Most citizens prefer to receive social services in monetary terms.

What is a set of social services

Kit social services(NSU) is a monthly state social assistance in the form of a set of free services or reimbursement of the cost of services in cash.

Who can get NSO?

The following categories of people can count on social assistance:

- Disabled children,

- Disabled war veterans, including participants in the Second World War, prisoners of fascist concentration camps, other places of detention, employees of the Armed Forces, the State Border Guard Service, police officers, police officers, penitentiary services who were injured in the line of duty,

– Disabled people of I, II, III groups,

- affected by man-made disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant, tests at a nuclear test site and persons equated to them.

- Veterans - participants in the Second World War, participants in the Afghan armed conflict, participants in other local military conflicts (on the territory or outside the Russian Federation), who were in military units that were not formally part of the structure of the USSR Army, having the title of "Resident besieged Leningrad”, family members of fallen veterans.

Full list persons to receive subsidies is determined by Federal Law No. 178, as well as by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF No. 328 dated December 29, 2004.

Important! Regional authorities establish support in the form of cash payments or in kind, providing the right to free purchase of medicines, fuel, travel to public transport(FZ No. 178).

What is included in the set of social services?

  1. Medical assistance needed medicines(according to a doctor's prescription), medical products, food for children by doctor's order,
  2. A voucher for recovery to a sanatorium-and-spa hospital, if there are medical indications,
  3. Travel to and from the place of treatment on international and intercity transport.

The cost of a set of social services from April 1, 2017 is 1053.88 rubles, namely:

Where to apply for social assistance?

To receive social benefits, a citizen must contact the UPFR at the place of registration. Payments to pensioners are assigned in the same Pension Department, where other pension payments are established.

Disabled and underage citizens receive payments at the place of residence of their parents, trustees / guardians. If the parents of a minor do not live together, then you should contact the Pension Department at the place of residence of the parent with whom the child lives.

Important! Minors who have reached the age of 14 can independently apply for additional payments.

Required documents

The following documents are required to apply for social assistance:

- statement;

- an identity document (passport of the Russian Federation, if the recipient has not reached the age of 18, then a birth certificate);

– pension certificate (if any);

- a document confirming the right to receive benefits.

Rejection of a set of social services

The applicant, at will, can be provided with social services:

– as benefits;

- in monetary compensation - as an additional payment to a pension;

- in a mixed form, when benefits are partially waived. For example, a pensioner does not need medicines, then he writes a waiver of benefits, but at the same time retains the opportunity to receive a ticket to a sanatorium and compensation for travel to it.

How to get cash compensation

To refuse benefits, a pensioner should contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund (where the pensioner's personal file is kept) with a written application ( application form below). You can also use the services of the Multifunctional Center.

It is enough to write an application once, which will be valid until the citizen submits a new application, about a new decision.

Deadlines for submission and start of work of the document:

- if this deadline is violated, for example, the application was submitted on October 15, then it will come into force only after more than a year.

To register a waiver of a set of social services, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. An application form is issued to the branch of the Pension Fund, where it is necessary to indicate the personal data of the citizen and the desired amount of services received in kind.

Important! A certificate for a set of social services is issued for a certain period - from the moment of application until December 31 of the current year.

Benefits for pensioners, labor veterans and other categories

In accordance with Federal Law of August 22, 2004, FZ No. 122 “On the monetization of benefits”, benefits in in kind were replaced by monetary compensation. Such compensations began to be called monthly cash payments (UDV) and amounted to different categories of recipients in various amounts ranging from 500 to 2000 rubles.

The following benefits have been monetized:

– Provision of free medical drugs;

– Travel by public and suburban transport;

Other benefits converted to compensation.

Active following algorithm:

– Payment for some service (for example, housing and communal services);

– Submission of documents that confirm the preferential status to the appropriate institution (ZHEK);

– Receipt of a sum of money to the bank account, which is equal to the price of the paid service or a percentage of it.

Consequently, benefits are provided to those citizens who use them.

So let's sum up

The set of social services includes three benefits. They can be received both in kind and in cash (upon application), in the form of an additional allowance to the monthly cash payment.

