
In many games, “forfeits” are taken from the “fined” players: a hairpin, a handkerchief, an earring, a lace, that is, any small thing belonging to him.

The driver turns away. One of the participants picks up someone's thing and asks what this phantom should do. The driver, without looking at the object, replies: “Crow this phantom with a cockerel.” Or: "To jump like a goat." "To crawl under a chair." "Read this poem." “This is to congratulate the birthday girl” and the like. Tasks should be correct enough and not too complicated.

Sometimes tasks in the form of folded notes are placed in a box, vase or bag. Each participant in turn pulls out a piece of paper and reads aloud what is written on it. The task must be completed. Only then the object ("phantom") is returned to the owner.


The driver holds his hand palm down at chest level. The rest of the participants substitute their index fingers under the palm, as if under a roof. The fingers of the players must touch the palm of the leader.

The driver says: “Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather, enchanted ticket!” and claps his hand sharply. The rest of the players at this moment withdraw their hands so that their fingers do not fall into the "trap". The driver makes sure that none of the players remove their finger before he finishes talking. The one who got caught becomes the new driver.

If the driver manages to grab the fingers of several players at once, you can assign them "forfeits", as in the next game.


Children stand in a circle, leading in the center of the circle. Any age-appropriate dance music sounds (on CD, mobile phone or live instrumental accompaniment). Children dance, actively working with their hands. The movements are arbitrary, in the tempo and character of the music. The leader claps his hands rhythmically.

Dance music is changing. The pace is accelerating. Children stretch their hands forward with their palms up, as if inviting the driver to clap them. But, as soon as he is about to do this, they quickly hide their hands behind their backs. The host is actively trying to overpower one of the players, suddenly turns around, hits either with his left or with his right hand (or both together).

If the driver managed to touch someone's palms, he becomes a player and stands in a circle with the rest, and the tagged one leads.

When there are many players and the circle is large, you can choose two (three) drivers. And at children's holidays, the characters who came to visit, for example, Pinocchio and Malvina, can be leading; Santa Claus, Snowman and Snow Maiden; Chip and Dale.

Then the singed can simply go out of the circle, and the rest continue the game. Whoever stays in the circle longer than the rest, he won.

Sometimes it is not possible to accompany the game with music. Then spend the first part of the game under next text, which is recommended to read in rap style:

We will show our hands

Whoever can, and dances.

We're dancing together now

Whose movements are more interesting?

Olya and Masha are lit,

Max, Seryozha and Natasha.

Don't be shy and let's go

Keep up with your friends!

Before changing the music they shout out:

It's time to be more careful

The game starts!

(M. Gruzova)

After that, the “staining” of the palms begins.

ball game

First, a leading player is chosen. Then five to eight children stand in a small circle with their hands outstretched so that the palms of all participants are as close to each other as possible. A ball is placed on the hands of any player. Children begin to roll the ball around. By tilting the palms, they ensure that the ball rolls in a circle without stopping or falling. You can say:

The ball in the palms found itself

On the palms, he set off on his way.

You roll, don't fall

Get into my hands!

(M. Gruzova)

Then, counting out loud: “One, two, three,” the players all together lightly toss the ball three times. For the fourth time, they shout out: “Fly!” and throw the ball as high as possible. The leading player quickly shouts out: "Tanya (Olya, Dima), catch!" Everyone bounces back, and the named player catches the ball falling down. If caught, he becomes the leading player. If you don't catch it, you are out of the game.


One child, and the whole company can participate in this game. The child stands on one leg, spreads his arms to the sides. An adult at a calm pace pronounces the words:

It's hard, it's hard to stand like that

Keep balance.

And do not fall, do not swing,

Don't hold on to each other!

One two three four five six...

If there are many children, the winner is the one who was the last to stand on both legs, that is, he kept his balance longer.

If the child is alone, the adult compares the effectiveness of his attempts. Last time, the son stood while dad counted to twelve, but this time he stood up to twenty. For more exact definition time of "personal bests" use a watch or a stopwatch.

an apple rolled

This game can be played sitting in a large company at a large table. All children rhythmically pronounce the words of the counting rhyme and pass the apple to each other on stressed syllables:

an apple rolled

Past the garden, past the city.

Whoever picks it up will get out.

Who on the last word the apple was in his hands, he leaves the table. The rest continue to play. The last one left at the table gets an apple as a prize.

The game can be made more interesting if you turn on music instead of a rhyme. An adult turns it off every time suddenly, without looking which of the children has this moment there is an apple. Children, knowing that the music can stop at any time, try to get rid of the apple as quickly as possible. It is impossible not to take an apple from a neighbor while the music is playing!

Don't drop it!

For this game, you need to prepare light objects (balloons, a feather, a fluff or a small snowflake cut out of a napkin).

The players are divided into teams of three to seven participants (preferably the same number) in each. The teams go to different corners of the room.

Each group is given one identical light object. On a signal, they are simultaneously thrown up. Players put their hands behind their backs and try to keep the object from falling to the floor. The ball is tossed with heads, shoulders, legs, but not hands! It is better to blow on a fluff or a snowflake, trying to make it fly up again and again.

Getting the job done is not easy. To do this, the children in the group must act harmoniously! The team whose object stays in the air longer and does not fall to the floor wins.


Children stand in a circle very close to each other. Everyone's hands are behind their backs. One of the children is holding a ring. In the center of the circle is the driver. He says:

The ring goes around

From one hand to another.

Here walks expired -

Who has our ring?

The participants in the game at this time imperceptibly pass each other the ring from behind in their hands. Then the driver, shouting “Hands! Hands! ”, Turns to one, then to the other player. Anyone to whom he addressed should immediately reach out and show him his hands. The one who has the ring in his hands becomes the next driver.

The ring continues to be passed to each other even when the driver is looking for him and demands to show his hands. Everyone is trying to get rid of the ring as quickly as possible, but it is strictly forbidden not to accept it if they give it to you, or to throw it on the ground. For this, they are removed from the game.

Guess who?

The driver turns away from the rest of the participants, who stand in a semicircle behind him. He puts his hand behind his back, exposing his palm to the players. One of them slaps him on the palm. The driver immediately turns around, trying to guess who exactly did it. But all the players raise up thumb and pretend they don't care. The driver puts his thumb on the fist, closes it to the one he suspects. If you correctly guessed the "offender", he becomes the driver. If not, the game is repeated from the beginning.

You can play differently. Several people sit on a bench or chairs, and the driver leaves the room. One of the children hides a small object (a key chain, a key, a handkerchief, sweets - what exactly, all participants, including the driver, agree in advance).

The driver enters and tries to guess who exactly has this item hidden. The rest of the participants try not to give it away, keeping an indifferent expression on their faces.

