The joy of a long-awaited trip, even among the most persistent tourists, can be spoiled by bad weather. So that your tour of a foreign country does not turn into a struggle with insidious nature, choosing the right time for a trip, study weather features cities.

The weather in the month that opens the year is cool and damp. In Paris, the thermometer will show during the day 6-7 degrees of heat, at night it is usually zero or slightly lower.

Snow falls periodically on the city. But don't expect fluffy snowdrifts. The snow immediately disappears under the feet of thousands of pedestrians and the wheels of cars. Rains are not uncommon this month, they disturb the inhabitants for about 11 days during the month.

For us, the January temperatures are quite high, but warm clothes will not hurt to protect against strong winds.

Days with a bright sun are rare, weather forecasters predict only a couple.


This month is much warmer than usual for us in February. If you look at the thermometer during the day in Paris, you can see +8 degrees. Night temperatures stay above zero, somewhere around +1. But for long walks around the city this is not the best time. There are often rainy days, there are about ten of them. The sun is a rare visitor (three days in a month is too little). Does not add enthusiasm and a very strong piercing wind, which is especially common this month.

Weather in March in Paris

The beginning of the solemn wonderful procession of spring - already in March everything blooms in Paris. Night temperatures are not very high yet, the thermometer freezes around +3 degrees. But during the day you can already bask in the sun, the air will warm up to +12 degrees. Rains happen quite often - seven days with precipitation. But solar is added, there are already 5 of them.


Paris is blooming. This month is the most favorable for the trip. Long and leisurely walks are good in April, during which you can fully enjoy the beauties of the city. During the day plus 15, at night 6 degrees above zero. Rainy days 6 and sunny days too 6. This is the driest month in Paris. True, along with flowers, prices also grow very strongly.


The weather has not yet parted with spring variability, but is already striving for summer stability - the bright and hot sun is replaced by cold rain.

  • rainy days around 9
  • solar 8.

The rains aren't as heavy anymore. These are usually short-term precipitation.

  • afternoon + 19
  • at night + 9

Reservoirs warm up, and the water temperature reaches +19.


First summer month please with warmth. Hot, but not sultry sun, under which it is pleasant to walk without languishing from the heat. Daytime temperature is + 22, at night it does not fall below 12 degrees. Often in June heavy rains– an average of 10 rainy days. Solar - 8. The water warms up even more and stays at the mark of 20-21 degrees of heat.


July is the peak of summer. So all summer attributes appear: heat, bright sun and heat. Daytime temperatures - from 24, night - 21. Those who like to visit under the scorching sun - a direct path to the streets of the city. But for most, sightseeing will be difficult - in such weather you don’t want to stick your nose out into the street. But swimming in the reservoirs is just what you need: some water is 22–24 degrees. Precipitation will not leave Paris for this time - 9 days remain in the power of rain, however, short-term. There is high humidity in the air, which makes the heat badly tolerated. Sunny days 8.


The weather is like July

  • + 24 in the afternoon
  • + 14 at night
  • The number of rainy days is 10, often these are real showers
  • Sunny days are waning - there are 7 of them.

The swimming season in August can be safely continued- water 22-21 degrees. The air, especially after rains, is humid and stuffy. It's not the best auspicious time for outdoor excursions.


Daytime air temperatures become more benign: +21 during the day, 11 at night. There are decently 9 rainy days, high humidity will still be felt in the air. Sunny days promise to be in the amount of 6. The water temperature will be kept at +20.


In Paris, leaf fall is a colorful and vibrant city this month. Daytime temperatures drop to 15 degrees Celsius, at night the thermometer will show 7 degrees above zero. October in Paris is rainy, Forecasters allocate 9 days for rain, and it can be protracted. The number of days saturated with sun will drop to 4.


This month, stable cool weather is set - 10 degrees during the day and 4 at night. There are often prolonged rains (9 days in a month). Dampness and strong wind– frequent natural phenomena at this time, and not the most suitable companions for a tourist on a walk. There are few sunny days, only two.


Here comes the winter. It gets dark early. Daytime temperatures do not exceed 6 degrees Celsius, at night 2. Dampness and cold - that's how you can characterize the December days in Paris. There are 10 rainy and snowy days. There are only two sunny days in the synoptic calendar.

In December, all of Paris prepares for Christmas. And here certainly no weather will spoil the mood - neither the residents nor the guests.

Have a great trip and good weather!

The climate of France was largely formed under the influence of the Atlantic. Four climatic zones(Atlantic, continental, Alpine and Mediterranean), each of which is characterized by a variety of natural landscapes, flora and fauna.

