On September 26, 2017, during the second round, the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences was determined. It was the director of the Federal Research Center "Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences" Alexander Sergeev. He won 1045 votes with the required 746 (50% + 1 vote).

The number of votes gained by Sergeyev is even more than 2/3 of the votes required for election, from which in the summer, amendments to the law on the Russian Academy of Sciences moved to a "simple majority". It was believed that after the March 2017 elections were disrupted and all three candidates withdrew from the elections, no one would be able to gain the desired two-thirds. Ballot for voting during the second round, September 26, 2017. Photo from Facebook At 18:00, Academician Yury Balega, chairman of the Counting Commission, announced that the elections had taken place. There are 2305 people in the RAS in total. In the second round, 1489 ballots were issued, 1485 were found in the ballot boxes, that is, someone took 4 ballots as a keepsake. Alexander Sergeev won 1045 (70.2%) votes, while his rival, Academician Robert Nigmatulin, got 412 (27.7%) votes.

The hall burst into applause. But even before the official announcement of the results, information about Sergeyev's victory reached the members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and journalists, they began to photograph and congratulate Sergeyev, and Robert Nigmatulin approached Alexander Mikhailovich and shook his hand as the winner.

Recall that, held on the morning of September 26, A. M. Sergeev scored 681 (42.7%), and R. I. Nigmatulin - 276 (17.3%) votes. Thus, during the second round, 364 votes were added in favor of Sergeev, and 136 in favor of Nigmatulin. 1,596 people took part in the first round, 1,489 in the second round (107 less), so there was no significant outflow of votes.

In May 2013, when the Academy of Sciences still existed as a separate organization (without the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), Vladimir Fortov won 766 votes against the required 658 (1314 people voted). He had two rivals: Academician Zhores Alferov received the support of 345 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Academician Alexander Nekipelov - 143.
Alexander Sergeev and Valery Kozlov at the OS RAS, September 26, 2017 After the announcement of the official results of the elections, Academician Sergeev addressed the members of the General Assembly of the RAS. Here is a transcript of his speech:

Dear colleagues, today is a very important day for our Academy, because we have elected our president in a completely democratic way. I think this is very important, firstly, because in Lately we received serious criticism for the fact that the election of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences was not sufficiently democratic. I must say that in the last six months after the failed elections, the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences behaved very correctly and presented constructive ideas to the country's leadership regarding the election procedure. And it is very good that, in accordance with these proposals, the elections to the RAS took place.

The second thing I want to say (and I am completely honest about this): during this election campaign, our government behaved in a completely democratic way. There was no pressure from above or from the side, and there were constructive meetings with the discussion of constructive plans. I believe that the fact that both the Academy of Sciences and the government behaved very constructively is the key to the consensus that I spoke about in my election speech.

The next point is why this is important for the Academy of Sciences: for the first time, the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences was elected by three academies, which now work together, and the result that was obtained indicates that the elected president had the support of all three academies. It is very important. (Stormy applause.) And I promise you to be my president for all branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Stormy applause.)

I want to especially thank my colleagues: Vladimir Evgenievich Fortov, for the fact that during these four years he fought courageously to preserve the Academy of Sciences. And I consider it my duty to continue this line so that the Academy of Sciences continues to work in accordance with democratic principles. (Stormy applause.)

I want to thank Valery Vasilyevich Kozlov for the fact that in the past period he wisely and calmly navigated the ship of the Academy and thus managed to build a dialogue with the authorities, and we really came to a consensus. (Stormy applause. VV Kozlov stood up and thanked the audience for their support.)

I would like to thank my rivals, outstanding scientists, Yevgeny Nikolayevich Kablov, and Gennady Yakovlevich Krasnikov, and Robert Iskanderovich Nigmatulin, and Vladislav Yakovlevich Panchenko, for the fact that during this election campaign we worked together in general. Thank you. Each of us was worthy to become president, but the Academy of Sciences voted this way. (Stormy applause.)

Finally, I want to thank those who supported me in these elections. And I really want to thank the departments that chose me. First of all, my native Branch physical sciences. In addition, the branch biological sciences, Department of Energy [, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes] and the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. I would also like to thank the members of the Academy (there were 240 of them) who cast their individual votes for me.

Thank you very much - and for your work!

