Made an invaluable contribution to European culture. Literature, architecture, philosophy, history, other sciences, state system, laws, art and myths of ancient greece laid the foundation for modern European civilization. Greek gods known all over the world.

Greece today

Modern Greece little known to most of our compatriots. The country is located at the crossroads of West and East, connecting Europe, Asia and Africa. The length of the coastline is 15,000 km (including the islands)! Our map will help you find an original corner or island which has not yet been. We offer a daily feed news. In addition, for many years we have been collecting a photo and reviews.

Holidays in Greece

Correspondence acquaintance with the ancient Greeks will not only enrich you with the understanding that everything new is a well-forgotten old, but will also encourage you to go to the homeland of gods and heroes. Where our contemporaries live behind the ruins of temples and the ruins of history with the same joys and problems as their distant ancestors millennia ago. An unforgettable experience awaits you relaxation, thanks to the most modern infrastructure surrounded by virgin nature. On the site you will find tours to Greece, resorts and hotels, weather. In addition, here you will find out how and where it is issued visa and find Consulate in your country or Greek Visa Application Center.

Property in Greece

The country is open to foreigners wishing to purchase real estate. Any foreigner has the right to do so. Only in border areas, non-EU citizens need to obtain a purchase permit. However, the search for lawful houses, villas, townhouses, apartments, the correct execution of the transaction, the subsequent maintenance is a difficult task that our team has been solving for many years.

Russian Greece

Topic immigration remains relevant not only for ethnic Greeks living outside their historical homeland. The forum for immigrants discusses how legal issues, and the problems of adaptation in the Greek world and, at the same time, the preservation and popularization of Russian culture. Russian Greece is heterogeneous and unites all immigrants who speak Russian. At the same time, in last years country does not live up to the economic expectations of immigrants from countries former USSR, in connection with which we observe the reverse migration of peoples.

Sun, sea, picturesque scenery, fresh air, pristine nature, environmentally friendly products. The largest island of Greece is washed by three seas - Cretan, Libyan, Ionian - choose any. Crete is one of the most popular European resorts. But that's not all. The main pearl of the island is Christian shrines.

In the 1st century, the Apostle Paul preached here with his disciple Titus. When the apostle left these lands, he left a disciple in his place, ordaining him a bishop. The honest head of Titus is a precious shrine of these places. It is kept in the capital of Crete - Heraklion, in the Cathedral of St. Titus. During the Turkish invasion, the chapter was transported to Venice and only in 1966, several centuries later, returned to its homeland.

25 kilometers from Heraklion is the oldest monastery - Panagia Paliani, known from the chronicles since 632. The foundation of the monastery is connected with the miracle of the appearance of the icon Holy Mother of God. Once there was a big fire in the forest, locals heard more often female voice calling for help.

After the fire, an icon was found in the burnt branches Mother of God with the image of a tree, which soon began to sprout and grew for several centuries, gradually hiding the image in the branches. While the image was visible, a list was made from it, now it is kept in the main temple of the monastery and is revered as miraculous. And the myrtle tree still grows in the monastery, carefully guarded by the sisters. Its twigs, bark and leaves are healing power for which there is plenty of evidence. The icon, hidden by the branches, is sometimes shown, but not to everyone. Children see her.

The monastery of Arcadia in the minds of the Greek people personifies strength, courage and sacrifice. During the struggle against the Ottoman yoke, the defenders of the monastery - monks and laity - fought without any hope of victory, the forces were too unequal. All of them died, and the monastery was blown up. But the heroism of the dead inspired the whole people to a selfless struggle, which swept away the oppressors with the crushing power of faith. In the main temple of the monastery, dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Lord, there is an icon of the Savior, on which the gore of the martyrs, the defenders of the holy place, has been preserved.

The 14th-century convent of St. Marina is one of the most beloved places of pilgrimage. The icon of this saint is glorified by many healings - from infertility, cancer, nervous diseases. On the day of remembrance of St. Marina, on July 17, many pilgrims come to the monastery - both Cretans and guests of the island.

The spring, originating from under the altar part of the main cathedral of the monastery, also has healing properties.

The treasury of the Cretan shrines is inexhaustible, from which you can endlessly draw spiritual wealth, consolation and healing. Come to Crete, see for yourself!

Crete pilgrimage program

8 days / 7 nights

1st day.

