They were brought together by Shakespeare and Kozintsev. Oleg Dal starred in Kozintsev's "King Lear", played the role of the Jester. And Lisa worked on this picture as an editor. It was 1969.

Then, when they get married, Dal will tell that there, in Narva, as soon as he saw her walking down the corridor, he immediately thought: “This will be my woman.” He didn't know anything about her yet. I didn't even know they were on the same film crew.

Then Oleg came to St. Petersburg and called her home. He asked: "What are you doing?" “We drink vodka with Dovlatov. Come," she said.

The three of them sat, and Lisa saw that Dal wanted to sit out Dovlatov, and Dovlatov - Dal. And she whispered in Dahl's ear: "Leave together, but you come back." And I saw in his eyes that he did not like it terribly. Then, when I got to know Dahl well, I realized that he did not like and did not know how to cheat. Never and in nothing. Even in small things. So: Oleg Dal and Serezha Dovlatov left together, and then Dal called Lisa from a machine. He asked very sternly: "Well, what do you say?". She simply said, "Come." He came.

And at five in the morning I woke up her mother and asked for her daughter's hand. Lisa was shocked. Why get married, you can just be together. But Dahl said responsibly and seriously: “Nah, in this country you need a stamp in your passport. Otherwise, it's humiliating. We will go on tour together with you, settle in hotels.

He was a very responsible person. To scrupulousness.

The first telegram she received from him (not yet married): "Let me kiss you." And then there were his miracle letters. He liked to write to her from the tour. I could just write one sentence: “I dream of you cheerful and in a sundress.”

When Dal and Lisa got married, they began to change the St. Petersburg apartment for Moscow. Changed for a long time, two years. Then the devil lived where, in settlements. The apartment was tiny, the audibility was terrible. A neighbor complained in all seriousness: "Your kittens are stomping and disturbing my sleep." Lisa recalled: "We lived there four of us: Oleg, me, my mother and a sense of humor."

And then there was an apartment on Smolensky Boulevard. Three rooms, a huge hall, and you go up to the window - a lot of sky and roof. Dahl said: “This is not an apartment. This is a dream".

Then they made him an office out of the hall. And Dahl's happiness became transcendental. He could now, when he wanted, be alone with himself. Read. Wrote. Drew. Listened to music.

Sometimes he would say to Liza ceremoniously: “Madame! You are free for today. I will be writing all night. And then I’ll fall asleep here, in the office, on the couch.” The mother-in-law, Olga Borisovna, exclaimed: “Olezhenka! The sofa is narrow! “I am also narrow,” Dal reassured his mother-in-law.

By the way, about the mother-in-law. Olga Borisovna Eikhenbaum was the daughter of an outstanding philologist, world-famous scientist Boris Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum. Lisa was 22 years old when her grandfather died. And ten years later she met Dahl.

And when she met Dahl, she immediately felt that she had returned home. To grandfather. So grandfather bowed to women. So he walked. So sorry. So punned.

Dahl often asked his wife and mother-in-law about Boris Mikhailovich. And Lermontov got carried away because of Eichenbaum.

Oleg was tenderly friends with his mother-in-law. He called her Olga.

(I understood a long time ago: two things do a man. Serious attitude to business. And gentle - to a woman. Oleg Dal was serious about his profession. And very gently - to women.)

Olga Borisovna Eikhenbaum died on August 8, 1999. She left very easily. Not burdening the daughter with their illnesses, torments, anxieties. As she lived, so she died.

And a year after the death of her mother, Lisa began to fuss about the monument to Olechka. On Novodevichy Liza they said: let's five thousand dollars, we will start the conversation with this. Lisa lived only on her pension. She didn’t have five, but a thousand dollars. Well, she went to Dahl's grave, sat down, wept, and as she was leaving, she stumbled upon some kind of desk there, on Vagankovsky. Maybe order a monument to your mother here? She showed the workers photos of the graves (my son-in-law and mother-in-law are buried nearby). She didn't say who she was. But the workers saw the inscription on the monument to Oleg.

And something happened to the workers when they realized who in question. Something happened to the eyes.

The workers themselves thoroughly and thoughtfully began to choose a monument. We settled on white marble. They took 3 (three) thousand rubles from Liza. Issued a receipt. They said they would call in two weeks.

They called a day later. Lisa came to the cemetery. The monument has been erected. The paths are swept. Workers in black ironed suits. “Almost in tuxedos, can you imagine,” Lisa told me. Next to the large, Siberian granite monument to Oleg, a small, white marble monument to Olechka. They were like that in life: tall and small.

“And you know what shocked me the most? Lisa said. - The workers put a bouquet of cornflowers on Olechka's grave. I do not know the names of these workers. Never saw them again. But I’m sure they did it for Oleg.”

Lisa outlived Oleg by twenty-two years.

For twenty-two years she kept the memory of him. No tantrums. Without clamor. No strain. No public work.

She just loved him. Like he didn't die. Her love for him was quiet, restrained, strict, lively, warm, delicate.

Lisa never hung out anywhere. I wasn't looking for the right contacts. She did not play the role of an inconsolable widow. A Lately hardly left the house.

But when she came to Oleg's grave, she always met people there. Once she told me: “You know, Oleg’s people didn’t let go.”

One day I approached her in the cemetery unknown girl and asked: “Do you know that Oleg Menshikov has Oleg Dal as his favorite actor? And a huge portrait of Dahl hangs in Menshikov's office.

Lisa, of course, did not know this.

And then Lisa and Lila Bernes (the widow of Mark Bernes) got a call one day before the New Year and warned that Santa Claus would come to visit them. “You just sit down at the table,” they said at the other end of the line, “and wait.”

