Master class on painting a wooden egg.

This workshop is designed for children. preschool age, students primary school, teachers and parents.

Master class: Craft for Easter egg "Chicken".

Target: Painting of a wooden egg "Chicken".


Acquaintance with the traditions of celebrating Easter;

Development of creative abilities.


To make an Easter egg painting, we need materials:

1. Paints (gouache or acrylic)

2. Wooden egg

3. Brushes (colon or squirrel)

4. Simple pencil

5. Furniture varnish (colorless)

6. Bristle brush (for varnish)

7. Palette

8. Glass (for water)

9. Rag or paper napkins (for brushes)

10. Sandpaper

11. Newspaper

12. Sheet of paper (for a sketch)


The traditional Easter gift is the Easter egg. Instead of ordinary chicken eggs, you can give a hand-painted wooden one.

I invite you to watch a master class on painting a wooden egg for Easter.

Oh so fluffy

yellow lump,

Sweet and furry

And a funny little thing.

Running after mom

It's also a child

Rakes with a paw


Before you start painting a wooden egg, you need to prepare it for work. First of all, we sand the egg with sandpaper so that it is smooth, then the paint will easily lay down and in the end, when the product is varnished, it was even and shiny.

Draw a sketch with a pencil.

Let's create the image of a small, yellowish chicken, with big eyes, with a red scallop and lace wings, which will hold a bunch of first, light blue, white and blue blossoming flowers.

The egg needs to be tinted in a light yellow color (prepare acrylic on the palette with the consistency of liquid sour cream, yellow paint should be mixed on the palette with white paint, apply the resulting color to a wooden egg).

When the paint dries a little, start creating the image of a chicken.

With a simple pencil, we outline the main details of the chicken: beak, eyes, scallop, wings, etc.).

Take a brush and paint over the eyes with white paint.

The next stage, while our eyes are drying, we take orange or red paint and paint the beak, comb, beard, circle the wings, tail. We add small details: freckles and draw paws, we will show that our chicken is fluffy (droplet smear). Before making a smear-droplet on the work surface, practice on paper.

With a thin and long brush, using acrylic paint (or black gouache), circle the eyes, draw cilia. Draw spirals and droplets on the wings. Decorate the tail with droplets and dots.

We draw flowers - with dots and draw leaves.

When the paint is completely dry, cover the entire surface with a thin layer of colorless varnish (PF or NC) with a brush or by dipping.

Thus, the painted Easter egg will become brighter and the drawing will retain its original appearance for a long time.

Such a craft can decorate your home or become a gift for loved ones. Making an Easter souvenir will bring a lot of joy to you and your children.

little chick-

Like a dandelion ball

The same yellow, tender,

Soft and fluffy.

And I want to stroke

And I want to touch

piece of sun

A painted egg, being the main attribute of Easter, from time immemorial has been considered not only a symbol of faith, but also a souvenir that is usually presented as a gift to loved ones. On the eve of the Easter holiday, each believing family paints and decorates chicken eggs, and masters of applied arts make them from any materials at hand, creating small works of art. In England of the 17th-18th centuries, it was customary to cover Easter eggs with gold plating, while in Germany at the same time they were made of porcelain. In Rus', wood has always been considered the most accessible material, so it is not surprising that wooden Easter eggs have become part of our culture and history.

"House of Dreams" invites you to get acquainted with interesting ideas, which will help you paint and decorate wooden eggs with your own hands, and also tell you some interesting things from history.

Easter wooden eggs

Decorative wooden eggs for Easter: how it was before

Several centuries ago, wooden eggs, decorated with intricate paintings, were considered masterpieces of lacquer miniatures. The masters first gave the wood the desired shape, then carefully polished it, sketched it, painted it with bright pigments, varnished it and dried the product in the oven. Most often, Christian symbols and faces of saints were applied to wooden eggs. However, these souvenirs were also often decorated with traditional patterns - Khokhloma painting, natural motives, household plots, etc. Today, old Easter eggs made of wood can be seen in museums or bought in souvenir shops. But also such an attractive and significant symbol of Christ's Resurrection can be made with your own hands.

painting Easter eggs wooden

Painting wooden eggs - from simple to complex

Making and painting a wooden egg is a very complex and lengthy process that requires certain skills and technical equipment. However, to make an Easter souvenir with your own hands, you do not have to look for wood, cut it out and grind it, because today you can buy blanks in almost every needlework store. wooden eggs. The surface of these products is already prepared for painting, so you only need to choose the right paints and brushes that will bring any artistic ideas and fantasies to life.

