Christmas is perhaps the most anticipated holiday. It is filled with magic and magic. Previously, people devoted this time to various rituals that allowed them to look into their future. Especially popular with unmarried girls were love divination and rituals to attract her. Many of them have survived to this day in their original form, they are easy to perform, safe and accurate, and they are also easy to carry out at home.

Christmas divination for love

Divination for Christmas for love is very popular with unmarried women. With their help, you can quite simply find out the future of further relationships with the chosen one.

There are many such rituals. In most cases, they are absolutely incapable of harming the fortuneteller and are distinguished by ease and accessibility. The attributes that are used to carry them out will always be at hand. And the predictions received at this time are distinguished by veracity.

It is customary to tell fortunes for love and for the betrothed on the night before the Nativity of Christ (January 6-7) or at Christmas time, which lasts from January 7 to 19. In this period otherworldly forces willingly answer all the questions of fortunetellers, and the predictions received on Christmas Eve are always very accurate.

On coins

This is a very simple way of divination, which will require ordinary coins, a couple of candles and a photo of a loved one. Need to:

  • place the photo in the center of the table;
  • light candles on the sides of it;
  • mentally ask the question: “What is fate in store for us? »;
  • throw right hand ten coins aiming at the image;
  • count how many heads and tails fell out.

By candle flame

This simple love divination should be done during the festive meal on Christmas Eve. It is intended to clarify a joint future with a beloved man.

During dinner, you need to light a consecrated church candle, put it near it and carefully observe the flame:

  • calm and even radiance promises mutual feelings and a strong union;
  • when wax flows from only one side - the chosen one hides something from the fortuneteller or impersonates another person;
  • if the wax flows down in streams, quickly filling the candlestick, this portends constant difficulties in relationships;
  • black smoke and crackling are a bad sign that heralds a breakup.

By the hairs

This divination is also very easy:

  • at exactly 12 o'clock at night, you need to fill any container with water;
  • add a pinch of sugar and salt there;
  • stir a little;
  • wait for the salt to settle to the bottom;
  • throw one hair of your beloved and your own into the water;
  • leave the bowl until the morning;
  • get prediction.

If the hairs are woven together by morning, then the wedding is ahead. Hair that has gone in different directions predicts parting. If one of them drowned, then the person to whom it belongs will face illness and trouble.

With the help of cards

Cards are often used during the January holidays for divination love relationship. All they need is a new deck playing cards, and even a person ignorant of magic can do the alignment. The result is often quite accurate and reliable.

four jacks

If a girl cannot make a choice among several applicants for her hand and heart, then she should tell fortunes on four jacks. You will need an unplayed deck, with which it is easy to find out the intentions of each of the men, as well as to make a forecast of further relationships. It should be noted that the results of this divination are stored for exactly one year. In the following Christmas holidays, the alignment will have to be repeated. It is necessary to adhere to this principle:<

  1. Select four jacks.
  2. Name each by the name of one of the familiar men.
  3. Mix them up and arrange them face down in a row.
  4. Shuffle the remaining 32 cards.
  5. Divide them into four equal piles.
  6. Under each of the jacks, lay out these packs from left to right. The content of each of them will tell about the prospects for further relations with the mysterious young people.
  7. Next, you should evaluate the current situation according to the dominant suit (for example, evaluate all cards of the same suit under the jack of hearts). This is the main characteristic that shows what kind of relationship a girl can have with a particular young man. And only after that you can interpret the rest of the cards. At the same time, worms show sincere feelings, tambourines - material wealth, peaks report joint children, and clubs predict frequent quarrels and experiences.
  8. A man who did not fit the fortuneteller according to a number of indicators, along with a stack of cards corresponding to him, should be removed from the layout.
  9. The three remaining jacks, together with the cards related to them, are mixed and laid out again on the table, following the algorithm of actions described above.
  10. Then again remove one of the unsuitable suitors from the alignment.
  11. Repeat the whole process with the remaining candidates until only one remains.
  12. The cards from his pack should be interpreted in order to find out whether the union with this person will be successful and promising. Each card is interpreted separately, and not in combination with others:

One card per

This fortune-telling will allow you to fairly accurately assess the prospects for a joint future with your loved one. For the layout, new playing cards will be required. They must be thoroughly mixed, and then remove part of the deck with the little finger of the left hand and put it down.

The next card after the shift will tell about the feelings of the chosen one and about the future next to him. The meaning in this ritual is not only the suit, but the card itself:

  • worms - love;
  • cross - problems;
  • tambourines - happiness;
  • peaks - difficulties;
  • six - lead;
  • seven - good events;
  • eight - disappointment in a partner;
  • nine - a passionate kiss;
  • ten - happy relationships;
  • jack - real feelings;
  • lady - rival or lover;
  • the king is a friend who will help in love affairs;
  • ace - a strong and long-term marriage, mutual understanding and consent in a couple.

With ring and paper

This is an easy divination method using a ring. In addition, you will need a candle, a coin and a woolen red thread. Necessary:

  • take one candle and light it;
  • tie a thread to the ring;
  • place a coin near the candle;
  • hold the ring on a thread above the coin, while trying not to move your hand;
  • formulate a question of interest about the chosen one and further relationships.

The fixed ring warns of the untimeliness of the question asked. When it sways in different directions, the answer is yes. Swinging like a pendulum means "no", moving in a circle indicates the need to ask a question in a different way. In the latter case, it is undesirable to repeat the ritual again on the same day, it is necessary to wait a while and perform it again.

To conduct this Christmas rite you need:

  • Take a few small pieces of paper.
  • Write on them the names of young people you know.
  • Arrange them randomly on the table.
  • Thread a thick woolen thread into the golden ring.
  • Lead decoration over pieces of paper with names. The name on which it begins to swing strongly belongs to a man who has true love for a fortuneteller.

For the next Christmas divination you will need: paper, compasses, pen or pencil, ruler. Necessary:

  • draw a circle on the sheet with a compass;
  • divide it into separate sectors using a ruler, each of which will correspond to the letters in the name of the chosen one;
  • enter each letter in its segment;
  • add your own name to the circle, but if it contains more letters than sectors in the circle, then you do not need to write it down in full;
  • compare all paired vowels and consonants;
  • get prediction.

If there is no such combination, then the relationship has no future. If there are two such segments, love will end quickly, three means mutual understanding in a couple. A larger number portends strong love and a happy marriage.

Another fortune-telling with paper - by the hour. It will help to find out if the girl will meet true love in the new year. It is necessary to draw a clock on a sheet, make an arrow using improvised materials, for example, from a pencil. Twist, without looking, the arrow, then see what number its tip points to. If the arrow stops between two numbers or exactly in the middle, you need to choose the one that is larger.

with egg

To perform the ritual, you will need a bowl of water and a raw egg. Necessary:

  • separate the protein from the yolk;
  • pour it into the water;
  • put the container in the oven or oven;
  • wait until the protein coagulates;
  • get a prediction on the formed figure.

