Extreme summer month 2017 for many inhabitants of the Earth can become a landmark. In this sense, it is difficult to determine the elements that will receive the greatest advantage, which is why it is logical to take into account the key trends for all signs equally. First of all, it should be noted that the Sun will regain its dominant position, it will be supported by Uranus and Venus. Third party planetary combinations will be individual and in almost every case will be the least significant factor. This month will clearly gravitate towards a powerful progressive development. This is not the most active period of 2017, but very close to this status. Now it makes sense to go forward, looking back only to check whether you are moving along the right path. There is nothing wrong with the fact that some moments will seem unnecessarily complicated, ambiguous to you. This is a temporary measure that is necessary so that you do not literally mess things up. Both in the work direction and in the field of personal relationships, the stars will look after you very closely and carefully. This does not mean that you are insured against mistakes, as they say, one hundred percent. But other things being equal, your own instincts, as well as third-party influences, will not allow you to make a critical miss, pushing in the right direction. This good time for businessmen, and even better for those who want to become one. In terms of family, health and other areas of your life, everything will develop in its own way, individually in projection on a specific situation.

The “heavenly leader” of the element of Fire at this stage will be Mars, which cannot but please Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. It's about about powerful, high-quality support, the result of which can be a comprehensive success, but only in a particular direction. Agree, it would be unfair to get everything at once, and almost “for free”. The additional planetary patron of the element of Water - Uranus, will now be strong enough and, as already noted, will occupy one of the key positions on the celestial ribbon. This good helper, which won't give you much head-to-head advantage, but will allow you to survive on the sidelines for which Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces aren't particularly suited. The element of Air this month boasts the Moon, which in its normal position has a fairly indirect relationship with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. However, there must always be exceptions, otherwise how are we going to define the rules? That is why the Moon at certain moments will really help the representatives of this element. But the earth signs in August 2017 will do without additional patronage. It's not scary, since it is the representatives of this element that will be strong with a priori, initial positions.

In general, August 2017 will be rich in events and situations that may seem ambiguous, but will lead to a positive (for everyone) result. This is a bright, daring, but peaceful and humane time, so those who like to "flex their muscles" lose all their advantages. Success in the work area is determined by adaptability, in the field of personal relationships - goodwill. Nothing complicated, everything is within the natural state of things. But it is also worth considering the position of Pluto and Neptune, which will unite in not the most positive tandem. The influence of this planetary union can be destructive, fortunately - potentially, that is, if you yourself do not set the momentum, the situation will not develop into a conflict. So it makes sense to avoid hasty decisions and actions aimed at developing the problem. Negativity can only be avoided by diplomacy and moderation. Otherwise, even such a bright and positive stage can turn into a whole bunch of problems.

The horoscope for August 2017, being a general and speculative document, can, nevertheless, have a significant impact on our everyday life. Simply put, it is an intermediary between our ideal desires and the objective trends in the development of the world around us. Everything that has happened and should happen is subject to a powerful influence celestial bodies. The configuration of the planets will determine what will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us. Having reliable information on this score, we can most correctly plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, detailed and accurate horoscope for August 2017 you will find in the section of personal horoscopes.

If you would like to improve your personal life, find new partners, fall in love and have long-term love - August 2017 is one of the most inappropriate months of the year for such plans.

However, the approaching eclipses of the Moon and the Sun can bring some changes in personal life, some may come and long-awaited changes, therefore, one should not expect an unambiguously negative influence of the planets this month.

There may be changes in the personal lives of some of you, which at first may seem not the most favorable, however, their positive effects can be felt somewhat later.

If the eclipses in any way affect the points of your personal cards births that are responsible for, partnership, it is quite possible that the events of this month may have consequences up to until the next eclipse, which will take place at the very end January and February 2018.

Most of the month, up to until August 26 Venus will be moving into the sign of Cancer, in which she feels not so comfortable, but also not too stressed. With Venus in Cancer, people also need understanding, they are driven by feelings, they become more sentimental and vulnerable.

Dating these days is very possible, however risks of making a mistake and wishful thinking are very large.

However, this month Venus will do some very unfortunate aspects, which will be discussed below. These aspects can bring failure in love due to too strong attachments and obsessions. This will primarily apply to women. It will seem to them that they are less loved or not loved at all, they are not given due attention, they are not appreciated, etc.

