The security of all life on earth is ensured by the balance of nuclear weapons of the eternal enemies of the United States and Russia. On the scales of these scales lie the Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile on one side, and the Trident II missile on the other.

Someone can say why such a weapon is needed? It must be destroyed and fought by conventional means. But war is very bad. This is the loss of territory, resources, and most importantly, the death of people, moreover, mostly civilians. And the presence of such weapons has a deterrent character. The enemy will think a hundred times whether he should attack our country when, in response, Poplars begin to grow on his territory. It gives a chance, a huge chance to prevent a war without starting hostilities.

History of creation

After the end of World War II Soviet Union and the United States of America conducted large-scale developments in the field nuclear weapons and means of delivering warheads to the target. Developments were carried out with varying success. The Americans were the first to create atomic weapons and were even able to test them against Japan. The USSR soon caught up with its opponents and conducted its own tests of this type of weapon.

In the middle of the 20th century, the Cuban Missile Crisis flared up, and again thermonuclear weapons were at the forefront. Although the Soviet Union was inferior to the United States in terms of the number of warheads, the Americans still did not dare to unleash a third world war sparing their territories. The USSR had delivery vehicles that allowed it to hit the territory of America, and this cooled the hotheads. The remoteness of the continent has ceased to play into the hands of the United States.

In 1985, a new deterrent appears. The first missile regiment, equipped with Topol launchers, took up combat duty. At the end of the same decade, work began on a new ICBM for mine and mobile complexes. For development involved:

  1. Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (the design team already had experience in creating a mobile soil complex);
  2. Yuzhnoye Design Bureau in Dnepropetrovsk (the main developer of silo-based missiles).

This tandem was supposed to produce a unified complex

But this was not destined to come true, because the country collapsed. As a result, many enterprises involved in the creation of the new complex ended up on the territory of different states. For example, Yuzhnoye Design Bureau became owned by Ukraine.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1993, all the developments on this installation were preserved and formed the basis for a deep modernization of the already existing RT-2PM complex. The task was set to create the Topol-M complex. Having carried out deep improvements in performance, almost completely redesigning the rocket, the designers did not go beyond the existing international treaties. They left a big foundation for future modernization, thereby maintaining the Strategic Missile Forces in an effective and combat-ready form.

In the course of modernization, great attention was paid to the breakthrough of promising missile defense probable adversary.

"Topol-M" was supposed to be able to inflict a response or response-oncoming missile attack across enemy territory.

This implied the possibility of launching missiles when nuclear strike has already taken place in our country and damaging factors from it are raging around. Or enemy missiles are in the air. Then another problem arises, which the complex must solve successfully. This is overcoming the nuclear shield over the targets. Also, such installations should have had greater autonomy.

Democracy was raging in the country. Scientific institutes, technical laboratories collapsed, factories of the military-industrial complex went "for darma" into private hands. Big-headed people fled to the west to have a decent salary and the opportunity to provide for their families. But, despite all the difficulties, the patriots of their homeland worked on its defensive power.

A year later, a test launch of a silo-based missile was made. By the end of 1998, near Tatishvo, the first modernized complexes of mine location took up experimental duty. IN early XXI century, the mine-based complex was put into service. After that, work on the mobile complex accelerated. Six years after the adoption of the mine complex, the first mobile division "Topol-M" took up combat duty.

This rocket was the first mass-produced, universal intercontinental missile ground based. Even unification with the sea-based Bulava missile system has been carried out.

Description of the complex

The Topol-M rocket incorporated all the latest in rocket science and all the best in the scientific and technical sector of our country's development. According to many experts, everything related to this project can be singled out with one term “For the first time”.

Almost all the differences from the first model are incorporated in the process of delivering the warhead to the target.

They hide in the system of stable flight and penetration through the countermeasure system of a potential enemy. The active phase of the rocket flight was reduced due to the improvement of main engines. And the control devices make its trajectory difficult to determine for the means of detecting the enemy. The guidance system has also been improved, it has become insensitive to powerful electromagnetic pulses.

The rocket has three stages. All of them are solid fuel, made of composite materials under the Cocoon project. Management is carried out by tilting the nozzles of the propulsion engine. The case is coated with a special coating with a high content of rare elements. The cables of the control circuit are covered with a special protective casing and shielded from all types of radiation.

The control system of the Topol-M complex was created on the basis of a high-powered digital on-board computer and a gyro-stabilized platform with command gyroscopic instruments. An element base has been established that increases survivability in a nuclear explosion.

The warhead is detachable, designed in a monoblock type, contains a thermonuclear charge with a capacity of 550 kt in TNT equivalent.

It can be equipped with a block-type split head. The number of blocks varies from 3 to 7. Each block has its own guidance system.

The anti-missile defense complex installed on this instance consists of:

  1. active and passive decoys. At the same time, they are practically indistinguishable from the original in all tracking ranges throughout the entire flight path. In the atmospheric section of the trajectory, they ensure confident overcoming of high-resolution radars. It consists of 15 to 20 Volnolet class targets;
  2. means of distortion of characteristics. They consist of a combination of various coatings and active interference generators, dipole reflectors and aerosols. Influence the means of detecting the enemy;
  3. trajectory correction engines. They create a chaotic movement of the warhead towards the target, making it difficult to aim countermeasure systems at it.

The launch of a rocket is akin to a mortar shot - vertically upwards. This provides additional security for a complex technical control system.

After the rocket leaves the TPU, the first stage engine is started. The warhead itself is already moving along the descending branch of the trajectory.


  1. The installation received the designation RT-2MP2.
  2. The missile was given the designation 15Zh65.
  3. The mobile complex was given the name 15P165. The complex includes 9 ICBMs at APU.
  4. The stationary complex was given the name 15P065. The complex includes 10 ICBMs in silos.
  5. By international treaties the complex passes as RS-12M2.
  6. According to the NATO designation SS-27 “Sikle-B”, which means “Sickle” in translation.

Possibility of accommodation

The complex can be both stationary and mobile-based. Carried out partial unification with the "Mace".

Mine launchers are used for placement. Silo is a vertical well with load-bearing structures placed in it with fastening, as well as devices for servicing and launching a rocket.

