A few important notes before we start:

  • Your DPS is not important, what matters is how many mobs you can hit. Legion allows you to split one mob into five people at once, so take the AoE spec and hit everyone you can. Very handy for tanks.
  • Don't steal what you don't need. Everything important will come by mail.
  • It is not necessary to run for treasures, they do not give experience. Farming artifact power is better somewhere else. If the treasures are nearby, then, of course, take them, but you should not purposefully run after them.
  • You should not kill and hunt for rare NPCs, they also do not give experience. Resources are best farmed at level 110 by completing daily tasks.
  • Dungeons give a certain amount of experience, which makes sense if you go through them quickly. You need to go through them (dungeons) up to level 102, after that go to quests in the world, this is necessary for reputation.
  • Don't forget to take your champions with you everywhere. The first one should be available at level 105.
  • In each zone, do only chains on achievement (exception - Suramar)
  • Do Additional tasks only if you are close to them. Wandering around the location in search of such is a waste of time.


  • You need something to help you get on the water, be it a turtle or a strider, a death knight or a potion.
  • Buy goblin gliders, or make one if you're an engineer.
  • Flasks or anything that speeds up your movement if you have a low movement speed given the characteristics of the class.
  • Read about what spec for download will be the best. Select it and take the artifact with which to swing.
  • I would advise you to take a "raid set" for the start of pumping - food, flasks, runes
  • Fury Drums can come in handy if you don't have your own BL

Useful addons

  • - allows you to see treasures on the map
  • AutoTurnIn - automatically accepts quests, turns them in and generally does a lot of useful things.

How to swing?

  • Step 1: Do a chain of quests until you get an artifact. It is very important to finish it as quickly as possible in order to run ahead of the bulk of the players.
  • Step 2: The first zone for you is Stormheim. The first quests are the scenario. Scenarios are essentially lag-free zones, so going through will free you from unnecessary lags. Don't do extra quests. Do everything according to the main quest chain, get to the final quest with the dungeon - you can complete it, once you have finished - immediately run to the stronghold.
  • Step 3: At level 102 you will be able to open other artifacts for the rest of the specializations, do this and you will get a very large experience boost. Then do all the quests in the class hall.
  • Step 4: The next location is Azsuna. Pick up the profession quests in Dalaran and hit the road. Don't do extra quests in Azsuna, just the basic ones. As soon as you get the quest in the dungeon - back to the stronghold.
  • Step 5: At level 105 there will be new quests in the stronghold, do them.
  • Step 6: Leveling location - Val'shara, make the main chain here.
  • Step 7: Highmountain is the main quest chain. If you do not have enough experience to level 110, then do additional quests.
  • Step 8(!): This is rather a remark. Each zone ends with a dungeon quest that gives 130k experience, which is a lot, as well as a level 800 item. It is important to make them all up to level 110.


Definitely leveling in a group is something that can help you. So use your opportunity if you have it.

All professions in Legion will give you a quest (or several) in Azsuna. For example, enchanting gives you unrealistically easy 3 quests that are completed in the first zone of Azsuna, and, for example, engineering will make you run and give you only 1 quest that will reward you with experience. Once you complete this quest, you will be sent back to Dalaran, and from there to Val'sharah or Highmountain. So if you are rocking alone, then this is important. If you do all the main chains, then you will have to collect somewhere else 30% of the experience at level 109 after you complete all the tasks, including the dungeons, so you will have to finish it off with some kind of quests in Val'sharah or Highmountain. I don't think it's better to jump into the dungeon, as a lot of quests are done quickly if you don't move away from the main chain. However, if you are single, you can give them.

You can definitely say that you need to do all the quests in the class hall at levels 102 and 105, even those that allow you to take an additional artifact. They can give you up to about 20% experience in 10 minutes or less.

