Nile crocodile ( Crocodylus niloticus) by the most dangerous crocodiles are combed and Nile crocodile. It is on their account that most of the human victims. You can read more about the combed crocodile in this encyclopedia. Now let's get acquainted with the Nile crocodile.

There is a crocodile throughout Africa, Madagascar, Comoros and Seychelles. More recently, it was also found in Asia, but there, today, it has been completely exterminated. There are many types of Nile crocodiles:

  • East African Nile crocodile
  • West African Nile crocodile
  • South African Nile crocodile
  • Malagasy Nile crocodile
  • Ethiopian Nile crocodile
  • kenyan nile crocodile
  • Central African Nile crocodile

These crocodiles are found in freshwater lakes and rivers. They reach a length of 4-6 m, but 7-meter giants are also known. The mass of these animals ranges from 272 to 910 kg.

Their muzzle is not very long, at least not more than wide. Young crocodiles are dark olive and brown. The color of an adult crocodile is dark green with black spots on the back, and the belly is lighter than the entire body of the reptile, often dirty yellow. With age, the crocodile becomes more and more pale. The eye and nostrils of crocodiles are located at the top of the head, so they can see and breathe while the rest of the body is submerged in water. Unlike other reptiles, crocodilians have external ears that close, as do nostrils when crocodilians dive.

The Nile crocodile is a diurnal animal. At night, he lies down in the reservoirs, and with the sunrise begins to hunt, or continues to rest in the sun. The food of the Nile crocodile is quite diverse. Small crocodiles feed on insects, such as various dragonflies. Larger individuals - fish, mollusks, crustaceans. Sometimes their prey may be a reptile, a bird or a mammal such as a buffalo or even a rhinoceros. Sometimes crocodiles attack tigers and lions. The crocodile is waiting for its future prey in the water, near the shore. It may take several hours until some living creature approaches the watering place. Then the crocodile swims closer to the victim and waits at a distance of only a few meters from it, and at this time the whole body of the crocodile is under water, with the exception of the nostrils and eyes. Suddenly, the crocodile jumps out of the water, grabs the head of the victim with its mouth, drags it into deep water and drowns it. After that, with its powerful jaws, the crocodile pulls out pieces of meat. When hunting for fish, the crocodile beats with its tail in order to frighten it and stun it, and it swallows the stunned one. Reptiles often feed, although they can go without food for several days, sometimes a year or even more.

Crocodiles are perfectly adapted to living in and under water. Crocodiles swim with their powerful paddle-like tail. There are webs on the hind legs. Another adaptation to life in water is the third eyelid: a membrane that closes the eyes while diving under water - thus, the crocodile protects the eyes from the effects of water, while not losing the ability to see. Under water, reptiles can be very for a long time: on average, about 40 minutes, and older crocodiles may not emerge for more than an hour.

On land, crocodiles, of course, are slower than in water, but they can still develop a fairly decent speed - somewhere up to 30 km / h. However, on land they are very cowardly and try to quickly run away closer to the water. That is why only 3 out of 10 crocodile attacks occur on land.

Crocodiles reach sexual maturity by 8-12 years. The female lays 40-60 eggs. The entire period of incubation, which lasts 80-90 days, the female spends near the nest, then she helps the newborns get out of the egg. Newborns are carried to the water, while the male and female take care of the offspring together. For two years, the young live next to their mother.

The Nile crocodile, like its relative, combed crocodile, has a reputation as a cannibal, more people died from its teeth than from all other crocodile. Several hundred people become their victims every year. The following situations are dangerous:
  • if you are sailing in a boat on a river where Nile crocodiles live. In 1992, a Nile crocodile attacked a family that was crossing the river in a small boat. The crocodile rammed the boat and, when people were overboard, dragged everyone to the bottom in turn. Other people on the shore could not help. And indeed, when a crocodile attacks, it is very difficult to help with something. Even if you shoot a reptile, there is little chance that the crocodile will die or even weaken and let go of its prey.
  • Crocodiles protecting their little offspring are very dangerous. They become very aggressive and desperate. True, the fact that they try not to stray far from young crocodiles makes the situation a little easier, so there is an opportunity to get away from the predator.
  • A wounded animal is completely out of control. In 1985, an African village was terrorized for several days by a wounded crocodile. He fell into a trap, but managed to escape from it. The injury he received was very painful, so the reptile just went berserk - wandered into the settlement and threw himself at everyone who came across to her. More than 14 people suffered from his teeth.
Length: 4-6 m
Weight: 272-910 kg
Place of distribution: Africa, Madagascar, Comoros and Seychelles.

