(Martes zibellina) is the pearl of the fur wealth of our country. Outside of Russia, it is found in small numbers only in China and Korea. The resources of this mustelid species, largely due to the organization of natural resources (Altaisky, Barguzinsky, Kronotsky and a number of others), which were created as “sable”, have now been restored to a level corresponding to the capacity of the land. The high price of sable fur contributes to the intensive development of its reserves, which in a number of places leads to excessive commercial pressure. In addition to the pressure of hunting, in recent decades, the influence of the processes of industrialization and urbanization of Siberia on sable populations has increased.

The level of fluctuations in the growth of sable in different regions is in the range from 22 to 142%, which is due to the cyclical nature of the main feed. The high migratory activity characteristic of sable causes a rapid leveling of its density over large areas.

Sable resources in the country have stabilized at the level of 1.1 million individuals in recent years. highest densities species are characteristic of some regions of the Middle and Southern Siberia, Far East.

It has two subspecies: stone (Martes foina) and forest ( martes martes) martens. The fur is thick, fluffy, very beautiful. In the pine marten, it is usually dark brown in color, in the stone marten it is lighter, with a fawn tint, less dense.

The pine marten prefers mature and overmature forests of the taiga type with tall, hollow trees. Since its diet is quite heterogeneous, it is characterized by smoothed natural population fluctuations. The main food of the marten is mouse-like, hazel grouse, squirrel; from vegetable feed- Rowan. During the rowan harvest years (about once every 4 years), the marten is inactive, and after such winterings, its reproduction is successful.

The resources of the pine and stone martens inhabiting the territory of Russia have not undergone significant changes in the recent period. The highest average density of martens is characteristic of the Central.

The total volume of legal production of martens is approximately 10 thousand individuals.

The stone marten is a more southern species. It inhabits the south of Russia, Southern and Central Europe, including Denmark and.

(Mustela sibirika). According to genetic characteristics, this is a representative of the genus of weasels and ferrets. The distribution area covers mainly low-mountain forest areas of the south and middle lane Siberia and the Far East, to the west it reaches the Cis-Urals. Over the past decades, the range of the column has expanded in Yakutia. This small predator is confined mainly to the forest river network; it avoids vast open spaces.

For housing, columns use the burrows of rodents - chipmunks, water voles, pikas, settle in hollows, lying logs, arrange nests among a pile of deadwood, under “eversions” - reared roots of fallen trees.

By the nature of feeding, the Siberian weasel occupies an intermediate position between typical "mouse-eaters" (weasel, ermine) and polyphagous predators (sable, marten). The basis of the nutrition of this animal is voles (including water), mice, hamsters, small birds of the passerine order. In autumn great importance in the diet, the column has anadromous fish.

Fur column is quite valuable, used both in in kind, and to imitate more expensive furs. The long tail hair is used to make high quality painting brushes.

Belongs to common predators, but its numbers have now fallen significantly due to hunting, deterioration of food resources, and destruction of habitats.

Ermine is most numerous in taiga and tundra regions. The choice of their habitat is determined by the abundance of the main food - small rodents. As a rule, the ermine prefers to settle near the water: along the banks and floodplains of rivers and streams, near forest lakes, along coastal, thickets of shrubs and reeds. In hungry and low-fed years, ermines leave their territories and sometimes move over considerable distances. Sometimes migration also causes mass reproduction of rodents in neighboring areas.

Ermine is an object of trade (fur is used as a finishing fur). Useful in the destruction of mouse-like rodents.

The number of small mustelids - column, ermine, ferret, weasel, living in the mountains, forests, open spaces, often near human habitation - is subject to large fluctuations and is closely related to fluctuations in the main types of food - small mammals(mainly rodents).

(Lepus tumidus) and hare(Lepus europaeus) - the most massive objects of hunting. The lifestyle is twilight and nocturnal. They usually move by jumping, at speeds up to 70 km per hour. Stay single.

In recent years, the number of white hare has been kept at the level of 5.0–5.7 million animals, but in the late 80s - early 90s. last century it was much higher. Over 30% of the species population is concentrated in, more than 20% in the Northwestern Federal District and more than 25% in and.

More than 50% of the territory of the range has a very low (less than 1 individual per 1 thousand ha) hare distribution density, over 30% - low (up to 3 individuals) and only 4% - very high (more than 10 individuals per 1 thousand ha).

Over the past years, the resources of the brown hare in Russia have been at the level of 800–900 thousand animals, which is 1.5–2 times lower than the annual average of 1986–1990. To date, more than 50% of the population of this species is concentrated in the territory of the Southern Federal District, 20% each in the Volga Federal District and.

The main factors limiting the number of hares are the conditions and human activities. With return spring cold weather with rain and snow, the death of the first litter of rabbits is great. In open spaces, deep snows cover branch forages and worsen nutritional conditions. Predators cause great damage - lynx, wolf, goshawk, etc. The greatest damage is caused by ownerless storage and irrational use of fertilizers and pesticides by agricultural and agricultural workers. Predatory hunting greatly undermines the population. The death of hares from helminthiases is noted.

  • take into account the impact of various hunting methods on livestock;
  • apply rational ways cultivation of agricultural fields (from the center to the periphery);
  • prohibit battue hunts and extermination hunts from vehicles;
  • regulate hunting by prey rates (up to 30% for a hare and up to 40% for a white hare) and hunting periods;
  • apply the reintroduction of hares and improve the ecological conditions of their habitat;
  • carry out top dressing, the construction of salt licks.

European, or river beaver(Castor fiber), by the beginning of the 20th century. was almost universally exterminated. But thanks to reacclimatization and the creation of special reserves and reserves, by the beginning of the 1980s. its range and abundance have been almost completely restored. At the same time, the role of the beaver in the Voronezh Reserve is especially great, sending more than 4 thousand individuals to other reserves (, Pechoro-Ilychsky, Khopersky, Mordovsky, etc.), which have become centers of the secondary settlement of this species.

