The reasons for male infidelity can be very different. But none love triangle cannot exist without another woman who is your rival.

Got into a similar situation? You should not immediately throw a scandal at your man or, conversely, give up without a fight.

Try to find out which zodiac sign the alleged homeowner belongs to.

And then, knowing the psychotype of your opponent, you can develop the right strategy actions.

By calling on astrology to help, you can easily get rid of your rival!

We invite you to explore short description lovers of all zodiac signs.

Razluchnitsy elements of Water

These are the most dangerous lovebirds of the entire horoscope. And all because they are very romantic and emotional, mysterious and sexy.

Scorpio is the most dangerous lover among all the signs of Water!

This is really a femme fatale, sexy and smart at the same time. It is very difficult to defeat such a rival: a man almost instantly becomes her victim. The Scorpio woman is a born psychologist and manipulator. She immediately sees weak sides and hits them. The main drawback of such a homeowner is her commercialism. Prove to a man stunned by emotions that she values ​​him most of all for money, and the “scorpion” will immediately fail.

Pisces is a real mermaid!

Her strengths are mind, intuition and sensibility. But this lovebird has weak spots- amorousness and inconstancy. She absolutely does not know how to love one man for a long time. Even at a distance and platonically. Therefore, you only need to open the man's eyes to her infidelity. And their romance will end before it even begins.

Cancer skillfully wears the mask of an angel in the flesh.

In the eyes of men, she looks like an eternal girl, modest and defenseless. Next to her, any man, even the weakest, feels like at least Hercules. Such a rival needs to be provoked - when the mask flies off, her true nature will appear. Razluchnitsa-Cancer in the fight for a man behaves too cold-bloodedly and does not know shame at all. Seeing her true face, the man himself will run away to hell.

Fire Elemental Lovers

These women strive for independence at any cost. And although they are sure that this is their strength, love of freedom often turns to them. reverse side medals. As a result, there are many single and divorced women among the fiery ladies, which makes them potential participants in a love triangle.

Sagittarius is the most prudent of the fire signs of the zodiac.

She catches men on mutual understanding and sympathy. The Sagittarius woman is always ready to listen to all his complaints and never hangs herself around her neck. Such a rival can only be defeated by independence and wit. Her biggest weakness is her overwhelming desire to control a man. Do you want to defeat your opponent? Do not be like her, asking your husband a bunch of uncomfortable questions - where, when and with whom were you? Be calm and a little cool. This contrast will only benefit you.

Aries is a self-confident and rude homeowner.

This huntress and Amazon always behaves very actively, skillfully lassoing your man like a wild mustang. How to deal with it? Just piss her off - in anger and a fit of aggression, she ceases to be shy in expressions, which looks simply disgusting. Such tactics will quickly open a man's eyes to the true nature of your rival.

Lioness - jealous of luck and charm, success and security.

If she has her eye on someone else's man, then she is unlucky in her personal life. With any failure, all gloss flies from her very quickly, and she turns into a vulgar woman from the market. And one more thing: if your husband coveted such a lady, it means that he lacks brightness and grandeur in you. Change your image at least for a while!

Razluchnitsy elements of the Earth

These women are very stubborn. They go to the intended target, like a tank division. They are cautious and tactically strong. If necessary, they can wait indefinitely and sit in ambush, calculating each step.

Taurus is a Woman with a capital letter.

But behind her outward femininity, grooming and accuracy, a carefully thought-out strategy is always hidden. She knows how to retreat in time, waiting for a more convenient moment to attack. But she has big problems with fantasy, so the most best weapon against such a rival is time. In addition, the Taurus woman demands stability too insistently, and this can scare away any man.

Capricorn - extremely rarely appears in the role of a homeowner.

Capricorns are unlikely to fight for a man - they have completely different life values, which early youth clearly labeled and lined up. A Capricorn woman is more likely to agree to a marriage proposed by her parents than to a war for someone else's man.

Virgo is also a rare option in adultery.

This woman is too proper to be a mistress. It is unlikely that your husband will be seriously carried away by such a special person. But if this happened, it is useless to fight it - it means that they have true love!

Air Elemental Lovers

Representatives of the elements of Air become homeowners on the basis of personal failures. Their the main problem lies in the fact that in any man they first see a superman, but upon closer examination they experience a strong disappointment. A strange husband for such women is a real mystery, so most often they are driven by keen curiosity.

