Not only a person's life, but also his transition to another world is accompanied by a number of customs and rituals, which are extremely important to observe at funerals and commemorations. The energy of death is very heavy, and disregard for signs and superstitions can lead to unpleasant consequences - a streak of failures, illness, loss of loved ones.


There are several rules when meeting with a funeral procession on the street:

  • This event portends happiness in the future. However, today will not bring any changes for the better.
  • The procession must not cross the road - if the deceased died of an illness, you can bring this illness on yourself.
  • It is also impossible to walk in front of the coffin - according to signs, you can get into the next world before the deceased.
  • It is undesirable to move towards the funeral procession, it is better to stop and wait. Men must take off their hats.
  • Overtaking a hearse is a bad omen, it promises big trouble or serious illness.
  • If a dead person is carried under the windows of your house, you should not look out the window, it is better to draw the curtains. It is also necessary to wake up the household - it is believed that the deceased can take the sleeping people with him. If at this time Small child eats - water should be placed under his bed.

Before the funeral

Before committing the deceased to the earth, the following rules must be observed:

  • For the next 40 days after death, all mirrors and mirror surfaces in the house must be covered with an opaque cloth - otherwise they can become a trap for the soul of the deceased, and she will never be able to go to another world.
  • In the room with the deceased, windows and vents, as well as doors, should be closed.
  • There must be a living person in the house with the dead. This shows respect for the deceased, and also make sure that other people do not take his things - such negligence or malicious intent can result in negative consequences.
  • If there are animals in the house, especially dogs and cats, it is better to take them to another place during the funeral. It is believed that the howl of a dog can frighten the soul of the deceased, and a cat jumping into a coffin is a bad sign.
  • You can not sleep in the room where the deceased lies. If this does happen, the person is offered noodles for breakfast.
  • So that there is no harm from the deceased, a lighted lamp is placed in his room for the whole night, and spruce branches are placed on the floor and at the threshold. The needles should lie until the very funeral, and people leaving the house should step on it, thus throwing death off their feet. After burial, the branches are taken out and burned, avoiding falling under the smoke.

  • When buying something for a funeral, you can’t take change (change) - this way you can buy new tears.
  • While there is a body in the house, they do not clean it and do not take out the garbage. Sweep the rubbish at the dead - take everyone out of the house.
  • The coffin must be made to the measurements of the deceased, so that it does not contain free space. If the coffin is too big - to be in the house of another death.
  • It is better to wash and dress the deceased until he has cooled down, so that he appears clean before the Creator. This must be done by widows. Water after washing should be poured into a deserted place, preferably not under a tree.
  • If an unmarried girl dies, she is dressed in a wedding dress - she becomes the bride of God.
  • Putting red on the dead - to the death of a blood relative.
  • If the widow of the deceased wants to marry in the future, she should put the deceased husband in the coffin unbelted and unbuttoned.
  • Things that the deceased constantly wore during his lifetime (glasses, prosthesis, watches) must be put with him in the coffin. There you should also put a measure that was used to measure the body for making a coffin, a comb with which the deceased was combed, and a handkerchief so that he could wipe sweat from his forehead during the Last Judgment.
  • If you put a piece of bread with salt under the table with the deceased, this year no one in the family will die anymore.
  • One of bad omens- if the eyes of the deceased are not tightly closed or suddenly open. It is believed that he is looking for someone to take with him, and this portends a new death.

Signs during and after the ceremony

  • Clogging the coffin lid in the house of the deceased - to another death in the family. Also, you can not leave the lid of the coffin at home, going to the funeral.
  • Men should carry the coffin out of the house. At the same time, they should not be blood relatives of the deceased, so that he does not pull them along - blood reaches for blood.
  • During the removal, they try not to touch the door jamb with the coffin. The body must be taken out with its feet forward - so that the soul knows where it is being sent, but does not remember the way back, and does not return.
  • Rye is poured after the deceased - so that the road of death is closed, and no one in the family dies anymore.
  • Towels are tied on the hands of those carrying the coffin, which these men then keep for themselves - as a thank you from the deceased.
  • If a person stumbled while taking out the coffin, this is a bad sign for him.
  • Together with the deceased, things belonging to living people should not lie - they acquire mystical power and can drag the owner along with them.
  • If cremation is to be done, icons are not placed in the coffin - they cannot be burned.

