Irina Krug is a popular pop singer performing songs in the chanson style, the widow of the famous bard and chanson singer Mikhail Krug.

Irina Viktorovna Glazko was born on March 29, 1976 in Chelyabinsk in an ordinary military family. Her mother worked as a draftsman, her father was an officer.

Childhood and youth

From the very early years Irina had great artistry and, like many girls at her age, dreamed of becoming an actress. But the girl did not want to act in films, she was drawn to theatrical performances. It was for this purpose that little Ira was taken to the theater circle of the Chelyabinsk House of Creativity.

In childhood

Ira also wanted to learn figure skating- after school, she went to the rink and independently learned all kinds of figures. But they didn’t take her to the figure skating section, since the girl’s age was not suitable - only very young children were taken there. But Irina's life turned out quite differently, and she had to give up her dream of becoming an artist.

Immediately after graduation, Irina signed with her first husband and gave birth to his daughter Marina. However, the first marriage was unsuccessful - her husband's passion for drugs and alcohol destroyed their marriage. As a result, the marriage broke up, and young Ira was forced to raise her little daughter on her own.

It was necessary to take money from somewhere to support the family. Therefore, again postponing her desire to become a theater actress, at the age of 21, Irina got a job as a waitress in the Malachite restaurant. It was there that her first meeting with Mikhail Krug took place, which forever changed the girl's life.

Meeting with Mikhail Krug

In 1999, already well-known at that time, he came on tour to Chelyabinsk and decided to have dinner at the restaurant where Irina worked at that time. The girl was told to serve the star's table. Mikhail immediately noticed Ira and offered her to work in his team.

But much to the surprise of the Circle, the girl immediately answered with a firm refusal, deciding that this was just a joke of the artist. But Mikhail Krug was serious. He asked the director of the restaurant for help, repeated his offer several times, but was always refused. Colleagues of the girl were amazed by her steadfastness. But in the end, Mikhail's perseverance won out, and Ira agreed to the proposal.

The girl moved to Tver and worked there for more than a year as a dresser for a chanson star. According to Irina's stories, at first the famous singer was in no hurry to show his sympathy for her and looked closely for a long time, followed Ira's behavior and tried to get to know her more.

He had been divorced for eight years and therefore was wary of starting a new relationship. Therefore, all this time, Mikhail kept his distance from the girl and behaved very restrainedly. But a year later, the singer nevertheless decided to open his feelings to the girl and revealed a desire to live with Irina.

Once he came to her and proudly declared: “That's it, we will live together!”. She happily agreed, and the couple began dating, not even paying attention to big difference aged - when they met, Ira was 23 years old, Mikhail at that time was already 37.

The couple lived in civil marriage more than a year, only then the young decided to legalize their relationship. According to Irina, the idea of ​​marriage arose spontaneously. The young people just went to the grocery store, they were dressed in ordinary tracksuits.

On the way to the store, Mikhail saw the registry office and got the idea to sign Ira here and now. The registry office immediately recognized the famous bard and quickly painted a couple. Mikhail and Irina Krug got married in 2001, Mikhail gladly accepted Ira's daughter from his first marriage into the family, and later the couple had common child. His parents decided to name him Alexander.

But Mikhail was not destined to take care of his son for a long time: when the baby was only a month old, Mikhail Krug was shot dead in his own house. According to Irina, she felt something was wrong a week before the tragic events and asked Mikhail to hire security.

But her husband only laughed at his wife's request. The poor widow was left alone with two children. It was after these tragic events that Irina decides to start a musical career.


After the death of her husband, Irina decides to move to Moscow in order to find a way to somehow feed her two children. There, Mikhail's friend Vladimir Bocharov invited Ira to sing a couple of her husband's songs. Irina agreed, although during the life of Mikhail she did not show herself as a singer and only sometimes sang along with her husband.

The debut of Irina Krug was incredibly successful. After that, the newly-minted star sang a few more songs from her husband's repertoire, which were intended for the singer's next album. In 2004, Irina released her debut album "The First Autumn of Separation", recorded in a duet with a friend of the murdered bard, Leonid Teleshov.

A year later, Ira was presented in the Discovery of the Year nomination at the Chanson of the Year award. In 2006, Irina released her second album entitled "To you, my last love”, produced by Vladimir Tsyganov. In the same year, the singer graduated with honors from Tver State University with a degree in management.

Since 2007, the singer has been singing in a duet with Sergei Bryantsev. The star duet already has two albums. On this moment Irina's discography already includes eight albums, while the star continues to tour throughout the country, performing both her own songs and well-known songs from her husband's repertoire.

