Autumn is mushroom time, the time for hiking through the forests, drying mushrooms and “spinning.” In this article we will try to figure out how to make a trip to the dacha and a trip to the forest safe.

Starting in early spring, the lifestyle of many city residents begins to move closer to nature. Let's remember this time, when the sun had just begun to warm up: walks and games with children in the fresh air for many were systematically replaced by the organization of country life, cleaning personal plot, garden cultivation and planting seedlings. By mid-June, dacha life was finally getting better, the beds were planted and were producing the first harvests of greens and radishes. More and more often, villagers were seen along suburban highways, diligently laying out their simple goods - fragrant wild strawberries and the first mushrooms. Just at this time, urban connoisseurs of the gifts of the forest also flocked en masse to the lands, where they were often in danger. In autumn, trips to the forest become more frequent: the desire for winter mushroom reserves is combined with the need to obtain natural antidepressants through communication with nature, because the autumn blues do not take long to arrive.

Dangers in the forest

The first trouble that any summer resident outside the city faces is ticks. The taiga tick (Ixodes persulcatus) and the dog tick (Ixodes ricinus) are mortal enemies of humans. The habitat of the first of them is Siberian forests and forests Far East. The dog tick is a resident of predominantly the European part of Russia, Central and Northern Europe. The main way to protect yourself from ticks is to take a responsible approach to choosing clothing for the forest. Do not neglect the repellent.

Our pets also need protection - treatment with drops against ticks when leaving the city is mandatory for both dogs and cats. One of the most serious diseases, often leading to the death of an animal, is piroplasmosis.

Ticks are carried by birds and animals and can be found on trees and bushes. There are especially many of them in the grass. Owners of summer cottages located near forest plantations need to keep the area clean and regularly mow the grass.

How to prepare for a hike in the forest

Watch out for snakes!

In damp areas near swamps and streams you can often find vipers basking in the sun. However, if you notice a motley inhabitant of the forest, you should not approach it even for a very good photograph. You need to get around it as carefully as possible, without provoking or frightening. Aggressive poisonous snake warns a potential offender with a characteristic hissing and crackling sound. In this case, you should leave this area of ​​the forest as quickly as possible. Some irresponsible people try to kill the snake. It is precisely such senseless actions that most often lead to serious injuries. Forest experts understand that adequate behavior and strong high boots or rubber boots can easily protect against an accidental bite.

What to do if you get lost in the forest

People lost in the forest do not dare admit to themselves that the most main danger comes from the forest guest himself. Poor awareness of correct behavior in nature, unfamiliarity with the area and lack of navigation skills most often lead to tragic consequences. When going for a walk in the forest, people often overestimate their strength and health. Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, together with activists from volunteer organizations, spend days searching for such “lost victims.” Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save a person. Most often, pensioners and people with poor health find themselves in such situations. But vigilance and composure can save lives.
Before going out into nature, you must inform your family or neighbors about your approximate route of movement and the expected time of return, so that in the event of an emergency emergency people could raise the alarm in time and guide rescuers. It is important to take a charged mobile phone with you, having prepared in advance a list of duty numbers of local intelligence agencies. Many modern phones come with a navigation system, which can be very useful. It is dangerous to take a mobile phone that requires charging into the forest; do not be lazy to charge it in time until the battery is full. For forest visitors middle zone Where it is not recommended to take water from open sources for drinking, be sure to have a bottle of clean still water with you. A small chocolate bar or a hematogen familiar to everyone from childhood will not burden your load, they will give you strength and help you cheer up at the first signs of fatigue. As well as a small knife and pocket lighter
The basic first aid kit consists of the obligatory painkillers, antihistamines, heart medications, as well as plaster, bandages and potassium permanganate, and then supplemented medicines, focusing on individual needs. If you take a couple of tablets of each drug and seal it tightly, such a travel first aid kit will take up very little space.

If you find yourself lost, it is important to remember a few simple rules:

  1. Stop the surging panic. Alas, no one is immune from such cases. But fear and panic can delay your stay in the forest belt for hours, or maybe even days. This condition makes it impossible for the mind to think rationally.
  2. Proceed carefully and slowly. Under no circumstances should you run in all directions at once. This will lead to more wandering and injury. Save your strength.
  3. Stand in one place and calmly think about everything. You need to decide whether they will look for you, where you were seen in last time. If you don’t know that your friends will go looking for you, it’s better to stay where you are, because... it will be closest to the area where you were seen. Signal "Oy" with your voice. If you have a mobile phone, turn it off first to save battery. Think about it. who you can call to find you. If there is no connection or you are sure that no one will look for you, call emergency service 112. Tell them that you are lost and provide approximate directions. Speak clearly and concisely, describe what you see around you.
  4. Take a break from dressing yourself warmer. Light a fire if it's cold. In general, fire is one of the most important means of salvation and a signal about your location.
  5. If you are sure that no one will look for you and you do not have a phone at your disposal, make a clear plan of action, trying not to change directions. Remember important rules orientation: trees are covered with moss on the north side; the south before noon can be found to the right of the sun, after noon - to the left. As you move, leave nicks and other marks.