After that, acting President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Kozlov said that on Wednesday, September 27, meetings of the Branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences would be held, and at 12:00 on September 28, the General Meeting would continue its work. It will be necessary to elect the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vice-presidents of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the chief scientific secretary of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and academic secretaries of the departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Valery Kozlov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Grigory Trubnikov, Alexander Sergeev and their colleagues. Academician Trubnikov noted that on that day "the Academy of Sciences voted for Science." He praised all five candidates who went to the polls, but said that, as a physicist, he was glad that the physicist had won. In turn, Academician Sergeev recalled April 2017, when Academician Litvak approached him with a proposal to become a candidate for the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and he immediately agreed, as he felt his responsibility for the Academy of Sciences. He did not immediately tell his wife about his decision, and she even asked him: “Why do you need this?” (A. M. Sergeev has two children and three grandchildren). The elected President of the Russian Academy of Sciences promised to interact with colleagues of different ages.

It is reported that today he will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The 62-year-old director of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Applied Physics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2016) Alexander Sergeev was elected President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The favorite at the end of the first round scored 1045 votes in the second round and thus won supervisor Institute of Oceanology. Shirshov Robert Nigmatullina (412 votes), Kommersant reports. Also, for the post of President of the Russian Academy of Sciences claimed CEO Academician Yevgeny Kablov of the All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Academician Gennady Krasnikov, Director of the Research Institute of Molecular Electronics and the Mikron Plant, and Academician Vladislav Panchenko, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

Academician Alexander Sergeev Alexander Shcherbak/TASS

Russian media wrote that Panchenko enjoys the support of the president of the Kurchatov Institute, Mikhail Kovalchuk. Mikhail Kovalchuk is the elder brother of Yuri Kovalchuk, a shareholder of Rossiya Bank (39.8%, according to SPARK-Interfax). In 2014, Yuri Kovalchuk was included by the US Treasury in the sanctions list as a representative of the "inner circle" of Vladimir Putin. This was Panchenko's second attempt to be elected President of the Academy. The first time, on March 20, 2017, he, along with two other candidates, disrupted the election by recusing himself. This time he failed to get through to the second round of voting.

Sergeyev's candidacy was supported by Vice-Rector of Moscow State University Alexei Khokhlov, who was excluded by the government from the list of candidates for the presidency of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He urged all his supporters to vote for Sergeyev. Khokhlov at the time of withdrawal from the elections was openly supported by 70 academicians. Sergeev spoke for and former leader RAS Vladimir Fortov. According to him, Sergeev is a world-famous scientist and knows how to "work well in a team." Fortov was considered the main contender for the post of head of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the spring, during the first attempt by academicians to elect their own president, RBC reminds. Sergeev has already announced that the first issue he will deal with in his new post will be the election of a new presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. "It will be updated and rejuvenated, while remaining a fusion of the energy of the young and the wisdom of the elders. I hope that the General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Sciences will support our proposals," he said (quoted by RIA Novosti).

"Also among the most important priority steps is the formulation of the academy's proposals for correcting 253-FZ, adopted in 2013, in terms of changing legal status RAN. The current status of the federal budget institution simply does not allow the academy to actually fulfill its tasks and creates insurmountable difficulties in interactions with FASO," he added. New president The Russian Academy of Sciences intends to propose to the general meeting the candidacy of Alexei Khokhlov for the post of vice president. At the same time, Sergeyev stressed that he treats all his rivals with great respect and is ready to cooperate with them in the future.

The day before, he delivered a speech before the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In it, the then presidential candidate gave a tough assessment of the state of Russian science and proposed his own program to correct the situation. "Unfortunately, if you look at Russian science, it is... rather on a negative trend. This, of course, causes dissatisfaction in the government and society. I believe that our main problem is that we must return the trust and respect of the government and society to the Russian Academy of Sciences, "Sergeev announced. According to him, the RAS should reach a consensus with the government on assessing the state of science in the country. "I think that it is close to catastrophic. So, we need to reach a consensus in understanding the reasons why this happened. We must reach a consensus on how to determine the trajectories of getting out of this state. I think that there are few such trajectories, and maybe only one. Finally, reach consensus on what the role of fundamental science and the Russian Academy of Sciences when moving along this trajectory," he continued.

The previous elections of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences were held in May 2013, they were won by the Director of the Joint Institute high temperatures Academician Vladimir Fortov. In June of the same year, a reform of the structure of Russian academic science was announced. The corresponding law came into force at the end of September 2013. In the course of the reform, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences were attached to the "big" Academy of Sciences. Scientific institutes transferred under management federal agency scientific organizations. The next elections of the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences were to be held in March 2017, but the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences on March 20 voted to postpone them to the fall of 2017 after all three candidates withdrew their candidacies. In July of this year, President Vladimir Putin signed a law on changing the procedure for electing the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The law provides for the coordination of candidates for the post of president of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the government, while electing the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences for five years will require a simple majority of votes, and not two-thirds, as before.