Egg wooden blank

So, how to paint a wooden egg for Easter? To begin with, experts recommend deciding on a pattern and applying its contour to the surface of the product with a simple pencil. If you do not have outstanding artistic abilities, choose the most simple ornaments that do not have small intricate details. For example, it can be the emblem of Christ's Resurrection, images of vegetation or abstract symbols. After drawing a sketch, cover the product with light paint of a translucent texture or tinted varnish. The marked contours will protrude through the surface of the material, so you can accurately decorate the drawing. The image itself is best applied using bright acrylic paints, which dry quickly and almost do not flow. If your painting contains small details, use not a brush to apply them, but an ordinary toothpick or a sharpened match. The finished drawing should dry well, after which it can be covered with furniture varnish, which will lay on the surface of the product with a glossy transparent coating.

Painting wooden eggs photo

How to decorate a wooden Easter egg

There is one more interesting way, which will allow you to turn a wooden egg into your personal work of art. To do this, add an ordinary candle to the standard decoration materials, the wax of which you need. Paint the surface of the wooden blank with light-colored paint, applying it in a uniform thin layer. When the paint is completely dry, mark the outline of your future drawing. If you are not sure that you can accurately reproduce the outline, prepare a paper template in advance and simply trace it. Next, light a candle, and tilt it over the drawing. You need to make sure that the dripping wax covers the borders of the pattern. But do not be discouraged if the wax goes beyond the contours, because. it can be easily scraped off with a toothpick. After that, take a paint of a different tone and completely paint over the egg. When the paint dries, you can easily peel off the wax, which will create a beautiful three-dimensional pattern on the product.

Easter eggs made of wood photo

How to color a wooden egg

If desired, the painting of a wooden egg can be supplemented with other materials - beads, beads, stickers, foil particles, etc.

Beautiful decor of wooden eggs

How to decorate a wooden Easter egg

Ideas for decorating wooden eggs

Wooden eggs for Easter can be decorated not only with painting, but also in other ways. Here are some interesting ideas:

1. Decoupage

To make a decoupage easter egg, pick up decoupage napkins and cut out suitable fragments from them. Next, paint the workpiece in one tone and, without waiting for drying, glue the prepared drawings to its surface. To keep the drawings well and look like a real painting, cover the product with a clear varnish.

How to decorate a wooden egg with your own hands

How to decorate a wooden egg with your own hands photo

2. Decorative threads

Easter eggs wrapped in threads look very original and unusual. To create such a souvenir, stick a thin needle into the central upper part of the product and wind a thread around it. Next, the surface of the egg must be smeared with glue, on which the thread will be laid. To make the souvenir look really beautiful and neat, the thread should be laid in turns without leaving free places. Having reached the middle, transfer the needle from one edge to the other, continuing to decorate the product with a thread. If desired, the surface of the finished Easter egg can be decorated with beads, beads or ribbons.

Decor of Easter eggs made of wood with beads

3. Decorate with nail polish

The nail polish works great on a wooden surface, so it can be used as decoration for Easter eggs. Moreover, it is very convenient to draw patterns and ornaments with lacquer brushes. To make the design of a souvenir look truly expressive and bright, use varnishes of different textures - varnishes with sparkles, mother-of-pearl, shimmer, with a craquelure effect, etc. This design can be complemented with rhinestones, miniature beads, shimmering sequins, etc.

Interesting decor of wooden eggs

Painting wooden eggs for Easter

Handmade wooden Easter eggs will be a great gift for loved ones. Therefore, when making them, do not be afraid to experiment, because your imagination will allow you to create a unique and inimitable symbol of Easter.

Easter is already approaching, and therefore it's time to think about such an interesting and beloved by many activities as painting easter eggs. The latter is not just another hobby of needlewomen, but a whole tradition, the history of which goes back to ancient times. As you know, many peoples and even separate regions within the borders of one country have their own rules and customs of painting, using original drawings and patterns. Accordingly, craftsmen are accustomed to distinguish between several types of decorated Easter eggs, namely:

Easter eggsraw eggs painted with beeswax or paints,

krashanki- hard-boiled eggs, painted in one shade without patterns,

specks- multi-colored eggs with a solid background and many multi-colored dots (specks, spots or stripes) applied with melted wax,

ragpanki- Easter eggs, the main pattern of which is scratched on their surface with the help of any sharp object. As a rule, they have a monochromatic background obtained through the use of natural dye (piece ones are smeared and do not allow you to create neat drawings),

malevanki- beautiful eggs, decorated with any invented patterns applied with acrylic and other types of paints.

