The design of the fighter aircraft is distinguished by extraordinary precision: a special type of wing and its sweep, an original solution for the tail section, an engine fairing and, of course, an absolutely calculated weight. For the plane to fly, everything must be right.

But did you know that the tiny sparrow that lives in your backyard has been engineered to fly more accurately?

A sparrow is worth little by some standards. In the time of Christ, they could be bought for a penny a pair. Yet Jesus said that no sparrow would fall to the ground unnoticed by His Father.

And we say: “This is love, this is care. We can hope that a loving God will not ignore even the smallest sparrow.”

But did you know that the sparrow already received considerable attention before it first took to the skies? Indeed, designing a sparrow. The Lord clearly showed no less thoroughness than in the creation of the world. You see, sparrows were not meant to fall to the ground. They were made to fly! Just like almost all other birds (penguins are a notable exception, they are superbly adapted for "flying" in the water).

IN ancient Greek myth tells about an Athenian named Delalus and his son Icarus, who, while in the service of the Cretan king, fell out of favor and were exiled to a small island in the Mediterranean Sea. Naturally, they tried to find a way to escape from there.

Did diligently studied the structure of the wings sea ​​birds. Then he himself made two pairs of wings from feathers fastened with wax. These wings allowed them to run. But everything ended in failure, as Icarus, proud of his new ability, flew too close to the sun. According to the poet,

When the wax of the false wings melted,

Unfortunate Icarus drowned in the waves.

Only after three millennia did man learn to fly. But not with the help of wings attached to the body. After all, a person is completely unsuitable for flight, and in order to correct this situation, he needed to come up with something

more radical.

On the one hand, the weight of the human pectoral muscles, which move the shoulders and arms, is only one percent of the total body weight, while in some birds this figure reaches 30 percent of the total weight.

On the other hand, bird bones are very light because they are hollow. The wingspan of a petrel, for example, is about two meters, and the bones weigh only one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams. Think about it! Its plumage weighs more

than a skeleton! But feathers, as you know, are very light.

However, despite the lightness, the bones of the bird are very elastic and durable. Of course, these qualities are absolutely necessary to overcome all the difficulties of flight.

Of course, you can imagine what incredible energy is required to carry out the flight. But in this aspect, the birds are perfectly prepared: they have the most heat body among all animals, which, along with an efficient digestive system and fast blood circulation, allows the bird to quickly utilize unusually a large number of food eaten.

Someone calculated what the golden plover loses while flying across the ocean from Labrador to the central part South America only about fifty grams of its weight - it is so expediently arranged. If a small plane could operate with the same efficiency, four liters of fuel would be enough for it not for 30 km, as it happens now, but for almost 250 km!

In birds, of course, the supply of energy to the pectoral muscles must be carried out quickly. Well, and it is provided. Birds have higher blood pressure than humans, and blood sugar concentrations are almost twice those of mammals. Poorly flying birds, such as domestic chickens, have relatively little blood supply to the chest muscles, which is why their meat is light in color. But in good flyers, the blood circulation in these muscles is intense, and the tissues in

them are dark red.

Further, in order to fly normally, you must have sharp eyesight. Here the birds are all in in perfect order. Hawks and other predators have eight to ten times sharper eyesight than humans. This does not mean that hawks have telescopic vision. But the structure of the eye of a bird of prey does provide great resolution. The most sensitive part of the hawk's eye contains one and a half million photoreceptors, while the human eye contains only two hundred thousand. It is understandable why the hawk is able to distinguish the smallest details at a great distance.

Bird feathers are wonderfully adapted to protect against heat and cold, to repel air, and to give the body a streamlined shape. A slight change in the position of each feather during the flight allows you to absorb energy from the air and use it as efficiently as possible. It is estimated that bird feathers, given their lightness, are more durable than any man-made material. Under the layer of feathers, many birds have an undercoat of very soft fluff, which serves as a kind of insulation.