The Nile crocodile (lat. Crocodylus niloticus) is a large reptile animal from the order of crocodiles, the crocodile family, the genus real.

The Nile crocodile is the most common member of the family, the largest African crocodile and the second largest giant reptile in the world, second in size only to the combed crocodile.

The main food of an adult Nile crocodile are various small and large mammals: , cane rats, otters, bush cats, civets, . big booty become different kinds(water goats, impalas, kudu, gazelles), large forest, aardvarks, African manatees, as well as all kinds of domestic animals that accidentally wandered into a watering hole. The largest Nile crocodiles attack buffaloes, cubs and, on, brown hyenas and big cats.

Also, Nile crocodiles eat carrion, steal food from, and hyena dogs. A predatory reptile has a slow metabolism, so the animal can starve for a long time, but with a successful hunt, the amount of food consumed at a time can be up to 20% of its own weight, and crocodiles feed at every opportunity. Only female Nile crocodiles, guarding their nests, feed little.

Reproduction of Nile crocodiles.

Sexual maturity of Nile crocodiles occurs at the age of 12-15, when males grow up to 2.5-3 m, and females up to 2-2.5 m in length. Offensive mating season depends on location: Northern part populations breed in summer, and individuals living in the south breed during the rainy season - in November and December.

During the rut, special, hierarchical relationships are established among sexually mature males of the Nile crocodile. Quite aggressive clashes often occur between representatives of the species, in which males demonstrate their superiority over their rival. Crocodiles exhale noisily through their mouths, make growling or grumbling-like sounds, and blow bubbles with their open mouths. Simultaneously with these demonstration actions, excited by the struggle for the future female, the Nile crocodiles bend their necks, raise their tail, whipping it over the surface of the water. Having admitted defeat, one of the males turns around and swims away at high speed, trying to escape from the pursuit of a competitor. If it is not possible to escape, the losing crocodile raises its head high, opening access to the throat: this position is a sign of appeasement and recognition of defeat. The victorious crocodile sometimes grabs one of the opponent's limbs with its jaws, but does not bite it. Such "premarital" fights allow you to expel extra males from the territory chosen by a pair of crocodiles.

During the breeding season, males behave quite unusually and interestingly: they roar invitingly, snort loudly, slap their muzzles on the water and try in every possible way to attract females, and females prefer the largest males. mating games consist in singing peculiar trills, during which the partners open their mouths wide and rub the lower surfaces of their muzzles.

Sandy beaches and shallows, dried up channels and river banks become a place for laying eggs. Not far from the water's edge, the female Nile crocodile digs a nest up to 60 cm deep and lays 20 to 95 eggs (usually about 55-60). The female vigilantly guards the buried masonry throughout the entire incubation period, which is approximately 90 days. Periodically, the male helps her, and the couple rebuffs anyone who poses a threat to offspring. Occasionally, the female is forced to hide from the heat, and the nest of the Nile crocodile left unattended is ruined by mongooses, spotted hyenas, baboons and people. Sometimes nests built in the wrong place suffer from floods. In total, only 10-15% of eggs survive until the end of incubation.

Newborn crocodiles make grunting sounds, which becomes a signal for the female: she digs out the nest, and sometimes parents even help the cubs to be born by rolling the egg between the tongue and the sky. The mother accompanies the hatched offspring to the reservoir or carries it in her mouth.

