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The answer is not the question of which sea is washed by Vietnam, it is more informational than giving some useful information related to recreation in the country. However, this knowledge will not interfere with a tourist planning to spend time in this Asian country.

What sea is washed by Vietnam

The coast of the state of Vietnam is washed by the South China Sea from the eastern and southern sides. It also washes another 7 countries of this region of the world. The South China Sea basin is divided between two oceans - Indian and Pacific. Part of this sea forms the Gulf of Thailand. The maximum depth of the sea is almost 5.5 km, and the area exceeds 3.5 million square kilometers. A feature of the climate in this region of Asia is the monsoons, which drive wet air masses. It is they who influence the appearance of the rainy season. Also in this period of the year there are typhoons on the sea.

The water temperature throughout the year in the South China Sea in summer time is +28 C, and in winter - about +20 C. The water in the sea is not very salty - this figure does not exceed 34%.

Map of the South China Sea

The underwater world of the South China Sea

Unique color underwater world The South China Sea is formed by coral islands, which are located throughout its waters. Most dangerous representatives fauna - moray eels and fish-stone. Infection with the poison of the latter can lead to serious effects on the human body, and in case of untimely medical care may lead to death.

Seaside resorts in Vietnam

Most of the country's seaside resorts are located on the southern coast of the country. The most famous of them are Nha Trang, Do Son, Mui Ne, the islands of Con Dao and Phu Quoc. At these resorts, you can not only spend time on the wonderful local beaches, but also engage in outdoor activities and heal your body. In their neighborhood are many interesting places and attractions.

  • Nha Trang - full tourist centre Vietnam for tourists from Russia;
  • Doson is a mecca for tourists from China;
  • Mui Ne is great beach holiday;
  • Phu Quoc - begins to gain popularity, there is a great beach holiday.

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One of the new travel destinations recent years in Russia - Vietnam. Russians have been loved in this country since Soviet Union, which in the 60s of the twentieth century helped the young republic to get out from under the yoke of the United States. Vietnam pleases warm sea, low prices and friendly residents.

Geographically, Vietnam is located in South-East Asia. From the north, it is adjacent to China, the western border is combined with Laos and Cambodia. The east and south of the country are washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The seas in Vietnam are different. Most of its coast borders on South China Sea, with the same name and Tokinsky bays. And a very small piece in the south of the country belongs to the waters of the Gulf of Thailand. The island of Phu Quoc is also located there.

Conventionally, the coast of Vietnam is divided into 3 parts. Each of them has its own characteristics and even its own climate.

Let's start from the north. Here it is the capital of the country is Hanoi . This is the coldest and rainiest part of the country, especially in the outback. The main attraction here is Halong Bay - a bay in which thousands of islands are located. This place is fantastically beautiful, especially when viewed from a high point. Steep rocky cliffs, covered with greenery, "stick out" from the water and create a feeling of unreality of the world.

The northern part of the Vietnamese coast is not very suitable for a beach holiday. The coastline is too indented and covered with many islands. In the same part of the sea, but a little to the south, is the famous Chinese resort island of Hainan. North and Central Vietnam is a storehouse of discoveries for the explorer traveler. These places have not yet been touched by the foot of a mass tourist. There is still an opportunity to see Vietnam in its original form.

The southern part of the country already boasts big amount resort areas. More precisely, all the main resorts of Vietnam are located here. This area is developing rapidly. In the near future, it will become no less popular than Thailand. At least, the government of the country has such ambitious plans. Many cities and monuments are included in the UNESCO heritage - this says a lot. The climate here is tropical, warmer and drier than in the northern regions.

If you look from the north, then this region begins with resorts:

  • hue- cultural, historical center, there are a lot of monuments and architectural objects;
  • Hoi an- a Chinese town in the middle of Vietnam;
  • Danang- an old resort town with excellent infrastructure.

Much to the south is one of the most popular resorts among Russian tour operators - Nha Trang. The weather here is almost perfect. all year round. Here are the most fun entertainment and the best spas in Vietnam. Here are the most beautiful beaches. An ideal place to relax.

