It's normal for a person to be tired after a busy day at work or intense training. It's not normal for you to be tired even on weekends and you are so tired that you cannot rest. But that also happens. Before you start doing anything, make sure it's really tired and not a symptom of any bigger trouble.

Fatigue is a symptom of certain medical conditions.

Diabetes, depression, thyroid problems, anxiety, anemia, and even snoring are diseases that signal fatigue. Why am I tired all the time?... It takes no more than a week to get checked by an endocrinologist and do a couple of blood tests, but you will find out what is the reason for feeling unwell: a disease or a lifestyle.

2. Learn to sleep properly

Trite, but constantly tired man most likely sleeps poorly: suffers from insomnia, shallow sleep, or lack of time to rest. If you think that you have no time to sleep, remember: you need to sleep not 8 hours, but correctly.

This is what it means 10 tips to beat insomnia..

  • Go to bed at the same time.
  • Sleep in the dark.
  • Sleep in silence.
  • Sleep in a cool bedroom with an open window (air temperature 16-18 ° C).
  • Sleep on a flat mattress and under a warm blanket.

There are many more ways to improve sleep, but in practice, few people even follow the rule of a cool bedroom. So try to start with that.

3. Find fuel

Energy comes from burning fuel, our fuel is food. If diesel fuel is poured into a car with a gasoline engine, then, of course, it will go, but not far. It is the same with our body: if we feed it with anything, we will not be able to get enough energy. We have written many times about how to eat right, but fatigue is a trap. To adhere to a meal plan, regularly buy the right foods, cook them, not get disrupted, you need a schedule and strength. And they are not.

Get started with three easy steps:

  1. Cut back on coffee Self-help tips to fight fatigue., no matter how paradoxical it sounds. Coffee and other tonic drinks are borrowed energy. You will spend more of it than you can afford, and you will have to pay with a lack of energy.
  2. Instead of sweets and fast food, snack on nuts and cottage cheese. Protein foods can help you deal with a lack of energy better than candy and coffee.
  3. Take snacks based on flax seeds - they are high in antioxidants. However, more details are needed about them.

4. Use Antioxidant Food Supplements

One of the reasons we feel tired all the time is because of free radicals. These are unstable molecules, they are usually formed as a result of vital activity, especially after exertion. The body copes with so many free radicals, but we can get an extra portion from environment: cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes, ultraviolet radiation. When there are too many free radicals, the body falls into, the consequences of which are disruptions in energy production, destruction of cells, the development of diseases and accelerated aging.

Antioxidants are molecules that counteract oxidative stress, neutralize free radicals, protect our cells, and restore energy production.

Supplements for chronic fatigue Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment. which contain antioxidants. Such as the antioxidant complex "" - biologically active additive(not a medicine).

Synergin contains six antioxidants in high dosages: coenzyme Q 10, lycopene, rutin, vitamins C and E, beta-carotene. All these substances are found in common foods: meat, vegetables, berries. Another thing is that the amount of antioxidants in food is small, we simply cannot eat so much food to get the required amount of antioxidants. "Synergin" fights against this: there are enough antioxidants in two capsules to provide the body and not exceed the permissible level of consumption.

While the antioxidants inside us are at war with free radicals, we feel fatigue receding, strength and desire to do more for ourselves appear.

5. Take breaks from work.

When so many things are piling up that it is impossible to rake them, stop! Understand that Bolivar cannot stand so much, decide which tasks must be done without fail, and which will wait. On the list of the most important tasks of the day, the first item should be "Relax".

Do those things that must be done, and if after that you do not have strength, rest. The most important things will be completed, and you can switch and collect energy without feeling remorse.

Plan your day in the evening, but adjust your plans in the morning. We wake up with a different reserve of strength, and if you feel that you are falling, barely brushing your teeth, then it is better to redraw your plans: leave the most important in order to devote more time to rest.

6. Learn to move

Movement and physical activity is the last thing you want to do when you are tired. What kind of gym can we talk about if there is no strength at all for anything? But we are made to be on the move Rev Up Your Energy.... When we move a little, all processes in the body are automatically suspended: the body slowly processes food, slowly starts working and slowly tunes in to rest. It turns out vicious circle: we get tired and therefore move a little, but as a result, the body reserves less energy for movement and reduces its production.

There is a way out: when fatigue haunts, you need to start with walks.

And nothing else. Put on something very comfortable, go outside, not somewhere, but just like that, without a goal. You can’t: sit, wander around the shops, go to the nearest stall for fast food. You can: walk.

