Now 25-year-old grandmother Rifka Stanescu with her two-year-old grandson Ion

Despite the fact that her family was against it, Rifka ran away with the seller jewelry Ionel Stanescu when she was 11 and he was 13, according to The Daily Mail. A year later, she already gave birth to a daughter, Maria. “I wanted to marry him, so I agreed to run away with him, and, of course, after we spent the night together, then no one could separate us. I had been promised to another boy's family since I was two years old, but I didn't want it,” Rifka recalls. - Before that, there was a lot of struggle - once my father even attacked my husband with a knife. He wanted him to pay 500,000 lei as compensation. My family even took me home, but three days later I ran away to be with him again.” After the birth of Maria, Ionel paid the father of his young wife a dowry and everything was settled.

Despite her mother's pleas to finish school and not give birth so early, Rifka's daughter Maria followed in her footsteps and got married. She gave birth to a son, Ion, at the age of 11. “I'm happy to be a grandmother, but I wanted something different for Maria and something different for myself,” says Rifka Stanescu, now 25. - And he good boy and he is already engaged to an 8 year old girl. It’s good to have boys, they won’t suffer like girls…”

Nika Narubina Photo: The Daily Mail

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Who is Grandma? This is a nice old woman in a plaid or a warm scarf. She knits socks for her grandchildren and bakes the most delicious pies. Her fairy tales are the most interesting, and it's so cozy to snuggle up to her warm shoulder!

But it turns out that these associations are outdated long ago, because modern grannies are smart, well-groomed women who look no more than 40. And the youngest grandmother in the world does not fit into the usual framework at all, because she is only 23 years old!

Everyone has their own record.

The Guinness Book of Records registers various achievements: who jumps the farthest, who runs the fastest, who can survive underwater the most, who is the strongest, who is the tallest and shortest person in the world, and so on. There are a lot of nominations. But Rifka Stanescu got into the Guinness Book of Records because she is the youngest grandmother in the world. She had her first grandson when she was only 23 years old.

Almost Romeo and Juliet

Rifka is a gypsy of Romanian origin. At the age of two, she was promised to the son of a successful businessman. Early engagements are common among gypsies. But when the girl was 11 years old, she passionately fell in love with a 13-year-old boy who traded in a nearby jewelry store. Upon learning of this, Rifka's father became furious, threatening his daughter with death if she lost her virginity.

Gypsies, as you know, the virginity of the bride is a prerequisite. If the groom is convinced that his bride has already been with a man before, he kicks her out in disgrace, the marriage is terminated, and the girl's parents are obliged to return the dowry to the groom.

But Stanescu's daughter, together with her beloved, despite the threats of her father, decide to run away. They secretly got married. They were adopted by the husband's family, and a year later, when Rifka was only 12 years old, the happy couple had a daughter, Maria.

After the birth of her granddaughter and after the groom's family paid a ransom for Rifka in the amount of 500,000 lei, her father calmed down and finally hugged his son-in-law.

Rifka Stanescu is officially the youngest grandmother in the world

Photos of the newlyweds quickly scattered in the world media. Their story was discussed not only in the pages of magazines, but also on television. A year later, the couple also had a son. The young mother was diligently engaged in raising children. She from the very early childhood tried to convince Mary that too early motherhood is very undesirable. For a girl, this is not only physically difficult, but also limits her further opportunities for self-realization. "First learn, and then have children," Rifka told her daughter. But ... Maria not only followed her mother's path, but also outdid her. She got married at the age of 10, even before her mother, and gave birth to her first child when she was only 11 years old. So it turned out that the age of the youngest grandmother in the world is 23 years old.