If you examine the structure of a single fly feather under a microscope, you will see a truly amazing picture. This pen is extremely complex both structurally and functionally. Experts say that the main flight wing of a pigeon consists of more than a million parts. This is a fan, and beards, and beards, and tiny teeth. Together they form a structure resembling a zipper. Once it “spreads out”, it is easy to restore it by cleaning the feathers with the beak.

The next time you find a bird's feather, remember how amazingly it is adapted for swift, long and maneuverable flight.

But that is not all. During the flight, the bird compensates for the slightest changes in the air flow. The plumage of the top of the wing acts like an airplane propeller. With it, the bird adjusts its angle of inclination to cope with the changing air pressure around it. The base of the wing works like an airplane wing. And the secondary and tertiary feathers of the wing act as flaps.

Listen further. At the base of the trunk of each feather are nerve endings included in the skin layer, which actually turn the feathers into sensitive receptors. They record the exact position of each feather, and then use the spinal cord to continuously regulate over 12,000 small muscles associated with the base of each feather!

But wait, that's not all. The exact position of the bird's body is recorded by the semicircular canals of the inner ear. And the inner ear informs the cerebellum about changing conditions. What do you say about it?

When you watch a bird in flight, it's very hard to tell what's going on. The shape of the wing is constantly changing. Moreover, it is impossible to consider the movement of internal muscles.

In general, the larger the bird, the slower it flaps its wings. A hummingbird makes about fifty strokes per second, and a heron only two. Takeoff and landing, naturally, require the greatest concentration of energy and coordination of movements.

Gliding flight is most like sliding a sled down a slope, except for the fact that the bird is not sliding on snow, but in air. Here's how it goes. If the bird plans on the "air slope", losing height from

at a speed of three meters per second, and the layer of air in which this “slope” is located is gaining altitude at the same speed, then the bird will plan in horizontal flight. And definitely when air masses rise faster than it plans down, then the bird will gain height without any effort at all.

If the wind speed is equal to the ascending and descending speed of the gliding bird, it seems to freeze in the air.

Imagine, for example, that a person is going down an escalator at the same speed as the escalator is going up; the speed of movement of a person in space in this case is equal to zero. The same happens with the bird in the air in the last case we have described.

You have probably noticed soaring birds with their wings spread out like fingers. This position of the feathers is called feathering and serves to prevent swirling when the bird comes in for a landing.

Some birds make movements resembling the movements of a helicopter: vertical flight, reverse, hovering in place. These are extremely complex patterns of coordination, the mechanism of which we do not fully understand. It is only known that these aerial acrobats use not only ascending, but also descending power flows.

I don't know about you, but I'm absolutely amazed! Birds - be they sparrows or hummingbirds, hawks or eagles - are born to fly. They are fantastically equipped for flight and intricately created, for the flight!

Here I would like to thank my friend, ornithologist Dr. Eiza Thoresen, for all this great information about birds!

Is it so surprising that the Lord asked Job the question: “Does the hawk fly by your wisdom and direct its wings to noon? Does an eagle ascend at your word and build its nest on high? He lives on a rock and spends the night

on the prongs of the cliffs and in impregnable places; from there he looks out for his food: his eyes look far away ... and where the corpse is, there he is ” (Job 39:26-30).

Tell me, could all this have happened by chance? Did all the unique abilities of birds just evolve over long centuries? Had their fantastic equipment for flight accumulated gradually?

Consider this question. Suppose a bird would have the appropriate type of wing, but too weak pectoral muscles. Could she fly? What if she didn't have the ability to quickly deliver energy to those muscles? Could she fly? What if the bird had poor eyesight? What then?

Imagine that bird feathers have a less complex structure - like the scales of fish and reptiles, for example? What if feathers could not change the shape of the wing at any time? What if these changes were not recorded in the inner ear and sent to the brain to correct the flight? If at least one element of the bird's equipment was not provided for or underdeveloped,

could she fly?