If you follow these simple rules, you can avoid dangerous consequences forest walk. Mostly city dwellers who have turned away from the bustle of the city and are rediscovering wild world(and also for those who have thought about safety in advance!), pleasant fatigue awaits you after a forest hike, bringing with it a healthy, sound sleep.

Galina Evgenievna Budilova
"Dangers in the Forest." Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world for children of senior preschool age

Objectives of the lesson.

Educational: consolidate children's knowledge of basic safety rules in the forest, and navigate in an emergency situation.

Developmental: develop attention, memory, thinking when solving problem situations, the instinct of self-preservation.

Educational: cultivate a caring attitude and responsibility for the environment. Foster a sense of teamwork and develop communication skills.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Tell me, what time of year is it now?

Children. Spring.

Educator. By what signs did you determine this?

Children. It became warmer. The sun began to warm up. The snow has almost melted. The buds are swelling on the trees. Streams are flowing. People wore lightweight clothes.

Educator. In this weather, I really want to go for a walk in the forest. Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are riding a bus into the forest.

(Quiet music sounds.)

You and I drive through the city streets and go to the main road. wide road, leading to the forest. Shining bright sun. You can hear the noise of cars passing by. So we arrived in the forest.

We open our eyes. How beautiful it is all around.

And before you and I enter the forest, tell me, what danger might await us in the forest?

Children. You can get lost in the forest.

Educator. That’s right, you can get lost in the forest, so you can’t go into the forest alone, especially for children.

"The most important rule

We must seriously understand everything

You can't go into the forest without adults!

It's so easy to get lost:

Go far from home

And there is no way back...

And I won’t be able to get to my mom again.”

In the forest you need to stay with your parents. But if you suddenly lose sight of your parents, shout louder so that you can find each other by voice.

If you are lost in the forest, do not panic, do not run aimlessly, sit down, listen carefully to the sounds, maybe you will hear the noise of cars, trains, barking dogs, indicating the proximity of people. Try to understand where the sound is coming from and go in that direction. If the sound gets louder, you are going right.

When planning to relax in nature, what clothes should you wear?

Children: for a walk in the forest you need to wear long trousers, a sweater with long sleeves, cap and turn up the collar. Clothes should be light. Apply mosquito repellent ointment to exposed areas of the body.

Educator: Why?

Children: Such clothing will protect you from insect bites. And on light-colored clothes you will see an insect faster than on dark ones.

Educator: what forest insects do you know?

Children: mosquitoes, grasshoppers, wasps, flies, dragonflies, ticks, ladybugs, bees, butterflies, hornets, bumblebees, caterpillars.

Educator: Which of these insects sting? Why?

Children: mosquitoes, wasps, bees, bumblebees, hornets.

These insects have a stinger and can sting.

Educator: What should you do if you are stung by an insect?

Children: pull out the sting, wash the wound, put cold on the wound (you can put a handkerchief moistened with cold water).

Educator: now let's play a game (physical education minute). I will name insects for you, and you will clap your hands if you hear the name of a stinging insect; stomp your feet if you hear the names of other insects.

(Ladybug, grasshopper, bee, dragonfly, mosquito, locust, wasp, fly, beetle, bumblebee, butterfly, firefly, tick, caterpillar)

Educator: so you and I came to forest clearing. Look how many berries there are here. Let's collect the berries in a basket.

(Children take turns taking a picture, calling the berry, describing it).

Well done, you know a lot of wild berries.

(The teacher shows pictures of poisonous berries).

What are these berries called?

(Wolf bast, henbane, raven eye.)

Why are they dangerous?

(If the children find it difficult, the teacher tells).

When collecting wild berries in the forest, care should be taken to ensure that poisonous berries do not end up in the basket. In terms of their appearance, they are very beautiful, appetizing and do not cause fear, therefore they can end up not only in a basket, but also in the mouth of an inexperienced and ignorant collector, and this sometimes poses a mortal danger.

The basic rule is “If in doubt, don’t buy it!”

What else can you find in the forest?

Children: mushrooms.

Educator: what mushrooms do you know?