A ring or dome promises a wedding, love, harmonious relationships with a partner. A geometric figure, for example, a triangle, speaks of parting, failures. A ship or boat portends a marriage with a foreigner or a person from another region, as well as a possible move after marriage. A squirrel that has sunk to the bottom indicates loneliness in the near future.

Rituals for love

Christmas Eve is filled with mysterious mystical power. The rites performed on this night work much faster and more efficiently and act intensively over a long period of time. Rituals that help to find love and maintain mutual understanding, happiness and peace in the family have special power.

One of them is held on Christmas Eve, he helps single girls meet their loved one and marry him. At 12 o'clock at night, you need to go to the church and walk around it twelve times. Such a ritual destroys loneliness and attracts new love.

You can also attract love into your home with a Christmas spell. It can be pronounced by both married and unmarried women, it has a beneficial effect on all family members, helps to build relationships, find true love. You need to read it in front of the icon of All Saints, which is also an excellent amulet for the house: “I will become a joy, I will become a reward, I will become ringing gold, I will become a clear sun for everyone who appreciates me, loves, will not change.”

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, on January 5, you need to throw out your old slippers and, without wasting a minute of time, go to the store for new ones. You need to choose new ones in a good mood, imagine yourself together with your future husband, think about his appearance, character, profession, etc. Buy two pairs - for yourself and your future spouse, who will definitely appear soon after this ritual. After paying for slippers, you need to get them out of the package and put them in your bag so that they are nearby. At home, you should immediately try on your pair, and put the men in your bedroom with your heels to the door, and your socks to the bed and say the magic words: “I'm waiting for you, my beloved! Come quickly to my house! »

You need to repeat the plot three times. These slippers will be a good talisman for attracting a soul mate to the life of a girl. The same rite is used to strengthen existing relationships. In order for everything to be fine in a couple, you need to do this ritual in the same way, but read such a slander on slippers: “Like heaven, water and earth, always be with me! »

How to tell fortunes for a betrothed on Christmas?

The methods of Christmas divination are very diverse. They help to find out the necessary information about the future husband: name, age, external data, financial situation, character, profession, etc.

Most of the rituals are simple and safe. But there are those that are not recommended for nervous girls, since they can cause irreparable harm to the fortuneteller in case of incorrect actions.

With ring

This rite will allow you to consider the image of the narrowed one in the water. To conduct it, you need to take a glass uncut glass two-thirds filled with water and a pre-cleaned ring. You can borrow an engagement ring from someone close to you. You should put it in water, pour a little sugar there, shake it slightly.

As soon as the water calms down, carefully look into the middle of the ringlet. The silhouette of the future spouse should appear soon. In addition, you should pay attention to how much sugar was in the center of the ring. If more than half, then life with a spouse will be rich and happy. If less, then the marriage will not be strong. If equally, then the union will bring both joyful moments and sorrows.

Another fortune-telling by five rings, which will tell you the financial situation of the future husband. It is necessary to get five rings - gold, silver, copper, with stone and plastic. Throw them in a bowl with millet or buckwheat, mix and without looking get any of them to get a prediction:

  • golden ring - a wealthy and generous person;
  • silver - middle-class, but with a position in society;
  • plastic - poor, but hardworking;
  • copper - poor and lazy;
  • ring with a stone - rich and stingy.

The next ritual should be performed by three unmarried girls. For him you need:

  • put a hook woven from wire, a piece of bread and a ring on the floor;
  • cover all items with a scarf;
  • hold hands;
  • close eyes;
  • dance around a scarf;
  • turn around five times;
  • remove the scarf;
  • each pull out, without looking, any little thing.

Whoever gets the ring will soon marry for love. Bread promises a girl a marriage with a wealthy and generous man. But the hook is a bad symbol, the future groom will work all his life, but this will not bring him wealth.

On the maps

This is a very simple version of divination for four kings. Under the pillow, before going to bed, put kings of all stripes from a card playing deck and say: “Betrothed, mummers, come to me in a dream.” The king of spades means that future husband much older, a club - a widower or a military man, a heart portends a wealthy and handsome chosen one, and a diamond one - a loved one.

You can also try this way:

  • take four kings out of the deck;
  • hide under the bed
  • lightly press down on them with shoes;
  • utter a conspiracy: “Narrowed-mummer, I am waiting for you dressed up. Come, show yourself, look at me."

Fortune telling with kings and jacks should be carried out in this way:

  • take out all the kings and jacks from the new deck;
  • shuffle them;
  • lay out all eight cards face down under the pillow;
  • say a conspiracy: “My fiance, dream to me in a dream and tell about yourself”;
  • Go to bed;
  • in the morning, take out one of the cards and judge the future husband by it.

The king means the husband, older in age, the jack - young or the same age. The suit can also help in the interpretation: worms - narrowed from the immediate environment, spades - a wealthy person, clubs promise an unexpected meeting with the groom, and tambourines - acquaintance will happen through close people.

With papers

This method is considered easy and safe. With it, you can find out the name of the future groom. Need to:

  • cut a sheet of paper into small notes;
  • write any male names on them;
  • fold each in half;
  • put under the pillow for the whole night;
  • in the morning, take out the first one that comes across;
  • find out the name of the betrothed.

To meet the fiance

This divination option will help you find out if the girl will meet her soul mate this year. For this you need:

  • prepare five identical cups;
  • put one item at the bottom of each - a ribbon, a ring, an onion, a pepper and a candy;
  • then stir the cups;
  • close your eyes and take any at random;
  • see what is in it.

The ribbon means meeting with the betrothed on the way somewhere or while traveling. The ring promises a quick wedding. The bow portends sadness, since the meeting will not take place soon. Pepper speaks of the complex nature of the betrothed, but he goes to the fortune-teller. Candy - the meeting will take place at a holiday or some fun event.

With a mirror and candles

This fortune-telling is one of the most exciting and dangerous. There are many variants of such a ritual, but the most mysterious is the ceremony with two mirrors. The best time for him is 12 o'clock at night, and you need to perform the ritual all alone. Necessary:

  • take two mirrors of the same size;
  • put them parallel to each other;
  • light two candles and illuminate the formed mirror tunnel with them;
  • stare into the reflection
  • after the betrothed appears, shout: “Chur me and this place” to interrupt fortune-telling;
  • put out the candles, cross yourself and go to sleep.

It is important to remember that in the image of the betrothed, the devil or the devil comes. It is necessary to be extremely careful and in any dangerous situation to ward off the evil spirit with amulets: “Chur me and this (this) place” in order to drive away evil spirits.