In the second round of elections, he won over 1,000 votes.

Director of the Institute of Applied Physics RAS Alexander Sergeev

Moscow. September 26th. website - Director of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeev was elected President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the results of the vote count in the second round of elections testify.

In the course of voting earlier today, none of the candidates could get the 50% plus one vote necessary to win. Acting scientific director of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS Robert Nigmatulin.

According to an Interfax correspondent, following the results of the second round, Nigmatulin won 412 votes, Sergeev - 1045 votes.

In addition to Sergeev and Nigmatulin, three more academicians claimed the post of president of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Evgeny Kablo, director general of the All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Gennady Krasnikov, general director of the Research Institute of Molecular Electronics, and Vladislav Panchenko, chairman of the board of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). Their candidatures were previously approved by the Russian government.

IN election programs each of the candidates reflected the need to reform the RAS. The most acute issue remains the status of the academy and its role in shaping the scientific agenda at the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, transferred following the results of the 2013 reform to the management of a specially created Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations.

Second try

Increased attention to the elections in the RAS is due to the fact that in March the academicians already gathered in Moscow, but the voting did not take place. On the first day of the general meeting, all applicants for the post, including the ex-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov, who was considered the favorite, announced at a time. As a result, Valery Kozlov, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, acted as President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the voting was postponed to September.

The main reason for what happened, according to the former leaders of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was the dissatisfaction of the country's leadership with the "non-transparency" of the procedure for nominating candidates for elections. Shortly after the closing of the spring general meeting, Fortov announced that he was not going to run again.

Then, in the State Duma and the Russian Academy of Sciences, work began on clarifying the legislation on elections to the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the end of July, a law was finally adopted that established the procedure for nomination and voting.

First, a procedure was introduced for the approval of candidates for the post of head of the Russian Academy of Sciences by the government of the Russian Federation. Secondly, the Academy received the right to elect the president according to the "minimum 50% + 1 vote" scheme, while earlier the candidate had to gain at least two-thirds of the votes of the general meeting. Third, elected president The Russian Academy of Sciences is approved by the President of the Russian Federation - previously this function was assigned to the government.

President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Sergeev was born on August 2, 1955 in the village of Buturlino, Nizhny Novgorod Region. In 1977 he graduated from the Radiophysics Faculty of the National Research Nizhny Novgorod state university named after Nikolai Lobachevsky, majoring in radiophysics.

In 1982, at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Self-action and transformation of intense electromagnetic waves in magnetoactive plasma. In 2000, in the same place - the thesis of a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. In 2003, Alexander Mikhailovich was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

After graduating from the university, Sergeev was accepted as a trainee researcher at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Nizhny Novgorod. Since 1979, for seven years, he worked as a junior researcher. In 1985 he became a senior research fellow. From 1991 to 1994, Alexander Mikhailovich served as head of the laboratory. In 1994 he was appointed head of the department.

From 2001 to 2015, Sergeev served as Deputy Director of the IAP RAS. From 2001 to 2012, he also headed the department of the institute. Since 2016 he has been an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of the Department of Physical Sciences in Physics and Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences, member of the Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Since 2015, he has served as director of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the same time, he was the head of the Department of Ultrafast Processes and the Head of the Sector for Modeling Ultrafast Optical Processes of the Department of Nonlinear Dynamics and Optics of the IAP. Concurrently: Professor of the Department of General Physics, Faculty of Radiophysics, UNN.

Leads a group of Russian scientists in the LIGO gravitational wave detection project in the United States. In 2016, the project participants were awarded the prestigious Gruber Prize in Cosmology, as well as the Fundamental Physics Prize. Member of the Scientific Coordinating Council of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations and the Council of the Foundation fundamental research. Member of the editorial board of the journals "Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk" and "Izvestia VUZ - Radiophysics".

In July 2017, he was registered as a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Nominated by the Bureau of the Department of Physical Sciences, the Bureau of the Department of Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes, the Bureau of the Department of Biological Sciences, the Presidium of the Ural Branch, as well as 240 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, according to the official website of the Academy. Sergeyev's candidacy was approved by the Russian government on August 31, 2017. In September of the same year, Alexander Sergeev won the election of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Alexander Mikhailovich became the 22nd president of the Academy of Sciences in its entire history.