Lisa, laughing, recalled: “And so we sit and tell each other what fools we are, old fools, we are waiting for a miracle. And the drunk Santa Claus will come, he will hiccup here ... ”.

Doorbell. Oleg Menshikov is standing on the threshold. With two huge bouquets. He brought food and drink with him. Gave some heavenly beauty gifts. Sat for a long time. (Mobile phone turned off.) He spoke. Listened. Was very embarrassed. He whispered in Lisa's ear: "For me, Oleg Dal is an unattainable ideal."

Then he invited me to his premieres.

Lisa told me: “You know, when I confessed this to Misha Kozakov, with whom I grew up in the same St. Petersburg house, Misha did not believe me. I, he says, love Menshikov very much, but he is one of those who keep cool. He has press secretaries, referents, servants. Unable to call. He is always far, high. And then ... So, Dal does not let him go either. Although these Olegs did not see each other in the eye.

Sometimes the past loses its meaning long before it ends.

And there is a past that does not go anywhere.

I now know: thanks to the meeting, very different things coincide, come together. Those that could not be combined or predicted.

Once upon a time, my younger sister Tamara, working at the Krasnodar film propaganda bureau, “knocked out” a creative business trip for Oleg Dal. At a meeting with the Kuban audience.

It was, I think, 1978. Oleg Dal was forbidden to communicate with the people. Because he said at these meetings what he thought, and not what he needed to.

In short, Tomka had to work hard to get permission. Dahl arrived in Krasnodar. They became friends. And then, after Dal's death, my sister was found in Krasnodar by Alexander Ivanov, one of the compilers of the collection of memoirs about Oleg Dal. Sasha wrote down Tomkin's memoirs. They say Lisa cried while reading them.

It was through Tomka and Sasha that I met Lisa Dal and Olga Borisovna Eikhenbaum. That was exactly ten years ago. In 1993.

And two years ago my sister was in the hospital. And when Tomka had just been brought from the operation to the intensive care unit, Lisa Dahl called her on her mobile phone. Or rather, Lisa thought she was calling me. But, having learned that it was Tomka and she was in the hospital, Lisa somehow instantly gathered herself and said such words to Tomka that ... suddenly space was freed up in her soul. Both Tomka and I released. Do you understand?

Lisa never called me before that day or after. And then she seemed to be pushed. Oleg was very responsible. To scrupulousness.

And this Wednesday, May 21, I come home late at night, on a pager: “Zoya, please call Lisa Dahl.” What's happened? I remember that one time she called. Run to the phone. I shout into the phone: "Elizaveta Alekseevna ...". And they say to me: "Lisa is dead."

P.S. Viktor Konetsky has a story. "Artist" is called. I can't read it without crying. Dedicated to Oleg Dal.

There, the hero calls the mother-in-law and wife the Elder Kangaroo and the Younger. "Why - a kangaroo?" - I once asked E.A. She laughed: “Probably because we carried very heavy bags.”

So, from the story of Konetsky:

“I end with the words from the letter of Oleg’s wife:

“Our orphaned native neighbor! I remember how he came to your men's council through your unlocked door. His soul is now with you. The road to you is open to her. You tell me that I love him as souls love God. Find the words - I don’t know them now, always loving him like an earthly woman.

Neither I nor anyone else will find better words.

And Oleg comes to me.

And now she has gone to Oleg.

Probably, I missed you so much that I had no strength left.

About Lisa Apraksina, one can say - the keeper of the hearth. A woman with a big heart and incredible patience. Restrained, kind, sensitive - this is how her relatives and close people knew her.

Childhood and youth

Elizaveta Eikhenbaum (Apraksina) was born on August 27, 1937 in Leningrad. The Eichenbaum family's apartment was located in the writer's superstructure, on the Canal Embankment.

Literary critic, representative of the Society for the Study of the Theory of Poetic Language, Doctor of Philology Boris Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum loved his granddaughter Lisa. The girl was brought up in a creative and hospitable family. Visited them, the St. Petersburg beau monde often gathered.

The biography of Elizabeth is rich in events. As a child, she went through the Leningrad blockade. Lisa's mother, Olga Borisovna, recalls that eldest daughter grew up tearful. Little Eichenbaum shed tears for any reason.

hard days from the blockade period, Lisa rarely remembered. At that time, Alexei Alekseevich Apraksin (father) and sister Tatiana died. Mom, grandfather and Elizabeth survived.

The future profession had to be chosen carefully. Liza got excited about the idea of ​​graduating from Mekhmat. I studied diligently, but due to the prevailing competition, I did not enter. Nobody believed that the girl would be able to study at the Mekhmat.


After failed attempt at one university, Elizabeth entered pedagogical institute. But she never received a diploma - this profession seemed extremely boring to the girl.

After teaching, Lisa found a part-time job at the Zoological Museum. After a while, she became a student at the Forestry Academy. But a year later she left school again.

After working at the Zoological Museum, Lisa got a job as an editor at Lenfilm. She worked there until she married a second and last time.

Personal life

For the first time, Elizabeth knew married life with Leonid Kvinikhidze, but the marriage lasted no more than six months. The newlyweds fought every day. However, Elizabeth owes her stay at Lenfilm to Leonid - he got her a job there.

Kvinikhidze and Eikhenbaum separated, and the impressionable Lisa promised herself not to marry again. Former spouse(in the future - director and author of the film "Straw Hat") married a second time, his wife was a ballerina.

Elizabeth considers the years spent with, a brilliant artist of the Soviet era, to be a significant part of her life. Dahl is known as an impulsive and wayward person. They said that Oleg embodies the image of a creative person. They were not surprised if the artist left the set unexpectedly, canceled his participation in the filming or performance.