A maximum of three attempts are allowed for a correct answer. If the driver guesses, he becomes one of the players, and the one who found the item becomes the driver. If he does not guess, then he leaves the game, and a new driver is chosen by a rhyme.

Put it the old way

Children stand in a row at random. The driver stands opposite, facing the players. They give him a few seconds (you can slowly count to ten) so that he remembers who and where is standing.

Then the driver turns away, and the players at this time quickly change places with each other. The driver turns and says who should stand and where to get the initial formation. If he manages to place everyone correctly, he receives a prize and the right to appoint the next driver. And the driver himself becomes a player.

If the first attempt is unsuccessful, the game is repeated from the beginning, giving the driver the opportunity to rehabilitate. If the second time he does not cope with the task, he is removed from the game.

One player can play this game. In this case, several different items, such as toys, are laid out on the table in front of him. The child remembers where what lies. He turns away, the adult changes the toys in places, and the driver then lays them out as before. Then the adult and the child switch roles.

There is another version of the game for the development of attention for older children. It is called

Silent women

If the children get naughty and it is difficult to calm them down, an adult can offer them to play "silent". After pronouncing the text, the players should freeze with their mouth tightly closed. Texts can be:

Chok-chok, hooked teeth!

Whoever says a word, click!

Shel Molchan,

The head is a head.

Who was not silent

Those by the ears tore!

Horses, horses, horses, horses,

We sat on the balcony.

They drank tea, beat in spoons,

In Turkish they said:

"Chab-chabi, chalyab-chabi-chabi!"

We took water in our mouths

And they heard: “Shut up!

Who will die first

He will get a bump in the forehead!

In cups nuts, honey, sugar,

Sit down, eat. Silent!

Now the driver is trying different ways make the children laugh, and they try to keep from laughing (you can’t touch the players with your hands). Whoever laughs first becomes the leader.

"Yes" and "no" don't say

Very popular game our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Makes it possible to occupy children without lifting them from their seats. Requires players to be resourceful and have sufficient vocabulary.

The driver informs those present: “The lady sent you a hundred rubles. Buy what you want. Black, don't take white. "Yes" and "no" do not say. This, in fact, is the rules of the game. The driver will ask each participant if he will go to the ball, what dress he will wear, black or white, what he will buy for himself with this money, and the like. Players must answer without using the words "black", "white", "yes" and "no".

The driver in every possible way provokes answers in which these words should be. For example, he says: “Buy yourself some bread. Which do you like more, black or white? The correct answer is: "Butter, fresh, today's, soft" and so on. Driver: “Will you buy salt for bread?” The answer should not be “yes!”, but “buy”. Driver: “What color is the salt? Will you feed me?" etc.

If the driver managed to "catch" someone at his word, he becomes the driver instead of him. If any player is attentive enough and after several questions has never fallen into the “traps”, the driver moves on to the next participant and conducts a dialogue with him.

The driver can ask questions and randomly, changing interlocutors when he wants to.

What changed?

are playing small company. The driver is chosen, and he goes out or turns to the wall, covering his face with his palms.

Children, no more than six people, get up as they want. They can build a sculptural composition, depict an illustration of a famous literary work or fairy tale and so on.

The driver enters or turns and for a minute tries to remember the whole picture in as much detail as possible. The driver exits again.

Children try to quickly and imperceptibly change something. Someone changes hats, someone raises the other hand or leans to the other side, and so on. Changes should not be very many (4-5), and they should not be conspicuous.

The facilitator comes back in and tries to list all the detected changes.

Draw clues

You give the children a riddle, but they do not say the answer out loud, but draw on a piece of paper. If there are two or three children, seat them away from each other so that they do not look at each other in the answer drawings. Riddles should be appropriate for the developmental level of your child (children present). If one of the children is younger, whisper the answer in his ear and let him also draw answers.

A certain time is allotted for drawing each answer, for example 3-5 minutes. After that, the correctness of the answer is checked and the quality of the drawing is evaluated (loyally!) For the best answers, you can give a prize, which the winner will choose from among several offered. The rest get consolation prizes.

At the end of the game, you can arrange an exhibition of children's drawings.

Sample riddles to which it is easy to draw the answer:

The golden bun rolls across the sky (the sun);

White cilia, yellow eye (chamomile);

White cotton wool floats across the sky somewhere (Clouds);

Our Tanya (our Vanya) has winter in a glass (Ice cream);

An asterisk fell from the sky, and in her hand became water (Snowflake);

She is not a seamstress, not a hedgehog, but there are a lot of needles too (Yolka).

This game will keep the children busy for a long time and keep the silence.

State budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 82 combined type

Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Card file of games of low mobility

Educator: Tsareva Lilia Nikolaevna.

4. "The gray hare washes" (younger - middle group).

6. "The guys have a strict order" (younger - middle group).

7. " Balloon"(younger - middle group).

8. "Sun and rain" (younger - middle group).

10. "Wolf - top" (younger - middle group).

11. "Summer" (middle group).

12. "Flag" (younger - middle group).

13. "How are you?"

17. "Ship" (senior - preparatory group).

18. "Curious Barbara" (senior - preparatory group).

20. "Log" (senior - preparatory group).

21. "Shuttle" (senior - preparatory group).

22. “The deer has a big house” (senior - preparatory group).

23. "Snowman" (senior - preparatory group).

29. “Flies - does not fly” (senior - preparatory group).

31. "Cold - hot" (senior - preparatory group).

32. "Water" (senior - preparatory group).

36. "Ax" (senior - preparatory group).

40. "Figures" (senior - preparatory group).

41. "Statues" (senior - preparatory group).

1. "Silence" (younger - middle group).

Silence by the pond

The water does not sway

The reeds don't make noise

Fall asleep kids.

Game progress. Children go in a column one by one.

After the words, the children stop, squat, tilt their heads and close their eyes. The one who moves stands at the end of the column.

2. "Crayfish" (younger - middle group).

Tiki-taki, tiki-taki

Crayfish are walking in our river.

They walk backwards

looking for crayfish in the ford river,

Crayfish began to drink water -

Come out, you lead!

Game progress. The players are divided into pairs, stand in a circle. Everyone in the pair turns their backs to each other and gives hands. With the beginning of the text, all pairs move in the same direction in a circle so that the first in a pair goes straight in the direction of movement and leads the hands of the second, walking backwards (this is cancer). At the end of the text, the game is repeated with a change of direction.

The variant of the game is played in small subgroups of 4-5 people. The players are built in one line at the line drawn in advance (or at the wall of the room). At the line is one of the participants (river). With the beginning of the text, the line turns its back to the direction of movement and starts walking, going back 16 steps (on lines 1-4). Further, the crayfish turn to the river with the words: River, river, where is the ford?