(Children list mushrooms)

What groups can we divide mushrooms into? (Edible and inedible).

Why are mushrooms called inedible?

Children: These mushrooms are poisonous and can cause poisoning.

Educator: Is it possible to pick and trample poisonous mushrooms?

Children: Poisonous mushrooms are needed by forest dwellers; they are treated with them.

Educator: There are many in our clearing different mushrooms, let's collect edible mushrooms, but we won’t touch the poisonous ones.

(Children collect dummies of edible mushrooms, they call these mushrooms, and the dummies poisonous mushrooms don't touch).

Not all mushrooms are our friends. There are also enemies - poisonous mushrooms.

And if a person eats them, then severe poisoning will occur.

What should you do if you doubt whether a mushroom is edible or poisonous?

Children: Ask adults.

Educator: And if you still don’t know whether it’s edible or not, then don’t pick it.

What dangers in the forest did we talk about? What should we remember when going into the forest?

We offer you a lesson on the topic “Forest dangers”. Here we will look at what dangers can await a person in the forest. This knowledge will be useful to you when you go on vacation to the forest, as it will allow you to find out which of the animals living there are dangerous and which plants should not be eaten.

Topic: Health and Safety

Lesson:Forest dangers

Many people go to the forest to relax, because there they can pick mushrooms and berries, breathe fresh air and watch the life of animals. When in the forest, you must follow certain rules.

Sometimes you can find vipers in a swamp or forest. They can be of different colors, but they always have a zigzag stripe on their back. Sometimes you come across snakes that are so dark that the stripe on their back is almost invisible. Distinguish harmless common snake from poisonous viper can be identified by specific yellow spots on the head.

The viper prefers places where the ground is covered with moss, there are old stumps and piles of brushwood. If not provoked, it does not attack people. The bite of a viper is very dangerous, especially for small children. If a person is bitten by a viper, they must immediately call 112 and report the incident.

Another danger in the forest is wasps. If a person accidentally or deliberately damages a wasp's nest, angry wasps can sting him in any part of the body. A wasp's sting does not get stuck in the body like a bee's sting, so the wasp can sting several times in a row. The wasp has poison near the sting; due to its effect, the stung area quickly and severely swells, and small animals can be stung to death by the wasp. If they are not disturbed, wasps will not pay any attention to humans. The main thing is not to make any sudden movements, then even a wasp crawling on your hand will not sting.

In the forest you can see many different plants: some have beautiful foliage, others have a wonderful smell, others bloom beautifully. If a person knows nothing about the plant, he should never touch it, because it can be dangerous.

Crow's eye - beautiful plant. It has a tall stem, four leaves at the top, and a single flower that turns into a blue berry in the fall. This plant is very poisonous, especially the berry and rhizome.

Another plant is wolf's bast. This shrub is sometimes confused with sea buckthorn. They can be distinguished by the fact that sea buckthorn has yellow or orange berries, while wolf's bast has red berries. If a person eats only 10 wolf bast berries, it will happen fatal poisoning. Under no circumstances should you tear the flowering branches of this plant for bouquets, because it has very poisonous bark.

Rice. 7. Wolf's bast inflorescence ()

Everyone knows the lily of the valley with its beautiful white flowers.

This is also a poisonous plant, most often poisoning occurs from its berries. The person begins to feel dizzy, nauseous, and even lose consciousness.

Hemlock. Its stem is tall, up to 1.5 meters, and at the top there are white umbrellas of flowers. The plant blooms for a long time - from May to the end of autumn. It is sometimes confused with parsley due to its similar leaves, or with caraway seeds due to its similar fruit. Hemlock is a very poisonous plant; if a person is poisoned by it, it will be difficult to save him.

Rice. 10. Hogweed Sosnovsky ()

Sosnovsky's hogweed is a very tall plant; a person sitting on a horse can hardly reach its inflorescences. This plant is dangerous because of its beautiful carved leaves; they can burn a person so that the scars will remain for life.

Rice. 11 and 12. European euonymus () ()

European euonymus is a small shrub, up to three meters high, its flowers are inconspicuous, with an unpleasant odor, but in the fall the plant becomes very attractive - red boxes hang from the tree, which are very poisonous.

Henbane black. It has a thick stem covered with hairs, dark green leaves, and in place of the flower there appears a box with a lid, which contains seeds resembling poppy seeds. Children confuse them, and the plant is very poisonous. After poisoning, a person may experience insanity, memory loss, and begin to do unreasonable actions. That’s why people even have a saying about a person who behaves inappropriately: “He’s eaten too much henbane.”