Women will demand from men that they last prove their love to them and men, due to stubbornness or other reasons, may not give them such an opportunity. As a result, there may be quarrels and misunderstandings between representatives of different sexes.

Important days for love and relationships inaugust 2017:

The first two weeks of the month can be quite calm and even peaceful if you are talking about relationships and love. Venus in the sign of Cancer will be in harmony with Mercury, which will not yet have time to turn back, but will already slow down its movement 10th of August. A few days before this, you can go to serious conversations with members of the opposite sex. Here it is more likely that a compromise can be reached.

In a relationship between about from 8 to 10 August peace can be expected, partners will treat each other with all tact and diplomacy. August 9 and 10 - a good time to make new interesting acquaintances.

August 10-12: Venus will meet in a favorable aspect with Neptune, and this is the aspect of love and strong feelings. It is likely that you will feel something special these days. If you already have a partner, maybe you will look at him or her with more tenderness. And if you are single, you can meet love.

Despite some negative aspects of the moon these days, it is likely that you will feel good. Now you can confess your love or present partners with special signs of attention in the form of gifts. Love can push creative people to create something very beautiful, touching the soul.

Second half of the month less successful, since Venus will only make negative aspects:

August 13-15– Venus opposition with Pluto, change lunar phase. These days, the tension in the love sphere will reach its peak. Even the most harmonious relationship can face something not the most pleasant. There may be breaks in relationships, changes in relationships that may not seem the most pleasant for both parties or for one party in a couple.

These days are dangerous complex relationships, relations on the verge of breaking. If the relationship is stuck at some point and does not want to move on, they can be broken due to some reasons beyond anyone's control. If you have already experienced a breakup, now there is nothing to try to restore relations: nothing good will come of it. You cannot step into the same river twice.

August 14-16 Venus square Jupiter. In addition to Pluto, Jupiter will also hit Venus in mid-August, and this will add even more tension. There may be manifestations of jealousy and impatience, dissatisfaction in personal life and behavior of partners. Jupiter is a social planet, so it can also give partners the inability to fit into each other's social circle. These days are extremely unfavorable for dating, starting a new romance, and even dating. It is highly undesirable to trust the promises of partners now, as you can be deceived.

August 21-24. And finally, this month will culminate in a new moon, which will be near the defeat of Venus by Uranus. Here the probability of a break in relations is very high, even if the previous days of the month were not too stressful for you. Of course, breaks in relations in this case will be mainly among those whose relationships cannot be called ideal and harmonious, in whose couples a conflict has been brewing for a long time, who cannot change anything. You may find out something not too personal about your partners, or something unexpected will happen to you that can destroy your connection. In general, these days will be very dangerous for relationships. Remember this!

August, 26th Venus will move into Leo sign and in next month will be very harmonious. If you want to meet love, it is better not to look for new acquaintances in August, but wait until September!

Love : men and women

WOMEN. You may be quite vulnerable this month in the face of all sorts of troubles that may come into your life. You must be prepared for the fact that men can offend you or misunderstand you.

Hanging too much on the neck of new acquaintances is dangerous: this can easily frighten off even the most serious potential partners. Even if you have desire find love and get married, don't say it right away on the first date. Also this month, women should be wary of violence, including both physical and moral. Men will now be more inclined to manipulate your feelings. May be painful critical days or other women's health issues.

MEN. During this period, women will be more vulnerable than you men, so remember that they are very easy to offend. Do not take the moodiness and hysteria of your ladies too seriously and do not be nervous. If your partners are too touchy and cry for no good reason, remember that this month it will be very difficult for them to contain their feelings. Manipulation on your part can cause even more negativity in women. Be patient and considerate.

When is the best time to celebrate a wedding in August 2017?

Unlucky month for weddings and wedding celebrations. Remember that near eclipses it is better not to make important decisions at all and not to marry. There are thousands of examples where such marriages fall apart very quickly.

However, if you still want to take a chance, choose the following days by lunar calendar: 4 (after 12:30), 5, 6 (before 15:30), 9, 13 (after 14:30), 16, 31 (after 11:30) August 2017.

Most bad days this month for love relationship and dating: 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18-24, 29 August 2017.

Most lucky days for dating and establishing relationships: 2, 3 (after 11:00), 17, 25, 30 August 2017.