Libra - this lovebird is dangerous for her diplomacy and intuition.

Such a person skillfully weaves intrigues, but never takes the initiative first. Most of all, such a rival is afraid of direct claims and attacks, as well as frank conversations on the topic “What do you need from my husband?”. She is not a fighter, so she will immediately go to the side. Looking for someone more free...

Gemini is a frivolous rival.

She will not fight with you for a long time, because a new object has already appeared on her horizon! Such a homeowner has big problems with constancy. If your husband reached out to such a woman, consider that she simply bewitched him ... Anyway, she won’t be enough for a long time!

Aquarius is the rarest type among women of love.

Such a woman is very democratic. She needs male friendship more than to recapture someone else's husband at any cost. Aquarius will not deliberately break relationships - this is too troublesome. In addition, she always has enough fans!

Incredible Facts

Are you sure that your partner will always be faithful to you and will never, ever leave you for someone else? Practice shows that sometimes far not everything depends on the man.

Of course, among us women, more decent, more than those who do not need to make happiness on someone else's misfortune, whose selfishness does not go off scale and who prefer not to look at someone else's. However, here and there you can hear the news that the husband has gone to another. Why? Why is she better? Younger, prettier? But this is not always the case!

Turns out, woman zodiac sign can say about whether she is capable of becoming a homeowner, or she should not be afraid. We invite you to find out TOP 3 signs of the Zodiac women who most often take other people's husbands away.

If women of "dangerous" zodiac signs are spinning next to your man, be on your guard because not everyone can handle the temptation.


ARIES women quite often take men away from other women, they don’t even always do it on purpose, but the fact remains. If she nevertheless decided to get a partner she liked, be sure that she is not afraid of any obstacles. She can act rudely, assertively and very boldly.

Sometimes her assertive nature strongly attracts the opposite sex, and a man simply cannot resist. Aries women can remain in the role of lovers with a married man, but extremely rarely! Usually they do not want to be in some other roles and to share a lover with whoever. Therefore, the second half has to choose: either marry her or stay with her former wife.

Because they love victories, are stubborn in achieving their goal, are selfish, adore the feeling of superiority and great achievements. Courage and active actions for Aries is a style of their life, their whole life is a struggle. They are able to be the first to meet a man, make a confession or even an offer. These are rather risky and fearless persons, and morality for them does not always exist.

Very often, men with Venus or the Moon in a fiery sign fall in love with Aries women. It is they who need fire, passion, brightness and the ability to be a leader in a partner. If the wife does not quite correspond to such an ideal, then he will be drawn to such a “bright type”.

What to do if your man has a crush on an Aries woman? Usually, Aries women are brighter and more successful than their competitors, and if a man grabbed her, it is very difficult to return him. If a man still hesitates, you should think about your image and become brighter, bolder, more assertive, change your image to a brighter one and start something new in life. You see, he will understand what he is losing and will return.

How does the lover lead?

Razluchnitsy-ARIES among celebrities

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk(April 3, 1971) stole her co-star from the family "My lovely nanny» Sergei Zhigunov, with whom she had an affair for two years. However, the relationship did not last further, and the couple broke up, and Sergei remarried his first wife, with whom he still lives.

Natalya Kustinskaya(April 5, 1938) married the husband of a friend and colleague of Natalya Fateeva, cosmonaut Boris Yegorov, with whom she lived for about 20 years, but left without forgiving her husband's betrayal.

Albina Dzhanabaeva(April 9, 1979), now the wife of Valery Meladze, was once just a backing vocalist at his concerts. The romance of Albina and Valery lasted quite a long time, until she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. Valery for a long time did not dare to divorce his first wife, rushing between his wife and mistress. In 2014, the couple finally got married when the eldest son was already 10 and their second child was born.

Claire Danes ( April 12, 1979), who became famous for her role as Juliet in a modern interpretation of Shakespeare, several times stole men from other women: first it was Billy Crudup, and then Hugh Dancy. And if the relationship somehow doesn’t work out very well with the first one, the last one has been her lawful husband for 9 years.

Tatiana Navka(April 13, 1975), Olympic ice dancing world champion, don't mind meeting in married men and moreover, she can easily take them away from the family. With her first husband, figure skater Alexander Zhulin, Tatyana began an affair when he was still married. In 2009 she had an affair with married Marat Basharov, her partner in the show "Glacial period". Later, in 2015, she married Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, who began dating Tatyana while married.

