In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the sensational rating (MMR) in Dota 2, and also show you how to find it.

You have probably heard many times about how professional Dota 2 players reach the bar of 9,000 MMR in a single rating, but hardly anyone seriously thought about how difficult it is. Note that the first player to reach this mark was the Jordanian Amer "Miracle" al-Barkawi from the European Team Liquid.

It is worth noting that the Russian player of the team Roman "RAMZES666" Kushnaryov is the first player from the CIS and the fourth in the world after the Jordanian Miracle, the Canadian Artur "Arteezy" Babaev and the Chinese Hu "KAKA" Lianzhi, who submitted the bar of 9,000 MMR

What is MMR

MMR (MatchMaking Rating)- is a criterion for the selection of players in a rating match. The game system will try to select opponents and allies for you with the same MMR as yours. The number of added or subtracted points directly depends on the balance of the teams.

MMR allows you to sort players in single or team matchmaking in order to balance the opposing teams.

If you win a ranked match with opponents low level MMR, then you are given less MMR points, and if with high-level opponents, then more. It all depends on the overall rating of your and the opposite team. Usually it happens 24-25.

How MMR is calculated

KDA (Kills/Deaths/Assists - translated into Russian as Kills/Deaths/Assists in killings) is a coefficient of efficiency in the game that affects the calculation of your MMR rating until it is assigned to an account.

KDA is calculated as follows: (K + A) / D, where K is the number of kills, A is the number of allies' support, D is the number of your deaths. For example, in a match you killed 5 opponents, assisted in killing 7, and died 2, then KDA will be equal to (5+7)/2=6.

If a player does not have a rating, he is offered to play rating qualifications, about 10 games, during which the system determines your approximate initial rating. To get a high MMR rating, you need to try to play with a high KDA. After that, points for winning a ranked game average 24-25 points.

You can learn more about this from this video:

What is the difference between solo and team MMR

Who has the highest MMR right now

Full list players can be viewed by . Note that this Top 200 is broken down by four main regions: America, Europe, Asia, China and is updated daily.

How to view your rating (MMR) in the Dota 2 client

In the game client, click on the "Play" button.

Here you can see your single and group rating.

Is it possible to buy MMR

You cannot buy MMR points for a specific account, but it is common practice on the Internet to buy and sell accounts themselves with a certain amount of MMR. From 500 to 5000 rubles, you can purchase accounts from 1000 to 5000 MMR of a single rating.

How much MMR do you need to have to get into esports

RuHub studio analyst Yaroslav "NS" Kuznetsov in a recent interview with Sovetsky Sport commented on this as follows: "People play professionally and less than 6000, because they treat MMR" not as something important for themselves. It is more important for them to win the tournament, but playing in public is practice.There are many people in 5000 who play well and with a little help from pros could play at a serious level.But no one wants people with that much MMR because it's hard to tell if they play well or not.Pros don't they look at people with 5000 and 6000, but only with 7000+, because this is a top 100 rating and you can already work with such indicators.

How to increase your MMR in the game?

What is the guarantee?
Guaranteed replacement of the account in case of marriage. We have a minimum percentage of marriage. If a problem occurs, we replace the account with an equivalent one. Unlike other stores, we do not require proof of your innocence (these are hidden conditions that some sellers have).
Also in favor of the guarantee: the site is 4 years old, billing for accepting payments, a licensed script for automated sales - Digiseller.

Linked accounts?
No. All accounts on the site without bindings - everything can be changed. The kit includes login and password from Steam and login, password from mail. In steam mobile phone is not connected.

I don't have a SIM number to play MMR.
Starting May 4, 2017, accounts without a mobile phone number will not be allowed to play ranked games.
A mobile number is an individual thing, and if you don't have it, then it's not a problem. We found a service that allows you to bind a virtual number, the cost is only 3 rubles -

What is this MMR for?
MMR in Dota 2 serves as a criterion for selecting players of the same rating as you. Most players play in the 2800-4000 MMR range (solo rating). The higher the rating, the stronger the opponents, you get more real experience, higher mutual understanding in the game and mutual assistance.