Most lucky days for marriage registration: no.

Astrological forecast: love life of the zodiac signs in August 2017

♈ Love Aries for August 2017

Eclipse of the Sun in your symbolic 5th house can bring changes to your personal life. In the days of August, many events can be very unexpected and unpredictable, in addition, they can be fatal. In other words, you simply won't be able to change what happens to you. These can be both good and very intense events. This is a big month for testing existing love relationships. It is not excluded the return of people from the past.

Luck : average

Events in personal life : unexpected changes in relationships.

♉ Love horoscope Taurus for August 2017

Your love life will not be particularly turbulent this month, most likely, your usual routine is waiting for you. Everything will be familiar and understandable. However, you can learn something new about your old relationship. You may also have meetings with people from the past, but also new meetings, but hardly New acquaintances could escalate into something more serious. In the middle of the month, we advise you not to sort things out with partners. There may be gossip and bad news that may be relevant to your intimate life or relationships in general.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : frivolous acquaintances, unpleasant news.

♊ Gemini love horoscope for August 2017

Venus will move through your house of money this month, so it will mostly affect financial matters, not love life. This month you may have some quarrels and misunderstandings with lovers based on money. In important situations, you should not count on financial support from partners.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : quarrels over money.

♋ Love horoscope Cancer for August 2017

This month, Venus will be in your sign of Cancer, which means it will make a conjunction with your Sun. It's a good time for creative activity, the mood should be good, you will attract the attention of the opposite sex. However, due to the negative aspects of Venus, you are unlikely to have much luck right now. The middle of the month can be quite a difficult period for you in an emotional sense: there may be bad feeling, dark thoughts. You may also be tormented by jealousy and distrust towards partners. Try not to go too deep into these sensations, as they are destructive.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction in personal life can ruin relationships.

♌ Love horoscope Leo for August 2017

Eclipses on the Leo/Aquarius axis will be felt especially strongly by your sign. However, you will not advertise many of your feelings and emotions, but will hide them. Possible events in personal life that can reverse the state of things. It is possible that you may be offered an offer, or you will move to a new place of residence with partners. In any case, this month will be quite significant for you and will be remembered for a long time.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : changes in personal life that will be serious (mostly positive events).

♍ Virgo love horoscope for August 2017

This month, meeting friends can be quite memorable. Friends can influence the further course of your personal life, for example, they can introduce you to someone, or, conversely, quarrel. Don't rely too much on someone's mind in regards to your personal life and your relationships. If things are not going so smoothly with partners, do not wash dirty linen in public: it is likely that you will soon make peace, and your friends will subsequently have a negative attitude towards your partners, which will put pressure on you unpleasantly.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : new acquaintances, quarrels with lovers.

♎ Libra love horoscope for August 2017

A lunar eclipse in your symbolic 5th house can bring thoughts of past relationships. If you are in an unpleasant relationship, this month may bring you release, it all depends on whether you really want it. New relationships may be less likely to start, so if you are single, you should not look for new meetings. You can go on dates, but don't count on continuing the relationship.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : breakup, news about the former, the appearance of people from the past.

♏ Love horoscope Scorpio for August 2017

The first half of the month promises to be very successful for you. New acquaintances, romantic relationships and even a pleasant feeling of falling in love await you. This mostly applies to single Scorpios. But if you already have a relationship, but they do not seem very promising to you, it is likely that you will more open to new connection . In the second half of the month, we do not recommend going on vacation with partners, and you should not start holiday romances. We advise you to solve all your pressing problems in your personal life until August 12.


Events in personal life : new acquaintances, romantic relationships, falling in love, unsuccessful holiday romances.

♐ Love horoscope Sagittarius for August 2017

This month does not promise to be easy in terms of emotions and love experiences. Dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs can quarrel you with lovers and partners. There may be quarrels manifestation of jealousy and others negative emotions. Mutual claims can ruin your relationship. To make this month run smoothly, be prepared for the fact that during the most stressful moments of the month, you simply do not need to bring up questions about your relationship.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : quarrels and disagreements with partners.

♑ Love horoscope Capricorn for August 2017

Now communication and relationships will be quite important topic for you. The first half of the month is more successful for establishing relationships or sorting out relationships with existing partners. Give them nice gifts nice words etc. There may be more stress in the second half of the month. It all depends on how you behave in first two weeks.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : increased categoricalness and exactingness can ruin relationships with partners.