Dungeon leveling doesn't look bad if you have a tank that can handle a lot of trash. It took us 8 minutes to one of the dungeons and we got 12-14% of the level for this, without using the standards. Most experience comes from the bonus at the end of the dungeon. I think it's better to use this idea at release to avoid lags. Might be a good substitute if you don't have a profession. I advise you to pump the character in the dungeons at first, in case the servers are wildly lagging, this will save you a lot of time.

We (in the group) pumping 100-110 took 7 hours.

All hello. I opened an account associated with the "Invite a Friend" service with my brother. And he set out to create a FAST pumping scheme. Because pump to next holiday 200 characters, in order to knock out a rocket of Love, you still have to do it) And since I'm a GENIUS) Here's a diagram for you. How to upgrade ANY number of characters in a VERY fast time. The scheme is like this. If you do not need to download 200 Persians on different accounts, but only 1 on one, then we do it point by point.

1. We send an invitation to a friend, to ourselves or with a friend. (If for yourself, then you can buy 14 days for 150 rubles when you go to the starting invited account, follow the link)

2. We dress in full family names of all Persians, which we will download. (in 6.1, family names will already be added, in Ironforge. Near Archeology. Another task will lead from the Garrison there)

3. We need a friend with a high level character, at least 100th, at least 90th. or your own account.


Run around the raram and wet them. Or assignments. The goal is to level up to level 13. You can ask to invite you from other servers.

Since the 13th, he has already let the Dead Mines into the Dungeon. Run there, Fly (or set up your character from the same account. And call a friend. And then re-enter and a friend calls you).

You take a character of level 90, and in connection with a group with two or as many as you like, drag the entire inst with your kids, destroying everything in your path. Doing as the job progresses. At the end of insta. If you need to go through it again. (Leave the group as the 90th character. And die as kids, at the guards’ pack behind the ship. After you have died, you appear at the entrance to the inst. Update, and with the character who is level 90, 1 minute passes and he is also thrown out at the entrance to the inst. And so you level up, and when the Stormwind Prison dungeon becomes available in the search, then run there.

You will be able to enter these levels in the Stormwind Prison Dungeon until the Uldaman instance appears, then fly there. (In instances, if you go yourself, it lets you in earlier in the level. But if you are afraid that you won’t let it in, then just look in the search for dungeons, whether there is that instance or not.)

Halls of the Scarlet Crusade, there you swing until the appearance of the Dungeon "Blackrock Depths = Prison Block".

Clear the entire instance of Blackrock Depths. All bosses. The video I made. shown. Additional experience for the entire inst is enough to get two levels at once) They are shown on the video. The link to the video will be below. And additional materials. In Macro View "Update Dungeon", and "Follow".

Ramparts of Hellfire, there you swing until the appearance of Insta! "Sekketskie halls." But we immediately flew there from the 63rd.

Swinging in the Sekket Halls, until the Nexus Insta appears.

Swing in the Nexus to the 75th, and fly to the Halls of Lightning dungeon, near Ulduar on the right from the summoning stone.


Swing in the "Halls of Lightning" until the insta "Black Mountain Peaks" appears.

Swing in Blackrock Spires to level 85.

It takes about 5-6 hours with family members (including fast flights.)

Additional material

How to quickly summon characters?

Take your adult character, fly to the desired dungeon. There you call on your 2nd character, which you pump with the help of the spell "Summon Friend" * (Either in the book of general spells. Or right-click on the player's portrait and there will be "Summon Friend").

Macro Refresh Dungeon

/script ResetInstances();

Macro: Follow the target.

/c CharacterName

This macro helps to quickly press and so that your character immediately follows your friend, or your adult character 90+.

Greetings friends. Today I decided to continue publishing articles on the topic Persian leveling in the Arena game. And today I would like to talk about how to reach level 11 as a character.

I must say right away that this information will be aimed at those who do not want to waste time in chaotic battles, gaining little experience, getting ups and slowly taking one level after another. I know from my own experience that this is a long process. Passed it.

As if in this article I want to talk about how to quickly and without much time to pass entry levels in the forest and go to the coveted level 11. But there it is already possible to go into chaos and take part in battles normally.