Dahl was often irritable, swearing, unable to cope with emotions. Elizabeth wisely dealt with outbursts of anger, knowing that her husband loved her.

Cinema was not a source of income for Oleg, but a world in which he lived for hundreds different lives. Not all roles interested Dahl. The most famous paintings that have forever preserved the image of the actor are King Lear, Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha, The First Trolleybus.

Eichenbaum met the actor at the age of 32 during a birthday celebration. More Oleg and Lisa did not part. Fate brought them to film set"King Lear". Under the leadership of Kozintsev, Elizaveta worked as an editor, and Dahl entered the image of the Jester. The meeting took place in Narva in 1969.

On the set, ethics forbade having novels. Both worked hard, but, as Oleg Dal later recalled, he realized at first glance that he had met future wife. Elizabeth Dahl was at a loss as to how quickly the actor asked for her hand. A modest woman told this story a couple of times to reporters. Oleg woke up Olga Borisovna early in the morning to announce his intention to marry. Lisa answered yes without hesitation.

At first, Dal and his wife lived in a Leningrad apartment. Then they moved to Moscow, changing two houses there. The latter was on Smolensky Boulevard, where the family lived: Oleg, Elizaveta Dal and mothers on both sides.

Vladislav Dvorzhetsky, Elizaveta Dal, Oleg Dal

It is known that the actor was delighted with the new apartments. Dahl was pleased with the view from the window and Personal Area which gave me the opportunity to be alone with myself. In one of the interviews, a photo of a secluded corner was published.

Women in this family did not work. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law have long since retired. And her husband did not allow his wife Elizabeth Dal to work. It was considered that the most main job women - it is true to wait for a husband from filming, to provide comfort. And she waited.

I had to leave my career at Lenfilm. Oleg Dal's wife devoted ten years of her life to the family, which she does not regret. children in happy marriage not born.

Elizaveta Dal considers Oleg's death to be the hardest day. The realization that family happiness came to an end in ten years was frightening. Lisa kept the memory of her husband all her life. Actor Oleg Dal died at the age of 39. The wife claims that the cause of death was cardiac arrest.


The widow spent the rest of her life alone, without starting a new relationship. Ten years later, I had to look for work again, because there were not enough savings to live on. Lisa learned the basics of the craft anew.

Spouse famous actor Liza Dahl made public the famous actor's intimate letters, which are not inferior to Pushkin's in imagery and sincerity

The personal fate of Oleg Dal is replete with sharp turns. The actor was an uncompromising, sharp and closed person even from friends. Dissatisfaction with oneself, those around them, the roles that one had to play often spilled over to loved ones. Given Dahl's addiction to alcohol, life with him is called easy tongue won't turn back. It is all the more surprising to read Oleg Ivanovich's letters to his wife Lisa, with whom they lived for 10 years, until the death of the actor in 1981.

"This morning, wandering through yellow leaves covering the freezing earth, I thought of you with wonderful longing, - Oleg Dal writes to his wife. - With the beautiful because she was bright. My heart is good and calm, because you are in my thoughts. My mood is calm and blissful. I share it with you generously, like autumn. I gently and gently hug you and barely touch your face, kiss and breathe with your eyes. I don't know what love is. I don’t know how to understand this designation of a certain feeling or its meaning. But it seems to me, I feel something extraordinary, like a child who is waiting to wake up after new year's eve. The air smells of tangerines, a Christmas tree, plush hares, and I want to keep my eyes closed for as long as possible ... "

Oleg Dal has not been with us for 35 years, and there are still many mysteries in his biography. The actor himself was very closed person almost never gave interviews. After his departure, Dahl's widow, Elizabeth, lived another 22 years. And one of the few people to whom she told about her life with the artist and entrusted correspondence with her husband was Alexander Ivanov, a film critic, author of several books about Oleg Dal.

I met Liza, the widow of Oleg Dal, in the second half of the 1980s. She was barely fifty. A pretty, even beautiful, very hospitable woman. Our communication gradually grew into a friendship that lasted more than a decade and a half. Our conversations with Lisa about her and about Oleg Dal continued almost constantly (sometimes daily) for nine years. And if at first, back in the 80s, we dreamed of creating a certain book of her memoirs about Oleg, then after a couple of years she very nervously asked a question to one of our mutual acquaintances: “I tell Sasha about something that I didn’t even share with my own mother ! Isn't there too much frankness ?!

The seemingly rhetorical question was resolved on September 5, 1997. On this day, Liza and I, according to the usual scheme, talked "only on one specific topic." Either the conversation itself dragged on for an indecently long time and finally tired her (we talked about Oleg Dal's literary experiments for eight and a half hours!). Whether it was precisely at this meeting that she felt a certain final limit and realized for herself: not a word is needed further, but only I have never been to Oleg Dal's house again. We parted, meanwhile, in an amicable way, expressing the hope for tomorrow's meeting. It was a very cold evening, and Liza wrapped my neck right over the jeans with Oleg's woolen scarf. We kissed goodbye...

Then there were many telephone conversations, and our personal meeting took place only in 2001. Lisa then asked me: “Do you take good care of the materials of our conversations with you?” - "Forest own eye". She paused and said: “I wonder how all this will be perceived in fifteen years? .. Will they still remember Oleg? About me in his life? Will you publish? .. "-" We'll see ... "

And now fifteen years have flown by. November 27 marks 46 years since the beginning of the ten-year marriage of two people: artist Oleg Dal and editor Lisa Apraksina ( maiden name Elizabeth Alekseevna. - Approx. ed.), who became a faithful "squire" of this unusual, complex, contradictory, sometimes cruel, the most talented person. Do you know geniuses who are different?