Painting Easter eggs with hot wax

One of the most is their painting with hot wax, which is both an exciting and demanding activity. In order to draw complex patterns on the egg, craftswomen use:

  • wax crayons (sold in stationery stores) or melted paraffin candles tinted with food coloring
  • small metal containers (deep bottle caps or old tablespoons will do for the first time)
  • copper wire or needle (crochet hook)
  • egg dyes (natural or food)


1. The first thing to do is to paint the selected egg in any monotonous color. Suitable for both food coloring and onion peel. The main thing is that the shell acquires a rich color, which will later become the background for the picture.

2. After the egg is completely dry, it is worth starting to color it. To do this, you must first melt the colored crayons (each separately), placing them in small containers installed above the flame. The latter may be fire from a candle-tablet located on the desktop. At the same time, it is important that the fire warms the wax all the time while the drawing is being applied, but does not bring it to a boil.

3. After all the necessary preparations, you can now do the direct application of intricate patterns. On a needle or wire used as a brush for drawing, collect a small amount of wax and draw a line on the shell or put a dot. Subsequently, it should be dipped in wax after applying each stroke.

If the egg will be painted with only one color, after applying all the necessary patterns, it must be wiped with a soft cloth, which will remove minor errors. Then brush the shell sunflower oil or fat, giving it shine.

If you plan to apply patterns of different shades, you must first apply strokes of the same color, wait for them to dry completely, and only then proceed to create drawings of the next shade.

Perhaps, after reading all this, not everyone will understand how to act, and therefore below we present you with a master class on painting eggs with hot wax, after watching which everything will finally become clear:

As you can see here, the craftswoman uses wax of several shades, which makes her Easter eggs look beautiful and festive, but this does not mean that monochromatic patterns are inferior to multi-colored ones:

It is clear that beginners simply cannot know all the possible options for painting eggs with melted wax. And for starters, you can use ready-made templates, the number of which is very large. For example, these can be such drawings:

However, you can decorate eggs using this technique without first coloring them. In that case, they might look like this:

No matter how beautiful the Easter eggs described above turn out, hot wax is far from the only thing that can be used to decorate eggs. Alternatively, they can:

- wrap with an old colorful tie and dip in vinegar for a few minutes,

here is the result:

- paint the shell with a permanent marker,

- wrap eggs in lace and dip in food coloring,

- cover the eggs with confectionery sprinkles.

The methods of decorating Easter eggs do not end there at all. They can also be wrapped with ribbons, placed in openwork nets (specially crocheted), painted with ordinary paints, decorated with leaves with plants and in any other way that comes to mind. The main thing to remember at the same time is that bold experiments with the use of toxic substances are best carried out on hollow eggs that no one will eat.

But hard-boiled krashanki are best dyed with natural dyes, which are used not only onion peel, but also pomegranate juice, boiled spinach leaves, strong coffee or tea, red cabbage leaves and many other products.

If you want on Bright Sunday to please your loved one an unusual and beautiful gift, then pay attention to the master class on painting an Easter egg offered by our website. With his help, if there is a desire and necessary materials, you can create a wonderful souvenir that will keep the warmth and love of your heart on long years.

To paint an Easter egg, you will need the following materials and tools:

- wooden preparation of an egg;
- acrylic paint (white zinc) - will be used as a primer for wood;
- a set of acrylic paints;
- round, synthetic brushes of different sizes;
- acrylic, glossy varnish for arts and crafts;
- awl (used for convenience during painting);
- pencil;
- eraser;
- palette;
- jar.

1. Before you start painting a wooden egg with paints, you need to prime the workpiece. Paint the surface 2-3 times with white acrylic paint. Also, as a primer, you can use special professional compositions for wood or simple PVA glue. After PVA glue, the workpiece will be slightly shiny, and the protective film will be transparent, and after acrylic, the surface becomes whitish, but the most characteristic wood pattern is preserved. If you have a desire to give painted eggs to all your friends, then it is better to prime the blanks all at once. Leave the primed egg to dry for at least 3 hours.