Here! (With these words, the river puts a hoop anywhere on the site, to which the crayfish must also approach backwards).

3. "Bear" (Younger - middle group).

Like snow under the tree, snow,

And on the tree snow, snow,

And under the hill snow, snow,

And on the hill snow, snow,

A bear sleeps under the snow

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

Game progress. Children stand in a circle. A bear is selected, he sits in the middle of the circle, closes his eyes.

On lines 1 and 3, the children go into a circle, on lines 2 and 4 - out of the circle, on line 5, children carefully approach the bear, the 6th line is pronounced by one child at the direction of the teacher. The bear must recognize by the voice who said.

4. "Grey hare washes" (younger - middle group).

Bunny gray washes

Looks like he's going to visit

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

He washed his ear, wiped it dry.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle, a bunny is in the middle, he beats the text and approaches one of the children, he becomes a bunny.

Vanya, you are in the forest now.

We call you: "Ah!"

Well, close your eyes

Don't be shy

Who called you?

Find out soon!

Game progress. Children walk in a circle and say the text leading in the middle of the circle.

6. "The guys have a strict order" (younger - middle group).

The guys have a strict order,

They know all their places.

Well, trumpet more cheerfully:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

Game progress: children walk around the room scattered. At the signal, the children line up.

7. "Balloon" (younger - middle group).

Inflate our balloon

puff up big

stay like that

do not burst!"

Game progress. Children form a tight circle, hold hands, take small steps back, expanding the circle,

At the signal of the educator: "The ball burst!" children squat or slowly walk to the center of the circle and say: "Sh - sh - sh - sh".

8. "Sun and rain" (younger - middle group).

The sun looks out the window

shines in our room.

We'll clap our hands

very happy with the sun.

Top, top, top, top / 2r.

Clap, clap, clap, clap / 2p.

Game progress:

children go around

children clap their hands

children stomp rhythmically,

children clap rhythmically.

At the teacher's signal " It is raining"children squat -" hide ".

9. "Tepiki" (second junior group).


By the water claps,

Clap your hands

Yes, bare feet. (G. Lagzdyn).

Children stand freely. game exercise performed as directed by the teacher.

Under the reading of the nursery rhyme, the children shake the hands of both hands, as if hitting the water.

They stamp their feet on the last line, stepping from one foot to the other.

10. "Wolf - top" (younger - middle group).

Wolf - spinning top, wool barrel

Fled through the spruce

Fell into the juniper

Hooked on tail

Spent the night under a bush.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle. According to the counting rhyme, a wolf is chosen. The wolf walks with wide steps around the circle, at the last words he crouches behind someone's back, he becomes a wolf. The game is repeated. You can choose two wolves.

11. "Summer" (middle group).

Basic movements: the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

across the lawn


warmed by the sun,

Behind the flowery moth

Summer has passed.

Bathed in the river

Lie down on the sand


flew by

And disappeared into the distance. (V. Danko).

Children stand in a circle. With the beginning of the reading of the poem, they move in a jump in one direction, and Leto gallops in an opposite direction inside the circle. On lines 6-7, he stops, Leto performs jumps in place with hand swings (“mill”). On the last 3 lines, Leto runs out of the circle and sits down behind one of the players. With the end of the text, the children are looking for where Summer hid. Whoever finds him behind his back goes to the middle. This is the new Summer.

12. "Flag" (younger - middle group).

The children stood in a circle

Saw the flag

Who to give, who to give

To whom should the flag be given?

Come out, Olya, in a circle,

Take, Olya, the flag!

Come out, come out, take it

Raise the flag higher!

Game progress. Children stand in a circle, in the center one child with a flag. After the words: "come out, come out ..." the named child goes to the middle and takes the flag. The first child stands in a circle, the game is repeated.

How are you? Like this!

Show the thumbs of both their hands pointing up.

How are you going? - Like this!


How do you run? - Like this?

Run in place.

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!

Connect your palms and put your head on them (cheek)

How do you take? - Like this!

Press your hand towards you.

Do you give? - Like this!

Put your palm forward.

How are you kidding? - Like this!

Puff out your cheeks and gently hit them with your fists.

How do you threaten? - Like this!

Wag your finger forward, or at each other.

14. "Say the opposite" (senior - preparatory group).

(Children stand in a circle, throw and catch a ball with the name of antonym words)

To the calm music, the children leave the hall.

15. "Views-views" (senior - preparatory group).

Views, views,


Hands clenched in front of him into fists. Rotate your fists around each other. Pronounce the text in a low voice.

I'm nailing it.

Knock fist on fist (alternate 2 hits - on top of the right hand, 2 hits - on top left hand).


Show the index fingers of both hands.

Views, views, views view.

Rotate your index fingers in front of you around each other. Pronounce the text in a normal voice (medium pitch).

I'm beating mallets. I'm pinning.

I'm nailing it.

Tap with index finger right hand on the index finger of the left hand (from top to bottom) and vice versa.


Clench your hands into fists and show your little fingers.

Views, views, views view.

Rotate the little fingers around each other in front of you. Pronounce the text in a thin voice.

I'm beating mallets. I'm pinning. I'm nailing it.

Tap the little finger of the right hand on the little finger of the left hand (from top to bottom) and vice versa.


Press on the tip of the nose with your index finger.

16. "Malanya" (senior - preparatory group).

At Malanya, at the old woman (clapping hands: now the right, then the left hand from above)

They lived in a small hut (fold your hands in an angle, showing the "hut")

Seven sons (show seven fingers)

All without eyebrows (outline the eyebrows with your fingers).

With such ears (put palms with spread fingers to your ears),

With such noses (show a long nose, placing palms with spread fingers one after another),

With a head like this (draw a big circle around the head),

With such a beard (show a big beard with your hands)!

They didn’t drink or eat (with one hand bring a “cup” to their mouth, with the other a “spoon”),

Everyone was looking at Malanya (holding hands to eyes, clapping fingers like eyelashes).

And everyone did like this ... (children show the hidden actions).

17. "Ship" (senior - preparatory group).

A boat is sailing on the river

He swims from afar (connect the palms with a boat; perform wave-like movements with the hands).

There are four very brave sailors on the boat (show 4 fingers on each hand at the same time).

They have ears on the top of their head (fold both palms to the top of the head).

They have long tails (put your fingers in a pinch and spread apart).

And only cats are afraid of them,

Only cats and cats (make scratching movements with spread fingers of both hands).

18. Curious Barbara(senior - preparatory group).

Curious Barabara

Looking to the left

Looks to the right

Looks up

Looks down

I sat down a little on the ledge,

And fell down from it!

(Children raise and lower their shoulders.

