The article will help you decide how to choose a color for a logo of his firm. However, this is an important point that should not be ignored. Numerous studies have long proven that the color component has enormous impact on the human brain, and if you choose a shade taking into account these features, visual perception will be improved. The brand will evoke the required associations, which will certainly lead to an expansion of the audience.

If you carefully consider the logos of the most popular organizations, it becomes clear that among the colors used, the most various options, in fact, all colors are involved. What can this be about? First of all, we can conclude that there are no winning colors, however, it is still necessary to understand the intricacies of each individual color scheme in order to decorate the logo consciously.

First, let's discuss the most common colors that are taken as a basis. Among them are red, green, blue, yellow, purple and orange. The last two are derived from the main ones, but, nevertheless, they can often be observed in the field of branding.

Red color

We all know that this color represents strength, passion and greatness, but it is far from always suitable, as there are back side medals. Scarlet has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, can cause fear, irritation, aggression and anger. This is a rather dangerous color, which in no case should be abused. The range of feelings evoked is very wide, and it is important to understand what kind of reaction you want to achieve. For example, if your goal is to sway your audience into action, this is a great choice. Scarlet is also suitable if you need to evoke some vivid associations, and at the same time you are not averse to taking risks, and possible aggression does not frighten you. Then boldly paint the brand with eye-catching shades - raspberry, cherry, burgundy, ruby.


From yellow breathes warmth, creativity, fun and positive. Emotions here are the most pleasant and positive. However, again, do not overdo it so that the color does not overwork, just such an outcome is possible in large quantities. A wonderful motivator to act, like the previous version, however, here there is also an impression of a holiday, a taste of childhood, a feeling of carefree joy and happiness. Yellow does not hint at lust or anger. It is suitable if you want to evoke a good mood and a sincere smile in people. In this case, the color will be the perfect choice for decorating the logo.

Blue color

In coloristics, blue is usually attributed to the so-called cold group. It is clear that in fact the temperature has nothing to do with it, but such a metaphor allows us to clearly understand what kind of effect this color has. If you look closely, you can feel that it really seems to breathe some kind of cold from him. The association is by no means unfounded. The heavenly shade is able to soothe, relax, cool the ardor and set to work. You probably already realized that there will not be such lightning-fast customer reactions here as in the case of stimulating scarlet. You will not wait for any spontaneous actions if you take the color of water and sky as a basis when creating a logo. However, if you earn trust, customers will not leave for a long time.

Orange color

This color is formed by mixing red and yellow, and not only in the color spectrum. The impact on the audience is also something in between the impact of the two primary colors. At first glance, it might seem that when combining the two expressed energies, nothing good can be obtained, however, this is not the case in reality. Fiery orange is still softer, more comfortable and calmer. This is the personification of home warmth, friendship and true comfort.

Green color

Green is healthy lifestyle life, nature, freshness, naturalness, sport, tranquility. Also an incentive to activity and relaxation. Harmless color represents balance, harmony and peace, healing and health. A moderate combination does not attract such dissonance as the same red, does not give an overabundance of emotions like yellow, and is not as relaxing as in the case of blue. If you are looking for harmony for your logo and do not want to be overloaded with some additional features, feel free to opt for neutral green.


The color of aristocrats and royal nobility, magic and spirituality. Like red, purple is associated with strength and power, but its influence is more subdued. Thus, the impact is softer and calmer, and at the same time, of course, more noble.

Like blue, this color belongs to cold shades. From does not cause excitement nervous system, and therefore does not call for active and spontaneous action. It is a symbol of wisdom, secret knowledge, magic, confidence. Often clients respect him.

How to choose a color for a logo

In the course of conducting a study on the effect of color on clients, it was obtained. It will be useful to analyze it, it allows you to choose the most suitable color solution.

If you intend to use more than one color, you should find a harmonious combination so that the shades interact well with each other without causing conflict. It is best to resort to special services where you can choose the best solution from ready-made options, of which there are a huge variety. There are also sites where you create your own scheme online.

It is possible to apply a color filter in the second step of creating a logo. To do this, click on "Change settings".