Weather in France now:

No wonder France is a favorite tourist destination for sightseeing, sea and ski holidays. The country has over forty natural parks national and regional significance.

Noisy Paris is not the whole of France. In order to understand how beautiful the French land is at any time of the year, you need to visit its provinces, replete with pastoral landscapes and corners of untouched nature.

Climate of France by months:


The most romantic time of the year in France is spring, with its delicate greenery, the first flowers and the timid awakening of nature. Rivers overflow their banks, chestnut trees bloom, cities and villages are buried in fragrance. The stone jungle of cities is illuminated here and there with touching trees, completely covered with a white and pink lace of flowers. Wedding corteges are moving along the streets, because spring for the French is the traditional wedding season.

In Brittany, gorse and gorse are blooming, the marshes and dry salt pans of Provence are filled with the hubbub of thousands of different species of birds, and the owners of a chateau in the south of France are busy trimming their vineyards. While the first flowers appear from under the snow in the Alps, the “King of the Five Continents” carnival with its famous flower battles is already starting in Nice.


Summer in France - peak tourist season when pleasant, cool weather sets in. It is especially good at this time of the year on the sea coast, where the air warms up above + 25`C, and it rains relatively infrequently. In the period June-August, it is very warm throughout the country. Cool weather persists only in part mountainous areas; summit of Mont Blanc all year round covered with snow.

Most active in summer wild fauna forests of France, which, despite urbanization, has been preserved much better than in neighboring states. IN warm time years in reserves and national parks you can see the chamois, brown bears, badgers, foxes, deer, otters, roe deer, wild boars. Trout is found in the rivers and lakes of France; the Bay of Biscay fishes for sardines, herring, flounder, shrimp and lobster.

Summer in France is the time of carnivals, festivals, theatrical performances in ancient castles. On June 21, Music Day is held throughout the country. It sounds everywhere: in concert halls, on the streets, in French houses.


Autumn in France smells of young wine of Aquitaine and Burgundy, rotten foliage in the vicinity of the castles of the Loire, bathed in the cool October sun. This is the time when the French return from holidays, and numerous tourists, on the contrary, flock to Cote d'Azur wishing not to miss the velvet season.

The main harvest period in France is also in autumn. At the end of October, the French celebrate Chestnut Day. This delicacy is fried, and its aroma envelops the streets of cities and villages. The holiday continues with the Week of Taste, which includes Cider Day, Spice Day, Fish Festival.


The French winter is characterized by northern winds, bringing cold weather to its territory, right up to the Mediterranean coast. However, this does not frighten tourists who prefer this country for recreation at any time of the year. A remarkable fact: in the height of January, the temperature in Paris can be the same as in Sevastopol, and the sky will turn out to be bright blue, like in Istanbul in summer.

Winter in France is, first of all, rain, not snow. Therefore, a Frenchman needs an umbrella to a much greater extent than a sled or a warm down jacket. The temperature rarely drops below zero. The most cold weather in winter, it is celebrated in Alsace, and the warmest is on the island of Corsica, where the average monthly temperature in January is + 13`C.

At first glance, it may seem that winter Paris is unfriendly and uncomfortable. But this is only the first impression. In fact, in this city, the cold season “warms” with a festive atmosphere. The French, inspired by the upcoming events, arrange a lot of performances and fun right on the streets of the city.

December weather is quite cool, but sub-zero temperatures are not predicted. The thermometer on the streets shows 5-7 degrees. Snow is rare at this time. And the rain is to be expected.

January is the coldest, cloudiest and most uncomfortable winter month in the French capital. Although temperatures below zero are extremely rare, 2 degrees Celsius is accompanied by frequent showers, light snowfall and high humidity.

In February, it is already warming 5-9 degrees above zero. This period is considered the driest winter month, but the rains at this time are frequent guests of Paris. Strong gusts of wind will not allow you to walk the streets for a long time.

Weather in Paris in winter by months:

How to dress in Paris in winter

At the beginning of winter, it is worth wearing a warm sweater, jacket or down jacket. Shoes should be comfortable and waterproof.

It must be remembered that January is the most "fierce" winter month. Down jacket, warm, woolen clothes, fleece pants, socks made of natural fabrics, several pairs of warm, comfortable winter shoes will definitely come in handy.

February though begins to indulge sunlight a few hours, but warm sweaters, jackets, jeans, a down jacket, socks should be in the tourist's suitcase.