Turn the body to the left.

Turn the body to the right.

Raise your head up.

They lower their heads.

Perform light half squats.

squat sharply).

We are funny monkeys, we play too loud

We clap our hands, we stomp our feet,

We puff out our cheeks, we jump on our toes.

And we even show our tongues to each other.

Let's jump together to the ceiling, stick out our ears,

We bring the leg to the mouth, the tail to the top of the head.

(Perform movements in accordance with the text).

20. Log (senior - preparatory group).

Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki,

An oak was cut down with an ax (palms folded into a lock; make chopping movements with your hands (bending your elbows and moving the lock to the left, then to the right),

We took the planer in hand

And the knots cut everything (palms folded and straightened; bent elbows (palms near the stomach), straighten forward; and bend again, bringing the palms closer to the stomach).

A smooth log came out.

Oh, it's heavy (stroke yourself on the sides, pressing your hands to the body).

What should we do?

How can we be?

We will roll the log.

From Petya to Masha

From Masha to Ilyusha,

From Ilyusha to Pasha...

Everyone sits down in a circle.

One of the children depicts a log, lies down, straight arms pressed to the body. The child, who is called in the text, rolls a “log”, neighbors in a circle on the left and right can help him.

21. "Shuttle" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. All the players stand in pairs facing each other and hold hands - this is the gate. The children from the last pair pass under the gate and stand in front of the column, followed by the next pair.

Rules: you need to go so as not to touch the gate, the children hold each other's hands.

22. "The deer has a big house"(senior - preparatory group).

The deer has a big house,

And the bunny is small.

deer sits,

looks out the window.

Bunny running across the field

There is a knock on his door:

"Knock knock, open the door,

There is an evil hunter in the forest!”

Bunny, Bunny, Run!

Give me a paw!

Hands above the head depict the roof of the house.

Hands represent the roof, but lowered down

Support the cheek with the right fist; The left hand supports the right.

Run in place.

Stomp your feet, hands on your belt.

Imitation of knocking on the door in turn

right and left hand

Hands on the belt, alternately turn to the right and left, while turning the head back.

Inviting hand movements

Extend your hand with an open palm.

23. "Snowman" (senior - preparatory group).

In the middle of our yard

The snowman stood yesterday.

We blinded him ourselves

Nose - carrots are not forgotten,

And today outside the window

Streams flowed all around.

Game progress. The children act out the poem and then show how the snowman melted.

24. "Falcon" (senior - preparatory group).

The falcon flew high.

Dropped a feather in a sedge.

falcon feather

Do not find us until the morning.

In the morning the sun will rise -

Vova will find a feather.

Game progress. Children sit on chairs in a circle. The falcon is chosen. With the beginning of the poem, which all the children say, the falcon runs around the circle and drops a feather (fake) behind the back of one of the children. With the words: "In the morning the sun will rise ...", the falcon sits on a free chair in a circle with children. The last three words are pronounced by all the children, naming the name of the child who has a falcon feather behind his back. He becomes a falcon. The game is repeated.

25. "Kolobok" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. The ball for this game can be any size. Participants stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. In the center of the circle is the leader. The players pass the ball to one another with their feet, and the driver tries to intercept it. Players are not allowed to leave their place. They can smoothly roll the ball, hit, make deceptive movements. You can't just pick it up. And the driver can do whatever he wants; hold the ball with your foot, hand, knock it out of the circle, just touch it lightly.

If the driver manages to hold the ball, he takes the place of the player from whom the ball hit him.

26. "Pike" (senior - preparatory group).

Past the forest, past the cottages,

Floated down the river

red ball.

I saw a pike: -

What is this thing?

Grab, grab.

Don't catch.

The ball popped up again.

Come out, you lead!

Game progress. The game is played with a ball. Children stand in a circle. Pike is selected. She goes to the middle of the circle. On the first four lines of the poem, the children roll the ball from one to the other through the center of the circle (past the Pike). On the fifth line of the poem, the ball rolls over to Pike, who takes the ball, pronouncing the text of the sixth line, and, as it were, looks at the ball. On the first three lines of the second stanza of the poem, Pike hits the ball on the floor, saying this text, on the fourth line she rolls the ball again to the children, who continue to roll it again from one to the other through the middle. The child on whom the words “You drive” came out with the ball in the middle. He becomes a pike. The game is repeated.

27. "Who left?" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. Children are built in a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. The teacher touches one of the players standing in a circle, and he quietly leaves the room. The teacher allows the driver to open his eyes and asks him: “Guess who left?” If the driver has guessed correctly, then he stands in a circle and chooses another driver. If he didn’t guess correctly, he closes his eyes again, and the one who leaves the hall takes his former place in a circle. The driver, opening his eyes, should call him.

28. "Round dance" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. The players form two circles, one inside the other, and join hands. At the signal of the teacher, they begin to move in a given direction (walking or slow running). You can offer rhythmic walking to a song or musical accompaniment.

29. "Flies - does not fly" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. Children go in a column one by one. The teacher names various objects. If the object flies, for example, an airplane, a bird, then the children should raise their arms to the sides and flap them like wings, if the object does not fly, then they should not raise their hands.

The one who incorrectly raised his hands is considered the loser.

30. "Brook" (senior - preparatory group).

Children go in a column in twos. At the command of the teacher “Stream”, the children stop, hold hands and raise their hands up. Each pair, starting with the last one, runs inside (under the arms) one by one and stands in front, raising their hands up.

31. "Cold - hot" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. The driver leaves the room, the children hide the object. After that, the driver enters and looks for the item. And the children follow him and say: helping to find a hidden object.

32. "Water" (senior - preparatory group).

Grandpa - Water!

Why are you sitting underwater?

Come out, come out for an hour.

Guess which one of us!

Game progress. Children stand in a circle, the water in the center. Children go in a circle and say words, after the words: “Come out, come out ...” the water one comes with eyes closed, hands forward, whoever it hits, he guesses.

33. "Nakhodka" (senior - preparatory group).

I walked through the meadow, I found a skein,

He found a skein, followed him.

Roll, my find!

Where the skein, there I am.

Game progress. The players stand in a circle and roll the ball from one to the other (two rolls for each line). At the end of the text, the ball rolls in reverse order, without words, until it returns to the one with whom the game began. Children should pay attention to the fact that when playing, they must remember who they received the ball from.

34. "Bumblebee" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. The players sit in a circle. A ball rolls on the ground inside the circle. Those who play with their hands roll it away from themselves, trying to overpower the other (get into the legs). The one who was touched by the ball (stung) turns his back to the center of the circle and does not participate in the game until another child is touched. Then he comes into play, and the stung again turns his back in a circle.