Christine Asmus(April 14, 1988), the star of the TV series Interns, who is very correct and modest in the sitcom, showed her Aries character in life and stole Garik Kharlamov from the family, who married her in 2013.


In second place among the most dangerous homeowners are representatives of the GEMINI sign. Perhaps they will seem completely harmless to someone, but it is they who are very easily rubbed into trust and can easily “chatter” your man, leading him away.

Gemini women are mostly intellectually savvy, able to communicate with anyone on any topic, while they can show themselves from completely different sides. At worst, this is expressed in duplicity: such a woman can easily think one thing and do something completely different. For example, she can calmly say that she does not want anything serious, although in reality she only thinks about you falling at her feet forever!

But most importantly, Gemini women can lie very believably. You can't take that away from them. If she suddenly decides that a strange man will be with her, she will use all her intellectual abilities to win him and take him away. A man is often led by what he hears, especially if he is not indifferent to intellectuals or women with whom you can talk about everything in the world.

At first glance, Gemini women often give the impression of frivolous coquettes that men easily like. A man may not take her seriously at first, but later his interest may increase if he finds her a wonderful companion who is interested in his hobbies.

Why do they want to take someone else's man away? Most often out of interest: can I do it? Is it weak? However, there are among them those who can fall deeply in love with someone else's husband, and, being rather frivolous, do not think about the possible consequences.

Who most often falls for their bait? If your man has the Moon or Venus in the signs of Air, he can easily be fascinated by a lovebird born under the sign of Gemini. It will be easy and interesting for him, he will want more freedom, which, he believes, he will find with a new girlfriend of life.

What to do if your man has a crush on a Gemini woman? Perhaps he lacks intellectual communication. It is difficult for you to talk with him on different topics, you are not interested in the news that he learns, the books he reads, or the films he watches. It is worth showing more interest in his hobbies and what interests him.

Women of the homeowner

Celebrity Twins

Natasha Koroleva(May 31, 1973) appeared in the life of the composer and producer Igor Nikolaev, when he was still married to his classmate Elena Kudryashova and when Natasha herself was only 16. However, the relationship began a little later, forcing Igor to leave his wife. The marriage of the composer and singer lasted about 9 years.

Julia Snigir(June 2, 1983) took away from large family actor Evgeny Tsyganov, who left seven children. Quite quickly, another heir to Tsyganov was born, whom Yulia gave birth to. The official registration of marriage has not yet been reported.

Angelina Jolie(June 4, 1975) chose another man - Brad Pitt, when he was still married. However, this did not interfere with the novel at all. Later a short time Angelina announced her pregnancy, and Brad had no choice but to make an official statement about their relationship, and then divorce. By the way, Brad Pitt was the third husband of the actress, and the second was Billy Bob Thornton, whom Jolie took away from the bride.

Daria Zhukova(June 8, 1981) for a long time was the wife of the oligarch Roman Abramovich, whom she met at a party after another football match. Abramovich was married by the time they met and had five children.

Yulia Dzherbinova(June 10, 1969). WITH married actor and musician Evgeny Dyatlov, Julia began an affair on stage: they played together in the play " Dangerous ties". The connection grew into a serious feeling, and Eugene had to divorce his wife.

Dana Borisova(June 13, 1976). The scandalous TV presenter stole Maxim Aksenov's husband from a neighbor, who somehow volunteered to help her with the car. However, the couple did not live together for long, despite the legal marriage. The couple broke up less than a year after the wedding.

Natalya Selezneva(June 19, 1945). famous Soviet and Russian actress at one time she recaptured Vladimir Andreev from his wife Natalya Arkhangelskaya. The young actress won the heart of Vladimir, and the age difference between them is 15 years. The couple have been together for almost 50 years.


AQUARIUS women love freedom and independence from anything. They do not particularly consider others, and moral principles are often relegated to the background. Aquarius also quite often become homeowners. They are quite smart and intellectual, like the rest of the signs of the Air, and men next to them can feel very calm and confident.

The Aquarius woman often becomes a friend to a man, and only then to everyone else. If he suddenly realizes at a certain moment that friendly relations with this woman are not enough for him, then it will be difficult for him to keep his distance.

