Name: Sati Casanova (Satanei Casanova)

Age: 36 years

Height: 166

Activity: singer, fashion model, TV presenter

Sati Kazanova: biography

Sati Casanova, by her own admission, is going through dramatic changes in her life. The pop star, who conquered men with just a glance, found a spiritual mentor, became an adherent of atma kriya yoga and a healthy lifestyle. iTunes now downloads not perky motives, but a symbiosis of ethnic and electronic.

Relatives and friends are still excited about the new Sati and ask them not to rush to change. But this artist only stimulates and inspires.

“My music and my audience are just coming into their own. I feel like it's just getting started."

Childhood and youth

Sataney Setgalievna Kazanova (Sati) was born on October 2, 1982 in the village of Verkhniy Kurkuzhin, Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a large traditional Kabardian family. Setgaliy Talostanovych and Fatima Ismailovna Kazanovs had 4 daughters - Sataney, Svetlana, Maryana and Madina. Sati was the eldest and helped her mother look after her younger sisters.

The future singer studied at a village school. When Sati was 12 years old, the Kazanov family moved to Nalchik, where the girl began to study vocals at the art school. After graduating from the 9th grade, Sati entered the Kabardino-Balkarian School of Culture and Arts with a degree in academic vocals.

Casanova combined her studies with creativity, did not refuse to participate in concerts, worked as a singer in a restaurant, which repeatedly angered her father. At the same time, Sati becomes a laureate of the regional competition "Nalchik Dawns". But all these were small victories in the provincial Nalchik, but I wanted breadth, space and loud glory.

The creative biography of Sati Casanova began in Moscow. After the 3rd year of the Kabardino-Balkarian School of Culture, the girl went to conquer the capital. At first, Arsen Kanokov provided assistance, ex-president native republic, and then just a businessman.

Sati Casanova with her parents

In Moscow, Casanova entered the Gnessin Academy of Music in the class of pop-jazz vocals. Sati got incomplete higher education in "Gnesinka" with a degree in pop singing.


While studying at Gnesinka, the girl honed her skills by working as a vocalist in the musical show Dream Voyage in a casino. Here Sati Kazanova not only practiced singing, but also earned a living. Parents were not able to financially help their daughter. The salary of the novice singer was not enough, and the first years of Casanova had a very difficult time, because it was necessary to look attractive and pay for the apartment.

In 2002, Sati Kazanova became a member of the Star Factory project. In December of the same year, as part of the show project, Casanova became part of a female trio. In addition to the Kabardian singer, there were also. The project, created by a famous producer, became very successful: the songs “About Love”, “Factory Girls”, “Rybka” and others hit the tops of Russian charts.

In 2006, Sati Casanova decided to study further and get a higher education. Due to her participation in the Star Factory project, she never managed to get a Gnesinka diploma. In 2014, the future pop star graduated from the Russian University of Theater Arts (GITIS) with a degree in acting.

Group "Factory" - "Rybka"

The biography of Sati Kazanova in the Factory group came to an end in May 2010.

After working in the popular trio for 8 years, Sati Kazanova left the "Factory" and took up solo career. Igor Matvienko undertook to spin the girl. Now the singer worked only for her own authority and in the same year she released her first solo single "Seven Eighths", recording a video for it. It has become a tradition to record a new song by video every year. The songs “Buenos Aires” (2011), “Otherworld” (2011), “Feeling of lightness” (2012), “Fool” (2013), “We will believe in miracles” (2013), “Farewell” (2014) appeared in turn ).

Sati Casanova feat. Arsenium - "Until Dawn"

With the Moldovan performer Arsenie Toderas, Sati released the video "Until Dawn". Arseny sang in the Ozone group, now he is part of the duet Arsenium & Mianna. For the composition, Casanova received 2 Golden Gramophones: one prize was awarded to her in St. Petersburg, the second - in Minsk. By the fall of 2018, the video had collected over 65 million views on Youtube.

On a creative basis, Sati Casanova continued to move towards success. In 2014, the artist and popular singer presented the fans with the song "Feeling of Lightness", for which a video immediately appeared.

Sati Casanova - "There is happiness"

For the hit "Happiness is" the performer was awarded the Audience Award from the "Sound Track". The video for the heartfelt and tender song “My happiness is sleeping” was shot by Ukrainian clip maker Alexander Filatovich in the ancient Jordanian city of Petra. In the video, Sati changed several outfits in the style of Arab shahinas. Fans liked the video with the exception of one moment - Casanova again wanders through the desert alone.

2016 brought Sati Kazanova the third "Golden Gramophone" for a bright composition called "Joy, hello." The singer performed another new song called “Salam to All” in a duet with.

Television and career

Apart from solo career, Sati Casanova gladly accepts job offers in television projects. In 2010, she participates in the First Channel show "Ice and Fire" along with. Despite the injuries received in training, the artist continued to work in a television project, and the couple took 3rd place.

In 2011, Sati Kazanova is a co-host of the Phantom of the Opera project, in which pop stars performed classical works.

Since the singer is a person in the world Russian show business noticeable, she is often invited to popular TV shows. In 2013, she took part in the One to One show on Channel One. In 2014, Sati Casanova became a member of the Live Sound program on the Russia-1 channel. The singer also pleased her fans in 2015, when she appeared in the project “The Empire of Illusions of the Safronov Brothers”.

On account of Sati Casanova - the Astra award in the nomination "The most stylish singer" in 2006, as well as 4 music awards as part of the Fabrika group. In 2009, Sati was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea", and in next year she received the same title in Kabardino-Balkaria. The third time she became well-deserved in 2012, this time in Karachay-Cherkessia.

