From the time of ancient Rus' Easter was considered one of the key church holidays. It takes its roots from pagan times, when people welcomed the coming spring and planned things for next year. The celebration of Easter, depending on the year, falls on the period from April 4 to May 8. Before her, it is customary to observe a strict forty-day fast. A considerable number of ancient signs have accumulated over many centuries, which are still relevant today. They are mainly associated with everyday life, family, luck and prosperity.

It was traditionally considered lucky to get to the bell tower on Easter day. The one who struck the bell could ask for a good harvest, health for his relatives, and the girl for a groom. If the request was from a pure heart, then during the year it was certainly fulfilled.

Easter wedding omens

No wonder the Easter week was considered a suitable time for matchmaking. It is customary for matchmakers these days to visit each other, and the groom - to the bride (it was necessary to call her only by her first name and patronymic). Young girls who wanted to find a groom as soon as possible said during the Easter church service: “Bright Sunday of Christ, give me a single groom!” The future couple could not kiss on the threshold - this sure sign separation, but a kiss under a tree was considered a good omen that preserved the union. They didn’t get married in the church on Easter week, it was considered a bad omen, a sin, a distraction from the bright holiday for worldly affairs.

For unmarried girls bad omen to see a kiss in a dream on Easter week, such a vision promised imminent trouble. And if lips suddenly began to itch, the pullet will soon go down the aisle. Lucky sign for future brides - to hear the cuckoo singing, which means that matchmaking is coming soon. If a woman heard a cuckoo when she was married, expect an addition to the family. Here are some more signs that indicate imminent marriage:

  • If a girl hits her elbow on Bright Sunday, her beloved remembers her.
  • Unexpectedly, the eyebrow of a guy or girl was combed during the Easter week - matchmaking is just around the corner.
  • A fly got into the Easter dish - for an early marriage.
  • Don't get married young this year. If Easter weather is bad.
  • A girl who accidentally tries 12 Easter cakes from different housewives will definitely get married this year.
  • The girl who washes herself with water from a red egg, and from a wedding ring, will become enviable bride for all suitors in the area.
  • Those wishing to find a soul mate as soon as possible, after bathing on Maundy Thursday, wet towels were hung on the fence.

On Easter, the husband and wife had to break each other's colored eggs - whoever had left intact - he would be the main one in the family for the whole next year.

Signs for Easter related to children and pregnancy

It was considered great luck if a child was born on Easter. The sign says that talented and great people with excellent health are born on such days. Children born in a shirt will grow up lucky on Sunday. But even here there were some nuances - children born on Good Friday were threatened with an unhappy fate full of troubles and hardships. To prevent this from happening own mother took the child to a healer or witch, and she "made" him new destiny. On these bright days, it was customary to give children dark red eggs, they were considered a talisman against the evil eye and fear. With childbearing and babies, there are also a few signs:

  • Parents who prayed for sins on Easter week contributed to the recovery of the child. It was especially good to do this if the child is naughty and constantly cries.
  • From the evil eye, the child was rolled in an Easter egg, which was then buried in the ground.
  • If the baby was slowly developing, he was placed with his legs on the oak floor to “look like”.
  • Protective maternal rites and signs are also directly related to the Easter holidays. All week it was customary to give the kids a piece of the consecrated Easter cake every day before meals, on an empty stomach.

If a woman could not get pregnant, she fought with a dye with a child - she will conceive this year too. Who wanted to quickly acquire offspring, put on a family festive table an extra plate with a piece of consecrated Easter cake and said: “Kulich for kids!”. Grandmothers also asked for the birth of grandchildren - combing their hair, they said: “How many hairs are on the comb - so much God will send me grandchildren!”