How to warm up when you need to go outside and don't feel like it? Start breathing. Breathe in deeply and exhale sharply until you realize that you are ready to stretch your neck and do at least 10 squats.

7. Learn to refuse

Sometimes we get tired because we cannot say no and agree to all projects, help with all requests, take on too much. We cope, but to the detriment of ourselves.

Give yourself a break. Don't stay late at work, redoing work for your colleagues - they can handle it themselves. Refuse the party - friends will understand, and you will rest and sleep. Say no when asked to do something again. Think about yourself.

8. Get a massage

At home after hard day try a massage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Other Treatment. feet, hands, knead your neck and face. Of course, it's great if someone gives you a massage, but if you don't want to, buy a gymnastic roller or take a tennis ball to stretch the most tense parts of the body: neck, back, feet.

If you are so tired that you suffer from insomnia, cannot concentrate on work and lose your appetite, sign up for a course of therapeutic or relaxing massage. It becomes easier under the hands of professionals.

9. Go to the sauna or bath

The warmth makes the blood run faster, at the same time helps to relax and tone up. Take a warm bath, soak in it for 15 minutes, or go to a bath or sauna. Just do not sit in the steam room for too long: you have come not for extreme loads, but for rest and recovery.

10. Learn to switch from work to leisure

Work should be left at work, do not carry it home even in thought. At home, do not check your work mail, do not write to colleagues about unfinished business or questions that may wait until tomorrow (in fact, most of the questions are just that), do not go to the corporate chat if you have one. If an overly responsible event is planned at work tomorrow, then worrying about it is appropriate, but such events happen no more than two or three times a year. The rest of the time, no "overtime" thoughts. Switching can also help you rest.

The best way to distract yourself from work is to communicate with loved ones. Talk to family, play with pets, call friends, or write to someone you haven't seen in years and ask how you are doing. The energy of loved ones will help you feel better.

Everybody has periods of devastation, and they can be dealt with by following simple rules.

1. Identify the reason why you are tired of work

To change your life, you need to know what exactly needs to be changed. So ask yourself why you like or dislike yours. Understand what caused the job dissatisfaction.

Are you underestimated, don't like the team, the tight schedule, a lot of overtime? The reasons for dissatisfaction can be very different, and the most important thing is to find them.

2. Pay attention to health

Nerves at work make your health worse. A lot of workload, conflicts, loss of interest in work will certainly affect your well-being. And the employer does not need employees who are constantly sick. So here's an unexpected tip: if you have problems at work, pay attention to your health. Give up bad habits, sleep well and eat well.

3. Find additional income that will help you relax

You have to work, even if you really don't want to. Nobody canceled the need to eat, the communal apartment is expensive, the family needs to be fed ... But if work does not bring pleasure, you need to find something to do that will bring it. And on which you can also make money.

If you're good at dancing, try teaching dance. If you paint, paint a picture and sell it. You can earn money by sewing, knitting or other handicrafts. Arrange online courses on a topic that you are well versed in. There are as many options as you have a lot of talents.

Of course, it is not necessary to make money in this way, but you can try.

4. Develop professionally

If you work in one position for a long time, the work becomes automatic and becomes boring. And if the thought came to mind that you already "know everything", this is a sign that you need to develop further. Because in the 21st century it is physically impossible to know everything.

Go to courses in your profile - they will tell you about what you missed, share their experience. And in classes in a different direction, you can master another profession, or at least learn to better understand what your colleagues are doing. And this is the beginning professional growth... At least ask your colleagues about what, how and why they are doing, and then look for more information on the Internet.

5. Change your environment

A workaholic cannot make new friends. Closing in close company colleagues, he forgets what normal personal communication is, loses the skills of friendly communication. And to support interesting conversation, you need to share with others something other than work information. Perhaps this is precisely the fact that you do not meet new people in your life, and the reason for fatigue lies. Think about who you communicate with more. If with colleagues, remember old connections outside of work or start new ones.

6. Remember why you got a job

A husband and wife who have lost their romance in a relationship are advised to remember the time when they met and the reason why they could not live without each other. Likewise, those who are tired of work need to remember why they came to work for this company at all. Perhaps your priorities in life have changed and your work no longer corresponds to them. Or the workflow itself has changed, the people who made it special have left the company. When you figure it out, you will understand what needs to be changed at work.

7. Take a break and rest

In case of serious problems at work, it is always advised to get distracted: take a vacation for at least a week, go at least to a neighboring city for a few days and see the sights. Correctly advised - a change of scenery helps to clear thoughts. And then you can already look at the problems with a fresh look.

