Dosha is a certain combination of energies that creates your unique physical, emotional and mental essence. This is an information drawing that controls your body, emotions and mind.

In my opinion, the more we know about ourselves and our body, the better. We will easily forgive ourselves shortcomings of character, be more calm about the nuances of our figure, that is, it is easier to accept yourself, and also know how to cope with their ailments and gain harmony, youth and our main components - beauty and radiance!

Therefore, Ayurveda for us in this case is simply best friend. But here, frankly, I’m not a pro, although I can easily determine the leading dosha and the constitutions of other people by eye, but I’m not an Ayurveda specialist, so the word is to the author of the book and Ayurvedic doctor, Katie Silkox.

In addition, I am often asked how to determine a dosha, so I have found for you not only a very accurate and competent description of all doshas, ​​but also a wonderful questionnaire!

”is a rather ancient direction of Indian Vedic medicine. The first sources (tracts) on this topic were written more than 2000 years ago. Let's try to open it up ancient knowledge and for myself, having tried to figure out how, and most importantly why it is necessary to determine the types of people according to Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic theory describes a person as an individual, a kind of microuniverse, the physical and mental state of which play a decisive role when we are talking about her well-being. Ayurvedic texts state that a person consists of 5 constituent elements: ether (Akasha), air (Vayu), water (Jala), fire (Agni) and earth (Prithvi). In certain combinations, these elements form three main vitality body - doshas. A person is healthy if the doshas are balanced.

Types of people according to Ayurveda are classified according to doshas. Knowing the type of a particular person, the Ayurvedic tradition outlines the range of diseases inherent in him and gives recommendations for overcoming and preventing them.

The table below will help you correctly and quickly determine the types of people according to Ayurveda. Rate yourself and your loved ones with its help, choosing only the answers that suit you. Here, however, it should be borne in mind that all three doshas are present in every person. Only they are expressed in varying degrees of strength: someone has more Kapha, and someone has Pitta or Vata. Often there are "clearly" mixed types. However, try to find your preferred type.

If most of your answers are in Table 1, then your type is Vata. The answers given in Tables 2 and 3 are Pitta type and Kapha type respectively. This is how the types of people are defined according to Ayurveda. Of course, there are much more detailed options for "questionnaires". But even using the “quick survey” above, you will reliably identify your predominant dosha type.

Dosha decoding

Vata people are always on the move, agile and adaptable. They do not like to sit idle, they are very sociable, they like mental activity. As a result, they are more prone to stress, anxiety and related diseases.

Pitta people have a dynamic, fiery personality type. They love fighting, quick decisions and impulsive actions. Such people are most prone to headaches and digestive problems.

People with a Kapha constitution are practical, reasonable, and the most down to earth. They most often suffer from fatigue, water retention in the body, bloating and cravings for sweets. These people also tend to be slow and lethargic.

Correction (treatment) of the body

Ayurveda has in its arsenal many various methods treatments, including dietary and lifestyle approaches, the use of medicines plant origin and others.

The following simple but very effective Ayurvedic method deserves attention. Its principle is based on the fact that the foods that we eat daily, as well as the degree of their warming up or cooling down, seriously affect our body, depending on the type of dosha to which it belongs. The table below will help you understand how to put this into practice.

You can find out more about the rules of nutrition for doshas.

Types of people according to Ayurveda were developed many centuries ago and are designed to help a person understand what is best for him and what should be avoided, what he is sick with and how to treat him. Try to determine your type as well, and then, after consulting with the doctor, choose the appropriate diet (if you can call it that) and positive changes in the state of your body will not be long in coming.

This test will help determine what dosha you are and how you should eat. The test consists of 4 parts: the original dosha is determined by your childhood, the rest -2,3,4 - by the current attitude.

primordial dosha

cotton wool



1. The body is thin, unusually tall or short

1. Average build

1. Large, full body

2. Light, thin bones; protruding joints

2. The skeletal system is normal

2. The skeletal system is massive

3. The fingers and toes are long, with pointed ends

3. Fingers and toes of medium length

3 Fingers and toes short, with square ends

4. In childhood - thinness

4. In childhood - average build

4. In childhood - large body or completeness

5. If you gain weight, then fat deposits are concentrated in the waist area.

5. If you gain weight, then body fat is distributed evenly

5. Tendency to overweight and fat deposits in the buttocks and thighs

6. Skin is dark (compared to other family members), easily tanned

6. The skin is light, easily burns in the sun; often - freckles, moles

6. In the sun, the skin is covered with a uniform tan

7. Body hair is either scanty or very thick; usually dark, hard and curly

7. Body hair is light, thin

7. Body hair is moderately thick

8. Narrow forehead

8. Forehead of medium width, with wrinkles and folds

8. Wide forehead

9. The eyes are small, dark, mobile

9. Eyes medium size, light green, grey, amber or blue

9. The eyes are large, moist, sometimes blue, more often brown with a chocolate tint.

10. Teeth crooked, uneven or projecting forward, sensitive to hot and cold; may have had to wear corrective braces

10. Teeth are even, medium size

10. Teeth are large, even, shiny

11. Thin neck

11. Neck of moderate thickness

11. Thick neck

12. Graceful chin

12. Chin of moderate size

12. Massive lower jaw

13. As a child - curly hair

13. In childhood - thin, blond hair

13. As a child - wavy, thick hair

WATA (total)