Like many show business stars, Casanova tried herself as a restaurateur. In 2011, she opened the Kilim restaurant, the menu of which included dishes of Azerbaijani, Uzbek and Arabic cuisine. But the institution lasted less than a year, bringing the singer only losses.

The desire to learn and improve never left the Caucasian girl. In 2012, Sati Casanova entered the German Sidakov School of Drama.

2016 was overshadowed by a scandal, in the center of which the singer was through her own fault. Sati allowed herself careless and thoughtless words that offended sick children and their parents.

Sati Kazanova's statement about sick children

In autumn, at a press conference in Nalchik, the performer said that the charitable foundation oversees issues of creativity, and does not help "crooked and oblique" children. No wonder that this statement outraged many, including Sati's colleagues. She was criticized by the singer, who is known to be raising a disabled child. Casanova had to publicly apologize.

At the very beginning of 2017, Sati Kazanova again reminded of herself. On the page in "Instagram" the artist posted a post in which she defended Dmitry Ugay from St. Petersburg. An administrative case was brought against him for a lecture on yoga, which law enforcement considered missionary. But later, Sati Casanova softened her position somewhat, saying that she was not going to criticize the previous post state power, but only proposed to reconsider the requirements of the so-called package of laws, according to which Ugai was threatened with a prison term.

Personal life

The personal life of Sati Casanova is under the scrutiny of reporters. She has a lot of fans, among whom there were "rich people" and celebrities, but the singer was in no hurry to get married. According to Sati, she was looking for a man who looked like her father, generous and noble, and at the same time did not seek to make her a housewife.

In 2012, Sati Kazanova was often seen with her son Andrei. Journalists hastened to "make" a couple of them. Together with Andrei, the "ex-manufacturer" appeared at the birthday party of Kobzon Sr. However, neither Sati nor Andrey gave official comments on this matter.

Soon the tabloids started talking about another novel by the singer. In September 2013, Sati Casanova met at the club on Pokrovka, where she performed, with businessman Artur Shachnev. The couple constantly appeared together at secular parties, and those around them talked about the wedding. But, as it turned out, the celebrity was in no hurry to introduce the man to his parents. Casanova's father believed that his daughter did not feel confident in the chosen one, and therefore did not take him to her native Nalchik.

In early 2014, it became known that the personal life of Sati Kazanova had changed: there was no place for Artur Shachnev in it.

He carefully hid the new chosen one of Sati from the annoying press, but he did not turn out to be a needle in a haystack. Soon the paparazzi unearthed that the star was dating the program director of Russian Radio, Roman Emelyanov. Together, the couple appeared at the premiere of the film "Suicides". Witnesses claim that they behaved like lovers.

However, only Sati Casanova herself knows how things were in reality.

Perhaps it was some kind of planned action to divert attention to the "unusable object." Indeed, publications appeared in the media about Sati’s romance with her son-in-law, billionaire Timur Kulibaev. To questions from journalists and fans, the star diligently avoided answering.

Despite the origin of Stefano, the wedding took place according to Kabardian traditions: the bride appeared before the guests in a white dress with golden embroidery, and the groom in a national Kabardian outfit. According to the singer, her husband carefully treats the customs of Sati.

For Italian relatives, the couple organized a celebration in Piedmont, the official registration took place in Moscow. Sati's friends also gathered in the capital. Then the newlyweds went on a honeymoon trip to the Maldives. Photos from all 3 ceremonies Casanova published on social networks.

Casanova met her husband at a friend's wedding - the girl married Stefano's brother, Cristiano Tiozzo. The young man also loves music, in Italy Chris is a popular pianist. At first glance, the future spouses did not like each other. However, the Indian brahmin, who was present at the ceremony and presented gifts to the guests, showed with gestures that Sati and Stefano looked good together. As Tiozzo later told the singer, he dreamed of the same brahmin, said that a beauty from Russia is a divine gift that a man is obliged to save.

Casanova and Tiozzo agreed to live in 2 countries. The profession does not tie Stefano to a specific place, but the man felt that this moment was important for the singer. In Russia, Sati has an audience and a stage. And the photographer agreed to live in Moscow for several months.

It is known that Sati is a vegetarian, a fan of yoga and meditation practices.

Sati Casanova now

At the end of 2017, Sati presented a video filmed for the song "I'll steal" to the fans. The song is the result of a collaboration between the pop star and MC Doni. In the video, the rapper appeared in the form of a diamond dealer, and Casanova - the mistress of the mafia leader, helping the guy to escape from the bandits.

DONI feat. Sati Casanova - "I'll steal"

Sati's mother and husband, as well as popular blogger Marina Vovchenko, took part in the filming of the video "Mom". With the video, Casanova tried to talk about the relationship between mother and daughter, about how parents feel when grown children leave their home, and how a woman should pay equal attention to her mother and her own family.

Together with, and the artist starred in a candid "water" photo shoot by Diana Avkhadieva Dia Voda. Such pictures for Sati, who professes Islam, are rare, because sexy photos surprised and at the same time delighted the followers.

Sati Kazanova - "Mom" (premiere 2018)

Now with Sati new project- Sati Ethnica, an ethnic program with which the singer travels around Europe, performs at various venues. Casanova performs compositions that are a reworking of Slavic, Caucasian, Oriental old songs and Sanskrit mantras, accompanied by electronic instruments. There is also live music - flute, cello, harp. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi became a fan of the project of the Russian performer.