Sometimes you have to go for some ... provocations, or something. Therefore, having agreed on the next meeting with Lisa Dahl on her unoccupied day with household chores, I already had a rough idea of ​​​​what we would talk about. Exactly at noon on March 31, 1996, I called the apartment on Smolensky Boulevard. Five minutes later, Liza and I were sitting opposite each other in Oleg's office. It was her favorite place for tête-à-tête conversations. My first question puzzled her somewhat: Liza put aside her knitting.

AI: We talk a lot and constantly about your feelings with Oleg towards each other. One thing turns out, then another. But for many years I have never heard anything that would confirm his love for you as a woman. Not all the figs and blinks there, but Love. Are there any examples of this?

She answered a little bewildered:

ED: Well… yes.

AI: Tell me, please, I beg you. In our business, you never know when it might come in handy. And what will come in handy, I'm sure.

ED: Sounds convincing. Fine! I'll tell you "about Love", but with one condition.

AI: How?

ED: You won't use anything... what you heard... as long as I'm alive.

AI: Well, well, well! First, I don't want to define the length of your life with this conversation! And then... if it's that personal...

E.D.: No! You asked for it. Now sit, listen and write. About Oleg's two arrivals home by taxi ... The first is on the day the main work on the film "On Thursday and Never Again" was completed. Oleg drank during the filming. At times, a lot. But gradually it faded away. Then he "sewn up" in early July. All. Another man. And that day there was his phone call. From somewhere from the machine, but already in Moscow. He returned from Pushchino, which means he was with someone. "Please, come out of the house and meet me on the street."

Went outside. There are wastelands around our new building. It was impossible to get there! And at the same time everything is covered with clover, daisies, colza. And in the middle grows a huge fragrant rosehip bush, left over from some almost pre-revolutionary country gardens that once were there. The birds are singing wonderfully. Very hot. Quiet some special, after-dinner. Bees and bumblebees buzz. In general, everything is conducive to love. (Laughs.) How not to be on the outskirts of Moscow. I hear: dryn-dryn-dryn ... A taxi slowly moves along the potholes. Drives right up to me. Oleg comes out of it. And, without paying, without taking things, he comes up to me. Gently embraces with both hands and begins to kiss on the lips. So, with great passion, I would say.

The driver was just amazing. He brought Dal (he recognized him) somewhere to the settlements, and he began to hug and kiss with some woman! I see out of the corner of my eye: the man turned away, then lit a cigarette, leaning on the car. Silent. Waiting. What will happen next. Then Olezhechka raises one hand and runs her fingers through my hair. And he starts stroking his head with his fingertips. On the back of the head. And yet we continue to kiss. My legs begin to give way, but he holds me very tightly with his other hand. Apparently, I was completely stupefied, because when at some second I tore my face away from him, I said something ... well, something like this: “Tyn ... pyn ... stop ... please ... luista ...” Oleg burst out laughing. Then he took the bag from the back seat, and gave the driver five rubles. And he says to him: “Chief! And this is my Lizonka. He replies: “I understand, Oleg Ivanovich, can I go?” Oleg laughed again. Here is such a ... plot! Well, is there "Love"?

A.I.: Mmmm. Yes. Eat.

ED: By the way, it didn't end there. It was a day of love. It was a night of love. It was the dawn of love that we met together. Sitting on the windowsill of the open window. If Oleg wanted us both to be well for a long time, he knew how to create such holidays. And there was a holiday. Because no matter how hard I strain my memory, I just can’t remember: where was Olya all this time ?!” (Laughs.) (Liza talks about her mother, Olga Borisovna Eikhenbaum, with whom they lived together. - Approx. ed.)

"Second Taxi" So let's call another story. It was in the same place, on Novatorov Street, on November 27 of the same 1977. Oleg was returning from Vilnius. After speeches from the "Kinopropaganda" (the Film Propaganda Bureau organized creative evenings for filmmakers throughout the country. - Approx. ed.), as he called it.

And just like in the summer, he asked me to go outside. It was cold. I also came by taxi. And he comes out of it ... with a huge bouquet of absolutely marvelous scarlet roses. Some heavenly scent. I turned forty this summer. He gave forty-one flowers. I believed in even-odd, as if it were a sign. Then, already at home, he says: “Maybe you will also ask me for gifts?” I replied: “Are they asked?” - "Sometimes ... as if they are asking." I went and sat on the floor at his feet, and he sat in a chair. And I say: “Dal, but Dal! Where are my gifts? He took out a very beautiful mirror from his bag, an amazing hairbrush and a notebook, where a dedicatory inscription had already been made. While I was considering all this, he carefully and very gently stroked my head with his hand.

I already wanted to get up, but it was so pleasant and good somewhere inside that I sat for another five minutes just like that. Enjoying. It was our seventh wedding anniversary. Valya Nikulin later told me that Oleg rushed about for another three weeks and told him: “The date is critical! Kulya, seven years is seven years! Lizka needs to somehow ... Togo ... Mark! At the same time, Olezhechka constantly pretended that he did not remember any of our dates at all. Even, it was the case, defiantly asked: “Remind me later about our day!” Though he remembered better than me.

A year earlier, came home. Ate. Lie down to rest. He says to me: “Elizaveta Alekseevna, and how long have we been ...“ legally constituted ”?” I was just about to “jump” when he pulls a box out of his pants pocket. And she has a ring. With six stones. To me. For our sixth birthday. And his Lithuanian gifts still serve me! And a mirror and a comb. And a little book. Only Oleg was offended and condemned me for the fact that I began to write down in it cooking recipes. “And what do you think I need to write in it?” - “It would be better to write something about me! And in separation - re-read. In general, over the years, he gave vent to his sentimentality more and more. Which was completely out of his character and rules. To my gifts, for example, he invariably reacted with irony. But absolutely harmless.