To receive monetary compensation from next year, an application must be submitted before October of the current year.

The process of monetization of benefits entitles beneficiaries to an independent choice in the form of benefits in kind or monetary compensation for them.

(name of the territorial body of the Pension Fund

Russian Federation)

SNILS _____________________


on refusal to receive a set of social services

(social service)


date of issue
Series and document number Date of Birth
Issued by Place of Birth

Citizen's representative

Full Name ___________________________________________


Please consider my refusal to receive:

│ │ a set of social services provided for by part 1 of the article

"On State Social Assistance" (full set of social services)

│ │ social service provided for in point 1 of part 1

"On State Social Assistance" (to ensure in accordance with the standards medical care necessary medicines for medical use on prescriptions for medicines, medical devices on prescriptions for medical devices, as well as specialized products medical nutrition for disabled children)

│ │ social service provided for in clause 1.1 of part 1

"On State Social Assistance" (on the provision, in the presence of medical indications, of a voucher for sanatorium treatment carried out in order to prevent major diseases, in sanatorium and resort organizations determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs)

│ │ social service provided for in point 2 of part 1

"On State Social Assistance" (for free travel on a suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back)

(mark as appropriate)

and stop his (her, their) payment at the expense of the amount (part of the amount) of the monthly cash payment from January 1, 20 ___.

(Underline whatever applicable)

I have received clarifications on the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services in accordance with Article 6.3 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ
"On State Social Assistance", as well as on the termination of the provision of a set of social services (social services) from January 1, 20 ___ in accordance with this application.

Application registration mark

The data specified in the application correspond to the submitted identity document.


(cutting line)

Receipt - notice

Statement by Mr. ____________________________________________________

A component of the preferential guarantees approved by the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178 is a social package. It includes free medicines, a ticket to a sanatorium and travel to the place of treatment. You can receive these services in kind or in cash, and the social package is assigned immediately in the form of the listed services, as soon as disability is granted.

What is included in the NSI of persons with disabilities

A person with disabilities receives the following services as an NSO free of charge:

Medicines and necessary medical products, including medical nutrition for children, if there is a prescription from a doctor (there is a list established by the Government);

A ticket to a Russian sanatorium together with an attendant (if a disabled person cannot do without outside help);

Moving in intercity transport and a commuter train to the place of recovery and back (accompanying a disabled person of the 1st group also uses this opportunity).

Since the NSI for the disabled and beneficiaries of other categories is included in the EVA, it will be possible to take advantage of the listed benefits when issuing a certificate of appointment of the EVA.

It should be noted that the financing of social services in the minimum amount is carried out at the expense of funds from the federal budget. At the same time, in the regions, representatives of the authorities can adopt relevant acts, thus establishing Additional services(this is relevant if the income of the beneficiary is lower living wage etc).

How often can I use NSO

Life-saving medicines must be provided to the person in need in the amount prescribed by the doctor. As for spa treatment, there are some nuances here. For example, the probability of obtaining a tour every year is unlikely. This is due to the fact that the purchase of vouchers is carried out with the money allocated by the federal authorities specifically for the social package.

According to known data, about 1,500 rubles are allocated annually for a ticket for one beneficiary, while the cost of treatment in a sanatorium will cost 20,000 rubles (average price). It is obvious that in fact they buy 13 times less tickets (approximately) than they need. This forms a queue of people waiting for two or three years.

The situation with travel is a little simpler: free tickets for movement in intercity transport are provided to disabled people with a special form in their hands. The form is issued at the regional Ministry of Health (treatment in a sanatorium is also recommended here). There are no queues and there are usually no difficulties in obtaining the service.

Recipients of the social package

Eligible for a set of free services:

Disabled people of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd group, including disabled children;

Former prisoners of concentration camps who received an injury, illness or other injury at that time that provoked disability;

Military personnel who served from 6 months, but were not included in the active army during the Second World War;

Persons who became disabled due to participation in hostilities:

Veterans of the Second World War and those who have the status of a resident of besieged Leningrad;

Victims during the performance of atomic tests and from exposure to radiation;

Family members of beneficiaries.