Under the leadership of Sergeev, the most powerful petawatt laser complex in Russia was created at the IAP RAS, new methods of using femtosecond radiation for processing materials and medicine were developed. He is a scientist in the field of laser physics, femtosecond optics: optics of ultrashort laser pulses, the theory of nonlinear wave phenomena; explores the interaction of light with biological tissue.

On March 14, 2019, Alexander Sergeev was unanimously accepted as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum.

Awards and Recognition of Alexander Sergeev

State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (1999) for work on optical tomography of biological tissues.
Order of Honor (2006) for achievements in the field of creating components and devices for high-power laser systems.
Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2012) for work on the creation of a petawatt laser complex.
Gruber Prize in Cosmology (as part of the LIGO collaboration) (2016).
Officer of the Order of Academic Palms, France (2018).
Laureate of the international medal "For contribution to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology" awarded by UNESCO (2018).

Alexander Mikhailovich Sergeev(born August 2, Buturlino, Gorky region) - Russian physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2016). Director since 2015. Professor at UNN.

Member of the editorial board of the journal "Radiophysics".


A. M. Sergeev represents Russia in the International Committee on Super Powerful Lasers ICUIL, being the vice-chairman of this organization. He is a member of the IUPAP Commission on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics.

For many years, A. M. Sergeev has been a member of the program organizing committees of major international scientific conferences in optics, laser physics and biophotonics, such as ICONO, Photonics West, Topical Problems of Biophotonics, etc.

Scientific achievements

AM Sergeev is one of the leading specialists in Russia in the field of laser physics, femtosecond optics, plasma physics and biophotonics.

In the 1990s, he organized at the IAP RAS work on the creation of femtosecond laser sources. Under his leadership, a complex of such sources was created, including a laser based on parametric amplification of light with a peak radiation power of hundreds of terawatts, which was a world record for such systems at the time of creation. The complex also includes a titanium-sapphire laser with a peak power of about a terawatt, as well as fiber-optic femtosecond lasers with an extremely short pulse duration.

AM Sergeev developed a new method for describing the operation of femtosecond lasers based on the theory of dissipative optical solitons. On its basis, new regimes of laser generation were predicted, which were later realized experimentally.

AM Sergeev is actively developing theoretical models of the processes of strongly nonlinear interaction of the radiation of such superpowerful short-pulse sources with matter. He studied new nonlinear-wave effects in such processes, in particular, the effect of self-channeling of radiation based on ionization nonlinearity, as well as a strong adiabatic increase in the carrier frequency and frequencies of radiation harmonics. AM Sergeev developed the concept of generation of coherent attosecond pulses during the ionization of atoms by femtosecond pulses. Under his leadership, a number of works were carried out on the theoretical study of the processes of laser ion acceleration and generation x-ray radiation based on laser systems of petawatt peak power.

In the 2010s, A. M. Sergeev proposed a project to create in Russia the most powerful XCELS laser in the world, which would be capable of generating pulses with a peak power of hundreds of petawatts. This project was included by the Government of the Russian Federation among 6 projects of the megascience class for implementation in 2010-2020.

In addition to sources of powerful laser radiation, A. M. Sergeev also supervised joint work a team of physicists and physicians aimed at creating and using tools for optical tomography of biological tissues. These works included such areas as optical coherence tomography, optical diffusion tomography, diffusion fluorescence tomography, ultramicroscopy. It was shown that the imaging methods developed in the course of these works make it possible to diagnose oncological diseases.

A. M. Sergeev initiated the participation of Russian scientists in a number of major international scientific programs, including the observatory for detecting gravitational waves LIGO, in the project of a prototype reactor for laser fusion HiPER, in a pan-European project to create super-powerful laser sources and study matter in extreme ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) states.

During his work, A. M. Sergeev created the leading scientific school of the Russian Federation "Femtosecond Optics, Nonlinear Dynamics optical systems and highly sensitive optical measurements”, which includes more than 40 scientists, including 7 doctors and 19 candidates of sciences.

public position

In July 2013, in protest against the government's plans to reform the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), expressed in the draft federal law"On the Russian Academy of Sciences, reorganization state academies sciences and amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation» 305828-6, announced his refusal to join the new "RAN" established by the proposed law (see Club on July 1).