  • After the removal of the body, the floors in the house must be swept from the room where the deceased lay to front door, after which the broom should be thrown away immediately. In the same direction, you should wash the floors and get rid of the rags.
  • The table or bench where the coffin stood must be turned upside down and left for a day - in order to avoid the appearance of another coffin with the dead. If it is not possible to turn the furniture over, you need to put an ax on it.
  • When a dead person is being carried, one should not turn back and look into the windows of one's own house, so as not to attract death into it.
  • Forgetting to close the gate in the courtyard after the removal of the coffin - to another death. If the doors of the house are closed until the procession returns from the burial, there will soon be a quarrel in the family.
  • If a coffin or a dead person has fallen, this is a very bad sign, foreshadowing another funeral within 3 months. To avoid this, family members need to bake pancakes, go to the cemetery to three graves with the same name as theirs, and read the prayer “Our Father” for each. Then distribute pancakes at the church along with alms. The ceremony must be performed in silence.
  • The gravediggers, digging a hole, stumbled upon an old grave with preserved bones - the deceased safely enters the afterlife and will lie quietly without disturbing the living.
  • Before lowering the coffin into the grave, a coin should be thrown there - so that the deceased buys a place for himself.
  • If the coffin does not fit in the pit and it has to be expanded, then the earth does not accept the sinner. The grave is too large - his relative will soon follow the deceased.
  • If the grave collapses, another death in the family should be expected. At the same time, a collapse from the south portends the departure of a man, from the north - a woman, from the east - the eldest in the house, from the west - a child.
  • The relatives of the deceased should throw a handful of earth on the lid of the coffin when it sinks into the grave - then the deceased will not appear and frighten the living. As soon as the first handful of earth falls on the coffin, the soul finally parted with the body.
  • You can put a glass of vodka on the grave - for the repose of the soul. It is also believed that the souls of people turn into birds - they need to be fed by crumbling or leaving a slice of bread.

  • If it turned out that extra accessories were bought for the funeral, they should be taken to the cemetery, and not left in the house.
  • Some souls are attached to things and may disturb living relatives. If it was not possible to put an item dear to the deceased in the coffin, it can be left in the cemetery. It is desirable to distribute the clothes of the deceased to the poor.
  • The bed on which the person died should be taken out of the house along with bed linen. It is advisable to burn them without falling under the smoke.
  • The image that stood in front of the deceased, after the funeral, must be taken to the river and floated on the water - this the only way get rid of the icon without negative consequences. If there is no river nearby, the image must be given to the church, it cannot be stored or thrown away.
  • If there is a mistake in the name or surname of the deceased on the death certificate - be another funeral in the family.
  • If death overtook the owner of the house, it is necessary to plant a hen in the coming year so that the household does not fall into decay.
  • A widow or widower should not wear wedding ring Otherwise, you can attract a serious illness to yourself.
  • If there is a funeral in one of the houses on the street, the wedding is not played that day.

Behavior rules

At the funeral and after it is very important to behave correctly:

  • You can not swear, argue and make noise in the cemetery.
  • At the funeral, you should wear dark-colored clothes (preferably black). It is believed that this color does not attract the attention of death.
  • Pregnant women and small children should not be present in the funeral procession. The birth of a new life and death are diametrically opposed phenomena. In addition, the aura of children is not yet strong enough, and may not be able to cope with negative impact of death.

  • During the ceremony, the deceased must be remembered only with kind words.
  • You can’t cry a lot at a funeral - the tears of relatives hold the soul of the deceased, she drowns in tears and cannot fly away.
  • The bouquets that are carried to the funeral should have a pair of flowers - this is a wish for the deceased to prosper in the afterlife.
  • You need to leave the cemetery without looking back, wiping your feet when leaving - so as not to take death with you. Also, nothing should be taken from the cemetery.
  • After the funeral, you can’t visit anyone without remembering the deceased, otherwise you can bring death with you.
  • After visiting the house with the deceased, a cemetery or meeting a funeral procession, you need to light a wax candle with matches and hold your fingers and palms as close to the flame as possible. Then the fire should be extinguished with your fingers without blowing out. This will help to avoid dragging illness and death onto yourself and your family. You can touch the stove - it symbolizes the element of Fire. It is also good to wash under running water - take a shower or swim in the river.