In other words, if a bird had not all, but only some of the qualities necessary for flight, could it survive by waiting until necessary qualities develop? No. They are necessary for the bird all at once. Bird

should have be born such. She needed create such. And that, my friends, is not evolution. This is Creation! This is “God in the beginning”!

It was Job, as you remember, who advised: “Ask ... a bird of the sky, and it will tell you” ( Job 12:7).

Ask birds, watch them in flight, study how they are arranged. The message is too clear not to hear it. God exists. Creator exists. In life There is meaning. Birds did not appear out of nowhere, moreover, they are not the result of blind and senseless chance. And so are we, by the way!

But first, let's turn to the bees for support!

With surprise and joy, I unexpectedly discovered that this winged (pun is not accidental) phrase, erroneously attributed to Maxim Gorky, belongs to Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko (1853-1921). In his essay "PARADOX", these words are written by a man with his foot, armless from birth. . Yes, yes, that same V.G. Korolenko, who vehemently opposed the blood libel, in which the Votyaks were accused in the "Multan case", and later Beilis.

well known.

But this wingedness of the soul of poor people deprived of their fate is characteristic of V.G. Korolenko not only in his essay "Paradox". Remember The Blind Musician. This is not Gorky's "Born to crawl cannot fly", maybe it flies!

Ivan Bunin ironically reworded this phrase to Korolenko:

Man is created for happiness, like a bird for PATE.

Some are more ironic:

Man is created for happiness, like a bird for litter.

Man was created for happiness, like a fish ... for canned food.

Man was created for happiness, as well as for crawling.

Man is made to WALK like a bird is made to fly.

A bird is created for happiness, as a person is for walking ...

Man was created for happiness, like a bird for flight, only happiness is not always created for him.. (Human beings are created for happiness as birds are created for flight, but happiness is not always created for them).

And even like this:

"Man was created for happiness, like a bird for flight," ostriches and penguins sneer at man.

I myself was ironic about this:

Years have passed. It's already too late.

Doesn't drink or smoke.

And man was created for happiness,

Like a flying chicken.

Consider the bird as a symbol of flight,

Not a litter manufacturer.

Although not everyone is inherent in flight,

But all without exception - litter.

And at the burnt obelisk

Suddenly you realize, shedding tears:

High and low - so close

The bond between them is so inextricable!

But I also wrote that one who was born to crawl can fly:

Broken verse. There are butterflies in it guy.
And imperceptibly to everyone, for sure,
The painful miracle of transformation
From a worm to a handsome moth.
Like a caterpillar weaves its cocoon
And pulls, like veins, cobwebs.
The sketches are not visible because of the painting.
And the flour of creativity - they do not count.
The doll is motionless and efforts are not visible,
Wings that give birth to flight.
The painful process of metamorphosis
Into a flying verse from crawling prose,
To be reflected in a line for centuries
Spruce tart spirit and whiteness of the flower.

Man is born to WORK like a bird to fly. (L "homme naquit pour travailler, comme l" oiseau pour voler) is Rabelais. And Rabelais, in turn, quotes the Vulgate ( latin translation) the books of Job, 5:7: homo ad laborem nascitur et avis ad volatum "man is born for WORK / TORTURE, and a bird for flight." In the Synodal translation: "but a person is born FOR SUFFERING, like sparks to rush upward." "Sparks" and "birds" are different interpretations of the Hebrew "sons of Reshef". Reshef is a chthonic deity, his cult was widespread in Ancient Syria and Palestine ( Perhaps, in fact, we are not talking about birds or sparks, but about some kind of demons.

I cannot but mention the poem by Nikolai Gumilyov:

Sixth Sense

Lovely wine in us

And good bread that sits in the oven for us

And the woman to whom it is given

First exhausted, we enjoy.

But what shall we do with the pink dawn

Above the cold skies

Where is silence and unearthly peace,

What should we do with immortal verses?

No eating, no drinking, no kissing.

The moment flies unstoppable

And we break our hands, but again

Condemned to go all by, by.