Easter weather tips

Based on the weather during the Easter week, our ancestors could predict the yield and weather for the whole next year:

  • On Easter day, a storm broke out - the autumn will be dry and late.
  • Rainfall at Easter is a sign of a rainy spring.
  • If the weather during the Easter week is gloomy, then the whole summer will be cloudy.
  • Frost on Easter is a good sign for a good harvest and a dry summer.
  • Is Tuesday after Easter clear? Summer will be rainy. But warm and sunny weather on Sunday promises a hot summer and a bountiful harvest.
  • A clear starry Easter night is a sure sign of close frosts.
  • A bright, multi-colored sunset promised good luck to those who see it.
  • It was considered a positive sign if the sun "dances". This was the name given to the phenomenon when, at sunrise, the sun shimmered different colors and as if hiding behind the horizon, and then shown again.

And such signs are really worth believing, because their veracity among the people has been observed for centuries!

Money for Easter

Today, after the morning service on Christ's Sunday, people are in a hurry to get home faster. And it is connected with an old sign. The one who arrives at the house before all the neighbors after the church service - the whole year will not need anything.

The moneyless and debtors could improve their affairs precisely on Easter:

  • Whoever gave a coin to a beggar gained monetary luck for a year. This belief is often used in combination with money conspiracies and prayers.
  • After we finished talking, if you go out into the street and notice the first thing that catches your eye, this year you can make good money on it.
  • A woman who wanted prosperity in the family and wealth washed herself with holy water with silver coins and dye.

Signs at the Easter table, in the family and at home

After the service, the eldest man in the house invited the whole family to the table. It was considered a good omen if before that the husband and wife ate a little together, secretly from prying eyes. It was a good sign to put lamb and jelly baked from dough on the table, but it was a bad omen to abuse alcohol - a person will walk sleepy all year.

After the meal, it was customary to guess, and here weather signs associated with birds, insects or people around came into force:

  • To hear a woodpecker after a feast at Easter - there will soon be a new home.
  • On the Annunciation it was a good sign to release a bird, making a wish. People believed - in this way she will give it to God, and it will certainly come true.
  • In the morning, the housewives watched the cattle: which lay peacefully - it will bear offspring and be healthy, and they tried to sell the restless cattle as soon as possible, it was "out of court".
  • If the owner overtakes other people's horses on her own, she will be the best at work all year.
  • Dogs barking during Easter prayers were considered bad messengers: barking to the west - unfortunately to the court, barking to the east - to the fire.
  • The hostess, who will weave a wreath of fresh flowers for Easter, will protect her home and family with it.
  • The whole family is dressed in new clothes- the whole year will be in the new walk.
  • During Easter, you can’t scream and swear in the house - pastries will be tasteless and quell.
  • If the Easter egg suddenly rotted, a sorcerer or a person with a bad idea entered the house. Such an egg was thrown out of the village, away from residential buildings.
  • Leftovers from the Easter table, including eggshells, were never thrown away. They were buried in the field, after which they sprinkled the ground with consecrated water. The belief said that such an action would lead to a rich harvest and save him from spoilage and disease.
  • Broken dishes during the Easter week were a bad omen.
  • To a serious illness of one of the family members, if the cake did not rise.

On Easter day, it was impossible to work, that's what Holy Week is for, that you need to finish all the work by the holiday.

Easter omens for health

Since Easter is traditionally considered a time of purification and deliverance from sins, many signs are also associated with health here. Even swinging these days was called fanning. It was believed that such a simple event, as it were, “blows away” sins from a person. Here are a few more time-tested health-related signs:

  • Having drunk on Easter from a spring or other natural source stay healthy all year.
  • If you stand on an ax on Easter Sunday, this will help you gain iron health. They also put the kids on the ax so that they would go faster.
  • Willow branches, placed next to the cradle or in the nursery, drove away ailments from children and evil spirits.
  • If a girl washed herself for Easter with water with a painted egg and gold jewelry, she will be the first beauty.

Any good deed done during the holy week was considered not only atonement for sins, but also the strongest talisman for health. Good deeds associated with helping the destitute, the holy fool or the sick had special power.