Where does the pumping of the Persian begin?

First of all, friends wanted to say this. After my last article, here it is, on how to quickly develop a character to level 5 without investments, there were many questions about what to do next. And then we will swing up to level 11 and, moreover, we will take as a basis the character with which you reached level 5.

If someone rocked himself, then there's nothing to worry about, you can also take a sample of this character development for yourself.

So. In order to Persian leveling was effective will need gray weaving. There are several of them. Fights, professions, investments. Everyone is free to choose what suits him.

For this case, I would advise investing about 150 blue acres. This will give you good advantage in front of rivals and you will do without spending time on getting gray acres.

So. What are we doing?

First you need to go to the city of the Ark. You can walk through the forest, you can teleport with a scroll, you can take a cart from the station. Choose any option.

Arriving at the Ark, buy 200 blue acres and put them up for auction, and you will have to wait 3 days for the lot to play. After that, you will receive about 955 gray acres. This is at the current exchange rate, net of taxes. What is needed to Persian leveling started.

You should also sell all your old gear. We leave only: the amulet of Pain, the belt of Indifference. We sell the rest.

We negotiate with the blacksmiths and put 2 stones + 45% of fisticuffs into the amulet of Pain, and 2 stones + 9 strength into the belt of Indifference. So for reference. The cost of 1 stone with stats is +9 or +45% from 25-35 gray acres. If it turns out, negotiate with the blacksmith for a large order at a discount.

— Helmet of Dignity (2 stones + 45% fisticuffs);

— Fiery armor (2 stones + 45% accuracy);

- Boots of the Warrior (2 stones + 45% accuracy);

- Gloves of Dignity (2 stones +9 strength);

- Ring of Retribution (2 stones +9 strength);

- Ring of Retribution (2 stones + 45% dodge amulet);

- 6 shurikens of the Apprentice (do not set stones).

In as noted, we do not put stones in the Shurikens of the Student. And we use them without any mods up to level 8. Then we change to shakes. By the way, I advise you to see what else happens in order to know its characteristics and cost.

Everything is almost ready for pumping the Persian

After things are ready, go to the magician and buy the magician's book for 200 gray acres. You also immediately buy for 30 gray acres to learn the spell "Create an obstacle." It's impossible without this. Because when will it happen Persian leveling in the forest, you will need to close it with obstacles from bots.

Remember I said that we leave the received stats and do not scatter them anywhere? Now we put all of them into the intellect. And thus we have a decent amount of mana.

Also, your character has perks. We invest them in experience and this will give a decent amount of experience gained per battle. And that's it. Now you can safely swing up to level 11.

Sincerely, your Arenovets

Each player who came to WoW or who wished to start pumping a new character is faced with leveling a character. On pirates, it often happens that with the release of a new update, you also have to download the character again, and this is a rather long and tedious task. I'm not a fan of WoW enough to sit in it for 12 hours, so I've been pumping the character on the Lich for about half a year. Naturally, with the release of Pandaria, Draenor and the Legion, everything had to be done again - this is the only minus of pirate servers.

And here the question became relevant: "How to quickly pump a character?". There was a desire to play, and not spend a lot of time running around the locations. There are several fairly significant points that will help you gain experience faster, which will accordingly lead to more rapid increase your levels. How to do this, how to quickly upgrade a character, we will analyze everything in detail and step by step. The interesting thing is that according to this scheme, you can pump a character for three weeks, which is pretty cool. As a result, in the minimum time we get our maximum amount experience. As a result, you will learn how to swing quickly and at the same time have fun. If you are ready, you have already installed and launched the game, you are in the starting Location - let's go!

These levels are the most fun, since the quests are quite simple, and the mobs in the starting location give normal experience. Therefore, the first 14 levels are recruited pretty fun.