2. Put a wooden egg on an awl so that it is convenient for you to hold it when working with paints, and you do not smear the drawing or get dirty.
With a hard pencil, we apply the main elements of the drawing to the workpiece. We propose to draw Gorodets birds in the rose garden. In the middle of the egg, first draw one bird, and on the opposite side - the second. Surround the figures of birds with flowers, at this stage the elements do not need to be drawn, it is enough to create a beautiful, balanced composition.

3. The main colors present in the Gorodets painting are red, pink, blue, blue, green and yellow. As a rule, the basis of patterns - underpainting - is painted with paler shades of the above colors, so for the base, mix the colors with white. You should get circles of pink, blue and yellow shades. With mixed colors, paint the circles marked with a pencil. Try to evenly distribute circles of all colors on the surface of the workpiece.

4. Next in green color in the foliage that frames the bird figures. The leaves in this composition are designed to unite the entire composition so that the flowers do not look individually.
Then the same pink, which you used to color the bases of the flowers, color the wings of both birds.

5. The figures of birds themselves must be painted black. Do it carefully and take your time. Hold the blank for painting by the handle of the awl, if necessary, simply scroll the handle, and the egg will rotate around its own axis.

6. Let's move on to drawing the flowers and giving them a stylized volume. We start with "shading". Shading in Gorodets painting is a drawing of the details of elements more dark color. For the blue base, prepare a dark blue saturated color, so that it is clearly visible on the blue underpainting.
Decorate the middle of the blue flower with a blue circle of small diameter. Then mark the petals with brackets.
On a pink flower, use a shade of red or burgundy. On a circle Pink colour draw a small circle on the left side, then draw the shape of a bud with a crescent moon and add petals at the end.
Repeat the same process with the yellow underpainting, only this time the paint color will be orange.

7. Also draw a shade on the leaves. It is better to start drawing from the bottom of the egg and move up.

8. The third stage of the Gorodets painting is “living up”. With the help of livening, you can transform, “revive” your painting. It is performed in lighter shades than underpainting, most often white.
We start with the same blue flower - first draw more petals, but smaller and place them on a circle with a smaller diameter than the blue petals. In the center, you can draw another small circle and add in large petals at a fairly noticeable point.
On pink and yellow flowers, emphasize the center by duplicating the outline of an oval or circle. Draw light petals on the bud, in the form of elongated, teardrop-shaped brackets located towards each other.
On the green foliage, also add 3-4 short strokes to imitate denticles or veins on the leaves.

9. When the blooming garden is finished, finish drawing the figures of the birds. On the tail of each bird, you need to draw several feathers. Alternately make 3 long strokes of pink and blue.
Then proceed to drawing the head - draw an eye, a beak. On the bird's chest, make a "necklace" of dots different size and teardrop strokes.

10. Draw a crest for the bird, add small feathers in small, short strokes. Draw a pattern on the wings, reminiscent of feathering on flowers and complemented by imitation feathers.

Easter is the most important day in Orthodox calendar celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Orthodox traditions imply the meeting of this day as a great joy, the main event of this holiday is the solemn divine services in churches throughout the Christian world. Easter is perceived by many as a renewal and rebirth of life, the symbol of which is an egg, painted mainly in red. Boiled painted eggs will not be able to delight with their beauty for a long time, however, do-it-yourself Easter eggs can be made from various materials using different types decor.

Eggs must be on the Easter table, it is also customary to exchange them with each other and to be christened, congratulating on a bright holiday. Decorative eggs, pre-painted or not, are perfect for this. Of course, you can also decorate boiled Easter eggs with your own hands, but in this case they will be stored much less and you cannot use glue when working with them. If there is a need to decorate such eggs, use natural egg white for fastening, food coloring - they are now used to produce felt-tip pens for food decoration, ready-made Easter sets may come in handy.

Painted Easter eggs become modern world a piece of art that can delight us for many years as a decoration for the house or on the Easter tree, perfect as a gift to relatives and friends.

Easter eggs with their own hands. Materials and preparation

So, we need:

Egg blanks - these can be wooden, plastic or foam figures in the form of eggs, bought in needlework stores. Either the shell of chicken eggs is used;

Primer (in case of using wooden eggs);

PVA glue, acrylic paints, brushes;

Double-sided thin tape;

Scissors, needles, threads, decorative pins;

Acrylic lacquer (optional)

All kinds of stickers, floss, yarn, ribbons, braid, lace, chopped egg shells, thin fabric, foil, corrugated paper, quilling paper strips, napkins, wrapping paper, etc.