On bulbs

When a girl has many contenders for her hand and heart, she can perform a ritual on the bulbs, which will tell the name of the one who is destined for her by fate. On Christmas Eve, you should take several bulbs and write the name of one of the men on each. Bulbs should be even and without flaws.

Then you need to place them in a container with water or earth and wait until they germinate. The first onion with sprouted green sprouts will tell you the name of the person for whom the fortuneteller should marry.

Before bedtime

To look at the betrothed in a dream, you should sleep all alone, while you need to put on a shirt inside out, and turn the sheet and pillow face down. You need to go to bed on the day of divination in the direction opposite to the usual. There are many affordable and safe ways to see prophetic dream:

  1. Place a mirror or comb under the pillow and say: “Come, come. Brush it, brush it. Look at me, show yourself."
  2. Braid the braid, thread a small padlock into it, lock it with a key and read the plot: “Narrowed-mummer, come to me to ask for the key, unlock the lock.” Hide the key. In a dream, the groom will ask him to give.
  3. Put soap and a comb under the pillow, while saying: “My betrothed, mummers, come, wash and comb me.”
  4. Before going to bed, place a comb or comb under the pillow and say: "Narrowed-mummer, come comb me." This evening you can not comb your hair and braid it.
  5. Make a bridge out of twigs, put it under the pillow and say: “Who is my mummer, who is my betrothed, he will take me across the bridge.”
  6. Put a jug of water and a glass at the head of the bed. At night, say these words: “You will get tired from the road, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I will give you a drink.”
  7. Make a well out of ordinary matches and say: “Narrowed-mummers, come and drink water.”
  8. At night, mix a little salt with water, swallow the mixture and say: "Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is mummers, will give me a drink."
  9. Put a saucer with jam near the bed, which you should cook yourself. Before going to bed, read the slander: "I have all the sweetness." In addition to the groom who appeared in a dream, after this simple ritual, the girl will have no end to the suitors.
  10. From the festive feast, leave a piece of bread, put it under the pillow and say: "Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner."

street divination

Not all Christmas divination can be done at home. There are also those for which you have to go outside:

  1. On Christmas Eve, a girl should leave the house and throw her boot over the fence. Then see which way he shows, there she lives future spouse. If the toe of the boot is directed towards the house, this year she will not be married.
  2. Throw a handful of snow in any direction and say: “Zalay, zaly, doggy, inquire, inquire, betrothed.” Then wait on the other side of the barking dog. If he is rude, then the fortuneteller will marry an old man, sonorous and boisterous - for a cheerful and young, muffled - for a widower or divorced.
  3. Fall into the snow late at night, get up and leave without looking back. In the morning to see what happened to the snow print. If the snow is smooth, then the spouse will be kind, dotted with dashes speaks of a jealous person. If the trail is completely covered, it will take a long time to get married. Too deep speaks of several marriages.
  4. Go out at midnight to the crossroads and listen to the sounds. If a bell ringing is heard, the fortuneteller will marry very soon, and the union will be long and happy. A loud male voice will tell you about the marriage proposal. A quarrel and swearing will tell you that you won’t be able to get married next year.
  5. At midnight, go out into the street and ask the name of the first passerby. That is what will belong to the future husband.

with a log

This method is suitable for those unmarried girls who live in the village. To tell fortunes in this way, it is necessary in the evening, when it becomes completely dark on the street, to go into an unlit woodpile and randomly select the first log that comes across. By its quality and form, one can judge who is to be married:

  • a smooth log - a kind and handsome groom;
  • rough - ugly;
  • with a thick and good bark - rich;
  • tattered in places - a beggar;
  • thick log - physically strong;
  • with knots - predicts a fortuneteller a large family, and their number will tell how many people will be in it;
  • crooked - the groom will be older.

If a girl lives in a city, then finding a log is very problematic, but it can be replaced by any tree in the yard, park or forest. The fortuneteller needs to be blindfolded, unwind on the spot and, without looking, choose any tree at random. All the characteristics that are used in divination with a log are also applicable to the ceremony with a tree.

Before fortune-telling for a betrothed, it is important to tune in to a serious mood. If you treat the process lightly, the result will be distorted. The fortuneteller loosens her hair, removes belts, any jewelry (bracelets, earrings), pectoral cross. The room should be quiet and dark. During fortune-telling on the betrothed, it is not recommended to cross your arms or legs. Compliance with the rules will allow you to get the most reliable result. For the prediction to come true, no one can be told about it.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

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    Fortune telling on a normal day

    It is not necessary to wait for Christmas time or other holidays to bewitch on a betrothed. These days, fortune-telling is the most truthful, but you can resort to the sacraments on an ordinary day. The best time for divination is the full moon. Well suited days that are traditionally considered women's - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

    On paper

    Suitable for those girls who would like to know the name of their future husband. Various male names are written on several small pieces of paper. Notes are placed in a hat or container. The papers are thoroughly mixed, and one is taken out at random. The name written on it indicates the future husband.

    On rice grains

    Rice is poured into a glass jar. The left hand is held palm down over the container. Then the fortuneteller pronounces the question of interest to her, and takes a small handful of rice from the glass. Grains are poured onto a napkin or piece of paper. If their number is even, the answer is yes. If it's odd, "no".

    On bulbs

    Take a few bulbs. The names of the gentlemen are written on them. Bulbs are placed in water. The one that will give roots faster than others, and indicates the future spouse.


    Several buttons are placed in an opaque bag different color. It is recommended to take buttons of the same diameter, similar friend on the other to the touch.

    Then you need to mentally tune in to fortune-telling, ask the question: “My dear, where to look for you? ”, and take out one button. Its color will indicate the meeting place with the future spouse:

    • Plain black - at work.
    • Green - in the market or in the store.
    • Brown - in the circle of friends.
    • White - in the distant lands.
    • Yellow is on the way.
    • Metal - the spouse will be a military man.
    • With rhinestones or shiny - in the cinema, club, disco.
    • Blue - indicates a chance meeting on the street.

    Divination on things

    Several gizmos are placed in a felt boot or bag, symbolizing different aspects of life:

    • A piece of sugar coming year will be happy, financially secure;
    • Ring - wedding;
    • A scarf is a handsome guy;
    • A rag is a poor husband;
    • Coin - rich husband;
    • Bulb - grief and tears.

    The bag is shaken and immediately, without looking, the first object that comes across is taken out.

    Find out the name of the betrothed by the cards

    The classic deck is shuffled, and then cards are drawn one at a time. Each of them is called any male name. When the king of hearts appears from the deck, the divination ends. The name said by the fortuneteller belongs to the future husband.

    The girl puts under the pillow the kings from the usual deck of cards of four suits. Before going to bed, the words are pronounced: "Narrowed-mummer, come to me in a dream." Depending on who is dreaming, they judge the future husband:

    • The king of spades is an old man, a jealous owner.
    • Chervonny is a young and wealthy man.
    • Cross - military or entrepreneur.
    • Tambourine is a man of dreams.