In November 2018, Casanova's musical and visual show was held at the theater. Tickets for the concert, in addition to buying at the theater box office, fans of the artist could get at recycling points in exchange for waste paper, glass and plastic. So Sati marked participation in the action "Art for the sake of ecology".

Sati Casanova - "The Palms of Paris" (premiere 2018)

For residents of the capital, Sati gives master classes on the ancient practice of sound therapy "OM - chanting". As stated on the singer's page on the social network, "each human organ has its own resonant frequency. An upset organism is restored with the help of sounds.

Sati Kazanova became the director of the new video. The video for the song "Palms of Paris" was filmed for 2 days in the capital of France.


  • 2003 - Factory Girls
  • 2008 - "We are so different"
  • 2008 - "The Best and Favorite"
  • 2011 - Buenos Aires (single)
  • 2013 - "Fool" (single)
  • 2014 - "Winter" (single)
  • 2016 - Degas Besam (single)
  • 2017 - "My Truth" (single)
  • 2018 - "Thank you"
  • 2018 - Sati Ethnica


  • 2006 - "Hello, I'm your dad!"
  • 2007 - "Snow Angel"
  • 2011 - "Long time no see"
  • 2012 - Cinderella
  • 2015 - Barefoot in the sky

On April 2, 1725, Giacomo Casanova was born - one of the most prominent historical heroes the Renaissance. He became famous not so much because of his love affairs, but because of his extraordinary personality and spirit of adventure.

Casanova during his life managed to visit a church employee, lawyer, military man, musician, referent, spy, writer and even a librarian.

Fake nobleman

Giacomo Girolamo Casanova was born in Venice on April 2, 1725 in the family of actor and dancer Gaetano Giuseppe Casanova and actress Zanetta Farussi. In order to rotate in high society, Giacomo appropriated title of nobility and the name is Chevalier de Sengalt.

17 year old genius

At the age of only 12, Casanova entered the University of Padua. At 17, he already had a law degree. However, Giacomo himself always wanted to become a doctor. He even prescribed his own medicines for himself and his friends.


Even while studying at the university, Casanova began to gamble and quickly found himself in debt. At the age of twenty-one, he decided to become a professional gambler, but lost all his savings.

Casanova played throughout his adult life, winning and losing large sums of money. He was trained by professionals, and he could not always overcome his desire to cheat. At times, Casanova teamed up with other cheaters to earn money.

As Casanova himself explained his addiction in his memoirs: “Greed made me play. I enjoyed spending money and my heart bled when that money wasn't won at cards."

Freemason and sorcerer

As a child, Casanova suffered from nosebleeds, and his grandmother took him to a local witch. And although the "magic" ointment that the sorceress gave to Casanova turned out to be ineffective, the boy was delighted with the mystery of magic. Later, Giacomo himself would demonstrate "magical" abilities, which were in fact ordinary tricks. In Paris, he posed as an alchemist, which earned him popularity among the most prominent figures of the time, including the Marquise de Pompadour, the Count of Saint-Germain, d'Alembert and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

During his trip to France in Lyon, Casanova became a member of the Masonic society, which attracted him with its secret rituals. People with intelligence and influence were accepted into society, which later turned out to be very useful for Casanova: he received valuable contacts and access to secret knowledge.

Inquisition and prison break

Due to his involvement in the Masonic lodges and interest in the occult, Casanova attracted the attention of the Inquisition. In 1755, Giacomo was arrested and sentenced to five years in Piombi, the "Prison of Lead".

An apostate priest from a nearby cell helped him escape from prison. With an iron lance, they, along with Casanova, made a hole in the ceiling and climbed onto the roof of the prison. From the roof they descended with the help of a rope made of sheets.

Some historians believe that one of his wealthy patrons actually helped Giacomo pay off. However, some confirmations of the adventurer's story have been preserved in the state archives, including information about the repair of the ceiling of the cells.

Inventor of the lottery

Having escaped from prison to Paris, Casanova had to find a means of subsistence. Then he came up with the idea to raise money for the state with the help of the first national lottery. Tickets were sold successfully, and Giacomo gained popularity and earned enough money to shine again in the world.


French Foreign Minister de Berny, who was an old friend of Casanova, sent him on a spy mission to Dunkirk in 1757. Giacomo brilliantly completed the task, gaining the confidence of the captains and officers of the fleet. He found out information about the structure of the ships and their weak points.

Respectable Librarian

The last years of Casanova's life were spent at Dux Castle in Bohemia (Czech Republic), where he worked as a library curator for Count Josef Karl von Waldstein.

Loneliness and boredom recent years life allowed Casanova, without distraction, to focus on his memoirs, entitled "The Story of My Life". If not for this work, his fame would have been much less, or the memory of him would have completely disappeared.

How many women did Casanova have?

Giacomo Casanova is known as a seducer and conqueror of women's hearts. In his memoirs, he does not name the exact number of mistresses, rounding the figure to several hundred. The Spaniard Juancho Cruz, a researcher of Casanova's biography, calculated that Giacomo had 132 women, that is, about three novels a year. By today's standards, this may seem like a very modest result to some.

However, Casanova became famous for his art of seduction, flirting and the passion with which he indulged in love. Relationships with women were the meaning of his life. In each mistress he saw something special. Most of all, Casanova loved Italians. His mistresses, as a rule, were from 16 to 20 years old. By social origin, most of them were servants, but many of those seduced belonged to the highest circles of society.