The sex of the Nile crocodile cubs, like any other crocodiles, is formed under the influence of temperature inside the nest during the second month of incubation: at a temperature of 31.7 to 34.5 degrees, males are born, in other cases, females. The length of newborn Nile crocodiles is approximately 28 cm, but in the first year of life, the cubs develop quite quickly. By the end of the first year, crocodiles grow up to 60 cm in length, by two years - up to 90 cm. For two years, the female takes care of her offspring, sometimes together with other females, establishing something like a “nursery”, after which the grown individuals are about 1 ,2 m leave their mother and avoid meeting with large representatives of the species until puberty.

Young crocodiles dig holes up to 3.6 meters long in the banks, which serve as a refuge for them up to 5 years of age. Adults also dig similar holes for themselves under the roots of trees hanging over the water.

Warm rivers and swampy reservoirs, where the crocodile and alligator live, are bypassed by the locals. Reptiles are very similar to each other, but the muzzle of the crocodile is longer and thinner, and the fourth teeth are visible even if the mouth is closed. Below we will talk about these green predators, their habitat and interesting details life. So, where and in what country do crocodiles live? What is their lifespan? Can humans and crocodiles coexist peacefully?

Where does the crocodile live: habitat

The habitat of these reptiles, inhabiting our planet for more than 200 million years, extends to all continents, excluding Antarctica. Any child to the question: "Where does the crocodile live?" Without hesitation, will answer: "In Africa!". Yes, the crocodile also lives in Africa.

There are varieties found in different countries and continents, but there are endemics - they inhabit one certain territory. For example, the Philippine crocodile lives only on the islands of the same name, while the saltwater combed crocodile can live in India, Indonesia, Northern Australia.

The largest and smallest crocodile

Salted crocodile is the largest of all representatives of this family. He loves salty rivers into which sea water flows. In these places where crocodiles live, people try not to enter or swim. For example, there was a case when in Malaysia, on the Duzon River, a green monster snatched out of the boat, first the mother, and then the child. Children and women most often become victims of these predators when they bathe or wash clothes in rivers.

The largest captured (but not killed) individual living in captivity on an Australian park farm is Cassius Clay, a combed crocodile. It is 5.5 m long, weighs about 1 ton and is a long-liver. Crocodiles live about 80-100 years and grow all their lives. Cassius lived for over 110 years. He is very much loved despite his bloodthirsty past, and is treated to a 20-kilogram chicken cake on his birthday. The reptile feasts on it for exactly ... half a minute.

The smallest crocodiles are not so small. These are South American caimans, which are not more than 1.5 m in length. Approximately the same size West African freshwater blunt-nosed crocodiles.

A country where crocodiles live better than people

Scientists are sure that the population of crocodiles has such long history solely because these reptiles have no enemies in natural environment. The only mammal a crocodile should beware of is man.

People are chasing prey in the form of handbags and other products made from the skin of these reptiles, and poaching is rampant in the territories where crocodiles live. This gradually leads to the fact that some species are recognized as endangered. For example, the habitat of the Siamese crocodile has been reduced to Thailand and Cambodia, and in Vietnam and on the island of Borneo they have not been found for many years.

At the famous farm in Pattaya, where crocodiles live in artificial conditions and grown for commercial purposes, many tourists gather. Crocodiles are used in show programs, you can immediately buy a purse (about 3,000 baht) or a belt (about 2,000 baht) made from reptile skins.

A completely different situation is observed in Africa (Tunisia, the island of Djerba), where in the Explorer Park, travelers can observe the life of crocodiles from comfortable bridges in conditions as close to natural as possible. Surprisingly, on a continent where most countries are on the verge of poverty, people selflessly care for those who could make a profit at the cost of own life. Of course, tourists do not visit the park for free, but the cost of an entrance ticket and a crocodile leather handbag is incommensurable.

The life of the Nile crocodiles (the largest in the Explorer park reach 5 m) is not too different from their existence in natural conditions. In Tunisia, they are fed with meat, in winter at a temperature of + 10-15 0 C they are transferred to heated enclosed spaces. Females lay their eggs in specially designated places, and young crocodiles are kept separately from adults to prevent cannibalism.