Rules: roll the ball only with your hands; you can not catch, hold the ball.

"We frolic a little,

All were placed in their places.

You, ... (name), guess,

Who called you, find out.

Game progress. The driver closes his eyes. Children walk in a circle, the leader stands in the middle of the circle. At the end of the words, the children stop. The teacher points to one of the players.

Rules: do not open the eyes of the driver until he calls the caller. During this time, everyone should be quiet.

36. "Axe" (senior - preparatory group).

Yegor took an ax in the corner,

With an ax went into the yard.

Egor began to repair the fence,

Yegor lost the ax.

That's what he's still looking for

Look for an ax too!

The leader (first an adult) hides a small object (hatchet) in the palms of one of the players. The poem is recited in chorus. The one from the players who had the word "axe" goes to look for him.

37. "King Peas" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. According to the counting rhyme, the leader is selected - King Peas, he moves away from the children by 8-10 steps and turns his back. The rest of the children agree on what action they will portray. King Pea comes up to the children and says:

Hello children!

children answer:

Hello King Pea!

King Pea asks:

Where have you been? What did you see?

children answer:

What we saw - we will not say, But what we did - we will show.

Children perform a planned movement (washing, playing the harmonica, sweeping the floor ...). King Pea guesses. If he did not guess correctly, then he loses, the children tell him what they did and come up with a new action.

38. "Find the differences" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. Everyone sits in a circle. For the game to play, the players need to carefully examine each other. When the facilitator leaves the room, the participants should make small changes in their appearance: pin up their hair, bandage a finger, undo a button, etc. The facilitator must determine what has changed for the players. The one with whom he found the most changes will drive.

Game progress. Children form a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. Without holding hands, the children walk in a circle to the right (left) and say:

We gathered in an even circle

Let's turn back together,

And how do we say "Skok-skok-skok",

The words "skok-skok-skok" are pronounced by one of the children at the direction of the teacher. The driver must find out who said these words. If he guessed right, he takes the place of the one who spoke the word. If the driver does not recognize the voice, the game is repeated, and the children go in a circle in the other direction.

40. "Figures" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. The players form a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. Holding hands, everyone begins to move in a circle in a given direction. At the signal of the teacher, everyone stops and takes a variety of poses - the figures, for example, depict a running athlete, a flying bird, a jumping hare, etc. The driver chooses the figure that he liked the most and changes places with this player.

41. "Statues" (senior - preparatory group).

This game is best played with a big ball. Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other with their hands. Whoever does not catch the ball receives a penalty: continues the game, standing on one leg. If in this position he manages to catch the ball, then the penalty is removed; he stands on both legs. If another mistake is made, the player goes down on one knee. On the third mistake, he goes down on both knees. If the player catches the ball in this position, all penalties are forgiven and he continues the game standing on both feet. And if you fail, you will have to leave the game.

42. "Echo" (senior - preparatory group).

Game progress. Children go in a column one by one. The teacher pronounces a phrase, and the children, like an echo, repeat the last word. For example, the teacher says: “Kukareku” - the children answer drawlingly: “Ku-ku”.

1. "Who will pass quietly"

Tasks: to acquaint with walking in a given direction, to develop the ability to maintain balance.

Game progress: Children walk in a free formation in one direction. The teacher offers to walk quietly on tiptoes (shows how to do this). Then he gives a signal: "And now we walked quickly." The walking speed on the signal changes several times.

2. "Ball"

Game progress: Children depict how the balloon is gradually filled with air: slowly raise their hands up and puff out their cheeks. But the ball "burst": the children are slowly in a relaxed state and sink to the floor saying: shhh

Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

3. "Grains"

Tasks: to teach children to act according to the rules, to develop endurance.

Game progress:
Educator: They planted grains in the ground. (Children sit on the floor, shrink into a ball.) It rained, and then the sun shone. The grains began to germinate, sprouts appeared. (Children slowly rise, pull themselves up, raising their hands - "sprouts" up - and turning towards the "sun").

4. "Bubble"

Tasks: to teach children to act on the command of the teacher, to develop attention.

Game progress: Children, together with an adult, stand in a circle holding hands.
Inflate the bubble.
Inflate big.
stay like this
Don't crash.
Children gradually stepping back expand the circle. At the words “The bubble burst”, they lower their hands and say “sh-sh-sh”.
The game is repeated 2-4 times
Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

5. "Kwa-kva-kva"

Tasks: develops auditory memory and to some extent motor coordination and alertness.

Game description:

The leader is blindfolded with a bandage, and the rest of the children stand around him.
The leader begins to spin and say the chants:
"Here is a frog on the path
Jumping, stretched out her legs,
I saw a mosquito, I screamed ...
“On the word“ screamed ”, the presenter points fingers in front of him.
The player pointed to by the leader (or closer to whom) says: "Kwa-kva-kva." The facilitator should call the name of this player.
If the leader guessed correctly, then the identified player becomes the next leader, otherwise the leader repeats everything.

Rules of the game
1. The leader is blindfolded, and the rest of the children stand around him.
2. The host spins and pronounces the above chants.
3. On the word "shouted", the host points his fingers in front of him, and the player to whom he points must say: "kva-kva-kva".
4. If the leader correctly guesses who is in front of him, then this player becomes the leader, otherwise the game starts anew from the second point.


The host is not allowed to touch the players.
To complicate the game, it is allowed to pronounce qua-qua in an unnatural voice for yourself.

6. "Kitty"

Tasks: the game develops artistry, dexterity.

Game progress:

The child crawls on all fours, depicting a cat. Stops and turns his head (the cat looks around), then tilts his head (the cat drinks milk).
For children over two years old, you can complicate the game: the cat crawls between the legs of an adult, under a chair, climbs onto the sofa, lies down, purrs.

7. "Humpty Dumpty"

Game progress

Children stand in a relaxed position, arms hanging freely. Under the text that the adult pronounces, turn the body to the right and left (hands should hang freely, like a rag doll).


Humpty Baltai
Sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty.
Fell off in a dream.

Children relax on the floor. The game can be played with one child or with a subgroup of children.

8. "Cold-warm"

Tasks: develops attention, thinking.

Game progress:

Children sit on the carpet with their legs folded in Turkish.

Educator: The north wind blew. It has become cold, cold. (Children shrink into balls, arms crossed over their chest.)

At the signal “The sun came out. It became warm-warm” children relax and fan themselves. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

9."Find a Pair"

Find a Pair - the game develops classification and sorting skills, hand-eye coordination, hand motor skills, and mental skills.

Game description

Objects are laid out on the table that are combined with each other according to some signs. Mix them up. The child is invited to take any object and find a pair for it, and then explain why he considers these objects to be paired.