Various elements for decor: beads, beads, bows, ribbons, glitters, sequins, rhinestones, buttons, eyes, sequins, flowers, in general, everything that was found at home; you can easily buy everything in needlework or sewing accessories stores.

The scope for choice is not limited here, you can use everything that is at hand, including small pasta, rice, lentils, plasticine, salt dough for modeling and much more. Show your imagination and Easter eggs, made and decorated with your own hands, will surely delight you and your loved ones on this Bright holiday.

If it was not possible to purchase blanks, you must first prepare chicken eggs, for this you need to rinse them well under water, make two holes; on the sharp side - small, on the rounded side - more; pierce the yolk with a long needle or shake it and blow out the contents with a straw, you can also use a syringe. Be sure to rinse and dry the blown eggs thoroughly.

Such a working material can certainly be damaged, since the shell is very fragile. To maintain the integrity of the shape of the eggs and avoid cracking, it is recommended to fill the contents with mounting foam, this is done very carefully from the side of the large hole until the foam appears through the small one. After that, the blanks must be dried and the excess foam cut off with a knife. alternative polyurethane foam wax or any small grain can serve, in general, you can do without filling, being careful in your work.

Think first color scheme of your creations, take care of the combination of colors of beads, ribbons, threads, napkins and more, so that you do not experience unpleasant disappointment during work.

How to decorate Easter eggs - ways.

DIY Easter eggs - Photo

Let's consider some of them.

Method "Mosaic"

For him, you need a small shell of peeled eggs, it is convenient to use the shell already colored eggs. Glue the pieces different shapes around the circumference of the egg, varnish, dry. If ordinary white eggs were used, paint after gluing and drying in different colors with acrylic paint.

Prepare a small shell, and the background for gluing can be tinted with any acrylic paint, let dry.

Glue the shell, cover with paint, after drying, fix the result with acrylic varnish.

How to decorate Easter eggs with threads

Do-it-yourself Easter eggs can be decorated with different threads, for example, you can paste floss with contrasting colors in a chaotic manner.

Eggs decorated with silk threads or any knitting threads, especially cotton ones, look great.

First, the thread must be fixed, on wooden and foam plastic this can be done with a decorative pin or needle, on ordinary blown ones - it can be fixed with a knot on opposite side from the beginning, or attach the thread to the adhesive tape or plaster.

At the beginning of work, the thread needs to be fixed, you can tie it around the loop, fix it with a band-aid or a knot on the sharp side of the egg.

We coat the top of the egg with a small amount of glue, glue the thread in a spiral.

We evenly lay the rings in a spiral, the thread should be slightly taut.

We keep the thread taut all the time right hand, and with the left it is convenient to rotate the workpiece, winding the rings. It is necessary to stick them gradually in small areas, allowing to dry in order to get a neat look without joints and gaps.

Apply glue and thread gradually in small areas so that the glue does not dry out, and the thread, on the contrary, dries out and does not move out.

If you are using thin cotton or silk threads, cut the thread halfway, attach it from the blunt side and continue to glue in a spiral in the opposite direction.

It is convenient to apply the thread in the direction from the ends to the middle

If you could not avoid the formation of joints in the middle, it is convenient to cover it with a ribbon or a bow. In case of breaks between the threads, simply glue small pieces of thread.

It is easy to make such a bow yourself, fold the ribbon and wash the beads, fasten the eggs in the center with glue or thread, this will help hide possible irregularities at the junction. Continue decorating as you wish.

How to decorate Easter eggs in this case? Here, to decorate decorative eggs, it is better to use textile elements: yarn, ribbons, lace, rag flowers, beads, it all depends on your taste and imagination.

Cut several strips of yarn about 6-8 cm long, grease the surface with glue in the shape of a circle, wind the thread in a spiral, glue it, drip glue in the center - pour beads.

Patterns made on top of the same threads look great, only in different colors.

How to decorate Easter eggs. Photo

Paper, foil, fabric

As it has already become clear, do-it-yourself Easter eggs can be decorated with any materials at hand, including colored fabric of different textures. It can be pasted as a whole piece, or as separate contrasting stripes; as an option, you can simply wrap the eggs in beautiful fabric bags, tie with a ribbon, decorate with a bow.

Cut the fabric into thin strips along the edges to make it convenient to stick, decorate with tape.

It is better to use thin corrugated paper for gluing; a combination of small pieces of different colors looks good.

An interesting option for an Easter souvenir will be an egg decorated using the quilling technique using colored strips of paper. Craftswomen create truly real masterpieces.