  • As soon as you hit level 10, you should not immediately go to the BG. You will die there like inexperienced sheep. After all, there will always be players who are already running around in cool family clothes that are acquired at steeper levels. As a result, many stop believing in their characters, start crying on the forums that WoW is crap, and as a result, everyone will constantly troll you, as a player who knows nothing and does not know how. If you are no longer able to and want to run on the BG, then it is better to do this at level 14 - not earlier.
  • Having received level 10, you are given the opportunity to choose one of three specializations. When choosing, be careful: if you are a Paladin, then in order to quickly upgrade your character, it is better to choose. In this branch, you will deal more damage, unlike or unlike . As a result, mobs are taken out much faster, and your invaluable experience grows accordingly.
  • Be sure to join a guild and it is advisable to find one that is already developed enough and has more than 20 people with a maximum level. In the guild, you need to make friends and don't be shy about asking for help. There are quests that require a group passage. Not always having gathered a group of five people, you will be able to bring down the necessary mob. Guildmates will always help you not only with regular quests, but also with quests in the dungeon, where you will spend a lot of time with a regular group. Don't be shy, ask for some gold for yourself to get some guild gear. He is able to increase the experience gained by up to 25 percent.
  • If you get a break in the game, then it is advisable to leave the character in the capital. For the rest, you will receive double the experience gained from the mobs for a while. Also, to quickly level up a character, always leave it in the capital before leaving WoW.
  • All green gear that drops from mobs should not be thrown away. Wear it to the auction. It sells fairly quickly and at a pretty good price. It is needed mainly for leveling the profession - enchanting. You won’t be able to earn a lot of gold on this, there are separate ones for this.
  • You should not immediately buy expensive bags for yourself if you don’t have a year or if you don’t have a rich friend for whom 1k gold is not money. Bags with eight and twelve slots are enough to start with.

These tips will make it possible to quickly upgrade the character not only to level 14, this is a good start for a great future and speed dial experience.

From 15 to 58 - do quests and download quickly

With each level, your character will need to gain more and more experience, but with each quest you will also get more of it. When pumping a character, it is necessary at this stage to take into account new tactics and rules, and this is very important. If you don’t follow everything, then you won’t be able to quickly upgrade a character in WoW.

  • Be sure to keep track of the levels of the zones in which you swing. As soon as you see that you have reached a level that allows you to move to a new zone, run there. In any case, you will receive more experience than in the previous zone. It is quite convenient to use the boards with tasks that are in each capital of the new locations. We take new quests and quickly do them.
  • After level 25, you can start running into dungeons with a random group. On insta you will also receive good experience, and complete quests. Of course, it's cool when an older comrade or a friend from the guild can bring you to insta. In this case, the inst is completed within a few minutes - the experience is not bad, plus the necessary quests are completed. With a random group, you can spend not only a few hours on one dungeon, but half a day. This is not suitable for us, since we need to pump the character quickly.
  • In BG, always run at such levels as: 19, 29, 59, 89. Characters at such levels are called Twinks. This separate story, since BG lovers spend a lot of time. This is done by those who have already received maximum experience, dressed and shod the character in cool gear, achieved high ratings in the arena, and now having fun in the BG. We are not up to it - the main task is to quickly pump a character in WoW in order to get maximum access to all the delights of the game.
  • Often in quests, tasks are given to find someone, or to talk to someone. It is very convenient to do this when there is an addon for quests. It will highlight areas of locations that you need to run to. This reduces the time it takes to find what you need. Here is for you.
  • I advise you to use such sites where you can get any description for any object from the WoW, as well as find absolutely any character. These are kind of guides to WoW that help you quickly complete quests and find what you need for this.
  • Once you have reached level 30, you can purchase a second specialization from a mentor. It costs only 10 gold, as a result you will get the opportunity to run on instas in different capacities: tank, heal or DD. But remember that it is best to take the initial specialization with DD, as this will increase the damage and speed up the experience gain.

