A sample of the conclusion of a term paper in Word format. Conclusion Template thesis in Word format.


Summing up the results of the study of the issue ... (the topic of the work), we set a goal - ...
As part of the study, we studied / analyzed / considered ... (the topic of the work).
The purpose of this study was ... (the topic of the work).

To achieve this goal, we solved the following tasks:
1. Study the concept and signs ... etc. As a result of the study, it was revealed that ... / it turned out that ..
2. Formulate a classification...etc. Based on the results of the review of existing approaches to the classification ... etc. it was determined that...etc.

First, the theoretical conclusions are summarized, then the results of practical research. It is determined whether the hypothesis of the thesis or term paper was confirmed or refuted.

In conclusion, recommendations are formulated for improving and optimizing the subject of research, as well as assessments of the socio-economic efficiency of the implementation of the proposed measures.
In the course of the study, the following were revealed ... facts, indicators, data. To improve the functioning of the identified ..... we have formulated a list of relevant activities:
1. Evaluate / audit / inventory ... the following data: ...
2. Develop a plan for reengineering / reforming / optimizing...
3. As a result of the calculations, it was found that the implementation of the proposed measures will provide ... an influx of investments / an increase in trade turnover / an increase in the sales market, which will bring additional ..... million / thousand. rub profit in the future next.....months, years.

For legal work: ...the proposed changes to the relevant regulations will harmonize the current legislation and improve the efficiency of regulation in this area. The implementation of the proposed measures will simplify the procedure for ensuring the rights of citizens to .... and eliminate the possibility of ... certain problems.

See conclude... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. draw a conclusion deduce, conclude, deduce, decide, conclude, judge, draw a conclusion, come to a conclusion, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Draw a conclusion- Kar. (Arch.). Exchange gifts (about the relatives of the bride and groom). SRGK 1, 254 ...

conclusion- Conclusion, conclusion, moralizing, morality; judgment, syllogism. Wed . See the opinion, the court .. draw a conclusion ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. conclusion derivation, conclusion, ... ... Synonym dictionary

to make a conclusion- See conclude ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. draw a conclusion, deduce, conclude, draw a conclusion, conclude, deduce, conclude, judge, decide, come to ... ... Synonym dictionary

do- emphasis do action choice do action conclusion do action stupidity do action business do action, ending goodness do action report do action task do implementation, elimination record do ...

conclusion- (not) make hasty conclusions action conclusion make action conclusion action suggests itself, the subject of the conclusion is confirmed by the passive on sya, assessment, registration of the conclusion make the action conclusion follows the action, the subject concludes the action ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

CONCLUSION- Give a conclusion. Sib. Reply to someone FSS, 53; SRNG 7, 257. Draw a conclusion. Kar. (Arch.). Exchange gifts (about the relatives of the bride and groom). SRGK 1, 254 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

conclusion- CONCLUSION1, a, m Result logical reasoning in the form of inference, opinion. Everyone who can watch, analyze, draw conclusions is obliged to answer only one question for himself: is a close victory possible? (Yu. Sem.). CONCLUSION2, a, m Same as summary ... Dictionary Russian nouns

CONCLUSION ()- CONCLUSION (in mathematical logic) Inference is usually called reasoning, in the course of which a series of sentences connected with each other is sequentially obtained, as well as the sequence of these sentences itself. Some of these proposals are not ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

CONCLUSION- CONCLUSION, husband. 1. see deduce 1. 2. Inference, what is deduced (see deduce 1 in 5 values). Important c. Draw the necessary conclusions. 3. Wire, device that goes out or outputs something. outside (spec.) | adj. output, th, th (to 3 digits). ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


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There are several ways to do correct conclusion to the abstract.

The first way is to preliminary preparation conclusions to the chapters, which allows you to make the information presented. This method assumes fluency in information on a given topic in order to easily draw qualitative conclusions. While, if the information is perceived for the first time, it will be difficult to make any conclusions, knowledge is clearly not enough for this. In this case, it will not even be possible to clearly formulate at least one sentence, or the information presented in the written paragraph will be repeated. The conclusion should be grouped and logically presented, however, it is not allowed to duplicate the results obtained earlier, it is possible to draw a general conclusion based on them.

The second method involves using external sources. To make the work of writing conclusions to the entire abstract easier, you should highlight the main ideas from each chapter and paragraph. In this case, it is very convenient to use various printed publications to collect information about the problem under study, because they will necessarily contain conclusions. At the same time, it is important not to take into account the conclusion as a whole, but to use only the information that relates to the topic of the abstract, but it should be borne in mind that the findings did not contradict the purpose of the study.

After writing the abstract, the collected conclusions must be systematized and rephrased to fit your style of presentation of the text, remove conflicting opinions, if any, supplement the missing information and bring it into line with the purpose and subject of the study. After processing, the conclusions will look consistent, and most importantly, logical, because the opinions of people who are quite clearly oriented in the issue will be taken as the basis.