Arrival at the airport of the Greek island of Crete. Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation.

2nd day.

Heraklion. Cathedral of St. Titus the Apostle in Heraklion. Divine Liturgy. The Holy Apostle Titus is the most revered saint in Crete and the patron saint of the island. He was a disciple of the Apostle Paul and was the first to preach Christianity on the island. In the chapel at the temple there is a shrine with the honest head of the holy Apostle Titus. City tour.

Cathedral of Saint Mina. One of the largest and most impressive temples in Greece. Saint Mina was from Egypt, served as an officer in the Roman army and was brutally executed for preaching Christianity. Many times the image of St. Min on a horse appeared and saved people, especially during the period of occupation, when the Turks killed Christians in Crete.

Church of the holy martyr. Catherine.

3rd day.

Monastery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin - Panagia Paliani. The most ancient convent Crete, is located 25 km from Heraklion. The miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a sprouted tree. There are many cases of healing of women who fervently prayed before this icon for the gift of children. The stone from the Holy Sepulcher of the Virgin and the Cross with a piece of the Holy Tree are kept in the temple.

Monastery of Kaliviani. The spiritual center of the monastery is the temple of the Life-Giving Spring, preserved from the 14th century, with the eponymous miraculous icon Holy Mother of God. The relics of the monk-martyrs who suffered for their faith from the Turks were miraculously found in the monastery. In the temple there is an ark with particles of the relics of St. vmch. George, St. vmch. Panteleimon, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. vmch. Catherine.

Monastery of the Holy Martyr. George. Located 30 km south of Heraklion. This is the biggest monastery on the island of Crete. Founded in 1614 by order of St. vmch. George, who appeared to the monk Paisios. The revered shrine of the monastery is part of the relics of St. vmch. George the Victorious. Through prayers to St. George, during a drought, a spring gushed out of the ground, which has survived to this day. Visit to the Museum of History.

4th day.

Agarafu Monastery. This was the name of the tree under which the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was revealed. The 7E tree has survived to this day, although the monastery was founded in the 15th century. It is located 23 km east of Heraklion in wooded area. Degustation of monastery wine.

Monastery of the Holy Martyr Marina in Voni. XIV century. The miraculous icon of St. Marina is kept here and there is a source of healing water.

Visit to the pottery workshops in Frapsano.

Cathedral of St. Andrew of Crete in Arkalohori. Prayer.

Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa. It is located 50 km southeast of Heraklion in a mountainous area next to the road leading to Lassithi. The creation of the monastery is associated with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God (Kera means Mother of God). Twice they tried to take the icon to Constantinople, they chained it to a marble column, but it miraculously returned back to the monastery.

Abode of the holy martyr. Panteleimon in Fodele. Located near Heraklion among orange and olive groves. The main shrine of the monastery is a part of the relics from the hand of St. vmch. Panteleimon.

5th day.

Church and cell of St. Myron. Located in one of the most beautiful places islands. Saint Myron helped poor people many times. One night, having met thieves in his house, he helped them carry away the loot. Miron believed that a person who decided to steal was in great need. There is a legend about how Saint Myron appeared in a dream to an officer Nazi Germany during the occupation of the island and saved his village from burning. This is evidenced by the paintings in the cell of the saint, which is hollowed out in a small cave, there is also a well with healing water. A ladle hangs on the wall, with which you can draw water from the well. According to the testimony of local residents, if a person is burdened with serious sins, the scoop will not fill with water.

Monastery of Saint Anthony. Located in the foothills near the village of Zaros. Founded in the second half of the 10th century. The miraculous icon of St. Anthony is especially revered. Water from the source, which is located at the gates of the monastery, is considered healing.

6th day.

Rethymno. City tour.

Monastery of the Holy Martyr Irina. Shrines - a miraculous icon and a particle of the relics of the holy martyr Irina.

Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Kube. Founded during the reign of the Venetians. During the Turkish occupation, it was destroyed to the ground. After the vision of the Athonite monk Nestor, whose birthplace was the island of Crete, and with the blessing of the Athos elders, the monastery began its revival. During the restoration, an image of St. John the Baptist, after whom one of the temples of the monastery was named.

Monastery of St. vmch. George Arsaniu. Founded in late XVI century. Honored shrines - the rib of St. vmch. George the Victorious and part of the relics of St. Charalampia.