From 58 to 68 - as a new round in character development

As soon as you have received the coveted level 58, and you are not in the dungeon at that moment, then you should quit everything and immediately run to Outland. To do this, you need to find a portal, which for the Alliance is located in Stormwind, for the Horde you will find it in the Cleft of Shadows. From the quests, the experience gained will be much more, and you will finally start knocking out gear of a normal level and of better quality for yourself. It is advisable to combine the completion of quests with trips to the Hellfire Bastion instance. For the passage you will get good experience, and the gear there will already fall out for you purple. It is ideal to take a friend of the maximum level with you and from time to time run through this instance for a few minutes.

  • Once you've reached level 60, immediately learn flying and buy a mount that you can use to fly in Outland. In order to save money, you should not buy flights to Azeroth. The mount will allow you to complete quests much faster. You will more accurately get to the desired target, as a result, the Persian will swing much faster.
  • In Nagrand, there are quests from the Nagrand Arena. For completing them, you will receive great amount experience in a very short time. All tasks are done in one place, you just need to take them and immediately kill the necessary mobs.
  • Of those tasks that you received on the boards, you will not receive anything, since this series of quests ends. It is best to navigate by clues and maps.

From level 68 to 80 - serious characters serious level

  • Having received level 68, you need to go to Northrend: the Alliance take the quest from the Call to Heroes board, and the Horde the Leader's Order. quickly this quest we fulfill and receive the treasured replenishment of experience.
  • If you have chosen a tanking specialization, then it is advisable to buy yourself a full set for level 70. This gear must be at least level 142. Why a set? Yes, because the full set gives additional bonuses with the help of which you will be more powerful and faster.
  • At level 70, if you are a DD or have taken the Heal specialization, then for the Alliance it is better to look for a full set in Storm on the auk, and for the Horde you can find it in Tanaris. The set must be enchanted for PvP and each item must be at least level 159. Be sure to buy PvP weapons for the character. Fill the gear with stones and enchant it. This will improve your characteristics, as well as bonuses from the items themselves.
  • Remember, in Nagrand we did Arena quests, for which we received a huge amount of experience. So at level 75, you can do the same tasks. They are called ZulDrak Arena Quests. This will significantly bring you closer to the final level and help you quickly level up your character in WoW.
  • After reaching level 77 or 78 at the auction, try to get some green clothes with Kate, the level of which is not lower than level 272. Wearing them you will significantly see the difference in HP. This gear is for BG. You shouldn't go there without it, as cool guys with such gear will squeeze you out instantly. You won't even have time to run away from the angel. Without the appropriate equipment on the BG, you should not meddle and waste time on this. After all, our main task is how to quickly pump a character.

From level 80 to 85 - we are in Cataclysm

  • Having reached the coveted level 80, you can drop everything and take it in Hyjal new series starting quests. You will have the opportunity to get into new dungeons, which is what you need to do first: Blackrock Caverns and the interesting Tone of the Tides.
  • Keep track of location levels. From 82 you can immediately fly to the Underdark, and Uldum will open for us already at level 83. The higher the level of Locations, the fatter the experience from completed quests will be.
  • As soon as you ran to Uldum, you need to take the Harrison Jones quests - this is a very important chain that will allow you to improve your experience by many cells. You should not even be distracted by a lot of side tasks - this will take time, and we need to pump the character quickly.
  • The new level 84 opens up two new quest chains for us - this is the "Twilight Highlands". It is done right at the entrance to the location, and later it will lead you to the famous Highlands Arena quest chain, which was already in Nagrand and we encountered it in ZulDrak. Be sure to complete the Jones quests in Uldum if you haven't had time before.
  • The eightieth level we give the opportunity to purchase from Pandaria cool weapon, which will have 409 levels. And not all classes have this option. I don’t remember exactly which ones can do this, later on in the game you yourself will find out and figure it out.
  • Having received level 83, it is worth updating your wardrobe and also purchasing Pandarian gear, which will be level 364 and not lower. For this business you will need gold, which you should already earn during the game. Each gear update will allow you to demolish mobs faster, which naturally affects the accelerated experience gain. As a result
  • If you are going to visit the Halls of Creation dungeon, then be sure to make sure that the Jones quest series is fully completed. Otherwise, in the new dungeon, you will not see new tasks.