    You can guess at the betrothed using the layout of Tarot cards. You need to shuffle the deck and pull out 7 cards, each of which will tell about the future:

    1. 1. The first card represents the fortune-teller, her condition and mood to find a husband and find family happiness.
    2. 2. The second card will say when the girl meets her husband. It indicates exactly the time, perhaps the period of life.
    3. 3. The third speaks of the circumstances under which the meeting will take place.
    4. 4. The fourth will describe the personality and sometimes appearance of the future husband.
    5. 5. The fifth card talks about whether this person is destined by fate.
    6. 6. Sixth - how life will develop after the wedding.
    7. 7. The seventh card will give advice about marriage and relationships with a future spouse.

    By hand

    For this divination, you will need the help of a friend. Divination is similar to the children's game "nettle". A friend takes the fortuneteller by the wrist of her left hand and gently twists it in opposite directions. At this time, you need to look at the folds of the skin. In them you can see the outlines of the letter. She will be capital in the name of her future husband.

    Divination for the night

    In the evening and at night, even at ordinary times, divination will be true. After all, in the dark time of the day, mysterious forces are released, hiding in the light of day. Communication with the other world is enhanced, which allows you to get a more reliable result. The most accurate is fortune-telling, carried out from midnight to three in the morning.

    By the church

    Divination is performed only by girls. On a clear moonlit night, they go to a church or chapel that is locked for the night. According to popular belief one can hear either wedding singing or the sounds of a funeral service. What is heard shows how the ceremony will be in next year: wedding or funeral.

    Near the window

    Sitting in their room, listening to the sounds from the street. When all the household members go to bed, they turn off the light and go to the window, saying the words: “My betrothed, mummers, drive past my house.” After some time, passers-by will pass by or vehicles will pass by. If they shout, whistle or laugh, this is good sign. The husband will be decent and kind. If they pass quietly, it promises the poor.

    For a candle

    It will take several candles. One symbolizes a fortune teller, the rest - contenders for a hand and a heart. Candles are lit, one's own is placed in the center. The one towards which the wax flows from its own and points to the betrothed. If the fortune-telling lamp burns evenly, the fortuneteller should not make a hasty choice. He will be unintelligent.

    With ring and thread

    The question is about marriage. Taken from mother, sister or friend wedding ring. A black thread is threaded through it, the decoration is lowered into a glass. If the ring begins to touch the edges of the glass to the right of the fortuneteller, there will be a wedding. If left - while you have to sit in the girls.

    Having taken out the ring, it is put on any finger for the whole night. Any dream will be prophetic.

    By patches

    You will need multi-colored shreds of fabric. All of them are folded into a box or bag. Then, without looking, any piece of fabric is taken. At the same time, they ask: “What color is my betrothed’s hair? » Similarly, you can find out other information - for example, eye color or even cars.

    Divination in a dream

    Before divination, it is useful to put a pen and a notebook at the head in advance. So that a prophetic dream about love is not forgotten, you should immediately write down its details after waking up.

    For a dream to be true, you need to properly prepare:

    1. 1. Remove icons from the room.
    2. 2. Be alone in the bedroom.
    3. 3. Remove the belt, jewelry, undo the hair.
    4. 4. After pronouncing the words, do not talk to anyone (otherwise the betrothed will not appear).
    5. 5. Keep the fact of divination secret.
    6. 6. Sleep on the contrary - lie with your head where your legs are.
    7. 7. Turn the pillow over too.

    With a frying pan

    The girl puts a frying pan under her mother's bed, but does not inform the parent about it. Before going to bed, the fortuneteller says the words: “My betrothed, mummers, come to your mother-in-law to eat pancakes.” If a mother sees in a dream how she feeds some guy with pancakes, he will be considered the future husband of her daughter.

    To the bridge

    Several twigs are taken from a home broom, from which a small bridge is being built. The product is placed under the pillow. Before going to bed, the girl thinks: "Betrothed, come to me, take me across the bridge." In a dream, she will see a future life partner.

    On a horseshoe

    In this divination, a horseshoe and a twig from a new broom are used. Attributes are placed under the pillow. The betrothed appears in a dream in the form of a rider. If there is no real horseshoe, you can replace it with a symbolic one - for example, by making it out of cardboard.

    On the twigs

    Branches are taken from three trees - birch, willow and apple trees. It is advisable to pick them up from the ground. If there are no dry branches, you should carefully break them off the tree, asking the tree for forgiveness. At home, three branches are tied with a thread pulled out of their clothes. Before going to bed, they need to be put under the pillow, and then the fortuneteller will see her betrothed.

    Advice! If the branches had to be broken off, as a token of gratitude to the tree and an apology, you can hang a satin ribbon on the branch. Or put a bun at its roots.

    Other options

    There are alternative divination options in which special attributes are placed under the pillow (their action is similar to those described):

    • Instead of twigs, three bay leaves are placed. With the words “My betrothed, mummers, come to me in a dream! » The fortuneteller goes to bed.
    • A jar of jam is placed at the head of the bed. In this case, the girl will see in a dream young man who is already in love with her.
    • At the head of the bed before going to bed, a well of matches is formed. They say the words: "The betrothed-mummer, come to drink some water."
    • A girl sleeping in a new place says before going to bed: “In a new place, dream of the groom to the bride.”

    Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

    Soothsayer buys a new castle. From Tuesday to Wednesday, a ceremony is held: over a container filled with spring water, the lock is held and closed. At the same time, the words are pronounced:

    "The betrothed-mummer, come, ask me for a drink."

    In a dream, her future husband will come to her.

    Saturday divination

    Circles are drawn on a piece of black fabric with a wax candle on both sides. Their diameter should be approximately equal to the bottom of the glass. On one side in a circle the name "Rafael" is applied, on the other - his name. Four crosses are drawn around the circles in the same places: top, bottom, right and left.

    Before going to bed, the fabric is placed under the pillow. The spell is cast:

    “Great Lord, from age to age, glory to Thee in the highest. I resort to You, Father, Your servant (name). Send me Your Angel, whose name is inscribed in a circle of pentacles. Let him show me my betrothed. Glory to Thee, Lord. Amen, amen, amen."

    Before conducting this fortune-telling, it is necessary to fast for three days.

    Tuesday night

    Take three bay leaves. The names of angels are written on them - Ananias, Azariy and Misail. Leaves are placed on the windowsill in the bedroom. Before going to bed, the words are pronounced: “From Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill. Whoever dreams of me, let him appear to me in a dream.