  • If the weather is clear on the day of the funeral, then the deceased was a kind and bright person.
  • Rain at the funeral, especially when the sky was clear before - good sign, it means that nature itself is crying about leaving wonderful person. The prayers of the relatives are heard, and the soul of the deceased will soon calm down.
  • If during a funeral in a cemetery thunder rumbles, there will be another death in the coming year.

Up to 40 days

For 40 days after death, the soul of the deceased is still on earth. In order for her to be easily transferred to another world, relatives must adhere to certain traditions:

  • After the burial, at the wake and in the house of the deceased, they put his photo, and next to him - a glass of water and a piece of bread. If the water from the glass evaporates, it should be added. The one who eats the food of the deceased will face illness and death. These products should not be given even to animals.
  • While the deceased is in the house, you need to put a bowl of water on the window or table to wash the soul, and also hang out a towel and leave it for 40 days - at this time the soul flies above the ground, is cleaned and wiped off.
  • Relatives should arrange a commemoration - see off the deceased with a meal. The first time a memorial feast is made immediately after the funeral - at this time the soul leaves the body. The second time they gather on the ninth day after death - at a time when the soul enjoyed the beauties of paradise, and hellish torments are shown to it. Then - on the fortieth day, when the soul finally leaves the world of the living to take its place in heaven or hell.

There are a number of rules for funeral meals:

  • If furniture is borrowed from other houses for the commemoration, death can be transferred there.
  • Before starting a meal, it is necessary to pray for the deceased - prayers help his soul to more easily endure the ordeals and enter the Kingdom of God.
  • The table does not have to be with an abundance of dishes, the main thing is to prepare ritual dishes - kutya, funeral pancakes, pies, compote or jelly.

  • First of all, pancakes are served at the wake. The first pancake and a cup of jelly are always given to the deceased.
  • During the funeral feast, you can’t clink glasses, so as not to transfer trouble from one house to another.
  • Who will sing, laugh and have fun at the wake, he will soon want to howl like a wolf from grief.
  • If a person consumes too many strong drinks, his children will become alcoholics.
  • The ninth day is called uninvited - a large number of people are not invited to the commemoration, but they gather in a close circle of relatives and friends of the deceased.
  • On the fortieth day, a set of instruments for the deceased should be placed on the memorial table - on this day, his soul finally leaves our world and says goodbye to his relatives.
  • On the fortieth day, ladders are baked from dough, symbolizing the ascension of the soul to heaven, alms are distributed, and a prayer service is ordered.
  • After the commemoration, food from the table (sweets, cookies, pies) is distributed to relatives and even strangers so that as many people as possible wish the soul of the deceased to find peace.

After the funeral, the closest people go to the wake to pray at the table for the soul of the deceased and remember him with kind words. But what to do after the funeral and commemoration? How to behave the day after the funeral? Are there special rules and what does the church think about this?

Can I watch TV after the funeral?

There is a sign that all mirror surfaces, while the deceased is in the house, must be covered. They say that this is how we protect souls that can no longer see their reflection. Superstitious people do not watch TV all three days until the body is buried, or all 40 days, until the last wake. Even the church, despite disagreeing with this sign, believes that for some time it is better to give up entertainment and devote yourself to prayers.

Is it possible to celebrate a birthday after a funeral?

In the first three days after the death of a person, the church insists on devoting oneself to reading prayers for the deceased. Much depends on how close the deceased was to you. Close relatives, as a rule, themselves can refuse to hold a celebration in favor of mourning. If the child has a birthday, then, as a rule, they spend it quietly, give gifts and gather at the table with the family. If your friend or acquaintance has died, then whether to spend a birthday or not, you decide how and whether it will be a holiday or just family gatherings.

Can you have sex after a funeral?