  • Giovanni Giacomo Casanova, Chevalier de Sengalt was born on April 2, 1725 in Venice.
  • Casanova's parents were actors, both allegedly belonging to the noble family of Palafoks.
  • Giacomo receives his primary education at a school in Padua.
  • 1734 - 1739 - Casanova studies law at the University of Padua.
  • In his youth, Casanova had a close friendship with Abbé Burney, Count of Lyon, French Ambassador to the Venetian Republic.
  • 1742 - Giacomo Casanova receives a doctorate in jurisprudence.
  • The same year - Casanova enters the Theological Seminary of St. Cyprian. He is preparing to take holy orders, but he is expelled from the seminary for numerous love affairs and intrigues.
  • The end of March - the end of July 1743 - due to his own intrigues, Casanova was imprisoned in Fort San Andrea.
  • Casanova spends several years traveling. He visits Naples, Rome, Paris, Constantinople.
  • 1746 - upon returning to Venice, Giacomo becomes the court violinist of Senator Bragadino.
  • 1753 - the traveler visits Dresden, Prague and Vienna, after which he returns to Venice.
  • 1756 - after one of the love affairs, Casanova is imprisoned for deceit and blasphemy.
  • 1756 - escape from prison; Casanova leaves Venice.
  • 1757 - Bernie receives the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of France and invites Giacomo to Paris. Here, Bernie warmly welcomes an old friend, and Casanova agrees to perform a series of "secret assignments" for him.
  • Gradually, thanks to Bernie, Casanova is involved in the secret diplomatic activities of France. He becomes a secular lion, in addition to espionage, he is also engaged in speculation and magic. He is appointed director of the French lottery.
  • 1758 - Casanova, on behalf of the French government, is sent on a secret mission to Holland.
  • The same year - Giacomo curtails his espionage activities, as the Duke de Choiseul comes to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. He leaves Paris and wanders around Europe again.
  • 1759 - return to Paris, where, a few months after his return, Casanova was imprisoned for debts in Fort l'Eveque. Under arrest, the adventurer spends two days, after which he immediately again goes to Holland on a secret mission.
  • 1760 - Germany. Casanova visits Cologne, Stuttgart. In Germany, the traveler is constantly harassed by creditors, and even arrested once. Through Switzerland he fled to Paris.
  • 1761 - Giacomo Casanova represents Portugal at the Congress of Augsburg.
  • 1763 - visit to London, where he has to flee because of debts.
  • 1764 - again Germany. In Berlin, Casanova receives an audience from King Frederick the Great. The traveler has the opportunity to stay in Germany for military service(to be the leader cadet corps), but declines this offer, preferring to wander and experience a wide variety of adventures and love affairs.
  • 1765 - Russia. Casanova visits St. Petersburg, Moscow; he is presented to Catherine II. After spending about a year in Russia, he leaves for Warsaw.
  • 1766 - an adventurer flees from Warsaw to Germany because of a conflict with Count Barnitsky, which led to a duel.
  • Giacomo again wanders around Europe: Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Italy ... Everywhere he is engaged in petty espionage activities and experiences a huge number of love affairs.
  • 1768 - in Spain, Casanova manages to go to prison twice. For the first time, the adventurer was imprisoned in the Buen Retiro prison in Madrid for illegal possession of weapons, the second time in Barcelona, ​​for an intrigue with the mistress of the governor. In Madrid, his detention lasted two days, in Barcelona - just over a month.
  • 1769 - Casanova writes "Refutation".
  • 1770 - Italy. Again friendship with Bernie, who by that time had become a cardinal.
  • 1775 - Casanova receives permission to return to Venice, which he immediately uses. At home, the famous adventurer becomes a secret agent of the Inquisition Tribunal, and at the same time holds the position of director of the theater.
  • 1782 - Casanova has to leave the service and again flee from Venice. This comes after the publication of his pamphlet "No Love, No Women". In addition, with his next novel, he insults the nobleman Grimaldi. Giacomo goes to Austria, then to the Czech Republic.
  • 1783 - Casanova in last time visits Venice and spends several weeks at home.
  • 1784 - in Vienna, Casanova serves as secretary to the ambassador of the Venetian Republic. Acquaintance and friendship with Count Waldstein.
  • 1785 - Count Waldstein offers Casanova the position of librarian in his estate Gut-Dux, located in Bohemia. Casanova agrees. In Gut-Duks, he not only serves as a librarian, but also, together with the owner of the castle, is engaged in magic and alchemy.
  • Approximately 1790 - Casanova is taken to write his Memoirs.
  • July 4, 1798 - Giovanni Giacomo Casanova dies in Bohemia.

Casanova Giacomo

Full name Giacomo Girolamo Casanova de Seingalt (b. 1725 - d. 1798)

Venetian adventurer of international stature, soldier, writer and secret agent in the service of the French King Louis XV. The author and hero of the world-famous memoirs, distinguished by the utmost frankness in the description intimate life their creator. His memoirs brought him notoriety and made his name synonymous with debauchery and swindle.

The great Italian seducer of women, Giacomo Casanova, is known to the whole world. But for sure, few people know that the famous adventurer tried his hand not only in this field. Before his contemporaries, Casanova appeared as a writer, translator, chemist, mathematician, historian, financier, lawyer, musician, alchemist ... The main thing in his desires, of course, was sensual pleasure. However, the only true symbol of Giacomo's life was ... the game. Who was he anyway? IN different times the famous adventurer pretended to be either a Catholic priest, or a Muslim, or an officer, or a diplomat. In London, he once said to a lady he knew: "I am a libertine by profession, and you have made a bad acquaintance today."