    Christmas and Christmas divination

    January 6 is a special day, Christmas Eve. On the night of Christmas, as well as Christmas time (from January 8 to 18), you can find out your fate. It was believed that at this time, mysterious forces rush into human world. In the period from Christmas to Epiphany, unclean spirits lose their power, and divination turns from sin into mere fun.

    The most accurate days for divination are Christmas Eve, the old New Year(January 13) and also Epiphany Christmas Eve, celebrated on January 18.

    On a towel

    On the night before Christmas, a white towel is hung out on the street, saying the words: “My betrothed, mummers, come and wipe yourself off.” If the fortuneteller picks up a completely dry towel from the window in the morning, then this year the wedding is not planned. If it is wet, it prophesies an early marriage.

    On the old New Year, an armful of firewood

    Girls and guys in the old New Year take at random an armful of firewood and carry it into the room. It counts the quantity. If the firewood is an even number, the one who brought the armful will marry or get married. If it is odd, it will remain single for now.

    with sock

    On one leg, the girl puts on a sock or stocking. The second is placed under the pillow. Before going to bed, the words are pronounced: “My betrothed, mummers, come to me, come take off my shoes.” Well done, who dreams, and there is a future husband.

    With comb

    Without combing her hair, the girl puts a comb or comb under the pillow. The words are pronounced: "My betrothed, mummers, come to comb me." In a dream, a fortuneteller will see her future spouse.

    With salt

    This method can cause intestinal disorders. But some fortunetellers still use it. Divination consists in the fact that before going to bed a thimble of salt is eaten, and washed down with a thimble of water, while the words are pronounced: “My betrothed, mummers, come give me a drink.”

    Find out the name of the betrothed from passers-by

    On the night before Christmas or on the old New Year, you need to go outside and go to the nearest pedestrian intersection. Now you should wait for late passers-by. When the first man appears, under any pretext they will find out his name. That will be the name of the future spouse. Guys can perform a similar ceremony on female passers-by.

    Traditional divination with a mirror

    Refers to forbidden, terrible divination. Unlike other methods, it is carried out exclusively at Christmas time. For divination, you will need two mirrors and two church candles. It is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Mirrors are placed on the table opposite each other.
    2. 2. Candles are placed and lit at the same distance from them.
    3. 3. The girl asks her betrothed to come to her.
    4. 4. Next, you should peer into the reflection in the mirrors. At first, the appearance will be blurry, but then it will become clearer.
    5. 5. When the image becomes noticeable, the words are pronounced: “Church me, churn! ".

    If the fortuneteller decides to interrupt the rite, both mirrors are quickly placed on the table with the reflective surface down. The light turns on in the room.

    On spoons

    Divination is carried out at home by several girls. For the ritual you will need:

    • Spoons (the number depends on the number of participants in fortune-telling).
    • The corresponding number of strips of white paper up to 2 cm wide and up to 30 cm long.
    • Wax candles.
    • Large flat plate or tray.
    • New towel.

    The ceremony is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Each of the participants in fortune-telling sits in a circle, lights a candle in front of her.
    2. 2. The host puts a plate with spoons and paper in the center.
    3. 3. Those present join hands and say the words of the spell three times: “Brownie, brownie, if you are here, answer on a spoon, if not, do not open any.”
    4. 4. Each of the participants should take one piece of paper and ask questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer (for example, “Will I get married this year?”, “Will my future spouse be rich”?).
    5. 5. The stalk of the cutlery is placed in paper folded in half. Both ends are then wrapped around the spoon.
    6. 6. The device is scrolled until the paper strip completely wraps around the handle. Then the spoon is placed on the tray.
    7. 7. The presenter covers the cutlery with a cloth and quickly turns the plate in a clockwise direction. After making a few turns, she throws back the towel so that each of those present will take the spoon, the handle of which is directed at her.
    8. 8. If a strip of paper releases the cutlery freely, the answer to the question is yes. If the spoon remains inside the paper, the brownie answers “no”, the questioner’s wish will not come true.

Christmas is amazing and mysterious time, which is associated not only with a religious holiday. With the advent of Christmas Eve (January 6) and until Epiphany (January 19), girls who wanted to know their future performed a fortune-telling ritual that was passed down from generation to generation. It has long been believed that it is possible to look beyond the veil of the mysteries of time due to the presence of the souls of the dead, who at this time come from the other world. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that Christmas predictions are particularly accurate.

What conditions must be observed when fortune telling for Christmas

It was believed that not all spirits come with good intentions, so they took the divination process seriously. In this regard, rules appeared, the basis of which were the prevailing signs and superstitions.

  • Before starting the ritual during Christmas time, fortunetellers completely freed their hair from hairpins and loosened them, untied all the knots on their clothes, completely removed amulets, jewelry and belts.
  • It was necessary to have a clear understanding of what the girl wants to find out the whole truth about, which no one could say a word about, so as not to jinx it.
  • Silence was strictly observed in the fortune-telling room, and there should also have been darkness.
  • They believed that crossing limbs during divination would prevent contact with evil spirits.

Both in antiquity and today, the main goal of fortune-telling at home is to find out when the long-awaited love will meet and what kind of life awaits. Below you will find time-tested rituals of Christmas divination, thanks to which you can shed light on the secrets of a foggy future.

Divination for the future

January 13 and 18 were considered especially successful days for accurate divination.

with bowls

To find out what will happen in the near future, they take cups and put salt, a ringlet, sugar, a piece of bread, an onion and a coin into each of them separately, pour a small amount into another pure water. Closing their eyes, they stop the choice on one cup. A coin promises wealth, salt - grief, sugar - joy, a ring - marriage, bread - well-being. If a bowl of water is chosen, significant events and changes will not happen in the near future.

With candles

As a rule, a group of girls simultaneously takes part in such an interesting fortune-telling at Christmas. They prepare a bowl of water, whole hemispheres of a walnut shell and pieces of candles, the number of which should correspond to the number of fortunetellers. Cinders are placed in shells and floated on water. It is believed that the first wife will be the one whose candle completely burned out first, and the owner of the candle that burned the longest will find family happiness last. If the candle sinks, marriage is not expected.

On wax

Fortune telling on wax - one of the oldest folk ways know the near future

For the ceremony, a container with water and candle cinders are prepared. white color; both wax and paraffin are suitable - everything except for the festive ones. They are melted in a metal cup and poured into a container. The existing silhouette told about what awaits the girl.

  • Having seen the outlines of the house, they promised marriage and a new household. The symbols of candles and rings had the same meaning.
  • The trees seen, the branches of which are directed upward, predicted happiness, downward - sadness and longing.
  • Wax falling to the bottom of the bowl like a pancake predicted a long girlhood.
  • Those who saw a cave or a pit, according to popular beliefs, expected a serious illness or an early death.
  • Ruins of indefinite shape - misfortune.
  • Dog - you will soon get a friend.
  • A clot, something round - to the imminent addition to the family, pregnancy.