Easter signs in the church, in the cemetery or related to the dead

They were wary of those people who could not defend the morning, but went out into the street to breathe. This superstition has its roots, it was believed that during Easter, the evil spirits are especially active, so you should not leave the church once again. It was a bad sign if someone poke a finger in the back or side, during morning prayer. Not everyone came to church with pure thoughts, witches and sorcerers thus got rid of illnesses or shifted it with a poke from another person.

Very bad sign an unexpectedly extinguished candle was considered during prayer, or if a person accidentally blew it out himself. Candles purchased on the Easter holiday were endowed with miraculous power - they expelled evil spirits from the house and lit next to the sick all year. They even kept the melts, they were considered an effective amulet against fire. Those who overslept the Easter morning service were doomed to a bad year.

It was believed that if during the morning service on any Easter day you turn around sharply, you can see sorcerers and witches - they will stand with their backs to the altar. And here are a few signs associated with the deceased:

  • Although it was considered a blessing of God for the sick and old to die on Easter, but death these days could take a few more lives with it. Therefore, if, nevertheless, a misfortune happened, it was necessary to put a red egg in the hand of the deceased, and take out the others and distribute them to passers-by.
  • To see a deceased relative in a dream was considered a good sign, which means that this year no one in the family will die and will not be seriously ill.
  • It was possible to prolong the life of a seriously ill person by treating him with an egg taken from the hands of the father.

Great importance was attached to the remembrance of the dead on the bright Resurrection of Christ. At home, jugs (eve) with honey were exhibited, in which candles were placed. It was believed that in this way relatives in the next world could rejoice at the Resurrection of the Savior. Later, the eve was taken to the cemetery, where they also made a memorial - leaving colored eggs, Easter cakes and other delicacies on the grave. It was a good sign to break krashenok (eggs) with friends, neighbors, relatives. At the same time, they said: “Christ is Risen!” Such a simple rite, according to popular belief, brought good luck and endowed a person with health.

Unusual signs

Easter holidays were considered sacred literally by the entire population, from young to old. Interesting signs were characteristic and not only of ordinary peasants:

  • Even representatives of the criminal world had their own Easter signs - whoever stole any thing during the morning service will never be caught. But the main thing was not to get caught in such a case.
  • A nickel under the heel in the boot of an avid gambler, who defended the morning, promised him luck in all gambling. Particularly fearless could utter forbidden words during the service and luck in the cards immediately appeared. True until the player repents.
  • It was bad luck for hunters and fishermen to shed blood during Easter week. It was believed that every creature of God celebrates these days, together with people, the Resurrection of Christ.
  • Treasure hunters also used the consecrated painted egg. There was a sign that the devils, having seen it, would leave the treasure unattended and it could be easily found.

Of course, it is quite difficult to observe all the signs and traditions, but it is worth applying the wisdom of the ancestors in practice. Today, skeptics doubt their veracity, but you just have to take a closer look to notice an amazing pattern in the signs and consequences that occur on Easter.

Easter is considered perfect time for various rituals, including love ones. If a single girl wants to find her soul mate, then this time should definitely be used. There are various rites to get married that are simple and affordable. The main condition, without which it will not work to get what you want, is a strong belief in a positive result and in magic.

There is a very effective and ancient ritual that begins on Maundy Thursday.

It is believed that the girl who holds it will certainly get married during the year. The task is to wash and wipe the body with a new towel on Maundy Thursday. It should be given to people who beg for alms on Easter, along with Easter cakes and eggs. There are ancient signs that indicate that the girl will soon meet worthy man and he will lead her down the aisle. It is believed that if a single woman has an itchy eyebrow, then she will soon meet her soul mate. Another sign is that if an insect accidentally gets into the food on the Easter table, then you should expect the arrival of matchmakers. Ritual #1. This Easter rite to get married is called Love Awakening.