From above, it is closed with an armored plate, which can slide off to the side or rise on a hinge, depending on the design features. Provides compliance with the specified climatic and temperature regimes. Maintains the rocket in constant readiness for launch. At present, converted silos from Stiletto and Voyevoda are used for stationary complexes. In the mines, the missiles are placed in a metal transport and launch container.

The structure of one complex includes 10 missiles and a command module with a high degree of protection. The process of loading the rocket into the mine takes more than 8 hours. The term of combat duty of one missile is up to 15 years.

To accommodate the Topol-M complex, the MZKT-79221 self-propelled chassis was used. This is a special multi-axle heavy-duty chassis developed by Minsk designers in 1997.

Serial production started in 2000.

The wheelbase provides good maneuverability, overcoming various obstacles and movement on various types of soil. The rocket is placed in a fiberglass TPU, which performs all the functions of ensuring readiness for launch. The dimensions of the mobile unit allow launching from almost any place:

  • length - 22 meters;
  • width - 3.4 meters;
  • weight 120 tons.

The complex includes 9 mobile units, escort and security vehicles, and a control vehicle. Since 2013, engineering camouflage vehicles began to enter the complex. They hide the traces of the complexes that have entered the database. And they also create clearly visible traces leading to false positions.

The area of ​​​​responsibility along the patrol route of one complex is 25 thousand square kilometers.

Tactical and technical characteristics

The mobility of the complex is ensured by the installation of a powerful turbodiesel engine on the chassis. The tractor is equipped with pneumatic tires 1600 * 600-685 in size, which allow you to move off-road. Additionally, a pressure control system is installed.

Damage radius, km12000
Starting weight, t46,5
Flight speed, km/sUp to 7
Length of missile with warhead, m22,6
Missile length without warhead, m17,5
Hull diameter max, m1,81
Rocket weight in TPU, t76
Warhead weight, t1,2
Probable deviation diameter, m150-200
Fuelsolid mix
Warheadthermonuclear charge
Warhead power, t (TNT equivalent)550
Engine power, h.p.Engine power, h.p.
Carrying capacity, t80
Weight, t44
Length, m22,7
Width, m22,7
Width, m3,4
Height, m3,3
Ground clearance, mm475
Turning radius, m18
Crossable ford, m1,1
Power reserve, km500
Max speed, km/h45
Tank volume, l875

The missile guidance system ensures that targets are hit with a small error. And given the power of the warhead, this deviation can not be taken into account.


The characteristics of the Topol-M missile make it possible to say with confidence that the enemy will be defeated in any conditions of warfare.

The Strategic Missile Forces of our country will always keep parity, having such a strategic complex in service. And overseas "friends" will look back a hundred times before taking an ill-considered aggressive step towards unleashing an armed conflict.

In addition to the Topol, the newest ICBM complex with a multiple warhead will soon come into service.

The characteristics of this weapon are secret, the appearance of some data is possible only after the complex is on combat duty.



Missile complex"Topol-M": fifteen years in the service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The upgraded missile system "Topol-M" is the first missile system created only by Russian enterprises. It was developed in the late 1980s.
act of acceptance into service Missile troops strategic purpose (RVSN) was approved by the state commission on April 28, 2000.
The first launch of the Topol-M missile from an autonomous launcher (APU) was carried out on September 20, 2000;
Currently, according to media reports, two divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with Topol-M complexes.


On January 16, 2017, a joint combat crew of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Aerospace Forces launched a silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Topol-M from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.
Educational warhead missiles with high accuracy hit a conditional target at a training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
The purpose of this launch was to confirm the stability of the flight performance of ICBMs of this type.
Department of Information and mass communications Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


On September 30, 2019, a combat training launch of the Topol-M solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) of a stationary (mine) base was carried out at the Plesetsk State Test Cosmodrome.
The purpose of the launch was to confirm the flight performance of this missile system. The set goals of the launch have been achieved, the tasks have been completed in full.
The equivalent of a warhead arrived at a given point (the Kamchatka Peninsula).
Once again, the launch confirmed the technical readiness of the Topol-M ICBMs, which are on combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces.
Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Since the beginning of the 1990s, in Russia, only one missile system has been developed for the Strategic Missile Forces - Topol-M with mine launchers of the OS type and mobile ground launchers. After 1991, the technical appearance of the rocket was refined, only Russian organizations and enterprises. The Perm NPO Iskra joined the development of the first stage of the ICBM. In 1992, MIT issued an addition to the draft design, reflecting the changed appearance of the rocket and the complex as a whole. In 1993, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, MIT was given the task of creating a unified ICBM by the forces of Russian enterprises. Almost the same requirements were imposed on the Topol-M missile as on fourth-generation missiles. Today we can say that the Topol-M ICBM is characterized by a high degree of continuity from the previously created Topol complex.
Opportunities for improving the Topol-M missile, in relation to the existing Topol missile, were determined by the START-1 Treaty, according to which a missile was considered new if it differed from the existing one in at least one of certain signs. Weight and size characteristics and some principles of the design of the Topol-M ICBM were limited by this agreement. Nevertheless, the Topol-M rocket was significantly changed in comparison with its predecessor. The conditions for modernization are defined by the START-1 Treaty, according to which a missile is considered new if it differs from the existing one (analogue) in one of the following signs: number of steps; type of fuel of any stage; starting weight by more than 10%; the length of either the assembled rocket without the warhead, or along the length of the first stage of the rocket, by more than 10%; diameter of the first stage by more than 5%; casting weight by more than 21% in combination with a change in first stage length of 5% or more.

The most advanced scientific and technical solutions were applied in the new rocket: materials, structures, solid propellants. The Topol-M rocket was made according to the scheme with three marching and combat stages. Propulsion stages use high-density composite fuel increased energy development of NPO Soyuz. The rocket uses controls of high efficiency and speed. The warhead is equipped with a powerful thermonuclear charge, meets the most stringent requirements for nuclear explosion safety and has a particularly high resistance to nuclear and other weapons.
The developers of the Topol-M missile system successfully solved the problems of effective counteraction to advanced advanced missile defense systems with space-based means. In accordance with the main development tasks, the Topol-M rocket has high capabilities to overcome a promising missile defense system with space-based elements and can be used in conditions of a massive nuclear missile strike on the positional area of ​​​​basing of the Strategic Missile Forces complexes. The rocket has no protruding parts, including aerodynamic rudders. Thus, along with the use of appropriate construction materials and coatings provide increased resistance to dust and ground formations and other damaging factors of a nuclear explosion of laser and other beam weapons.
Rocket propulsion systems are characterized by a reduced duration of operation. As a result, most of the active part of the trajectory is within the atmosphere, which prevents the use of space-based missile defense systems and reduces the intensity of the effect of radiation weapons on the missile. According to experts, the Topol-M missile system is the first purely Russian-made missile system, which, in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics, will significantly exceed the complexes that are in operation.