The list also includes civil servants who received a disability group while performing their duties. This is about:

Employees of the penitentiary system;

military and police personnel;

Working on military installations.

NSO registration algorithm

A potential beneficiary of assistance in the form of an NSO should:

Confirm your involvement in the preferential category;

Prepare a package of documents proving the right to benefits;

Contact the territorial department of the FIU at the place of residence.

The last step can be done by appearing in person. There is also a portal of State Services or the MFC. Plus, postage is available. And for those who, due to a difficult health condition, are not able to resort to one of the indicated methods of treatment, experts recommend attracting a legal representative acting on behalf of the applicant by proxy.

Documents are transferred to the FIU, where they are under consideration for up to 30 days. Starting from the moment of its entry into force, the applicant for the NSO must familiarize himself with the decision within 5 days. If a set of social services is provided, the beneficiary can use them in kind (in order to receive a monetary equivalent, it is necessary to abandon the NSO).

Documents for receiving a package of social services

The applicant must submit to the FIU:

Passport or residence permit;

SNILS and IPR for a disabled person;

Application for the appointment of EDV (form to be issued);

A request to replace in-kind benefits with money in the form of an application (if there is a desire);

An extract from the ITU act confirming the presence of health problems;

Certificate of a disabled person, participant in the Great Patriotic War, etc.;

A certificate indicating the group of disability or discharge epicrisis;

Order to engage in hostilities (if any);

Documents confirming being in a fascist concentration camp;

Certificates from the employer, if the disability was the result of the performance of official duties;

Papers on special merits or titles;

Settlement account number for transferring monetary compensation (in case of full or partial refusal from NSO);

Power of attorney (if a third party is involved in the process, that is, your representative).

Cancellation of social package

In order not to receive the services listed above, but to add a certain amount to your pension, you should submit an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (same as at the place of residence of the beneficiary). The appeal will be considered in a timely manner if you contact the territorial department before October 1. If the refusal was issued once, an annual request is not needed (of course, if there is no need to return in-kind benefits or refuse, for example, not only medicines, but also vouchers). In the event of a change in your decision, the application is written again.

Social package in monetary terms

The social package is indexed every year on February 1 according to the current inflation rate and is not subject to taxation income tax. Thus, if you abandon the NSO in full, they will accrue 1155.06 rubles. At the same time, up to 127.77 rubles are allocated for free travel, about 889.66 rubles for medicines, and, finally, up to 137.63 rubles for sanatorium treatment.

Is it worth it for a disabled person to refuse a social package?

Making a decision to replace social services with money is easy enough if we consider each of the options provided separately and in order.

Medicines for free. If we are talking about a disease that does not require expensive drugs (for example, a missing limb), you can not use the benefit for free medicines. But, let's say, diabetes insulin is required, which is provided free of charge within the NSO. In addition, there are other complex conditions that do not allow excluding such a service. Therefore, an additional consultation with a doctor on this issue will not hurt.

Ticket to the sanatorium. To receive procedures in a sanatorium every two or three years - at first glance, this is not enough. But a simple calculation shows that in three years it will be possible to receive approximately 4,500 rubles. Obviously, for the indicated amount, an 18-day vacation with food and treatment cannot be purchased (plus, an accompanying person travels with disabled people of the 1st group).

Travel to the place of treatment. Taking into account the fact that a trip to a sanatorium is an infrequent phenomenon, in three years you can lose a little more than 4,000 rubles. That is, if it is possible to get to the place of treatment for 200-300 rubles, it makes little sense to maintain the service (as a rule, in such cases, medical institutions are nearby). But visiting remote cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.) becomes unprofitable. Then it’s worth getting special coupons for free train travel in both directions using coupon No. 2 (an accompanying person is also considered).

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for compensation for medicines for the disabled. The amount of compensation is determined by the relevant regulatory enactments.

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At the same time, the law allows for a partial refusal to receive medicines. In return, the beneficiary may claim compensation in proportion to the cost of the medicines. Therefore, it is necessary to understand in more detail what disabled people of groups 2 and 3 can expect, as well as how the refusal of free medicines is carried out.