This is due to the fact that it is believed that on this day the birth of life occurs. For the ritual, take a large red candle, which is a symbol of love energy. Light it up, look at the flame and think of love, and then say these words: "Fire burn, give strength to my words." Take a glass of water and say the following conspiracy to it: “I charge water, give it strength so that it brings me true and pure love.” It is important that the breath touches the water. Sprinkle a bouquet of roses with a charmed liquid, and then tear off any three petals. They should be connected with a thread using a needle. Put the finished talisman in a bag made of natural fabric and carry it with you for nine days after Easter.

It remains only to get the dried petals and grind them in the wind. You can also do this over a natural reservoir. Ritual #2. The next Easter rite to get married is called "Three Ribbons for Luck".

To carry it out, you need to take three ribbons of red, green and white color. Tie them together at one end with a knot, and then, weave a pigtail. It is important to leave a tail at least 15 cm long at the end. The length of the pigtail should be about 10 cm. It should be hung near the window inside the room, so that the wind blows it. Leave the pigtail for three days, and then weave the ribbons into your own hair. Doing a similar hairstyle is worth every day during the Easter week. After the time has elapsed, hang the ribbons on any tree with female energy. Ritual #3. Another effective rite to marry a rich and good man.

Buy slippers and place them in front of your house. If someone else lives besides you, then put them in your room.

For Easter, light red candles and say the following conspiracy: “As this wax melts from a burning fire, so the suitors come to the servant of God (your name) from my mighty slander. They appear before her clear eyes and obey, they bring their souls. I call on the threshold of future suitors: not lazy people, not thieves, so that they love the servant of God (name) more than themselves, more brothers and sisters, friends and girlfriends. Take the spirits of the servant of God (name) by the hands and lead to the altar. After that, you should lie down in peace and imagine a company of people and single out a man among them. To end the ritual, also imagine the aroma of coffee, and hear the sound of water. Imagine yourself on the seashore, in this way you will activate warm feelings that will attract love. This rite will help the widow to get married. Ritual #4. To attract the second half, you need to take a handful of wheat grains with you to the Easter service. During the service, keep it near your chest, and then, pour it out near the threshold of your house. It is worth saying this conspiracy: “How many in the church there were lights from candles, so many suitors for me. How many grains in a handful, so many grooms for me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". This ritual is only suitable for girls who have not been married and have not had a serious relationship.

Thanks to him, you can increase the chance of meeting your soul mate in the near future.

Video: How to get married. Ritual for a successful marriage [Svetlana Nagorodnaya]

Video: Money rituals for Easter. Esoteric Circle

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Almost every inhabitant of our country celebrates the holy holiday, but not everyone knows what signs exist for Easter and Passion Week.

In the article:

ancestral traditions

There are many signs for Easter, and you can learn more about them from our article. Almost everyone celebrates the main Christian holiday, but not everyone knows how to do it right.

Preparations for the bright holiday continue for a whole week, which is called Easter, Passion or Passion Week. On Saturday, before Easter, final preparations are made. After Bright Sunday, the holiday continues for another eight days and ends with Fomin's Monday. All this time there are services going on in the church.

In the past, traditions were given great attention. This is not difficult to do in our time, but for some reason, ancient customs have ceased to interest people.

Easter week - do's and don'ts

On Holy Week before Bright Sunday, dairy, meat, fish and eggs are banned. Even vegetable oil better not to use. According to church canons, you need to eat black bread, vegetables, fruits, drink juices and water. But in our time, fasting is not given the same importance as it was in the old days. Besides, modern man it is usually difficult to stick to diets, because the style of eating and lifestyle has undergone major changes over the past few hundred years.

IN Monday sure to put things in order. They touched up where the old paint had peeled off, did minor furniture repairs, and did general cleaning. On Monday morning we went out into the yard to find out about future weather. Clear sky And bright sun foreshadowed a warm harvest year. Weddings at this time will be successful.

In Tuesday cleaning continued, because it is difficult for a working person to finish everything on Monday. On the same day, they prepared festive clothes - washed, hemmed, ironed. You can arrange a laundry and decide what you will wear on Bright Sunday.