PITTA (total)

KAPHA (total)

Part 2.

cotton wool



1. Difficulty gaining weight

1. You Can Gain or Lose Weight Quite Easily If You Want

1. Easy to gain weight but hard to lose without exercise

2. Cold hands and feet

2. Warm skin

2. Skin is cool but not cold

3. The skin is dry, thin (if you pinch your forearm, the thickness of the skin will be about 0.5 cm), crack easily. Tendency to form corns

3. Skin is oily; prone to acne and rashes. Thickness 0.5-1cm

3. The skin is thick (thickness 2 cm or more), well moisturized

4. Often there are cracks on the lips

4. Lips are dark red, often - herpes, blisters on the lips

4. Lips full, wet

5. Hair dry, dull, split ends, dark, hard, curly

5. Hair is thin, greasy, blond, red or with early gray hair; hair thinning early, baldness possible

5. Hair is thick, slightly wavy, greasy, dark, shiny

6. Poor tolerance to dryness and cold, prefer warmth

6. Prefer cool, well-ventilated spaces, don't tolerate heat well

6. Be tolerant of almost anyone climatic conditions but do not tolerate high humidity

7. Tongue dry, with a thin grayish coating

7. Tongue with yellowish, slightly orange or reddish coating

7. Tongue swollen, with thick, cheesy, white coating

8. The eyes are often dry and itchy, the sclera (whites of the eyes) are grayish or bluish

8. Sclera reddish or yellowish

8. Tendency to edema of the eyelids

9. Stool irregular, hard, dry; possible constipation

9. Plentiful stool, more than twice a day; possible diarrhea

9. Stool copious, once a day; possible mucous discharge, itching

10. Tendency to nervous disorders and sharp pains

10. Tendency to diseases with fever, rashes, inflammation

10. Tendency to edema, fluid and mucus retention, congestion

11. sex drive irregular, prone to sexual fantasies

11. Sex drive is strong, you get excited easily

11. Sexual desire is regular, you get aroused slowly

12. Menstruation irregular, scanty, with severe painful spasms

12. Heavy bleeding is possible; menstruation accompanied by diarrhea

12. During menstruation there are edema; spasms are weak or absent

13. Either abuse fatty and sweet foods, or sit on a strict diet.

13. Prefer protein foods, drinks with

caffeine, as well as hot, spicy and salty foods

13. Prefer sweet, dairy and flour products

14. Weak gums

14. Tendency to inflammation and bleeding of the gums

14. Gums are strong

WATA (total)

PITTA (total)

KAPHA (total)

Part 3

cotton wool



1. Attention quickly dissipates, quickly remember new information, but easily forget

1. Remember new information quickly and for a long time; think logically, rationally

1. It takes quite a long time to learn new information, but you never forget what you once firmly learned

2. Dislike rigid routines

2. Love to plan and conduct organizational work, especially if the project is entirely at your disposal

2. Work well within a rigid schedule

3. Difficult to make decisions and easily change them

3. Make decisions quickly, see the essence of things clearly

3. Make decisions slowly, refuse them with great difficulty.

4. Restless, active, mobile mind. Creative thinking

4. Aggressiveness, competitive spirit

4. Calmness, love for leisurely activities that do not require much effort

5. Creative thinking

5. Organized thinking

5. Prefer to follow other people's ideas and plans

6. Work simultaneously on a superset of projects

6. Constantly conduct organizational work, prefer to move towards the goal consistently

6. Resist change and new beginnings, prefer simplicity

7. You have many acquaintances but few close friends.

7. You are very picky, it is not easy for you to establish warm friendships and make an enemy

7. You have many friends and you are loyal to them.

8. You tend to be impulsive and think money is there to be spent.

8. You plan your expenses and think that money is a means to an end

8. You are frugal and thrifty, having difficulty parting with money

WATA (total)

PITTA (total)

KAPHA (total)

Part 4

cotton wool



1. Often feel fear

In order to correctly understand the basic principles of the Vedic system of treatment, one should first know what the doshas are. The fundamental concepts of Ayurveda are built on the definition of prakriti, in other words, the constitution of the human body. The balance of nutrients, the rhythm and characteristics of the metabolic processes, as well as the physique, determine how the body reacts to painful changes, what weak spots And strengths. Having determined your prakriti with the help of a dosha test, you will find out what rhythm of life and type of nutrition suits you, what you should beware of when taking care of your health, and what diseases you should protect yourself from.
Kinda, it's a personality type that's defined general characteristics physiology, such as the type of skin, hair, features of digestion, emotional state, gait and so on.