Like a boy, forgetting his games,

Watches sometimes for girl's bathing

And knowing nothing about love,

Everything is tormented by a mysterious desire;

As once in overgrown horsetails

Roared from the consciousness of impotence

The creature is slippery, feeling on the shoulders

Wings that have not yet appeared;

So, century after century, is it soon, Lord? —

Under the scalpel of nature and art,

Our spirit screams, the flesh languishes,

Giving birth to an organ for the sixth sense.

And I also remember a wonderful poem by fellow countrywoman V.G. Korolenko - Lina Kostenko.

Indeed, winged soil is not necessary.
There is no earth, then the sky is a joy.
There is no field, then there will be a will.
There is no pair, and a flock of clouds.
This is for the birds, right, the truth of the century.
How about a person? What to a man?
Lives on earth. Can't fly.
And it has wings. And it has wings!
And those wings are not made of fluff-feathers.
They are from truth and honor, from trust.
Loyalty in love inspires someone.
Someone in an eternal impulse takes off.
Someone is inspired by their work.
Another wings - generosity, care.
Someone - from the songs given, il hope.
To whom - from poetry, a boundless dream.
It's like you can't fly...
And it has wings. Has wings!

(translated by Svetlana Leskova)

The paintings of Marc Chagall are involuntarily recalled:

Anyway, what a wonderful thing to say Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko:


"Bird Theme" - Goiter Muscular stomach Glandular stomach Air sacs Cloaca Wax. Open tasks on the theme "Birds". Linnet. Which bird feeds its chicks with plumage? What time of day is more migratory birds: a) at night, b) during the day, c) in the morning? What is a tray and letok? Test tasks on the theme "Birds".

"The development of birds" - The reproductive organs of birds. Egg laying and parental care for offspring increase the efficiency of reproduction. Ovary. Wintering. seasonal migrations. They fly away for wintering outside the nesting range to "warm" regions. Variety of shapes and colors of eggs. Where are the reproductive organs located? "Drumroll. The song informs that the territory is occupied.

"Bird Skeleton" - Comparison of the skeletons of a lizard and a dove. Department of the skeleton. Skeletal analysis. The structure of the bones. Pigeon skeleton. Lizard skeleton. The ability to fly. Bird bones. How flight affected the bird's skeleton. Skeletons. Flight.

"Life of birds" - "Birds of our forest". Here are some of the answers: - Empathy flight. Project invitation. What do we know about the birds of our forest? What is the future of the bird population? What kinds of birds live in our forest? Are there laws protecting birds?

"Bird Day" - I love nuts, linden nuts, maple lionfish. Find the names of the birds. 5 minutes. To form concepts about the origin of the names of some birds. But I especially love unsalted lard. I live in a tree, in a hollow. The girl set up canteens for the birds. It turned out to be a comfortable place, generally a bare place. Lesson outline. Learn to identify signs of similarities and differences in birds.

"The structure of the bird" - What allowed birds to master flight as a means of moving in space? The large intestine flows into the cloaca. Birds. The external structure of birds. Birds are warm-blooded animals with an intensive metabolism and a body temperature of 38–45 °C. "To get acquainted with the main morphological and anatomical features organization of birds associated with flight".

Developmentlesson " Birds, bornForflight"

Problem: Bywhatprinciplesarrangedbirds - aliveflyingdevices ?


to study the features of the internal structure of birds associated with flight;

compare the features of the biological organization of birds and reptiles;

show the place of birds in the system of wildlife, establish the degree of relationship between living organisms on the planet;

to teach to see the beauty in the world of birds, to show the unity of man and nature.