This question, as a rule, is asked not by close relatives, but by friends or comrades of the deceased. Everything here depends on you, there are no clear boundaries and prohibitions, only your heart. If the person was not close to you, and you only came to the funeral to support someone, then it is likely that your boundaries of what is permitted will be higher. Relatives, on the other hand, are in mourning for the first days and it is likely that they will not be up to intimacy, this also needs to be understood.

Can you drink after a funeral?

The church is definitely against drinking alcoholic beverages at funerals and memorials. It is much better to cook homemade jelly or compote. It is also bad to drink alcohol in general for the first 40 days after death, so loved ones can drown out the pain of loss. But this is not an option, the pain from drinking alcohol will only intensify, and therefore the church advises you to pray diligently these days so that you have something to do with yourself.

Is it possible to have a wedding right after the funeral?

It also happens that a relative suddenly dies right on the eve of the wedding. As a rule, people do not cancel an expensive event and still hold it. A lot depends on financial condition family, there is nothing wrong with that. The church also does not forbid a wedding even before the 40th day. However, according to ethical reasons the wedding is postponed to more suitable days if possible. They do not hold weddings on the 3rd, 9th, 40th days of death, since these days it is customary to remember the dead at the commemoration. Many, under such a combination of circumstances, do not arrange magnificent celebrations, but sign their names and, for example, go on vacation.

Can I go on vacation after the funeral?

Vacation is not only not forbidden, but also welcomed. However, the church still insists on going on vacation only after 40 days. Until then, pray for the soul of the deceased. In addition, until the 40th day it is not customary to have fun and go to entertainment establishments, and this is part of the vacation. However, if your vacation, say, is connected with visiting sacred places or walking in nature, then such a pastime can do you good and distract you from sad thoughts.

Is it possible to make repairs after the funeral?

Memories of the deceased often come up when you are in his room, but you need to move on and in order to move forward, relatives, as a rule, not only get rid of - they distribute the things of the deceased, but also make repairs in his room. It is customary to make repairs in the room of the deceased no earlier than 40 days, since at this time, according to the church, the soul can still see our world.

A funeral is a very sad event and no matter how much we want, everyone needs to experience it. How to behave at a mourning event? Many superstitions are associated with tragic moments, and it is advisable to adhere to them so as not to run into trouble.

There are many superstitions associated with tragic moments.

Some significant signs about the deceased

It is necessary to carry out signs at a funeral in order to protect yourself from other problems.

If the dead man looks with his eye, he looks out for a traveler for himself. When the eyes of the deceased are closed, it is important to close them completely. What is this for? If any eye is at least a little open, then the one at whom the eye is looking can follow.

If an unmarried girl dies, you need to dress her in Wedding Dress. This is a well-known custom, but few people know why they do it. It is clear that the main mission of a woman is to become a wife, to give birth to a child. A young, unmarried girl who has passed away is the bride of the Lord. And it is necessary for the bride to meet God in a wedding guise.

Relatives are not allowed to carry the coffin to the cemetery.

It is interpreted like this:

  • So that the deceased does not think that they rejoiced at his death.
  • In order not to follow the trail of the deceased.

Native blood attracts. Who is not a relative, bad things are not foreshadowed.

The one who carries the coffin to the cemetery, during the procession, needs to tie his hand with a towel. Thus, the deceased expresses his respect and gratitude to the bearers.

If there is a dead person in the house, all the mirrors are covered with cloth for a period of forty days. Why should this rule be followed? The mirror is, as it were, a door separating our world and the other world. The dead do not immediately leave our world. For some time they are nearby and see the experiences of relatives, listen to their conversations.

After forty days, the soul goes to heaven. And if the deceased casually looks into the mirror, he will be captivated. Then it will be possible to withdraw it only with the help of a medium. To prevent bad things, knowing the customs, one should not leave mirrors open for a period of forty days.

The measure of the deceased is placed in the coffin.

It is impossible to ignore things that were already on the deceased. Previously, they took measurements from a deceased person in order to make a coffin. And this measure was left in the coffin. At the dead man bound hands and legs, they are untied in the cemetery. It is important both the measure and the ropes, which were the bound limbs of the deceased, after untying, certainly remained in the coffin. For what?