IN Wednesday need to finish cleaning. Be sure to take out the trash. Our ancestors considered this day to be the best for buying Easter eggs, but without sacred meaning. Shop for dyes, stickers, and other decor items.

About meaning Clean Thursday everyone knows. It is believed that in the early morning of this day, any water has healing power, cleanses from negativity and disease. Try to get up early and immediately take a shower, put silver or gold in the washing water. IN Maundy Thursday you can still do the cleaning, but it is believed that if the house is dirty, you will live the same way for a whole year. After that, you can not clean up for another six days.

Passionate candles are brought from the church, which are needed for the treatment of diseases. Harvested for future use, which has unique magical properties. She is consecrated in the temple on Maundy Thursday. Then they are engaged in coloring eggs and baking Easter cakes. Before kneading the dough, they must read "Our Father" and start baking with the words "Lord, bless." Successful baking for Easter symbolizes a prosperous life.

If you can't find a spouse, save the towel you used to dry yourself after your morning bath. On Easter, when going to the temple, give it to beggars along with Easter cake and a few eggs.

In order for the hair to grow better and be thick, they cut their ends on Maundy Thursday. At the same time, one-year-old babies are cut for the first time.

Good Friday - the hardest day. You can’t eat until the Shroud with the full-length image of the Savior in the coffin is brought out, that is, until the evening. On this mournful day, refrain from singing, listening to music, having fun and walking. On Friday, as many candles as possible are bought in the church, and then they are lit in all the rooms of the dwelling. It is best to do this all day long.

On Good Friday, you can bake Easter cakes. Read " Our Father”And beg for a blessing, as on Maundy Thursday. If possible, bake on a wood-fired oven, collecting ashes. It is needed for many magical rituals, it can be kept at home, it will not bring you any harm. Hey, evil eye, damage and.

Study homework on Good Friday it is impossible (especially you should not take a shovel and a pitchfork in your hands, as well as do laundry). You can take a rag right size and sweep her corners, and then wrap her lower back from pain. She is taking care of her joints. This is best done after a bath or at least a hot herbal bath.

Break a plate on Good Friday - good omen, fortunately. But it must happen by accident. If a baby is weaned from the breast on this day, it will grow up healthy, strong and strong.

IN Saturday they prepare an Easter basket, with which they go to the Sunday service. What can be holy in the church:

  • Easter cakes;
  • eggs - krashenka and pysanky;
  • horseradish, garlic;
  • ham, boiled pork, bacon or homemade sausage, but not blood sausage;
  • salt;
  • candles;
  • cheese, butter.

At least you need to take Easter and eggs. If you manage to grab garlic, horseradish or ham - even better. You should not try to take all the products from the list with you to church, take what you have at home or it’s easy to buy. The basket is covered with an embroidered towel. Of course, now you can find embroidered towels in any major store in the days leading up to Easter.

Take care of the candle, which must be placed in the basket itself. In some regions it is held in hands. You can buy it on arrival at the church. The candle must be extinguished by you personally, after the service. If it goes out on its own - unfortunately.

On Saturday, before Bright Sunday, you can’t have fun, drink alcoholic drinks and have sex. They don’t go to bed that night, they go to church for a service. It is believed that happiness will not enter the monastery for those who lie down to sleep. On Sunday, the feast of the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ comes, and many other signs are associated with it.

Many go only to morning services. If you oversleep it, it portends a major setback. Better set an alarm. Even if you didn’t think about going to church, try to see the Easter dawn - this is a great success and luck in any business. It is advisable to contemplate the sunset, which also brings good luck.

Easter - signs, traditions and customs

How did Holy Sunday begin for believers many years ago? After the Easter basket was consecrated and the service in the church ended, its owner ran home, trying to overtake the others. There are several signs about this, which served as the reason for such a morning run with consecrated Easter.