♒ Love horoscope Aquarius for August 2017

A lunar eclipse in your sign and a solar eclipse in your symbolic house of partnership will turn on events that can play out not only this month, but also in the next six months. This month promises to bring you very big surprises that can greatly change your personal life. This is especially true for people who already have partners. However, if you are single, notice who fate will face you this month. It is likely that these people affect us you and change your life and your outlook.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : serious changes.

♓ Pisces love horoscope for August 2017

The transit of Venus through your symbolic house of love can bring both positive and negative events. You have a chance to fall in love and start new novels in the first half of the month, but already after August 12 be careful: it is better not to look for new meetings, your lovers and partners can bring unpleasant surprises. love life can get on your nerves a lot during this period. Do not be too jealous of your beloved, so as not to conflict with them. Women should be wary of aggression from lovers.

Luck : high in the first half of the meat, low in the second.

Events in personal life : new acquaintances, falling in love, unpleasant surprises, deterioration in relations with lovers.

August will impose on all signs a small share of sadness about the outgoing summer of 2016. But this melancholy before the autumn cold will not prevent love adventures from burning brightly and hot like in summer. Stable relationships and long-term alliances will be very rare this month, but passionate and seething romances will happen in the life of each of the signs. August does not prophesy difficult partings and resentments. Even if a break is necessary in your life, you will go through it naturally and painlessly. This month will give a chance to relationships that were broken by mistake, both parties will be able to enter into love without carrying with them resentment from the past.

August 2016 love horoscope for Aries

Both Aries and his partner will want to clarify all personal issues overnight in August 2016. If there were precedents with betrayals in a couple, now the whole truth will become known to all parties. Deciding what to do with this relationship will be easy for an Aries. Those Aries who are in a stable couple will want to bring a twist to their union in August. These couples will help family traditions, if your family has not yet wound up like this, then right now it is worth coming up with something similar. Aries who are in search can dive headlong into a crazy and fleeting romance that will inspire them and make them happy.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Taurus

The strong connections of Taurus in August 2016 may give a small crack. However, a simple heart-to-heart talk can glue everything together and make the relationship even stronger. Perhaps, in the process of placing all the points, you will learn something that you did not want to know about your partner before, however, the August stars will give you the strength to survive the received portion of mental anxiety. Taurus, who are in the status of a marriageable person, will seek their fate among their environment, but astrology in August did not prepare fateful events for them.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Gemini

Astrologers advise Gemini to beware of gossip in August 2016. Unkind tongues will want to significantly spoil your nerves and reputation. If conversations about you take on an undesirable context, it is worth nipping this trend in the bud. It is best to hit the epicenter, from which everything comes. A frank conversation with this person will not help you, but you can completely exclude him from your communication zone. Also, to combat the untruth around you, complete openness to friends and acquaintances will help. Closing your personal life from prying eyes, you only feed the ground for gossip.

August 2016 love horoscope for Cancer

Keeping a good mood in August 2016 will help Cancers a short vacation, during which Cancers will be able to pay attention to their household. For unoccupied Cancers, August is optimal as a period for relaxation and self-knowledge. It is better if you take care of your body. At the same time, do not forget about health, because nothing adds beauty to the body like the correct daily routine, in which there is room for good rest and sleep. Try to find a balance and keep it for a month, and then you will be lucky to find interesting communication with people of the opposite sex.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Leo

Constant worries and suspicions about their partner will begin to torment Lviv in August 2016. Their groundless arguments in favor of the wrongness of their partner can bring serious contention to their union. In the process of reconciliation, the Lions will constructively indicate what they do not like in their relationship and solve this problem. Last days August will be a real honeymoon if the conflict is properly resolved and all parties do not remain offended. Lonely Lions this month plunge into the fleeting and passionate romance, which will end as lightning and quickly as it began.