Such items are often used in magical rites and there are cases where witches steal them. Relatives, worried about grief, may not keep track of this, therefore, during the funeral ceremony, the help and observation of friends and acquaintances is needed.

Why is it important to adhere to signs at a funeral

Signs at the funeral have their own explanations.

After the deceased is carried out, the chips left from the coffin and the old broom are thrown away. When the coffin was taken out last man, who left the house, sweeps and washes the floors clean water. It is important to know that you need to start cleaning from the threshold. After that, the used broom and rag are thrown away, in order to avoid another dead person.

It is forbidden to cross the road before the funeral procession

The comb used to comb the deceased is placed in a coffin or thrown into a river. This is due to the impure energy of this subject, and it is impossible to deduce this. You can not throw such a comb into the lake, because running water is needed. Previously, adhering to the custom, they threw it into the river so that the presence of death would leave the house sooner and in order to more easily survive the loss. Very often, relatives have a hard time enduring the loss. It is important to make sure that the child does not comb this comb. You can not give such a comb to children.

In the cemetery, if you throw a handful of earth into the pit - protection from a ghost.

After lowering the coffin into the pit, knowing the customs, they throw the earth. Why should this be done? According to legend, if you do not do this in a cemetery, then the deceased can scare at night.

During the funeral ceremony, passing along the windows, you should not be allowed to sleep in the house.

This belief must be carefully considered. Without waking up a sleeping person, the deceased can take him with him. You can not feel sorry for the kids, even if the child does not want to wake up and cries.

You can not cross the road before the funeral procession.

This is due to the fact that crossing the road can take over the illness of the deceased. Therefore, if you meet a funeral procession and you really need to cross the road faster, it is better to wait. Because you can ruin the life not only for yourself, but also for those close to you.

During the funeral procession it's raining- good sign. Rain portends the soul of the deceased peace and tranquility in heaven. More rain announces that the deceased wonderful person and even heaven weeps for him.

The Orthodox Church does not welcome laying in in large numbers artificial flowers wreaths on the grave. Over time, they become quite unsightly.

For funerals, it is better to carry fresh flowers, which the wind can scatter after withering.

How to behave at the wake? After falling asleep the coffin, they drink for the repose of the newly deceased. According to a sign, the souls of the dead move into birds and often sprinkle crumbled bread on the grave. But, if during life, the deceased loved to drink, then he, as a dead person, will not refuse. Sometimes this practice is appropriate.

The deceased can be commemorated by bringing coal with incense and a lamp to the grave. You can also put consecrated rice on the grave.

After the funeral, when you come to the house, touch the stove with your hand. Why do this? In order to protect against the imminent dead. This superstition is associated with the element of Fire. Previously, they believed that when they came from the cemetery and put their hand behind the stove, all negative predictions would be burned.

In the absence of a stove, you can light a candle that helps burn negative energy.

After the funeral, put a glass of water on the windowsill. This should be done so that the deceased comes at any time and drinks water. You can put a glass in another place, but preferably where the deceased liked to sit and drink tea or coffee. According to observations, gradually the water becomes less. If the glass is half empty before the fortieth day, water must be added.

Often people do not know how to deal with the clothes of the deceased after the funeral? No need to burn, throw it away, it is better to give it to those in need.

There is an opinion that pregnant women should not be in the cemetery

Can pregnant women attend funerals?

There are many signs about pregnancy. Will the funeral affect the birth of a child? There is an opinion that pregnant women should not be in the cemetery. This is the place where a person's life ends. And pregnancy is the beginning of a new life.

Life and death are opposite concepts, which makes it an undesirable moment for pregnant women to be in a cemetery. The phenomena of life and death are constantly changing. This is another reason why a woman in a position cannot be present at a cemetery. Try to avoid moments associated with the energy of death during pregnancy. Therefore, in order not to worry about the birth of a child, it is better to stay at home.

Signs regarding funerals must be followed. If in the process of life, one can still correct the failure to fulfill beliefs, then after death, this will not work.

But the Orthodox Church teaches that only God can control life and death.. A dead man cannot choose who will live and who will die. And many well-known superstitions that the deceased can take someone with him are just fear and prejudice.

