybuilding goals. Most often, whey protein is used before and after training. All the useful substances contained in the protein are quickly and easily absorbed by the body, and also contain vitamins and minerals that cannot be found in everyday food. Whey protein is also suitable for those people who have lactose intolerance, as it is most often made on the basis of egg and soy protein. And people who have such a problem should always carefully read the designation on the packaging, lactose-free products are labeled accordingly. It is protein that helps your muscles recover faster after a workout, and recovery means muscle growth.

Whey protein also suppresses hunger, one shake can replace a meal, which is very important if you want to get rid of excess fat.

The recommended dose of protein is 30-40 grams at a time. And remember, do not put protein aside, hoping to get enough protein from food, this option will definitely not work out for you. So take a protein shake before and after your workout, and achieve success in bodybuilding.


The next most important nutritional supplement is creatine. It is a substance that is produced in a completely natural way by our muscles. As a dietary supplement, you can find creatine monohydrate, which is used to produce muscle energy. Most often, creatine is taken immediately before training, as it improves training performance, muscles are less “clogged” with it, and stay fresh and strong longer. You will see how your results rise to a whole new level.

Amino acids

The next item on our program is amino acids. And here we are not talking about all amino acids, but only about those that are abbreviated BCAA, the so-called branched-chain amino acids. There are only 3 out of 21, and they are called leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. The body uses amino acids BCAA primarily for recovery after training and improves metabolism.

beta alanine

When we are intensively engaged in something, an oxidation process occurs in our body and lactic acid is produced, which, by the way, is responsible for muscle fatigue and the fact that the body begins to obey us worse. Beta-alanine interferes with this process. It triggers the production of carnosine in the body, which suppresses lactic acid. Of course, this is not a panacea, and it is not worth hoping that you will go through the entire workout without a hint of fatigue, but this amino acid will actually help you get more done.


And finally, let's remember such an important thing as glutamine. It is believed (and not unreasonably!) that it helps to become stronger for a certain period of time. Like in the cartoon about Popeye, who ate a can of spinach and became hoo how strong. Divide all this by fifteen and you will understand how glutamine affects the body. After that, it’s even somehow undignified to claim that, among other things, it strengthens the human immune system.

Conclusion about nutritional supplements

Of course, it is not necessary to take nutritional supplements to be successful in sports. Everything can be achieved in your own way. Just consider the fact that it will be much slower and harder, in addition, in this case, you should enlist the support of a really high-class trainer who will help you alternate periods of load with rest, take into account your individual recovery characteristics and much more.

In this article, we have provided you with five basic elements sports nutrition to help you reach your goals faster. Whether to use them or not is up to you.

Every athlete strives to gain a beautiful and powerful muscular body with a minimum of body fat. A well-planned training program and recovery periods, a balanced diet, the products in which are selected according to the goal, allow to achieve such a result. Another technique for building muscle that most athletes resort to is the use of various sports supplements.

There are many sports drugs, but the safest are:


It is a mixture of carbohydrate and protein, saturated with many nutrients, activating the growth of muscle tissue cells. It is especially useful for ectomorphs who have trouble gaining mass due to high speed metabolism. This supplement is very high in calories and is not suitable for those who are prone to speed dial excess weight i.e. endomorphs. Such athletes are better off taking other supplements.


Consists of protein - a building material for muscle tissue, which makes this drug the best for muscle growth. This supplement can be taken by people with different physiques, used together with amino acids or creatine.

Amino acids

These are substances that form the protein necessary for the body to properly maintain the functions of growth and recovery, the synthesis of antibodies and hormones. Complexes of amino acids are preparations for regulating catabolism, recovery process, mental activity. In bodybuilding, amino acids are taken in the form of a supplement consisting of isoleucine, valine, leucine. The complex contains 35 percent of the total number of amino acids present in muscle tissues, providing direct influence on anabolic and recovery processes.


This harmless sports supplement increases muscle mass, anaerobic endurance, strength performance. The drug plays important role for human life, which is comparable to the function of fats, carbohydrates, proteins. Creatine, present in muscle fibers, is a direct participant in energy metabolism.

Anabolic steroid

AC () are considered the most effective drugs for high muscle growth. They mimic the mechanism of action of testosterone - the main sexual male hormone. Steroids are used exclusively by professional bodybuilders. This is due to the fact that drugs in this class have side effects.

The anabolic effect of taking steroids is manifested in the following indicators:

  • an increase in muscle mass up to 10 kilograms per month;
  • increase endurance and strength indicators;
  • strengthening of bone tissue;
  • reduction in body fat.

Taking steroids can lead to the following side effects:

  • masculinization;
  • prostate hypertrophy;
  • virilization;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • hair loss.


The choice of a drug for muscle growth directly depends on the final goal. Fans who do not plan to take part in competitions should limit themselves to taking the BCAA complex, supplements such as, or. Bodybuilders who intend to engage in bodybuilding on professional level, you need to pay attention to anabolic steroids. The main thing is to follow the dosage and regimen of AC recommended by a specialist. In addition, you need to remember that steroids are not recommended to be taken before the age of 25. This applies to both men and women.

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