August 2016 love horoscope for Virgo

Single Virgos in August will be able to feel all the delights of being in a long-term union, the end of summer will give the representatives of this sign the opportunity to start a lasting and serious romance. Many representatives of the sign will take a step that they have long wanted to take, but did not dare. Part of Virgos will want to move to a new level in relationships, perhaps even decide on marriage or cohabitation with a partner. Those Virgos who at the time of August will already be in a successful marriage, will experience a renewal of romance and love within their union, this will bring new feelings, warmth and passion to their marriage.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Libra

Balance and prudence will leave Libra in August, and the end of summer 2016 will be marked for this sign by a series of wrong and spontaneous decisions. Waiting position will help not to break firewood. Try to observe the development of events from the outside, join only in emergency situations when the issue cannot be resolved without your participation. Lonely Libra, showing excessive activity when meeting a potential life partner, will alienate even those admirers who could become their destiny. Therefore, mystery and neutrality will become faithful assistants for Libra in August.

August 2016 love horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpio, in pursuit of an ideal relationship, will break firewood in their already existing relationship. They can inadvertently offend loved ones with their reproaches, baseless accusations and unreasonable jealousy. Scorpio can bring their relationship to a break if they do not show sensitivity and understanding, and also do not reduce pressure on their partner. Lonely Scorpios, having met a person they like, will immediately try to transfer the relationship to the level of stable and long-term, but not every person will like such perseverance, and acquaintance may not last long at all.

Love horoscope for August 2016 for Sagittarius

Accuracy and dexterity of Sagittarius thought may leave for a while in August, the end of the summer of 2016 will oblige Sagittarius to take stock and draw appropriate conclusions. Most likely, Sagittarius will face a difficult choice. Astrologers recommend not chasing material goods and give preference to the scales on which family happiness and stability lie. Such a decision will be duly appreciated by the stars and the Universe will generously reward you for right choice. Lonely Sagittarius will not make acquaintances in this month, as it will be too much concentrated on its inner world.

August 2016 love horoscope for Capricorns

It is simply necessary for Capricorns to maintain sobriety of mind in August 2016. If Capricorn follows all his feelings, emotions and desires, then he will allow unscrupulous people to take advantage of their own naivety and derive self-interest and benefit from personal relationships. However, all the people in a row who meet on the way should not be suspected of malicious intent either. It is best to keep a small distance with new acquaintances until their actions begin to speak about the true face of your new friends.

August 2016 love horoscope for Aquarius

You can’t rush in love matters in August 2016, the straightforward Aquarius at the end of this summer will become slightly hasty, and in some places even rude towards family and friends. If you are planning to spend your leisure time together, then make sure that you have enough time for this and devote yourself to communicating with your family. And if your schedule is so busy that you still won’t be able to fully spend time with your family, it’s best not to plan anything grandiose, but to transfer your leisure time to a homely atmosphere. Due to tension and haste, a lonely Aquarius will not be destined to see his love among new acquaintances.

In already established couples, conflicts arise much more often than usual, and each is so sure that he is right that he does not even want to consider the possibility of a compromise. But people are not in a hurry to part, because they value their feelings. Keep in mind: if you started to quarrel, then until August 10 it will hardly be possible to restore peace.

From the point of view of new acquaintances, this period is also not very good. The point is too high requirements, which now almost everyone tends to impose on others. As a result, people who at other times might like each other experience only mutual dissatisfaction.

Mid-August will bring changes for the better. The first to notice them are those who are ready to be condescending to other people's weaknesses, to respect the wishes of others. It will be easier for such people to solve any problems that arise in a relationship.

The end of the month - the time of the strongest feelings and experiences. It is at this time that many people learn about own experience What is passionate love. However, the feelings that arise these days can quickly lose their strength, disappear, leaving only an unpleasant aftertaste. Be ready to take responsibility for everything you do, do not give in to the mercy of fate.

At Dev good prospects for August: the month is suitable for dating, promises a start romantic stories. You are sincerely interested in others, they respond in the same way, so now the moment is quite favorable to start a relationship. Try to take the initiative, do not be afraid to take the first steps towards someone you like.

Libra August brings a lot of excitement. They will be mostly pleasant, but still, representatives of the sign will sometimes lack calmness and stability. The unpredictable development of events in the romantic sphere makes the heart either stop, or beat twice as often.

For scorpions August will be successful if they are sincere with themselves and those who are interested in them. Do not be led by illusions, do not try to inspire others with what you do not feel yourself; real events much more important than speculative constructions. Remember this, and you will be able to make a good impression on the person you care about, to please him.