We hope that the above recommendations will allow you to choose the perfect colors when designing a logo, which in the future will contribute to the success of the promoted brand and will certainly bring good luck. By the way, using the Turbologo logo maker you can try on the colors yourself in real time without the help of a designer.


Understanding the psychology of color is vital to creating an effective logo, argues Martin Christie of Logo Design London. The human brain is extremely receptive to visual stimuli, and color is one of the important factors in this aspect. On a conscious and unconscious level, colors convey a certain subtext. And who but graphic designers should use this fact, .

The use of a particular color can carry several definitions, from primitive reactions that have developed in a person over a million years of existence, to complex associations that we make based on learned assumptions. This will help reinforce the message the company is trying to convey to its consumer.

What does a particular color mean

Every color, including black and white, has its own meaning. As a designer, you must carefully choose the colors for the logo elements, carefully adding nuances such as shadows and midtones.

Generally speaking, bright colors attract attention, but can oversaturate the user. Subdued colors can convey a more complex look, but you risk going unnoticed.

Here is a list of primary colors and the generally accepted meanings they carry:

Red means energy, passion, danger and aggressiveness, irascibility, warmth. It is scientifically established that this color stimulates appetite. That is why many restaurants decorate their halls with this color. Also, the choice of red gives dynamics to the logo.

Orange associated with innovation and modern thinking. This color also carries the meaning of youth, fun, accessibility and achievement.

Yellow should be used very carefully. One of the meanings of color is indecision, even cowardice, which is why it is used in warning signs. Despite this, yellow is associated with goodwill, warmth, and, like red, it stimulates appetite.

Green The color is used by companies that want to emphasize the natural aspect of their business, such as those that produce organic and vegetarian products. Another meaning of color is growth and freshness. Green is often used by financial companies.

Blue one of the most widely used colors in logos. It implies professionalism, seriousness of views and intentions, sincerity and calmness. Blue is also associated with power and success, which is why it is popular with financial institutions and government bodies.

Violet color will tell about luxury and grandeur, wealth and prosperity. In some countries, the color is associated with the church, implying wisdom and dignity.

Black the color is quite twofold in its meaning. On the one hand, it means power and certainty, and on the other, meanness and death. We must understand that any logo has a black and white version for use where a color version is not applicable, such as when sending a fax. Not so long ago, there was a trend to develop monochrome logos and signs.

White color is associated with purity, weightlessness, naivety and simplicity. From a practical point of view, a white logo always needs a contrasting background.

Brown color is most often used by companies whose activities are related to rural activities and natural resources. The color is more suitable for companies whose main consumer is men.

Pink the color is associated with coquettishness and fun. This color carries notes of flirting and is best used for products intended specifically for the female sex.

Of course, you should not take these associations as a guide to action. Remember that the color itself is not decisive, it is important to understand how it will interact with the shapes of the font and sign of the future logo.

Most of the logos are in one color. This approach to creating a logo allows you to show only important direction company activities. Several successful global companies use an entire color scheme in their logos. Think Google, Windows or eBay. This choice of colors tells the consumer about the wide range of products and services provided.

The latest trend in logo design is the use of patterns and tessellation, which entails using not only contrasting colors but a wide range of shades of the same color.

Think globally

If the company you are designing a logo for operates on a global scale, be very careful when choosing a color. It is necessary to take into account the cultural characteristics of a particular country where the company will operate. For example, red is considered lucky in China, and white is the color of sadness and death in India.

Make sure that it is the shape of the font and the sign that defines the logo, and the color only sends your message to the end consumer.



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iStar Design Bureau

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The studio provides a range of services for creating original layouts (design) of the site, software layout and programming, creating an administrative panel, filling in content, testing, and further promoting the site on the Internet.

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stage of primary visualization, design creation;
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quality control and testing;
hosting and publishing.

Specialists of the iStar graphic design studio will implement the project to create your website as quickly and efficiently as possible. The duration of the work may vary, but on average it takes about a month.