On the territory of Russia (in the western part of the Republic and the Leningrad region, another species of beaver is also acclimatized - Canadian (C. canadensis).

The well-being of the beaver is determined mainly by the conditions of nutrition, hydro regime (floods or drying), as well as anthropogenic factors. In recent years, wolves have begun to prey on beavers. Stray dogs do a lot of damage to livestock.

During floods, beavers in some settlements on where the root bank is located far from the reservoir (200 m or more) experience certain difficulties. A necessary measure for their rescue is the construction of life rafts. These rafts are also used during floods by other near-water animals: otter, mink, muskrat, water vole.

In general, beaver resources have stabilized throughout the country with a slight growth trend.

Of the order of rodents, squirrels are of the greatest importance in the fur trade.

(Sciurus vulgaris) can reach high densities(up to 10 or more individuals per 100 ha of forest) due to the large mosaic nature of forest lands. Its number varies significantly with a cycle of fluctuations of 4 - 8 years, due to reasons natural character(the yield of seeds of coniferous trees) and ongoing felling of mature coniferous plantations, providing the animals with their favorite food - seeds from cones.

red fox- the largest of the foxes (in Russia, among the representatives of this kind of wolf, there are also corsac and Afghan fox). Habitats are diverse - from to deserts. Most active at dusk, lives in burrows.

Since adaptability allows the fox to successfully exist under almost all conditions, the food supply does not limit the abundance of the species. A fox is pursued by a wolf, a lynx, dogs, and especially a man. She also suffers from the epizootic of pruritic scabies, which significantly reduces the number of livestock.

In Russia, a noticeable increase in the number of foxes has been noted since the early 1990s. Throughout the Central Federal District, the population density of foxes is one of the highest in the country and is above average. In the Urals and Siberia, its density is below average, but in the south of these regions it remains at an average level. In the Far East region, the fox is not numerous.

By peer review specialists of the Central Hunting Control, the resources of the Corsac in Russia in recent years have been 20-30 thousand individuals. These indicators are significantly lower than the stocks in the 1970s–1980s, when, according to statistics, harvesting was kept on average at the level of 2.5–7.6 thousand individuals, and in fact, significantly more than 20 thousand individuals were harvested annually.
Wolves are the ancestors of the domestic dog. There are several species in the wolf family - wolf, jackal, coyote and others. The wolf (Canis lupus) lives in Russia everywhere, except for the Solovetsky Islands and some islands of the Far East and the Polar Basin. Lives in pairs, formed for life, sometimes in flocks in winter. In natural ecosystems, it plays the role of a nurse, eating weakened and sick animals, and regulates the number of ungulates. Deals damage and . Wolf hunting is allowed at any time of the year. In a number, in, almost throughout the entire territory, the wolf is completely exterminated. Some deterioration in the last decade of the food base (the number of elk and hares is small, there are almost no carcasses due to the decline in agricultural production) limits the reproduction of the wolf in Russia. Nevertheless, according to VNIIOZ estimates, the number of wolves in the country continues to be consistently high.

Since the damage to hunting and agriculture from the wolf can be very significant, a state system of measures is needed to regulate the number of this species.

(Ursus arctos) is one of the symbols of Russia and the largest predatory animal in the forest zone. It lies in winter sleep in the second half of October, sometimes later, with snowfall. Leaves the den in March-April. The bear is omnivorous, selective logging does not have a significant effect on it. Poaching causes damage to livestock everywhere.

The decrease in the number of bears that took place in the first half of the 1980s has now stopped, and the population has stabilized. Only in the Central Federal District, in some subjects (Republic of Buryatia), the North-Western Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District, the downward trend in the number of this species persists.

Wild pig, or wild boar (Sus scrofa) - the most productive hunting species of wild ungulates - belongs to non-ruminant artiodactyls and is the ancestor of domestic pigs. Wild boars live in groups (males outside the rutting period, singly) and are active at dusk and at night, omnivorous. The wild boar is one of the important objects of the trade - it gives valuable meat, skin, and bristles.

The distribution of the wild boar is mainly due to the availability of food and the protection of habitats in winter time. Animals are reluctant to leave their chosen places, even with a long pursuit. 10–20 years ago, in winter, they often arranged their days near or right in silo pits, near unharvested crop residues (animals can live up to 2–3 months near such food supplies if they are not disturbed). In the forest, they arrange their beds on anthills. March is the hardest month in a boar's life.
Due to the high ecological adaptability and the ability to restore the population through good fecundity and early breeding ability, wild boars can quickly increase their numbers. The high growth of young animals allows you to maintain high level capture (harvesting) rates for these animals (30–50% of the pre-commercial abundance).

Of all hunting animals, the wild boar is the most responsive to feeding (artificial feeding in troughs and laying fodder fields with various crops). Feeding fields serve as the basis for creating centers with an increased concentration of animals during the hunting period, and in the summer-autumn period they also perform the function of diverting animals from agricultural crops and forest plantations, to which this species can cause serious damage.

Currently, the wild boar population is emerging from the depression that engulfed it in the early and mid-1990s. The total legal production of all types of ungulates in Russia in recent years has been 100-120 thousand individuals.

Elk or Elk (Alces alces) - most large view deer and the most valuable species among wild ungulates in our country. Body length up to 3 m, height at the withers up to 2.3 m, weight up to 570 kg. It keeps singly or in groups of 5–8 (up to 20) individuals.

Characteristically, as a result of mass logging, the abundance of food for this species increases significantly (up to 20 times). Despite a significant increase in the foraging capacity of the lands in recent years, the existence of the moose is limited mainly by the quality of the food supply and factors that limit the availability of food (disturbance factor, the abundance of blood-sucking insects during the daytime). Disorganized hunting sometimes leads to forest grazing in areas where moose hunting is not carried out, as well as to a decrease in the proportion of adult females in the population (females are less shy and more attached to their habitat).