If you return from the church before the neighbors, this is a long life and good luck. In the villages, it was believed that the one who was the first to reach his home on Easter would have a good harvest and would spend less time working in the field. It was even believed that bread would grow as fast as the owner with a basket ran home. In our time, these beliefs have grown into Easter, which says that after the service and the consecration of food, you should rush home, and as far as you succeed in this, you will be rich all year.

At the entrance to the house, a rite of purification was performed. In the hands of the owner was an Easter cake, and crossing the threshold, he said the following words:

Holy Easter in the house, all evil spirits from the house.

At the same time, all negative energy left the home.

Then the owner, the eldest man in the family, invited the family to break their fast. Before that, those who did not go to church (nevertheless, not everyone, for health reasons, can stay at the all-night service) necessarily prayed before the icons. The owner shared Easter, and broke off the cone and gave it to the mistress of the house - the eldest woman. They usually cut the sacred with a consecrated knife, which, according to legend, had very great power.

First they ate Easter, ham or sausage and eggs, and after that it was the turn of other dishes.

  • You can’t get drunk, this is one of the very bad Easter signs, they said: “You will walk sleepy all year.”

After breaking the fast, they would definitely run out of the house and guess. The first thing he saw meant what was worth doing in life, which would bring good luck. The leftovers of consecrated food should not be thrown away, if there is anything left, give it to the poor. The shell must be buried in the ground of your garden from pests and for productivity.

A married couple must necessarily christen - these are homeowners, but secretly from prying eyes, so as not to incur a break in relations.

If you live separately from your parents, visit them on this bright holiday. They also visit their godparents, or at least call. Relatives can be seen without leaving home, through computer programs for communication. After all, the main thing is to pay attention. If you are still going to visit, exchange dyes.

Previously, on Easter, they often went to the cemetery to visit the dead. They christened with the dead, left eggs and other treats on the graves.

The towel with which they went to sanctify food was hidden from prying eyes and taken out only when one of the women in the family gave birth, and it was necessary to facilitate this process.

If a woodpecker is heard during the Easter holidays, you will soon have your own home.

Signs and superstitions for Easter - how to set the table

Wealthy people served 48 dishes, according to the number of days of fasting. Now such a number seems unrealistic, but then there were more families, and there is no talk of portions in this tradition. Of course, now it has lost its meaning, not a single working person will have time to prepare so many culinary delights.

The tradition of putting a lamb on the table butter or bake it from dough was not only among the inhabitants European countries. They did the same in Rus', many cook edible Easter lambs even now.

Since the day of rebirth and resurrection is celebrated, sprouted grains - wheat, barley and other crops - are put on the table. It looks beautiful, reminiscent of spring and will serve as a good decoration for the holiday.

The Easter table was bound to be rich. In addition to traditional dishes, many others were served. You can find many recipes for Easter feasts that are both delicious and beautiful. Their compilers often comply. Our ancestors had various vegetables, stewed chicken offal, herring, milk, meat, fish. Food should be prepared in advance, on Maundy Thursday.

Variety was also encouraged among drinks - wines, liqueurs, beer, tinctures, as well as compotes and jelly. But it was impossible to get drunk, as we have already mentioned above.

It is advisable to cover the table with a white tablecloth. It is very good if it has embroidery or at least a drawing on a festive theme. Easter occupies a central place, the most beautiful painted eggs are laid around it, the rest - on a separate plate, like the rest of the dishes.

Other signs and beliefs

On Easter night you can see with my own eyes deceased relatives. For this after procession you need to hide in the temple so that no one sees you. Usually they take a passionate candle with them. You can't talk to the dead.

Even now, people who find it difficult to serve in the church for health reasons are negatively treated. It also came from . They believed that on Easter night, evil spirits were especially vicious. This faith was so strong that people were afraid to go out of their houses and churches into the streets.

Despite the fear of evil spirits, many sought to mock her. They did it during the day, rolling the consecrated egg along the crossroads of hiking paths. It was believed that the devils were obliged to show up and dance while the egg was rolling.