Formlesson: lesson study

Typelesson: lesson learning new material

Didacticmaterial: table “Type chordates. Bird class. The internal structure of a pigeon”, “Type chordates. Internal structure vertebrates”, brain models of reptiles and birds, textbook “Biology of Animals”, edited by V.M. Konstantinov, educationalpresentationBystudiedtopic, an envelope with tasks for students (tasks No. 1 - 5), “chick” - a soft toy, multi-colored circles for evaluating students' answers.


explanatory and illustrative;




the ability to draw conclusions about the relationship between the structure of organs and the functions performed;

checking the ability to compare, generalize, analyze, draw conclusions;

ability to work with sources of information;

the ability to conduct a monologue, dialogue

Target: Introduce students to the class of birds, show features external structure associated with flight, define birds.

Tasks: 1) educational: to acquaint students with the class of birds, to define birds, to show the features of the external structure associated with flight (the presence of wings, a streamlined body shape, the structure of the foot). Also show that in connection with the flight of birds have a light skeleton, strong muscles, well-developed eyesight.

2) developing: the development of memory, imagination, logical and mental operations (comparison, analysis). Improving the skills of schoolchildren to observe birds, recognize the studied birds in nature, on videos, tables, drawings, compare them with each other. Continue the formation of skills to work with the textbook: find the necessary information in the text.

3) educational: the formation of the scientific worldview of students, using knowledge about the fitness of birds for flight. Implementation environmental education, development of respect for birds, as an important component of the habitat. Expand polytechnic horizons based on knowledge physical phenomena in the life of a bird. Also carry out patriotic and aesthetic education.


1. Organizing time.

2. introductory word. The purpose of the lesson.

Problem: Can birds be called alive? aircraft?

Lesson Objectives:

  • to study the features of the internal structure of birds associated with flight;
  • compare the features of the biological organization of birds and reptiles;
  • show the place of birds in the system of wildlife, establish the degree of relationship between living organisms on the planet;
  • to teach to see the beauty in the world of birds, to show the unity of man and nature.

Lesson form: lesson study

Lesson type: lesson learning new material

Didactic material: table “Type chordates. Bird class. The internal structure of a pigeon”, “Type chordates. Internal structure of vertebrates”, brain models of reptiles and birds, textbook “Biology of animals”, edited by V.M. Konstantinov, educational presentation on the topic under study, an envelope with tasks for students (tasks No. 1 - 5), “chick” - a soft toy, multi-colored circles for evaluating students' answers.


  • explanatory and illustrative;
  • reproductive;
  • search.

Predicted result:

  • the ability to draw conclusions about the relationship between the structure of organs and the functions performed;
  • checking the ability to compare, generalize, analyze, draw conclusions;
  • ability to work with sources of information;
  • the ability to conduct a monologue, dialogue

During the classes

1. Organizational moment, motivation:

Greetings. Today I want to offer you unusual start lesson. The nightingale sings. Today we will talk about birds.

What does the science of zoology study? What does the science of ecology study? What is the branch of zoology that studies birds called?

Who knows, perhaps when you grow up, one of you will become a zoologist, an ornithologist, an ecologist. Everything starts somewhere, everything has its origins. The grandfather of the famous evolutionary scientist Charles Darwin, Erasmus Darwin was a naturalist, physician, poet, and had natural science views. His poem "Temple of Nature" is known in literature. The family of Bernhard Grzimek, a world-famous German zoologist, put a lot of effort into organizing national park Serengeti in northern Tanzania. Currently, the Ngorongoro Reserve has an International Research Institute and a laboratory for the study of wild African animals and the preservation of their numbers on the planet. Jacques Yves Cousteau's family studies undersea world ocean. It is remarkable that for these people Kipling's motto "You and I are of the same blood", spoken through the lips of Mowgli, has become the motto of life. “Save yourself and thousands will be saved with you,” this commandment of Seraphim of Sarov is also relevant. We live in a fast-paced age of transformation and acceleration. We rarely think about the nature around us, we take little time for its knowledge. Tell me, do any of you have pets at home? What are they? How often do you have the opportunity to communicate with animals in nature? Can you do it? I would like to touch upon the issues of ecological culture.

2. Learning new material

Theme of the lesson "Birds: Born to Fly"

Problem: can birds be called living aircraft?