Sagittarius will have to be patient, condescending and understanding at the beginning of August. This is the time when the responsibility for a romantic relationship falls on your shoulders, and a loved one needs support. Later, you will switch roles. For those who are in search of their "half", it is better not to rush to take the initiative, but first take a closer look at the one who aroused interest.

Capricorn a lot of problems to solve in august - both their own and the person they care about. IN romantic relationship it is important to remain serious; do not give reason to doubt the sincerity and constancy of your feelings. If you are not in love, know that the likelihood of acquaintances that will initiate stormy romances is very high.

The last month of summer in love and intimate relationships gets really hot. Read our sex horoscope for August.

August this year will bring instability in love relationships. Sharp conflicts are expected, and personal ambitions will be more important than feelings for a loved one. The desire to stand out, to assert oneself at the expense of others, characteristic of this period, will also affect relationships with a “cordial” partner.

In addition, many will perceive their real or potential lovers in terms of direct and obvious benefits, evaluating the prospects love affair from the position: “what can he (she) give me?”. Such a selfish approach will provoke quarrels between spouses, and for those who are still free, it will postpone indefinitely the beginning of an affair that seemed almost inevitable. This will also lead to the fact that those who know how to deftly manipulate other people will begin to solve their material and other problems at the expense of those whom they force themselves to love.

Moral and ethical principles in August will fade into the background. The number of connections with family people will increase, sex on the first date will become almost the norm, as well as intimacy with several partners.

However, not everything will be so bad. This month will be very generous for promising acquaintances, and will also provide an opportunity to experience dizzying feelings. And even if the romance that began in given period, will not last long, it will give new impressions and allow you to acquire a very useful experience. Moreover, you will not part with your former lover(beloved) forever, but simply transfer him from love partners to the category of friends or put him on the list of those who can be useful to you. Old friends of the opposite sex will easily turn into loved ones in August.

At the beginning of the month, true love awaits many. And she, most likely, will come in the form of a person whom you have known for a long time. You will be able to discern qualities in him that you did not notice before, and your friendly sympathy will grow into a deeper feeling. If you have already found your soul mate, then try to save the relationship, even if you have to sacrifice something or give in something.

In mid-August, children or younger relatives will come first. You have to take care of their business. However, your real or potential love partner will not be offended by you, but will gladly help you in your troubles. A surge in planned and unplanned conceptions is also expected during this period.

At the end of the month, cases of love at first sight will become more frequent. Even those who have been happy with their beloved (beloved) for many years are not immune from it. However, for many, falling in love will end as quickly as it begins - in order for feelings to fade, just one disappointment in the object of their passion will be enough.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered “pure” signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign- both in characterization of personality and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

Aries, who already have a soulmate, in August, a kind of test of the strength of the relationship awaits. Most likely, you will want to show your partner that you are the leader in your pair with him.

However, if your beloved (beloved) belongs to the fire or earth signs, you will have to face his sharp rejection of your demonstration of his superiority. This situation is fraught with a long conflict, so it is better to strive for balance and equality than to assert yourself at the expense of someone who loves you.

If you are still free, then pay attention to the person with whom communication will begin with a quarrel. It is possible that a violent clash will become an impulse for the emergence of mutual interest.

At the beginning of the month, free Aries can have an affair with someone who already has obligations to someone else; and the family representatives of this sign are waiting for a scene of jealousy. In mid-August, real or potential love relationships will become an occasion to prove to yourself and others your personal worth. At the end of the month, avoid casual relationships.

Free Taurus in August will have the opportunity to arrange their personal lives, taking a fresh look at the person with whom they are united by common hobbies. It is possible that you will “wake up” love for someone with whom you regularly discuss professional issues.

There is a possibility of a promising acquaintance at some kind of celebration or at a friendly party. What begins as a non-committal conversation will easily and very quickly degenerate into a mutual love interest.

Family Taurus is waiting for a harmonious and joyful period. Their second halves will regularly delight them with gifts, pleasant surprises and love confessions.

At the beginning of the month of free Taurus, the beginning of a romance awaits, which will quickly take shape in a serious relationship and lead to a wedding. If you already have a loved one, then you will be proud of his success. In addition, there is a chance of conceiving a child. In mid-August, you will have to solve the problems of your real or potential love partner. This will bring you even closer to him. At the end of the month, an important conversation will take your love life to the next level.