From 85 to 90 - we swing the character in one sitting

Guys, we have nothing left. If you look at how much we have gone through and how much is left, then this is one time to sit down and finally get the coveted hundredth level.

  • From level 85, you need to update your clothes again. The best option- these are things from the auction with a level of at least 415. We insert stones there, we charm everything. It will take about 1.5k gold for this upgrade. With such gear, you can easily run up to level 90 and not feel like a disadvantaged character. In the very first Pandaria quests, you will have the opportunity to snip off the fluff, pants, cloak and bracers. Therefore, do not waste your money and do not buy anything in slots.
  • With the Stormstout Brewery quest and the Temple for the Jade Serpent quest, you will be dressed in full blue gear. Since he throws in these quests randomly, then constantly complete them. Gear will be above level 400, which falls from quest bosses. It is pleasant to perform these tasks, and most importantly, quickly.
  • Good accessories can be obtained by going through the "Twilight Time" instances. The advantage of these dungeons is that after completing them, you get into a specific dungeon, where there will be cool quests with big amount experience, as well as gear and great accessories for your character.
  • ZulAman and ZulGurub are also desirable to go through LFG, but before that, be sure to read the tactics, because it will be more difficult to put the bosses with each dungeon. It is better to prepare in advance than to hang in one instagram for half a day. For beginners, it will be quite difficult to pass them without experience. And this is a minus in our main question, how to quickly pump our Persian.
  • In the capitals, be sure to do daily dailies for cooking and fishing. All experience gained for them will be scaled starting from level 85. As a result, you get not only good fuel for battle, but also experience. For level 85, this is a great help.
  • In order for you to get to Pandaria, you need to complete a certain chain of quests that open a portal in both directions. Quests go almost to the very first village. As soon as they end, your character should already get the coveted level 86.
  • In the first location of Kun-Lai Pandaria, you need to take the quest “To white tiger”, which will allow you to open the gates to the location “Vale of Eternal Blossoms”. After simple tasks, you will be taken to the capital, where it is desirable to prescribe a stone for return. Then we just run and do quests to reach the long-awaited level 90.

From 90 to 110 - there is nothing more pleasant than the finish

  • In order to start getting even more experience, from level 90 in Dalaran you need to buy three standards, why three? Yes, because their personal CD will be separate. These standards allow you to get increased experience for killing mobs.
  • At this stage, it is desirable to put it - this will allow not only to collect resources by location, but also to receive our favorite experience, useful things, as well as the resource of the garrison for this.
  • As soon as you get the starting task, you need to go to the Blasted Lands and do the whole chain. It will inevitably lead you to the garrison, namely to its construction. In it, you can buy a special potion to accelerate the acquisition of the coveted experience.
  • From level 96, whatever one may say, the routine will begin for you. This path is inevitable and long. There are fewer and fewer quests left, and more and more experience is needed, so we do everything that comes to hand. This is the only way you can quickly upgrade your character. When you get a new level, you must always be transferred to the garrison. In it you will receive with a new level and new tasks that will send you to different locations. This will at least somehow dilute the routine of the last levels. Always keep track of the map as soon as the quest icon loomed on it - there will definitely be a chain of new tasks.
  • Don't waste your time on Instagram. There is little experience in them, the time for pumping a Persian is delayed. Therefore, at the last levels, the dungeons are not relevant.

There comes a long-awaited moment and at the same time a turning point for your character - this is getting level 110. The final level opens up many paths for your character - these are difficult dungeons with cool PvE gear, exciting Arena battles, cool BG and much more. You definitely won't be bored. It remains only to sit down and go all this way from level 1 to 110. I hope that our guide: "How to quickly level up a character" will help you go through this path quickly and easily.

Quickly and inexpensively upgrade wow characters, upgrade your character in World Of Warcraft - Get bonuses by ordering Powerleveling from Us!