Rules of the game
1. Various items are assembled that are combined with each other (pencil and paper, sock and shoe, lock and key, etc.)
2. Lay out the items on the table and mix.
3. The child is seated at the table.
4. An adult chooses any object and asks the child to find a pair for him (or
the child chooses the subject independently).
5. If the child finds a mate, they put it aside.
6. Take the next item and repeat the same.
7. The game continues until all the items are collected in pairs.

Instead of objects, you can use pictures from the object.
Source M.F. Litvinov "Russian folk outdoor games"

10. "Find by description"

Find by description - a game for children of two or three years. Promotes the development of observation, memory and attention of the child.

Game description:

Ask the child to show what you describe to him.
For example: “Please show me the object. It is round, one side is red and the other is blue. You can play with it: roll it, throw it to each other ”(this is a ball).

Rules of the game:
1. Describe an object to the child: its color, shape, what it is made of, what you can do with it
2. The child guesses and names the object from the description


You can describe people, animals, nature - precipitation, trees ... (yes, everything that surrounds us) and ask the child to guess who / what you are talking about.

11. "Silence"

Tasks: the game develops speech and memory with the help of rhymes.
Before the game starts, the chorus players say:

Primroses, worms
The bells rang.
By the fresh dew
In a different lane.
There are cups, nuts,
Honey, sugar.
After the word "Silence" everyone should be silent. The host tries to make the players laugh with movements, funny words, nursery rhymes. If someone laughs or says one word, he gives the presenter a phantom. At the end of the game, the children redeem their forfeits: at the request of the players, they sing songs, read poetry, dance, and perform interesting movements.

The game is one of the priority forms of work with people. Outdoor games are especially interesting. But, for various reasons, there is not always an opportunity for street games. Therefore, every organizer of games should be able to occupy any person in the room, have their own "piggy bank" of sedentary games and entertainment. Speaking about the meaning of the game, it should be noted that knowledge of its theory allows one to construct the content of one's work in a deeper and more interesting way.

What are motionless games? These are games in which a different number of people can participate, the participants play sitting, standing, or the playing space is limited to a small room. These include: desktop, subject, training; intellectual-cognitive; plot, role-playing, dramatization, creative contests; word games.

Types of sedentary games

Board games

Board games are designed for one or two players, as well as for small groups. These are various puzzles, lotos, games with chips, cards, etc. Pictures, drawings, illustrations can be of great help. They enrich the participants with new knowledge, develop visual memory, attention, creativity.

Here are some options for how to play with illustrations and pictures.

"Collect mosaic." The facilitator invites the participants to collect from various parts the whole picture.

"Guess picture By fragment." After looking at several pictures, guess its name from one fragment.

"Find differences." Participants are offered at first glance the same pictures. You need to find 20 differences.

Object games

Item Games: Items around us can be great inventory in any game. You just need to skillfully use them in accordance with the purpose. An example of such games:

"Watch". Players are invited to arrange the clock (sun, hour, mechanical, electronic) in the order they were born.

"Name performer". Participants receive gramophone records with a sealed title. After listening to the melody, they guess the author and performer.

training games

Training games are aimed at solving several problems:

  • - promote acquaintance and unity in the team;
  • - create an adequate emotional background for communication, trust and goodwill in relationships;
  • - develop important qualities human personality - the ability to understand the state of another, to express one or another emotion; observation, attention, imagination, intuition. The use of such games takes a little time, a minimum of preparation, and they can be held not at a specially allotted time, but when it is convenient and expedient from the point of view of the organizer.

Let's give some examples.

Game-acquaintance "Snow com. Participants sit in a circle. The first player calls his name, the second calls the name of the first and his own, the third - the name of the first, the second and his own, etc. The game can be complicated if the players are already familiar: you can add some quality to the name (Vasya is cheerful, Dima is kind) or an object (Vova is a bicycle, Natasha is scissors)

"Forecast". The group is divided into two teams. Each team receives 4 sheets of paper with inscriptions: "quarrel", "sadness", "friendship", "happiness". They need to make a small drawing on each piece of paper, “depicting” from their point of view this word. The other team must guess (make a prediction) what is shown in these figures.

"Find a couple." Nameplates are attached to the players' backs. fairytale heroes(for example, old man, old woman) or parts of names (king, peas). You need to find your partner with the condition: you can’t directly ask: “What is written on my back?”

Intellectual and educational games

Intellectual and educational games can be devoted to any topic. Holding such games requires careful preparation and fulfillment of certain requirements:

  • 1. When choosing a topic and developing an intellectual and educational game, it is necessary to take into account the amount of actual knowledge of the participants, age features, outlook and level of intellectual development.
  • 2. When starting the game, you should try to concentrate the attention of the audience with the help of interesting tricks: introducing guests, an introduction ceremony, a common song, a flag-raising ritual, etc.
  • 3. Participants must have a good understanding of the meaning and content of the game, its rules and operations. Violation of the rules or their non-compliance are taken into account by the system of penalty points.
  • 4. The end of the game must be productive - victory, defeat, draw. It should be bright, emotional, contain analysis.

Such games include: "Field of Miracles", "Magnificent Seven", "Literary Ring", "Ancient and Modern Crafts". The quizzes are also educational. This is a specific set of questions on one topic. Points are awarded for a correct answer. Dialer the largest number points becomes the winner.

1. Introduce yourself differently

Rules of the game: Each person in the circle must "introduce themselves": make a gesture, say a word, read a poem, etc.

2. Ball around

Rules of the game: Everyone sits in a circle. The first player has the ball. He calls someone's name and throws a ball to that person. The one who catches the ball must call another name and throw the ball to him. So until the whole circle is bypassed, and the ball should visit everyone only once. Then you can complicate it, say the name of the person to whom you throw the ball.

3. Line up by name in alphabetical order

Good at first meeting.

4. Cards

Rules of the game: The group is given cards divided into squares. In each square, some quality of a person is written (for example: I like to sing. I have a dog. I am sad, etc.). Everyone must find people with these characteristics and write their names on their card so that all the cells are filled.

5. Animals on the back

Rules of the game: Each person has a picture (or name) of an animal hung on his back so that he does not see it. To guess, a person can ask questions to others, to which they answer “yes” or “no” (for example, “Do I have feathers? Am I a predator? Do I live in water? Etc.). Instead of animals, you can use portraits of people from this group.Questions should be asked about their personal inner qualities.

7. Guess my name

Rules of the game: Instead of introducing the player gives hints: My name starts with the letter "O"; My name ends with an "A"; It consists of 6 letters (Oksana). The one who correctly guessed the name receives a token.

8. Declaration of love

Rules of the game: A boy and a girl are called. They call each other their names. They need to play a scene from a movie about love. All feelings can be expressed only by facial expressions and gestures, only names can be pronounced. The pair that will be the most original and artistic wins.