Our love relationship did not fade over the years, but, on the contrary, developed in an increasing manner. And if at first Oleg could call me at home and simply: “Apraksina, come here!” - then I became Dalyuga. And then Dalyusha. There was a warming up. Which ended with my acceptance into his "clan of people". At the same time, caution in communication ... not caution, namely caution, was present in all the years of our lives. This also has the most direct relation to the concept of love between two people. And this led to the fact that at the end of the summer of 1980 I suddenly stopped understanding: does Oleg love me or not? But there, however, the year turned out to be extremely rotten for him: terrible losses, wild breakdowns, complete creative loneliness. What kind of love is this?

I see, my friend, that you are sad to listen to all this, right? Lisa interrupted our conversation. - And I'm sad to remember. But we have to. I want it to stay the way it was. Oleg, shattered by life recent months still leaned on me. And as a wife, I supported him as much as I could. Both humanly and in terms of creativity ... And this cannot be erased. All. Upset ... Now. Wait a minute. Not because of your questions, no. This is different. We have reached the extreme point of revelation. We don’t talk about our love with him anymore. Do you want some tea? Let's have a drink now.

So. Fine. I can still pull myself together. This is good. (Laughs.) Let's finish on a fun one, shall we? You know, but Oleg at first showed himself to be a very experienced provocateur. In the first months of our life together he brought me to tears in a second. Elementary. My mother stood up for me. Once she could not stand it and literally yelled at Oleg: “Maybe you don’t LOVE her at all ?!” He answered her very passionately, in a rough voice: “Yes! I DO NOT LIKE!" I howled like an idiot in a bad Italian movie. Oleg groaned: “Oh, my God, my God! To Moscow! Only to Moscow!” I went into the hallway and started getting dressed.

I rushed to him and, sobbing like a complete fool, hung on Dahl's chest. He picked me up and put me on my feet. Then he hugged him tightly. He blots my wet nose and tears on my cheeks with his handkerchief and says: “You are my poor wife ... Nobody loves you! Well nobody! Even the daughter of Professor Eichenbaum (Olga's father - Lisa's mother - Boris Eichenbaum, a well-known literary critic, author of books about the work of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Akhmatova. - Approx. ed.). You have only one me in your life - hope and support ... ”No, can you imagine: what a scoundrel (in a good sense of the word) you have to be to arrange such family pranks, bringing two women to tears and hysteria. One word - Artist!

Of the ten years I lived with Oleg, only the first three years we lived in different cities. The rest of the time we practically did not part. This explains such a small number of our personal letters.

(A.I.: I’ll add one more fact from myself. I remember how I was struck by the “photo chronicle” of their family. There is a series of photographs from the Leningrad registry office taken on the day the marriage was registered. There are a number of photographs from Vagankovsky: Lisa says goodbye to Oleg at the coffin. And in the middle between these two dates - ten years of "photo-emptiness". At most a dozen random shots. Despite the fact that there are about fifteen thousand photographs of Oleg Dal: from birth to funeral. In my opinion, this is also a telling circumstance. In all these " family albums» Liza and Oleg just didn't need to.)

O.I. Dahl - E.A. Apraksina

“My dear!

I yearn for you all the time. Looks like you bewitched me with "witch grass." God grant that everything is as it is and as you want! Kiss you. A low bow to Olga Borisovna and tender greetings to Minka (Dal refers to the teddy bear that he gave to his wife. - Approx. ed.).

P.S. (C&L) Guess what it is. And I will break into your domain on a dashing horse and take you as my concubine. Know this and tremble!

6.9.70. Moscow".

O.I. Dahl - E.A. Apraksina

“Hello, my dear, sad and gray-haired old woman! Do not worry! Hold your tail with a gun. Everything will be tip-top! I predict incredible torment for you from me ... But you love me! I need you. I need your shoulder; after all, I am a poor fellow and a madman, weak-willed.

I kiss you and hug you tightly.
Love me like delicious sweets.
Love like autumn, like rain.
Love, love and wait!

Well, how? I'm waiting for reviews.

(T and K) - Guess!

16.IX.70 Moscow".

E.D.: (C and L) - kiss and love. (T and K) - I could not guess for a long time. T - sad. K - probably, “I bite”, so it was, for example, in a telegram dated October 2, 1970: “I WILL MEET WITH A 3 ARROW I DO NOT HAVE TO BITE OD”. Oleg adhered to this rule: if he flew somewhere (it doesn’t matter for how long), he must either call or give a telegram, even if it was insignificant in content. It was an unspoken agreement, we did not agree on purpose, but I got used to it: if Oleg flies by plane, then I get news from him very quickly. This was not dictated by the fear that there would be some kind of catastrophe, but due to the fact that the plane was always delayed, the flight was canceled or something else was happening.

In general, he loved it when “they don’t worry about him”, therefore, in those cases when he got “on a spree”, he no longer understood anything and disappeared - it was terrible. In general, the telegrams were often unnecessary, but they were precisely the signals that he had arrived safely, and he knew that I was calm. This was important to him. But such a telegram as, for example, “I’ll come then, it’s not necessary to meet” is just a joke. He hated it when I saw him off, and usually forbade me to do so, but he also liked it very much when I met him, although he never spoke about it directly. For the only time in all the years he called (I forgot where) and said: "Please meet me, because I'm carrying so many books that I can't handle it myself." He was well aware that if he wrote “it is not necessary to meet,” I would rush to the station. So that's what he wanted. In general, using the services of the telegraph, he was always extremely concise. For example: “OLEG ORDER” (Klaipeda) or “VSO CHOROSCHO OLEG” (Prague).