The number of moose is also subject to natural cyclical fluctuations lasting 14–18 years, associated with changes in the quantity and quality of preferred food, which in turn are associated with fluctuations in weather and climate conditions (mainly precipitation) and successional change in vegetation cover.

By the beginning of the XXI century. the density of the elk population in Russia (0.67 individuals per 1000 hectares of forest area) decreased to the level of 1956. The decline began in 1987–1991. coincided with the period of maximum rejuvenation of forest communities by industrial clearcutting in the 1960s–1970s. The main factor of this crisis is anthropogenic: overfishing, violation of the sex and age composition of the moose herd, etc.

The general decline in the number of elk, which began in 1988 and covered all regions of Russia to varying degrees, stopped by 2001. However, the general trend of decreasing density towards the borders of the range still persists. In general, the relatively low density of the elk population in Russia (about 10 times less than in the Scandinavian countries) is due to irrational hunting management and poaching.

The legal production of elk is approximately 20-25 thousand tons. individuals.

The main limiting factor for roe deer or wild goat(Capreolus capreolus) is a snow cover height of more than 50 cm, which prevents the expansion of the range to the north. Due to their high fecundity, roe deer are able to quickly increase their numbers. In terms of prey, roe deer is not inferior to elk.

After a sharp decline in the number of roe deer in the country in the second half of the 90s of the last century, the population has now stabilized. Its numbers are mainly limited by the disturbance factor and poaching.

The main limiting factors for another species of deer are wild reindeer(Rangifer tarandus) - are: the press of predators (mainly the wolf), snowy winters (mass death from exhaustion); return of cold weather in spring (death of young animals); anthropogenic factor. Wild reindeer resources are almost universally misused. "Planned", legal extraction of animals is not much different from poaching and is carried out the same - with the use of helicopters. Moreover, in many regions of Russia, the extermination of individual populations is methodical and massive. The defragmentation of landscapes by pipelines, which disrupt the migration routes of this species, has also become a serious problem.

The population density of the red deer (Cervus elaphus) almost throughout the entire country is currently several times lower than possible. The main reason for this is poaching. In the biotopes inhabited by deer, the competition for deer is sika deer, elk, and roe deer.

(Tetrastes bonasia), a bird of the grouse family of the order Galliformes. Body length 35–37 cm, weight 350–500 g. Distributed in Russia - from the western border to; in forests North Caucasus and missing. The hazel grouse lives settled, makes only short fodder migrations. They settle in separate pairs in damp cluttered conifers (spruce-fir) or. In winter, hazel grouses feed on trees with catkins of birch, alder, etc., and spend the night in the snow. The main food in the summer: green parts of plants, berries, seeds and insects. The hazel grouse is a valuable game bird.

(Tetrao urogallus), a bird of the grouse family of the order Galliformes. Males weigh an average of 4100 g, females - 2000 g. Sedentary bird, but sometimes makes seasonal migrations. Inhabits coniferous, mixed and Europe and Asia. The area of ​​distribution and the number of capercaillie over the past 100 - 200 years has greatly decreased, in some places it has disappeared. In Russia, as deforestation progresses, the capercaillie retreats to the north; in a number of areas in the south of the forest zone, it has completely disappeared. During the mating season, from year to year they gather in the same places - currents. Food - in summer, plant shoots, flowers, buds, berries, in chicks - insects, spiders; in autumn - larch needles, in winter - pine and spruce needles, buds. Capercaillie is an object of sports, in some places commercial hunting.

(Tetrao), like the capercaillie, belongs to the grouse order. The best known are the black grouse (Tetrao or Lyrurus tetrix) with a lyre-shaped tail, the Caucasian grouse (Tetrao mlokossewiczi), the common grouse, the field grouse (Tetrao Tetrix), the Polish, the field, the birch, the polyukh. The male scythe is a rather slender bird with a strong beak, legs feathered not only to the fingers, but also between them, short wings, blunt and trough-like concave from the inside. The tail of males has a characteristic deep notch. The plumage of males is generally black; head, neck and Bottom part the back is blue, there is a white band on the wings, the lower plumage of the tail is clean white. The area of ​​distribution of the kosach occupies the whole of Europe and Siberia. In place of the kosach, the Caucasian black grouse, which is related to it, was discovered only in 1875. Kosach prefers wild, decayed forests, rich in low shrubs, birch is his favorite tree. He also loves swampy areas, although he does not actually occur in him. He is more dexterous than a capercaillie. Very sensitive, his eyesight and hearing are excellent. Food consists of buds and leaves of trees, berries, grains and insects. In summer, he eats blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, blackberries, in winter - juniper berries, heather buds, birch, beech, and sometimes green cones of coniferous trees, he never touches needles. The chicks are fed exclusively on insects.










Release 9

In the years
information and analytical materials

Edited by

Moscow 2010


This publication presents a series devoted to the problems rational use hunting resources. The series covers issues of monitoring, resettlement, the results of assessments of the number of hunting resources and other topics related to the sustainable use of hunting resources.

The purpose of the series is to inform hunting specialists, game scientists, zoologists about the state of game fauna resources, protection and rational use of their populations.

Editorial team


UDC 639.05.053

THE STATE OF HUNTING RESOURCES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Information-analytical materials. // Game animals of Russia (biology, protection, resource science, rational use) Issue 9. M .: Physical Culture, 20s.

The data on the abundance and production of the main types of hunting resources in the years are presented. at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation and in Russia as a whole. An analysis of the current state of the main types of hunting resources is given. Given general characteristics work on state monitoring of hunting resources in the Russian Federation, the volumes of materials used to assess the state of hunting animal resources.

Tab. 35, ill. 64.

ISBN 0159-0© FGU Tsentrokhotkontrol, 2011

Introduction ()……..………………………………..……….…..