In order to acquire a World of Warcraft character of maximum level 85, you need to swing it. This process right off the bat is not for the faint of heart. Have to give enough a large number of time to reach the last level. We can come to your aid and take care of all the most difficult part. It will not be difficult for us to download your WoW account in a short time. There are many WoW Hero Development Packs to choose from. Each of them has its own advantages, which differ in prices. Quantity additional services You can always find out from an online consultant.

Character boosting carried out by the site:

Package "Merry autumn 2016" until the end of autumn!Advanced character development
Level: 1 to 110
Deadline: 11 days
Gifts from us:

All bags are 30 slots.

Remember! An individual approach to each leveling of World of Warcraft is possible, you can buy additional options for each service package, more details atoperator.

We have our own approach to development for each class, because you will agree that some heroes are much more difficult to download. Considering the classes in more detail, there are immediately differences in the methods and ways of its development. Let's look at the pros and cons of all WoW classes:
close combat - Warrior, Rogue, Death Knight
+ Rapidly developing, due to numerous deadly abilities, they are able to easily repel the attack of several hostile creatures.
- They are not mobile, in difficult situations they cannot cope with ordinary force, they are difficult to manage.
hybrids - Druid, Shaman, Paladin
+ The only classes capable of applying any role, changing style during development results in low fatigue and more interest.
- As with any hybrid class, the disadvantages begin in the fact that each form (branch) is not deep enough, in some situations it is very difficult to play them.
Ranged combat - Priest, Mage, Hunter, Warlock
+ Definitely the best support, in addition to this role, they can be excellent attackers.
- Very difficult to develop, especially at the beginning, a huge responsibility during the dungeons.
Calculating the cost of building up World of Warcraft characters with a certain level goes in the table above located on this page. Terms can vary plus or minus 2 days based on the ordered class. Our standard in this case includes:
- 2 thousand gold WoW,
- Dual specialization,
- The maximum available flight skill.

Thus, when ordering a World of Warcraft character upgrade, you always have the opportunity to create a unique package, of course it will cost a little more, but the end result will be worth it.

Upgrade WoW Persian - our security policy!

The reliability of building a WoW account is a paramount task for us. We try to minimize the risks and sanctions of the game developers. Recall that according to the rules of the game, it is not allowed to transfer an account even to your brother, matchmaker, father, son, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc. And sites that say that nothing will happen to your account are at least disingenuous. But we have a number of measures in our company that avoid a lot of risks. Namely:
1) That is why we resort to the services of professional drivers who carry out manual pumping. Automated development of the WoW hero can lead to blocking of your account, which is simply not acceptable for us.
2) We know a lot of filters that developers catch violators (online filters, leveling methods, quest locations, etc.)
3) Somewhere once a year, developers make "banwaves" for violators of certain rules, and if your account suffers during pumping, we will give you the keys to the game (to create an account) and download the character there. These are the risks that our company takes on in order to ensure that the client is always satisfied with our quality of services.

The most important thing that is required of you during the buildup of your World of Warcraft account is patience, in no case should you log into your account during the period of our work! You will not have to wait very long, and the result obtained in the end will please you for a very long period of time. If you want to know how the character development is moving, just ask the operator, he will gladly answer all your questions. The portal site has something to be proud of, all our customers were satisfied with the quality and speed of this service.

Why is it worth downloading a World Of Warcraft character from us?

The answer is quite simple, our conditions are the most favorable on all Russian WoW servers. Just imagine that for such low prices, which are many times lower than those of our competitors, we offer a much larger range of additional services. We do not use risky methods of downloading a World of Warcraft account, other sites neglect this, which, in our opinion, is very sad. We will upgrade in a short time, get a ready-made character that you can start raiding. If you don't want to spend time on such a boring activity as upgrading a World Of Warcraft hero, then contact us. We will gladly fulfill this work while fulfilling your wishes. A variety of swing variations will provide you with a decent choice.