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Many people know that colors in logos famous brands not just chosen. And they understand that all this is a very tricky process using the psychology of human perception of colors. Thanks to different colors, you can convey a certain mood, sensations and feelings. We've translated an infographic detailing which brands use certain colors and why.

The psychology of color in logos is already in action! Companies have learned to use even purely biological facts regarding the perception of colors to their advantage, that each of us has already fallen for the bait of their experienced marketers at least once in a lifetime.

If we trust the given data, then red color can evoke a range of sensations in the reader, including drive, aggression, energy, excitement, and many others. No wonder it is used by such companies as Red Bull (energy drinks), Marlboro (cigarettes), Shell (petroleum products) and many others.

Its semantic opposite is white color. In human perception, it symbolizes purity, tranquility, perfection, sterility, simplicity, honesty, integrity, impeccability and purity.

Pink color, as well as raspberry, is close in spectrum to red. Therefore, its influence, its symbolism, should be considered immediately. According to the presented data, it causes feelings of innocence and sophistication. In addition, the following associative series arises in thoughts: delicacy, femininity, tenderness, gratitude, romance, calmness and gentleness.

Associations associated with contemplation yellow colors are slightly different. It symbolizes curiosity and at the same time cowardice, cheerfulness, playfulness, warmth, joy, warning, sunshine, etc. An example of a brand that implements it is McDonalds.

Orange often used to get attention. It symbolizes carelessness, ardor, fun, enthusiasm, creativity and many other positive things. One of the companies using it in their own logo is Nickelodeon.

Brown color is most often associated with nature, trees, earth ... Its contemplation should cause potential buyer a feeling of calmness, depth, richness, seriousness, sophistication and usefulness.

Green color means renewal and life. He is calm and gentle. In some cases, it can be interpreted negatively and is associated with such a concept as envy. But for the most part, it still symbolizes nature, inexperience, ecology, freshness, health, harmony, naturalness, money, serenity and much more.

Violet the background of any logo gives the concept of spirituality and sophistication pursued by the respective firm. The blue tint is a symbol of solidity, power and tranquility, serenity, security, success and trust, as well as strength, recognition and dignity.

Finally, it remains to consider the features of the influence on human consciousness of such colors that are not included in the main spectrum, such as gray and black. According to the presented infographic, the first of them is quite cold and neutral. And therefore, it can symbolize power, corporatism, gloominess, stability. The second can also be associated with power. But the further continuation of the associative series will be completely different: courage, classicism, conservatism, formalism and mystery.

It is no secret that an important component of the logo is its color. The right color combination brings logos to life, making brands popular. The color scheme can be very different, the main thing is compliance with the general theme, as well as the ability to combine all the elements of the logo so that each of them looks beautiful and stylish. An abundance of colors when creating logos is undesirable, as this can break the harmony and be out of place. A good logo is distinguished by a competent combination of two or three colors that blend perfectly with each other.

So, what is the meaning of color when creating a logo - let's dwell on this issue in more detail. As a result of research conducted by Yandex in 2007, it was revealed that the color of the logo plays great value: brand recognition, brand success and reputation depend on it.

So, red is the favorite color of many. It reflects the desire for evolution, implies impulsiveness and a thirst for victory, which means that the logo in red indicates success. However, its use in logo design is not always justified, as the color can be too bright, aggressive and provocative, which is not desirable for some brands. Use red carefully.

The blue color in the logo design symbolizes that the brand connects with consumers in some way. Psychologists say that blue is chosen by companies in which everything is going smoothly. This is the color of purity and lightness, it speaks of intelligence and reliability.

Green colors indicate brand safety. Green represents movement forward, consistency. It's the color of spring and Have a good mood, it is formed as a result of a combination of blue and yellow colors. The first speaks of harmony, the second - the color of the sun, positive and joyful emotions.

The yellow color in logo design is used as a signal color, it is often combined with black, which is drawn with oblique stripes to enhance the contrast and give the logo an originality. Yellow is the color of optimism, which means its use in logo design is always trendy and stylish.

Black is often used to make logo elements more defined. This color goes well with all the others, emphasizing and highlighting the main thing.