Since March 1997, the work on the Topol-M complex was headed by the director and general designer of MIT Yu.S. Solomonov. Recalling the work on the mine version of the Topol-M complex, he says: “When designing the Topol-M rocket, we needed to create a design that, for the first time in domestic and world practice, would allow us to solve a number of complex tasks. It was necessary to develop a missile that was universal in relation to the types of basing, which would have: equally high fighting qualities both as part of a stationary mine complex, and as part of a mobile soil complex based on a self-propelled launcher; the highest accuracy of shooting and the possibility of long-term combat duty in various combat readiness; high level resistance to the effects of damaging factors of a nuclear explosion in flight; adaptability to the deployment of anti-missile defense systems of various composition by a possible adversary.
…We managed to significantly improve one of the main indicators military weapons- accuracy of firing, reduce the vulnerability of the missile when exposed to missile defense, increase the resistance of the missile in flight to the effects of damaging factors of various types of weapons, including nuclear weapons, and ensure increased nuclear explosion safety. The warranty period of storage of the new rocket is longer than that of the previously created ones. Another important task was solved: the complex, from development and manufacture to delivery to the troops, was created by Russian cooperation.
The cooperation of subcontractors of MIT for the RK "Topol-M" included the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NPTs AP im. Academician N.A. Pilyugin (general director EL. Mezhiritsky), FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF (director R.I. Ilkaev, chief designer Yu.I. Faikov), FSUE FPDT Soyuz ( CEO Yu.M. Milekhin), NPO Iskra (general director and general designer M.I. Sokolovsky), FSUE Votkinsky Zavod (general director V.G. Tolmachev), FSUE OKB Vympel (general director and general designer D.K. Dragun), OJSC KBSM (general director and general designer N.A. Trofimov) and other enterprises.
The mine-based type of silo with high resistance assumed minimal deployment costs, so it began to be developed in the first place. One of the main advantages of the structure of missile regiments with the Topol-M missile system was the use of resource-saving technologies. The need to change the diameter or depth of the old "glasses" of mine launchers has disappeared - only the system for attaching the container to the rocket is changing.
The development of the mine complex, given the fact that at the site two mine launchers - Yuzhnaya-1 and Yuzhnaya-2 - were then being prepared for the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau missiles, began to be carried out for the Topol-M missile. It was necessary to convert these silos under new rocket which was done in a relatively short time frame. The first launch of the Topol-M rocket was carried out from the re-equipped Yuzhnaya-1 silo, developed by the Vympel Design Bureau (chief designer O.S. Baskakov).

Initially, for the Topol-M ICBM, it was proposed to use OS-type silos developed by OKB Vympel for medium-class missiles UR-100NUTTH (15A35). In the process of study, certain problems were revealed. If for the mobile soil version of the Topol-M complex such a problem was the choice of chassis for the launcher - seven- or eight-axle, then for the stationary version the use of previously built mines became the "critical moment". At the same time, their protective devices with opening drives, the instrument compartment, the barrel, the entrance hatch and the input devices remained without modifications. With minimal modifications, a depreciation system is used during re-examination.

Subsequently, in accordance with the joint decision of the MIT, GURVO MO and KBSM of August 21, 1992 on the conversion work, design materials were developed that determined the main areas of work for the conversion of silo launchers of R-36M UTTKh heavy missiles to the Topol- M. Since January 1993, in accordance with the signed START-2 Treaty, it was allowed to re-equip 90 silos for heavy missiles under the Topol-M missile. This important decision opened up the possibility of maintaining a silo grouping of the Strategic Missile Forces based on launchers for heavy missiles of the R-36M UTTKh type (according to START - RS-20) to accommodate Topol-M missiles in them in the future.

The command post for the Republic of Kazakhstan was created at TsKBTM under the leadership of A. Leontenkov. It is a further development of the mine-type gearbox and has some differences from its predecessors. The CP uses new-generation equipment and other means with increased protection against the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion and improved characteristics information channels. All components of the KP are manufactured by Russian enterprises, before that up to a quarter of the equipment was produced in Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, etc. The main equipment for the stationary KP RK Topol-M was designed and manufactured at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Obukhovsky Plant (General Director A.F. .Vashchenko, chief designer N.F. Ilyushikhin).

Fire tests of the Topol-M ICBM marching solid propellant rocket engines were carried out at the Central Research Institute Geodesy. Its flight tests of the missile began with a successful launch from a silo launcher at the Plesetsk test site on December 20, 1994. In the future, until September 26, 2000, 10 more test launches of the Topol-M missiles of the stationary complex were carried out. The second launch was made in September 1995, the third on July 25, 1996. The fourth launch of the upgraded Topol-M ICBM was successfully completed on July 8, 1997 from the Plesetsk training ground. Only the fifth launch, performed on October 22, 1998, turned out to be an emergency due to the erroneous operation of an emergency detonation system not installed on a combat missile, which interrupted the flight of a completely serviceable missile. All test launches were made from the Yuzhnaya launch pad from the silo. For further testing, a second launch pad, Svetlaya, was built to accommodate the silo launcher of the Topol-M complex. Chairman State Commission Deputy Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel-General V.A. Nikitin. On December 8, 1998, the sixth test launch of the Topol-M rocket was made from the Plesetsk test site, during which the high reliability of the equipment was shown. The seventh launch took place on June 3, 1999, it was successful. On September 3, 1999, the eighth launch of the ICBM was carried out, during which the warhead reached the Kura test site in Kamchatka in 23 minutes, then on December 14, 1999.
In 1999, according to the KBSM project (Chief Designer V.D. Guskov), the creation of an experimental combat launch position 15P765-18E was completed at the Yubileinaya site of the Plesetsk cosmodrome using equipment dismantled in accordance with the START-2 Treaty from ICBM silos R-36M. On February 9 and August 26, 2000 (on a target in the Kamchatka region), two successful launches of the Topol-M rocket took place from this silo. Successfully carried out regular test launches of Topol-M confirmed the main flight specifications rockets.