9. My emblem, my motto

Rules of the game: Each player receives a paper and a pencil. At the leader’s signal, everyone invents and draws something that can be an emblem and writes that phrase or word that can serve as his motto (this can be a proverb, a phrase from a song, popular expression, the name of the movie, etc.) then we make an exhibition of works, where everyone talks about himself, about his work.

10. My partner

Rules of the game: Children are divided into pairs. They are given 3 minutes, during which they must learn as much as possible about each other. Then everyone sits in a circle and each of the players talks about his partner. Style of presentation - any. Originality is encouraged.

11. I will take with me on a hike ...

Game rules: Single game. Everyone should give their name and some item that they would take with them on a hike (my name is ..., I will take with me ..., will I go on a hike?). The host must say whether he takes this person with him or not. The point is that the name of the object begins with the same letter as the name of the child. Ask the children who guess to remain silent until everyone understands the logic.

12. Sing your name

Rules of the game: Each player takes turns singing his name. Everyone else must repeat the name, i.e. sing it the same way, with the same intonations.

13. The blanket falls

Rules of the game: The squad is divided into 2 teams. Between teams, assistants hold a screen (for example, a bedspread). One person from the team approaches the screen and squats, they should not see each other. At the command of the leader, the screen is lowered and the players sitting near it must name each other. The one who calls faster wins. The loser goes to the opposing team.

15. List

How to play: Write a list and distribute it to each member of the group. This list must contain the correct information. To do this, the leader himself must know his guys well. The list can be long or short, as you wish. While the music is playing (two songs) everyone should approach the other players and get their signature on the statement that says about him. Each person can put only one signature. Whoever has the most signatures when the music stops wins. Here's what might be on the list:

Find someone who:

Doesn't like to eat cookies; - Came today in pink socks; - I went to Japan on holidays; - Knows how to ride a horse.

16. Liar

Game rules: This game will help you get to know each other better. 5-8 people are needed. Prepare forms in quantity, equal to the number players. Forms should contain the following questions:

The most remote place I have visited is …………… - As a child, I was forbidden to do ……………..., but I did it anyway. - My hobbies - …………………. - When I was little, I dreamed of becoming ……………………. - I have one bad habit - …………………………

Sheets with these questions are distributed to each player, and everyone must fill them out by answering truthfully to all but one of the questions. Those. one answer will be wrong, false. When everyone has completed their questionnaires, the players take turns reading their answers aloud. The task of the other players is to guess which of the player's answers is false. Have them write down their version on opposite side their profiles. Find out the number of the false answer, and award a point to all those who guessed the false answer. The one who scored the most points wins. You can change the rules. Instead of one wrong answer out of five, write four wrong and one right.

17. Remember appearance

Rules of the game: The game is useful for a group where everyone knows little. 6-16 people play. A pair of players is chosen. Having previously studied each other's appearance, they stand back to back. Everyone else begins to each of them in turn ask questions about the appearance of a partner.

For example:

How many buttons does your partner have on his jacket? - What color are the laces on the neighbor's shoes? - The color of your partner's eyes, etc.

The pair with the most correct answers wins.

18. What do we know about Vasya?

Rules of the game: Play 2-5 teams of 3-10 people each. One person from each team is called. We will call him conditionally Vasya. The facilitator reads the questions, and the teams must answer them as accurately as possible. The answers are written on pieces of paper and handed over to the leader (the team gives their answer, Vasya gives his answer, and the leader compares).

Questions might be:

Vasya's date of birth? - What is the name of Vasya's mother? - Who best friend Vasya? - What school did Vasya go to? - What did Vasya eat for breakfast today?

Each team answers questions about their player. For the correct answer, the team is given points. The team that scores the most points wins.

18. I never…..

Rules of the game: This game will help people get to know each other better. 7-15 people participate. The game requires chips according to the number of participants. Chips can serve as large beans, matches, or other small identical items.

The first player says: "I never...". Then he names what he has never done in his life (the game of honesty).

For example:

Didn't keep cats in the house; - have not been abroad; - did not wear boots; - did not shave, etc.

Let's say the player said "I've never eaten pineapple". All players who ate the pineapples must give him one token. Then the turn passes to another player, and he calls something that he never did. The task of each player is to name something that he has never done, but all or most of those present have done. The game ends after a certain number of rounds. The one with the most chips wins.

20. Burning match

Rules of the game: While the match is burning, a person should tell about himself as much as possible. At the same time, he holds a match lit in his hand. One message - one point (for example: My name is ... I live ...). Whoever gets the most points wins. It will be much easier for you if you ask to read the messages of several people.

21. Do you need a piece of paper?

Rules of the game: This game will help to get to know all your guests. The guests sitting at the table pass the roll in a circle toilet paper. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

22. Bottle in a circle

Rules of the game: Everyone sits in a circle, passes each other with their feet in the air plastic bottle. Whoever the bottle falls or just touches the floor, he says his name and tells a funny story about himself. The bottle is passed on.

23. A Clockwork Orange

Rules of the game: All participants sit in a circle. To one person, the host gives an orange in his hands, turns away and says: “Begin!” Everyone starts to quickly pass the orange around to each other. As soon as the host says the word “Stop!”, The game stops and the one who at that moment had an orange in his hands briefly talks about himself and leaves the game.

The host turns away again, and the game starts again. Gradually, the circle narrows and in the end the winner is determined. But that is not all.

When at the very beginning the host will explain the rules of the game, he must definitely say: “The winner will be the one who remains last. And it is he who will receive the orange, but only if he completes the last task. But what - I will say at the very end! (let there be intrigue in the game).

So, the winner is determined. Now, in order to get an orange, he must complete the last task: each of the participants asks the winner any question regarding his personality and everything connected with him, and the winner must answer all questions honestly and sincerely (naturally, it is worth warning the participants that questions should not go beyond the bounds of decency).

If the game will be held for the second time and among the participants are those who have already played it, then the last task can be changed to some other one.

In order for the participants to get acquainted with the one who will be the leader, at the very beginning, when explaining the rules to them, he can briefly tell about himself, thereby showing an example to others how to do it.

24. Typewriter

Rules of the game: All participants in the game become "typewriters", whose arms and legs are the keys on this typewriter. Everyone stands or sits in a circle and simultaneously makes movements: a click with one hand, a click with the other and two claps on the knees. When they click with the right hand, they say their name, when with the left - the name of any person from the circle, and for two hits on the knees - everyone is silent (since this is a space). So, from one person to another, we begin to print the names of everyone present. With each next person, the pace of "hitting the keys" should increase.