Tasks, which we will decide:

  • "You and I are of the same blood, you and I" are Kipling's words true?
  • What makes us different from birds?
  • Why are birds born to fly?

Stage 1: we are all living on planet Earth alone " big family».

Individual work: the goal is to train attention and visual memory.

Completion of task number 1. Where are the birds in this family, in the system of living nature? (Recall systematics and classification. Systematics is the science of relationships and the degree of relatedness of living organisms. Classification is the science of a system of subordinate concepts)

Empire nuclear

Kingdom animals

Type chordates

Class birds

(superorders floating, running, typical, detachment, family, genus, species)

Birds (feathered) - representatives of the type of chordates (vertebrates), the body is covered with feathers, the forelimbs are wings, bipedal animals.

Stage 2: structural features digestive system.

Pair work: goal is development ability to work with the textbook test, other sources of information

Completing task #2

What do you know about the digestive system of reptiles?

(mouth - pharynx - esophagus - stomach - small intestine - large intestine). Independent work: fold the chain. (Mouth - pharynx - esophagus - goiter - glandular stomach - muscular stomach - small intestine - large intestine - cloaca). Explain the saying: “You can’t feed a chicken - you can’t dress a girl.” (Suggested answer: intensive metabolism, high energy expenditure during flight, rapid digestion). Berries of mountain ash are digested by waxwings in 8-10 minutes, caterpillars of wagtails are digested in 15-20 minutes.

Which of you lives in a private house? Which one of you has a garden? Is it possible to protect your garden from the invasion of insects, their larvae - caterpillars? How? (Call the birds for help "We are of the same blood, you and I." Feed the birds in winter time, hang birdhouses, nest boxes, put drinking bowls in the summer).

Stage 3: structural features of the respiratory system.

Working in pairs: the goal is development logic, reliance on analogy

Completion of task number 3

Now we will conduct a little research - a warm-up. I will ask you to swing your arms vigorously for 30 seconds, count the number of swings made. Share your impressions.

Questions: How do birds breathe? Why don't they suffocate in flight? Why don't they overheat? (Nostrils - nasal cavity - trachea - central bronchi - lower larynx - lungs - air sacs).

Importance of air sacs

  • reduce the body density of the bird;
  • protect the bird's body from overheating during flight.

Respiratory Value:

  • air warming;
  • conduction to the lungs;

trachea from cartilaginous rings - the lumen is open, there is an opportunity for a constant supply of air. So, the metabolism is intensive, gas exchange is efficient, therefore, oxygen and nutrients quickly spread throughout the body.

Stage 4: structural features of the circulatory system.

The goal is the development of logic, reliance on analogy.

Completion of task number 4 What is the circulatory system of reptiles? (capillaries, arteries, veins, three-chambered heart). The septum in the ventricle of the heart is incomplete, therefore, the body temperature is unstable, depending on the environment.

(capillaries, arteries, veins, four-chambered heart, two circles of blood circulation) Questions: What is the significance of the circulatory system? What do mammals and birds have in common?

Stage 5: structural features of the nervous system.

Assignment to the class: the goal is the development of thinking

Completion of task number 5

Why in our body nervous system? Guys, let's listen. What did we observe when it was quiet? We heard other sounds around us. The nervous system is responsible for the connection of the body with the environment.

Task: compare the brain of a pigeon and a lizard.

Similarity: single building plan.

Differences: large size of the forebrain, cerebellum, large visual lobes.

Features of the behavior of birds are associated with structural features of the nervous system.

  • mark the site;
  • attract the attention of a partner;
  • loud screams warn of danger.

Features of bird behavior: the beginnings of rational activity, the ability to count, imprinting, recognition of complex objects, spatial orientation, complex shapes group behavior, high ecological plasticity.