What assistance is provided to disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3

Decree of the Russian Federation No. 890 approved the list of persons entitled to receive benefits. It also lists diseases for which a person is eligible to receive free medicines or half the cost of medicines. This includes children with disabilities, disabled people of the 1st or 2nd group who do not have permanent place work. Disabled people of the 2nd and 3rd groups who have a job are entitled to a 50% discount on the necessary medicines. In addition, there is an additional free package of social services.

The list of preferential services includes:

  • Getting free medicines as prescribed by a doctor. Children with disabilities may also receive special food.
  • If necessary, a disabled person receives a ticket to a medical sanatorium specializing in his disease.
  • The possibility of free travel on railway transport in the suburbs, and transport, carrying out intercity transportation.
  • List medicines, medical products, food products for disabled children and a list of sanatoriums, is approved every year at the legislative level.

How to get rid of free medicines

Cancellation can be made in whole or in part.

For example, the recipient has the right to refuse only a certain category of services:

  • from drugs - with the right to free travel and treatment in a sanatorium;
  • from the journey - with the receipt of free medicines and vouchers to the sanatorium;
  • from the sanatorium - leaving travel and medicines;
  • from medicines and a sanatorium - leaving the passage;
  • from travel and medicines – with the possibility free treatment in a sanatorium;
  • from the sanatorium and travel - with free medicines.

Where to apply?

Based on the Administrative Regulations, which regulate the possibility for citizens to receive the necessary social assistance or the required information, it is possible to apply for receiving or refusing a social package in the agreed instances.


  1. In the pension fund at the place of residence of the person concerned. When applying, you will need to present an identity document. You can get the necessary advice by phone or e-mail.
  2. In multifunctional centers providing state and municipal services. To do this, the applicant will need to prepare the appropriate package of documents.
  3. Information of interest can also be obtained on the Unified Portal of Public Services. To receive services via the Internet, interested persons must register on the site. After that, it creates Personal Area user from handicapped, which will display a list of benefits provided.

References are provided on the following points:

  • legal documents on the provision of a state preferential package of services;
  • persons entitled to receive social assistance;
  • order of receipt necessary information about the procedure for obtaining a free set of services;
  • necessary documents and deadlines for their submission to receive a social package;
  • procedure for applying for or waiving free help in particular medicines;
  • the period of receipt of assistance after the application is submitted;
  • the amount allocated to the free package of services corresponding to the amount of compensation in case of refusal.

Cash compensation for medicines and services for the disabled

The total amount of compensation as of 01.04.2015 amounted to 930 rub. 12 kopecks per month.

Of them:

  • medicines - 716.40 RUB.;
  • voucher to the sanatorium 110.83 RUB.;
  • travel - 102.89 RUB.

In case of refusal of any of the listed services, the amount of compensation is calculated based on the current price list. In case of a complete refusal, the amount of compensation is paid in full.

How to write an application correctly

An application for receiving or refusing a social package is submitted to the territorial office of the Pension Fund before October 1 of the current year, and is valid until the end of this year. After the expiration of the deadline, you will need to apply for an extension of preferential assistance.

Although soon such a procedure will no longer be required, and the benefits will be extended automatically if no application has been received to refuse assistance in favor of compensation.

If you refuse free services, the application must also be submitted before October 1 of the current year. With regard to payments, they will begin from the beginning of next year. When you apply for a renewal of assistance, services begin on January 1 of the next year.

When filling out the application form, you must provide the following information:

  • the name of the institution to which the application is sent;
  • Full name of the official in whose name the application is written;
  • Name of the applicant, as well as the address of residence and postal code.

After the word “Statement”, the situation and the corresponding request are briefly described. All relevant documents must be attached to the application, in particular, a certificate of disability, indicating the relevant group.

When submitting an application, it is advisable to make a copy of the document on which the official must mark the acceptance of the application.

This will make it possible to prove that the applicant actually applied to the appropriate government agency, for example, if he is denied assistance due to the lack of a proper document. The response to the application should come within a month. However, you can find out who is appointed as the executor for this application, and periodically ask future fate document.