  • State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (1999) for work on optical tomography of biological tissues.
  • Order of Honor (2006) for achievements in the field of creating components and devices for high-power laser systems.
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2012) for work on the creation of a petawatt laser complex.


  • A. V. Kim, M. Yu. Ryabikin, A. M. Sergeev// UFN. - 1999. - T. 169. - pp. 58-66. - DOI:10.3367/UFNr.0169.199901h.0058 .
  • A. A. Babin, A. M. Kiselev, K. I. Pravdenko, A. M. Sergeev, A. N. Stepanov, E. A. Khazanov// UFN. - 1999. - T. 169. - S. 80--84. - DOI:10.3367/UFNr.0169.199901l.0080 .
  • E. A. Khazanov, A. M. Sergeev// UFN. - 2008. - T. 178. - S. 1006-1011. - DOI:10.3367/UFNr.0178.200809h.1006 .
  • A. V. Korzhimanov, A. A. Gonoskov, E. A. Khazanov, A. M. Sergeev// UFN. - 2011. - T. 181. - S. 9-32. - DOI:10.3367/UFNr.0181.201101c.0009 .

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  • on the official website of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • on the official website of the IAP RAS
  • // Portal "Scientific Russia"

An excerpt characterizing Sergeev, Alexander Mikhailovich (physicist)

All the embarrassment and awkwardness of Pierre, when Natasha was removed, instantly disappeared and was replaced by an excited animation. He quickly moved the chair very close to Princess Marya.
“Yes, I wanted to tell you,” he said, answering, as if in words, in her glance. “Princess, help me. What should I do? Can I hope? Princess, my friend, listen to me. I know everything. I know that I'm not worth it; I know it's impossible to talk about it now. But I want to be her brother. No, I don't want... I can't...
He stopped and rubbed his face and eyes with his hands.
“Well, here it is,” he continued, apparently making an effort on himself to speak coherently. I don't know since when I love her. But I have loved her alone, alone in my whole life, and I love her so much that I cannot imagine life without her. Now I do not dare to ask for her hand; but the thought that maybe she could be mine and that I would miss this opportunity ... opportunity ... is terrible. Tell me, can I hope? Tell me what should I do? Dear princess,” he said, after a pause and touching her hand, as she did not answer.
“I am thinking about what you told me,” Princess Mary answered. “I'll tell you what. You are right, what now to tell her about love ... - The princess stopped. She wanted to say: it is now impossible for her to talk about love; but she stopped, because for the third day she saw from the suddenly changed Natasha that not only would Natasha not be offended if Pierre expressed his love to her, but that she only wanted this.
“It’s impossible to tell her now,” Princess Marya said anyway.
“But what am I to do?
“Give it to me,” said Princess Mary. - I know…
Pierre looked into the eyes of Princess Mary.
“Well, well…” he said.
“I know that she loves ... she will love you,” Princess Mary corrected herself.
Before she had time to say these words, Pierre jumped up and, with a frightened face, grabbed Princess Mary by the hand.
- Why do you think? Do you think that I can hope? You think?!
“Yes, I think so,” said Princess Mary, smiling. - Write to your parents. And entrust me. I'll tell her when I can. I wish it. And my heart feels that it will be.
- No, it can't be! How happy I am! But it can't be... How happy I am! No, it can not be! - said Pierre, kissing the hands of Princess Mary.
- You go to St. Petersburg; it is better. I'll write to you, she said.
- To Petersburg? Drive? Okay, yes, let's go. But tomorrow I can come to you?
The next day, Pierre came to say goodbye. Natasha was less lively than in the old days; but on this day, sometimes looking into her eyes, Pierre felt that he was disappearing, that neither he nor she was anymore, but there was one feeling of happiness. “Really? No, it can’t be,” he said to himself at her every look, gesture, word that filled his soul with joy.
When, bidding her farewell, he took her thin, thin hand, he involuntarily held it a little longer in his.
“Is it possible that this hand, this face, these eyes, all this treasure of female charm, alien to me, will this all be forever mine, familiar, the same as I am for myself? No, It is Immpossible!.."
“Farewell, Count,” she said to him loudly. “I will be waiting for you very much,” she added in a whisper.
And these simple words, the look and facial expression that accompanied them, for two months, were the subject of Pierre's inexhaustible memories, explanations and happy dreams. “I will be waiting for you very much ... Yes, yes, as she said? Yes, I will be waiting for you. Ah, how happy I am! What is it, how happy I am!” Pierre said to himself.