Monastery of Arcadia. Founded in the 5th century, a symbol of Cretan freedom. During the liberation struggle against the Ottoman yoke, the defenders of the monastery - monks and laity - heroically fought against the Turks and died in battle, inspiring the Cretans to fight for freedom with their courage.

7th day.

Free day.

8th day.

Airport transfer. Flight to Moscow.

Crete is the largest Greek center of religious life. Such a number of monasteries, whose inhabitants lead a hermitic way of life, are not found anywhere else. You can visit these, dressed appropriately, and strictly at the allotted time (from 9 to 12 and from 16 to 19 hours). Entrance to most of them is paid - from 2 euros.

Monastery of Arkadi

Throughout Greece and located 23 km from Rethymnon, it is considered a symbol of freedom and faith, since it was played in the 19th century important role during the uprising against Ottoman Empire. Now in the monastery there is a panel installed in honor of dead defenders, and beyond - a mass grave in which they are buried. Also in the temple are icons, household items, weapons used during the war and much more.

Monastery of Preveli

Another well-known monastery in Crete is Preveli, located on the south coast. It includes 2 complexes: Piso Preveli, built in honor of John the Theologian, and Kato Preveli (dedicated to John the Baptist). Presumably the monastery has existed since the 14th century. During the Turkish occupation it was the center of religious life. The monks rescued the Greeks and smuggled them into the Scaffian mountains. Now on the territory of Preveli there is a holy spring, from which residents and guests of the temple can drink water, as well as a small zoo. The cross of Ephraim of Prevelia is also kept here, which, according to legend, contains a particle of the real Cross of the Lord and heals eye diseases.

Toplou Monastery

In Crete, Toplou Monastery is considered one of the most popular. Many of the relics that are kept here are unique and cannot be seen anywhere else. For example, the collection of the Museum of Icons, founded by rector Filofei Spanoudakis, includes the work "Wonderful are thy works, O Lord" by Ioan Cornarou. So, it exists in a single copy all over the world, there is simply no second one like it. In addition to icons, there is also a collection of interesting manuscripts and artifacts, the origin of which dates back to the 2nd century BC, and on its territory there is a well from which the monks drank water during various sieges.

Monastery of Agia Triada

This monastery on Crete has also existed for a long time; it was built by the Venetian monk brothers in the 16th century. Today he actively supports the schools that operate in Chania. Local monks teach children at the seminary, produce tea, honey and olive oil, and look after the collection of numerous prints and images. It is interesting that it was in Agia Triada Monastery that the film "Zorba the Greek" was filmed.

Monastery of Gouverneto

The doors of the temple of Gouverneto are open to visitors only until 12 noon, the rest of the time the monks and their possessions are hidden from outside world. However, believers should visit here, if only to see the facade of the church itself, which is decorated with sculptural images of monsters (which is very unusual!). If you wish, you can also visit the chapels dedicated to John the Hermit and the Ten Saints, and the museum, which houses wonderful relics.

Monastery of Saint George in Crete

This is an interesting attraction of the island. It is located 5 km from the city of Malia on the way to Agios Nikolaos. One of the features of the monastery is the cells carved into the rock. Monks still live there to this day. The second feature is the picturesque landscape: the building is literally immersed in vegetation. No less colorful are the magnificent views of the sea and the gray-red rocks that surround it. On one of them is a cross erected in honor of the monk Nikolaos. According to legend, a man once found here an icon with the face of St. George.

Monastery of Our Lady (Crete)

Temple of the Virgin Chrysoskalitissy located on a high cliff, and to get into it, you need to go up the stone stairs for a long time. According to legend, one of its steps was made of gold, but after either human sins made it invisible, or the monks sold it to someone for retribution with the Turkish pasha, but it disappeared. One of the most revered relics of the temple is the icon of the Assumption of the Virgin, discovered by one of the monks in a cave. It is to her that believers from all over the world go to bow.

Monastery of Saint Marina

Marina Monastery (Crete) is located in the village of Voni, practically pressed against the hill. To the right of it begins a boundless plain. Palm trees grow on the territory of the monastery and there is a healing spring, which, according to legend, gives health even to terminally ill patients. Previously, people left jewelry here for salvation, but after a series of thefts, the clergy decided to give people a metal plate, which depicts a healed part of the body. You can buy it in the shop.

Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa

Kera Monastery (Crete) is located in the central part of the island, it was built in the 13th century. Its main relic is the icon of the Mother of God of the Heart, which is well known to believers because of its ability to give health to the weak and help with infertility. But on the territory of the monastery there is also a museum, which exhibits church books, frescoes of the 14th century and utensils, as well as a large store. All together you can see in just half an hour.

Monastery of Our Lady of Kalivyani

Built on the site of the icon of the Mother of God, the temple was dilapidated. Today, only buildings of the 20th century remain from it. It includes a women's nursing home, a religious goods store, an orphanage for girls, 5 churches, and a museum. In its western part there is a stone iconostasis with a fresco depicting Christ. To the north is a new temple built in honor of St. Harlampy. Inside it are ancient burials and relics of the venerable fathers who once served in this monastery. Also on the territory of the monastery there is a museum in which are collected from all over the region of Messara.

Monastery of Our Lady of Pagliani

This monastery, according to some sources, is the oldest on the island. A sacred myrtle tree grows on its territory. According to legend, among its branches, righteous people can see the hidden image of the Virgin. It is believed that it is useful to pray in front of this tree: as a result, women get rid of infertility, and the sick - from infirmities. Therefore, pilgrims from all over the world come here. It is worth noting that in addition to the myrtle tree on the territory of the temple there is also a stone taken from the Holy Sepulcher of the Mother of God. There is also a hotel for believers, a museum and a library.

As a conclusion

If you decide to visit the monasteries of Crete, be prepared for the fact that they work at a strictly allotted time. During the rest of the hours, their inhabitants work for the glory of God and pray. If you suddenly get hungry or decide to buy a souvenir for loved one, do not worry. Many churches have church shops where you can buy everything you need: bread, food, crosses, consecrated icons and various souvenirs made by monks and nuns. Come, you will certainly enjoy a tour of the holy cloisters!

The history of the creation of the monastery is shrouded in mystery, because the date of its foundation is not exactly known, but there are two versions. According to one version, the monastery was built during the time of the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Flavius ​​Arcadius. Other sources claim that the construction of the monastery began under the Byzantine emperor Heraclius I. But a legend has survived to this day that says that the wandering monk Arcadius, wandering around the neighborhood, saw something sparkling on the top of the hill. He came closer and found the icon, the salary of which sparkled in the branches of the olive tree. The monk took this as a sign and decided to build a monastery on this site. This is even evidenced by the oldest inscription in the monastery, dating from the 14th century.

For more than two hundred years, Crete was part of the Ottoman Empire, and in 1866 the Christians of Crete rebelled against the Turkish yoke. Residents of local villages were forced to flee behind the walls of the Arkadi monastery.

Now the monks continue to live here. They support the monastery and the church with ancient icons. The monastery also has a museum with unique relics.

Monastery of St. Kalivyani

Monastery of St. Kalivyani, also called the Monastery of the Assumption of the Mother of God Kalyvyani. The monastery is famous for its rich history. The relics of the holy martyrs are kept in the monastery, which from time to time are put up for worship.

The Kalivyani Monastery was officially recognized only in 1968. To our days, the influence of the monastery has increased significantly. The structure of the modern monastery at one time was built for the Turkish citizen Hussein Vrazerzade, there was also a long-demolished ancient church. Under the ruins of this small old temple in 1873, they found the icon of the Annunciation.

On the vast territory of the monastery there is a nursing home and an orphanage. It also houses various foundations and philanthropic institutions.

Monastery of John the Baptist

The Monastery of St. John the Baptist is located on a mountainside overlooking the village of Bali. During antiquity, the settlement of Atali was located in this area, which was repeatedly mentioned in the Venetian chronicles. The monastery, built in 1635, is attractive not only for its beautiful architecture, but also for its magnificent scenery and landscape.

At the heart of the main monastery temple is a small Byzantine church, which was rebuilt in the 17th century, and around which a monastery was formed. The atmosphere that prevails in this monastery invites you to linger for a while - there is a calm and pacifying energy here.

Behind the church there is a spacious terrace with a magnificent view of the village of Bali and the sea. Behind the monastery walls there is a water-bearing spring spouting from the ground. The monastery complex also includes a small church of the Virgin, located a few kilometers from Bali and famous for its miraculous icon of the Virgin Harakyani. The icon for believers is opened only on the days of the celebration of the main holiday of the monastery - the Assumption of the Virgin.

