Happiness is a desired goal for most people. Everyone has their own idea about it. And the questions: “How should you live to be happy? By reason or feeling? Should feeling prevail over reason? Or is submission to the voice of reason the only path leading to happiness? - remain open. Writers, classics, who always felt correctly subtle soul people tried to find the answer.

Yes, Bazarov, main character works by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", of course, lived by reason, or rather even by reason. Analysis, reasoning, skepticism - these are his constant companions. Forbidding himself to feel, he also did not understand and did not appreciate the feelings of those around him (father and son Kirsanov, his parents). Even after he fell in love with Odintsova, the hero continued to live, thinking through his every next step. Frightened by his feelings, he chose to hide behind indifference and cynicism. Captivated by Anna Sergeevna’s beauty, he remarks vulgarly: “Such a rich body! At least now to the anatomical theater! And later, appreciating her intelligence, he rudely refers to her as “a woman with a brain.”

But cynicism is a poor defense for a suffering soul. And in the end, having never found happiness, Bazarov falls into a state of blues, indifference to own life, which leads to his early death.

But is it only the mind that can lead to misfortune? Maybe feelings and emotions can also plunge a person into a state of despair?

L.N. Tolstoy in his novel War and Peace shows us in many episodes that this is so. A storm of feelings, emotions, the desire to love and be loved overwhelmed Natasha Rostova when Anatol Kuragin began to court her, waiting for her fiancé, Andrei Bolkonsky. Without realizing it, she was ready to run away with him from her home, into the unknown, leaving behind her fiancé, her parents, her honor, her former life. Undoubtedly, such actions could not lead to good. Subsequently, she bitterly regretted what she had done. But who knows whether she would have been able to live at all, whether she would have forgiven herself if she had nevertheless run away, succumbing to emotions? Yielding to a sudden impulse, a vague hope for happiness?

However, there are examples in literature when heroes find happiness by living mainly either by reason or by feelings. Thus, in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov,” the rational Stolz and the emotional Oblomov, despite differences in upbringing, beliefs, behavior, and attitude to life, eventually found a family, peace of mind, and became happy.

So what is the best way to live? By reason? Feelings? Or find harmony between them?

I think the latter is closer to the truth. It is important to understand when you can give free rein to your feelings, and when you need to follow the voice of reason. This is the only way a person can live in harmony with himself, and therefore be truly happy.

405 words

Essay by Anastasia Koshkina

People are guided by different impulses. Sometimes they are controlled by sympathy, warm attitude, and they forget about the voice of reason. Humanity can be divided into two halves. Some constantly analyze their behavior; they are used to thinking through every step. Such individuals are practically impossible to deceive. However, it is extremely difficult for them to arrange their personal life. Because from the moment they meet a potential soul mate, they begin to look for benefits and try to derive the formula perfect compatibility. Therefore, noticing such a mentality, those around them move away from them.

Others are completely susceptible to the call of the senses. When falling in love, it is difficult to notice even the most obvious realities. Therefore, they are often deceived and suffer greatly from this.

The complexity of relationships between representatives of different sexes is that different stages In relationships, men and women use too much of a reasonable approach or, on the contrary, trust the choice of behavior to the heart.

The presence of fiery feelings, of course, distinguishes humanity from the animal world, but without iron logic and some calculation it is impossible to build a cloudless future.

There are many examples of people suffering because of their feelings. They are vividly described in Russian and world literature. As an example, we can choose Leo Tolstoy’s work “Anna Karenina”. If the main character had not fallen in love recklessly, but had trusted the voice of reason, she would have remained alive, and the children would not have had to experience the death of their mother.

Both reason and feelings must be present in consciousness in approximately equal proportions, then there is a chance for absolute happiness. Therefore, in some situations one should not refuse the wise advice of older and more intelligent mentors and relatives. Exists folk wisdom: “A smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a fool learns from his own.” If you extract correct conclusion from this expression, you can pacify the impulses of your feelings in some cases, which can have a detrimental effect on fate.

Although sometimes it is very difficult to make an effort on yourself. Especially if sympathy for a person overwhelms. Some feats and self-sacrifices were performed out of great love for faith, country, and one’s own duty. If the armies used only cold calculation, they would hardly raise their banners above the conquered heights. It is not known how the Great Great War would have ended Patriotic War, if not for the love of the Russian people for their land, family and friends.

Essay option 2

Reason or feelings? Or maybe something else? Can reason be combined with feelings? Every person asks himself this question. When you are faced with two opposites, one side shouts, choose reason, the other shouts that without feelings there is nowhere. And you don’t know where to go and what to choose.

The mind is a necessary thing in life, thanks to it we can think about the future, make our plans and achieve our goals. Thanks to our mind we become more successful, but it is our feelings that make us human. Feelings are not inherent to everyone and they can be different, both positive and negative, but they are the ones that make us do unimaginable things.

Sometimes, thanks to feelings, people perform such unrealistic actions that they had to achieve this with the help of reason for years. So what should you choose? Everyone chooses for themselves; by choosing the mind, a person will follow one path and, perhaps, will be happy; by choosing feelings, a person is promised a completely different path. No one can predict in advance whether the chosen path will be good for him or not; we can only draw conclusions at the end. As for the question whether reason and feelings can cooperate with each other, I think they can. People can love each other, but understand that in order to start a family, they need money, and for this they need to work or study. In this case, reason and feelings work together.