Works on state monitoring of hunting resources

in the Russian Federation in ()………….….…

1. Noble deer ()…...…………….………….…....…..

2. Roe deer ().………...…………………..……...………...

3. Boar ()...…………….……………….…..…….………...

4. Elk ()….………….………………………….…………..

5. Musk deer ()……………………………………………………….…

6. Wild reindeer ()....………………...…………...

7. Sika deer ()..……………………………………...

8. Tours, chamois, bighorn sheep, Siberian ibex ()………

9. Saiga ().………………………….…….………………...

10. Musk ox ()..……………………….……….……………….…

11. Sable ()..………………………….….…………………....

12. Lynx (,) ...………………………….....….……

13. Beaver ()………………………….….………………………..

14. Otter ()………………….............………………………....

15. Squirrel ()…………..……...…….….……………………...….

16. Ermine ()..……….……………………………….……

17. White hare ()………..….……………………….……....…...

18. Hare ()………..….…………………….………....…...

19. Column ()………….…….……………….………...…..….

20. Korsak ().….………..………………...…………….….

21. Martens ()..……………..……………..……….….……...….

22. Fox ()…………..………………….…..………..….

23. Wolverine ()..……….…………………..….………….…..

24. Hori ()………………………...……..…….………..…..…

25. Wolf ()..…………………………………………..……...….

26. Brown bear ()..…………………………………...…..…

27. White-chested (Himalayan) bear ()...……….….…..….

28. Badger ()………………………………..………………..….

29. Raccoon dog ()…………………………..….…..…..

30. Groundhog ()……...……………………..………..….…

31. Capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse ()………………….…….…

32. Woodcock (,


33. Swamp-meadow game (,


34. Comprehensive analysis of the state of hunting resources

in the Russian Federation in ().…….……..

Appendix (population density maps of ungulates) …..


This collection continues the series "Hunting Animals of Russia" in terms of resource science and rational use, launched by FGU "Tsentrokhotkontrol" in 2000.

The proposed collection contains information and analytical materials containing information on the number, limits of production, as well as the actual production of the main types of hunting resources concentrated in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in the whole of the Russian Federation in the years. An analysis of the current state of the main types of hunting resources is given.

The collection consists of several parts - characteristics state system monitoring in Russia, species-specific sections prepared by specialists from FGU "Tsentrokhotkontrol", a comprehensive analysis of the state and use of hunting resources in the Russian Federation in the years. The appendix contains cartographic materials on the population density of the main types of hunting resources on the territory of the Russian Federation.



The main task of state monitoring in the Russian Federation is to timely identify changes in the populations of game animals, to provide state authorities with complete, reliable data on the state, population dynamics, and distribution of game animals in Russia in order to make decisions in the field of hunting and conservation of hunting resources.

The state of the resources of game animals living on the territory of the Russian Federation is constantly changing, therefore, annual monitoring of their numbers is a necessary and indispensable condition for obtaining reliable data. Violation of the annual rhythm of recording and processing the results obtained can lead to a loss of control over the processes occurring in the populations of game animals, since important "peak" and "depressive" years for many species of game animals can be missed.

Of all the variety of existing accounting methods for the regional level, the method of winter route accounting (ZMU) is mandatory. ZMU is currently used in almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation. For the majority of species of game animals inhabiting the European part of Russia, ZMU makes it possible to obtain, at the level of municipalities and at the regional level, absolute numbers with a high degree accuracy that does not require additional adjustments. For the rest of Russia, ZMU can be used both to receive absolute indicators, and to obtain an "estimated" number at the regional level. In both cases, this method makes it possible to use the obtained information to determine the dynamics of the number of species.

The ZMU method is complex, allowing to estimate the resources of 23 species of game animals and 6 species of game birds, has a well-developed theoretical base, and does not require large financial costs.

In addition to the ZMU, censuses are used by the method of running on test sites, by concentrations, on feeding grounds, etc. These methods allow obtaining accurate data in small areas corresponding to the scale of a separate hunting area, and also allow for these areas to correct the data obtained from the results ZMU.

According to the types of hunting resources that do not fall under the above accounting methods: brown and white-breasted bears, beaver, otter, mountain ungulates (Caucasian and Dagestan turs, chamois, bighorn sheep, Siberian ibex), saiga, etc. accounts or expert assessments.

In the period from 2008 to 2010, full-scale aerial surveys were not carried out in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In connection with the transfer of powers to maintain state records to the regional level, aerial records are not funded from the federal budget, and most regional budgets do not plan funds for these activities.

Large-scale aerial survey work, which was carried out in the years. in most regions of Russia, made it possible to obtain reliable estimates of the number at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation for elk, wild reindeer, and roe deer. With the help of these counts, the number of wild reindeer was specified in 12 subjects of the Russian Federation. Comparison of the results of elk counts obtained from aerial surveys and ZMU confirmed that in 48 out of 52 regions where aerial surveys were carried out, there are no significant differences between the estimates obtained using these methods. The number obtained according to the results of the ZMU is objective and corresponds to reality.

Every year, information from the state monitoring of the number of game animals coming from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is summarized and analyzed at the Federal State Institution "Tsentrokhotkontrol". Information base, stored in the Federal State Institution "Centrokhotkontrol", is annually updated with new data arrays. Only ZMU receives information contained in more than 50 thousand registration cards and in more than 10 thousand tracking cards. Figures 1 and 2 show data on the volume of incoming accounting material for ZMU from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the FGU "Tsentrokhotkontrol" for the period of years.

Data on the number, which have been generalized and analyzed at the FGU "Tsentrokhotkontrol", receive the status of official. Subsequently, this information is used by authorities state power for planning, carrying out economic, security measures in the field of hunting and conservation of hunting resources, in state reports on the state of the environment natural environment Russian Federation, Rosstat materials, as well as in other official documents.