If the Aquarius woman has her eye on someone else's husband from the very beginning, she can wait quite a long time. She didn't need to get him here and now, no matter what. Slowly but surely, she will move towards her goal, undermining his faith that he is fine with her rival.

Why do they want to take someone else's man away? Aquarius women want to see next to them true friend, so they can often confuse love and friendship. If they see in a strange man exactly that friend and like-minded person they dream of, they no longer care whether he is free or busy.

Who most often falls for their bait? Of course, men with the Moon or Venus in air sign most often able to appreciate the dignity of the Aquarius woman. Usually such men lack freedom in marriage or existing relationships, they find it hard or someone puts a lot of pressure on them. With the Aquarius woman, they hope to get more ease and freedom.

What to do if your man has a crush on an Aquarius woman? If he has not completely left, but only doubts, it makes sense to reconsider your relationship with him in terms of how close you are in spirit, if you have common topics, common hobbies. You need to talk to him, show that you are his friend first of all, and only then everything else. In addition, you need to give him more freedom, which he apparently lacks with you.

Razluchnitsy-AQUARIUS among celebrities

Ekaterina Klimova(January 24, 1978) met her second husband Igor Petrenko on the set of the series, where they were to play married couple. The roles brought the actors very close, although they were both married. The affair eventually led to Irina and Igor breaking off relations with their spouses and getting married. Their marriage lasted about 10 years.

Vera Brezhneva(February 3, 1982) took her husbands away from the family more than once. her first official spouse businessman Mikhail Kiperman was married at the beginning of their relationship, but eventually divorced and married Vera. Their marriage lasted 6 years. The second time Vera married in 2015 to producer Konstantin Meladze, with whom they had both business and personal relationships, they either converged or parted, although Konstantin was married. In the first family, Meladze had three children.

Who else can be a dangerous homeowner?

fire signs

Women of all fire signs, perhaps, should be feared: the percentage of homeowners among them is unusually high. Women-LEOS and SAGITTARIUS can also be accused of taking other people's husbands away. However, not as often as Aries do. This is due to the fact that all fire signs are quite determined and purposeful, they know how to like and attract attention and can easily leave rivals behind.

Sagittarius women more often than Lions take their husbands away from the family. It is possible that Lionesses are far from indifferent to the relationship of the man they meet. From the very beginning, they do not particularly want to be on the sidelines and know that he has some other relationship. Lionesses are never on the sidelines, they are always the one and only!

Most of my female clients come to me about the notorious love triangle.

The reasons for the windiness of a husband can be very different. And yet, from the point of view, most conflicts are connected in one way or another with another woman, with a rival. If you have suspicions about this, you should not immediately roll up a scandal or give up. To begin with, it would be nice to determine the psychotype of the alleged homeowner, and only then choose a strategy of action. To help us in this difficult matter, we.

fiery lovebirds

They strive for independence. And we are sure that this is their strength - forgetting that there is a reverse side of the coin. Aries- the rival is self-confident and rude. She is active and takes your man like a mustang - on a lasso. The Huntress and the Amazon. How to deal with it? She needs to be pissed off - in anger and a fit of aggression, she looks disgusting and is not shy in expressions. A similar appearance of the Gorgon Medusa will open a man's eyes to her true nature. Lioness. If she laid eyes on a strange man, then she was unlucky in her personal life. She envies luck and charm, success and prosperity. In case of failure or not achieving the goal, the shine flies from her very quickly, and she turns into a vulgar woman from the market. If your husband coveted such a lady, he lacks royalty and brightness in you. Change your image at least for a while. archers- the most prudent of the fire signs of the zodiac. Catch men for mutual understanding and sympathy. They know how to listen to all complaints and frankly do not hang around the neck. Such a rival can be defeated by wit and independence. Its weakest link is an irresistible desire to control men and place them in a personal "cage". Psychologists recommend: do not be like her, and do not ask your husband questions - where and with whom were you? This contrast will do you good.

Air rivals

Representatives of the air element become such on the basis of personal failures. A potential man is seen as at least a superhero, upon closer examination of the groom, they are disappointed. Twins- the rival is not serious. She will not fight with you for a long time - a new object is already visible on the horizon. Based on, she has no authorities, and she often has problems with constancy. If your husband reached out to such a woman, consider that she spoke to him - like a siren enchanted with songs ... But she will not be enough for a long time. Scales- dangerous diplomacy and intuitiveness. Such a person weaves intrigues like a web and never takes the initiative. She is afraid of direct claims and attacks, frank conversations on the topic “What has stuck with my husband?”. So you can ask direct questions, but they will remain unanswered. She is not a fighter and will immediately go to the side. Looking for someone more free.