Even before the end of the tests of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on December 24, 1997, in the Taman missile division near Tatishchevo (Saratov region), two silos with Topol-M missiles (one of them is training) took up combat duty, and on December 27, 1998 The head 104th missile regiment (commander Yu. Petrovsky) was put on combat duty with 10 Topol-M ICBMs in converted high-security silo launchers removed from duty by UR-100N ICBMs. All missile infrastructure upgrades under new complex It is carried out using resource-saving technology and is much cheaper compared to having to rebuild missile silos, command posts and control systems. The launchers cost a minimum of construction and installation work, since neither the depth nor the diameter of the mines changed. At the command post, only the container itself with the equipment, manufactured at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Obukhovsky Plant, was replaced. All this, according to the head of the operational department of the Main Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces, Major General S. Ponomarev, made it possible to save 18.5 million rubles on each missile silo, and a complete re-equipment of the silos for a new missile will bring savings of 3.38 billion, stretched for several years. In addition to missile silos and stationary command posts, access roads were modernized in the regiment, new cable networks for power supply and communications were laid, and the control system was modernized. Residential and educational complexes for duty combat shifts were built.

During 1999, several combat training launches of the Topol-M ICBMs were successfully carried out by combat crews of the Strategic Missile Forces from these silo launchers from the Plesetsk training ground. These launches were carried out in order to accumulate statistical data on the performance characteristics, the operation of all ICBM systems in flight, and the accuracy of the execution of the given programs. Successful launches allowed the State Commission for Flight Testing of the Topol-M rocket to recommend on April 25, 2000 the adoption of a new stationary-based missile system, and on July 13, 2000, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1314 the Topol-M complex in the mine version was adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces. This Decree opened the way for a new stage in the development of the Strategic Missile Forces. On December 26, 2000, the third regiment of the Topol-M complex, mine-based, took up combat duty.
According to the initial plans, the rate of commissioning of new complexes after 2000 could amount to 40-50 launchers (4-5 missile regiments) per year. But according to the adjusted plans and the real allocated funds, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was supposed to put into service one regiment - ten missiles every year, however, due to financial problems, they were able to purchase no more than six vehicles a year. And in 2001-2002 there were no such purchases at all. As General Designer Yu.S. Solomonov stated: “For 2004, the volume of state investments for the manufacture of our Topol-M was almost halved without any discussion and agreement with us, although it was us who were entrusted with this work by the President of Russia. » In 2005, instead of six Topol-M missiles, only four were put into service. From 1997 until the end of 2006, the Strategic Missile Forces received 42 Topol-M complexes. According to the approved state armaments program for 2007-2015. 50 Topol-M strategic missile systems will be purchased for the Strategic Missile Forces. The creation of the Topol-M ICBM from the preliminary design to the first pilot launch cost 142.8 billion rubles (in 1992 prices).

At the beginning of 2010, 5 missile regiments of the division were re-equipped with the fifth-generation Topol-M missile system of a stationary (mine) base - in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2005.
Since 2010, the Tatishchevo missile formation has been working on re-equipping the next, sixth missile regiment with the Topol-M missile system. Until the end of 2012, this regiment was brought to full staff. After the re-equipment of this regiment was completed, the program for equipping the Strategic Missile Forces with the Topol-M missile system was completed.
As has been repeatedly noted in the Russian media, when the US withdraws from the ABM Treaty, within the framework of the state defense order, plans are being discussed to install three individually targetable warheads at the Topol-M complex. So far, this is prohibited by the START-1 treaty, but on December 5, 2009, this document expires, which opens up the possibility for Moscow to equip Topol-M with multiply charged warheads.


MIT developer
Gene. designer B.N. Lagutin, Yu.S. Solomonov
Missile manufacturer Votkinsk MZ
NATO code SS-X-29
Name according to START-1 RS-12M2
(RS-12M variant 2)
START-1 classification assembled by ICBMs in a launch canister (Class A)
Type of strategic complex with silo type OS with solid-propellant ICBM, fifth generation
The first test launch of a missile from a silo took place on December 20, 1994.
The ICBM entered service in December 1997, adopted by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2000
Rocket RT-2PM210 ("Topol-M")
Far arrows intercontinental
head part:
- monoblock type
— developer VNIIEF
- ch. designer G. Dmitriev
— weight, kg 1200
INS control system with onboard computer
— developer NPO AP

Steering gears:
— developer of TsNII AG
- ch. designer V.Solunin
Aiming system:
- ground type
— developer NPO AP
- ch. designer V.L. Lapygin, Y. Trunov
- manufacturer of control equipment Izhevsk plant "Aksion"
Type of start from TPK due to PAD
Number of rocket stages 33, 7
Rocket length, m:
- full missiles in TPK 22.7
— without head part 17.5
Max. case diameter, m 1.86-1.95
Starting weight, t: 47.2-47.21
Fuel type mixed solid
Guarantee. rocket storage life, years 15
First stage:
Dimensions, m:
- diameter 1.95
Single-chamber solid propellant engine

Second step:
Single-chamber solid propellant engine
— charge developer NPO Soyuz
- ch. charge designer Z.P. Pak, Yu.M. Milekhin
- frame:
one-piece type "cocoon" type made of organoplastic
developer of TsNIISM
ch. designer V.A.Barynin
manufacturer TSNIISM
Third step:
Single-chamber solid propellant engine
— charge developer NPO Soyuz
- ch. charge designer Z.P. Pak, Yu.M. Milekhin
Transport and launch container:
thermostat type
Housing material composite
Developer TsNII spetsmash
Development manager V.A.Barynin
Dimensions, m:
- diameter 2.0
- length 22.7
Launcher (option 1):
Mine type type OS re-equipped silo MBR UR-100N
Developer GNIP OKB "Vympel"
Ch. designer O.S. Bakakov, D.K. Dragun
Type PU shaft type OS
Protective device against silo ICBM UR-100NU11
Shaft dimensions, m:
— inner diameter 4.6
- height 29.8
— inner diameter of the roof 7.6
The degree of security is high
Number of missiles in silos 1
The number of silos in the complex (shelf) 10
Launcher (option 2):
Mine type OS type re-equipped silo MBR R-36M
Developer KBSM
Ch. designer V.D. Guskov
Protective device against silo ICBM R-36M
Shaft dimensions, m:
— inner diameter 5.9
- the height corresponds to the R-36 ICBM silo with concrete poured 5 meters above the old mine bottom
- flow area of ​​the restrictive ring, m 2.9
The degree of protection is high
Number of missiles in silos 1
The number of silos in the complex is up to 10
Command post:
Type container mine
type 15V222
Developer TsKB TM
Ch. designer A.A.Leontenkov
Developer and manufacturer of the main equipment Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Obukhovsky Plant"
The degree of protection is high
Number of control points in complex 1
Combat control system:
Developer NPO "Impulse"
Ch. designer B.Mikhailov

A.V. Karpenko, VTS "BASTION" + add.