In the period from the volume of information provided on production from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has significantly decreased. Data on the harvest of most species of fur-bearing animals, bears, wolves, game birds from the subjects of the Russian Federation either ceased to be received at all, or are not received in full. There was practically no monitoring of the wolf. The implementation of a full monitoring of mountain ungulates was difficult for a number of objective reasons in the North Caucasus Federal District.

Rice. 1. Number of registered routes covered in Russia as a whole

in 2000 - 2010

Rice. 2. The number of trailing performed in Russia as a whole in 2000 - 2010

Due to the fact that, in accordance with the current legislation, the authorized bodies do not conduct monitoring in territories that have the status of protected areas of federal significance, therefore, they do not always have complete information by the number of game animals in the whole region.

In order to carry out a full-fledged monitoring of the state of game animals in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to take urgent measures in the very near future to establish on the entire territory of Russia unified system accounting, which allows to carry out accounting work according to uniform, approved methods. In addition, it is necessary to organize a system for collecting, processing, providing and storing monitoring information according to uniform approved standards.

Improving the state monitoring of hunting resources in Russia should follow the path of improving accounting methods through the introduction modern technologies, which will significantly reduce the cost of work, minimize subjective factors that arise during accounting work, allow you to record the received materials on electronic media, and significantly increase the accuracy and objectivity of the data obtained.

Improving the quality of state monitoring of the number in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in Russia as a whole is not possible without well-established control over accounting work.

1. NOBLE DEER (Cervus elaphus L., 1758)

Post-harvesting number of red deer in Russia in the years. was 180-190 thousand individuals (Table 1.), (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. Dynamics of the number and prey of the red deer in Russia

In the regions Central, Northwestern, Volga Federal Districts As a result of many years of work on acclimatization (reacclimatization), the number of red deer is currently about 12.0 thousand individuals, of which about 8.5 thousand live in the Central Federal District. The limiting factor for the wide distribution of deer is the height of the snow cover. On the territory of Vladimir, Moscow, Smolensk, Tver, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Samara and other regions, where the average duration of snow cover is from 120-160 days, with a snow depth of more than 40 cm, deer exist mainly due to winter feeding. As a result, in the regions of these districts, especially in winter, the placement of red deer is confined mainly to the territories of hunting farms; in the Moscow region, they live in hunting farms of 13 districts, in other regions, as a rule, no more than in hunting farms of 4-6 districts.

The patchy nature of the distribution is the main reason for the low accuracy of estimates of the number of deer obtained with the WPW. To determine the number of reindeer in the regions of these federal districts, more reliable results are obtained by on-farm accounting methods, as a rule, counting by run, counting at feeding grounds, as well as materials from surveys of employees of hunting farms (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 2.2. The dynamics of the number of roe deer in the Central, North-Western,

Volga and Southern federal districts

IN Northwestern Federal District continues to increase European roe deer, by an average of 4.6% compared to 2009, mainly due to the Pskov (6.3%) and Kaliningrad regions (2.8%), where the main livestock is concentrated. The number of European roe deer is also growing in the Novgorod region (10.2%), however, its population density here, on the outskirts of the range, remains low (2.6 individuals per 1000 ha of the total area).

IN North Caucasian Federal District in most regions, there is a positive dynamics in the number of roe deer, on average by 3%. The largest increase in the number was noted in the Republic of Dagestan (5.7%). The calculation of the number of roe deer in the district was carried out on the basis of regional data, except for the Republic of Chechnya, where, due to special conditions, an expert estimate of the number obtained from a specially authorized body is used.

IN Southern Federal District According to the expert assessment of regional bodies, it follows that the number of European roe deer, compared to 2009, has stabilized, but the trends in individual regions are multipolar. In most regions, an increase in the number of roe deer is observed. The negative dynamics of the population of the species was noted in the Krasnodar Territory (-7.7%) and the Republic of Adygea (-15%), but nevertheless, the number of European roe deer even in these regions did not go beyond the limits obtained in 2008.

IN Volga Federal The district continued to grow in the number of Siberian roe deer, which averaged 8%. The maximum increase in the number fell on the Republic of Udmurtia (33%).

A sharp decline wild boar population in the regions of the North Caucasus and Southern federal districts is associated with the implementation of the “Plan of recommended measures for monitoring the epizootic situation for African swine fever, reducing the number and depopulation” developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in 2008 wild boars on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included (at that time - author's note) in the Southern federal district».

Volga Federal District is in second place in Russia in terms of wild boar stocks. Settled in a number of regions of the district in the early 70s of the last century, it became a common and quite numerous species of hunting fauna.

In general, in the district for the period from 2008 to 2010. the number of wild pigs increased by more than 37% and in 2010 amounted to 85.4 thousand individuals.

On the territory of the district, the wild boar is located everywhere, but with different densities. Samara, Saratov and Orenburg regions stand out with the highest population density of wild boar per 1000 hectares of forest land, where they are 11.65, 13.05 and 6.17 individuals, respectively.

The number of wild boar in the Republic of Bashkortostan is growing rapidly. Here, from 2008 to 2010, the number of livestock increased by 2 times, and between the decline in numbers in 2003 and the current state, the increase in numbers was almost 10-fold.

By Ural Federal District the growth rate of the wild boar has noticeably decreased, and in 2010 compared to the previous year it was only + 2%.

In the regions of the district, the resettlement of the wild boar began in the 70s of the twentieth century. Until the mid-80s, the population density of the species had minimal values ​​and amounted, for example, in the Chelyabinsk region - 0.04 individuals per 1000 ha of forest land, Sverdlovsk - 0.02 ind. / 1000 ha. At present, these figures are 1.04 ind./1000 ha and 0.97 ind./1000 ha, respectively.