  • Phan Thiet Mui Ne- these two interconnected towns are a place for carefree holidays, culinary discoveries and aquatic species sports;
  • Dalat- a resort near the coast, in the mountains, at an altitude of almost 1500 meters. Almost alpine landscapes, forests, lakes, waterfalls. It is definitely worth a visit, especially for those who do not like the heat;
  • Ho Chi MinhSouth Capital Vietnam. It is also called in the American manner - Saigon. City of restaurants and dens. Now there's nothing left of the past "glory", but there are hundreds of opportunities for recreation. This is business political center countries. There is a large airport from where vacationers from all over the world are distributed along the coast;
  • – complete relaxation in the middle national park and fishing villages.

If you decide to visit Vietnam not only for the sake of the beaches, then we advise you to start exploring it from the north and move south. And finish the trip already on the tropical beaches near Ho Chi Minh, or on Phu Quoc, lost in the waters of Siam.

Have a nice holiday!

Even a many-hour flight to Southeast Asia no longer confuses Europeans, who are diligently mastering, following Thailand and Cambodia, the mysterious Vietnam. There is enough exotic here, and the sea of ​​​​Vietnam is a great way to relax after long road, relieve stress and immerse yourself in the abyss of pleasant impressions and sensations.

Comfort zone

When asked which sea is washed by Vietnam, geographic atlases give the only correct answer - South China. It is part of water basin, which experts call the Australo-Asian Mediterranean Sea. This name was born because this body of water connects these two parts of the world, and the sea of ​​​​Vietnam itself represents both the Indian and Pacific oceans at the same time.
The water temperature in the South China Sea depends on geographical coordinates measurement points and seasons. In the north of Vietnam, it can drop to +20 degrees in winter, while in the south, even in January, the thermometer will show at least +25 degrees. IN summer months the sea is equally warm and comfortable throughout the area and its temperature values ​​​​are kept at around +27 degrees.

Wealth of the sea

When asked what seas are in Vietnam, divers will readily answer - "The most suitable for diving." It is the South China Sea that stores many interesting sites, which thousands of fans of the underwater world fly to see every year. An important reason to fly to the sea of ​​Vietnam is the issue of price: according to the general opinion, diving here is cheap, but well organized.
The main "stars" of diving in the South China Sea:

  • Octopuses. Some individuals are quite worthy to star in horror films, but at the same time remain quite friendly.
  • Clownfish, which make underwater shooting especially successful with their painted appearance.
  • Stingrays and manta rays that fascinate with their silent and smooth underwater glide technique.
  • Moray eels and barracudas are absolutely not dangerous, subject to all the rules of underwater swimming.

The most attractive places for diving in Vietnam are the island of Phu Quoc and the resorts of Nha Trang and Hoi An. Most favorable season for scuba diving in the sea of ​​Vietnam begins at the end of autumn and continues until the first days of summer.

For sun worshipers

The beaches of Vietnam are fine and clean white sand, clear water with a gentle entrance to it and excellent infrastructure on the coast. Here you can always dine in a cafe or restaurant, and the menu will be based on the freshest seafood and fish caught in the morning by local fishermen.

Nor the sometimes unsafe surfs of Thailand. And yet, it is better to spend a vacation or vacation in comfort: swim in the warm sea, sunbathe under a moderately bright sun and not worry about the consequences. What is the sea in Vietnam and what time is best to plan a trip - let's try to figure it out.

What is the sea in Vietnam?

Vietnam, unlike Thailand, is a country that has firmly "grown" into the mainland; its shores are washed only by the South China Sea, including the Tonkin (new name - Bakbo) and the Gulf of Thailand. There are no others here - the traveler simply will not be able to confuse the names, which means that he will have more time for a good rest.

What is the ocean in Vietnam?

Directly Vietnam is not washed by any ocean; The South China Sea, which has already been mentioned, refers to Pacific Ocean- warm, less salty and in this region much cleaner than the nearby Indian.

What are the sea conditions in Vietnam?

Along the entire coastline of Vietnam, the South China Sea is calm, not distinguished by unexpected tides and sharp low tides, it is always warm: even in winter, its temperature does not drop below + 20 ° С, and in summer it reaches + 30 ... + 32 ° С. The water in it does not contain excess salt and for most of the year, except for the high season, is exceptionally clean.

The tourist will not have to worry about the winds either: on the coast of Vietnam it is almost always calm or a light, skin-friendly breeze blows. Once under it, it is impossible to catch a cold, even leaving the water that has cooled down over the winter to the shore. The marine fauna, like the flora, is extremely diverse, but almost 100% safe: the traveler is guaranteed not to meet sharks here, poisonous jellyfish and other nasty creatures.