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20. M. Tarasenko “35 years of the Vympel Design Bureau” - “Cosmonautics News” No. 8 (175) - 1998
21. "Missile systems - on alert" - "Commonwealth", 199
22. Newspapers Izvestia, Trud, Krasnaya Zvezda, VPK, NVO, Obshaya Gazeta, Russian newspaper”, “Commonwealth”, magazines “Army Collection”, “Army”, “Aerospace Courier”, “Military Parade”, “Naval Policy of Russia”, “National Defense”, “Cosmonautics News”, RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS, Lenta .ru,

One of the most successful modern Russian systems is the Topol mobile ground-based missile system (SS-25 Sickle according to NATO classification) with the RS-12M missile. Topol-M is the result of a further modification of the Topol complex and is equipped with a more advanced RS-2PM2 missile

One of the most successful modern Russian systems is the Topol mobile ground-based missile system (SS-25 Sickle according to NATO classification) with the RS-12M missile.

Development of an intercontinental ballistic three-stage rocket RT-2PM on solid mixed fuel weighing 45 tons with a monoblock nuclear warhead(weight 1 t) was carried out by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering under the leadership of the chief designer Nadiradze (after his death, development was continued by Lagutin) and is a further modernization of the RT-2P rocket.

The first flight test of the rocket was carried out at the Plesetsk test site on February 8, 1983, and in 1985 the RT-2PM rocket entered service with the Strategic Missile Forces. The RT-2PM rocket is produced in Votkinsk, its launcher - a seven-axle vehicle of the MAZ-7310 type (later modifications on the MAZ-7917) - at the Barrikady plant in Volgograd. The entire period of operation of the RT-2PM rocket spends in a sealed transport and launch container 22 m long and 2 m in diameter. PU with a weight of about 100 tons. and a very solid size has good mobility and patency.

Unlike the RSD-10 and Temp-2S, the Topol missile can be launched from any point along the combat patrol route. If necessary, the RS-12M can be launched directly from the hangar during the parking lot for maintenance, through the retractable roof. To start from an unequipped position, the launcher is hung on jacks and leveled. The preparation time for the start is about 2 minutes. Start type - mortar: after setting the "pencil case" in a vertical position and shooting off its upper cap, powder pressure accumulators push the rocket out of it to a height of several meters, after which the first-stage main engine is launched.

The RT-2PM rocket is made according to the scheme with three march stages. The rocket used a new, more advanced mixed fuel developed at the Lyubertsy LNPO Soyuz. Solid propellant rocket engines with one fixed nozzle are installed on all three stages. On the body of the first stage there were folding rotary lattice aerodynamic rudders (4 pieces), used for flight control in conjunction with gas-jet rudders and 4 lattice aerodynamic stabilizers. The shells of the upper stages were made by the method of continuous winding from organoplastic according to the "cocoon" scheme. The third stage was equipped with a transition compartment for attaching the warhead. The firing range was controlled by cutting off the third-stage propulsion engine, using a thrust cut-off unit, with eight reversible bells and "windows" cut through by detonating charges in the organoplastic power structure of the hull.

The guidance system is autonomous, inertial with an on-board computer. The warhead is monoblock, nuclear weighing about 1 ton. The missile was equipped with a set of means to overcome the missile defense of a potential enemy. The integrated control system made it possible to fully automate the control of the rocket in flight, preparation for the launch and carrying out control and maintenance work.

After the upgrade, the rocket could be used in silos.

Mobile and stationary command posts were developed for the new complexes. The mobile command post for combat control of the Topol ICBM was located on the chassis of a four-axle MAZ-543M vehicle.

For fire control, Barrier and Granit mobile command posts equipped with a missile were also used, with a transmitter instead of a payload, which, after launching the missile, duplicated the start command for launchers located in positional areas.

In 1984, the construction of stationary-based facilities and the equipment of combat patrol routes for the Topol mobile missile systems began in the position areas of the RT-2P and UR-100 ICBMs decommissioned, located in the OS silo. Later, the positioning areas of the complexes being decommissioned under the INF Treaty were arranged medium range.

The Topol complex began to enter service in 1985. The first missile regiment took up combat duty near Yoshkar-Ola on July 23, 1985. Topol missile divisions were stationed near the cities of Barnaul, Verkhnyaya Salda (Nizhny Tagil), Vypolzovo (Bologoe), Yoshkar-Ola, Teikovo, Yurya, Novosibirsk, Kansk, Irkutsk, as well as near the village of Drovyanaya, Chita Region. Nine regiments (81 launchers) were deployed in missile divisions on the territory of Belarus - near the cities of Lida, Mozyr and Postavy. After the collapse of the USSR, part of the Topols remained on the territory of Belarus and were withdrawn from it by November 27, 1996.

According to the START-2 treaty, 360 units of the Topol missile system will be reduced by 2007.

In 1986, on the basis of the second and third stages of the RT-2PM rocket, a medium-range mobile soil complex "Speed" was developed.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the complex RS-12 "Topol"

"Topol M"

At present, the basis of the land component of the strategic nuclear forces of Russia is the Topol-M complex, manufactured by the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant. This complex is the only mass-produced missile system currently in Russia.

Topol-M is the result of a further modification of the Topol complex and is equipped with a more advanced RS-2PM2 missile.