E.A. Apraksina - O.I. Dahl

“Greetings, Dear Celebrity!

Taking advantage of your favor, I take the liberty of taking possession of a few minutes of your precious time. Please note that I try to write neatly and legibly. It's difficult. Let me rejoice for your success, both in the field of art and with beautiful ladies. (Damn them!). From all sides I hear: Dal, Dal, etc. I do not want, dear famous Dal, to admit that I am jealous of you. But it is so.

True, I am a courageous woman. Until recently, I was calm, believing that you should appreciate the feelings of a titled person in whose veins flows blue blood. The countess fell in love with you, graying, it is true, but still capable of lofty feelings. Suddenly my peace came to an end. Photographs were found in the dusty Count's archive, which cast doubt on my noble origin. A child who has had a passion for fences since childhood, who has not lost this passion when he is already an adult, is unlikely to belong to the Count's family. And a legend that was not taken seriously in our family is no longer a legend. Yes, my grandmother, the countess, threw herself into the arms of a gypsy and gave birth to my father. The dissolute old woman is to blame for the fact that I, a poor child, hang out on the fence, and God knows what attracts me behind this fence. Let's even assume it's a coincidence. Still small. But here is another document. It is no longer a child sitting on the fence, and the expression on his face is by no means a count. Thus, everything fell into place. It’s also good that it’s on the fence, and not under it.

Now, MY LORD, you know all about my inglorious origin. The surname that I bear, I am unworthy. But, I dare say, there is something in this: half countess, half gypsy. Don't leave me, huh?

My call today ex-husband- TO.<…>He asked if we were really getting married, and made strange hints. I sent him to approximately the same place where you sent your Ladies.

Now I'm happy to get to work. I think about you, gladly give all my shoulders, and maybe something else for you? And that one shoulder! Yes, please continue to write poetry. I will publish them.<…>I kiss you everywhere. Come quickly, let's sit somewhere together on the fence. Bow to Praskovya Petrovna. Olga Borisovna loves you tenderly and waits. We kiss everyone and Minka. Be healthy. Lisa.

O.I. Dahl - E.A. Apraksina

After the rain


This morning, wandering through the yellow leaves that cover the cold earth, I thought of you with beautiful longing. With the beautiful because she was bright. My heart is good and calm, because you are in my thoughts. My mood is calm and blissful. I share it with you generously, like autumn. I gently and gently hug you and barely touch your face, kiss and breathe with your eyes. I don't know what love is. I don’t know how to understand this designation of a certain feeling or its meaning. But it seems to me, I feel something extraordinary, like a child who is waiting to wake up after New Year's Eve. The air smells of tangerines, a Christmas tree, plush hares, and I want to keep my eyes closed for as long as possible ...


27.IX.70 Moscow.

E.A. Apraksina - O.I. Dahl

"Hello, Blue-eyed!

After your letter, my head went round with joy and tenderness for you, I sat down to write a letter, and there were circles before my eyes. Sorry, I'm writing in circles. Thank you, my dear, for the golden leaves, for the golden words, for tenderness and longing. Thank you for the sadness about you, for waiting for you and life ahead. I want to wander with you through the leaves, and through the snow, and through the spring, and through the sea. And also drink beer. I'm not afraid that you're useless, anyway, like we're on the way. You know, it's really hard to write when your head is spinning. My affairs are nothing to myself, I work calmly, everything turned out quite simply. Today I saw a glimpse of Grig. Mikh., he was in a hurry, he only had time to say hello to you. And Shapiro kissed me too tenderly, and his expression was touching. Lear at the finish line. It's cold at home, we sit in the kitchen and warm ourselves by the oven. My picture ends on November 30, so you can try it somehow on "Shadow". Let's see. Well, my O.D., I'll try to unwind. I don't think you'll read this letter again. I kiss you tightly, I really look forward to it and I still want you to be very close.

C.T.G.P. etc.

Lisa 29/IX 70"

E.D .: I thought how unusual, impossible and completely unrealistic that Oleg - the same Oleg whom I loved and knew very well - could find time to free his head from everything and write letters for me. In general, I had a somewhat reverent attitude towards our family union. And not because he was famous artist, but because he was and remains for me some kind of unattainable mystery. In live, direct communication, he was much more stingy with words and emotions, in addition, life and life are things in which feelings dissolve. When you get words on paper, it's completely different. This is the power of letters. And so each of his letters to me was an amazing holiday. Sometimes I re-read them now, and I get the feeling: could it be? And not at all because I wonder: could Oleg love me at all? I believe he loved me. But all the same, it’s a miracle and it’s unusual that, with his attitude to life, to words, he could sit down at the table, switch off from everything and write me at least a few lines, sometimes resulting in a whole letter. It has always been a miracle for me: then and now ...

ABOUT recent weeks Lisa recalled the life of Oleg Dal: “In the winter of 1981, Oleg began to sleep a lot and for a long time. Sometimes I woke up at night and, jumping up in horror, listened: was he breathing? Breathe. Barely audible and somehow infrequently. The sleep is surprisingly deep. This was not even during the rest in Repin, which I consider the standard of his personal peace. Almost immediately upon arrival in Monino, he began to write a lot. Poems, essays, prose sketches, some written plans for my future work. All this somehow burst outward. He works for an hour or two and comes to my kitchen: “Listen.” He reads what has just been written ... Once, I was leaving for Moscow on business. Olya stayed with Oleg. I returned in the morning. He says: "Am I good at writing?" - “You write beautifully! And you will write even better. Olezhechka, you have both an inclination and a gift for this. Then he says: “And I finished the staging according to Olesha. It would be necessary to show Viktor Borisovich ... "(Shklovsky - A.I.)" What kind of staging? When did you finish?!” And there, in Monin, he made "Envy" - at a time. In several passes. I think, as a response to Volodya Sedov's attempt to stage "Foma Gordeev" in the Maly. Oleg did not really like the whole story ... with the exclusion of the role of Yezhov. He took - and wrote for himself the material for the work.