Photos of winter Paris

Winter leisure in Paris

In December, the whole of Paris turns into a fabulous town. After all, performances and show programs are held on every street and square. All shop windows beckon with winter colors and the sweetness of Christmas sweets, and almost every building enchants the eye with the main winter beauty - the Christmas tree.

It is worth going to the lobby of the Paris Le Grand hotel, because there is an exhibition of decorative Christmas trees.

Ice-skating rinks are flooded near Meria and Montparnasse train station, everyone is skating and warming themselves with mulled wine and gingerbread. In December, near the church of Saint-Germain-de-Paris and are held holiday programs, light and laser shows, performances about the Christmas holiday. The beginning of winter is the time for free entertainment for tourists, because they are all held under open sky and available to everyone.

Valentine's Day in Paris is celebrated on a grand scale. The whole city plunges into a "love" atmosphere: banners with declarations of love are everywhere, kissing couples roam the streets, and street stalls are filled with valentines and chocolate hearts. This month, it is definitely recommended to host the Retromobile car exhibition. In February, the Carnaval de Paris takes place in France. On this day, people dress up in carnival costumes and parade through the city. One of the busiest holidays in February takes place in Chinatown. There the Chinese celebrate New Year. Their area hosts parades, demonstrations, shows and other entertainment for guests.

Although winter Paris repels with its inhospitable weather, it lures with a mysterious and fabulous atmosphere of holidays, carnivals and street festivities. A tourist during this period will be able to visit all museums and galleries without queues and spend a minimum of money on entertainment.

Updated: 07/02/2015

Whatever the weather in Paris, hundreds of thousands of travelers flock to this city every year, alluring and attracting for many centuries. best time for a trip, of course, are April and May, as well as September-October, but in other months the flow of tourists does not dry out.

parisian climate

The proximity of the sea (just over 150 km) certainly has an impact on the climate of Paris. The temperate continental climate is characterized by mild, little snowy winters, turning into a rainy off-season and cool, humid summers. Every season is not complete without moderate, and sometimes heavy, rainfall. Sudden powerful showers are one of the characteristic features cities, because it is located in the zone of influence of the oceanic climate and the North Atlantic Current.

Expert opinion

Knyazeva Victoria

Guide to Paris and France

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Very low or very high temperatures are rarely recorded in the city, there are almost no severe frosts in winter, and sweltering heat in summer, but it is very strongly felt elevated level humidity, sometimes intensifying temperature values.

Winter and spring in Paris

Winter Paris warms with its pre-New Year atmosphere. Despite the short daylight hours, the bright illumination of the festive city inspires tourists and citizens to walk around the city in search of New Year and Christmas gifts. The temperature during the day in December is +5 ... + 7 ° С, dropping to 2 degrees Celsius at night, there is little precipitation, but a strong wind makes the weather dank and humid, so you should dress warmly, be sure to take a sweater, warm jacket or coat with you.

January and February are similar in weather to December, but the average daily temperature rises by 1-2 degrees, and the number sunny days increases noticeably.

Spring Paris is a great time to travel. If March is still capricious, characterized by unpredictable weather, then April and May provide tourists with the opportunity to fully enjoy the trip, walking from morning to evening. The temperature slowly but steadily rises, reaching +15…+20°C during the day at the end of spring against an average of +12°C in March, and the rain no longer pours all day long, as often happens at the beginning of the season. Winter jackets they are gradually replacing light spring coats and raincoats, but it is still worth taking warm clothes on a trip so as not to be unarmed in the face of capricious spring weather. It is better to take waterproof and comfortable shoes, suitable for long walks on city pavers. Do not forget glasses and sunscreen: in late spring, it is especially active and insidious.

Summer and autumn in Paris

The beautiful summer weather will not disappoint travelers who decide to spend their holidays in Paris. Summer in the city lasts from June to September, delighting with a comfortable temperature of +20…+25°С during the day and not falling below +12°С at night. It rains a lot, but they are short, so an umbrella is necessary on a trip. You can play for a long time. It is worth going out of town or on the coast, so you should definitely have comfortable clothes and shoes in your wardrobe. It is worth bringing a sun hat, sunscreen and glasses.