Due to the restrictions imposed on modernization by the main provisions of the START-2 treaty, the tactical and technical characteristics of the missile could not undergo significant changes, and the main differences from the RS-2PM lie in the flight characteristics and stability when penetrating through the systems of a possible enemy missile defense. Moreover, the warhead was originally created taking into account the possibility of rapid modernization in case a potential enemy operating systems PRO. The creators also do not deny the technical possibility of installing a head unit with multiple warheads for individual targeting. According to experts, there can be from three to seven.

Thanks to three improved sustainer solid-propellant engines, the RS-12M2 rocket began to pick up speed much faster, and several dozen auxiliary engines, instruments and a control mechanism make its flight also difficult to predict for the enemy. The RS-12M2, unlike its predecessor, does not have lattice aerodynamic stabilizers, an improved guidance system (insensitive to powerful electromagnetic pulses) is used, and a more efficient mixed charge is used.

According to the plans of the leadership of Russia and the Russian Defense Ministry, Topol-M will have to replace 270 silo-based complexes with missiles equipped with multiple warheads. These are, first of all, ballistic liquid missiles of the systems RS-20 (SS-18 according to Western classification), RS-18 (SS-19), RS-16 (SS-17) and solid-propellant RS-22 (SS-24), created back in in the early eighties. Over time, 350 Topol mobile systems will be added to these missiles, to replace which a mobile version of the Topol-M based on an eight-axle tractor has been developed. According to the government's latest plans, in 2004 it is planned to start testing a mobile version of the Topol-M complex.

During combat duty, the Topol-M missile will be in a transport and launch container. It is assumed that it will be operated as part of both stationary (in silo launchers) and mobile complexes. At the same time, in the stationary version, it is advisable to use silo launchers (silos) for missiles that are being withdrawn from service or destroyed in accordance with the START-2 Treaty. Refinement of these silos should ensure the impossibility of installing a "heavy" ICBM and includes pouring a layer of concrete on the bottom of the mine, as well as installing a special restrictive ring in the upper part. Placing Topol-M missiles in the existing silos modified in this way will significantly reduce the cost of developing and deploying the complex. The launch method is active-reactive ("mortar").

The rearmament of the Strategic Missile Forces units is carried out using the existing infrastructure. Mobile and stationary versions are fully compatible with the existing combat control and communications system.

Fundamentally new technical solutions. Thus, the partial hanging system makes it possible to deploy the Topol-M launcher even on soft soils. Improved patency and maneuverability of the installation, which increases its survivability. "Topol-M" is capable of launching from any point of the positional area (and not from a limited number of predetermined positions), and also has improved means of camouflage against both optical and other reconnaissance means.

Technical characteristics of the chassis: wheel formula - 16x16, controlled first three and last three axles, turning radius - 18 m, ground clearance - 475 mm, wading - 1.1 m, tires - 1.600x6 00-685, curb weight - 40.000 kg, load capacity - 80.000 kg, engine - V12 diesel YaMZ-847 with a capacity of 800 liters. c., speed - 45 km / h, cruising range - 500 km.

The characteristics of the Topol-M missile system make it possible to significantly increase the readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces to carry out assigned combat missions in any conditions, to ensure maneuverability, stealth actions and survivability of units, subunits and individual launchers, as well as control reliability and autonomous operation for a long time (without replenishment inventories).

The missiles are equipped with monoblock warheads, but, unlike all other strategic missiles, they can be quickly re-equipped with multiple reentry vehicles capable of carrying up to three charges. If necessary, if restrictions under the START-2 treaty are lifted, several independently targetable warheads with multiple reentry vehicles (MIRVs) can be installed on this monoblock missile.

The main advantages of the Topol-M missile system are the features of flight and combat stability when penetrating through the enemy's possible anti-missile defense systems. Three sustainer solid propellant engines allow the rocket to pick up speed much faster than all previous types of rockets. The higher energy of the rocket makes it possible to reduce the effectiveness of missile defense in the active part of the trajectory. Several dozen auxiliary engines, instruments and control mechanism make this rapid flight even more difficult to predict for the enemy. In addition, the RS-12M2 missile carries whole complex there are more means of breaking through missile defense than the American MX with 10 warheads. Finally, according to Western sources, a maneuvering warhead was created for Topol-M ( Russian sources do not contain such information). if this is true, then "Topol-M" embodies a major breakthrough in the means of overcoming missile defense.

However, "Topol-M", apparently, is not an ideal complex; reliance on it appears to be due in large part to a lack of alternatives. During the discussion around the START-2 treaty, its shortcomings were revealed in numerous publications. According to this information, "Topol" has a relatively low speed and low security, which limits its ability to get out of the strike with a short warning time and makes it vulnerable to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, such as a shock wave. Although the Topol-M, apparently, has been improved, its weight and size characteristics are close to the Topol, and this puts objective limits on the way to overcome the above shortcomings.

Tactical specifications RS-12M2 "Topol-M" (Russia)

Year of adoption 1997
Maximum firing range, km 10000
Number of steps 3
Starting weight, t 47,1
Thrown weight, t 1,2
Missile length without warhead, m 17,5
The length of the missile with the warhead, m 22,7
Maximum rocket diameter, m 1,86
Number of warheads, pcs 1
head typemonobloc, nuclear, detachable
Combat charge power, Mt 0,55
Shooting accuracy (KVO), m 350
Type of fuelsolid mixed
Type of control systemautonomous, inertial based on BTsVK
Start methodmortar
Basing methodmine and mobile

Russian Civilization

The development of the Topol 15Zh58 (RS-12M) strategic mobile complex with a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile suitable for placement on a self-propelled automobile chassis (based on the RT-2P solid-propellant ICBM) was started at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering under the leadership of Alexander Nadiradze in 1975. A government decree on the development of the complex was issued on July 19, 1977. After the death of A. Nadiradze, the work was continued under the leadership of Boris Lagutin. The mobile Topol was supposed to be a response to the increasing accuracy of American ICBMs. It was necessary to create a complex with increased survivability, achieved not by building reliable shelters, but by creating vague ideas for the enemy about the location of the missile.

By the end of autumn 1983, an experimental series of new missiles, designated RT-2PM, was built. On December 23, 1983, flight design tests began at the Plesetsk training ground. For all the time they were held, only one launch was unsuccessful. In general, the rocket showed high reliability. Tests were also carried out there for the combat units of the entire DBK. In December 1984, the main test series was completed. However, there was a delay in the development of some elements of the complex that are not directly related to the rocket. The entire test program was successfully completed in December 1988.