How important is winrate and number of games in Dota2?
The winrate indicator (percentage of wins) and the number of games do not play a video when selecting matches. In ranked games, these parameters are not taken into account.

What is KDA?
KDA - the coefficient of utility in the game, affects the calculation of your MMR rating until it is assigned to an account. It is calculated as follows: (K + A) / D, where K is the number of kills in the game, D is the number of deaths, A is the number of assists. For example, finished the match, made 8 kills, 4 times in the tavern, participated in the killing of 12 enemy heroes - your KDA = (8 + 12) / 4 = 5 which is good.

How to make an account with a high MMR yourself?
You need to play about 100-150 games with a high KDA and successfully play 10 calibration games. As a result, you will receive 3500-3700 MMR.
Example: if you played the first games before calibration and meet the game level of 3000MMR and win all 10 calibration games with a KDA coefficient of 10, then after calibration you will have an account with 3500 MMR.

The MMR rating depends on: by 70-80% from the first games (up to level 20) and by 20-30% from 10 calibration games, after which your rating is displayed. Accordingly, you need to spend about 14-20 days on a seasoned, high-quality wagering of all matches.

Max Solo MMR which can be obtained immediately after calibration, is limited for today by a figure in ~3500 . The remaining points are obtained by victories and an average of 25 points.

Important: Don't be fooled! If your personal solo rating is currently in the range of 2000-2500, then You will not be able to make an account > 3500 mmr. No need to waste time.

The next moment is to learn and really match more high level only possible with time. This can be achieved much faster by playing party matchmaking in the company of more experienced players or by playing alone on an account with a higher solo MMR.

Who would not say anything, but in 90% of cases, the solo rating now really reflects the level of the game.
The one who calls his teammates "crayfish" (who, by the way, play at the same level) - just forgot how others play, they are 1000 points lower in the rating.
The reverse is also true: try to play 3-4 games now at +800 rating from yours, and you will clearly begin to feel useless, weak in the team, and you will have no one to blame.

How team games affectsolo rating?
Team ranked games only affect party MMR, not solo MMR

What's the difference between a solo MMR of 4500 and 4800?
The difference is quite significant, in fact 300 points for a good player, whose win rate is 55% - that's about 110-120 ranked games.
However, starting from 4800-, real experience players greatly increases, and it becomes more difficult to increase your rating - you have to "sweat" a lot. In other words, the difference is significantly more noticeable with the growth of MMR.

My rating is now 3200-3600 - what will I see when playing, for example, 4500 MMR?
Compared to a rating of 3500, players at 4500 are much more adequate - supports really support, do not take creeps in the lane from carries, immediately buy wards, kur, will give from the first minutes if there is an invis-hero in the enemy team and "do not touch your mother" . However, eccentrics can still come across, but in a much smaller number than on.

Where do we get accounts from?
Most of you play DotA for your own pleasure and do it for free.
A small part of people play very well and also for fun, for the sake of victory.
Among them, there are those who think and come to the conclusion, since they already spend a lot of time in the game, why not receive a small reward?
In a month, one such player creates 3-5 accounts from scratch, we help them to reliably find a buyer for an account to play with strong doters.

What is a rating in Dota 2, aka MMR?

Rating in Dota 2 is virtual points that show your level of play, skill. Based on the rating, players are selected for rating games so that the strengths of both teams are equal. For example, a player with a rating of 2000 will never get caught in the same game with a player who has a rating of 4000. In Dota 2, two ratings are distinguished: "Single" - which is credited to you when you play rating games alone, and "Group" - when you play with friends .

How to play ranked MMR games?

Before you can play ranked games, you need to go through the calibration. Calibration is 10 games, based on which the system will assign you a number of ratings based on your level of play. The better you play these 10 calibration games, the higher MMR you will get, respectively, if you play badly, you will not see a high MMR.