Aquarius- the rarest type of razluchnitsy. They are democratic and need more friendship than to beat off a ready-made husband at any cost. They will not deliberately break up relationships - too troublesome, and besides, they always have a lot of fans to choose from anyway.

Water rivals

These are the most dangerous opponents. Mysterious and romantic, emotional and sexy. Cancer- very often wears a skillful mask of an angel in the flesh. Eternal girl, defenseless and modest. A man, even the weakest, next to her feels like at least Hercules and is ready for any feats for her sake. Experienced and esoteric psychologists believe that such a lady needs to be provoked - the mask will fly off quickly, and her true nature will manifest itself. Rival Cancer in the fight for a man is too cold-blooded and does not know shame. Seeing her true face, the man will run away himself. Caution - scammer Scorpion! These are fatal women. Very sexy and smart. It is the most difficult to deal with them - a man quickly becomes her victim. Scorpios are natural psychologists and manipulators. They immediately see the weaknesses and hit them. Their disadvantage is commercialism. Prove to a man stunned with emotions that his money is the most important thing for her, and the "scorpion" will fail. Fish- mind, intuition, sensuality. Mermaid woman. But her weak point is amorousness and inconstancy. She cannot love one man for a long time. Even platonic. The husband only needs to open his eyes to her infidelity. And the novel will end quickly enough, or even before it starts.

Earthly lovers

Such women are stubborn and go to the goal, like a tank division. They are cautious and tactically strong. Able to wait and lie in wait indefinitely for a long time counting each step. Taurus- A woman with a capital letter. She is too feminine, and a well-thought-out strategy is always hidden behind her external grooming and accuracy. She knows how to retreat, waiting for the right moment to attack. But she repeats herself - she has problems with fantasy, and time is the best weapon against such a rival. The Taurus woman is too insistent on stability. Virgo- a rare option in adultery. Such women are too correct to be and too calculated as wives. Your husband is unlikely to be carried away by such a special person. But on the other hand, if this happens, then they have love - it’s useless to fight here. Capricorns- also a rarity in the format of rivals. They are not inclined to war for a man - other life values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are already painted and sorted out in their youth. They will quickly agree to a marriage proposed by their parents than to a war for someone else's man. But most importantly, start with yourself. And build relationships, initially striving for harmony and understanding. And then you will not need to study the horoscopes of rivals-razluchnits.

1:502 1:507

The reasons for male infidelity can be very different. But no love triangle can exist without another woman who is your rival.


Got into a similar situation? You should not immediately throw a scandal at your man or, conversely, give up without a fight. Try to find out which zodiac sign the alleged homeowner belongs to. And then, knowing the psychotype of your opponent, you will be able to develop the right strategy of action.

1:1347 1:1352

By calling on astrology to help, you can easily get rid of your rival! We invite you to study a brief description of the lovers of all zodiac signs.



Razluchnitsy elements of Water


These are the most dangerous lovebirds of the entire horoscope. And all because they are very romantic and emotional, mysterious and sexy..

1:301 1:306

Scorpio is the most dangerous of all the water signs.!


This is really a femme fatale, sexy and smart at the same time. It is very difficult to defeat such a rival: a man almost instantly becomes her victim. The Scorpio woman is a born psychologist and manipulator. She immediately sees weaknesses and hits them. The main drawback of such a homeowner is her commercialism. Prove to a man stunned by emotions that she values ​​him most of all for money, and the “scorpion” will immediately fail.

1:1253 1:1257

Pisces is a real mermaid!


Her strengths are intelligence, intuition and sensuality. But this lovebird also has weak points - amorousness and inconstancy. She absolutely does not know how to love one man for a long time. Even at a distance and platonically. Therefore, you only need to open the man's eyes to her infidelity. And their romance will end before it even begins.



Cancer skillfully wears the mask of an angel in the flesh


In the eyes of men, she looks like an eternal girl, modest and defenseless. Next to her, any man, even the weakest, feels like at least Hercules. Such a rival needs to be provoked - when the mask flies off, her true nature will appear. Razluchnitsa-Cancer in the fight for a man behaves too cold-bloodedly and does not know shame at all. Seeing her true face, the man himself will run away to hell.