Her concerts are often attended by admirers of Mikhail's work. In 2012, the star received the Chanson of the Year award for the song "To You, My Last Love."

After the death of her second husband, the singer stops her stormy variety activity but survived the loss loved one, Irina returns to the stage in 2014 and immediately receives the Chanson of the Year award for the song Love Is Not Scary.

Before that, in the summer of 2013, the singer shared her pain with her fans on the program “Let them talk”. Apparently this was a turning point in the life of the singer, when she nevertheless decided to let go of the situation and start not only personal, but also creative life from a new sheet.

Already at the end of 2014, the singer's creative website appeared on the network, where the best tracks of the performer for all the years of her work were posted. In addition to songs and videos, the site also contains information about the biographical data of the singer and the schedule of upcoming performances and tours.

In 2016, active creative activity singers. In 2016, she again receives the Chanson of the Year award, but already for the song Chanel, and in 2017, Irina Krug performed one of her songs in a live broadcast on Channel One. And already in September 2017, the singer went on tour in several cities of Russia, and in the capital she gave her concert in the Meridian Hall.

Personal life and husband of Irina Krug

Irina grieved for her murdered husband for a long time. But 5 years after Mikhail's death, Irina's personal life improved again, and the singer got married for the third time. The famous businessman Sergei Belousov became the chosen one. Many began to condemn Irina and accuse her of allegedly betraying her husband's memory. Ira honestly answered these reproaches: “Mikhail is the best thing that happened in my life. I often dream of him."

The name of Irina Krug is becoming more and more popular every day. Having gone through many life difficulties (her husband Mikhail Krug died in 2002), she managed not only to successfully master a new profession for herself and gain many fans, but also to maintain warmth and sincerity, which not every performer has. Looking at this beautiful and successful singer, it is hard to imagine that she is - mother of many children. In September 2013, Irina and her new husband, businessman Sergei Belousov, had a son. Last Saturday, the singer new program under the name "Chanel" came to Kirov. In an interview with Istochnik, which took place before the concert, Irina Krug spoke about her family and shared beauty secrets. Irina, I know that this is your second concert in Kirov...

Yes. I am happy to return to your city again and again. There is a very good audience here. The listeners are kind and frank. And it's a great pleasure for me to introduce my new album to the people of Kirov.

I saw your busy tour schedule. How do you manage to always be in such great shape?

I always say it's genetics. I don't do any special procedures. The main thing is to watch your diet. For example, I completely excluded mayonnaise from my diet, everything fatty, fried. At the same time, in addition to fish and chicken, I also eat meat with pleasure, but only in boiled or stewed form ... Also, do not forget about sports. Previously, I devoted many years to speed skating. Now, sports can be played infrequently. I really want to start walking Gym I want to go swimming and yoga.

Did you follow the Olympics?
I tried to watch as much as possible. But mostly my husband enlightened me. He told who won how many medals, who won, who scored how many.

By the way, does Sergey help in raising his son Andrey?
Certainly. Like all dads, young people help their wives. He is very caring and worried. My mother and my husband's mother are also very worried and help. It would have been very difficult for me without their help. After all, I have three children. Of course, there is not enough time.

Has the birth of your third child changed your life?
Yes. Life has changed completely. My attitude towards children has also changed. I became more touchy. She began to love children even more (smiles).

Do you struggle with being separated from your family while on tour?
Of course, separation is very burdensome for me. But we keep in touch. I always have a lot of photos of children with me. I take them on tour with me and watch them. I always have my favorite faces in front of my eyes.

What are your older children doing?
Marina is studying at a college with a degree hotel service. My daughter is graduating this year. Marina wants to study further. She plans to go to college. And Sasha goes to school. But we want him to enter our university from next year. cadet corps. Maybe it will be the FSB corps. We don't know yet. Sasha played hockey, football, and swimming with us. He also really likes drums. When he comes to my concerts, he has a craving for drums. He always asks my drummer Denis to learn how to play drums. For me it's amazing.

Would you like Alexander to follow in the footsteps of his legendary father?
All the will of God. In any case, if he wants to sing, perform Misha's songs, I won't mind. But now Sasha has no particular craving for music.

Do you have your own recipes for raising children?
I am sure, in fact, he is alone: ​​children must be loved. Only love, warmth in them can awaken goodness. You know, it seems to me that children now have a much more difficult life than it used to be for us. It was a different time then, we lacked a lot, even sometimes elementary things - food, clothes, but we, nevertheless, were kinder current generation. We wore the same jackets, but we helped each other. Because there was morality in society. Now children have so many temptations, temptations... Of course, it's not easy for them. But if we want our children to grow up to be real people, we need to educate goodness in them.