Top MMR (Leaderboard) in Dota 2

There is a leaderboard that shows players from all over the world who have the highest single MMR in Dota 2. The table is divided into four regions (divisions): Americas, Europe, SE Asia and China. Each division shows the TOP 200 players from their region. You can view the Leaderboard on the official Dota 2 website: The table data is updated every day. We invite you to read the answers to FAQ according to the Leaderboard in Dota 2:

Who can get on the leaderboard?

To enter the table, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Play at least 300 matches for all the time, these must be matches from the selection of games, it doesn’t matter if they are ranked or not - the main thing is with live opponents;
  • Play at least 100 solo ranked games at all times;
  • Play at least 15 solo ranked games in the same division in the last 3 weeks
  • You must have filled in the official information about the player.

How do I know which division I'm in?

  • You will be placed in the division in which you have played the most single ranked games in the last 3 weeks.

Does a game that someone left due to internet problems or other reasons count?

  • Yes, the game after which the rating has changed will be counted.

How can I provide you with my official information?

  • If your solo ranking is high enough for the leaderboard and you meet the other requirements, but have not provided your official information, you will be sent an in-game notification, after which this information can be submitted.

Which server regions belong to which divisions?

  • America: West and East USA, South America
  • Europe: Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, South Africa
  • China: Perfect World Telecom, Perfect World Unicom
  • Southeast Asia: South Korea, SE Asia, Australia

How often are the leaderboards updated?

  • The update happens daily at 22:00 GMT.

Thousands of forum posts, hundreds of memes and countless nervous breakdowns. Dreams, sweat, sometimes even tears. The MMR rating indicator is the most burning topic in. Every day, millions of players around the world go out of their way to raise their solo rating to the desired level. While some manage to successfully climb the stairs and make their way into world table leaders, others stagnate in one place and complain about the poor system for selecting allies. Everything you need to know about MMR - from the lips of professional players.

Minimum professional threshold

“Any professional player should have at least 7K MMR, and above 8K MMR really doesn’t really matter,” says Team Empire hard lane player Andriy “Ghostik” Kadyk. Indeed, on the modern Dota scene, most players have a single rating of over 7 thousand. Even in the leaderboard of the European division, the last line, the 200th position, is indicated by 7200 points. However, there are professionals whose rating is below the 7K MMR threshold, and this does not at all prevent them from achieving success in team performances. Suffice it to recall the “tweet” of former TnC Pro Team player Jimmy “DeMoN” Ho before the game with OG at The International 2016. Then the Filipinos left the double champions of the major with nothing, demonstrating that having 9K MMR does not guarantee victory.

MMR value in a team game

“Most of the young guys think that MMR matters, and in many ways they play for the sake of raising it. However, in reality, MMR in team game matters very little,” says one of the most titled players in Dota 2, Danil “Dendi” Ishutin. For a long time mid laner Natus Vincere was criticized for low solo rating, but in just two weeks, with a lot of desire and enough time, he managed to rise from 7.3K to 8K, proving his case to the community.

“On the other hand, what MMR stands for is the number of games played; time spent on; human effort. Because raising MMR is not so easy. It all depends on the number of games, just how much you play. And here we can already say that MMR affects, because you play a lot, so you will do certain things automatically. You will have more space to make game decisions. Thus, you will be different from the player who is lower than you in terms of MMR. But the team Dota is different.”

Secret of success

One of the strongest matchmaking players, Amer "Miracle-" al-Barkawi, who was the first in the world to reach the mark of 9 thousand points in a single rating, shares the opinion of Dendi: succeed. Simply put, play a lot and you will be successful. I came up with this when I got stuck at 6.2K and have been playing significantly ever since. large quantity matches." It turns out that the MMR indicator of players is not decisive in team competitions, but nevertheless it remains almost the only way for budding players from the public to declare themselves to the whole world. In turn, Miracle- recognizes that players with high rating contribute to the development of the Dota scene: “I think MMR is a good indicator. In the end, yes, they are just numbers, but they matter. Because if you are a high MMR player, your individual skills are good and you have a lot of experience. And you can bring it to competitive Dota.