Resumption of the social services package

Quite often the objector changes his mind and wishes to receive social assistance again, which he once refused. A natural question arises, what to do in this case?

An interested person must submit an application to the Pension Fund for the renewal of assistance before October 1.

You can start receiving the social package from the beginning of next year.

Does it make sense to refuse free medicines in favor of compensation

The reader may be interested in what prompts a disabled person to refuse free medicines and ask for monetary compensation in return? As a rule, this is the lack of necessary drugs in pharmacies or their insufficient effectiveness.

However, monetary compensation is relatively low, so you can’t buy really high-quality drugs for it. But, with the included social package, there is always a chance that the necessary drugs will be available.

However, for many citizens, receiving compensation is the best option especially if they are not getting the medicines they need.

In order not to make hasty decisions, you need to consult with your doctor and think it over well. As practice shows, the opinion of doctors in this matter is unequivocal: it is better for all refuseniks to receive natural assistance in order to avoid the progress of diseases.

If the necessary drugs are purchased at your own expense

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 57 dated January 31, 2011 approved the procedure for paying compensation Money for medicines purchased by a disabled person or technical means. The payment of funds is carried out by the Fund social insurance or local authorities. The amount of payment is calculated based on the approved list medical services, medicines and essentials. The compensation also includes payment for shipping and banking services (if any).

If the data on the cost presented by the disabled person and those indicated in the official list differ in favor of the applicant, then the disabled person must submit additional documents confirming the expenses incurred.

Compensation is paid after the relevant application is received by the local authorities from the disabled person himself or a person representing his interests.

In this case, the following documents must be presented:

  • passport;
  • individual rehabilitation program;
  • insurance certificate, specified number personal account.

Payment is made within a month, after consideration of the application and a decision on the necessary payment. Consideration of applications for payment of compensations is carried out by the local authorized body in the order of priority.

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Where to turn if legal regulations are not followed

Often, people with disabilities face indifference, unreasonable denial of social assistance and reimbursement of funds spent on drugs and medical services.

You can file a complaint about illegal actions of officials in the following institutions:

  • local health committee;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • Roszdravnadzor;
  • presidential administration;
  • territorial authorized body for human rights.

In case of non-compliance with legislative requirements by territorial authorities, responsible for the provision of the disabled social assistance You can also apply to the court of your place of residence. In this case, the defendant will be local branch Ministry of Health. A disabled person must provide all documents confirming the right to benefits, prescriptions for which he was not given medicines or checks for which he did not receive the due compensation.

If the claim does not exceed 50 thousand rubles, then it will be considered by a justice of the peace, and in the case of a larger amount, by a district court.

Before filing a claim, you should prepare the necessary package of documents, as well as provide for all possible actions of the defendant. To avoid possible legal shortcomings, it is better to seek the help of an experienced lawyer. It is also necessary to attach witnesses who can confirm the fact of refusal to provide assistance or compensation. Otherwise, the offense of officials may be attributed to paper bureaucracy and the imperfection of the existing system, as a result of which the defendant will not be held accountable.

Before abandoning the social package, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons. If a person does not receive the necessary medicines or does not receive them on time, then he must apply to the appropriate authority with a complaint and seek from local governments to fulfill their immediate duties.

Hello Svetlana! The pension fund gave you the correct answer.

Currently, the deadline for submitting an application to the Pension Fund to refuse to receive a set of social services in kind must be submitted strictly before October 1.

For persons who are assigned a monthly cash payment for the first time, a set of social services is initially provided in kind. If, as in your case, a citizen wants to refuse the social package in favor of money, then he needs to apply to the PFR authorities with a corresponding application. An application for refusal to provide a set of social services in kind (as well as for the resumption of its provision) is submitted before October 1 of each year. At the same time, the decision made in the application shall enter into force on January 1 of the year following the year in which the application was submitted, and will remain in effect until the applicant changes his decision. Since the monthly cash payment was assigned to you after October 1 of the current year and since that time you have acquired the right to a set of social services (in kind), you will use this right until you want to refuse the social package.