The decision to start mass production of the complexes was made in December 1984. Serial production launched in 1985.

In 1984, the construction of stationary-based facilities and the equipment of combat patrol routes for Topol mobile missile systems began. The construction objects were located in the positional areas of the intercontinental ballistic missiles RT-2P and UR-100, which were removed from duty, located in the OS silo. Later, the arrangement of the positional areas of the Pioneer medium-range complexes decommissioned under the INF Treaty began.

In order to gain experience in operating a new complex in military units in 1985, it was decided to deploy the first missile regiment in Yoshkar-Ola, without waiting for the full completion of the joint test program. On July 23, 1985, the first regiment of mobile Topols took up combat duty near Yoshkar-Ola at the site of the RT-2P missiles. Later, the Topols entered service with the division stationed near Teikovo and previously armed with UR-100 (8K84) ICBMs.

On April 28, 1987, a missile regiment armed with Topol complexes with a Barrier mobile command post took up combat duty near Nizhny Tagil. PKP "Barrier" has a multiply protected redundant radio command system. A combat control missile is placed on the mobile launcher PKP "Barrier". After the rocket is launched, its transmitter gives the command to launch the ICBM.

On December 1, 1988, the new missile system was officially adopted by the USSR Strategic Missile Forces. In the same year, a full-scale deployment of missile regiments with the Topol complex began and the simultaneous removal of obsolete ICBMs from combat duty. On May 27, 1988, the first regiment of the Topol ICBM with an improved Granit PKP and an automated control system took up combat duty near Irkutsk.

By mid-1991, 288 missiles of this type were deployed. In 1999, the Strategic Missile Forces were armed with 360 Topol missile launchers. They were on duty in ten position areas. Four to five regiments are based in each district. Each regiment is armed with nine autonomous launchers and a mobile command post.

Topol missile divisions were deployed near the cities of Barnaul, Verkhnyaya Salda (Nizhny Tagil), Vypolzovo (Bologoe), Yoshkar-Ola, Teikovo, Yurya, Novosibirsk, Kansk, Irkutsk, as well as near the village of Drovyanaya in the Chita region. Nine regiments (81 launchers) were deployed in missile divisions on the territory of Belarus - near the cities of Lida, Mozyr and Postavy. After the collapse of the USSR, part of the Topols remained outside of Russia, on the territory of Belarus. On August 13, 1993, the withdrawal of the Topol Strategic Missile Forces from Belarus began, and on November 27, 1996, it was completed.

In the west, the complex received the designation SS-25 "Sickle".


The RT-2PM missile is made according to the scheme with three marching and combat stages. To ensure high energy-mass perfection and increase the firing range in all marching stages, a new high-density fuel was used with a specific impulse increased by several units compared to the fillers of previously created engines, and the upper stage casings were for the first time made by continuous winding of organoplastic according to the "cocoon" scheme. ". The hardest technical challenge it turned out that on the front bottom of the hull of the upper stage of the thrust cut-off unit with eight reversible bells and "windows" cut through by DUZs (DUZ - a detonating elongated charge) in an organoplastic load-bearing structure.

The first stage of the rocket consists of a sustainer solid propellant rocket engine and a tail compartment, on the outer surface of which aerodynamic rudders and stabilizers are placed. The sustainer engine has one fixed nozzle. The second stage structurally consists of a connecting compartment and a sustainer solid propellant rocket engine. The third stage has almost the same design, but it additionally includes a transition compartment, to which the head part is attached.

An autonomous, inertial control system was developed at the NPO Automation and Instrumentation under the leadership of Vladimir Lapygin. The aiming system was developed under the guidance of the chief designer of the Kyiv plant "Arsenal" Serafim Parnyakov. The inertial control system has its own onboard computer, which made it possible to achieve high firing accuracy. According to domestic sources, the circular probable deviation (CEP) when firing at the maximum range is 400m, according to Western sources - 150-200m. The control system provides missile flight control, routine maintenance on the missile and launcher, pre-launch preparation and launch of the missile without turning the launcher. All operations of pre-launch preparation and launch are fully automated.

"Topol" is equipped with a complex of means to overcome missile defense. The flight control of the rocket is carried out by rotary gas-jet and lattice aerodynamic rudders. New nozzle devices for solid propellant engines have been created. To ensure stealth, camouflage, false complexes, and camouflage have been developed. Like the former mobile complexes of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, the Topol can be launched both from a combat patrol route and while parked in garage shelters with a retractable roof. To do this, the launcher is hung on jacks. Combat readiness from the moment the order was received to the launch of the missile was increased to two minutes. Mobile and stationary command posts were developed for the new complexes. For fire control, Barrier and Granit mobile command posts equipped with a missile were also used, with a transmitter instead of a payload, which, after launching the missile, duplicated the start command for launchers located in positional areas.

During operation, the missile is located in a transport and launch container installed on a mobile launcher. It is mounted on the basis of a seven-axle chassis of a MAZ heavy truck. The rocket is launched from a vertical position using a powder pressure accumulator placed in a transport and launch container.

The launcher (see diagram) was developed at the Volgograd Central Design Bureau "Titan" under the leadership of Valerian Sobolev and Viktor Shurygin. The launcher is mounted on the chassis of a seven-axle tractor MAZ-7912 (later - MAZ-7917 with a 14x12 wheel formula. This car of the 80s is equipped with a 710 hp diesel engine) of the Minsk Automobile Plant with the engine of the Yaroslavl Motor Plant. Chief designer of the rocket carrier Vladimir Tsvyalev. Solid propellant charges for engines were developed at the Lyubertsy NPO "Soyuz" under the leadership of Boris Zhukov (later Zinovy ​​Pak headed the association). Composite materials and the container were designed and manufactured at the Central Research Institute of Special Machine Building under the direction of Viktor Protasov. Rocket hydraulic steering drives and self-propelled launcher hydraulic drives were developed at the Moscow Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics. The nuclear warhead was created at the All-Union Research Institute of Experimental Physics under the leadership of chief designer Samvel Kocharyants.