- one of the most romantic times of the year, it is no coincidence that many world artists, writers and filmmakers dedicated their works to it. It is worth coming to the capital of France in autumn to feel the unique charm of the natural and architectural ensemble of the city, setting you in a sublime mood. The trees are gradually replacing greenery with purple and gold, the flow of tourists is thinning out, and you can enjoy long walks through romantic streets, past elegant squares, along the Seine embankment, go into cozy little cafes you like and enjoy a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

The average daily temperature gradually decreases from +18°C in September to +12°C in mid-October, by the end of October the air warms up to only +6°C. If in September a summer wardrobe is still quite appropriate, then October and November do not allow you to relax and require increased attention. You should take care of a warm sweater or cardigan, waterproof shoes and a strong, reliable umbrella that can withstand gusts of autumn wind.

No matter what time of the year the trip to Paris takes place, the capital of France always kindly and hospitably opens the doors of its museums, cultural and entertainment venues, cafes and restaurants, waiting for curious tourists who are in love with the city.

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“Natural and climatic outline of the city”


    geographical position of the city (coordinates, climatic zone, characteristics of this climatic zone);

The city is located in the centerParis Basin , approximately 65 m above sea level. The boundaries of Paris are delineated by the boulevardPeripheral - ring road. Sometimes the territory of Paris is referred to as located to the west of the cityBois de Boulogne and located in the eastBois de Vincennes . The area of ​​the city is 105 km², including the area of ​​these parks, and about 87 km² without them. The Seine flows through the city from east to west, the right north bank is dominated by a hillMontmartre . On the left bank, the dominant vertical is the Montparnasse tower.The geographical position of France is very favorable. It is located at an equal distance from the equator and the pole between 42.5 gr. And 51 gr. northern latitude, in the temperate climate zone. In Europe, it also plays an important geographical position and is a "crossroads" through which important trade routes passed already in ancient times. That is why its history is so eventful.


France has common borders with Great Britain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra and Spain. The border between France and Great Britain runs along the English Channel and the Pas de Calais, this is the only maritime border of France. Everything else is land, and most of the borders are "natural" borders, but more on that later.


Western and northern regions of France - plains (Paris and Aquitaine basins) and low mountains, in the center and east - medium-altitude mountains (Central French Massif, Vosges, Jura). In the southwest - the Pyrenees, in the southeast - the Alps. The highest point in France and Europe - Mont Blanc (4807m.) Most of the mountains of France are their "natural border" - the Jura separates France from Germany and Switzerland, the Alps from Switzerland And Italy , Pyrenees From Spain.

major rivers

These are the Seine, Rhone, Loire, Garonne, in the east - part of the Rhine. The Seine originates in the mountains, crosses the plains and flows into the English Channel. The Loire originates in the Massif Central and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. This river is best known for its beautiful scenery and the medieval castles that line its banks. The origins of the Garonne are in the Pyrenees, it flows into Atlantic Ocean. The Rhone begins in the Alps and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

France, or officially the French Republic, is the largest country Foreign Europe. In terms of area (551 thousand sq. km), it is more than twice as large as the UK and Germany. France includes several small islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Bay of Biscay. The population of the country is 53 million. Human. France has "overseas departments and territories": Guiana (French), Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion, New Caledonia, French Polynesia.

France occupies the extreme western part of the European mainland. It can be called an Atlantic and Mediterranean, Rhine and Perinean country. The maritime borders of the country are longer than the land borders. In the north, France is separated from England by the narrow straits of the English Channel and the Pas de Calais. In the west, it is washed by the waters of the Bay of Biscay of the Atlantic Ocean. And in the south - the Mediterranean Sea. Many parts of the coast, especially in Brittany and Provence, are heavily indented and have many bays suitable for mooring ships.

Climate conditions in France

France is located at an equal distance from the pole and from the equator, which is why the climate of this country is characterized as moderate - it is not too cold and not too hot.

The entire territory of France is divided into three climatic zones: oceanic climate, semi-continental climate and Mediterranean climate; Separately, due to the features of the relief, a zone of mountain climate is distinguished.
oceanic climate prevails in 2/3 of the territory in the whole west of France. Its feature is softness and relatively high humidity. Winter is warm, summer is cool. The total amount of precipitation is low. The oceanic climate is also divided into three types: Flemish - in the north, with colder winters and rainy summers; Aquitanian - in the southwest, with hotter and drier summers, clear autumns and frequent rains in spring; Parisian - with hotter summers and colder winters.

semi-continental climate prevails in the east and in valleys protected from westerly winds. It is characterized by hot summers with frequent thunderstorms and cold winters with heavy snowfalls. Temperature fluctuations in July-January exceed 18º.

Climate map of France

mediterranean climate dominates the Mediterranean coast, protected from the influence of the ocean by mountains. It is characterized by an abundance of sunny days, dry summers and very mild winters. Precipitation in the form of heavy showers falls in autumn and spring.