From the last verses... I can't remember what exactly. Came to me. Fried omelet with sausage. "Can I read to you?" - "Well, of course!" I read it very quietly. I walked over and kissed him on the cheek. He was as shy as a child! God, who? Me? He blushed, lowered his head and left the kitchen. I turn around, and everything in the pan is completely burned!

But this poem, written in February 1981 in Monin very early in the morning, he read to me three times that day ...

"If the soul of a man
Grind into powder
If you spit from the hill into the river
And jump to the top
Pull up, tighten up
Turn away, don't nod
And disagree with nothing
You can break your head!

First he read it at breakfast. Well, I listened: "Good!" Then he came down to lunch and said in the kitchen: "I want to ... read you poetry ... morning." Reads the same. But somehow... that's how... "breaking into the soul"... That's what they say, right? I listened silently. In the evening, before going to bed already: “Liza, listen to my poems. Those. Morning…” And he began to read them again. I could not stand it anymore and, interrupting him, I say: “Olezhechka! How do you feel?!" He answered, all tensing up: “It’s okay… What is it?!” Well, I really got carried away here: “No! Abnormal! Why the hell are you reading everything to me for the third time?! I'm not an idiot! What are you?! What happened to you?! Tell! Tell me please! You feel bad?!" Oleg looked at me so strangely ... I was frightened. Blue-purple lips. And absolutely empty eyes. Well, I ... I felt sick myself ... He drank his pills. I am validol ... Then I asked him for forgiveness for screaming. He kept silent. He pulled his hand out of my palms: I wanted to stroke it. ice fingers in a hot house. Icy... Starting from this evening... let's go... it started... I won't tell you... about that. OK? Don't be offended - I don't want to... You know... it was on Saturday, February 28, 1981... We came to Monino for a day. Pick up things. Something he needs for a trip to Kyiv the next day.

Oleg Dal passed away on March 3, 1981. He was found in a hotel room by employees of the Kyiv film studio, concerned about Oleg's absence from the set. Lisa survived her husband by 22 years ...

Name: Oleg Dal
Zodiac sign: Twins
Date of Birth: May 25, 1941 -
Age: 39 years
Place of Birth: Lublino
Date of death: March 3, 1981
Activity: theater and film actor, director
Family status: was married to Elizaveta Apraksina

Oleg Dal - biography

Oleg Dal is an actor who never fit into the ordinary. Those around him suffered from his causticity and straightforwardness, and he suffered from the injustice and vulgarity of this world.

Childhood, Oleg Dal's family

The family of Oleg Ivanovich Dahl is interesting in that they are descendants of the compiler of the famous explanatory dictionary Vladimir Dahl. Oleg was born into a family that was not only far from theatrical art, but also did not welcome him. They say that Oleg Dal's father in his youth dabbled in writing stories that he published in literary magazine under the pseudonym Dal (his real name was Zherko).

And when universal passportization began in the country, he took a new surname - Dalia. In the family, in addition to Oleg Ivanovich, Iraida, the sister of the future film actor, was also brought up.

Oleg lived in his childhood on Moskovsky Street and was no different from all the other yard children, spending most of his time on the street. But when he went to school, already at the first medical examination, unexpectedly for both the boy himself and his parents, the doctors discovered a heart disease. This influenced the views of Oleg Dal so much that he began to paint, and then literary activity. To this was added the fact that he perfectly began to understand that he had speech defects - he burr.

Study of Oleg Dal

After finishing ten classes, having passed the exams, Oleg Dal goes to apply to the theater school. So, in 1959, he became a student at the Shchepkinsky School, although his parents were against such a choice of profession. Dahl was enrolled in the course of Nikolai Annekov, a famous and honored actor.

Oleg Dal was lucky, and now famous film actors Mikhail Kononov and Vitaly Solomin became his fellow students.

Oleg Dal's career

A cinematic biography of Oleg Ivanovich Dal begins in 1962, when he played a cameo role in the film "My Little Brother". In this film, he was noticed and invited to star in his film epic War and Peace, where he was offered the role of Nikolai Rostov. But, unfortunately, the tests were unsuccessful. But on the other hand, Oleg Dal played in another film leading role, and this detective comes out in 1963. But he does not immediately receive fame and popularity. Therefore, he continues to play in theaters.

In 1967 famous actor Oleg Dal was approved for the lead role in the famous and popular film Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha. But only all this was given to him with great difficulty. So, up to this point, he had already managed to change three theaters, where his relationship did not develop due to the irascibility of his character.

Yes, and for this role, which brought success to Oleg, it only turned out to take samples from the third time, since he plucked the first two, being in drunk. In 1967, the premiere of the film took place, but the officials were dissatisfied with it and did not give permission to show it to the mass audience. The film was released only after numerous disputes and conflicts. So, Oleg Dal became a famous actor.

But the most great popularity comes in the biography of a talented actor after he starred in the film "The Chronicle of a dive bomber", where Dahl played a major role. After that, in 1968, he plays the main roles in several fairy tales. But still, one of his best and legendary works was the role of Krestovsky in the film "Sannikov Land", although the actor himself did not like it.