Vata, Pitta, Kapha or Prakriti Sama?

There are three types in total: Vata, Pita, Kapha. Each of them has its own element - Wind, Fire, Water. These are not just metaphors taken from ancient teachings - Ayurvedic medicine thus names the key substances or processes in each type of body constitution.

For example, a person with a prominent Vata dosha is endowed with a fast metabolism, an “airy” physique. In Pita, a strong digestive fire plays a major role in establishing balance in the body, such people also usually have a “hot” disposition. Kapha is slowness, smoothness, stability, excess moisture. There is also the so-called Sama-prakriti, in which there is no one or two predominant doshas - they are all in relative balance. From birth, each person has his own prakriti.

Why do you need a dosha test?

In a healthy body, all three doshas are in dynamic interaction, and their ratio can change throughout life under the influence of both external and internal factors. But as soon as the balance is sharply disturbed, the body begins to resist this, which often causes the onset of disease processes. Therefore, it is very important to know about the real needs and features of the work of your body in order to understand what lifestyle is best for you. Ayurvedic medicine gives general recommendations for each type of prakriti, following which you can restore your body to its natural balance. There are also tips for the case when one of the doshas unnaturally began to prevail in your body under the influence of the external environment.

The dosha test can be taken twice, answering questions about the features of your physiology in childhood and now. If the results are drastically different, then sure sign the fact that something in your lifestyle does not meet the needs of the body and needs to be changed. But in order to more accurately assess your condition, prevent the development of possible diseases and receive specific recommendations for improving your health, you need to take the opportunity to undergo professional Ayurvedic diagnostics at the Amrita Center. The specialist will be able in the best way evaluate the features of your body in order to further help you become healthier and more efficient in your life.

Components of the human body. To determine the energy that controls your physical and mental functions, you can take a special dosha test.

The test will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

How to pass?

In total, the dosha test consists of 192 questions, each of which has 5 possible answers - you choose the 1 that most accurately describes you. As a result of the check, your Prakriti Dosha (body constitution) will be determined according to Ayurveda.

Why pass?

Looking closely at our surroundings, we notice the features of people we know: one is more prone to physical illness, another shows excessive aggression, and the third is completely apathetic.

Such states are explained by the disharmony of the doshas in the body, which are constantly in motion and strive for perfect balance. However, the ideal is the opposite of development, so one of the properties always prevails, while the other two are constantly changing.

Using the Ayurveda dosha test online, you can determine the leading dosha of a person and identify his tendency to certain manifestations of physical or mental disorders. That is why in questions there are both internal and external characteristics person, for example:

    body type;

    the shape of the nose and eyes;

    skin type and condition;

    what is the smell of the body;

    the condition of the teeth;

    weather influence;

    manner of communication;

    How does a person deal with problems?

    endurance level and much more.

It is important to correctly determine the dosha and the level of imbalance. This will help prevent many diseases, suggest a suitable diet and lifestyle. Using these tips, you can, on your own or with the help of a mentor, chart your path to a healthy body, a peaceful mind, and harmony with the world around you.

Passing rules

Before taking a dosha test online, find a comfortable place for yourself where you can listen to yourself and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli.

When answering questions, you must follow some rules:

    take your time, carefully read each question and answer;

    Think about the answer without haste. It is not necessary that every word in the answer will suit you - but there should be a majority;

    answers must be honest. Choose the option that describes you, not the one that you see as "ideal";

    if you find it difficult to give yourself an accurate adequate assessment, ask close friend or a relative to help you take the test.

Do not forget that the doshas tend to change the balance throughout a person's life, so it is recommended to check the energy balance every three months and adjust the lifestyle in accordance with the result.

How to interpret the results

After answering all the questions, you will receive the test results in the form of numbers, one for each indicator: the level of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The indicator with a significantly larger figure is your leading dosha.

Sometimes two or three doshas turn out to be leading - in this case, a person belongs to rare species people with an improved level of harmony of internal and external properties:

    if there are two leading types, then the constitution of the body will be called with a hyphen, the first will be the dosha, which has a larger indicator;

    if the numbers between all doshas fluctuate between 1-2 units, then the type of constitution will be called Sama-dosha.

Let us clarify that each person is unique, and the vata pitta kapha dosha test helps to approximately determine this balance, from which a set of manifested failures in the psyche or physical health different. But having learned your leading property, you can influence the disturbing "lagging" dosha with the help of Ayurvedic advice and improve your condition. Now you know how to determine your dosha.