You can create whimsical ornaments using Japanese washi tape, familiar to scrapbooking lovers. With a huge range of shapes, sizes and prints, it is quite easy to use, you just need to stick the selected elements to the surface.

It is convenient to fix the decor both with glue and with thin double-sided tape.

When using foil, it is not at all necessary to use glue, thin foil will keep its shape anyway, so boiled eggs can also be decorated with it.

Similarly, any thin foil and candy wrappers, leftover wrapping paper and elements from beautiful gift bags are suitable for decorating eggs. You can also decorate the eggs with holiday-themed paper stickers, bought or found on the Internet and magazines; decoupage paper napkins.

Decoupage of eggs consists in gluing small fragments of a pattern from any napkin onto a surface with glue or egg white, leveled with a wide brush. If the eggs will not be eaten, you can decorate them further, for example, sprinkle with sparkles, varnish.

Easter crafts for kids

As children's Easter crafts, you can adopt funny Easter eggs with faces. For children's creativity, the option of using cereals and pasta in decorating Easter eggs is also suitable, it perfectly develops fine motor skills and naturally.

1. Do not be afraid to experiment - use eyes, yarn, small elements, felt-tip pens in your work - and the delight of children is guaranteed!

"Funny faces"

2. "Bee"

As a basis, you can take an egg previously prepared by an adult, wrapped in a spiral with threads of different colors. Add a muzzle and wings - you're done!

3. "Chicken" - finely chop the yellow yarn, coat the egg with glue, roll in the yarn.

The child easily and with interest copes with this task. Perhaps all children love to cut and glue.

Leave to dry, stick the details.

Blanks can be prepared from cardboard, painted in the desired colors with gouache. Glue on PVA, dry.

Such crafts can decorate the interior of a children's room or become a wonderful gift for grandparents.

How to decorate Easter eggs with ribbons

This decoration option is not particularly complicated, but nevertheless it looks very noble and beautiful.

The prepared dried egg must be wrapped with thin double-sided tape, if it is not there, simply fix the selected satin ribbon with a band-aid or tape on the sharp part of the workpiece.

Start wrapping it with tape from top to bottom, while pulling the tape well so that later it does not move out.

When the entire surface is covered, cut off the tape, fix the tip with a pre-prepared needle and thread, preferably in the same color as the tape.

In parallel, we sew on decorative elements (bows, flowers, beads, beads), trying not to see the seams.

Beads can simply be poured into the resulting recesses, well smeared with glue.

To keep the ribbon better, you can sew beads all over the surface of the egg.

As a stand, we take a bottle cap or a thick ring made of cardboard, wrap it with the same tape and carefully sew it to the product, again sewing beads and beads along the way.

And of course, the traditional ways of decorating eggs, such as dyeing and painting, will never cease to be relevant. acrylic paints. If you have an artistic taste and have drawing skills, it is quite possible to paint an egg with paints, adding glitter, contour, sparkles and varnish.

As you can see, making Easter eggs with your own hands is not at all difficult, with a little effort and imagination, we can get a wonderful decoration by spreading or hanging eggs around the apartment, or decorating an Easter tree with them.

Creative success!

Easter tree

The tradition of its creation has long existed in Europe, especially in Austria and Germany, but is gradually moving to us. It symbolizes the Tree of Life and can be represented in any size and shape.

It can be natural and artificial branches of trees and shrubs, willow branches or any flowering trees look beautiful, you can also use indoor flowers.

The tree can be placed in transparent glass vases filled with decorative stones, moss, hay, pebbles, etc. or just water or soil.

If you live in a private house, you can afford to decorate a tree in the yard or in front of the house.

It is good to decorate the Easter tree with flat salted dough eggs, painted to your taste. You can make a great many such eggs, involve children in their manufacture and decoration of the tree.

In order for the Easter egg to be hung on a branch, you need to make a loop. To do this, preferably before decorating it, fold the ribbon or strong thread in half, make a knot, you can put on a bead and thread it through the holes of the egg. At the bottom, you also need to put on a bead larger than the hole and secure it with a knot. The rest of the ribbon can be cut off or tied with a bow.

Eggs for decoration can simply be wrapped in beautiful napkins, foil, cloth or pre-prepared bags, tied with a ribbon. It is convenient to use Christmas tree toy holders by inserting them into the larger hole in the egg and securing the thread.

Create a positive, bright, Blooming tree, symbolizing spring and the joy of Easter.