By the shadow of the paper

For this, a paper sheet is used, which is crumpled to a shapeless mass (but not spherical) and placed at the bottom of an inverted plate, and then set on fire. When it burns out, they bring the plate to the illuminated wall and gently turn it so that the shadow cast by the ash takes on a certain shape. The figures were interpreted in the same way as in divination with wax and water.

By groats

For answers to important questions for some time keep left hand palm down over a bowl of grains or cereals, completely focusing your thoughts on the question. Then you need to take a handful of cereals and pour out, and then count the grains. If the number of grains turns out to be even, the answer is positive, odd - negative.

Based on the book

Choose literature for divination with interesting plot, so the ritual will become more curious

With the help of books, they also received answers from the spirits. To do this, they took a book and asked themselves an exciting question. Then, before opening it, they randomly called the serial number of the page and the line located on it. The answer was considered not only a specific line, but the entire semantic segment in which it was included.

On a golden chain

The fortuneteller needs to wait until everyone in the house falls asleep. Then sit down at the table and rub the chain between your palms until it becomes warm. Then you need to take it in your right hand, shake it a little and throw it on the floor with a sharp movement. According to the figure that it forms, and the upcoming events are judged.

What figures predict what:

  • the circle portends an unpleasant situation;
  • the triangle marks a major success in absolutely any business, especially those of the heart;
  • snake - a warning about danger and betrayal;
  • a flat strip symbolizes good luck and prosperity;
  • a tangled knot - monetary loss and illness;
  • heart means that love will be happy;
  • bow - imminent marriage.

Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed

For the ritual, you need to follow all the rules: get rid of tight clothes, hair ties, belts, chains and everything that fetters

Divination for the night

Before falling asleep, they eat very salty food, which cannot be washed down. They say to themselves "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink." The person who appeared and gave you a drink in your dreams will become your husband.

By name

To determine which name the groom will have, with the onset of Christmas midnight, fortunetellers find out how they call the man who they meet first after leaving the house. The wife will also be called the same.

To the profession of a betrothed

The fortune-telling girl is tightly blindfolded. Objects associated with various crafts are placed on the table:

  • textbook (teacher),
  • photography (photographer),
  • ruler (engineer),
  • thermometer (doctor) and others,
  • And of course, a wedding ring.

The girl must randomly take one of the items provided. If three times in a row her choice falls on the same one, the representative of this particular profession will be her beloved. If the choice falls on the ring three times, this means that next year she will definitely be married, but it is not known what specialty her husband will belong to.

For marriage by thread

The red thread prophesies an early marriage, and the black one suggests directing forces towards a career

Three threads (black, red and white) are threaded into three needles and attached to the clothes on the girl's back. She must feel where they are, but must not know where which is. Then the fortuneteller needs to pull out one thread. White will be chosen - marriage is not expected in the near future, red - marriage will be concluded within a year and a baby will be born soon, black - it is better to focus on a career.

When several girls tell fortunes together, they cut off a thread of the same length for each, which is taken with the left hand, and at the same time set it on fire with the right hand. The one whose thread burns out faster than the rest will go down the aisle first. If the thread quickly went out or burned out even to half, marriage is not expected.

For apples

They take apples in the amount that corresponds to the number of intended spouses, and at the bottom of each they scratch out the first letter of the groom's last name, first name and patronymic. In a dark room, they mix the apples together and bite off a piece from each. The initials found on the most delicious fruit will indicate who will become a husband.

By map

Before the onset of Christmas night, the card with the king of the tambourine is hidden under the pillow and mentally represents the very person whose wife they would like to become. What will be seen in a dream will certainly come true.

Fortune telling on the narrowed by the mirrors

Fortune telling with mirrors is one of the most exciting, frightening and dangerous

By midnight, the girl needs to go into a dark room, where there are no animals and strangers, and lock the doors with windows. The presence of one or two friends is allowed, who were not allowed to look at the reflections, approach the fortuneteller and speak.

Two clean mirrors (preferably large ones) are placed opposite each other and illuminated with two candles of equal height from both edges. It is most convenient if one of them is wall-mounted, while the second should be rotated so that a long corridor lit by the flame of candles lined up in the reflections. Then you need to look long and concentrated at the end of the created corridor, where the image of the betrothed will appear. If the fortuneteller did not lose her senses from fear and worries, when he appears, she needs to quickly shout “Chur this place!”, And after that the evil spirits, which have taken the form of a future spouse, will disappear and will not be able to cause harm.

To perform another ritual of Christmas divination using a mirror, the girl places two sets of cutlery on a table located in an empty room and prepares a towel that will come in handy later. Sitting down at the table and placing a lit candle between herself and the mirror, she calls on her fate with the words “Dressed, betrothed, come to dinner with me.” Five minutes before its appearance, the surface of the mirror will begin to noticeably darken, and then you should wipe it with a towel. Having examined the desired features of the sweet face that soon appeared, the fortuneteller should shout “Step away from this place!”, thereby driving away the spirit that has taken on human form.

On the groom with a ring

To carry out this fortune-telling, a simple glass without any pattern is required, with a flat, even bottom, which is three-quarters filled with water. Then the wedding ring is carefully placed in the middle, which should be thoroughly cleaned. After a long and continuous peering into the center of the circle through the water, you can see the face of the future spouse.

On the relationship on the needles

Needles are better to take sewing, not embroidery

To carry out the ritual, you will need ordinary sewing needles of any size and a container of water. Define one needle behind you, and the number of other needles should equal the number of people with whom you are interested in relationships. It's best if they are different size. If you are interested in a relationship with a chosen one, take two needles: a smaller one for yourself, a larger one for him. Then you should carefully and thickly grease them with fat (a greasy cream is suitable, butter, fat) and lower in turn on the water surface. By the way they interact, you can draw conclusions.

  • If all the needles go to the bottom, it means that they were not well lubricated.
  • If the needle that you have secured to yourself sinks, in the coming year your environment may completely change and many of the old connections will be lost.
  • The needles that remain floating on the surface symbolize the people who will remain in your environment in the new year, while connections with those people whose needles sink will be interrupted.
  • Two connected needles mean union or marriage.
  • Needles stuck together along the entire length - strong friendship.

For love by matches

Two matches inserted into a matchbox on opposite sides and symbolizing lovers are set on fire. If, after they burn, their heads are turned towards each other, the couple will have joint happiness.

Ritual with water on the character of the future husband

Take fresh, live water, for example, spring water. Boiled or passed through a filter does not have such power

Prepare four glasses of water, no different from each other, in one of which they put a spoon citric acid, in the second - honey, in the third - wine, in the fourth - salt, and mix the contents in each. The glasses are covered with a thick napkin and placed on a tray, and then, with eyes closed, they are twisted so as not to know their location. Then they turn off the light and drink water from a randomly selected glass.