He wrote about himself: “I, Giacomo Casanova, am a Venetian, by inclinations I am a scientist, by habits I am an independent person and so rich that I do not need anyone's help. I travel for pleasure. During my long life of suffering, I have been the victim of intrigues on the part of scoundrels. He ended his memoirs with assurances that he "lived like a philosopher" and "dies like a Christian." The adventures of Giacomo give the best answer to the question of what was the famous interlocutor of the crowned persons, a prisoner of European prisons and a frequenter of gambling houses and dens.

He enjoyed the favors of the Prussian king Frederick the Great, who was interested in his opinion on the affairs government controlled, was an adviser to the Prince of Stuttgart, whose court he instilled French customs, dined with the wife of Louis XV, and had conversations with the Marquise de Pompadour. Casanova was familiar with Catherine II and even wanted to become the Empress's personal secretary or tutor to the Grand Duke. Meanwhile, each of the acts of the famous Italian became just another adventure.

The future great seducer was born on April 2, 1725 in the Most Serene Republic of Venice in the family of the actor Gaetano Casanova and the daughter of a shoemaker Zanetta Farussi. However, there is reason to believe that the real father of Giacomo was the owner of the San Samuele theater, the Venetian patrician Michele Grimani. “I was not born a nobleman - I achieved the nobility myself,” Casanova once announced, for whom the question of his origin has always been very sensitive.

Giacomo was 2 years old when his mother, a young actress, went to London. There she played in an Italian comedy, became the mistress of the Prince of Wales and gave birth to a child from him. On this basis, it is assumed that Casanova's brother, Francesco, is the illegitimate son of King George II of England. Francesco Casanova became a well-known artist, the author of battle paintings. It was to him that Catherine the Great ordered the painting “The Battle in Ochakovo”, which is kept in the Hermitage. Casanova had two more brothers and a sister: Giovanni - an artist, a student of Mengs, director of the Dresden Academy of Arts; Gaetano - priest and preacher; Mary Magdalene is a dancer at the Dresden Opera House.

For the first nine years of his life, Giacomo lived with his grandmother, Marzia Farussi. His father died when the boy was eight years old.

Two years later, his mother is sent to St. Petersburg with the troupe of actors "Comedi dell'arte". And Giacomo is sent to Padua, where he lives in a boarding house with Dr. Gozzi, who gives him violin lessons and introduces him to the sciences. Casanova continues his education at the University of Padua. In 1741 he takes tonsure and becomes a novice. Then he begins to travel: first to Corfu, then to Constantinople.

In 1743, Casanova was admitted to a theological seminary, but was soon expelled from there for behavior that did not befit a clergyman. And again on the road - Ancona, Rome, Naples, Calabria, Naples, again Ancona. In Rome, Casanova was accepted into the service of Cardinal Acquaviva and spoke with Pope Benedict XIV. Accused of complicity in the kidnapping of a girl, of which he was absolutely innocent, Casanova is forced to leave Rome. In Ancona, he meets Teresa Bellino, a young castrato singer. Suspicions cover him that the singer is actually a woman in disguise ...

After an adventure with Bellino (her real name is Anjola Calori - an outstanding singer who later gained all-European fame), Casanova took off his cassock and entered military service. On the island of Corfu, he became adjutant to the commander of the galleas, Giacomo da Riva. From Corfu he heads back to Constantinople. In 1746, Casanova returned to Venice and became an ordinary violinist at the theater of San Samuel. He played at weddings and parties, even helping the famous Antonio Vivaldi in composing oratorios. And deceived, deceived ...

For the sake of a pair of beautiful eyes, the failed clergyman moved from city to city. He had philosophical conversations with some ladies, and even gave one a whole library. Casanova slept with aristocrats, prostitutes, nuns, girls, his niece, maybe his daughter. But in all his life, it seems, not a single mistress reproached him for anything. However, love was for Casanova not only a vital need, but also a profession. He bought the girls he liked (most of all he liked young thin brunettes), taught them the science of love, secular courtesy, and then, with great benefit for himself, gave way to others - financiers, nobles, the king. Compiling the happiness of poor girls - this was one of the constant sources of income for Casanova.

In the spring of 1746, in one of dark nights, Casanova met a man in a red robe in Venice who dropped a letter in front of him. Giacomo picked up and returned this letter to the owner. The man in the robe was Venetian senator Matteo Giovanni Bragadini. As a sign of gratitude, Bragadini offered to give Casanova a lift in his gondola. On the way, the senator had a stroke. Casanova ordered the gondola stopped and sought out a doctor. After the first medical aid, he took the patient home, where two friends of the senator immediately ran - the Venetian patricians Marco Dandolo and Marco Barbaro. Casanova realized that the doctor was treating the patient incorrectly, and set to work himself. The next morning, the senator felt great. This is how Casanova met his patrons.

The Venetian patricians were secretly engaged in Kabbalism and alchemy. Casanova admitted that he himself is fond of this and that he has his own Kabbalistic method, although he is not entirely sure of its reliability. Together they undertook to check - and the method worked. Bragadini, Barbaro and Dandolo asked different questions, and the oracle gave them exactly the answers they expected. The patricians were convinced that the young Casanova was a great sorcerer.

The trick with his own Kabbalistic method Casanova would use again and again, especially in Paris with Madame d'Urfe, a wealthy marquise who blindly believed in magical abilities Casanova.

Leaving the musical field, Casanova, using the friendship and blessings of Bragadini, settled in his house as a named son and began to engage in magic and predictions at his leisure. The adventurer described his lifestyle of that time in a few words: “I was not poor, gifted with a pleasant and impressive appearance, a desperate player, a spendthrift, a rhetorician and a bully, not a coward, a female admirer, a clever eliminater of rivals, a cheerful companion ... I made enemies for myself on every step, but I knew how to stand up for myself and therefore I thought that I could afford anything.