1:810 1:815

Fire Elemental Lovers


These women strive for independence at any cost. And although they are sure that this is their strength, love of freedom often turns the other side of the coin to them. As a result, there are many single and divorced women among the fiery ladies, which makes them potential participants in a love triangle.

1:1402 1:1407

Sagittarius is the most prudent of the fire signs of the zodiac.


She catches men on mutual understanding and sympathy. The Sagittarius woman is always ready to listen to all his complaints and never hangs herself around her neck. Such a rival can only be defeated by independence and wit. Her biggest weakness is her overwhelming desire to control a man. Do you want to defeat your opponent? Do not be like her, asking your husband a bunch of uncomfortable questions - where, when and with whom were you? Be calm and a little cool. This contrast will only benefit you.

1:870 1:875

Aries - self-confident and rude homeowner


This huntress and Amazon always behaves very actively, skillfully lassoing your man like a wild mustang. How to deal with it? Just piss her off - in anger and a fit of aggression, she ceases to be shy in expressions, which looks simply disgusting. Such tactics will quickly open a man's eyes to the true nature of your rival.

1:1617 1:4

Lioness - jealous of luck and charm, success and prosperity


If she has her eye on someone else's man, then she is unlucky in her personal life. With any failure, all gloss flies from her very quickly, and she turns into a vulgar woman from the market. And one more thing: if your husband coveted such a lady, it means that he lacks brightness and grandeur in you. Change your image at least for a while!

1:675 1:680

Razluchnitsy elements of the Earth


These women are very stubborn. They go to the intended target, like a tank division. They are cautious and tactically strong. If necessary, they can wait indefinitely and sit in ambush, calculating each step.

1:1120 1:1125

Taurus is a woman with a capital letter


But behind her outward femininity, grooming and accuracy, a carefully thought-out strategy is always hidden. She knows how to retreat in time, waiting for a more convenient moment to attack. But she has big problems with fantasy, so time is the best weapon against such a rival. In addition, the Taurus woman demands stability too insistently, and this can scare away any man.



Capricorn - extremely rarely finds herself in the role of a homemaker


Capricorns are unlikely to fight for a man - they have completely different life values, which from early youth are clearly painted and sorted out. A Capricorn woman is more likely to agree to a marriage proposed by her parents than to a war for someone else's man.

1:585 1:590

Virgo is also a rare option in adultery


This woman is too proper to be a mistress. It is unlikely that your husband will be seriously carried away by such a special person. But if this happened, it is useless to fight it - it means that they have true love!

1:1037 1:1042

Air Elemental Lovers


Representatives of the elements of Air become homeowners on the basis of personal failures. Their main problem is that in any man they first see a superman, but upon closer examination they are very disappointed. A strange husband for such women is a real mystery, so most often they are driven by keen curiosity.



Libra - this lovebird is dangerous with her diplomacy and intuition


Such a person skillfully weaves intrigues, but never takes the initiative first. Most of all, such a rival is afraid of direct claims and attacks, as well as frank conversations on the topic “What do you need from my husband?”. She is not a fighter, so she will immediately go to the side. Looking for someone more free...

1:684 1:689

Gemini - a frivolous rival


She will not fight with you for a long time, because a new object has already appeared on her horizon! Such a homeowner has big problems with constancy. If your husband reached out to such a woman, consider that she simply bewitched him ... Anyway, she won’t be enough for a long time!

1:1224 1:1229

Aquarius - the rarest type among women of love


Such a woman is very democratic. She needs male friendship more than to recapture someone else's husband at any cost. Aquarius will not deliberately break relationships - this is too troublesome. In addition, she always has enough fans!



Now you know how to deal with any homeowner, knowing who she is according to the horoscope. But still try to start with yourself! Build a relationship with your man, initially based on harmony and understanding. And then you will never have to study the horoscopes of your rivals!

Razluchnitsy elements of Water

These are the most dangerous lovebirds of the entire horoscope. And all because they are very romantic and emotional, mysterious and sexy.

Scorpio is the most dangerous lover among all the signs of Water!