Toplou Monastery

Toplou Monastery or Our Lady of Akrotiri is one of the most significant and beautiful monasteries on the island of Crete. The monastery is already impressive from a distance, like a small fortress, surrounded by a 10-meter wall and with an impressive bell tower of 33 meters, it seems impregnable, warlike and lonely. It is located in an almost deserted area and is adjacent only to the giant turbines of a wind farm. All this is because the rest of the temples located in these places were destroyed as a result of pirate raids, and Toplu itself was seriously damaged. After lengthy restorations, it finally became available for visiting.

Now the interior decoration is made up of skillful icons painted by monks, engravings, gilded and silver-plated crosses, the Gospel and many other things necessary during services and prayers.

In addition to the services, the monks are also engaged in more mundane affairs. The monastery has a small area with vineyards and olive trees, where the clergy work hard to harvest a good harvest, and then process it, making olive oil and very tasty wine, which is sold, and the proceeds go to the improvement of the monastery.

Faneromeni Monastery

Faneromeni Monastery is located to the west of the town of Agios Nikolaos, and offers magical views of the areas of St. John, Gira and Kastro. The unique monastery still operates today and is one of the most important monuments of the region.

It is said that the place where the monastery is located used to be the Marble Sanctuary of the Goddess Artemis. The disciples of the Apostle Paul preached Christianity and created the first "prayer house", and one of them, Sosion, was ordained the first bishop of Lefkada and founded this monastery.

The monastery acquired its present appearance in the era of the Venetian rule, in 1734, and in the 19th century it was restored after two fires, and is distinguished by a pronounced influence of Zakynthos architecture.

The monastery was recently reconstructed on the initiative of the abbot. A library and a chapel dedicated to St. Silouanos of Athos were added to it, and a new wing with cells was added. In the monastery, in a new modern building, there was an ecclesiastical museum, where one could see and consider objects of ecclesiastical art and traditional crafts.

Vessels, robes, as well as icons were located on three floors, revealing to visitors a detailed picture of the development of the culture of Lefkada.

The monastery has always had an exhibition of Christian books, and a small hostel is provided for pilgrims. The Monastery of Our Lady of the Newly Appeared attracts many pilgrims, she is also a patron and protector, and thanks are offered in her honor on Monday, the feast of the Holy Spirit.

Monastery of St. Anthony Vrondisi

The monastery of St. Anthony has existed since the Second Byzantine period. Many artists of the Cretan Renaissance lived and worked in it. Including one of the most famous icon painters - Michael of Damascus, whose icons today were taken out of the monastery and are stored in the Church - Museum of St. Catherine in Heraklion. The sunset of the glory of the monastery is associated with the arrival of the Turks in this area besieging Heraklion in the middle of the 17th century.

In the church of the monastery, among other interesting and significant icons, there is an icon of St. Simeon, the patron saint of babies.

Only 1 monk lives in the monastery. The monastery is located at the foot of the Ida mountains, not far from the village of Zaros.

Monastery of Saint George Selinaris

The monastery of St. George Selinaris is a modern building, which is not even hundreds of years old. There is a legend and its origin. Allegedly, one local resident had a dream in which the Saint ordered the construction of a temple. The man woke up, got down to business and by morning had already done the job. To the questions of the neighbors how he built the building so quickly, he answered that the Saint himself helped him.

There is also a second version of the origin of the monastery, which is more official. The first monastery was built in 1538. The temple did not last long. The Turks destroyed it. Then three brothers came to these parts, one of whom - Nikolaos - saw the light from the cave. He went there and found the icon of St. George. The brother settled in a cave, leading a hermit's life. After his death, the relics of Nikolaos were transferred to the island of Rhodes. Opposite the rock in which he lived, they built the monastery of St. George.

Monastery of Saint Palyani

The monastery of Agios Palyani is the oldest in Crete, it is located 20 kilometers from Venerato. Previously, the monastery owned a lot of land, today it occupies a small modest territory.