History of Excalibur

Professional teams began to pay attention to players from the leaderboard in 2014. Back then, Fnatic's European roster needed to be replaced and turned its attention to one of the European singles leaderboards, Steve "Excalibur" Yeh. Together with him, the team successfully performed at ESL One Frankfurt, and many pabers took this as a call to action. Omar "w33" Olivy, the world's first 8K MMR summiter, admitted that this story gave him back the inspiration to race to the top of the division leaderboard in singles: "The story of Xcalibur is a motivation for me, I will do whatever it takes, to play in a top team. The Romanian player kept his promise and already has victories at The Shanghai Major, the vice-championship of The International 2016, the ESL One Genting 2017 trophy and other awards. Many of the players who are now fighting in international tournaments and are fan idols came from matchmaking, inspired by the history of Excalibur.

Size matters

In early February, Malaysian Team Secret player Jen "MidOne" Yek Nai became the first player from Southeast Asia to reach 9K MMR. By the way, he was the first in the race for 8 thousand points of a single rating in his division. Top positions on the leaderboard gave him a chance to make a name for himself on the professional stage, and he did well. Jen is now openly proud of her hard work and despises those who claim that MMR is just numbers.

“Only those who have not achieved high results speak about the uselessness of MMR for a professional player. Those who have 8000 or 9000 rating rarely say they don't need it, because they have spent a lot of time and effort to climb up the rating table. On the other hand, if you have 9000, then in the game the opponents will be more afraid and, perhaps, ban some heroes specifically against you. This does not always decide the outcome of the match, but in some cases it can be a decisive factor in choosing heroes. I think that MMR is an indicator of a player's willpower. No matter how easy or difficult it is for you to win singles games, without willpower you will never reach the 9K mark!”

Calm, only calm

Everyone who often spends time playing Dota knows how difficult it is sometimes to restrain one's emotions when overly negative personalities appear in the team. Many people think that chance favors high ranked players, but this is not true. They also deal with this everyday phenomenon. When such personalities act as an obstacle to raising the rating, it is worth heeding the advice from Amer “Miracle-” al-Barkawi: “You need to talk a lot with allies and try not to become discouraged. Don't pour out your anger. Try your best and you will succeed. If they don't let up, then I just ignore them. If such people play for me, then, in my opinion, the task of the rest of the team is to play very well, since it is very difficult to win with teammates on tilt. The best decision- talk to them, remove this negativity, otherwise it will be very difficult.

Rating for money or money for rating

Where MMR is, it's always interesting there. The International 2014 Newbee champion Chen "Hao" Zhihao once revealed that he loaned his account to the owner of the organization for a while. Upon his return, it turned out that the singles rating had fallen by 120 points. To apologize for the damage, he gave the player a brand new iPhone 7. A very good deal.

The Southeast Asia region has always lagged behind its competitors in average single rankings. Ronald "Rhom" Robins, owner of Mineski, the largest Philippine esports organization, announced at the beginning of last year that he would pay $300 monthly scholarships to five Filipino players whose rating would be above 7,000 points. The result was not long in coming, and after a couple of months, about two dozen Filipinos showed off on the leaderboard.

One day, the popular Reddit forum reported that Eric "747" Dong was offering cash reward your opponents to conquer the top in 8K MMR. Whether there was a bribe or not is a secondary matter, since the other day the American reached 9 thousand points in a single rating and now leads the leaderboard in America. The player both defended his reputation and received an invitation to compLexity.

Most recently, Dota 2 introduced the MMR (Match Making Ranked) rating, which is tied to a specific player account and appears in his profile and game. The very purpose of the rating can be interpreted in different ways, because for someone it is more important to play a balanced game, and for someone it is more important to fill MMR as quickly as possible.

What is MMR and what is it for?

Match Making Ranked is a Dota 2 user's rating, which serves him to select opponents according to the skill of the game and to introduce a competitive component into the game. The rating itself is displayed in the player's profile, and in Dota 2 itself, under the "Ranked match" tab. Basically the rating is displayed as three-digit number, since an average of 25 points is given for a victory.