How are crocodiles similar to birds and dogs?

The anatomical structure of the crocodile is perfect in terms of hunting. His eyes are endowed with a third eyelid, which allows him to see perfectly underwater and in the dark. For a long time before the attack, crocodiles lie motionless closer to the sunny surface of the water for better warming of the blood before jumping. Powerful head and tail allow you to stun the victim and interrupt the spine in one blow.

With tenacious teeth, he takes the prey to his storage and “pickles” for some time, so that he can swallow it later without chewing. Interesting fact: in those places of the Ganges where the crocodile lives, the bodies of the dead often fall into the "pantries" of the reptiles, which the Hindus send into the waters sacred river during the funeral ceremony.

For better digestion and moving food through the intestines, these reptiles swallow stones like birds. True, the size and weight of the stones are somewhat different, sometimes about 5 kg. Having sated, the crocodile rests and cools. For this, like a dog, he opens his mouth. Some researchers claim that crocodiles can live without food for almost a year.

Friendship of people and crocodiles

Zoologists believe that the friendship of people with green reptiles is impossible, and it should not be allowed because the result will still not be in favor of man. However, there is evidence of a fisherman from Costa Rica who came out of a five-meter dying crocodile wounded by a hunter. The man temporarily settled him in his pond, literally fed him from his hands.

The fisherman released a healthy alligator into the river, but the grateful reptile began to return. The friendship lasted until the natural death of the crocodile.

In China, there were times when people caught crocodiles and chained them outside their homes like dogs. The alligator was fed and watered, and he guarded the master's property. True, as a result, the Chinese crocodile grown to a decent size ... ate.

The Nile crocodile is an animal that people from ancient times revered and feared at the same time. This reptile was worshiped in Ancient Egypt and the mention of her, as the monstrous Lefiatan, is found in the Bible. It would be difficult in our time to find a person who would not know what a crocodile looks like, but not everyone knows what this reptile really is, what lifestyle it leads, what it eats and how it produces its offspring.

Description of the Nile crocodile

The Nile crocodile is a large reptile that belongs to the real family, lives in Africa and is an integral part of aquatic and semi-aquatic ecosystems there. In size, it exceeds most other crocodiles and is the second largest representative of this family after.


The Nile crocodile has a squat body of a strongly stretched format, which turns into a thick and strong tail, tapering towards the end. Moreover, the length of the tail can even exceed the size of the body. The strongly shortened powerful paws of this reptile are widely spaced - on the sides of the body. The head, when viewed from above, has the shape of a cone slightly tapering towards the end of the muzzle, the mouth is large, equipped with many sharp teeth, the total number of which can be 68 pieces.

This is interesting! In crocodile cubs that have just hatched from eggs, one can notice a skin thickening on the front of the muzzle that looks like a tooth. This seal, called the "egg tooth," helps the reptiles preparing to be born to break through the shell and quickly get out of the eggs.

The coloration of Nile crocodiles depends on their age: juveniles are darker - olive-brown in color with a cross-shaped black shading on the body and tail, while their stomach is yellowish. With age, the skin of reptiles seems to fade and the color becomes paler - grayish-green with darker, but not too contrasting stripes on the body and tail.

The skin of a crocodile is rough, seated with rows of vertical shields. Unlike most other reptiles, the Nile crocodile does not molt, as its skin tends to stretch and grow with the animal itself.

Dimensions of the Nile crocodile

This is the largest of all African crocodiles: the length of the body with a tail in males of this species can reach five and a half meters. But, in most cases, the Nile crocodile can hardly grow up more than three meters in length. It is generally accepted that these reptiles grow from three to four meters in length, depending on the sex. The weight of the Nile crocodile can also range from 116 to 300 kg, depending on its gender and age.

This is interesting! Some hunters, as well as residents of those areas where the Nile crocodiles live, claim to have seen reptiles of this species, whose size reached seven or even nine meters. But due to the fact that these people cannot provide evidence of their meeting with such a monster, giant crocodiles that exceed five meters in length are currently considered nothing more than a legend or even an invention of “eyewitnesses”.