Violet color speaks of sensitivity, inspiration and charm, so its use is typical for perfume brands.

Gray is considered a neutral color, it goes well with others, but does not show itself in any way in design. Gray practically does not bother, however, it does not attract attention to itself.

White color creates a feeling of perfection, it demonstrates perfect solution and freedom, its main idea is equality. That's why White color often used in design.

Every day we see a lot of graphics, logos and symbols with a wide variety of color combinations. The same logos can change their meaning if you change their color. Various color combinations can stimulate or inhibit, add energy or cause a depressed mood, help to attract or distract attention. The colors used in the logo are of great importance in shaping its perception and, of course, allow you to fully use the potential of the brand name. That is why logo development should be carried out by professionals who can take into account every detail. It is very important to connect the motives arising from the sight of the colors of the logo and the activities of the company. For example, a company that produces GPS navigators should have a different color scheme than one that deals with financial services.

You should not save on logo design by entrusting this business to random people.

What associations do people experience when they see certain colors and what color to choose for your company logo?

Red - this color evokes a feeling of warmth, it is also called the "color of fire." This is the color of life, attracting attention due to its visibility and has a stimulating effect. Suitable for signs that require association with warmth, energy and vitality.

Orange is another color from the "colors of fire" palette. It is associated with joy, causes extroversion. This color has people to itself, positively stimulates and motivates to action. Because of these characteristics, orange is best suited for creating symbols associated with dynamic, happy, positive and action.

Yellow is the brightest of the "colors of fire", associated with the sun and warmth. Thus, it is a symbol of the sun and is indispensable for the logos of travel agencies. The yellow color perfectly reflects the optimistic nature of the logo. Since this color is very bright, it should be presented on dark background to increase the contrast of the logo.

Gold is the color of luxury, wealth, associated with the ideas of prosperity, stability, peace and trust. If the logo is to express these characteristics of the company, then this color will be perfect, especially in combination with gray and brown tones. Such color combinations evoke a sense of peace, security and sustainability.

White is the color of snow, reminiscent of pristine purity. It calms, pacifies and improves mood. This color works best on a dark background. The combination with blue shades enhances the impression of purity. This combination of colors is necessary if we want to convey to the viewer the impression of cleanliness and hygiene. This is the reason why most dental or medical companies use both of these colors for their logos and emblems.

Pink is a color that has a positive and strong effect primarily on women or children. This color evokes feelings of weakness, sensitivity and romanticism. It also evokes sympathy and is associated with good melodies. As such, it seems like an obvious choice when designing the symbols of "women's" companies, from beauty salons to "gossip" portals about celebrities, artists and the like.

Purple - the color is a combination of pink (or red) with blue. Just like pink, it is associated with femininity, but does not have the infantile coloration that distinguishes pink color. With a dash of blue purple evokes associations of something serious, calm, worthy. Emphasizes ideas of weakness, peace, security and dignity.

Blue is a color from the palette opposite to the "colors of fire", it is called "watercolor". Most often, blue is associated with water and the sky. The color is cool, relaxing, soothing, stimulating. It evokes a feeling of cleanliness and space. The color is undeniably leading in logos related to business and medicine.

Green - just like blue, refers to "watercolor". Reminiscent of nature, appears in almost all sites related to nature, environment, tourism and forestry. Reminds of peace, relaxation, soothes, improves mood, gives optimistic, peaceful energy. Symbolism with green colors is also used in projects dedicated to military, sports and outdoor activities.

Brown is the color of the earth palette. The color of security and warmth, radiates peace and harmony. Recommended for companies that want to have an image associated with a sense of stability and security in life. In combination with in green will reflect the ideas of ecology, harmonious relationship with nature, with golden hues expresses dignity, control and balance.

Black - often found in everyday speech, as the color "negative". This color has such qualities as dignity, sadness. Although black is also associated with magic and mysticism, at night. In combination with white, sets it off, creating a strong contrast. When designing any logo, you need to take into account the creation of its black - white version. For this reason, before accepting the final shape of a symbol, you should first check how it will look in black and white.