The main thing is to temporarily turn off your phone, tablet and other gadgets, not to read your work mail, so that no one can contact you on work issues.

The most important rule to follow if work is no longer fun is to change the situation urgently. How is another question. But if you continue to work in an unloved company, the work will cease to benefit both you and her.

Sooner or later, any woman asks herself this question. Like a ton of bricks, it falls on our heads, and, as always, there is neither strength nor time to look for reasons. We drink another cup of coffee, again make an effort on ourselves and continue the "race", calming down with the thought that someday there will be time to really take care of ourselves.


The explanations for our chronic fatigue that we usually find are very standard and prosaic: from PMS and reduced immunity to an unsuccessful husband and naughty children.

But let's figure it out. Households, of course, require huge costs, but, believe me, women who are not burdened with a family get tired too. Let's leave immunity alone. Most likely, everything is in order with him, unless, of course, you are sick and do not suffer from chronic vitamin deficiency.

Maybe it's all about critical days? Indeed, fatigue intensifies during PMS, but fortunately, he visits us only once a month. The rest of the time, we get tired simply because we work too much and rest too little.


Your portrait. You work 80 hours a week - in the office and at home. You make 90% of all decisions regarding the care of the home, children, parents and pets. You do a lot for others, by an effort of will, you keep yourself in good shape, encouraging an inexorable "I must", only because from childhood you are accustomed to doing everything only perfectly.

Your actions. Think about what will happen when the safety margin runs out and the "batteries" run out completely and irrevocably? The answer is obvious: illness, early menopause, depression ... Your sense of duty is commendable, but it can do great harm if you do not stop neglecting the simple and small joys of life.

Of course, it's impossible to change your lifestyle right away. But taking off at least part of the responsibilities and recharging yourself with the help of these simple rules is within the power of each of us.

  • Review your diet

Don't starve to lose weight. You are not only depriving yourself necessary energy, but also achieve the opposite effect by gaining weight. Mono-component (kefir, rice, apple) diets are also harmful. They do not provide the body with a complete set nutrients, and he responds by slowing down metabolic processes. In addition, along with fat, you lose muscle mass, which means that you are weakening in literally the words. It is necessary to follow the figure, but not in such barbaric ways.

Lean on fresh fruits, take vitamin complexes. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Be sure to have breakfast, and hearty: a sandwich with butter and cheese, 5-6 nuts, creamy yogurt, cottage cheese. Low-fat light breakfasts will not provide you with a full boost of energy. And do not eat sweets on an empty stomach: blood sugar rises sharply and then falls quickly. The result is severe weakness and dizziness after 20-30 minutes.

  • Get exercise

Strong toned body, energetic. Of course, not enough to become super-hardy, but it will become much easier for you to quickly react, think, make decisions and do several things at the same time. If you walk 3-5 times a week at a fast pace for 20-30 minutes no later than 2 hours before bedtime, within a month your efficiency and resistance to stress will increase.

Sleep at least 8-9 hours - but no more!

Lack of sleep accumulates, but too long sleep does not add strength, but, on the contrary, increases lethargy and apathy. This mechanism works especially often in "owls". To invigorate in the morning, take a contrast shower, and then wash yourself while standing on the massage mat: the toning effect through the soles will spread to the entire body.

Think about love

If it's not there, come up with it. Take a different look at your usual husband, get a cat, finally love yourself - this is one of the most powerful sources of energy.

And smile more often. One minute of laughter is more rejuvenating than a 20 minute walk.

More impromptu

Try every 2-3 days to do unplanned actions: for example, for no reason at all to call a friend, get up an hour late, or go for a walk in the park in the middle of the working day. The main thing is to learn not to feel remorse at the same time.

But sometimes fatigue has more serious reasons than your desire to do everything and only "excellently". As a rule, these are all sorts of violations of vascular tone, which cannot be called a disease, but require attention no less than any chronic ailment.


Your portrait. With the fall of the barometer needle, your vitality drops to zero. You mope and sour during the tricks of the weather. Drowsiness, fatigue, frequent headache, increased excitability, anxiety, sensitivity to cold, a tendency to motion sickness in transport and fainting poison your life and break your character. And all because normally your blood pressure does not exceed 95/60 mm Hg. Art.

What to do. Fighting low blood pressure disease is a thankless task. But there is still reason for optimism. The proof is enough successful work, which has been conducted for many years with a whole group of hypotonics within the walls of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Physical therapy and drug therapy in such classes necessarily complement water treatments, reflexology, special massage.