During the holidays, you should pay attention to the signs used by the girls. They washed themselves with water from under a red dyed egg in order to find beauty. Adult women did the same to preserve youth. Sometimes, in addition to the red egg, silver or gold things were added to the water.

Easter or Christ Sunday- the main holiday in Orthodox calendar. This is the day of universal joy, the glory of Jesus Christ, who rose the day before, and the rebirth of all living things. With the onset of Easter, the Fortecost ends or Great Lent. Christ's Sunday, even for believers, is a time when rites and rituals can be performed. According to beliefs, on Easter people ask that all the most desired dreams come true. It is for this reason that ancient signs and customs have not been forgotten for many centuries. Many of them are associated with family happiness and love, especially for unmarried girls.

Signs and customs

The first sign of marriage originates from Maundy Thursday. It turns out that until Easter, you need to save the towel that you wiped yourself on Maundy Thursday, and on the day of Christ's Resurrection, give it to needy people or those who ask for alms at the church church. Comes with a towel colored egg And . Doing all this with good intentions, you can expect a strong, loving marriage this year.

In order for the marriage to happen as early as possible, during the church service on the Day of Christ's Resurrection, the girls spoke an Easter conspiracy in which they asked for a good and rich groom. So before you go to church, you should learn the words of the so-called spell: "Give, God, a good groom, in boots and galoshes, not on a cow, but on a horse!"

On Easter, they even arranged bridesmaids. Unmarried girls wore their best clothes to play bachu. A figure was placed on the ground, and the girls took turns hitting it with all their might with a painted stick. The guys at that time watched what was happening, choosing the best bride for themselves.

It was believed that if an unmarried girl had an eyebrow combed for a holiday, she would soon meet new love. Imagine that some insect accidentally got into your food. Perhaps, except for disgust at this moment, you do not experience anything else. But if this happened on the Easter table, you can start preparing for the meeting of the matchmakers. If an unmarried girl hurt her elbow on Easter, it means that her betrothed missed her. Well, if lips are burning on Sunday, and throughout the day - not today or tomorrow the groom will kiss, perhaps even call in marriage.

For the guy they wanted to marry, the girls gave bouquets of wild flowers for Easter, and inside they hid an egg painted red. If the young man did not refuse the gift, then the wedding is just around the corner.

Fortune telling for Easter

According to tradition, an Easter egg was used on this day. A girl dreaming of marriage was blindfolded, and other participants in fortune-telling laid out objects in different corners. For divination, wedding rings, bread and sugar and salt were needed. A blindfolded girl randomly rolled a necessarily consecrated testicle in the direction she liked. After it stopped, it was possible to see near which object the “dye” was located. If bread fell out, then wait for a rich groom, salt - tears and losses, but sugar did not promise any changes in life. When the testicle was closest to wedding ring, the girl was predicted to marry next year.

A rare girl does not dream of meeting a handsome prince and living happily ever after with him for the rest of her life? But what to do if the betrothed is in no hurry? How to speed up its appearance? Special magical rituals and folk signs for Easter for marriage can help with this.

Signs for a meeting with a betrothed

Easter is one of the most important holidays for Christians. That is why it is associated great amount popular beliefs. Among them there are many who can interest girls "of marriageable age" and women who dream of a life partner. Consider some of the most popular Easter signs for marriage:

  1. If an insect inadvertently got into the plate to the young lady, then this is a sure sign that the girl will soon receive a marriage proposal.
  2. For no reason, a combed eyebrow at the festive Easter table portends that the fair sex will soon meet her future husband.
  3. But combed lips for Easter predict hot kisses with a lover.
  4. If on Bright Sunday you hit your elbow painfully - be patient and rejoice - your loved one is now thinking about you.
  5. A sign of a quick and successful marriage for a young girl is the cuckoo cuckooing on Easter.
  6. But the persistent and loud croaking of crows on this day promises an early parting with a loved one.