In 2010, an increase in the number was noted in the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions and Khanty-Mansiysk a. o., but the increase in numbers in 2010 compared to 2009 is not as significant as it happened in past years. For example, the increase in the number in 2009 compared to 2008 in the Sverdlovsk region was 46%, in 2010 to 2009 - only 13%, in the Chelyabinsk region - 32% and 5%%, respectively.

In the Khanty-Mansiysk a. O. wild boar lives only in the southern regions of the district and is dispersed, in small groups. Currently, there is a tendency to expand the range.

The territory of the Ural Federal District is characterized by harsh conditions for the wild boar. Frosty and often snowy winters have the most negative effect on the condition of wild boar groups.

Fund of hunting animals. The fauna of game animals of the Russian Federation is an integral part of the economic potential of our state, and its reserves are considered the fund of game animals. In the production of sport hunting, animals and birds are the main objects from which they receive hunting products. Until recently, fishing farms, in addition to obtaining hunting products of animal origin, were engaged in the collection and processing of plant materials, carrying out, in fact, an integrated nature management.

The Russian Federation has an exceptionally diverse and rich hunting fauna. Animals that are hunted include the following:

mammals moles (2 species), flying squirrel, common squirrel, chipmunk, marmots (3 species), ground squirrels (9 species), dormouse dormouse, beavers (2 species), gray and black rats, mole rat, large jerboa, Altai zokor, common hamster, water vole, muskrat, hares (4 species), wolf, jackal, red fox, arctic fox (except for the Commander subspecies), corsac, raccoon dog (with the exception of areas of the natural range - Primorye, Amur region), brown bear (with the exception of the Tien Shan and Transcaucasian), striped raccoon, weasels, solongoy, forest and steppe hori, European and American mink, sable, pine and stone marten, marten, ermine, weasel, wolverine, badger, otter (except for the Caucasian subspecies), lynx, house (jungle cat), wild boar, musk deer, roe deer, red deer (with the exception of Bukhara), elk, reindeer (except for the Novaya Zemlya subspecies), saiga, chamois, Siberian mountain goat, bighorn sheep (with the exception of the Putoran subspecies);

birds white and tundra partridge, black grouse, common and stone capercaillie, hazel grouse, quail, mute quail, keklik, desert partridge, Himalayan snowcock, pheasant, gray and bearded partridge, goose goose, gray and white-fronted geese, pis-kulka, black goose, shelduck, mallard, black mallard, gray duck, wigeon, killer whale, pintail, whistling teal, cracked teal, kloktun teal, shoveler, kamenushka, long-tailed duck, goldeneye, red-nosed, red-headed and white-eyed pochards, crested and sea blacks, common and Pacific bluegill, common and hook-nosed scoter, comb eider, spectacled and small eider, common eider (shooting of the eider is prohibited, organized collection of down is carried out), grebes (4 species, except for lesser), red-throated and black-throated diver, great bering and small cormorants, guillemots (2 species), puffins, puffins, large and long-nosed mergansers, slut, Far Eastern and medium curlews, woodcocks, Asian and common snipes, common and forest snipe, turukhtan, garnish, large and small godwit, gyrfalcon, avdotka, black-bellied and white-bellied grouse, common saja, coot, corncrake, gray, rocky and brown pigeons, common, large and ringed turtledoves, stock dove, wood pigeon.

In the Russian Federation, hunting objects are approved by the decision of local authorities, their lists are placed in the regional hunting rules. One or another animal in one locality can be numerous and defined as an object of hunting, and in another - protected.

The hunting fund does not include wild animals that are legally kept in captivity and for which funds and human labor are spent on care, as well as domestic animals. The legal protection of animals in captivity is carried out in other forms and in accordance with other legislation, i.e. at the level of property, a social thing, and their extraction is qualified as theft of state and public property. The hunting fund also does not include marine mammals- whales, dolphins, seals, etc.

Hunting products. Hunting products include everything that is obtained in hunting farms. These are skins of valuable fur-bearing animals (furs), meat and game products (meat of wild animals and birds), raw hides (skins of wild ungulates), medicinal raw materials (antlers of deer), musk (musky glands of musk deer, beaver), fluff and feather of a bird. , trophies (horns, fangs, skulls, etc.).

Fur raw materials consider furs, fur raw materials and skins of marine animals, from which various fur products are made.

Fur raw materials these are undressed skins of fur-bearing animals obtained by hunting or obtained by cellular breeding. Winter types of furs (obtained in winter): sea otter, otter, freestyle (European) mink, caged (American) mink, river beaver, nutria, muskrat, desman, brown, black and white bear, wolverine, badger, Ussuri raccoon , all types of foxes (red, krestovka, gray fox, black-brown, silver-black, silver-black white-faced, platinum, platinum-white-faced, snowy), wolf, jackal, corsac, arctic fox (white and blue), striped raccoon, sable, marten (soft, highland), kidus, kharza, polecat (light, dark, dressing), column, solongoy, ermine, weasel, tiger, cheetah, wild cat (forest, reed, Far Eastern, caracal, manul, steppe), snow leopard, leopard, lynx, hare (hare, hare, sandstone), long-tailed chinchilla, squirrels, flying squirrels.

The assignment of a particular species according to the classification in the composition of fur raw materials does not mean that hunting is allowed for it.

Spring types of furs: skins of marmot, tarbagan, mole, chipmunk, water and barn rat, pika, gerbil, mole rat, zokor, hamster, ground squirrel of all kinds, dormice regiment, i.e. animals harvested in spring and summer.

Cage fur farming is recognized to fill the deficit of natural fur resources and meet the needs of domestic and foreign market in natural furs. The objects of fur farming are mainly representatives of the Carnivorous order - foxes, arctic foxes, minks, sables, raccoon dogs. Of the rodents, nutria, beavers, and muskrats are successfully bred in cages. In recent years, experiments have been carried out on breeding trochees, columns, lynxes, river otter, sea otter and a number of other valuable animals.