The mountain climate is common in the highlands of France. It is characterized by long and cold winter, which becomes more severe with increasing altitude, heavy precipitation, significant snow drifts.

The mountainous relief of France is characterized by the so-called French "S", which, starting in the south of the Vosges in Alsace, descends into the Rhone valley, "touching" the Alps, and bends to the west, continuing with the Northern and Central Massif of the Pyrenees.


Paris is located in the areatemperate climate . Medium annual temperature is 10.9 °C, average annual amount precipitation - 585 mm. The microclimate of Paris, due to overcrowding and pollution, is characterized by air temperature (on average 2 ° C above the average temperature for the region, the difference can reach up to 10 ° C), low humidity, less light during the day and brighter nights.

The hottest day on record in Paris was12th of August 2003 when the thermometers rose to 39.3°C (see alsofr:Canicule europeenne de 2003 ). The most low temperature was registeredDecember 10 1879 -25.6°C. The most dramatic temperature change in 24 hours is31th of December 1978 : Temperature dropped from +12°C to -10°C. The strongest wind - 169 km/h, December1999(see also fr:Tempêtes de fin decembre 1999 en Europe ) .


France has common borders with Great Britain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra and Spain. The border between France and Great Britain runs along the English Channel and the Pas de Calais, this is the only maritime border of France. Everything else is land, and most of the borders are "natural" borders, but more on that later.


Western and northern regions of France - plains (Paris and Aquitaine basins) and low mountains, in the center and east - medium-altitude mountains (Central French Massif, Vosges, Jura). In the southwest - the Pyrenees, in the southeast - the Alps. The highest point in France and Europe is Mont Blanc (4807m.) Most of the mountains of France are their "natural border" - the Jura separates France from Germany and Switzerland, the Alps from Switzerland andItaly , Pyrenees From Spain.

major rivers

These are the Seine, Rhone, Loire, Garonne, in the east - part of the Rhine. The Seine originates in the mountains, crosses the plains and flows into the English Channel. The Loire originates in the Massif Central and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. This river is best known for its beautiful scenery and the medieval castles that line its banks. The origins of the Garonne - in the Pyrenees, it flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Rhone begins in the Alps and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

    what winter, spring, summer, autumn?

spring Paris is changing: it turns green and comes to life, the days are not as short as in winter, you can sit in the park or on the embankment, or just walk around the city. Until the end of September you can witnessdancing in the open air , yes and walk along the Seine will be much nicer in the warm season. autumn On the other hand, there is no such abrupt change of weather as, for example, in Moscow. Paris is dressed in golden foliage for a long time before throwing on a gray winter coat.

Basically, winter in paris has nothing to do with the Russian winter, but despite the usually positive temperature, it is quite cold here due to the humidity.
I am always colder at +5 in Paris than at -3 in Moscow. But, as they say, there is no bad weather, but there is bad clothes, so dress warmly :) It snows very rarely in Paris, it rains more often. In general, the dominant color is grey.


    Average monthly

    Average annual

    Absolute maximum

    Absolute minimum

    Average daily variability

    When the transition of the average daily air temperature through 0 0 С

    When the transition of the average daily air temperature through 10 0 С

    The amplitude of fluctuations in the average monthly temperature

    Absolute amplitude of temperature fluctuations

    Average date of first frost, last

    Average frost-free period

    Average growing season

    air humidity:

    Relative Humidity

    Absolute humidity

    What determines the distribution of absolute humidity over the territory

Climate of Paris (1961-1990)
Index Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec Year
The absolute maximum °C 15,3 20,3 24,7 27,8 30,2 34,4 35,4 39,3 32,7 28,0 20,3 17,1 39,3
Average maximum, °C 6,3 7,9 11,0 14,5 18,1 21,6 23,9 23,6 20,8 16,0 10,1 7,0 15,1
Average temperature, °C 4,2 5,3 7,8 10,6 14,3 17,4 19,6 19,2 16,7 12,7 7,7 5,0 11,7
Average minimum, °C 2,0 2,6 4,5 6,7 10,1 13,2 15,2 14,8 12,6 9,4 5,2 2,9 8,3
Absolute minimum, °C −13,9 −9,8 −8,6 −1,8 2,0 4,2 9,5 8,2 5,8 0,4 −4,2 −25,6 −25,6
rainfall rate, mm 55 45 52 50 62 53 58 46 53 55 57 55 642