A glass of salt foreshadowed a joyless boring lot, with wine - he promised a frequently drinking husband, with salt - he prophesied a sea of ​​bitter tears. A glass of honey meant that the spouse would be the owner of a cheerful and gentle disposition.

How to find out the temper of the future spouse on the cards

Before falling asleep, four kings are placed under the pillow from a deck that no one has ever played, and they say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream me in a dream.” The cross king who appeared in dreams promises a husband-officer or entrepreneur, a red one - young and wealthy, a peak one - jealous and elderly, and a red one - a loved one.

Divination for children with a ring

A ring is lowered to the bottom of a mug filled with water, asking a question about future children, and left to freeze in the cold. If the ice surface is smooth and even in the morning, there will be no children. The resulting tubercles symbolize sons, cavities - daughters. Their number coincides with the number of children who will be born in the future.

Whatever answers and prophecies you receive during fortune-telling at Christmas, always remember that all good things will certainly come true, and you should not even believe in bad things. The secret of happiness is not to doubt it.

On Christmas night and Christmas time, girls tell fortunes about their betrothed. In the people, the betrothed is the person with whom the girl is destined to marry. folk wisdom says: “You can’t go around your betrothed on a horse.”

Various fortune-telling can tell the name of the future groom, whether he will be rich or poor, whether he is waiting ahead long marriage or soon widowhood ...
Fortune-telling is carried out at Christmas for the betrothed on the night of January 6-7 and in the next 12 days of Christmas time.

Divination with girlfriends

Joint fortune-telling at Christmas for the betrothed will help you find out which of the girls will marry first.

On the bow

On Christmas night, girls put bulbs in the water. Whose onion first puts out green feathers, she will be the first to marry.

On threads

All girls take threads of the same length. Hold in hand and set fire simultaneously from the lower end. Whoever's thread burns out faster will be the first to go down the aisle. If the thread goes out - to a long girlhood.

On cups

They take 7 cups, put different objects in them: bread, a coin, an onion, salt, a ring, sugar, pour water into one at the bottom. The girls take turns approaching the cups with eyes closed and choose one.

Each item has its own meaning:

  • bread is wealth;
  • coin - wealth;
  • onions - tears;
  • salt - misfortune;
  • ring - wedding;
  • sugar is joy;
  • water - everything will remain the same.

Divination to see the future groom in a dream

The veil of the future is often lifted in a dream. If you say the cherished words, and then immediately go to bed and don’t talk to anyone else, the future groom will appear in a dream.


Before going to bed, eat any salty dish to make you thirsty, but you can’t drink afterward. With a feeling of thirst they go to bed.
Before going to bed, wish to see your betrothed and say the cherished words

"My betrothed mummer, come to me and give me a drink"

In a dream you will see your future husband.


They make a bridge about 15 cm long from matches and ordinary sewing threads, so that it is enough to throw it over a tea cup.
They put a cup with a bridge under the bed and immediately go to bed. You need to say the phrase:

“Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge”

In night dreams, the betrothed will appear.


Before going to bed, you can neither comb nor wash. Soap and a comb (comb) are placed by the headboard. Say the following words 3 times:

"Narrowed-mummer, wash, comb me"

Sleep in a new place

A girl can spend this fortune-telling not only on Christmas, but on any night when she is going to sleep in a new place. Before going to bed, crossing themselves 3 times, say:

"I'm sleeping in a new place, dream of the bridegroom"

This divination is considered very truthful.

king of diamonds

Before going to bed, the girl is advised to wash and comb her hair. A king of diamonds and some kind of decoration are placed under the pillow. Before going to bed you should say

"Come, betrothed, come, mummers"

Divination for the groom

How to guess at Christmas for a betrothed to those girls who already have a fiance.

For reciprocity

Take the thinnest church candle and a sheet of white paper. On the sheet they write the name of their fiancé or someone they like very much. They light a candle and hold it so that the wax drips onto the written name - until the entire candle burns out. All the time you need to pronounce the words:

“Candle-candle, light the heart of my dear, servant of God (name)”

When all the wax hardens on paper, carefully fold the sheet around the ingot of wax, and carry it with you all the time. It is believed that the guy will appear to you mutual feeling Or his love will grow stronger.

For a life together

The cherished name is written on a piece of paper. In the flame of a candle, a leaf is set on fire and put to burn out on a plate or in a bowl. When the leaf burns out, all the ashes are collected in the palm of your hand. Exactly at midnight, they open the window to stick their hand out into the street.

  • If the ashes fly up or to the side, you will not be together.
  • If the ash flies back at you or remains in the palm of your hand, interpret it as a sign of a shared future.

For loyalty

Take two thin church candles. 1 candle is yours, the second is your loved one.

Divination begins at midnight. Candles are strengthened in glasses with salt and put on the table. Draw a circle with chalk around both glasses. They say three times:

“Let my candle go out if the Servant of God (name) has another. Wax fire and cherished candles tell me the whole truth, do not hide anything "

Candles are lit.

  • If your candle goes out first, betrayal awaits you.
  • If the groom's candle burns out first, then he is faithful to you.

Divination for future family life

Near the window

On Christmas night, when everyone in the household is asleep, you need to sit by the window and listen. Waiting for the first passers-by.

  • If noisy passes funny company- family life will be full of joy.
  • If one person or a group of people passes quietly - to a boring marriage.
  • Bad sign for the future family life if a conflict unfolds at the window, a quarrel.

along the fence

They walk along the fence until it ends. On each crossbar they say in turn:

"Rich, poor, widower, bachelor"

On which word the fence ends, such a groom should be expected.

On the maps

Fortune telling on Christmas night on new cards (for each girl - a separate deck). They shuffle the cards well and take out 5 cards one at a time:

  1. for myself
  2. for home
  3. for heart
  4. for the soul

A good sign is "red" cards, "black" are interpreted as unfavorable.

Dropped aces are of particular importance:

  • red - to great love;
  • cross - to a successful career;
  • peak - to the blow of fate;
  • tambourine - to wealth.

Consider any fortune-telling as a warning that will help you build your happy destiny.

Perhaps you will also be interested.

Divination for Christmas at home from January 6 to 7, 2019 for the betrothed is the most popular. Please note that it is possible on Christmas Eve. This means from 6 to 7 January. On Christmas itself and on the night of January 7-8, you should not guess. But then a long period of Christmas time begins, which lasts until the night of January 18-19. At this time, you can guess at least every night. How to spend true divination for Christmas 6 January 7 for the betrothed?