This is really a femme fatale, sexy and smart at the same time. It is very difficult to defeat such a rival: a man almost instantly becomes her victim. The Scorpio woman is a born psychologist and manipulator. She immediately sees weaknesses and hits them. The main drawback of such a homeowner is her commercialism. Prove to a man stunned by emotions that she values ​​him most of all for money, and the “scorpion” will immediately fail.

Pisces is a real mermaid!

Her strengths are intelligence, intuition and sensuality. But this lovebird also has weak points - amorousness and inconstancy. She absolutely does not know how to love one man for a long time. Even at a distance and platonically. Therefore, you only need to open the man's eyes to her infidelity. And their romance will end before it even begins.

Cancer skillfully wears the mask of an angel in the flesh.

In the eyes of men, she looks like an eternal girl, modest and defenseless. Next to her, any man, even the weakest, feels like at least Hercules. Such a rival needs to be provoked - when the mask flies off, her true nature will appear. Razluchnitsa-Cancer in the fight for a man behaves too cold-bloodedly and does not know shame at all. Seeing her true face, the man himself will run away to hell.

Fire Elemental Lovers

These women strive for independence at any cost. And although they are sure that this is their strength, love of freedom often turns the other side of the coin to them. As a result, there are many single and divorced women among the fiery ladies, which makes them potential participants in a love triangle.

Sagittarius is the most prudent of the fire signs of the zodiac.

She catches men on mutual understanding and sympathy. The Sagittarius woman is always ready to listen to all his complaints and never hangs herself around her neck. Such a rival can only be defeated by independence and wit. Her biggest weakness is her overwhelming desire to control a man. Do you want to defeat your opponent? Do not be like her, asking your husband a bunch of uncomfortable questions - where, when and with whom were you? Be calm and a little cool. This contrast will only benefit you.

Aries is a self-confident and rude homeowner.

This huntress and Amazon always behaves very actively, skillfully lassoing your man like a wild mustang. How to deal with it? Just piss her off - in anger and a fit of aggression, she ceases to be shy in expressions, which looks simply disgusting. Such tactics will quickly open a man's eyes to the true nature of your rival.

Lioness - jealous of luck and charm, success and security.

If she has her eye on someone else's man, then she is unlucky in her personal life. With any failure, all gloss flies from her very quickly, and she turns into a vulgar woman from the market. And one more thing: if your husband coveted such a lady, it means that he lacks brightness and grandeur in you. Change your image at least for a while!

Razluchnitsy elements of the Earth

These women are very stubborn. They go to the intended target, like a tank division. They are cautious and tactically strong. If necessary, they can wait indefinitely and sit in ambush, calculating each step.

Taurus is a Woman with a capital letter.

But behind her outward femininity, grooming and accuracy, a carefully thought-out strategy is always hidden. She knows how to retreat in time, waiting for a more convenient moment to attack. But she has big problems with fantasy, so time is the best weapon against such a rival. In addition, the Taurus woman demands stability too insistently, and this can scare away any man.

Capricorn - extremely rarely appears in the role of a homeowner.

Capricorns are unlikely to fight for a man - they have completely different life values, which from early youth are clearly painted and sorted out. A Capricorn woman is more likely to agree to a marriage proposed by her parents than to a war for someone else's man.

Virgo is also a rare option in adultery.

This woman is too proper to be a mistress. It is unlikely that your husband will be seriously carried away by such a special person. But if this happened, it is useless to fight it - it means that they have true love!

Air Elemental Lovers

Representatives of the elements of Air become homeowners on the basis of personal failures. Their main problem is that in any man they first see a superman, but upon closer examination they are very disappointed. A strange husband for such women is a real mystery, so most often they are driven by keen curiosity.

Libra - this lovebird is dangerous for her diplomacy and intuition.

Such a person skillfully weaves intrigues, but never takes the initiative first. Most of all, such a rival is afraid of direct claims and attacks, as well as frank conversations on the topic “What do you need from my husband?”. She is not a fighter, so she will immediately go to the side. Looking for someone more free...

Gemini is a frivolous rival.

She will not fight with you for a long time, because a new object has already appeared on her horizon! Such a homeowner has big problems with constancy. If your husband reached out to such a woman, consider that she simply bewitched him ... Anyway, she won’t be enough for a long time!

Aquarius is the rarest type among women of love.

Such a woman is very democratic. She needs male friendship more than to recapture someone else's husband at any cost. Aquarius will not deliberately break relationships - this is too troublesome. In addition, she always has enough fans!