Character and lifestyle

Under normal conditions, crocodiles are not very active animals.. Most of them from morning to evening either bask in the rays of the sun on the shores of reservoirs, with their mouths wide open, or are in the water, where they go after the midday heat begins. IN cloudy days, however, these reptiles can remain on the shore until the evening. Reptiles spend their nights immersed in a river or lake.

This reptile does not like to live alone and, most often, Nile crocodiles settle large groups, each of which can contain from several tens to several hundreds of animals of this species. Sometimes they even hunt in a pack, although usually a crocodile is on the hunt and prefers to act alone. Nile crocodiles can easily dive and swim under water, in which they are helped by the features of physiology: a four-chambered heart, like in birds, and a nictitating membrane, also called a membrane that protects the eyes of an animal during its immersion in water.

This is interesting! The nostrils and ears of the Nile crocodiles have one very interesting feature: they are closed while the reptile dives. Nile crocodiles swim due to their powerful, paddle-shaped tail, while they rarely use their paws, and even then only the hind ones, equipped with membranes.

Getting out on land, these animals either crawl on their belly or walk with their bodies up. If desired or necessary, Nile crocodiles can even run, but they do this infrequently, but only when pursuing potential prey over land or when they run away from another predator or from an opponent who has defeated them. Nile crocodiles, although with difficulty, put up with the presence of their relatives nearby, but animals of other species, with the exception of hippos, with whom they have an unspoken neutrality, are extremely aggressive and fiercely defend their territory from the invasion of strangers, regardless of whether what species they belong to.

In the event of a climatic threat to their existence, such as extreme heat, drought or a cold snap, Nile crocodiles can dig shelters in the ground and hibernate there until the situation outside normalizes. But individual, very large reptiles are able to wake up during this hibernation and crawl out to bask in the sun, and sometimes even hunt, after which it returns to its hole again and hibernates until its next outing.

Previously, there was a popular belief that the crocodile had an unspoken alliance with some species of birds that help this reptile clean its mouth with their beaks, removing pieces of meat stuck between its teeth. But due to the fact that such evidence can hardly be considered reliable, these stories, as well as stories about giant crocodiles 7-9 meters long, are considered to be nothing more than legends. In addition, it is difficult to say how such different animals could interact and whether this relationship of theirs is a true symbiosis.

This is interesting! An interesting relationship develops between the Nile crocodiles and with those living in the same reservoirs as themselves. An unspoken neutrality has been established between these animals, but each of them does not miss the opportunity to take advantage of such a successful neighborhood for their own personal purposes.

It happens that female hippos, leaving for some time from their cubs, leave them next to the crocodiles, since toothy reptile, which none of the land predators dare to approach, is for their babies the best protector of all possible. In turn, the cubs of the Nile crocodile, while they are still small and very vulnerable, can also, during the absence of their mother, seek protection from hippos, while climbing on their backs.

Contrary to popular belief, crocodiles are far from dumb: adults can make a sound like a bull's roar, and small cubs, recently hatched from eggs, croak like frogs and chirp, just like birds do.

How long does the Nile crocodile live

Like most other reptiles, Nile crocodiles live quite a long time: average duration their lifespan is 45 years, although some of these reptiles live to be 80 years old or more.

sexual dimorphism

Males of this species are approximately one third larger than females, while the latter may be visually more massive due to the fact that their body proportions seem to be larger in girth. As for the coloring, the number of scutes or the shape of the head, they are almost the same in Nile crocodiles of different sexes.

Types of Nile crocodile

Depending on where the Nile crocodiles live and on their external features.

Zoologists distinguish several types of this reptile:

  • East African Nile crocodile.
  • West African Nile crocodile.
  • South African Nile crocodile.
  • Malagasy Nile crocodile.
  • Ethiopian Nile crocodile.
  • Kenyan Nile crocodile.
  • Central Farrican Nile crocodile.