The boy was named Jon. He eats well and grows quickly, his mother, having recovered from a rapid birth, goes back to school, and the youngest grandmother in the world is happy to babysit her granddaughter. By the way, when Jon was 2 years old, his parents got him engaged to an 8-year-old bride.

unofficial record

A certain Nigerian Mum-zi, born in 1884, was given in marriage to a wealthy Nigerian as a child - at the age of 7 years. When the girl (or little woman?) was 8 years and 4 months old, she became a mother. In turn, her daughter gave birth to her first child at the age of 8 years and 8 months. Simple arithmetic will allow you to calculate how old the youngest grandmother in the world is: 17!

This record has not been officially recorded, although it is documented.

Indian Bano, born in 1956, became a grandmother at 24. A 26-year-old grandmother lives in the UK, and a 28-year-old woman has become a happy grandmother in America.

In Russia, the youngest grandmother is Natalya from Nizhny Novgorod region who just turned 29 years old.

Age is not a sentence

The title "The youngest grandmother in the world" may have another meaning. IN Lately women pay more and more attention appearance. Proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle life and body care turn into a real cult. Thanks to this, women retain youth and beauty for a long time. This made it possible to organize a competition for young grandmothers.

A prerequisite for the competition is that the participant has at least 1 grandchild. But, watching the beauties on stage, it's hard to believe.

In an interview, young grandmothers claim that beauty and harmony are gifts of nature, but experienced plastic surgeons see the hand and scalpel of their colleagues.

Who gave birth at the age of five, married very quickly and had children of her own, then she could become a grandmother by about 18 years old. But this did not happen, and it is better to discard arithmetic calculations, because life gives plots that are much more interesting than numbers. We bring to your attention the story of the youngest grandmother in the world. She is a citizen of Romania, Rifca Stanescu, who managed to acquire a grandson by the age of 23. The previous achievement belonged to a resident of England, whose grandson appeared at the age of 26.

For Romanian gypsies, quick marriage and childbearing is a common occurrence. Children here are betrothed almost immediately after birth, and early marriages are considered more than normal. For this reason, Rifka Stanescu already knew at the age of two who her husband would be. At that time, this was of little interest to her, but as she grew older, the fact of the impending marriage appeared in an increasingly gloomy light. In the end, Rifka decided to spit on the customs of her ancestors and at the age of 12, at the call of love, she gave herself to Ionel Stanescu, who was only one year older than her.

As the girl herself says, their feelings were mutual, hot, and all-consuming. In addition to the ardent love passions surrounding this story, the lovers did not at all oppose legal marriage. And even more - they really wanted to get married, which went against the wishes of Stanescu's parents. Rifka Stanescu says: I wanted to marry Ionel, and he agreed to marry me. After we spent the night together, no one could separate us. I know that my parents promised to give me to another family, but I didn’t like that guy at all". Gypsy elders in such cases say that they “didn’t like it at all” - this is not a reason to refuse marriage. And then I found a scythe on a stone.

It got to the point that Rifka's parents had a nervous breakdown, and his father even threatened Ionel with a knife and demanded a lot of dollars from him. Rifka says: Before the wedding, a lot of unpleasant things happened, my father even attacked my future husband with a knife. He wanted him to pay 500,000 lei ($140,000) in compensation. My family took me home by force, but three days later I ran away again to be with my lover».

The conflict subsided somewhat after the Ionela family paid the father of the young mother and wife the necessary dowry. The lovers played a wedding, after which their daughter Maria was born. A little later, the girl was bought orthopedic shoes ortofino. A year later, Rifka gave birth to a son, Nikolai, but the most interesting thing happened nine years later.

At the age of ten, Maria told her mother that she was pregnant and was going to get married, and she was very serious and it was useless to dissuade her. The history of a decade ago threatened to new round, but Rifka, remembering the adventures of her youth, did not argue with her daughter. The child who was born was named Ion. Who knows, maybe he will soon have his own children, who will make Rifka happy with the status of the youngest great-grandmother.

In the photo, from left to right: Ionel, Rifka, their grandson Ion, great-grandmother Iona

Pictured: Rifka Stanescu talking to a journalist from

At some point, all mothers become grandmothers. This is a significant event that marks a new chapter in your life. And adds more trouble. For older people, being a grandmother is a common thing. What if you are a young grandmother?