Irina, do you have traditions in your family?

There is one and the most important. We always celebrate holidays together. And in New Year we all sing the anthem. And it's all very interesting. Parents and children get up. And we all perform it in a friendly crowd. Sasha especially sings well. He is the most active.

How do you usually spend free time?
In my free time, I like to stay at home, lie down. I am not a fan of parties, noisy companies. I really like to be at home, in silence, with my beloved husband, with children, with my mother.

And finally, what would you wish our readers?
Kindness, love and happiness! It is most important!

Krug Irina Viktorovna
Date and place of birth:
March 29, 1976, Chelyabinsk.
Career: in 1997-1999 she worked as a waitress in one of the restaurants in Chelyabinsk. In 1999, she met the Russian chanson performer Mikhail Krug, who offered her to work as a costume designer for him. In 2002 (after the death of her husband Mikhail Krug) she began her career as a singer and released her first album, The First Autumn of Separation.
Family: daughter Marina from her first marriage, son Alexander (born in 2002, father - Mikhail Krug), son Andrei (born in 2013, father - businessman Sergey Belousov).

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Irina Krug is a pop singer who performs mainly in the Russian chanson genre, and the second wife of the "king" of this genre. Irina has repeatedly won the Chanson of the Year music award.

Childhood and youth

Irina Viktorovna Glazko was born in March 1976 in Chelyabinsk in a military family.

WITH young years Irina dreamed of becoming an artist. To this end, she visited the Chelyabinsk House of Culture, in which a theater group operated. But life turned out differently.


Before starting her musical career, Irina was married to the popular performer Mikhail Krug. The high-profile murder of the singer divided the life of his wife into "before" and "after". It seemed that after the departure of the Circle, Irina took over the musical "relay" from him and went on stage.

A friend of Mikhail Krug and the author of many of his songs, Vladimir Bocharov, after the death of the bard, invited Irina to sing a few songs of his famous husband. Irina agreed, although before that she had only sung along with her husband a few times. Yes, and the husband did not see his wife as a singer, although Ira expressed her desire to make music during Mikhail's lifetime.

The debut of Irina Krug (as the singer was now called) turned out to be very successful. Soon the young chanson performer sang a few more hits of her husband, which were intended for the future disc.

In 2004, the singer presented her debut album entitled "The First Autumn of Separation". All the compositions included in the disc were performed in a duet with Leonid Teleshov, a close friend of the murdered performer. This is how it started creative biography Irina Krug.

In 2005, Irina was the winner of the Chanson of the Year award and was nominated for the Discovery of the Year. Irina Krug becomes a popular and recognized chanson performer. Fans of Mikhail Vladimirovich's work love to attend her concerts.

Irina Krug at the festival "Chanson of the Year"

In 2006, the second album "To You, My Last Love" was released. Both new and old songs of the performer got on the disc. It included the composition "My Queen", which Irina performed at concerts together with Mikhail Krug. The song can also be heard on the musician's disc "Love Story". With this disc, Irina tried to express the pain of losing a loved one. The singer's loneliness sounds brightest in the composition "Where are you?", Which also made it to the album.

In 2007, the singer's first duet album, Hello Baby, was released, recorded in tandem with. In 2009, Irina Krug recorded another joint disc "Bouquet of White Roses", this time with. Collaborative disc compositions received great popularity among music fans. The video where Irina performs the song "Bouquet of White Roses" has gained 25 million views.

In the future, Irina Krug will record another disc with Alexei Bryantsev, which will include the popular duet song “Just Come to Me in a Dream”, the singer will release two more albums together with Viktor Korolev and create one using materials from her murdered husband.

Irina Krug and Alexey Bryantsev - "Just come to me in a dream"

In 2009, she presented the first collection of songs "What Was". Since the same 2009, Irina has been the winner of the Chanson of the Year music award for four years in a row. The songs “Sing, guitar”, “Write to me”, “House on the mountain” and “To you, my last love” bring her victory.

Irina Krug releases the song "I do not regret." The composition is gaining popularity among fans, fan video clips for it appear on the Internet, in which fans use fragments of their favorite melodramas and romantic series.

Irina Krug and Viktor Korolev - "Bouquet of white roses"

In a series of awards for the singer, there is a break of a couple of years, again Irina Krug receives the Chanson of the Year award only in 2014 for the song “It's not scary to love”. She also wins next year- with the composition "I will read in your eyes."

In the summer of 2013, Irina told viewers about her life in the program “Let them talk” on Channel One.

In 2014, Irina Krug got her own creative website, which contains selected songs of the singer, videos from concerts, clips for songs, official biography and a poster with upcoming performances.