The monastery was founded in 688, originally it belonged to Byzantine Empire, so it was very richly decorated. In 1304, the Bishop of Constantinople took the monastery under his control, since the riches of the monastery did not leave him indifferent. After the capture of Crete in 1204-1211, Venice again began to lay claim to this monastery. Since 1669, after the capture of Crete by the Turks, the monastery was robbed and ravaged many times.

AT late XIX centuries, its inhabitants returned to the monastery of St. Palyani again, today about 50 nuns live here. Although the original rich decoration of the skete has not been restored, this monastery is very popular and famous for its unusual icon, hidden behind the luxurious crown of a myrtle tree.

Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa

The Convent of Kera Kardiotissa is the monastery of Our Lady of the Heart, famous for its miraculous icon. The building is located at an altitude of 622 meters, in a beautiful and picturesque place, surrounded by rocky mountains.

The monastery of the Mother of God of the Heart was built in the XIII century in the Byzantine period. Currently, the monastery is a quiet and peaceful place, able to hide from temptations. big city up to 25 people. On the territory of the building there is a museum with church books and utensils.

To get to the monastery, you should head for the Lassithi plateau and move towards the village of Kera.

Inside the complex there is a Byzantine church, and the main shrine in it is the icon of Kera Kardiotissa, painted in the 8th century by the icon painter and monk Saint Lazarus. His icon is known for its beauty and ability to heal the sick - it gives health to the weak and helps women who are unable to give birth to children.

Three times the Turks stole the icon and hid it in Constantinople, but each time the shrine was returned to its place. Even an attempt to chain the icon to a marble column was unsuccessful - the thing returned to its place along with the column and chain, leaving the thieves with nothing. The monastery currently has a copy written in 1735 from the original and which is also miraculous, and the original was taken out by a wine merchant and is in Italy.

Monastery of Katholiko

The monastery itself was founded approximately in the 5th-6th centuries, but only in the 13th century did it become a place of formal worship. The Catholico monastery is located in a ravine near the Gouverneto monastery, to get here you need to go down a rocky path through the gorge. But this path is worth it!

An elegant 50m long bridge leads to the monastery, which at one time served as a churchyard. The church itself is carved into the rock, and its walls were erected only on the western side. On the other side of the cliff is a viaduct with arches. It can be reached through the preserved gate with a bell tower. The monks' sketes have also been preserved, the entrances of two of them are so cramped that one can only get inside by crawling.

Not far from the monastery there is a cave where St. John lived and died. Inside, his stone couch has been preserved. To the left of the entrance to the cave is a pool, the water of which is considered sacred. It is often said that some people feel pure energy near the couch. To get here, you need to have flashlights (the cave is not lit, and its length is about 150 meters) and comfortable shoes. Here inside you can see the rich stone decoration and the very tomb of John the Hermit.

The monks left this monastery due to frequent pirate raids in the 16th century and moved to the newly built monastery of Gouverneto. Now no one lives in the monastery, it is supported by local residents and monks from the nearest monastery.

Monastery of the Holy Trinity

Agia Triada is an Orthodox monastery located in the city of Chania on Greek island Crete. It was erected in the 17th century by the two Zangaroli brothers on the site of a pre-existing church. The complex was built in the Byzantine architectural style with three cruciform domes. main temple The monastery is dedicated to the Holy Trinity and crowned with large Doric columns located on either side of the main entrance.

The facade of the church has double colonnades of the Ionic and Corinthian style, on which an inscription was embossed in 1631. Greek. In the 19th century the monastery acted as an important theological school, and in 1892 it was badly damaged during conflicts with the Turks. Ten years later, it was restored and a theological seminary was created here.

The monastery houses a library containing some rare copies of books and a museum displaying ancient icons and a collection of sacred manuscripts. Among the outstanding examples are the icon of St. John the Theologian, dating from 1500, as well as icons depicting the Last Judgment, the Hospitality of Abraham and the Descent into Hell. Hundreds of tourists and pilgrims visit this place every year.

Monastery of Saint Irene

Monastery of Saint Irene is a small nunnery located on the island of Crete, south of the city Heraklion. The monastery is recognized as important historical monument and protected by the state.

The exact date of the founding of the monastery of St. Irene is unknown, but historians believe that it was founded during the Venetian domination, in the sixteenth century. Previously, the monastery was considered one of the richest in all of Crete, but in 1822 it was destroyed by the Turks during the occupation of the island. Only in 1944 the monastery was restored to its former splendor.