Initially, the warranty period for the operation of the rocket was 10 years. Later the warranty period was extended to 15 years. The mobile command post for the combat control of the Topol ICBM was located on the chassis of a four-axle MAZ-543M vehicle. For fire control, Barrier and Granit mobile command posts equipped with a missile were also used, with a transmitter instead of a payload, which, after launching the missile, duplicated the start command for launchers located in positional areas.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Maximum firing range, km 10 000
Rocket length, m 21,5
Starting weight, t 45
Mass of the head part, t 1
The mass of the equipped first stage of the rocket, t 27,8
Length of the first stage, m 8,1
Length of the second stage, m 4,6
Length of the third stage, m 3,9
Head length, m 2,1
First stage body diameter, m 1,8
Case diameter of the second stage, m 1,55
Case diameter of the third stage, m 1,34
Diameter of the transport and launch container, m 2
The area of ​​the combat patrol area of ​​the complex, km 2 125 000

Testing and operation

The Topol PGRK was put to the test in February 1983. The first launch took place on February 8 at the Plesetsk training ground. This and two subsequent launches were made from converted mines of stationary RT-2P missiles. One launch failed.

Every year, one control launch of the Topol rocket is carried out from the Plesetsk training ground. The high reliability of the complex is evidenced by the fact that during its testing and operation, about fifty control and test launches of missiles were made. They all went through flawlessly.

November 29, 2005 A combat training launch of the mobile-based RS-12M Topol ICBM was carried out from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the direction of the Kura test site in Kamchatka. The training warhead of the rocket hit a conditional target at the training ground of the Kamchatka Peninsula with a given accuracy. The main purpose of the launch is to check the reliability of the equipment. The missile stood on combat duty for 20 years. This is the first case in the practice of not only domestic, but also world rocket science - a solid-fuel rocket, which has been in operation for so many years, has been successfully launched.

On the basis of the Topol ICBM, a conversion space launch vehicle "Start" was developed. Start rockets are launched from the Plesetsk and Svobodny cosmodromes.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles, which include the Topol models, are designed to destroy ground and sea launchers of enemy ICBMs, state and military command centers, strategic military and economic facilities, large land and sea associations armed forces enemy.

In total, there are three Topol models with modifications - together, in terms of the number of missiles and warheads placed on them, they form the basis of the ground component of the Russian nuclear forces. "Topol" is not actually rockets, but strategic missile systems in mobile (mobile soil) and silo-based versions, using three-stage solid-propellant ICBMs (based on RT-2PM), which were developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering - in fact, the only one currently in Russian developer of ICBMs:

1) the original "Topol" is a mobile ground-based strategic missile system using a monoblock ICBM RS-12M (SS-25 Sickle, or "Sickle", in the NATO classification). The first flight test in February 1983, adopted in 1985. Warhead power 550 kt, firing range 10.500 km, launch weight of the rocket 45 tons. The launcher is mounted on the basis of a seven-axle chassis of a MAZ heavy truck. In 1998, 369 Topol complexes were in service. At the beginning of 2017, 36 mobile complexes remained on combat duty in the Barnaul region. The number of "Topol" is reduced due to the expiration of their service life. Until 2021, Topol should be completely decommissioned and destroyed, which is being carried out in stages.

2) "Topol-M" (RS-12M2, SS-27) - an analogue of "Topol", however, with significantly higher performance in a number of indicators and new features, including:

    the ICBM itself was given the ability to maneuver in the active phase of the flight;

    the total flight time to the target was significantly reduced due to an increase in the accelerating speed of the rocket and the flight speed of the warhead;

    the missile is equipped with a complex of missile defense breakthrough means with active and passive decoys and means of distorting the characteristics of the warhead;

    provided a high level of resistance to damaging factors nuclear explosion, which increased the survivability of the rocket;

    reduced infrared "footprint" of the mobile complex;

    increased cross-country ability and maneuverability of the complex, including on soft ground;

    reduced radar visibility of the complex due to special coatings on its surfaces.

"Topol-M" is the first ICBM, which the Russian Federation began to develop. The first flight test in December 1994. The modernized complex was put into service in April 2000. Warhead capacity is 550 kt, firing range is 11,000 km, launch weight is 47.1 tons. 60 missiles are placed in the mines, and 18 are mobile complexes. The deployment of additional complexes has been discontinued in favor of the Yars.

3) a modification of the Topol-M complex is the Yars complex (RS-24, SS-29). Distinctive feature missiles - a multiple reentry vehicle (MIRV) capable of carrying 4 maneuvering warheads, which further increased the possibility of breaking through the missile defense of the alleged enemy. The first flight test in May 2007, on combat duty since the summer of 2010. The power of the warhead is 150-250, depending on their number, the firing range is 12,000 km, the launch weight is 49.6 tons. At the beginning of 2017, there were 84 Yars mobile complexes on combat duty and 12 missiles in silo launchers, for a total of 384 warheads, or 40% of the warheads of ground-based nuclear forces.

To be honest, I have not heard that Yuzhmash (do you mean him?) Has anything to do with Topol. RT-2PM was developed by MIT on the basis of RT-2, which was previously created by the Royal OKB-1. There was fierce competition between the missile design bureaus, the general designers hated each other, there were set-ups and there was a desperate behind-the-scenes struggle for the right to make a new rocket. Therefore, I doubt that they will attract a competitor in a row.

Ukrainian enterprises could participate at the production stage as separate units. After all, not only one rocket was created, but a whole complex, which included both a tractor and the construction / reconstruction of a mine launcher. There are hundreds of enterprises involved in this business.


As for Poplar, it looks like you are right. Yuzhmash did not participate. From Ukraine - only the Kiev "Arsenal" (and, of course, not in the development of the rocket as such).

The following structures were involved in the development and production of combat and training equipment of the Topol complexes:

Missile aiming system - Central Design Bureau "Arsenal" (development) and PO "Plant" Arsenal ", Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR (production);

As for Topol-M - together with Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. But this is the same Dnepropetrovsk (now - the Dnieper).

This development work was called "Universal", the developed complex - the designation RT-2PM2. The development of the complex was carried out jointly by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering and the Dnepropetrovsk Design Bureau Yuzhnoye.

In March 1992, it was decided to develop the Topol-M complex based on the developments under the Universal program (in April, Yuzhnoye ceased its participation in the work on the complex).