Irina Krug - "The smell of Chanel"

In 2015, the singer released the disc "Mother Love". Irina Krug continues to work on new compositions and presents singles.

In the same year, the singer recorded the song "Love Me" in a duet with Edgar. At the same time, she released her first vinyl record, The Snow Queen. The new disc was not included in the list of Irina's official albums, as it is a collection of already published songs.

Edgar and Irina Krug - "And you love me"

In 2016, Irina for the third time in a row and for the eighth time in total becomes the winner of the Chanson of the Year award. The singer receives the award for the song "Chanel".

On January 2, 2017, Irina Krug participated in the Chanson radio concert called “Ehh, take a walk!”. At the concert, the singer performed the song "Intervals of Love". The performance was broadcast on Channel One.

Irina Krug - "Glass" Bacardi "

On June 22, 2017, Irina Krug gave a concert in Moscow, at the Meridian Concert Hall. From September to November, the singer went on tour in two dozen Russian cities.

Irina Krug is not only engaged in creativity after the death of her husband. The woman took up her education and in 2005 she graduated from a university in Tver, having received a red diploma in the specialty "manager".

Personal life

After graduating from school, Irina Glazko got married and gave birth to a daughter, Marina. The marriage broke up very quickly, and Irina had to get a job to support her family. The woman was taken as a waitress in one of the city bars. At that time, Glazko was 21 years old.

Irina worked as a waitress for two years. Once a popular bard and chanson performer Mikhail Krug came to Chelyabinsk on tour ( real name Vorobyov). When the "king of chanson" looked into the institution where Irina worked, the owner of the restaurant sent Glazko to serve the client's table. Mikhail Vladimirovich immediately noticed the girl and immediately offered Irina a job as a costume designer. And wage, promised by the Circle, was very impressive. But Irina refused, explaining this by the impossibility of leaving a small child.

Irina Krug - "Let them talk"

When the young woman had already forgotten about the tempting offer from the celebrity, the concert director of the Circle called Irina and repeated the offer. This time Irina agreed and went to Tver. It happened in 1999. For some time, Mikhail Krug did not show in any way that he was in love with his new dresser. Communication was emphasized intelligent, the couple addressed each other as "you". It seemed that the Circle was eyeing the girl before deciding to take a responsible step. By that time, Mikhail Vladimirovich had been divorced for 7 years.

The proposed marriage proposal was unexpected. Just at one point, the singer took the dresser Irina home and said that now they would live together. Mikhail Krug and Irina officially got married in 2001. The ceremony was not pretentious: the future spouses appeared at the registry office, as they say, “not at the parade” - in tracksuits.

Soon Krug adopted Marina and surrounded the girl with care. She fell in love with her stepfather and began to call Krug dad. But the spouses jokingly still called each other by their patronymic and continued to turn to “you”. Mikhail was easy with Irina, who had a calm, homely character. Together with the second half, the musician lived in perfect harmony.

In 2002, Mikhail and Irina Krug had a son, Alexander. But Sasha did not have time to remember his father: in the same year, the “king of chanson” was killed. According to Irina, the husband shielded the woman from bullets and thereby saved her life.

As the artist later recalled, she foresaw trouble and a few months before the tragedy she asked her husband to hire security, but Mikhail did not agree. On the contrary, the doors in the house practically did not close, and the guests succeeded each other. On the eve of the attack, Irina had a bad dream in which she saw a memorial service in their own house. In a dream, the woman began to look through the eyes of her husband, but did not find him. In the morning, Mikhail only laughed at the story of a strange dream.

In November 2012, the singer gave a detailed interview to the magazine "Caravan of stories", where she spoke about the murder of her husband, about life with Mikhail Krug and about life and work after the death of the musician. The material was released under the telling title “Irina Krug. With you and without you."

The personal life of Irina Krug improved in 2006 after the tragedy. The singer got married for the third time. The wedding took place without a magnificent celebration: the newlyweds quietly filed an application with the registry office and celebrated this day in nature with relatives.

Fans regarded this act as a betrayal of the memory of Mikhail Krug, but Irina does not think so. The woman is sure that Mikhail blessed the marriage, in an interview about the upcoming wedding, the singer admitted that she saw Krug in a dream in the form of an angel.

Relatives ex-husband also understood and accepted the act of the singer, the mother and sister of the Circle blessed Irina for a new marriage. Irina's husband is businessman Sergei Belousov. Irina's children adopted their stepfather and fell in love.

The couple bought an apartment in the capital, since they could not stay in the house where Krug was killed. On September 25, 2013, in Moscow, a common son Andrei appeared in the family of Irina and Sergey Belousov. Photos of children often appear in "Instagram" artists, and Sergei Belousov prefers to remain in the shadows.