The "typewriter" breaks down, i.e. the participant leaves the game if he loses the rhythm, if at first he does not call his name, if he calls the name of the player who left the game. The eliminated player crosses his arms on his chest, but does not leave the circle. The game is continued by the player to his right. At the end, the most efficient "typewriters" are selected.

The host remembers that if there are people with repeated names among the players, then it is necessary to agree on how they will be called in this game (game name). For example, there are three Lenas in the team. We call one of them Lena, the second - Lenochka, the third - Lenchik. Before the game, everyone calls out their game name loudly so that everyone remembers. First, a rehearsal is held, because it is immediately difficult to click, and speak, and remember names at the same time. After a 2-3 minute rehearsal, the elimination game begins.

This is a game for attention, memory development, and also for acquaintance. If everyone in the team has already known each other quite well, then the rules can be slightly changed: each participant becomes any flower (animal, writer, etc.).

25. Three stories

Rules of the game: This game is simple at first glance, but nevertheless very interesting. You can play for 2 or 3 hours during a birthday or, for example, on a train. The game can be interrupted and resumed.

So, each person should tell three stories from his life. Two real and one fictional. Everyone else has to guess which story is made up. Try to play, you will like it!

26. Original acquaintance

Rules of the game: Players stand in a circle. Everyone invents foreign name or any alias and, stepping forward, it appears. For example: "I am Fantomas." In addition, you need to come up with a gesture that accompanies your words and matches the image. For example, you introduced yourself and clapped your hands. As soon as the first person introduces himself, the second should repeat the name and gesture of the first, and then introduce himself. The third repeats the name and gesture of the first, the name and gesture of the second, and then introduces himself by making some kind of gesture. So, in a circle, a snowball. When someone makes a mistake, he starts with the previous player, calling his name and making a gesture, and again everything goes in a circle. After losing a few rounds, determine who remembered the longest chain of names and gestures. Do something nice for the winner.

27. Question to a neighbor

Rules of the game: Everyone sits in a circle, the leader is in the center. He approaches any player and asks a question, for example: "What is your name?", "Where do you live?" etc. But the answer should not be the one who is asked, but his neighbor on the left. If the one whom the presenter asked answers, he must give a phantom. After the game, the forfeits are played.

28. Acquaintance

Rules of the game: Depending on how familiar the gathered children are with each other, two variants of the acquaintance game are offered:

For children less familiar with each other.

You need to choose the leader of the game. Everyone becomes facing each other. One minute is given to everyone to find out the name of the neighbor on the right and left. Then the leader begins to walk in a circle behind the backs of the players. To the person he chooses, he puts his hand on his shoulder and says: "right" or "left", or "right - left", or "left - right"!

The selected child must name their neighbors in correct sequence. If the specified child cannot do this, then his neighbors themselves say their names in desired sequence and the loser becomes the leader. The former leader takes his place. You can change places in a circle each time (in this case, the game becomes more complicated).

For more familiar with each other children.

Required: a pre-made manual "Acquaintance".

Game progress. Choose a leader. All children are divided into 2 teams. Each member of one team finds a mate from the other team. On a signal, within 2-3 minutes, couples will find out from each other the answers to those questions that are written in the special manual "Acquaintance" (age, name, whether there is a pet, hobby, whether close friend). After 3 minutes, everyone quickly returns to their teams. Then the host chooses someone (from which team it does not matter). The selected player finds his partner in the neighboring team and talks about him according to the questions proposed at the stand, then vice versa. And so on. It would be nice to keep everyone involved in the game. If someone fails to answer the question, then the player about whom in question, he answers this question.

How to split teams:

  1. stand in a circle and, on command, put one foot forward. Those who put up their right foot will be one team, those who put their left foot will be the other;
  2. on command, you need to throw out several fingers on your hand. Everyone who has a larger number is one team, a smaller one is another; or an even number is one team, an odd number is another.

29. Passport

Rules of the game: Each child receives the task to make a passport (cardboard card), according to which all participants in the game will be able to learn more and get to know each other.

The passport contains little information about the passport holder (5-8 facts). Each fact (appearance, interests, details from personal life) is described in one sentence. The finished passports are folded into a large hat or box and shuffled. Each participant draws one passport and, according to the data that is described in it, tries to find out who it is. The contents of all passports are read aloud, and all participants in the game try to find out who they are talking about.

30. Ask - tell

Rules of the game: Participants put the chips on the start and roll the die in turn. The participant moves the chip as many positions as the die has and, depending on which field it is (tell or ask), he takes a card from the "tell" or "ask" pile (without choosing, the cards are face down!) and does what it says. The game continues for about half an hour. It is not worth continuing further, even if some participants ask, since at this time others may already get bored with this matter.

31. Map of life

Game Rules: You will need big map your country or world, and pencils. Stick the map on the wall. Have each child initial three places:

  • where he was born;
  • the place where he once visited;
  • a place he hopes to visit someday.

After the children have marked these places by pointing to one of them, ask each child to tell why he or she chose that place.

32. Fingers

Rules of the game: All players stand in a circle, while the palm of the right hand covers the finger of the neighbor on the right, and the index finger of the left hand is placed under the palm of the player on the left. The palms should be even. After the leader’s signal, you need to quickly grab the finger of the right neighbor with your palm, and at the same time have time to pick up your finger. The player whose finger was grabbed comes forward and says a few words about himself. Then the game continues.

33. Positron

Rules of the game: Everyone sits in a circle and tosses the ball. At the same time, you need to say something positive to the person to whom you throw the ball.

34. Mirror

Rules of the game: Each player chooses a partner and stands face to face with him at arm's length. One of the players makes arbitrary body movements, and the second (“mirror”) must copy them, becoming his mirror image. Please note: players cannot touch each other; all their movements must be slow; One foot must always be on the ground. After a while, the players switch roles.

35. Finger counting

Rules of the game: Each participant chooses a pair; partners stand facing each other at arm's length and lay their hands behind their backs. Players count to three in unison. On the count of three, each player throws their hands forward, showing a certain number of fingers (at their own discretion). The first person to correctly name the number of fingers on both hands wins. Play a few times, then switch partners and repeat from the beginning.

Option: after a while, add a third to the two players, then a fourth. In the end, you can involve a whole group of students in the game (but let them show the fingers of only one hand, otherwise it will take too long to count).

36. Suitcase

Rules of the game: Game for the development of memory. 3-12 people play. The first player says: "I take a suitcase and put a cucumber in it." The second player continues: "I take a suitcase and put a cucumber, a tree in it." And so on. Everyone adds their word to the chain. The last person to correctly name the entire chain wins.

37. Mathematics

Rules of the game: Children sit in a circle. The teacher gives the task: “Let's start counting in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of 3 pronounces his name instead of the number.