You can also regulate the pressure yourself:

  • Visit your endocrinologist first. It is quite possible that the main source of your troubles is hormonal imbalance, eliminating which, you will feel like a human again
  • Hormones have nothing to do with it? Try changing your diet. The hypotonic diet is simple and pleasant. In addition to traditional coffee and tea, blood pressure increases everything that is salty: herring, cucumbers, sauerkraut ...
  • Does not help? Try natural stimulants: tinctures of eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass, pantocrine
  • But be careful with alcohol. Expanding blood vessels (hence, lowering pressure) cognac is not for you
  • Some medicines are also banned - for example, nitroglycerin or the famous Viagra. Combined with hypotension, an already vasodilating elixir can cause severe collapse.
  • Finally, last advice, which doctors do not get tired of giving: trying to stabilize the pressure, do not overdo it. Whether it is drug therapy or fitness classes, extremes will not be taken to good. Try to live the lifestyle that is most comfortable for you.


Your portrait. You easily turn pale and / or blush, your limbs become cold and numb, you often have dizziness, paroxysmal headache, increased sweating, rapid or slow heartbeat, difficulty breathing, sleep disturbance, and at the same time you quickly get tired and feel like a "squeezed lemon" ...

What to do:

  • First of all, increase your sleep to at least 8-9 hours a day. Reduce alcohol consumption and, if possible, quit smoking
  • Be in the sun more often: phototherapy is an excellent prevention and treatment of this disease!
  • A sure remedy for vegetative disorders is a daily contrast shower, swimming, walking, jogging, aerobics and a special diet with a high content of potassium (it is abundant in potatoes, eggplant, cabbage, apricots, prunes) and calcium with vitamin D3. But all kinds of pickles, marinades, salt, strong tea, coffee and chocolate are best limited
  • Learn to relax and breathe correctly: shallowly - on the count of "one" inhaling and deeply - on the count of "two, three" exhaling, while inhaling, protruding, and when exhaling, drawing in the stomach
  • If, in spite of everything, the ailments continue to torment, do not despair. There are also modern medicines, psychotherapy sessions, physiotherapy and such miraculous inventions as a "dry" whirlpool bath and a special health capsule with phototherapy, a special temperature regime, vibration massage and individually selected music.

Did you know?

The black color of clothes, although slimming, does not add vigor. Scientists have found that at receptions, where it is customary to appear in tuxedos and dark dresses, guests get tired 2 times faster than at informal parties.

Feeling tired?

Choose red clothes - it will energize you.

Are you spending your energy too actively, excited, overwhelmed?

Wear blue or green - these colors immerse you in calmness and serenity.

Tired of communicating with clients and family?

Pay attention to the beige and light brown colors - warmth, trust and friendliness emanate from it.

Figures and facts

  • Over the past 20 years, the time we spend at work and in transport has increased by an average of 158 hours per year.
  • We do housework 1,473 hours a year. This is the same as we did in the 60s of the XX century, when most women were not so active in their careers.
  • Only 24% of us can say that life is good. In 1970, 37% of women thought so.
  • Every 4th woman goes through serious depression during her life. In the previous generation, only one in 17 suffered from it.
  • PMS symptoms today are 5 times more severe than 30 years ago, and the percentage of women suffering from migraines has doubled.


How to distinguish incipient depression from just a bad mood? Test yourself with a special test developed by William Tsung, an American professor of psychology at Duke University Medical Center.

Based on your well-being in last weeks, put a letter in front of each statement that corresponds to how you feel.

A - rarely, B - sometimes, C - often, D - almost always.

  1. I'm sad, sad, sad.
  2. I feel better in the morning.
  3. Sometimes you want to cry for no particular reason.
  4. I have a bad dream.
  5. I eat as much as usual.
  6. I love to communicate with attractive men.
  7. Losing weight.
  8. I complain of constipation.
  9. My heart is beating faster than usual.
  10. V recent times I get tired for no apparent reason.
  11. Clarity of thought and the ability to generate fresh ideas do not leave me under any circumstances.
  12. I am not annoyed by household chores and office routine.
  13. Because of mental anxiety, I cannot stay in one place for a long time.
  14. I look to the future with hope.
  15. My nerves are stretched like a string.
  16. I easily take responsibility and make decisions.
  17. I know what my family and other people need.
  18. The feeling of fullness of life does not leave me.
  19. I think if I am gone, no one will notice.
  20. Everything that was pleasing in the old days is as enjoyable as before.

Questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19 are negative. Rate the answers to them as follows: A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4.

All other questions are positive. For answers to them, count the points in reverse order: A - 4, B - 3, C - 2, D - 1.

Add up the points you received and see what happened.

From 20 to 49 points. You are cheerful, energetic, full of strength and optimism. Your distinctive feature- the ability to rise above the circumstances and in the most difficult life situation try to change them in your favor. You are not easily unsettled even during the transitional season. There is nothing to worry about - the risk of falling into depression in your case is negligible.

From 50 to 60 points. Whatever happens, you try to keep yourself in control and not limp from trouble. But does it always work out? The bitterness of disappointment, pain of resentment, worries about failure are familiar to everyone. You should not drive them into the subconscious, pretending that you do not attach importance to them. This is a surefire way to earn depression. All negative emotions must be "reacted". Feel free to cry into your vest, try writing poetry, find your original way get rid of the blues.

From 61 to 80 points. You are often out of sorts, acutely experiencing the setbacks that follow you. Try to make life easier. Be condescending to others, more often forgive insults. People of your type, naturally endowed with weak mental immunity, are categorically contraindicated to accumulate negative emotions: the likelihood of being in depressive captivity is extremely high. To improve your mood, learn to relax, master the basics of auto-training. You are shown acupuncture, thalassotherapy and herbal medicine.

V medical center"Euromedprestige" has a whole program aimed at relieving fatigue, renewing vitality and health. Start the fight against malaise with high-quality diagnostics, perhaps the reason for your fatigue lies in the failure of your vital important systems organism. Our center employs professional doctors: endocrinologists, cardiologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists, chiropractors, masseurs, etc.

If the reason lies in bad mood, lack of sleep, depression, then massage, hydromassage, manual and thalassotherapy sessions will help to cope with such problems.

The use of various techniques will allow you to achieve a tonic or soothing effect, depending on your wishes and medical indications. You just need to trust the professionalism of our doctors and get a lot of pleasure to get rid of chronic fatigue for a long time.

What do you do when you feel completely exhausted? Preparing yourself strong coffee, consoling yourself with sweets, falling on the couch in front of the TV? But there are also more effective and healthier ways to recharge with extra energy.

When nutritionists talk about energy, they mean the "fuel" that our bodies get from food. Its amount is measured in kilojoules and calories. But there is another meaning of the word "energy": vitality, activity, efficiency. These two meanings turn out to be closely related when it comes about nutrition. Food can give us strength and vigor, and can cause fatigue and apathy. What foods can provide us with energy and which should be avoided? Let's debunk a few common myths.

Myth one: tired - eat sweets

When we feel tired, our hands reach for the chocolate by themselves, and we soothe ourselves that sweet is necessary for the brain. Indeed, glucose is the main source of energy for the vital activity of cells and the only one for the brain. Our body is designed in such a way that the blood must constantly be present certain level glucose (we usually call it blood sugar). After we eat some kind of carbohydrate-rich food - say, the same chocolate bar - the blood glucose level rises sharply, and we feel a surge of energy. The only caveat is that after a sharp surge in glucose, there is an equally sharp drop in glucose. That is why, if you do not want to find yourself "at the bottom of the trough" in an hour or two and again feel lethargic and drowsy, choose other, more long-term ways to cheer up.

In fact: overworked - for a walk

Do you find it easier to work after you go to a cafe and eat your favorite cheesecake? It's not just (and not so much) about sweets as about the rest your body needs. A pause in business, a switch of attention and (most importantly!) Movement - that's what we really need to get rid of fatigue. The next time you feel that your strength is running out, try to go outside and for a short time, at least 5-10 minutes, but energetically walk around your house or office. Walking at an active pace increases circulation and oxygenation of the blood, you feel a surge of energy, and you do not have to throw unnecessary calories into yourself. If you can't get out into the fresh air, just warm up, do a dozen squats, or walk up and down the stairs several times. Active walking will help to cope with afternoon sleepiness, only it is better to switch to vigorous actions not immediately after eating, but at least half an hour later.

Myth two: coffee is the best way to cheer up.

Someone cannot wake up without a cup of coffee, someone cannot work without it, and all because this drink is a powerful stimulant of the central nervous system. It enhances concentration of attention, increases efficiency, evokes a feeling of composure. It is no coincidence that coffee is the world's most popular psychotropic drug. True, its effect does not last too long: caffeine does not accumulate in the body and is usually excreted in the urine 3-4 hours after ingestion. He has and side effects: excess coffee leads to overexcitation of the nervous system, heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, insomnia. That is why frequent coffee consumption not only does not save people from chronic fatigue, but only aggravates it.