Irina Krug amazes fans not only with new hits, but also with a great appearance. The girl, with every appearance in the world or on stage, demonstrates impeccable taste and a magnificent figure. With a height of 167 cm, her weight does not exceed 51 kg. In 2017, Irina changed her hairstyle, shortening her curls to a square, thanks to which she began to look much younger than her years.

In January 2018, Irina Krug hinted to reporters that she and her husband were on the verge of a divorce. The news for fans of the widow of Mikhail Krug was a shock, because Irina and Sergey were known as an ideal couple in musical circles. But accumulated over 13 years life together fatigue made itself felt. After weighing all the pros and cons, the couple came to the conclusion that it is not worth ruining the relationship. Irina Krug took a break from the tour schedule, and the whole family - with her husband and children - went to the UAE.

Irina Krug now

In November 2017, Irina Krug delighted fans new job- the album "I'm waiting", which became the 9th in a row in Irina's solo discography. A month later, the premiere of the video for the main song of the disc took place. In autumn, the artist also became a guest of the program “The Fate of a Man”. Together with the star mother, son Alexander also came to the talk show studio.

Irina Krug at the project "The Fate of a Man"

In 2018, Irina Krug went on tour to Far East and in Sochi. The singer is preparing for solo concerts with the program "I'm waiting", which will be held at the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall.

On the eve of the anniversary of the death of Mikhail Krug, thieves made their way into the house where Irina Krug's family now lives. The artist heard a rustle on the ground floor, but did not go down, because she thought that her husband was walking. What was the surprise of the family in the morning when they found traces of a break-in. Irina Krug reacted with excitement to this incident, because the last time such an entry into the house ended in tragedy. It is not yet clear what the criminals were looking for in the house, since no loss was found.


  • 2004 - "The First Autumn of Separation"
  • 2006 - "To you, my last love"
  • 2008 - "Handsome"
  • 2009 - Love Island
  • 2010 - "I will read in your eyes"
  • 2012 - "Love is not scary"
  • 2013 - "Chanel"
  • 2015 - "Mother Love"
  • 2017 - "I'm waiting"

Krug Irina Viktorovna (b. 1976) - Russian singer, performs Russian chanson, repeatedly became the owner of the "Chanson of the Year" award. She was the second wife of the famous performer, the king of Russian chanson Mikhail Krug, who was killed in 2002.


Ira was born in the Ural city of Chelyabinsk on March 29, 1976. Her maiden name was Glasgow. The girl was born in a normal Soviet family: Mom worked as a draftsman, dad was a military officer.

As a child, Irina, like many girls, dreamed of becoming an actress. While studying at school, she attended a theater group at a local cultural center. Although among her classmates she was reputed to be timid and timid, she was especially shy when she was called to the blackboard.

She also enjoyed being a dentist. If all the peers, playing with dolls, sewed outfits for them, then Irina treated her teeth with her toys. She from an early age and still always and everywhere pays attention to people with beautiful smiles and snow-white teeth.

But most of all in life, little Ira wanted to be a figure skater, she loved to watch figure skating competitions on TV. With her friends, Irina went to the city skating rink, she learned the movements and steps herself, but when dad took her to the section, the girl was not accepted, they said that it was too late. At home, she sobbed then sobbing, her parents consoled her as best they could. Ira remembers well how her father then said: "May these be the bitterest tears of your life".

Youth and first marriage

At school, Irina fell head over heels in love with a boy from the senior class. Youthful love was mutual, and then it seemed to both of them that it was for life.

Almost immediately after High school prom Ira became pregnant, she and her beloved went to the registry office, registered their relationship, and soon daughter Marina was born.

After the birth of her daughter, Irina entered a trade college, at that time it was considered prestigious, and after graduation she got a job in a central department store in the youth fashion department. A small, thin and pretty girl was often sent to advertise cars that were sold on the first floor of a department store. But neither in the youth department, nor next to expensive foreign cars, Ira did not feel happy with her chosen profession, she was not interested.

Irina's husband was educated as a dental technician, and she saw this as some kind of a sign of fate, because it was not for nothing that she had a special passion and respect for this profession since childhood.

But the husband became addicted to drugs, and under their influence there was no trace of a kind and cheerful guy. He became evil, unbalanced, plus betrayal and alcohol addiction.

For a long time, Ira tried to get her husband out, return to normal life, regretted and forgave everything. But when he swung at a woman with a knife, it was already the limit. Thank God it didn't come to a head. According to Irina herself, she could forgive if her husband decided to go on a spree, turned off the phone and did not come home to spend the night; she would treat him endlessly if he took to drink; but when it became scary to live next to him, she put an end to it until the child was left an orphan.