This is interesting! DNA analysis conducted in 2003 showed that representatives of different populations of the Nile crocodile have significant differences in terms of genotype. This has given some scientists reason to isolate populations of Nile crocodiles from Central and West Africa in separate view, called the desert or West African crocodile.

Range, habitats

Nile crocodile - an inhabitant of continental Africa. You can meet him everywhere south of the Sahara. It also lives in Madagascar and on some other, smaller islands located off the coast. tropical Africa. As the name implies, the Nile crocodile lives on the Nile, moreover, it is found everywhere, starting from the second river rapids and above.

This reptile is especially common in the countries of South and East Africa, namely, in Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia and Somalia, where the crocodile cult is still popular. In former times, the reptile lived much to the north - in the territory of Egypt and Palestine, but is no longer found there, since relatively recently it was completely exterminated in those parts ..

As a habitat, the Nile crocodile chooses rivers, lakes, swamps, mangroves, and this reptile can live in both fresh water, and in brackish. It tries to settle not in the territory of forests, but sometimes wanders into forest reservoirs.

Nile crocodile diet

The diet of the Nile crocodile undergoes strong changes throughout the life of this reptile. Cubs that have not grown up to 1 meter mainly feed on insects and other small invertebrates. Of which about half are various bugs that small crocodiles especially like to eat. At night, cubs can also hunt crickets and dragonflies, which they catch in thick grass on the banks of water bodies.

After the growing reptile reaches the size of one and a half meters, it begins to hunt crabs and snails, but as soon as it grows to 2 meters in length, the number of invertebrates in its menu is greatly reduced. And only in Uganda alone, even quite adult crocodiles rarely, but still eat large snails and a variety of freshwater crabs.

Fish appears in the diet of a young Nile crocodile after it grows to at least 1.2 meters, but at the same time it still continues to eat invertebrates: large insects, crabs and shellfish like snails.

Important! It is fish that is the main food of adolescents of this species, and in some places, for the most part, it is also eaten by adults who have not yet reached a length of three meters.

At the same time, the reptile tries to hunt fish corresponding to its size. A large crocodile will not chase small fish in the river, and, first of all, this is due to the fact that it is much more mobile than, for example, rather large catfish, which a fairly large Nile crocodile prefers to eat.

But it would be wrong to think that Nile crocodiles eat tens of kilograms of fish at a time: reptiles, which are not very mobile, require much less food than warm-blooded animals, and therefore, a reptile weighing less than 120 kg, on average, eats only something 300 grams of fish. Due to the fact that there are a lot of crocodiles in African rivers, there is a natural regulation of the number of fish species living in the same lakes, rivers and other bodies of water as these reptiles, but their population is not significantly damaged.

Crocodiles can also prey on amphibians and other reptile species.. At the same time, adult frogs do not eat, although the growing young frogs feed on them with pleasure. And of the reptiles, the Nile crocodiles even eat poisonous snakes, such as . and some especially large lizards, such as the Nile monitor, is also eaten by adult animals. Young crocodiles also try to hunt turtles, but due to the fact that they do not have enough strength to bite through the turtle shell until a certain age, such a hunt could hardly be called successful.

But birds in the crocodile menu are rare and, in general, make up only 10-15% of total food eaten by the reptile. Mostly, birds fall prey to crocodiles by accident, as, for example, happens with fledgling cormorant chicks that accidentally fall from their nest into the water.

Large adults, whose size exceeds 3.5 meters, prefer to hunt mammals, mainly ungulates, that come to the river or lake to drink. But even young animals that have reached a length of 1.5 meters can already begin to hunt mammals of not too large sizes, such as small monkeys, small species of antelopes, rodents, lagomorphs and the bats. There is even such an exotic item on their menu as pangolins, also called lizards, but not related to reptiles. Small predators, such as civets, can also become a victim of a growing crocodile.