I think the two only start to work together when you grow up. While a person is small, he has to choose between two roads, little man It is very difficult to find points of contact between reason and feeling. Thus, a person always faces a choice, every day he has to fight with it, because sometimes the mind can help in difficult situation, and sometimes feelings are pulled out of a situation where reason would be powerless.

Short essay

Many people believe that reason and feelings are two things that are completely incompatible with each other. But as for me, these are two parts of one whole. There are no feelings without reason and vice versa. We think about everything we feel, and sometimes when we think, feelings appear. These are two parts that create an idyll. If at least one of the components is missing, then all actions will be in vain.

For example, when people fall in love, they must include their mind, since it is he who can evaluate the entire situation and tell the person whether he made the right choice.

The mind helps not to make mistakes in serious situations, and feelings are sometimes able to intuitively suggest the right path, even if it seems unrealistic. Mastering two components of one whole is not as simple as it sounds. On life path You will have to face considerable difficulties until you learn to control and find the right edge of these components. Of course, life is not perfect and sometimes you need to turn off one thing.

You can't keep balance all the time. Sometimes you need to trust your feelings and take a leap forward; this will be an opportunity to feel life in all its colors, regardless of whether the choice is the right one or not.

Essay on the topic Reason and feelings with arguments.

Final essay on literature grade 11.

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How to live by reason or feelings?

How to live, mind or feelings? There are two poles in this question: reason and feelings. In the same way, two opposites in I. Goncharov’s novel “ An ordinary story" These are Alexander and Pyotr Ivanovich, feelings and reason.

Using Alexander as an example, we will look at a person who lives only by feelings. At the beginning of the novel, Alexander sees the whole world through “rose-colored glasses.” It seems to him that everyone loves him, and he loves everyone. He believes in love until the grave and eternal friendship. But upon arrival in St. Petersburg, the lenses in his “glasses” crack, and he sees everything in a new, more natural light for that time. At the moment of Alexander's meeting with reality, his dreams and ideas are broken against the “stone wall” of reality and inflict mental wounds on him. The life of romance is not sweet, in it more grief than happiness. A romantic wants his whole life to be happy, and behind his continuous dreams he does not see true happiness and cannot rejoice at it. Such people cannot think soberly, and often because of this not only they, but also those around them suffer.

Now let's look at a person who lives only by reason, using the example of Pyotr Ivanovich. The life of such a person is boring and monotonous. He becomes a “machine” that is capable of working for a place in society and fortune, but has no soul and feelings. For such a “machine” happiness lies in good condition, and grief in a large monetary loss. These “robots” even go to marriage if the bride is rich and has a position in society. People surrounding such a “machine” live very poorly, because the machine is not capable of sympathy and love, it can only give out “advice”, or more precisely, harsh, petrified phrases.

It is impossible to live only by feelings or reason. Those who live by feelings lack sobriety in their actions; they and their lives are like a fire that flared up brightly for a second and then went out irrevocably. Those who live by reason are like the “Snow Queen”, living in icy palaces where everything is dead and cold.

A person must combine both feelings and reason, only then can he live truly fully, creating comfort for himself and for those around him.

Psychologists say that a person who lives by feelings opens the door to his main enemy - pride.

The main rule

Of course, without feelings and emotions, the world and human perception of it would be boring and monotonous. People would turn into insensitive creatures: no one would be able to sympathize with another or be happy for him. Interest in life would fade away at lightning speed, and people would approach each other only from a rational point of view. Therefore, in order to live fully, you must have feelings and be able to manage them. The most important thing is to learn how to properly manage feelings that are in balance with reason. But! Life shows something else: there is no balance between logic and emotions.

Feelings rule life

Failure to follow the basic rule leads to the fact that feelings begin not only to prevail, but to rule life. People who live by feelings and do not include reason find themselves in constant conflicts with outside world and with ourselves. Moreover, people who live by feelings do not think about the need to turn on their reason at least periodically. A problem arises that requires psychological help.

When a person lives by feelings, he opens the door to his main enemy - pride. In this state, a person begins to distort his idea of ​​himself, to feel himself as something he really is not. Pride, in turn, gives rise to egocentrism and selfishness. A person finds himself in a state where he feels that the whole world revolves around him, and the lives of other people are not interesting to him. Thus, a person becomes a self-sufficient person.


To stop feelings from poisoning your life, you should try to use the following tips:

  1. Turn on your mind. It will be difficult at first, but over time it will become easier and easier. The time will come, and this process will return to normal. Thus, many similar life situations problems will gradually be solved using established templates, i.e. automatically. A person begins to live not only with feelings, but also to balance it with his mind, doing everything as needed.
  2. Learn to think. Turning on your mind does not mean starting to think. According to statistics, the mass personality thinks less than 5% of the time, even when his head is on. When people turn on their minds, they often do not try to think: they are lazy, forget about it, are content with past decisions, stereotyped and habitual constructions of the mind, without specifically thinking about the present situation.
  3. Find harmony of mind and feelings. In any case, it is always recommended to initially turn to the mind: to your own and to the minds of those around you. If this cannot be done immediately, then resort to the help of feelings. It is important to achieve such harmony: so that the feelings are able to provide subtle information about their psychological state and the condition of other people. At the same time, it is very important to keep in mind: feelings should remain only a tool, and the final decisions should be made by the mind.
  4. Listen to the words of Saint Theophan: “It is impossible to live without feelings, but it is illegal to give in to feelings... Do this: think in advance where what kind of feelings can be aroused, and enter into those circumstances, keeping yourself on guard from heart disturbances, or holding your heart in strong hands. You need to practice this, and with exercise you can achieve complete power over yourself.”