By that time, Irina's parents had divorced; during the divorce, her father left her mother one-room apartment. When my mother got married a second time, she moved to a new spouse, and the apartment was empty. Ira moved there with her little daughter.

The salary that Irina received in the department store was meager, it was not enough to feed herself and her daughter. Former spouse did not pay child support. A neighbor on the porch, observing how hard it was for a young woman with a child, offered to arrange her in the most prestigious restaurant in the city of Chelyabinsk, Malachite, where she worked herself. Ira understood that it was impossible to get into this institution, referred to in local circles as a “casket”, just like that from the street. But the neighbor really put in a good word for her, and Irina was hired, but first she had to take courses as waitresses.

Acquaintance with Mikhail Krug

She worked as a waitress at Malachite, and one evening they were expecting an important guest for dinner - the capital's chanson singer Mikhail Krug. Irina, as the most responsible, was instructed by the director of the restaurant to make sure that the guest was served at the very highest level.

Everything went without complaints, and when Ira was already serving tea, she noticed that Mikhail was whispering something with the director of the restaurant. Then she was called and invited to sit down at the table. The circle immediately got down to business and said: "Come work for me." The young girl replied: "Thank you!" and went to clear the tables.

Deep after midnight, when the banquet ended in the next room and the waitresses were cleaning up, the director called Irina and said that Krug wanted to talk to her again. She was afraid that he had bad intentions about a young girl and asked her partner to be somewhere nearby all the time. Irina has already seen enough of this work, how celebrities sometimes behave, they immediately start grabbing their knees.

Michael spoke tactfully. He offered Ira to work for him as a costume designer with a decent salary. But she could not understand why he needed a girl from Chelyabinsk? Can't he find a person with experience in Moscow. She replied that she could not accept this offer, since she had recently divorced her husband, she was left alone with a small child who had no one to leave with. Krug looked into her eyes, got up and left. He left Chelyabinsk.

And soon another chanson star Katya Ogonyok came on tour to the Ural city, with the director of the restaurant she was in great relationship and one evening she dined at Malachite. When Katya found out that Krug offered Irina to leave with him, she said: “Misha is a serious person, if he decides, then he will take the girl to Moscow”.

Soon Mikhail Krug again came to Chelyabinsk, and this time Ira agreed to his job offer.

Life and work with Mikhail Krug

During a meeting with Mikhail in a hotel room, he dryly informed Irina that from now on she was a member of his team as a costume designer, and the first tour to the city of Volgograd was coming.

Ira left her daughter to be raised by her mother and stepfather and flew to Moscow.
started touring life. In Tver, Krug rented an apartment for her, the salary was good, and they paid her regularly. Ira sent part of the money to her mother in Chelyabinsk, and as soon as the opportunity arose, she rushed there to see her daughter Marinka. She left very little money for herself, so she ate modestly and did not buy anything from things.

Later it turned out that Mikhail never had a dresser in the team, and he came up with this position specifically for Irina, because he fell in love with her like a boy. But he was a very cautious person, so for a long time checked Ira and kept an eye on her.

Everyone in the team was already talking about the fact that Mikhail chose Ira as his beloved woman, she herself felt his views on herself, but the matter did not go beyond a working relationship.

But the moment came when the Circle could no longer endure and came to Irina's apartment in Tver. Since that night, he often came to her, but in the team they did not advertise their relationship, they stayed in different hotel rooms on tour.

Once, before a concert in Moscow, in the dressing room, Mikhail joked with a backing vocalist about the residents of Chelyabinsk. Ira was touched by such conversations, and while the concert was going on, she got drunk with grief, and then told the Circle everything that she thinks about him. The next day, ashamed of her behavior, Irina packed her things, bought a plane ticket and got ready to fly home. Misha came to the airport for her, picked her up and brought her to his house as a hostess forever.

Once, passing by the registry office, they stopped, went in, what they were in, and signed. So the costume designer became Irina Viktorovna Vorobyova (this is the real name of Mikhail Krug). In the evening, friends came to them, and they celebrated their wedding.

In a huge house, Ira began to clean up, she really wanted to show her husband that he had chosen a good housewife. She loved to cook for him, became a real loving and caring wife. He liked that his wife addresses him as “You”, calls him Mikhail Vladimirovich. And Misha himself called his wife Irinka Viktorovna.