In Pierre's soul now nothing similar happened to what happened in her in similar circumstances during his courtship with Helen.
He did not repeat, as then, with painful shame, the words he had spoken, he did not say to himself: “Ah, why didn’t I say this, and why, why did I say “je vous aime” then?” [I love you] Now, on the contrary, he repeated every word of hers, his own, in his imagination with all the details of her face, smile, and did not want to subtract or add anything: he only wanted to repeat. There was no doubt now whether what he had done was good or bad, there was no shadow now. Only one terrible doubt sometimes crossed his mind. Is it all in a dream? Was Princess Mary wrong? Am I too proud and arrogant? I believe; and suddenly, as it should happen, Princess Marya will tell her, and she will smile and answer: “How strange! He was right, wrong. Doesn't he know that he is a man, just a man, and I? .. I am completely different, higher.
Only this doubt often came to Pierre. He didn't make any plans either. It seemed to him so incredibly impending happiness that as soon as this happened, nothing could be further. Everything ended.
Joyful, unexpected madness, for which Pierre considered himself incapable, took possession of him. The whole meaning of life, not for him alone, but for the whole world, seemed to him to consist only in his love and in the possibility of her love for him. Sometimes all people seemed to him busy with only one thing - his future happiness. It sometimes seemed to him that they all rejoiced in the same way as he himself, and only tried to hide this joy, pretending to be occupied with other interests. In every word and movement he saw hints of his happiness. He often surprised people who met him with his significant, expressing secret consent, happy looks and smiles. But when he realized that people might not know about his happiness, he felt sorry for them with all his heart and felt a desire to somehow explain to them that everything they were doing was complete nonsense and trifles not worthy of attention.
When he was offered to serve, or when some general state affairs and war were discussed, assuming that the happiness of all people depended on such or such an outcome of such an event, he listened with a meek, condoling smile and surprised the people who spoke to him with his strange remarks. But both those people who seemed to Pierre to understand the real meaning of life, that is, his feeling, and those unfortunate people who obviously did not understand this - all people in this period of time seemed to him in such a bright light of the feeling shining in him that without the slightest effort, he immediately, meeting with any person, saw in him everything that was good and worthy of love.
Considering the affairs and papers of his late wife, he had no feeling for her memory, except for pity that she did not know the happiness that he knew now. Prince Vasily, now especially proud of having received a new place and a star, seemed to him a touching, kind and pitiful old man.
Pierre often later recalled this time of happy madness. All the judgments that he made for himself about people and circumstances during this period of time remained forever true for him. Not only did he not subsequently renounce these views on people and things, but, on the contrary, in internal doubts and contradictions, he resorted to the view that he had at that time of madness, and this view always turned out to be correct.
“Perhaps,” he thought, “I seemed then strange and ridiculous; but then I was not as mad as I seemed. On the contrary, I was then smarter and more perceptive than ever, and I understood everything that is worth understanding in life, because ... I was happy.
Pierre's madness consisted in the fact that he did not, as before, wait for personal reasons, which he called the virtues of people, in order to love them, and love overflowed his heart, and he, loving people for no reason, found undoubted reasons for which it was worth loving their.

From that first evening, when Natasha, after Pierre's departure, with a joyfully mocking smile, told Princess Marya that he was definitely, well, definitely from the bath, and a frock coat, and a short haircut, from that moment something hidden and unknown to her, but irresistible woke up in Natasha's soul
Everything: face, gait, look, voice - everything suddenly changed in her. Unexpected for herself - the power of life, hopes for happiness surfaced and demanded satisfaction. From the first evening, Natasha seemed to have forgotten everything that had happened to her. Since then, she has never complained about her situation, has not said a single word about the past, and was no longer afraid to make cheerful plans for the future. She spoke little of Pierre, but when Princess Mary mentioned him, a long-extinct gleam lit up in her eyes and her lips puckered up in a strange smile.
The change that took place in Natasha surprised Princess Mary at first; but when she understood its meaning, this change upset her. “Is it possible that she loved her brother so little that she could forget him so soon,” thought Princess Mary, when she alone pondered the change that had taken place. But when she was with Natasha, she did not get angry with her and did not reproach her. The awakened power of life, which seized Natasha, was obviously so unstoppable, so unexpected for herself, that Princess Mary, in the presence of Natasha, felt that she had no right to reproach her even in her soul.
Natasha surrendered herself to the new feeling with such fullness and sincerity that she did not try to hide the fact that she was now not sad, but joyful and cheerful.