A little about the most popular beaches in Vietnam:

  • Nha Trang- has a beautiful, well-groomed coastline, always clear water, ideal for windsurfing, diving and beach views sports;
  • Phan Thiet- great place to relax family vacation on pure white sand and under the shade of luxurious sprawling palm trees; it will be even more convenient to enjoy the view of the sea and the beach from a separate bungalow, which can be rented for little money;
  • Phu Quoc- the cleanest in Vietnam, regularly cleaned beaches, plenty of sun and transparent, except for spring months, water; the sea is suitable for swimming and swimming, as well as for extreme entertainment;
  • Hoi an- a remote, as yet little known resort that will fully meet the expectations of a tourist who does not want to participate in any lively activities; here you can swim all day, bask in the sun and lie in a hammock, not in a hurry and worrying about nothing;
  • Condao- in coastal waters there are many unique species of animals - from sea ​​turtles to dolphins; the sea is ideal for swimming, diving, sailing and other entertainment or for a peaceful holiday on the coast.

Going to Vietnam, the tourist must lay out travel routes and instructions in advance: this will help him not to rush on the spot, devoting the time freed from the rush to his favorite activities.

Summing up

And the coastal waters of Vietnam, and warm, filled with life and almost safe. A tourist vacationing here can swim, dive or surf, or just sunbathe on the shore - any option has the right to exist. The sea temperature near Vietnam (from +20°C to +30°C), dropping slightly in winter, quickly warms up with the advent of spring.

The shores of the country are washed by one sea - the South China Sea, which belongs to the Pacific Ocean. A tourist may not worry about the choice: a holiday in Vietnam with proper organization will only bring positive emotions. And in order not to get into an unpleasant situation, he should familiarize himself with and prepare the documents in advance - it is better to strain yourself before the trip than to worry about the little things at the airport.

Vietnam is one of the most interesting countries region of Southeast Asia. “The country of the Viet in the south”, as its name literally translates, is really located in the southern part of Asia - on the Hindustan peninsula. It borders with countries such as Cambodia, Laos and China. But for tourists, in addition to this knowledge, it is usually more interesting to answer the question of what seas wash Vietnam?

In fact, the state is famous not only for its developed trading system, interesting history and culinary delights that attract many tourists from all over the world to the country of the Vietnamese. Beautiful in this country seaside resorts: Nha Trang, Ha Long, Da Nang, Vung Tau or Cape Saint Jacques. All of them are located on the coast and are great places for a beach holiday. But the question remains open: "What is the sea in Vietnam?" Of course, warm. Moreover, throughout the year, its average temperature ranges from 20 to 27 degrees Celsius. This allows almost all year round to ensure the influx of tourists to the beaches of this country. But seriously, to answer which sea is in Vietnam, just look at the globe: like its older neighbor, China, this state is washed by

It is located between the Pacific and and covers an area of ​​as much as 3,500,000 square kilometers. Its depth reaches 5560 meters at its lowest point. But if you look more globally, then this answer to the question of what kind of sea is in Vietnam is not entirely accurate. You can also say that in fact this country is washed by the Australo-Asian mediterranean sea- such a geographical term is used to refer to the sea basin between Asia and Australia in the west

In general, the South China Sea is very beautiful and ideal for diving enthusiasts, because the main relief of its bottom is countless coral reefs and atolls. Because of this, sailing on its waters is a rather dangerous occupation - inexperienced captains can easily run the ship aground or get on the reefs. Monsoons and typhoons also contribute to this.

Therefore, it is required good knowledge the so-called Main Sea Route to get by sea from China or Russia to Vietnam. What sea washes the shores of this country, we actually found out. But here interesting fact- for Filipinos and Indonesians, its naming is incorrect. The fact is that traditionally the inhabitants of Indonesia call the South China Sea exclusively Indonesian. And in 2012, the Philippines also joined in such proprietary sentiments. The President of this country, Benigno Aquino III, by his decree of September 5 last year, renamed this sea the West Philippine Sea. Thus, it already has as many as 4 names that can be found on geographical maps.

Now that you know what the sea is like in Vietnam, imagine its beauty, warmth and stunning underwater views, it's time to pack your bags and get ready for travel, because the South China Sea is now warm time year, which means it's a great time for an unusual and exciting holiday.