Mikhail had a son, Dimka, from his first marriage, who lived with his father, and Irina immediately began to treat him like her own. Ira also moved her daughter Marina to Tver, and over time, the girl began to call Krug dad. Ira stopped going on tour, took care of the children and the house, and each time Misha brought her expensive dresses as a gift, which there was nowhere to put on, because they didn’t go anywhere, they felt good at home together. Then, when she became a singer, the outfits came in handy for her to perform on stage.

In 2002, Irina and Mikhail had a son, Alexander.

And a month later, a terrible grief happened in their lives. Unknown people entered the house, who first tried to kill Irina's mother, who had come to help her daughter cope with the baby. And Mikhail Krug, who came out to the noise, received two bullets, from which he died the next morning in the hospital, as they passed through abdominal cavity and cut open all the organs.


When Irina received an offer to sing the songs of Mikhail Krug, she was at first afraid of such a responsibility. The widow of the king of chanson was afraid that she would not succeed, but at the same time, this opportunity attracted her. But then Ira thought that in this way she could continue the work of her husband and preserve the memory of him.

She began to learn everything from scratch. In many ways, Vika and Vadim Tsyganov helped her, brought her to the studio, explained and showed everything.

In order to survive, provide for the children and finally get rid of the fear that constantly haunts her, Irina entered the stage under the pseudonym of her husband - Krug. Before, she always liked to sing, but when she told her husband about it, he answered: "Stay at home, I'd rather buy you karaoke".

Now Irina tours a lot, performing her husband's songs, and people go to her concerts. She is happy that in this way she preserves the memory of the talented singer and musician Mikhail Krug.

Her first solo album was called The First Autumn of Separation. Then another 8 albums were released with compositions by Irina Krug, two of which she recorded in a duet with Alexei Bryantsev. Every year she takes part in the festival "Chanson of the Year", where she invariably becomes the winner of the award.

Personal life

After the death of Mikhail, Irina completely changed her image, she became a blonde, lost weight, and now she looks amazing. She often recalls how Misha told her: “Remember, Irinka Viktorovna, over the years you will only get prettier”. And he turned out to be right: Irina has such a heredity that with age she becomes more and more interesting.

Several years passed after the death of Mikhail, all this time Ira raised three children herself, Dima (Michael's son from his first marriage) wished to stay with her.

Once at a hairdressing salon, Irina met businessman Sergei Belousov, they began dating. The man was three years younger, and at first Ira was terribly complex about this.

In 2006, Irina and Sergey got married, bought an apartment in Moscow (Ira left the house of Mikhail Krug to his mother and sister Olga). Mom and stepfather moved from Chelyabinsk to the capital, helped the singer raise children.

The son of Mikhail Krug Dmitry graduated from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg. Daughter Marina is already quite an adult and is taking her first steps in the hotel business. Son Sasha studies well at school, he especially likes mathematics, often takes part in mathematical competitions and wins prizes.

In 2013, Irina again became a mother, in September her son Andrei was born with her husband Sergey.

There are not so many popular performers among female chansonniers. The biography of Irina Krug is little known to anyone. The singer does not like to talk about her childhood, musical career and personal life. She received 11 awards in the Chanson of the Year award, was the winner at MUSICBOX-2017 in the Urban Romance nomination. Her songs have repeatedly become hits.

Irina's maiden name is Glazko. She was born on March 29, 1976 in the city of Chelyabinsk. Her father was a military man, and her mother was a draftsman. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress, so the girl attended a theater group at the House of Culture.

At school, she studied averagely and did not stand out in anything special. Her parents were not called by the teachers, since Irina did not create any special problems. The dream of the stage was pushed back to an unknown date. At 21, she went to work as a waitress.

For two years the girl worked in a restaurant. She managed to get married for the first time, give birth to a daughter Marina and get a divorce. At this time, the future star meets Mikhail Krug (Vorobiev). He arrived in Chelyabinsk with a concert and looked into the institution where the woman worked. The owner of the restaurant sent her to serve the famous chansonnier.

Irina was familiar with the singer's work, but did not feel much love for his songs. She liked Tatyana Bulanova more. Mikhail really liked the waitress and he offered her a place as a dresser. The salary offered was impressive. The man liked how she carefully fulfills her duties and takes into account the wishes of the guest. The girl carefully monitored that the food did not contain tomatoes, garlic, onions. She quickly carried away the plates, brought new dishes, was silent and executive.

Irina refused Krug's offer, as she did not want to leave her little daughter. The future singer did not believe that she could attract attention famous musician. She did not have any special professional skills, and for a long time her acquaintances did not believe that Mikhail offered her a job. The situation was quickly forgotten, and Irina stopped thinking about an unusual meeting.

Later, Krug's concert director called her and repeated the offer. The woman could not refuse and went to Tver.