Another danger in the forest is the tick. Ticks are intelligent creatures and know how to hunt. They ambush on blades of grass and on branches of bushes that grow along paths. As soon as a person or animal passes by, the tick stretches out its legs, clinging to the victim. It has claws and suction cups on its paws, which allow the tick to grip tightly. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying, “He’s stuck like a tick.” When a person goes into the forest, he must dress properly. Clothing should be with a tight-fitting collar and cuffs, trousers tucked into shoes, hair tucked under a hat or headscarf. You can use special insect repellent sprays. After a walk in the forest, you must carefully examine the body. If a child finds a tick on his body, he should turn to an adult and remove it carefully so as not to crush it. There may be an infection in the tick's saliva, so it is better to consult a doctor.

In summer and autumn, mushrooms appear in the forest. But in order to collect them, you need to learn to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones.

Red fly agaric - found in both conifers and deciduous forests from July to October.

Another species is the panther fly agaric. His hat is gray or brown. The specks on the cap are arranged in even rows.

There is a stinking fly agaric, its leg is covered with scales, and it smells unpleasant. These mushrooms are deadly poisonous.

The false honey fungus is sulfur-yellow - its plates are greenish, and the flesh is yellow with an unpleasant odor. This mushroom is deadly poisonous.

Rice. 20. Whitish talker ()

The whitish talker is a deadly poisonous mushroom. It can be confused with a milk mushroom, but the talker does not have milky juice.

The toadstool is also deadly poisonous. It looks different: white, grayish, brown, but it always has white plates under the cap, a white ring on the stem and a torn sac at the bottom of the mushroom. It can sometimes be confused with a champignon, which has pink or purple plates and no pouch at the bottom.

When collecting edible mushrooms, there is no need to knock down those that remain in the forest. The forest needs everything that grows in it. Fly agarics are eaten by moose. Hogweed is a delicacy for bears. People use poisonous plants to treat many diseases. In nature, everything is interconnected, and the extinction of some living beings entails the disappearance of others. Every person should live in such a way as not to harm nature, but to help it.

  1. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: textbook. and slave tetr. for 2 classes beginning school - M.: Education, 2006.
  2. Bursky O.V., Vakhrushev A.A., Rautian A.S. The world around us. - Balass.
  3. Vinogradova N.F. The world around us. - VENTANA-COUNT.
  1. Encyclopedia of Survival ().
  2. ().
  1. Read p. 28 - 29 of Pleshakov A. A.’s textbook “The World Around Us” and give answers to questions 1-3.
  2. Draw several dangerous forest animals or plants, label them and give them a short description.
  3. Having gathered according to all the rules, take a walk through the forest. After your walk, write down everything you saw. What have you learned from action research?
  4. *Make a small crossword puzzle encrypting several animals, plants, mushrooms, and insects that can be dangerous to humans.

Dangers in the forest and how to avoid them Pavlyuchenko Sasha, School 626, grade 2 - G Project leader: Kalinina I.V. Moscow, 2017 Project work

Purpose We all go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, just to take a walk, breathe some air, swim in a pond or river. But in the forest we face various dangers. I’ll tell you what they are and how to avoid them.

Poisonous snakes There is one poisonous snake in the Moscow region: the viper. This is what it looks like: a small snake up to 75 cm long; in the north there are specimens up to 1 m long. If you see a snake, leave the meeting place, do not touch it, do not pick it up. To prevent snake bites, you should wear thick trousers and closed high shoes when walking in the forest. If you are bitten, the first thing to do is call the rescue service (112) or call ambulance(03 or 103). Next, calm the bitten person; lay the victim down and ensure his immobility; give plenty of fluids.

Rabid animals Rabies is deadly dangerous disease. If the anti-rabies serum is not administered on time, the person will die. Distributed throughout to the globe. Infected animals can be found both in the forest and in the city. Rabid wild animals are characterized by: loss of human fear and increased aggressiveness, partial paralysis of any parts of the body. If you happen to meet a wild animal, your first thought should be the thought of rabies. because Usually wild animals come into view of a person occasionally - and for a very long time a short time. If a wolf, fox or even a squirrel does not run away from you - but on the contrary - runs after you, leave urgently - most likely the rabies virus is already in effect. If you are bitten by any wild animal, be sure to consult a doctor!

Poisonous plants. There are five main poisonous plants in the Moscow region. The recipe for protection is the same for everyone - don’t pick, don’t eat, don’t sniff. Hogweed Vekh Hemlock May lily of the valley Hellebore Lobel

Swamp Swamp is one of the most dangerous places, especially if you are alone in the forest. If you understand that there is a swamp ahead, it is best to go back, because... walking through a swamp is a separate complex science. If you have wandered into a swamp, stay close to the trees. If you have climbed so deep that there is only a quagmire around, chop thin branches and bushes and throw them crosswise in front of you. This way you can pave your way out.