  • To meet a loved one
  • Husband's choice (with onion)
  • Before bedtime
  • With a twig
  • At the window
  • with comb
  • With water
  • along the fence
  • Dinner with fiance
  • With mirrors
  • The attitude of the church to divination

Fortune telling for Christmas from January 6 to 7 for the betrothed

Popular beliefs say that at the time described, all prohibitions mysterious forces removed and a person under the force, with sufficient desire, to know his fate. For fortune-telling for Christmas on January 6-7, 2019 for a betrothed or any other types of fortune-telling, you need to properly prepare. It is necessary to wash, let down your hair and comb your hair, remove all jewelry from yourself (they are amulets that block the flow of energy). You should try to get all material thoughts out of your head, focus only on the future, on the ritual and on your desire to know fate.

To meet a loved one

To perform this ritual, it will be necessary to approach the church at midnight on Christmas Eve. It could be any church. The one closest to your home will do. It is necessary to go around the church 12 times and ask fate to meet with the betrothed. This ritual is not even a fortune-telling, but a way to get rid of painful loneliness and meet your man.

Husband's choice (with onion)

Whether you can choose your own husbands is, of course, a moot point. But, our ancestors believed that everything is possible on Christmas Eve and during Christmas time, so why not try and pick up for yourself the best groom. To do this, it will be necessary to take several onions on one of the designated nights and polish them according to the number of candidates for your hand and heart. In order not to get confused, it is even better to sign each bulb additionally. Now put the bulbs in water and send them to the window, wait until they begin to germinate. The bulb that will have green feathers first will indicate a person who truly loves you very much.

Before bedtime

It will be necessary to eat a maximum of salty food on Christmas Eve: cabbage, cucumbers, fish. Only after this meal you can no longer drink water. So go to bed, and before going to bed, ask the betrothed mummer to come in a dream and bring a drink. If you did everything right and believe enough in, then most likely the betrothed will come in a dream, and you will meet him ahead of schedule.

With a twig

This fortune-telling for the betrothed must also be prepared before going to bed. It will be necessary to make a bridge of twigs, they can be removed from their broom. Put the bridge under the pillow and wish that in a dream the betrothed would come and lead the girl across the bridge. We hope that your future husband is a gentleman and will not refuse such a request.

At the window

It will be necessary to prepare for the ritual, as described above, and sit in complete silence by the window in your room. It is best to do this when everyone is already in bed, turn off the lights and light a candle. Now you need to ask yourself that the betrothed drove past the window. If under the window the first sounds are joyful and cheerful, then this is a good sign. If the conversations are about something sad, then life with the betrothed will be the same. Interestingly, when a car passes under the window first, this indicates a journey in the year that has just come. Perhaps it is there that you will meet your betrothed?

with comb

Again, divination is done for the coming dream. You will need to hang a comb in the house at night and ask the groom to come and comb your hair at night. Of course, you should not comb yourself before going to bed, in no case.

With water

Before going to bed, you will need to hold the lock above the water and lock the lock. At the same time, talk to yourself so that at night your betrothed-mummer will come in a dream and ask for water. The person who dreams in a dream will be your soulmate.

along the fence

This ritual is also extremely simple. You will just have to walk along the fence and run your hand along it, saying to yourself: rich, poor, widower, single. On what word the fence will end, fate has prepared such a betrothed for you.

Dinner with fiance

This fortune-telling is not for the faint-hearted girls, but they say that the result is worth it. It is necessary to guess one late in the evening on Christmas Eve. Best time for divination - close to midnight. It is necessary to lay a new tablecloth on the table and put two appliances, do not put knives and forks on the table and, in general, put them away. Close doors and windows tightly, put a plate of fruits, berries, sweets on the table. You can not put anything meat or fried, boiled on this table.

Now put your hands on the table and ask the soy bean to come to you to have dinner. Soon a noise will be heard outside the window: gusts of wind, crackling of branches. This means that the betrothed is approaching. Soon the betrothed will enter the room, you have to sit quietly and try to examine him. After that, say "Chur, my place." The betrothed will disappear, leaving you, we hope, only pleasant memories.

With mirrors

Considering specific Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed, it is simply impossible to ignore this ritual. As a rule, he is always somewhere on the sidelines in the list of others and, of course, there are reasons for this. The thing is that many sources indicate that this ritual is quite dangerous and it is important to observe all the main points of its implementation so as not to invite trouble on yourself. But, if you are lucky and everything is done extremely correctly, you will be able to see the image of your betrothed and understand exactly who fate has prepared for you and when to expect such happiness as meeting with your loved one, with whom you are destined to grow old.

So, first of all, it must be emphasized that such fortune-telling is carried out strictly in solitude. That is, if you want to have fun with your girlfriends and have fun with predictions, this method divination is definitely not suitable. Moreover, in Rus' this fortune-telling was carried out in non-residential premises or in the attic of a house. All because of the fact that everything happens and instead of the betrothed, you can call evil spirits, who then want to settle in your house. It is clear that such a neighborhood is not suitable for residential premises, but there is nothing to worry about in non-residential premises.

If you have nowhere else to guess except your room in a city apartment, then do not despair. It is simply important to carefully and carefully approach all aspects of this ritual in order to eventually see the betrothed and at the same time close the otherworldly portal. So, the room should be dark, fortune-telling is carried out by candlelight. Close windows and doors tightly, remove all pets, even fish. Next, the girl will need to prepare externally for such a ritual. In particular, the hair must be loosened, all knots on the clothes should be untied, buttons and zippers, if any, should be unbuttoned. After that, remove all jewelry and approach divination very seriously: these are not jokes, but an important ritual, the conduct of which requires ceremony and the right attitude to business.

Preparing inventory and conducting fortune-telling itself

1. Take two mirrors, one should be slightly larger than the other. Put a smaller mirror closer to you, but with the front side to a large mirror. That is, in front of the fortuneteller, a mirror corridor should turn out.
2. You need to take a candle, preferably long and made of natural wax, put it between the mirrors. It turns out that the candle is also reflected in the mirror corridor.
3. Now concentrate on your desire to see the betrothed and, as it were, call him to yourself, while peering intently into the mirror corridor.
4. If everything is done correctly, with faith in the soul, then soon the image of the betrothed should appear in this corridor. Further, it is important to act strictly according to the scheme and not to delay the time, otherwise, this can lead to trouble.
5. When you saw the image of the betrothed, you must definitely say loudly three times: "Chur me." This is required so that the spirit from the mirror does not pass into our world, but remains precisely in the world of spirits, so that the portal closes.

On the other hand, don't give too much great attention some negative predictions. Here you should listen to psychologists who say that everything, both bad and good, is programmed in the head of the person himself. Our thoughts have energy and are able to really change with the right concentration. This is no longer science fiction, but real proven facts. Therefore, you need to concentrate on everything good that fortune-telling will tell about, and immediately drive everything negative out of your head, which means that it will eventually be expelled from your life.