In Casanova, first of all, he was conquered by his innate artistry, the ability to attract and instantly interest. The illustrious Italian brilliantly knew how, while remaining himself, to alternately and thoughtfully turn either into a secular lion, an irresistible devourer of women's hearts, then into a wise philosopher who absorbed the texts of hundreds of scientific books, then into a highly experienced specialist in mining and finance, giving competent advice on these issues, now to a prominent politician, now to a venerable diplomat ...

A contemporary wrote about his appearance: “He would be handsome if he were not ugly: tall, complex, like Hercules, his face swarthy ... He is proud, because he is nothing and has nothing ... Rich imagination and natural liveliness, the experience of numerous travels, tried professions, firmness of spirit and contempt for worldly goods make him a rare person, the most interesting for acquaintance, worthy of respect and devoted friendship of a small number of people who won his favor.

Casanova's patrons Senator Bragadini and his friends Barbaro and Dandolo advised him to retire from Venice for a while - they feared that the State Inquisition might accuse their friend of blasphemy and witchcraft.

But at this time, Giacomo's romance with Henrietta broke out - a love story that inspired the creation literary works, among others, English writer Richard Aldington and Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.

No other woman evoked such tender memories in Casanova's soul as Henriette, whom he met in the company of a Hungarian officer in Cesena. The three months that he lived with her in Parma were the happiest time in his life: “Whoever thinks that a woman cannot fill all the hours and moments of the day, he thinks so because he never knew Henriette ... We loved each other with all we were completely content with each other, we lived entirely in our love.”

In 1750, Casanova went to France: “In Lyon, I became a freemason. Two months later, in Paris, I rose to the second step, and a few months later - to the third, in other words, I became a master. This step is the highest. All other titles that have been bestowed on me over time are just pleasant inventions and, although they have a symbolic meaning, do not add anything to the title of master.

Then Casanova traveled through Central Europe and returned to Venice, where he continued his former way of life. He incurred the enmity of the Inquisition and on July 26, 1755, was accused of Freemasonry, licentious lifestyle, freethinking, occultism and sentenced to five years in custody in the Doge's Palace. After 15 months, Casanova escaped from the prison of Piombi, which he later told in the “Story of my flight”, written in French and published in Prague in 1788.

And again wanderings: Milan, Ferrara, Bologna. Everywhere a game, everywhere a spree ... In Paris, Casanova entered into the confidence of Minister Choiseul, tried his hand at business and trade, but brilliantly burned out ... And again set off on wanderings: Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Russia and again - Europe.

He played a lot during these years, because the game, in fact, was the only true meaning of his life.

Even at the age of twenty, the Italian wrote: "I need to somehow earn my living, and in the end I chose the profession of a player." Luck often accompanied Casanova in gambling, which gave a serious reason to many of his biographers of that time to transparently hint: the famous Italian "suspiciously often enjoyed the favor of His Majesty Chance in everything related to gambling." However, luck could be explained by the fact that Casanova well remembered the instructions of his named father Bragadini: “Do not pay the debt if you lost on your word, never whistle, but keep the bank yourself and quit the game as soon as luck begins to go over to the side of the partner” .

History knows that only once, once in Venice and entering a gambling house, where, by the way, only players of noble birth enjoyed the privilege of holding a bank, Casanova lost 500,000 gold sequins in one night. However, he soon managed to fully compensate for the losses incurred. True, the main merit here belonged to his regular mistress, who, with her own money, managed to win back the seemingly irretrievably lost gold. However, the Italian earned the most significant amount in his life not on the game, but on the organization of the state lottery in Paris in 1757.

Then the king of France decided to open the Higher Military School. But this undertaking required 20 million livres. At the same time, the government did not want to turn to the help of the state or royal treasury, but intended to receive the necessary amount from the people. But how do you get people to voluntarily fork out? And then Casanova came on stage, suggesting that the king organize a lottery.

He convincingly argued that the people would readily buy up lottery tickets, since there would be rather large prizes in the drawing, and the proceeds would certainly bring profit to the king. In addition, the lottery, according to the plan of the scammer, was to be held under the auspices of the crown, and not on behalf of private entrepreneurs, which would significantly strengthen the confidence in it on the part of the townsfolk and dispel any doubts about the honesty and decency of the organizers. In the end, the proposal was accepted, and Casanova was appointed official representative of the king, responsible for conducting the lottery. It was then that he turned around, heading six of the seven branches for the sale of lottery tickets. Moreover, Casanova was given a reward of 4,000 livres.

Within two months, Casanova grew rich and cheered. He rented a good apartment, furnished it beautifully, got a carriage and surrounded himself with the luxury befitting a collector of royal millions. Soon all of Paris knew him by sight. Everywhere - in theaters, at a party, at balls, people approached him, tempted by the opportunity to win, thrust money into their hands and asked to send lottery tickets. How it all ended, history is silent. But it is known that never before has fortune endowed Casanova with her favor on such a scale. The lottery venture, according to him, turned out to be the most successful, although the last major enterprise of the brilliant rogue.

What did Giacomo do for the remaining 35 years of his life! Sold the recipe eternal youth"and" the formula of the philosopher's stone ", traded in the beauty of young girls. But not only. When the days came in revolutionary France Jacobin terror, the old Casanova sent an angry multi-page letter to Robespierre, where there were such words: “What right do you have to break the lives of thousands and thousands of people for the sake of“ universal happiness ”? We must leave people their convictions, even their prejudices - I argued with Voltaire about this in 1760. Otherwise, you make them unhappy.