By federal law dated December 8, 2010 No. 345-FZ, from January 1, 2011, the social package consists of three parts: medicinal, sanatorium and transport.

The medicinal part provides for the provision of free prescription drugs, medical products, as well as specialized medical nutrition products for disabled children.

The sanatorium-resort part is the provision of vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment for the prevention of major diseases for medical reasons.

The transport part includes free travel in suburban trains and travel by intercity transport to the sanatorium and back.

The recipient of the monthly cash payment has the right to refuse both the entire set of social services, and one or two of its parts.

Try to take advantage of some of the benefits provided so far, and perhaps on next year it will be more clear for you whether you should refuse a set of social services or leave everything as it is.

From April 1, 2012, 795 rubles 88 kopecks per month will be allocated to pay for the provision of a set of social services to a citizen, including:

— provision of necessary medicines - 613 rubles;

- provision of a voucher for sanatorium treatment for the prevention of major diseases - 94 rubles 83 kopecks;

- free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 88 rubles 5 kopecks.


According to the decision of the recipient of the pension, the social package can be indexed into a monetary equivalent, which will be included in the amount of the basic pension.

The full social package from February 2019 is 1,121.42 rubles. and includes several items of guaranteed security:

  • medicines prescribed by a doctor - 863.75 rubles,
  • sanatorium treatment in the presence of medical indications - 133.62 rubles,
  • travel by suburban railway transport, as well as by intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 124.05 rubles.

Refuse social package - procedure

The beneficiary can waive the social package either completely or partially. To do this, you must contact the branch of the pension fund before October 1, 2019 with an application. In this case, the in-kind form will be replaced by cash compensation from 2020.

When assigning a pension, the social package is automatically provided in kind, and if the pensioner wishes to receive its monetary equivalent in 2020, the application had to be submitted strictly before October 1, 2019. In order to receive money in 2021, an application must be written before October 1, 2020. If a citizen has already submitted such an application earlier, a second application to the FIU will be required only if his decision changes.

For certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation, various social packages are provided, which include the right to additional monthly material support. It will go into social package for the disabled Second World War, as a result of an injury received during military operations, as well as minor prisoners German camps. The right to receive such an additional payment is provided regardless of the place of residence. The amount of the allowance is one thousand rubles.

Another type of DEMO in the amount of five hundred rubles can be received by certain categories of citizens (persons who participated in the Second World War; former prisoners of concentration camps who had reached the age of majority at that time; blockade of Leningrad).

For additional assistance, please contact territorial bodies for the payment of pensions.

A citizen can receive benefits only on one basis, which implies the highest amount of payment.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation who is entitled to an additional allowance can receive it on the basis of his application to the regional Pension Fund. For Russians living abroad, payments are also provided through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Social package provided by the employer

When looking for a job, most job seekers are interested in what benefits the employer is willing to provide to its employees.

A few years ago, vacation pay and sick leave was considered the optimal amount of guaranteed social security. In fact, according to Labor Code, such payments do not depend on the desire of the employer, but must be mandatory.

Fortunately, in Lately some employers have significantly increased the amount of benefits that are guaranteed to the employee.

The social package of an employee today includes not only guarantees of comfortable and efficient labor activity, but also a full-fledged spa vacation.

What can be included in the social package of a modern employer:

  • free medicines in case of sick leave,
  • food and travel around the city at the expense of the employer,
  • fee for places in children's preschool institutions,
  • taking PC courses at the expense of the employer,
  • mobile phone payment.

For motivation efficient operation directors of firms also use individual types of formation of benefits, for example, for experienced employees, benefits are provided for obtaining a loan, bonuses at the end of the year, etc.

For people with disabilities who have a disability, the social package can provide regular treatment.

For large enterprises, the presence of non-standard preferential terms is a symbol of reliability and solidity, as well as an indicator of competent domestic policy. According to statistics, just over sixty percent of Russian citizens consider their working conditions to be satisfactory, and the applicant's priorities are set on how diverse the social package is when applying for a job.