The monastery of St. Irene is located in a very picturesque place - on the slope of a mountain range, at an altitude of 630 meters. The monastery offers a magnificent panorama of the island, which invariably delights all visitors. And the monastery itself is very beautiful - ancient buildings and basilicas buried in greenery delight with their elegant southern architecture. You can buy religious souvenirs from local nuns self made and embroidery.

After the liberation of Crete from the Arabs by Nikephoros Phocas in 961 AD. e. a period of renaissance began, which is evidenced by numerous monuments and which continued after the arrival of the Venetians.

It was then that most of the current small and large monasteries were founded. They performed not only a religious function, but also played an important role in the struggle of the Cretans against the invaders, especially after the conquest of Crete by the Ottoman Empire.

The monasteries were the only places where Christians could take refuge and prepare military operations. Suspecting that the monks were supporting the rebels, the Ottomans destroyed several monasteries that served as major revolutionary centers.

Even today, visitors are amazed by the story of the genocide at Arkadi Monastery in 1866. The besieged Christians decided to blow up the barrels of gunpowder so as not to surrender to the Ottomans. Similar stories about the events of those times can be heard in many monasteries.

  • Chania
  • Rethymnon
  • Heraklion
  • Lasithi
  • Chania is home to some of the finest examples of monastic architecture in Greece. Magnificent examples are the monasteries of the Holy Trinity and Tsagaroli on Cape Akrotiri, Chrysoskalitissa and Gonya Hodegetria. No less impressive are the restored monasteries of St. George in Karidi, Chrysopigi, Kalogrades on Akrotiri and Agia Kiriyaki. Great importance also played the former monasteries of Katholiko, St. Anthony and St. John in Pazinos on Akrotiri, St. George Charodias, Agios Eleftherios in Mournies, the old monasteries of St. John, St. Paul and St. George on the cape of Spata, Azogires and many others.
  • Arkadi Monastery is one of the most famous monasteries of Crete. It became famous for its magnificent fortification architecture, as well as for the fact that it became a symbol of the liberation of the island from Ottoman rule after the genocide in 1866. In the vicinity of Rethymno there are more influential monasteries, such as Preveli, Saint Irene, Elijah the Prophet in Rustica, Katevati and Arsaniou. The province of Mylopotamos has developed its own monastic tradition and is home to the beautiful monasteries of Vosakos, Khalepa, Diskouri and Atali. And the Rethymnon area also has many famous abandoned monasteries, such as Halevi, St. Peter in Gallos, Kaloidena at Ano Meros, St. Anthony in Veni and Asomati in Amari.
  • The oldest monasteries of Crete are located in Heraklion, including such significant monasteries as Agaratos, Paliani near Venerato, Vrondissi near Vorisia, St. George Epanosifi, St. George Gorgolaini near Asites, St. Panteleimon near Fodele, Panagia Hodegetria near Sivas, Kallergis near Kastelli, St. Anthony near Arvi , St. Pelagia at Achlad and Apezan at Antisakri. The area to the west of Heraklion is famous for its religious traditions, and monasteries such as Savvatyana, Rogdia, Santa Fotini, Pantanassa and Agios Theodoros are located here. At the base of the Lassithi ridge there is a convent of Panagia Kera Kardiotissa, and in the mountains of Psiloritis there are the monasteries of St. Irene near Kurssonas and All Saints in Loutraki. The monastery of Agia Marina in the village of Voni is the largest pilgrimage center in Crete. In addition, you can also visit the monasteries of Kaliviani near Mires, St. John near Anopolis, Panagia Theogennitor near Mohos and many others.
  • The most famous monastery in Lassithi is the Toplou Monastery near Itanos, which looks like an impregnable fortress. In addition to it, tourists often visit the monasteries of Kaps near Guduras, Faneromeni near Gournia, Faneromeni near Skop, Exakousti near the village of Males, as well as monasteries of the Lassithi plateau, such as Vidiani and Krustaleniya. The Mirabello area has the largest number of monasteries in Crete. The monasteries of Aresi near Fourni, Kremasta and Kufi Petra near Neapoli and St. George Selinaris still operate. In Ierapetra are the modern monasteries of Aksion Esti and Ayaismenos. Interesting fact Most Cretan monasteries are open to visitors. However, visiting hours are limited and visitors must be dressed appropriately.