Along with fur farming, a significant contribution to the enrichment of the fauna of game animals is made by game breeding - keeping various hunting animals and birds in the nurseries of hunting farms on special farms of breeding stock, rearing the resulting offspring to a certain age with subsequent release into hunting grounds. Released animals quickly run wild and become objects of hunting.

TO fur raw materials include undressed skins of domestic animals, also divided into winter and spring types. The skins of dogs, cats, rabbits are winter. The spring species include the skins of calves of cattle and reindeer (bastard, fawn, neblyuy), skins of goats, foals and lambs. Moreover, the skins of lambs of astrakhan and astrakhan breeds are isolated into a separate, especially valuable group of raw materials.

The skins of various marine animals are also distinguished into a separate group of fur raw materials.

In order to obtain predominantly meat products, hunting is carried out for a number of species of wild animals, primarily ungulates (elk, reindeer, wild boar, saiga, deer, red deer, musk deer), as well as bear, hare, etc. Depending on local traditions quite edible meat of beaver, badger, lynx, marmot, muskrat, squirrel is also used. The fat of many game animals is also a marketable product of the trade, which is allowed to be sold on collective farm markets if there is a certificate confirming the species origin of the fat and issued by a veterinarian. The fat of a bear, a badger, and some species of marmots is especially valued. However, the most important products of the crafts are the meat of wild animals, which is classified as a dietary product; it is consumed mainly fresh (winter production).

Many species of feathered game are objects of commercial and sport hunting. Special meaning has an order of Chick-like (primarily wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse, white and tundra partridge). Among the subfamily of ducks, mallard, gray duck, wigeon, shoveler, teal, pintail are predominant. Predominantly for sport hunting, the use of resources of waders (woodcock, curlew, snipe, great snipe), shepherd birds (coot, corncrake) is typical.

The most promising objects for game breeding are considered to be game birds: pheasants, partridges and waterfowl. In Russia, pheasants were bred at the beginning of the 19th century. Since the 1950s 20th century mass work began on breeding pheasants, gray and Dahurian partridges, Japanese quail, mallard ducks. Currently, experiments are underway to breed capercaillie, black grouse, gray geese, eiders.

Depending on the habitat, game birds are divided into upland(forest), marsh, waterfowl, steppe And mountain; in size for large And small.

According to the methods of extraction, game is divided into shot And caught into traps (pressed). The best quality is the shot game of winter or late autumn prey.

Hunting and fishing enterprises organize the collection and procurement of products mainly of the following classification groups: nuts and berries, mushrooms, medicinal and technical raw materials.

A special place among hunting products is occupied by antlers - non-ossified antlers of sika deer, as well as two subspecies of red deer - deer and wapiti. The contents of the antlers (blood-gelatinous mass) are used for the manufacture of a number of valuable medical preparations, in particular pantocrine. Panty is obtained by shooting male deer (pantaches) in May-July. Such a hunt is called antlers, and hunters are called antlers. Hunting requires high professionalism, since at this time the deer are extremely cautious and live in the most remote corners of the land. At present, the bulk of antlers are obtained in captive and semi-free keeping of animals.

Every man has experienced excitement in his life, even playing football, even in snowball fights, even doing arm wrestling. There are moments when the desire to be the first, to be the winner prevails over all others. Hunting animals is directly related to this feeling.

To walk a couple of tens of kilometers through a windbreak or snowdrifts in search of traces of wild animals, one is not enough. If you use a smoothbore gun as a weapon, hunting turns into a real competition with nature. The range of effective combat does not exceed eighty meters, and you need to use all your strength, cunning and skill to get close to the distance of a shot to an animal or bird that is initially faster, hears and smells better.

Types of hunting

This occupation implies a search, tracking down the beast, pursuit, followed by capture or killing. There are the following types of hunting:

  • fishing,
  • sports,
  • amateur.

Commercial hunting for animals involves the destruction of animals in order to obtain feathers, fur, meat, bones, horns, fat, etc. In the Soviet Union, there was a chain of stores "Gifts of Nature", where you could buy capercaillie or wild boar meat, animal skins, etc. .

In the sporting direction, the goal is to show and train your hunting skills. To give this case greater visibility and effectiveness, a beacon is attached to a pre-captured animal. Sometimes the animal simply receives a dose of sleeping pills, not lead. There are baits on which dogs are trained, and in sport hunting there is such an opportunity for people.

A matter for the soul

Recreational hunting for animals is an activity for individuals and small groups of people who have bought a license. Hunters in this case have the primary goal of having a good time in nature, the prey of the animal is not the determining factor. They regularly buy licenses, measure kilometers through forests, swamps and steppes, and enjoy nature, taking a break from their city routine. After all, a hunter is a poetic nature, very fond of wildlife. Even winter hunting with its snowdrifts, cold and blizzards will not frighten a person, because such an activity is a passion!

Like fishing

Professional hunting was very developed in the Soviet Union. Now it is no longer being done on such a scale. In addition to the extraction of skins, meat, etc., hunting has other goals. It happens that as a result of small natural disasters or the harmful influence of man, they begin to dominate the territory and exterminate others. The efforts of professional hunters are required to regulate the population.

Professionals have remarkable patience, in addition to the gun, they use snares, traps and other traps. This method is not so exciting, but in terms of efficiency it is not inferior to the others, and sometimes even surpasses.

Also, hunting skills are required to catch the animal alive for zoos, circuses, species relocation.

seasonal hunting

Fishing for different animals and birds is open depending on the season. Hunting times depend on mating periods animals and the time it takes to raise young animals. Also sometimes on over-bred species. Such an occupation is a way of regulating the population.

Spring is a season that is always debated. This period is mating season for most animals and birds, and their number per square kilometer increases sharply. Many are in favor of a complete ban on shooting game during this period, but hunting is open for at least 10 days.