Danger of getting lost Before going into the forest, you need to study the area in detail. Tell your relatives and close friends about your plans, mention the place where you are going and when you plan to return. You need to collect everything you need: a fully charged phone, matches in a waterproof package, a knife, you should also take a compass and a flashlight with you. And a map of the area. Definitely take it drinking water and a small supply of food (nuts, chocolate or a pack of cookies), medicines. You shouldn’t go into the forest alone; it’s always more fun with a group, and the chance of getting lost is lower. It is better to visit the forest in the first half of the day and try not to linger until dark.

Poisonous mushrooms and berries In any case, before going into the forest, you need to study which mushrooms and berries are edible and which are poisonous. This data is in the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky”. Now we just want to tell you about it poisonous mushroom- pale toadstool or green fly agaric. The lethal dose for an adult is 1/3 of a cap. Even less for children. For poisoning, it is enough to eat mushrooms that were lying next to a basket with a toadstool or put unwashed hands that were holding into your mouth. pale grebe. Remember what she looks like. And don't touch it under any circumstances!

Conclusion So, we have looked at the dangers in our forest. The most important thing is to study the dangers and remember what to do in advance, so that at a difficult moment you don’t panic, but clearly know what and how to do. Good luck to you and have a nice walk through the forest!

Forest walkers may encounter ticks, wasps and snakes

The season of berries and mushrooms is in full swing. However, those who like to wander through the forest may encounter unpleasant surprises. Anastasia Olenchuk, an employee of the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Amur Region, told how to protect yourself from insect bites.


Ticks live in tall grass and bushes; these places should be avoided. These insects are moisture-loving and cannot tolerate dry air or direct sunlight. Ticks are most active from April to October. Light-colored, tight-fitting clothing will help protect you from them as much as possible. A headdress is mandatory; trousers must be tucked into boots.

In the following days, you should monitor the bite site and general well-being. After 5 - 25 days, symptoms may appear in which you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • a red spot has formed at the site of the bite;
  • the temperature has increased;
  • headache appeared;
  • began to experience pain in the joints,
  • photophobia appeared;
  • it became more difficult to move your eyes and neck;
  • a rash appeared.

Don't turn your back on the snake



If you accidentally notice a crawling snake, you need to freeze and give it the opportunity to leave. If the snake has taken a threatening position, you should slowly retreat back. You cannot put your hands forward or turn your back to the snake. If you have a stick in your hands, you can hold it in front of you. Don't try to run away - there may be several snakes, and while running away you will accidentally step on another.

In case of a bite, first aid can only be provided by knowledgeable person. Wrong actions often only cause harm. Immediately after the bite, the victim should be laid down and ensured complete rest. The victim himself should not move - the poison will spread faster. The wound should be disinfected and a sterile bandage applied, which should be loosened periodically so that it does not cut into the soft tissue. Do not apply a tourniquet above the bite site. It is important to remember that alcohol is not an antidote, but, on the contrary, makes it difficult to remove poison from the body and enhances its effect. Give the victim more to drink - tea, broth, water (no coffee). A large number of Drinking liquid helps the poison leave the body. The victim must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

Bees, wasps, hornets

These insects are attracted to sweets, so you should not keep fruits and sugary drinks in open access. It is not advisable to walk barefoot on grass and flowering meadows.

In the event of a bee, wasp or hornet bite, you should quickly treat the bite site with ammonia, an antiseptic, or extreme case, lemon or vinegar. The bite can cause allergies, so allergy sufferers should take antihistamines. After the incident, you should remain calm and drink more hot liquids. Wash the bite site with soap and water.

forest fire

If you witness a forest fire, you can help all possible help in its quenching. You should immediately notify the rescue service, rural district administration or forestry department. WITH mobile phone The fire department can be called by dialing 112.

If the fire does not gain strength, you can try to extinguish the fire yourself. Water, earth, sand, branches will help you with this deciduous trees, thick clothes - depending on what you have at hand. Most effective method To extinguish a forest fire, cover its edge with earth.

When extinguishing a fire, you should not move far from roads and clearings. If the fire gets too hot, it is better not to take risks and leave the scene. In case of a forest ground fire, it is necessary to move perpendicular to the direction of the fire along clearings, roads, river banks or clearings. In case of a forest fire, you should move through the forest, bending down to the ground and covering your mouth with a damp cloth. If there is no way to get out danger zone, try to find some body of water in the forest and enter it.