The third way involves borrowing other people's thoughts. It is recommended to use it if you can find information that will fully correspond to the topic of the abstract. Otherwise, the text will clearly stand out against the background, and look ridiculous, in addition, it will definitely not be an output.

So, in order to correctly draw a conclusion, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The conclusion should summarize the above information for the chapter and for the abstract as a whole.
  2. The conclusion should be in the same direction as the work, it is not allowed to indicate conflicting points of view.
  3. The conclusion should be short and specific and should correspond to the essence of the problem.
  4. In the text of the abstract, if it is supposed to draw a conclusion after the chapter, the following expressions should be used: “taking into account the data obtained, we can draw a conclusion”, “in the end, it should be noted”. Some teachers do not recommend specifically drawing up conclusions after each chapter, therefore, it is better to clarify how to write the paper correctly.
  5. The conclusion should be the logical conclusion of the abstract, the result of the research, based on the tasks that were set in the introduction.

Tasks to write an essay are found in the program of secondary and higher educational institutions Often. This means that not only schoolchildren, but also students will have to fulfill them. This article will consider the conclusion of the abstract, the conclusion in the abstract, as well as frequently asked questions related to its writing. You will learn how to write a conclusion for an abstract, what should be its structure, how to properly format the final section, where to find a good template and when to start working on this part of the report. In addition, this article will present detailed instructions writing the final part of the report.

In addition, the portal provides services for writing student projects - abstracts, term papers, diplomas, dissertations, and more.

For all questions, please contact the specialists through the online form or by e-mail.

How exactly is the conclusion written?

This section must include the following aspects:

  • The author must necessarily mention the relevance of the topic on which the report is being made. You can rephrase the relevance from the introduction.
  • The student needs to be told about the goals and objectives that were set in the introduction, or rather, about their achievement.
  • The student must make brief conclusions on the main section of the work presented in the table of contents.

Such works are a presentation of material from several sources and are written on any topic - whether it be "Information input and output devices" or "Laws of thermodynamics". There is an opinion that there should be 5 or more such sources. You can check with your teacher for the required number of books and articles needed for your research. Since schoolchildren and students will have to write such reports quite often, we recommend that you deal with their implementation once, so as not to waste time searching for the necessary information in the future.

Popular questions

What should be the length of the final part?

This section should not exceed one page. The information must be presented concisely and clearly. In addition, under no circumstances should any new data be presented in the report.

The structure of the conclusion in the abstract

The structure of this section should repeat the table of contents of the work - first it is done short review introductory section, and then - each chapter of the report. Please note that the conclusions in this part should not duplicate the conclusions of the sections of the main part - this material needs to be rephrased.

How to format this section?

Like all other parts of the study, the final section is drawn up strictly in accordance with GOST - 14th font size and Times New Roman style. It is very important to make the design correct, otherwise the completed task may be returned for revision.

An example of an abstract conclusion - where can I find it?

You can find a sample implementation of this section on the Internet. The only criterion that needs to be taken into account when searching is the compliance of the template with the requirements described earlier.

At what point can you start working on the conclusion of the study?

In order to have time to write a complete, structured, interesting report on time, it is recommended to make a special schedule, and the author who draws up this plan must take into account that the conclusion is written after the goals and objectives have been set and the issue of relevance in the introduction has been resolved, and also when the main part of the report was made.

How to write a conclusion to an abstract - instructions for beginners

If you are writing this section for the first time, our instructions will help you to make it qualitatively:

  • Read the purpose in the introduction carefully. Answer the question: "Did you manage to achieve it?". A very important point - the goal must be achieved, otherwise the work that you have done is meaningless.
  • Pay attention to the tasks that you set in the introductory section - are they all completed?
  • To draw conclusions for each chapter, carefully read the material and highlight the main idea. Important point: conclusions should not be repeated.
  • Pay attention to the presence spelling mistakes If there are, they need to be corrected.
  • The abstract and conclusion to it should be written only in a scientific style - be sure to take this fact into account when doing it.
  • Check again that the abstract and conclusion are made in accordance with GOST.

In this article, the topic "how to make the final part of the abstract" was considered. Here we have considered the most important issues that concern every schoolchild and student who has begun to perform such a task.

After reviewing this article, you have learned how to write and draw up a conclusion to the abstract, about what requirements apply to this section today and what you need to pay attention to when starting the final part.

Remember - a well-written report will protect you from many additional questions teacher.

The correct use of this skill is a very important factor for making effective daily decisions. Here are some tips on how to learn to draw conclusions in everyday life.


    Be open-minded. Errare humanum est- humans tend to make mistakes. We are all short-sighted, and very often we see only one side of the issue, so we are not able to see the whole picture. You see some part, we know a separate part, and thus we often build erroneous conclusions, conclusions and judgments from only one point of view. Narrow-mindedness is a serious shortcoming in inference that you should avoid.