Adult crocodiles prefer to hunt larger game such as kudu, eland, buffalo, giraffe

Nile crocodiles have also been observed eating livestock and humans. If you believe the statements of the inhabitants of African villages, then several people are necessarily dragged off and eaten by crocodiles once a year. At the end of the topic about the diet of reptiles of this species, one can also add that Nile crocodiles were also seen in cannibalism, when adults ate the eggs of their relatives or cubs of their own species, in addition, this reptile is quite capable of eating an opponent killed in battle.

It lives in Africa, and is the largest African crocodile. He prefers to settle along the shores of lakes, rivers and swamps. The dark green color with a brown tone makes this handsome man almost invisible in the waters of his habitat. Who said crocodiles are scary? Many people consider them attractive and good creatures.

Body length from 4 to 6 meters.Such a giant can weigh 750 kilograms. Its scaly skin is covered in bony plates. There are also receptors on the skin that respond to changes in water pressure.

It has a long muzzle and powerful jaws with sharp, conical teeth. Up to 68 teeth in the mouth, up to 38 in the upper jaw, and up to 30 teeth in the lower jaw. The legs are short but strong. A reptile can jump 10 meters! Record holder! There are five fingers on the forelimbs. There are four on the hind legs, which are interconnected by a membrane.

On land, he walks slowly, but if necessary, he can run quickly, reaching speeds of up to 13 km / h. In the water, he seems to feel much better, and spends most of his life there. It dives into the water for about three minutes, although without air it can last about 30 minutes. It is an excellent swimmer thanks to its long tail and can reach speeds of up to 30 km/h.

The crocodile has excellent hearing, its calm eyes are equipped with a protective third eyelid, which does not cause irritation in the water. The nostrils are at the top of the nasal tubercle. It feeds on fish and everyone who is not cautiously met on its way. Here is a large list, let's call it briefly, groups:, reptiles,. A very successful hunt is obtained at the watering place, where many animals come to quench their thirst.

A hunter in a frozen pose can sit for hours in water or bushes, and then attack the victim. If the prey is too large, he tries to drag it under water. He will eat a choked and wounded animal, tearing pieces from the flesh. Other reptiles can also join the meal. And although the Nile crocodile is more of a loner, at its core, this is allowed. He does not know how to chew, so he swallows the pieces whole. Like many other animals, he attacks people, protecting his territory and his offspring.

A well-fed crocodile can go without food for a long time. When the time for mating comes, the males begin to scream loudly, slap the water with their muzzle, thereby attracting females. These giants can purr and snort. Females choose larger males. Having found each other, they gently rub their "faces" and even emit melodic trills.

It will take two months after mating, and the female will come out on land. She will find a secluded place, dig a hole in the sand and lay her eggs in a hard white shell (up to 60 eggs). Having carefully buried the masonry, it will remain close to the precious place. Dad can also take part in waiting for offspring, guarding future cubs.

No matter how hard parents try to protect their future offspring, sometimes they fail. When it's too hot, you need to plunge into the water, and you want to have a snack. That's just a bite to eat and other animals want (lizards,).In the absence of protection, egg clutches are ruthlessly ruined, and, of course, eaten. Mom returns to the place, and there are only shells. I feel very sorry for the mother of the crocodile, she looks so confused and sad...

Well, if 90 days have passed safely, then having heard a squeak, the mother digs a hole and helps her babies to be born, carefully biting the egg. Many crocodiles still get out of the shell themselves. The length of the newborn is 30 cm. A loving and caring mother collects the babies in her mouth and takes them to shallow water, where a lot of grass grows. The female will look after the children for two years. Then the grown cub must find its territory.

Babies will eat first insects and aquatic. Then they will learn how to hunt small fish. Comprehending skill and acquiring life skills, crocodiles grow rapidly. In a year their length is 60 cm, and in two years they have a length of 1.2 meters. But only the most dexterous, the strongest, and probably the most cunning will survive. The young can be eaten by herons, eagles, and many other animals. Even adult crocodiles can swallow their relative.

Nile crocodiles live in nature for 50-100 years.

  • Class - Reptiles
  • Squad - Crocodiles
  • Family - Real crocodiles
  • Rod - Real crocodiles
  • Species - Nile crocodile