Tips for a successful marriage

In order to successfully marry, according to signs, you need to get up very early on Easter and wash yourself with water left from Maundy Thursday, after putting some silver thing in it. Then the girl had to, without delay, go to the morning church service. It was believed that the young lady who appeared on her earlier than others would marry very successfully. The girl, who “fell asleep” and was late for the beginning of the service, was threatened with unsuccessful marriage with a greedy and grouchy man.

There is another interesting folk Easter sign, thanks to which you can quickly and successfully get married. To do this, the girl "of marriageable age" had to try twelve Easter cakes baked by twelve housewives during Bright Sunday. At the same time, it is not necessary to eat them completely - just one small piece of each Easter cake is enough.

The next belief concerns the weather on the Bright Sunday of Christ. If a representative of the beautiful half of humanity has a groom who has already offered her a “hand and heart” and the couple plans to get married this year, then before setting a wedding date, you need to pay attention to the weather for Easter. If the Bright Sunday of Christ pleases with warmth and sunshine, then you can safely play a wedding this year - such a marriage promises to be very successful. When is Easter cold and it's raining, then it is better to postpone the marriage ceremony until next year after all, according to popular beliefs, there will be no use from such an alliance.

Sign on Maundy Thursday

If you want to find family happiness, but you must also prepare appropriately. You need to start it on Maundy Thursday. To do this, you need to get up at dawn, take a shower and dry yourself with a new towel. Then the towel must be hung up to dry, and after it has dried, set aside until the Bright Sunday of Christ.

Further, the algorithm of actions is as follows: a girl who wants to get married as soon as possible must bake Easter cake and make krashanki. The young lady will have to consecrate all this in the church and, together with a towel, give it to the beggar as alms. If the representative of the beautiful half of humanity does everything right, then she will have a chance to find her “soul mate” this year.

Easter divination

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers believed that by applying simple magic tricks on the Bright Sunday of Christ, you can bring a fateful meeting with your betrothed closer. "In the course" were special conspiracies and magic whispers, accompanied by certain actions. In ancient times, there was also a custom to conduct traditional Easter fortune-telling, through which young ladies could lift the “veil of secrecy” over the image of their future spouse.

church whisper

To speed up the fateful meeting with her betrothed, early in the morning on Easter, the girl should attend a church service. There she will need to buy a candle, without taking change from the servant, put it near the icon Holy Mother of God and pray. Then the young lady should whisper softly:

“On Bright Sunday, I ask God to bring my betrothed to my doorstep.”

Conspiracy for wheat grains

In order to attract as many "boyfriends" as possible, going to church service, the girl needed to take a handful of wheat grains with her. In the church, the grain must be firmly clamped in a fist and whispered three times:

“How many grains are in my handful, so many suitors are waiting to visit me.”

Then the girl should bring the charmed grains home and pour them out on her own doorstep.

Fortune telling on krashanka

Among the numerous Easter rituals and beliefs, a special place is occupied by traditional maiden divination. Usually they were held in the company of girlfriends. The girls gathered in a room where each had to bring their own painted Easter egg.

A ring was to be placed in one corner of the room, a piece of bread in another, salt in a third, and sugar in a fourth. The young lady, who wanted to know her fate, was blindfolded and untwisted. Then the girl had to sit down, and lightly throw the krashanka. Into which corner she rolls, this will be the current year for her.

So, if the testicle rolled towards the ring, then this meant that the young lady should prepare for an early marriage. Sugar promised a cheerful and carefree life, and salt predicted tears and misfortunes. When the Easter egg stopped in the corner in which the bread lay, this was regarded as a harbinger of a successful marriage with a rich and hard-working man.

Candle divination

You can find out how successful the current year will be in terms of love if you perform a simple ceremony with a church candle. You need to guess on the night of Christ's Bright Sunday. Take a thin church candle, light it and whisper softly.