In 1999, Irina began working with Mikhail. At first, he did not show his sympathy for the dresser. They addressed each other exclusively as “you”, they behaved intelligently. Krug has been married before, but has been divorced for the past seven years.

Therefore, the marriage proposal from the man was very unexpected. One day he took Irina from work and took her to his house. There he categorically stated that they would live together. The woman could not refuse.

The couple got married in 2001. The wedding was quiet and modest, without much pathos. Irina Krug and Mikhail Krug became a good couple. The man adopted a daughter from his wife's first marriage and she quickly began to call him dad. Adults continued to call each other on "you" and address by name and patronymic - it was a kind of game.

Irina felt good next to her husband. She was calm and liked to do household chores. In 2002, the couple had a common child - son Alexander. Later, a serious grief happened in the family - Mikhail Krug was killed.

Then, in an interview, Irina admits that she had a premonition of trouble. A few months before the sad event, she asked her husband to hire security. There were always guests in the house, Entrance door was not padlocked.

On the eve of her husband's death, Irina had a strange dream. In it, she saw how a memorial service was being held in the house, and she could not find her husband with her eyes. The next morning the woman told everything to Mikhail, but he only laughed.

On the night of June 30 to July 1, Irina's husband was killed by unknown persons. She miraculously managed to escape. The children were not hurt. The death of her husband was hard for the woman.

Irina managed to sing several songs in a duet with Mikhail: “Hello”, “How old”, “Eyes met” and others. Krug's wife did not plan to perform on stage. The proposal came from a family friend - Vladimir Bocharov.

Her first album was released in 2004 "The First Autumn of Separation". Irina had to sing a duet with Leonid Teleshev, but this did not prevent her from becoming an award winner "Chanson of the Year". She released her second album in 2006. "To you, my last love".

Irina was a good wife and did not plan to become a singer. Together with Mikhail, they dreamed of a simple, quiet life, where they bring up Sasha and Marina, and go about their daily business. They wanted to celebrate birthdays in a narrow circle, attend various events. The woman did not learn to sing, but after the death of her husband she found unreleased songs and decided to finalize them.

In 2005, Irina received a diploma with honors from Tverskoy state university. She graduated from the Faculty of Management.

In 2007, the woman began to actively perform a duet with Alexei Bryantsev. Later, she will start working with Viktor Korolev.

The following songs were especially popular:

  • "To you, my last love";
  • "Sing, guitar";
  • "Write me";
  • "House on the mountain" and others.

The singer regularly pleases fans with novelties of creativity. She made several video clips that were published on YouTube. They have amassed several million views.

Irina Krug participated in different programs to television. She visited Malakhov's show "Let them talk", where she spoke about her life. Later, the woman became a member of the program "The Fate of a Man." Together with her son Alexander came to the studio.

The tour schedule for 2019 has not yet been confirmed. Planned a concert in the city of Dmitrov. It will take place in early June. The average cost of a ticket is 2 thousand rubles.

In her youth, the woman was distinguished by modesty. She married early, had a baby, and didn't wear much makeup. After meeting Mikhail, she changed and became more confident.

Her external data:

  • height: 167 cm;
  • weight: 51 kg;
  • hair blonde.

Initially, Irina Krug was a brunette, but then she liked the experiments with hair coloring and now she is a bright blonde. The woman was silent for a long time about the death of Mikhail. In 2012, she gave a detailed interview to Caravan of Stories magazine. In it, she shared her pain about the death of her husband, life with him, showed rare photographs.

Despite her age, Irina Krug still looks like a young woman. The thing is that she carefully monitors her appearance: a stylish bob haircut, light color and the right makeup make her attractive.

Irina participates in various events, on her official website you can find a poster of concerts. The singer has personal page on Instagram, where she posts different photos. Fans have repeatedly tried to find Irina's phone number, but to no avail. Therefore, they can only attend concerts.

In 2018, the singer was robbed again. She heard footsteps on the first floor of the house and did not attach any importance to this, thinking that it was her husband. In the morning, she discovered traces of forced entry. Serious damage was not done, but Irina decided to take security issues more seriously. She did not want to repeat the story with Mikhail.

After the death of her second husband, Irina could not look towards the opposite sex for a long time. In 2006, she married for the third time. Her chosen one was Sergei Belousov - an entrepreneur. He became a good father to children.

Fans condemned the act of Irina. They considered this a betrayal of Michael, but the woman herself does not see anything wrong with this. The sister and mother of the Circle reacted positively to the new husband and blessed the couple for marriage.

Irina has been married to Sergei for 13 years. In 2013, they had a common son, Andrei. The husband prefers to be in the shadows and rarely appears in joint photographs.