Chronicle of records

Being a young grandmother is not a phenomenon. However, the public pays attention to such cases. Who fixes the so-called records?

Such cases are noted in the Guinness Book of Records. The book celebrates a variety of achievements: the highest and low people, amazing coincidences and events, the oldest people and much more. The number of nominations will involuntarily make you whistle. But we are interested in a specific topic - the youngest grandmother in the world.

Rifka Stanescu is the youngest grandmother

What is it like being a grandmother at 23? Some cannot even imagine getting married in these years, let alone babysitting their grandchildren. However, Rifka Stanescu certainly did not care about such thoughts.

Romanian gypsies take early marriages lightly. Almost immediately after the birth, they prepare for this event. According to Rifka herself, she was being prepared for marriage from the age of two. However, Rifka had her own plans, and she did not wait for the wedding with her betrothed. Rifka Stanescu linked herself with Ionel Stanescu "for love". She was 12 and he was 13.

Ionel himself did not mind the child. He even rejoiced at the news of the appearance of his son. But the girl's parents were of a different opinion. Stanescu's mother suffered from nervous breakdowns many times. The father, in turn, could not find a place for himself and rushed between consoling his wife and attacking his unwanted son-in-law.

But he knew that nothing could be done. The wedding had to be played, however, without any celebrations. Later, a daughter, Maria, was born, named after her grandmother. Rifka got the honor of becoming the youngest great-grandmother in the world at the age of 40. The Ionela family complied with all the rules and bought the dowry due to the newlyweds. This is how the Stanescu family lived - quietly and peacefully.

But the "calm" did not last long. After a year, the couple had another child - the boy Nikolai. A few years later, Maria went to school and five years later she announced that she had a child. It may be family, but the daughter has surpassed the mother. Maria was 10 years old at the time of her pregnancy. And history repeated itself. Early pregnancy, wedding and child. The child was named Ion.

This is an officially documented story, listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Rifka Stanescu is the youngest great-grandmother in the world.

Mum-Zi - fact or fiction?

Another woman claims to be the youngest grandmother in the world. The wife of a Nigerian diplomat is Mum-Zi. She became a grandmother at the age of seventeen. She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 9. The case is out of the ordinary. While her peers were playing in the sandbox, the girls were learning rhymes, and the boys were pulling their braids. Mum-Zi was busy with her grandson.

But the story has no official confirmation and, of course, it is not listed in the Guinness Book of Records and is not marked anywhere except Wikipedia.

Other interesting cases

We examined the most famous "young old ladies". But around the world, new stories of becoming young girls - grandmothers often emerge.


A native of Delhi, born back in 1956. While in Russia 24-year-old girls are only thinking about marriage, Bano has become a grandmother. But Bano also got married at the age of 10, and at 11 she was nursing a newborn.

The daughter, in turn, did not lag behind her mother. The child appeared at the age of 13. Although Bano is not a record holder, she became a favorite in another "nomination". The granddaughter gave birth at the age of 14, making Bano a great-grandmother at the age of 38.

Elena Tverinteva

Elena received the “title” of a grandmother, hardly having celebrated her 42nd birthday. Recognized as the most beautiful grandmother in 2009. Elena is not fond of diets and does not visit beauty salons. Elena Tverinteva assures that fitness helps her to keep her youth.

Elena participated in a beauty contest. At that time, she had two grandchildren, and on the eve of the final of the competition, she was informed about the birth of another grandson. This gave her the confidence to win.

Elena Tverinteva is the youngest looking grandmother.

TOP 10 youngest "old women" in the world (video)

It is difficult to say who is the youngest grandmother in the world. As you can see, such cases are not uncommon in modern world. In many places on the planet, this is the norm. And it is no wonder that soon such a phenomenon will become fashionable and will enter our daily life.