In fact: instead of coffee - tea

Scientists believe that caffeine in the amount of 200-300 mg per day, and this is one or two cups of natural coffee, will not harm a healthy person who is not prone to developing hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. However, tea can be a much healthier alternative. In terms of caffeine content, it is inferior to natural coffee, but it is superior to instant coffee. The alkaloids contained in tea (in addition to caffeine, it is also theophylline, theobromine and others), have a milder tonic effect than coffee. Freshly brewed tea can relieve vasospasm, headache and tinnitus, improve blood circulation. In addition, along with tea we get whole complex vitamins and mineral substances: vitamins A, K, C, group B, carotenoids, fluorine and manganese, iron, iodine and others. Tannins tannins and catechins, which give the drink strength and pleasant astringency, which are especially rich in green tea, fight against harmful microbes and inflammation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, rid our body of toxins and heavy metals.

Myth three: loss of energy - "vitamins" will help

Some vitamins (primarily of the B group - thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin and pantothenic acid) are really important for the production of energy in cells. However, this does not mean that the more vitamins you get, the more energy you will have. First, positive changes will only be noticeable if you have had a serious vitamin deficiency, but the likelihood of this is low if you adhere to normal healthy eating... Secondly, our body is able to accumulate only fat-soluble vitamins (say, beta-carotene), and the excess of others is simply excreted in the urine. For this reason, for example, it is pointless to eat handfuls of "tonic" vitamin C - at best, the excess will come out naturally, at worst - it will lead to an allergic reaction

Fact: Fatigue Can Be Caused By Iron Deficiency

People who do not get enough iron from their diet may feel weak and fatigued. Especially often women suffer from iron deficiency, since they regularly lose it during menstruation (and therefore it is especially important for women to control its level). Among other functions, iron is part of the hemoglobin of the blood. When the body lacks iron, the blood is less oxygenated and we feel tired. In addition, iron plays important role in the work of the immune system, and with a lack of it, a person may become more susceptible to colds.

Where to get the strength?

If you're constantly sleep-deprived or working out of exhaustion, it's no surprise that five days a week you feel like a squeezed lemon. If fatigue accompanies you, regardless of the load, and you do not feel cheerful even on those days when you sleep for a long time and laze around, it is better to consult a doctor. A lack of energy can be a symptom of a wide variety of diseases (from hormonal disorders before oncology), and therefore you should not let the situation take its course. If doctors do not find any abnormalities in the physical condition, try to make at least minimal adjustments to your lifestyle. Here are a few more important nuances to help you deal with fatigue.

Eat regularly... It is important for your wellness to avoid sudden changes in blood glucose levels. Start your day with a hearty breakfast to help your brain get involved and create a good energy base for the day. The best option for breakfast - "slow" carbohydrates, which are absorbed in the body for a long time, cause a gradual flow of glucose into the blood and keep its level unchanged for a longer time. These foods can be identified by their low glycemic index (less than 40). These include most cereals, whole grain breads and wholemeal products, legumes, and non-starchy vegetables and fruits. Eat every 3-4 hours for a lunch or afternoon snack with some light food: yogurt, fruit, low-fat cottage cheese crackers, or a granola bar

Drink plenty... If you don't have enough fluid, your body's blood volume decreases and you may feel tired. Doctors often remind you to drink more water, but remember to consider other types of drinking as well. It is advisable to drink at least 8 glasses of liquid every day: this includes tea, coffee, water, juice, liquid dairy products, herbal infusions.

Move as much as possible... Even a short but energetic walk can whip up your spirit and energize you. Physically tired, you will fall asleep more easily, and sleep will be more sound. Choose the type of activity that will give you pleasure and match your level physical fitness: fitness, dancing, yoga, or just walking the dog at a fast pace. It has been proven that playing sports - best remedy fight depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Get enough sleep... Each of us needs different amount sleep. We usually imagine how much sleep we need to feel good, so it is enough to follow the instructions of your body. But it is not only how long we sleep that matters, but also what time we go to bed. The popular phrase that one hour of sleep before midnight counts as two is not far from the truth. According to the natural biorhythms inherent in our genes, most people belong to the "larks", and the modern way of life makes us "owls". Try going to bed at 11 pm for at least a week and you will find yourself feeling more energized and getting more done during the day.