I would like to read to you the story of Vitaly Bianchi: “They asked me a riddle: “Without hands, without an ax, a hut was built.” What's happened? Turns out it's a bird's nest. Have a look - right! Here is a magpie's nest: as if from logs, everything is made of branches; the floor is smeared with clay, covered with straw; middle entrance; branch roof. Why not a hut? And she never held an ax in her paws. I strongly felt sorry for the bird here: it’s difficult, oh how difficult, go, miserable for them, to build their dwellings without hands, without an ax.”

Bird nests are built from various materials: a bird - a stove-maker from mud, flamingos from mud and silt, salangans from saliva. Salangan nests from one hardened saliva (the so-called swallow nests) are eaten. By palatability salangan nests are compared with caviar sturgeon fish. Delicious soups are prepared from such nests. If a nest is taken from a salangana, it immediately builds a second one, and can build a third one. But subsequent nests are contaminated with all sorts of impurities. The first nests are most valued, and especially those in limestone caves. Contaminated nests are sent for cleaning, gelatin is produced from them, which is prepared in the form of shavings. Harvesting nests of Salangans is difficult, but it is cost-effective due to the fact that Salangans nest in large colonies of hundreds of thousands or more pairs. In one of the caves on the island of Kalimantan, researchers counted about two million nests of a large salangana.

Salangan swifts are found in South-East Asia, on the islands of Indian and Pacific Ocean. You can give examples of how they faithfully protect themselves from cats, dogs, and other birds of prey jackdaws, shore swallows. Birds are “our smaller brothers”. The world of birds is very interesting and diverse.

3. Summary of the lesson

Of course, we have not considered all the issues of bird biology in detail. Much remains to be known. At the beginning of the lesson there was a problem: is it possible to call birds alive aircraft? Has this issue been resolved? You have a word. Let's summarize the lesson. I ask you to pass this "chick" to each other, like calling a baton features of bird biology associated with flight.

  • nothing superfluous in flight; the skeleton is light, the long bones are hollow tubes, the beak is light;
  • the cervical region is very mobile;
  • the digestion process takes 20-30 minutes;
  • effective breathing, double breathing in flight;
  • perfect circulation;
  • the nervous system is highly developed, there are sense organs. (Vision: vultures see corpses at an altitude of 3000-4000 meters, falcons - 1000 meters).

You have probably already been able to see that birds are amazing animals. They always live next to us. All civilized mankind celebrates Bird Day on April 1st. The Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia declared 2005 the year of the Owl, 2006 the year of the seagull, and 2007 the year of the stork.

International Bird Day has been celebrated since 1906. This year, April 1, was signed international convention for the Protection of Birds, which Russia joined in 1927. In April, most of the winged wanderers, overcoming all obstacles, return to their native nests.

There are over 10,000 species of birds on Earth. They can be found anywhere in the world and each nation develops its own attitude towards them. In Russia, birds have always been treated with special love, considering them a living symbol of freedom, beauty, and happiness. Birds inhabit not only our forests and fields, but also epics, fairy tales, songs. They are an integral part of Russian nature and culture. It is no coincidence that some days are directly related to the arrival of birds. So on the Annunciation (April 7) it was supposed to release songbirds from cages into the wild, before the day of the spring equinox they baked larks. In honor of the appearance of the first rooks in mid-March (March 17), the day of St. Gerasim was called "rookery". The duck bird is considered a symbol of family happiness. For the third year in a row, our school celebrates Bird Day.

4. Homework

Paragraph 46, assignment to the class.

I invite your class to also join this noble action and become participants international holiday, celebrate this event at home with your family, hang birdhouses, nest boxes, titmouses. 1 family of birds during the feeding of chicks destroys great amount garden pests. You can compose bird quiz questions for students elementary school and publish them on the pages of the School Bulletin. “You and I are of the same blood, you and I” in conclusion, I again want to recall the words of Kipling. It is nature that teaches us to understand beauty. How much joy gives us the world: a blossoming bud, the song of a nightingale at dawn, the rustle of rain, the cooing of cranes over the threshold of the house - how can you not love it? We and nature are one big family and should live together.