Summer is the time to put the hunting tool in order, take the dog to the ground. During these months, hunting for fur-bearing animals, as a rule, is closed, moles, ground squirrels are mined, roundups of wolves and selective shooting of roe deer and elk are organized. In August, hunting for upland game is opened and bears are on the lookout.

The main value in modern world- this is life, therefore, in order to keep a weapon with you, you must either work in law enforcement, or be a military man, bodyguard or hunter. A hunting license will cost some money, depending on the animal you are going to hunt. But it's worth it!

Even if you didn’t shoot anyone, walking through the forest with a gun on your shoulder, a faithful barking friend, fresh air, birds singing in the early morning, the rustle of a hare in the bushes - all this will give an unforgettable experience, awaken the primitive male hunter!

In the early nineties, the economy and the whole content of life changed radically in our country. There are new opportunities for entrepreneurship, including in the field of hunting and game management.

Part one.

In the early nineties, the economy and the whole content of life changed radically in our country. New business opportunities have emerged, including
in the field of hunting and hunting economy. In addition, hunting has become incomparably more accessible in other countries. It is clear that for visiting hunters this pleasure is paid, and for the host side it is a complicated, but quite effective business. Moreover, the experience of countries where it has been well developed for a long time shows that the hunting industry is more profitable than traditional agriculture.

In a number of African countries, the intensity of logging is significantly reduced in order to preserve forests as a habitat for game animals. During foreign hunts (especially the first ones), most of our compatriots experience serious shocks. It is clear that in Africa there is a sea of ​​​​unseen animals, but this is expected and well known. However, when in European countries- Spain, Sweden, Austria, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, etc. - you catch dozens of ungulates and hundreds of hunting birds in one day, you begin to seriously think about how they manage to do it.
Probably, everyone has heard about the Spanish Montereys, during which about a hundred (!) Animals are hunted in one large corral: European red deer, fallow deer, mouflon and wild boars. These hunts are carried out in compliance with traditional rituals - with bonfires, musical accompaniment and others. A festive dinner is also an indispensable part of the ritual.

As a rule, hunting participants are offered to hunt for red partridges. No one refuses such an invitation. Usually, each guest is given two identical shotguns, five hundred rounds of ammunition and a secretary - loader.
With the beginning of the corral, partridges go in an increasing shaft. Secretaries sometimes barely manage to reload their guns. Compatriots who are not accustomed to such an abundance of game simply "go crazy". Can we ever get several hundred heads of game in a couple of hours?!
Incredibly productive hunting for ungulates in private farms in Sweden comes to mind (“ROG” No. 51, 2011). On an area of ​​​​less than three thousand hectares, without any barriers, hundreds of ungulates kept. With very strict restrictions on the sex and age of animals of each species allowed for prey, at least twenty ungulates were taken in each hunt. different types(moose, European red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, wild boar).
Such a number of animals in relatively small areas can be grown and kept thanks to high-quality and varied top dressing. In addition to the abundance of animals, the Swedish hunts are amazing in the presence of very good roads And technical support. Here are radio communications for all participants in the hunt (including dogs), and vehicles, including special ones, with winches for pulling hunted animals from hard-to-reach places, and cars with warm booths for transporting dogs, and cars that transport shooters to half-rigs before the start of hunting and collect after. Quantity service personnel greatly outnumbers the hunters. On the bases where hunters are received, impeccable living conditions and absolutely luxurious food and service are provided.
Vivid impressions were left from hunting for red partridges and pheasants in the grounds of the Montefeltro company in the northern part of Italy. Each of the fifteen hunters was given a pair of guns and one secretary (assistant) who loaded them. There were three paddocks. Each hunter fired approximately 200 shots. It is clear that the effectiveness of shooting was mainly determined by the shooting skills of the guests. The flight of the bird was so intense that it was impossible to touch the barrels of guns, and the secretaries did not always have time to load. The general atmosphere of the hunt caused extraordinary excitement even among seasoned hunters. The traditional laying out of the game and then a sumptuous dinner with the organizers of the hunt were a wonderful end to this rare holiday.
It is impossible to forget the exciting hunts in Germany, when four dozen animals were hunted in one pen.
These amazing hunts make you think about an important question: how does a small industrial developed countries with a high population density to host annually tens of thousands of foreign hunters? A well-developed service sector for "expensive" hunters provides fantastically interesting and very eventful hunts. Their organizers manage to turn every hunt into an unforgettable holiday, colored with national color. Due to what is it possible to provide them all with fabulously lucrative hunting? The answer lies on the surface. hunting grounds are engaged in raising wild animals (ungulates and birds) intended for hunting in the same way as peasant livestock breeders do. As the necessary conditions are reached, the animals go "for sale" - they are released into the hunting grounds.

It is characteristic that the forms of keeping hunting and ordinary domestic animals almost completely coincide. These basic forms are essentially three: captive, semi-free and free. Birds - ducks, partridges, pheasants - are almost always bred in enclosures. However, they don't get there right away. Usually it all starts with modern large incubators, which are used in poultry farms. In large European farms, several tens of thousands of birds are bred per year. After the incubator, the chicks are kept in rooms with special conditions. For the nutrition of young animals, special feeds are prepared. Approximately three weeks old chickens are transferred to open enclosures. A high concentration of birds requires careful veterinary supervision and periodic vaccination, since in such conditions the chances of losing livestock from an epizootic are very high. In addition, growing birds must be forced to move - first to run, and then to fly. There are also a number of specific problems. For example, as pheasant cockerels mature, they become so pugnacious that they can beat an opponent to death. To prevent fights, they put on special "glasses".
Ungulates have long been grown in closed enclosures. The first "enclosures" for wild animals, man began to build, probably in the Neolithic. All civilizations ancient world, about which we know at least something, were associated with hunting and keeping wild animals in captivity. In Western European countries, the enclosure of game animals has been rapidly developing since the beginning of the 16th century.