Oleg Dal: Theater

Acting in films, Oleg Ivanovich did not give up his work in the theater, constantly developing. Already in 1963, he was invited to work at the Sovremennik Theater, but when Dahl agreed and moved here to work, for almost five years he was not allowed to play the main roles at all, and he always had to be only in the background. So he decides to try himself as a director. In 1969, his first performance was released, where he himself plays the main role.

After that, he changed his place of work many more times. So, he worked at Lenkom, but at the same time continued his work at the Moscow Art Theater, working in collaboration with Oleg Efremov.

Trying to find himself in this acting profession, he decides to enroll in directors' courses, successfully enters, but did not finish his studies. Then, breaking off his relationship with the Sovremennik Theater, he moves to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. But his cinematic work is getting better and better, so he easily wins the love of the viewer. In 1980, the famous actor moved to the Maly Theater.

Personal life

Personal life, like creative biography Oleg Dal was not easy. The famous actor was married three times. The actor had no children with any of his wives.


Dahl's first wife was actress Nina Doroshina, who ran away from their wedding.

The second wife is Tatyana Lavrova, with whom the marriage lasted only six months.

The happiest streak in the actor's biography came after Oleg Dal married for the third time. His chosen one, Lisa Apraksina, was always waiting for him at home, and endured all his drunken antics. Therefore, this marriage lasted a long time.

Oleg Dal cause of death

The last role turned out to be the most difficult in his acting biography, as they did not want to approve him for the role for a long time. Because of these problems, the health of the popular actor was undermined. But besides, it also affected the fact that he began to drink a lot. Already on March 3, 1981, due to a heart attack, the talented actor died in Kyiv, where at that time he was on a business trip. The cause of death was heart attack due to frequent alcohol consumption. Oleg Dal was buried in Moscow.

Biography by: Tati

Not much is known about the life of the outstanding theater and film actor Oleg Dal. Most of the facts are very contradictory.

During his lifetime, the actor did not flaunt his life, did not let journalists and idle curious people go there. And after his death, the widow also did not give lengthy interviews. Let's try to figure out what really happened to him.

Brief biography of the artist

Dal was born in the most tragic year for our country - in 1941 at the end of May, almost on the eve of the war, in the Moscow region. It should be noted right away that the actor - descendant of a famous Russian explorer, the compiler of the explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language Vladimir Dahl.

There were no artists in Oleg's family, he became the first. His parents took his decision with hostility and hoped that his son would not enter the theater school. But he entered and became a student at the Shchepkinsky school.

creative life

Oleg Dal was outstanding theater actor. But most remember him from wonderful films. Such as "Shadow", "Star of Captivating Happiness", "The Adventures of Prince Florizel" or "Sannikov Land", a film that the actor himself considered his failure. But the audience thought otherwise.

The actor was very picky in choosing roles and refused many eminent directors. And he also changed theaters several times, not agreeing with the leaders.

Actor's personal life

Oleg Dal was married several times, as usually happens with artists. But he never had children.

The first time Oleg got married quite early, in 1963. The chosen one was an actress Nina Doroshina. But this early union fell apart almost immediately. The wife was in love with Oleg Efremov and, according to rumors, ran away with him from her own wedding.

Oleg Dal felt insulted, to which he had every right and immediately filed for divorce. Subsequently, he tried not to remember this extremely unpleasant and humiliating episode of his life.

Tatyana Lavrova, also an actress became his second wife. But this marriage did not last long, only six months. Actors could not get along with each other. Oleg Dal casually described his wife as an angry and aggressive woman. And she, in turn, considered him too eccentric and quarrelsome.

It is difficult to say which of them is right, but Oleg Dal really always, in addition to talent, was also distinguished by a difficult character. And Oleg Dal also preferred not to remember his second marriage.

For the third time, happiness smiled at him. He met the woman of his life who brought him success both personally and in creative life. Her name was Elizabeth Eikhenbaum, maiden name Apraksina. Oleg Dal starred in the film, and Elizaveta worked on the set as an editor. There they met.

And soon they got married. They lived together for 11 years.

Oleg Dal was a man with a very complex character. Above all, he was an honest, sensitive and noble man.

He did not tolerate toadying, rudeness, intrigue and all sorts of squabbles and gossip. Namely, the backstage spaces of theater and cinema are full of such intrigues. As a result, Oleg Dal several times changed jobs with a scandal.

He drowned out the troubles in his personal and creative life with alcohol. Unfortunately, this is a common defect in the environment. creative people Naturally, it was difficult to put up with such shortcomings, although the artist tried to fight his vice. However, it did not last long.

Only the third wife was able to inspire hope in him for better life, it was she who was waiting for him from work, accepted his shortcomings and always supported him. During the period when they were together, Oleg Dal played, perhaps, his best roles.

In life, Oleg Dal remained a romantic person, with refined manners and high demands. He could come with a huge bouquet and gifts and act like a prince. But at the same time, he often got drunk, which created difficulties not only in his personal, but also in his creative life.

So his wife Elizabeth had a hard time. As a result they never had children of their own. And adoption in those years was not very accepted.

last years of life

Oleg Dal was a man very emotional and often unrestrained. This led to conflicts at work. Alcohol abuse only exacerbated the problems. Despite the huge popularity and national love, the artist was considered "disgraced" and until 1977 he was not allowed to travel abroad.

According to friends, shortly before his death, the artist did not look well, he had nervous exhaustion. At the same time, he had heavy conflict at Mosfilm. The artist never put up with hack work and refused to participate in such projects. Of course, such a conflict did not add to his health, especially considering that Dahl suffered from a heart disease.

Oleg Dal died in a hotel in Kyiv, in 1981 from cardiac arrest. Many believed that alcohol was the cause of death - the artist was "sewn up", and it was contraindicated for him to drink.