Gemini in August "in all its glory" will demonstrate their character and their personal qualities. If your love partner behaves in an unworthy way, you can easily break off relations with him. Most likely, you will do this for “educational” purposes, planning to bring him closer to you a little later.

However, be prepared for the fact that the beloved (lover) rejected by you will quickly be comforted on the side, so find some other punishment for him if you do not want to lose him completely.

If you are still free, then the stars promise you a dizzying holiday romance. But don't count on more. And, most importantly, try not to fall in love with this person - the continuation of this connection is unlikely to follow.

At the beginning of the month, avoid new connections. It is possible that you will be provoked into love, and then somehow used to satisfy their needs. In mid-August, you should not play with the feelings of a real or potential love partner - you will lose more than you gain. At the end of the month, you will have to show tact and mercy. Do not offend the one you love or are just going to make your lover (lover).

Cancers in August are waiting for the beginning of the novel. However, you yourself can ruin everything if you immediately make far-reaching plans and voice them to your new love partner. Go with the flow, sooner or later everything will turn out the way you want, but for now your task is not to frighten away with your prudence or excessive passion the one with whom fate brought you.

If you have already found your soul mate, then you will need all your wisdom in order to avoid some kind of brewing conflict. However, you are likely to intuitively feel the approach of some unpleasant events and be able to protect your love relationship from discord or even collapse. In addition, during this period you will derive some practical benefit from communicating with your loved one.

At the beginning of the month, someone else will interfere in your relationship with a real or potential partner and either spoil something in them, or, on the contrary, push you to an important decision. In mid-August, you have to patronize your lover (lover). At the end of the month, there is a possibility of small spats that will help you better understand the one you care about.

Free Lviv in August will be of little interest to love, completely different things and concerns will come to the fore. True, there is a possibility that a persistent admirer (fan) will appear next to you, and if this person arouses even the slightest sympathy in you, you will most likely bring him closer to you at some point. Further development of events depends on the coincidence of sexual temperaments, and on how comfortable communication will be.

If you already have a soulmate, then you will either get closer to this person even more, or break off the relationship. key role will play your own wish. If you find it necessary to look for new points of contact, then keep this connection, and if you are already tired of it, then you will not even try.

At the beginning of the month family lions waiting for a scandal with their spouses. The reason will be some impartial statement addressed to you. It is better for free Lions to refrain from starting a relationship, this can be dangerous. In mid-August, some non-standard event will bring you closer or, on the contrary, separate you from a real or potential partner. At the end of the month, show wisdom and foresight.

Virgos in August will have to seek a compromise. It is possible that some situation will jeopardize the relationship with your loved one, but you will not allow circumstances to destroy what is dear to you. You will brilliantly cope with the problem, find a way out that suits you and your partner. However, this will be only a minor episode, but in general, this period promises to be bright, calm and harmonious.

If you are still free, then someone will appear next to you whom you will attract with some of your specific personal qualities. What others consider your shortcomings, this person will perceive as an undeniable advantage. And, most likely, if this individual is persistent, you will give up and start a relationship with him.

At the beginning of the month, there is a possibility of a new feeling. However, it is unlikely to be durable, so you should not “reshape” your personal life for it, and even more so, part with those with whom you have been together for a long time. In mid-August, the conception of a child is possible, and the beginning of the novel awaits the free Virgins. At the end of the month, a lot will depend on your wisdom in relationships with a real or potential partner.

Both free and "busy" Libra in August will fall in love and bond with the object of their adoration. It is possible that you will “lose your head” so much that you will forget about all your principles. Your own will not stop you Family status, nor the social and personal status of the one for whom you inflame passion.

However, if this novel will bring joy to bachelors and unmarried ladies and help them discover some previously hidden qualities in themselves, then for those who already have obligations to another person, this new relationship will cause a lot of trouble. Moreover, they can cause stress, which, under unfavorable circumstances, can easily develop into depression. Therefore, think carefully before giving in to emotions and changing your personal life for the sake of your impulse.

At the beginning of the month, you may be charmed by a person who, according to by and large your feelings are completely unnecessary. Be careful, otherwise you will either experience great disappointment or lose a large sum of money. This is true for both free and family Libra. In the middle and at the end of August, all representatives of this sign are advised to focus not on the present, but on the future.