After the funeral, the closest people go to the wake to pray at the table for the soul of the deceased and remember him with kind words. But what to do after the funeral and commemoration? How to behave the day after the funeral? Are there special rules and what does the church think about this?

Can I watch TV after the funeral?

There is a sign that all mirror surfaces, while the deceased is in the house, must be covered. They say that this is how we protect souls that can no longer see their reflection. Superstitious people do not watch TV all three days until the body is buried, or all 40 days, until the last wake. Even the church, despite disagreeing with this sign, believes that for some time it is better to give up entertainment and devote yourself to prayers.

Is it possible to celebrate a birthday after a funeral?

In the first three days after the death of a person, the church insists on devoting oneself to reading prayers for the deceased. Much depends on how close the deceased was to you. Close relatives, as a rule, themselves can refuse to hold a celebration in favor of mourning. If the child has a birthday, then, as a rule, they spend it quietly, give gifts and gather at the table with the family. If your friend or acquaintance has died, then whether to spend a birthday or not, you decide how and whether it will be a holiday or just family gatherings.

Can you have sex after a funeral?

This question, as a rule, is asked not by close relatives, but by friends or comrades of the deceased. Everything here depends on you, there are no clear boundaries and prohibitions, only your heart. If the person was not close to you, and you only came to the funeral to support someone, then it is likely that your boundaries of what is permitted will be higher. Relatives, on the other hand, are in mourning for the first days and it is likely that they will not be up to intimacy, this also needs to be understood.

Can you drink after a funeral?

The church is unambiguously against drinking alcoholic beverages at funerals and commemorations. It is much better to cook homemade jelly or compote. It is also bad to drink alcohol in general for the first 40 days after death, so loved ones can drown out the pain of loss. But this is not an option, the pain from drinking alcohol will only intensify, and therefore the church advises you to pray diligently these days so that you have something to do with yourself.

Is it possible to have a wedding right after the funeral?

It also happens that a relative suddenly dies right on the eve of the wedding. As a rule, people do not cancel an expensive event and still hold it. Much depends on the financial condition of the family, there is nothing reprehensible in this. The church also does not forbid a wedding even before the 40th day. However, for ethical reasons, the wedding is postponed to more suitable days if possible. They do not hold weddings on the 3rd, 9th, 40th days of death, since these days it is customary to remember the dead at the commemoration. Many, under such a combination of circumstances, do not arrange magnificent celebrations, but sign their names and, for example, go on vacation.

Can I go on vacation after the funeral?

Vacation is not only not forbidden, but also welcomed. However, the church still insists on going on vacation only after 40 days. Until then, pray for the soul of the deceased. In addition, until the 40th day it is not customary to have fun and go to entertainment establishments, and this is part of the vacation. However, if your vacation, say, is connected with visiting sacred places or walking in nature, then such a pastime can do you good and distract you from sad thoughts.

Is it possible to make repairs after the funeral?

Memories of the deceased often come up when you are in his room, but you need to move on and in order to move forward, relatives, as a rule, not only get rid of - they distribute the things of the deceased, but also make repairs in his room. It is customary to make repairs in the room of the deceased no earlier than 40 days, since at this time, according to the church, the soul can still see our world.

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There have long been traditions that determine what can and cannot be done within a year after death. loved one. Some are already outdated, and some customs still live today. You need to know about this...

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■ For the first seven days after a person's death, do not take anything out of the house.

■ On the 9th day after death, relatives go to the temple, order a memorial service, and lay a second memorial table at home. The family of the deceased did not sit at the first memorial table.

Now, on the contrary: a family and nine more people sat down at the table (three who washed the deceased, three who made a coffin, three who dug a hole). In modern conditions, the number of guests may vary, because there are different public services, which provide the necessary ritual services: the deceased is dressed in the mortuary, the coffin can be bought at the ritual supplies store, the grave can also be prepared in advance. Therefore, there may be 3 - 6 - 9 invitees, or there may be no one.

■ On the 40th day after a person's death, a third commemoration table is arranged - "Sarakavitsy", which is attended by the family of the deceased, relatives, relatives, friends, work colleagues. In the church I order Sorokoust - forty liturgies.