The next few years of his life are an endless series of revelry, romantic incidents and a card game. However, in the end satiety set in, fatigue creeped up. Increasingly, failures lay in wait for Casanova in love affairs, all sorts of tricks and gambling.

"Love is only curiosity" - this phrase is often found in Casanova's memoirs. Indefatigable curiosity was the real passion of this man. He was not a banal favorite of women, he was not a happy darling, an accidental dilettante. He treated rapprochement with women the way a serious and diligent artist treats his art. Casanova was not always immersed in hasty and indiscriminate depravity. Such periods happened to him only when he wanted to drown out the memories of the great love that had just passed and the eternal thirst for a new one.

Among the countless women mentioned by this "libertine by profession", there are several who left a deep imprint on his soul. The best pages of memoirs are devoted to them. Talking about them, Casanova avoided obscene details. Their images become for readers as close and alive as the image of the Venetian adventurer himself. The first love of the young seducer was in the spirit of a peaceful Venetian novel. He was sixteen years old and he loved Nanetta and Marton, two nieces of the good signora Orio: “This love, which was my first, taught me nothing in the school of life, since she was perfectly happy, and no calculations or cares disturbed her ".

A light touch of elegy appeared in his second love. Perhaps this is because it took place in Rome, in the evergreen gardens of Ludovisi and Aldobrandini. There, Giacomo loved Lucrezia: “Oh, what tender memories are connected for me with these places! ..”

During his stay on the island of Corfu, Casanova experienced love, reminiscent of the complexity and torment of the themes of modern novels. The long history of this love is dramatic. Many years later, the memory of the Venetian aristocrat Andriana Foscarini, hidden behind the initials "F. F.", made Casanova exclaim: "What is love? This is a kind of madness over which reason has no power. This is a disease to which a person is subject at any age and which is incurable when it strikes an old man. O love, being and feeling indefinable! God of nature, your bitterness is sweet, your bitterness is cruel…”

He picked up another girlfriend, Rosalia, in one of the Marseille dens: “I tried to tie this young lady to me, hoping that she would stay with me until the end of her days and that, living in harmony with her, I would no longer feel the need to wander from one love for another." But, of course, Rosalia left him, and his wanderings began again.

Instead of a devoted mistress, Giacomo met the little dancer La Corticelli, who made him feel jealous and bitterly deceived. She was from Bologna and "all she did was laugh." She caused Casanova a lot of trouble of all kinds: she intrigued against him and cheated on him at every opportunity. But the tone of his stories betrays that never, even at the moment of their final break, this "madcap" was not indifferent to the heart of the adventurer who was beginning to age.

This continued until 1764, when in London the 38-year-old Casanova, passionately in love with the young courtesan Sharpillon, met a cold and contemptuous calculation, and not reciprocity. And then, Casanova recalled, “I realized that youth is over…”

After a stormy romance with Sharpillon, the great seducer decided to retire. For the next thirty years there were probably no women in his life at all. Casanova now received pleasure only from food, from writing memoirs and from reading. He began a lengthy memoir of his age. They were not published for a long time, because the publishing houses, apparently, were afraid of his revelations, and the next generation of romantics did not believe in the existence of Casanova himself at all.

He eventually had to return to Venice, where he found a job as a police informant. In 1782 another scandal forced him to leave Italy.

Three spacious rooms of an old castle in a picturesque corner of Northern Bohemia became the last refuge of the adventurer and writer Giacomo Casanova. Once, on his way from Vienna to Berlin in 1785, he met Count Joseph Waldstein. And he offered the decrepit old man (Giacomo was in his seventies) to become a librarian in his castle, where Casanova spent the last thirteen years of his life.

Here in Dux, in Bohemia (modern Duchkov), from the pen of the famous Venetian came out "Memoirs" and the five-volume novel "Icosameron". Casanova's memoirs, written in French, were brought only up to 1774. At first, their authenticity was questioned, but special studies confirmed the authenticity of the historical events and characters mentioned in them. The author clearly embellished his adventures, presenting himself as "the hero of debauchery and love victories."

He carried on a lively correspondence with numerous addressees in different cities of Europe, even met with many, but in the end he turned into an eternally dissatisfied, sick and grumbling old man who lived out his days almost completely alone. June 4, 1798 Giacomo Girolamo Casanova died. The name of the great Italian adventurer is still a household name to this day. And be that as it may, he left his mark on history ...

“Love is my vocation, not a profession,” Casanova liked to repeat. For him, love in itself has always contained the highest meaning of life, all other victories, defeats and blessings - in comparison with it - are secondary. This amazing person all his life he was convinced that it is impossible to divide love into a “high feeling” and “corrupt”, “low”, “carnal” passion, because the soul and body are a single whole, therefore all components of love are one and inseparable. And even despite the fact (or perhaps because) that Casanova honestly admitted: “I loved women to the point of madness, but I always preferred freedom to them,” the incomparable Italian did not know defeat in love.

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It is probably difficult to find a person who does not know the answer to the question: Casanova - who is this? This word has long been used and is familiar to everyone. The name of the famous adventurer and writer from Venice Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo, has become a household name today. This "citizen of the world" has become one of the most and a symbol of the long-gone XVIII century.