    Try (test) everything and hold on to the good. Get rid of all the prejudices in your head. Do not think that there is no truth except for the science you are studying. If you judge someone's opinion before you study it in detail, you will not learn anything, but will only close your eyes.

    • Try to find out the truth in things you don't know. The bigger the challenge, the more you learn by creating new connections between neurons in your head and improving your ability to draw conclusions.
    • Expand your reading circle and be interested in a variety of topics.
  1. Seek the truth and prove its persuasiveness. Never imagine that you know absolutely everything about a subject and there is nothing more to prove.

    • Human creatures dug with great difficulty, looking for gold and hidden treasures. They had to wade through the earth and mud to find the real pure metal. But all the work was not in vain, gold in spite of everything is gold, and will enrich the person who will make efforts to search for it. remember, that truth is more precious than gold.
  2. Separate the real truth from the imaginary. When looking for gold, for example, you will have to go through sand, rocks, and slag. The external luster may be similar to gold. The ability to separate the truth comes with constant and frequent practice in seeking the truth without prejudice or arrogance.

    Find out the truth about a different point of view and don't get too offended. Some people cling so tightly to their beliefs that they don't even want to think if others question their beliefs, which are considered infallible and sacred. No person is perfect. To think someone is perfect is to refuse to draw conclusions. Thus, welcome criticism as it is a way to test your beliefs, ideas, and views.

    • Be humble. Immediately unconditionally and completely get rid of the errors and prejudices that you managed to find. Remember that this applies to all matters of your life, even those related to political and religious beliefs.
    • Of course, being humble doesn't mean you'll be a doormat, use the criticism of others to build your strengths rather than drowning in your weaknesses. And learn to recognize criticism in someone's opinion and unconstructive corrections - don't let someone try to devalue you.
  3. Learn from others. Confucius once said: "Among any people walking nearby, I will find a teacher for myself." Choose good qualities people and educate them in yourself, identify the bad ones and change them. You can always learn something from others, be it your parents, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, ministers, etc. If you see another person doing something good, learn to do the same by following his or her example. If you see a person doing something bad, learn from that experience too: learn how to do it right and don't repeat the same mistake (remember that you can't change the other person, but you can be a great role model).

    Forget enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the biggest mistake that can obscure the facts and interfere (pervert) our conclusions so much that you cannot use your sanity or listen to other people's conclusions. To correctly draw conclusions, you must remain open-minded and calm.

    Find out all the facts. Look for best books industry, search the internet for the most reliable sources and learn from someone more knowledgeable in the field.

    • Take an online course from a university in a subject you used to find too difficult, like physics, astronomy, or math. Challenge yourself and develop your ability to draw conclusions.
  4. Learn and apply logic in your conclusions.

    - Deductive reasoning is the ability to draw conclusions from the general to the particular. In deductive reasoning, if you follow a logical sequence, then the argument will be true, as well as the conclusion, if all the points were also true. For example, if "all men are mortal" is the main clause, then "Socrates is a man" is an additional premise, then the true conclusion would be: "Socrates is mortal", which must be true if the previous clauses were true. The deductive method is compared with the inductive one.

    - Inductive reasoning- this is the ability to come to a conclusion from the particular to the general, and is most often used in the derivation of theories. In the inductive method, particular facts do not necessarily entail a general conclusion. For example, if you put your hand into a bag of stones of an unknown color and all the stones that you take out white color, you can assume that all the stones in the bag are white. This may or may not be true. Your theory will be disproved if the next stone is not white. How more facts you collect, the larger the size of the stones, the closer the conclusions will be to the truth, which can be called conjecture. Your conclusion that the stones in the bag are white will be more true if you draw a thousand stones, and not ten. The collection of such data is statistical inference or probability.

    - Abductive reasoning- this is the ability to reach a conclusion or reason by choosing the best explanation, for example, in a medical diagnosis, which also applies to the inductive method, since the conclusions in the abductive argument are not drawn from unobserved facts. Abduction differs from other forms of inference in trying to choose the advantage of one hypothesis over another, trying to find an alternative incorrect explanation and choosing the one with a high probability. For example: "This patient exhibits (certain symptoms), they may be due to various causes, but (presumptive diagnosis) is preferred over others because it is more likely..." The concept of abduction was introduced into modern logic by the philosopher Charles Sanders Pierce abduction, when I express in a sentence everything that I see ... not a single step forward can be made by simple observation, unless abduction is used. The abductive method is also used for derivation explanations or consequences. "The grass is wet, which means it must have been raining." Detectives as well as diagnostics are often associated with this ability to draw conclusions.

    - Analogous reasoning- this is the ability to compare, directly or indirectly drawing an analogy. This is a form of logical inference that draws conclusions from similarities in one aspect based on their similarities between questions in other aspects. The concept of analogy is attributed to Samuel Johnson: “Dictionaries are like clocks. Even the worst are better than none, and even the best cannot be expected to be absolutely accurate.”