■ From the day of the funeral until the 40th day, remembering the name of the deceased, we must pronounce the verbal charm formula for ourselves and all the living. At the same time, the same words are a symbolic wish for the deceased: "Earth rest in peace", thereby expressing wishes that his soul would be in paradise.

■ After the 40th day and for the next three years, we will say a different formula-wish: "The kingdom of heaven to him." Thus, we wish the deceased an afterlife in paradise. These words should be addressed to any deceased, regardless of the circumstances of his life and death. At the same time, they are guided by the biblical commandment "Judge not, lest you be judged."
■ During the year following the death of a person, none of the family members has the moral right to take part in any festive celebration.

■ None of the family members of the deceased (including the second degree of kinship) could marry or marry during the period of mourning.

■ If a relative of the 1st or 2nd degree of kinship has died in the family and a year has not yet passed after his death, then such a family does not have the right to paint eggs red for Easter (they must be white or any other color - blue, black , green) and, accordingly, take part in the celebrations of Easter night.

■ After the death of her husband, the wife is forbidden to wash anything for a year on the day of the week on which the trouble happened.

■ For a year after death, everything in the house where the deceased lived remains in a state of rest or permanence: repairs cannot be made, furniture rearranged, nothing is given away or sold from the things of the deceased until the soul of the deceased reaches eternal rest.

■ During this year and all subsequent years, you can go to the cemetery only on Saturdays (except for 9, 40 days after death and church holidays of honoring ancestors, such as Radunitsa or Autumn Grandfathers). These are the days of commemoration of the dead recognized by the church. Try to convince your relatives that you should not constantly come to the grave to the deceased, thereby harming their health.

■ Whichever way you come to the cemetery, go back the same way.

■ Visit the cemetery before 12 noon.

■ Days of special commemoration of the dead during the year:

Meatfare Saturday - Saturday in the ninth week before Easter;

universal parent saturday- Saturday in the second week of Great Lent;

Ecumenical Parental Saturday - Saturday in the third week of Great Lent;

Ecumenical Parental Saturday - Saturday in the fourth week of Great Lent;

Radunitsa - Tuesday in the second week after Easter;

Trinity Saturday - Saturday in the seventh week after Easter;

Dmitrievskaya Saturday - Saturday in the third week after the Intercession (14.10).

■ Exactly one year after death, the family of the deceased celebrates a memorial meal (“please”) - the 4th, final memorial family and birth table. It must be remembered that the living cannot be congratulated on their birthday in advance, and the final memorial table should be arranged either exactly one year later, or 1-3 days earlier.

■ On this day, you need to go to the temple and order a memorial service for the deceased, go to the cemetery - visit the grave.

■ As soon as the last memorial meal is over, the family is again included in the traditional scheme of holiday regulations folk calendar, becomes a full member of the community, has the right to take part in any tribal celebrations, including playing weddings.

■ A monument can be erected on a grave only one year after the person's death. And remember the golden rule folk culture: "Do not graze the land for pasturing Pakravou and Radaunshchy." This means that if the year of the deceased fell at the end of October, i.e. after the Intercession (and for the entire subsequent period up to Radunitsa), then the monument can only be erected in the spring, after Radunitsa.

■ After the erection of the monument, the cross (usually wooden) is placed next to the grave for another year, and then thrown away. It can also be buried under a flower garden or under a gravestone.

■ Marrying (marrying) after the death of one of the spouses is possible only after a year. If a woman married a second time, then the full owner-owner new husband became only after seven years.

■ If the spouses were married, then after the death of the husband, his wife took his ring, and if she did not marry again, then both wedding rings were placed in her coffin.

■ If the husband buried his wife, then her wedding ring remained with him, and after his death, both rings were placed in his coffin, so that when they met in the Kingdom of Heaven, they would say: “I brought our rings with which the Lord God crowned us.

■ For three years, celebrate the birthday of the deceased and the day of his death. After this period, only the day of death and all annual church holidays commemoration of ancestors.

■ Not all of us know how to pray, much less know how to pray for the dead. Learn a few prayers that may help you find peace in your soul after an irreparable loss.