Scorpions in August awaits lung onset and a good romance. Most likely, you will not initially make plans for the future, as you will immediately realize that you will not stay close to this person for a long time. For you, this relationship will become a kind of “transit point”, an opportunity to have a good time while waiting true love, and as soon as you get bored with this partner, you will leave him without regret.

If you already have a second rug, then you will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain a love relationship. It is possible that some strange event will force you to reconsider your feelings. However, do not jump to conclusions. It is likely that you will be the “victim” of a banal misunderstanding.

At the beginning of the month, both free and family Scorpions are waiting for changes in the intimate sphere. Something will make you either "go all out" or completely abandon sexual intimacy. In mid-August, the development of love relationships will depend on your own desire and from your wisdom. At the end of the month, your personal life may affect your health.

Stunning love at first sight awaits free Sagittarius in August. And you, most likely, will immediately take the “bull by the horns”, starting to actively seek reciprocity from the object of your passion. You are unlikely to be confused by the fact that this person has a family or long-term love relationship, as well as his slightly strange perception of your person. However, the resistance will be short-lived, and you will very quickly achieve what you want.

If you are already married (married) or have been dating someone for a long time, then some event that occurred during this period will make you change your mind about your lover (lover). There is a possibility of serious disappointment; and since it is not in your nature to endure and be silent, the situation will lead to a protracted conflict.

At the beginning of the month, unfree Sagittarius will have a loud quarrel with their soul mates. If you do not want to give in and show understanding, then it will turn out to be permanent and will last almost the entire month of August. In the second decade of those who are still alone, a new feeling awaits. You will literally “grow” a romance with someone you like with your own hands. At the end of the month, do not show authoritarianism.

Free Capricorns in August are waiting for love. It is possible that you will go on some kind of trip, and you will come across a very attractive fellow traveler (fellow traveler) or a neighbor (neighbor) at the hotel. Most likely, you will not immediately feel sympathy for this person, but after some time the common interests will bring you closer to him, and you will understand that you have fallen in love, moreover, mutually and happily.

If you already have a soul mate, then your relationship with him (her) may be negatively affected by the influence of one of the relatives. Perhaps you will be set against your lover (lover) or him against you. Protect your love from outside interference, otherwise the matter will end in a break and division of property.

At the beginning of the month family Capricorns waiting for a conflict with their spouses; and free stars promise flirting at work. In mid-August, you should not impose your vision of some problem on your real or potential love partner. Look for a reasonable compromise. At the end of the month, you will probably turn to some “independent expert” for advice regarding your personal life.

Aquarius in August is waiting for a change of love partner. If you are already in a romantic relationship, then almost without hesitation you will change your lover (lover) to someone who, in your opinion, is more suitable for you from a sexual or material point of view. Moreover, it is possible that your ex-lover (beloved) will not let you go so easily. There is a possibility of tantrums, and scandals, and even meanness on his (her) side. So you are in for a rather hectic period.

If you are still free, then you will have a transformation at the level of feelings. That is, your sympathy for one individual will be replaced by love for another person. True, it’s not a fact that something will work out with him already in August, but at least a new love will bring you more than the previous one.

At the beginning of the month, the need for change may push you to do something unusual for you. In mid-August, you will have to go through several unpleasant moments associated with your real or potential love partner. At the end of the month, everything will more or less “settle down”, that is, you will understand what you really want and, most likely, will find it.

The attention of Pisces in August will be sought by the one who can give them both love and a sense of psychological and domestic comfort. However, it is not a fact that you want to reciprocate him. It is possible that you will find it dishonest to use other people's feelings without giving anything in return. Therefore, you will most likely prefer to keep this admirer (fan) at a distance, waiting for something in you to wake up to him (her). Or you yourself will begin to win the reciprocal love of a completely different person.

If you are already in a love relationship, then the further development of the relationship will depend on your wisdom and foresight. You will have to show not only patience, but also restraint in your emotions. There is a possibility that at some point you will “burn with passion” for some new acquaintance (acquaintance). This will turn out to be a passing fad, so try not to do anything stupid.

At the beginning of the month, love awaits you - either yours or for you. In mid-August, not only your own fate, but also the fate of someone who has some feelings for you will depend on your decision. At the end of the month, avoid new acquaintances, otherwise you will fall under someone's influence.