The developers clarified that MMR was created so that players could fill their rating and brag about it among themselves, and for global team balancing when selecting matches. The matchmaking system is designed in such a way that it selects opponents for the selected team by approximately the same number of ratings. This solved a number of balance issues in Dota 2 and introduced some filter element of newbies and more or less fired participants into the game.

Dota 2 ranked mode

Actually, it is for this mode that MMR points are given. The rating mode (matchmaking) was created specifically for more or less serious games, where gamers will give all their best. For a victory in this mode, the user, regardless of his final statistics, is awarded approximately 25 points. Accordingly, for a defeat, a similar amount is minus. Since there are two types of rating games in Dota 2, MMR is also divided into peculiar subspecies.

Team and solo MMR in Dota 2

These indicators are absolutely autonomous, and in no way depend on each other. As you know, these same two modes imply single player, in the company of completely random people with the same MMR, and surrounded by their friends invited to the lobby. When you win in a group of friends, points are counted towards the team MMR, and when you win alone, they are counted towards the solo rating. Interestingly, solo rating is considered more prestigious than team rating. This is explained by the fact that to show good game surrounded by random people is much more difficult than in the circle of your familiar teammates.

How is MMR calculated in Dota 2

On average, a user gets about 25 MMR points per win. This number varies depending on how well the matchmaking system has chosen opponents for your team. It's clear that the error always has its share, and it's rare to pick up an opponent perfectly. The convention of MMR is also significant - a person's skill is far from being determined by rating numbers. With a good balance layout, the win rate is about 50%, any deviation means that matchmaking has selected an opponent with a higher or an order of magnitude lower MMR for the user. For victory over strong enemies the weak team will receive a more valuable reward, and there is a chance to get some good loot at the end of the match.

TOP 200 gamers with the highest MMR in Dota 2

With an introduction general concept"rating" any game will strive to create its own TOP of the best players. Dota 2 is no exception. Since there are millions of users in Dota, the top consists of 200 people with the highest rating. In addition to such a wide list, the developers decided to divide the game tops into four conditional divisions, located directly relative to their geographical location. Thus, there are such TOP-200 groups:

  • Europe
  • China
  • Southeast Asia and Russia

The TOP-200 is compiled based on the selection of people with the highest solo MMR in Dota 2, not the team. Solo is considered a more valuable indicator for any participant, since winning a match in a team of long-term and skilled friends is clearly much easier than winning alone surrounded by random fellow travelers, with whom it is far from certain that you will get along. The Dota 2 contingent also implies inadequate individuals who can easily fall into your team and spoil the whole result. Thus, it is clear that it is much more difficult to get a solo rating than a team one.

All Dota 2 top 200 are updated daily at 12 noon, adding or subtracting players from different points peace. To apply to be on the list, you must complete your profile with information, open it for viewing, and do not have any penalties on your account. The main requirement is an extremely high MMR, which is able to compete with professional players from all over the world.

What MMR is considered normal (average) in Dota 2?

Before receiving your own MMR, you should pass a kind of test, which consists of ten trial games, during which it is determined general level user preparation. After playing the required number of matches, the user is given a certain indicator that he has earned throughout all the games. This allows well-trained players to move from the very initial MMR to the average, without spending much time.

The average is considered to be a rating that roughly borders between the lowest score after calibration and the highest score after calibration. this moment rated by professional players. In general, the average, or as the players themselves say, "normal" rating is uncertain. Some share only two types of indicators: primary and secondary. Only beginners and inadequate players ride on the first one, while more trained and good teammates ride on the middle one. The developers themselves have made a fairly easy scheme for determining the normal rating for the average Dota 2 player. This parameter is calculated very simply: it is taken total users of the game, and there is a percentage of players on various stages mmr. Average normal MMR data:

- 5% play at 1100MMR
- 10% - 1500
- 25% - 2000
- 50% - 2250 - average value
- 75% - 2731
- 90% - 3200
- 95% - 3900
- 99% - 4100

2250 - it is this indicator that is considered the average MMR average and normal MMR, among which more or less trained players and beginners with inadequate personalities ride - a rarity. For each player, the average MMR is determined personally, so rely on general statistics not worth it, since the error of averages has its place.