Who is Casanova? He is certainly an outstanding personality of his time. To begin with, it is worth noting that Casanova is an Italian writer, author big list historical essays, fantasy novel "Iscameron". And he also wrote a popular memoir called “The Story of My Life”, in which Casanova appears as a great and loving heartthrob. In his memoirs, Giacomo gave a clear description of the mores of the era.

The versatility of Casanova's personality

So who is Casanova? For his contemporaries, as well as readers and descendants, Giacomo was a versatile and erudite personality. Casanova was known in literature as a prose writer, poet, playwright, philologist, translator, historian, mathematician, lawyer, chemist, musician, financier and diplomat. But in the rest of the world, Casanova is a dissolute gambler, an alchemist who revealed the secret of the creation of the philosopher's stone and creates gold, a duelist, a Rosicrucian, a secret agent, a healer, a fortune teller, and so on. How much of this was true, now no one can say for sure.

The adventurer carefully maintained his versatile, but unequivocally majestic reputation with the diverse stories of his adventures and love affairs, which were invariably told at dinner parties and dinners among the public absorbing them like a sponge. From one table of stories passed to another - rumors multiplied.

Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova

The famous Italian could not get used to the idea that his descendants would not remember him. Therefore, he described his fascinating life on paper. At the same time, the writing of memoirs is timed to the era of the death of the old society: the fall of the French monarchy, the partition of Poland, the disappearance from world maps. All the social and moral norms of behavior of that time are transmitted in the manuscript.

The Venetian writer belonged to both Italian and French culture at the same time. Despite all the improbability of the events described in the memoirs, they are reliable. Many of the life episodes on the pages of the manuscript were found documentary confirmation. Trying in the most favorable light, Giacomo Casanova in the process of writing reverses events, confuses the chronology. With all this, picaresque memoirs are presented in the form of a certain list of victories in the love field, a career novel, an adventurous psychological narrative.

All manifestations of love were interesting for the Italian, but none of the novels ended in a wedding, because freedom for Casanova was more precious than any fortune. He taught some young ladies in secular customs, and others in carnal pleasures. At the same time, in love affairs he entered into with absolutely everyone: prostitutes, aristocrats, poor, rich, nuns, even with his niece.

History of Casanova Giacomo: childhood

The famous Venetian was born on April 2, 1725, on Easter, not far from the Church of St. Samuel, in the family of the artist Casanova Gaetano Giuseppe and the actress Farussi Zanetta. After him, five more children were born in the family. During the growing up of Giacomo, Venice was a European center of pleasure, the rulers of which encouraged the arrival of tourists with vicious intentions. The Republic was an indispensable point in the famous aristocratic Grand Tour and was famous for its gambling houses and beautiful courtesans.

At the age of 11, Giacomo first experienced the caress of the opposite sex in the face of Gozzi's younger sister Bettina. The young Casanova showed an enviable thirst for knowledge, which instilled in his mentor, the abbot, faith in the future of the young man in the legal field. At 17, Giacomo already had a degree. In addition to jurisprudence, he was also interested in other sciences, especially medicine. During his studies, he also became addicted to gambling.

Entry into adulthood

Giacomo began to work as a lawyer at the church, and was accepted as a novice by the Patriarch of Venice himself. By that time, the young Casanova acquired a special charm and charm and acquired a powerful patron - Senator Malipiero. From him he received excellent instructions about behavior in the upper strata of society, and also learned to understand food and wine.

In January 1744, Giacomo got a job as a secretary for the influential Cardinal Acquaviva d'Argon. However, after the scandal that occurred in the love field, Casanova was fired from his post.

Trying on the role of a soldier

Without stopping at church work, Giacomo decided to acquire a patent for an officer of the Republic of Venice in August 1744. The new role for him seemed very boring, and promotion was very slow. Casanova was drawn to exploits and by no means to the military. Therefore, already in October, he interrupted his service and returned to his native republic.

Career as a violinist at the San Samuele Theater

Being a theater musician, Casanova did not fail to try on the skin of his fallen colleagues, participating in violent orgies and evenings with scandalous practical jokes. However, soon luck again smiled at his pet, who was already sick of the role of a musician. Senator Giovanni Bragadin himself, who was wounded in a gondola during a voyage, became obligated to live with him. At a time when everyone was ready to call the priest, so that he would forgive sins, and then pray over the dying, Casanova took the treatment into his own hands and saved the life of the senator. He subsequently adopted Giacomo and became his good patron for the rest of his days.

Throughout 1749, Casanova traveled around Italy. And after a significant win in the cards went to the Grand Tour. In Lyon, he joined the Masonic community, the Order of the Rose and Cross. Having learned French in Paris, the Italian translated the tragedy Zoroaster into his native language, which he himself staged at the Royal Theater of Dresden.

Piombi Prison

During his travels in Austria and Germany, Casanova wrote a lot of comedy plays. And returning to Venice and incurring the wrath of the Inquisition with his antics, Giacomo was arrested. The prison in which the dissolute Venetian was imprisoned was intended for well-known political criminals. He made a desperate attempt to escape. However, he was captured and sent back to prison. The second escape attempt was successful, and Giacomo left for Paris.

"Casanova": the meaning of the word in the modern world

Several centuries have passed, but the womanizer remained in people's memory. Today, everyone knows the common noun "Casanova". This word is very popular among the people. There is no such person who would not use it. There are many literary characters, movie heroes, who were involuntarily called nothing more than Casanova. Synonyms today are diverse: a womanizer, a seducer, a womanizer, ladies' man, playboy and many others. This is due to the fact that Giacomo Casanova gained the greatest popularity precisely because of his love affairs, which were described in autobiographical memoirs. Even today romantic books are written about them and feature films are made.