At the same time, animals are unpretentious, can gain weight up to 500 kg, live up to 30 years, and camel products are in growing demand. The competition in this area is very low, which opens up excellent opportunities for profit and without problem market development.

Opening a business, registration, search and arrangement of the site

The implementation of a business idea begins with registration, the optimal form is a peasant farm (farm). After that, you can start searching for land for a camel farm. For a small herd of 10 individuals, up to 1 hectare will be required. Such a site is enough for the construction of corrals and the placement of other buildings. Preferred terrain - with a dry, arid climate, steppe zone, although the animals feel fine in colder regions, the main thing is to ensure that they are kept in covered, heated rooms in winter time of the year. The cost of renting land depends on the region, but taking into account the fact that this will not be an agricultural land, you can count on costs of 45-60 USD.

Construction will cost $30,000 (equipment of covered buildings, heating systems, preparation of pens, purchase of feeders, arrangement of several separate rooms for shearing, milking, food storage, etc.).

What to feed camels

If a camel farm is opened next to a crop (grain) farm, you can significantly save on the purchase and transportation of feed.

One adult camel eats about 600 kg of grain crops ($0.15-0.2 per kg), 4-5 tons of hay (0.2 c.u./1 kg), 75 kg of mineral salts (1.5 $ per 1 kg). Animals are watered 2 times a day, so the farm must immediately be provided with uninterrupted supplies pure water. Thus, the total cost of food for 1 camel is 1250 dollars. Or about $12,000 for the whole herd.

Buying animals

You can buy camels both in our country (a few farms already offer young animals for sale) and abroad. In the first case, you will have to pay about $ 2100-2200 for a breeding young individual, in the second - from $ 3000 and more, depending on the breed + transportation costs. For the purchase of 10 heads - 22,000 c.u.

camel farm workers

A herd of 8-10 camels can be served by 1-2 employees. The salary fund will be no more than $ 5,000 per year. Many novice farmers do on their own or involve family members in the business. Veterinary services are provided as needed, accounting is outsourced.

Camel Farm Income Sources

There are several sources of income for a camel farm. First of all, it is the sale of warm, valuable and rare camel wool, products from which are elite and expensive. From an adult, you can get up to 7-10 kg of wool per year, the sale price is from 10-20 USD. for 1 kg. The second is the sale of camel milk, which has healing properties and belongs to rare, gourmet products. The cost of 1 liter can reach 30 dollars and more, and milk yield from a camel can be more than a thousand liters per year. The meat of these animals is not as in demand as wool and milk. And yet, some farms also sell it, the average price for 1 kg is $ 20.

Selling young animals and breeding animals or leasing them to private and municipal zoos, circuses, nature reserves is another source of profit from a business idea.

You can sell a camel for an amount several times higher than the cost of its maintenance, but it is worth remembering that females have low fertility (1 cub every 2 years).

Lack of competition, small expenses for keeping animals, allow camel farms to earn quite good money. Profit from the sale of wool and milk, even a small farm can reach 30 thousand USD. per year, with established contacts with restaurant chains and delicatessen outlets and the supply of meat to them, as well as the sale of young animals - more than $ 60,000 per year.

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(lat. camelus, camelid family) - large mammals artiodactyl animals adapted to existence in a dry and hot climate (steppes, deserts, semi-deserts) were domesticated by man in the period around 2000 BC. e. In nature, camels are represented by two types: camel(lat. camelus dromedarius) or dromedary, Arabian, dromedary and Bactrian camel(lat. camelus bactrianus), also known as Bactrian.

In the past, herds of wild dromedaries were widespread in North Africa and the Middle East, while Bactrians lived mainly in the eastern parts of Central and Central Asia, Mongolia and the adjacent territories of China, Kazakhstan, Buryatia, Uzbekistan, where sharply prevails continental climate(dry, hot summers and frosty, snowy winters). Unlike the one-humped camel, the two-humped camel survived in wild populations, albeit very small in number (several hundred heads found in nature reserves China and Mongolia). The life expectancy of camels is 40-50 years.

In addition to the number of humps, Bactrians differ from dromedaries in larger sizes (height at the withers up to 210 - 230 cm, with humps - up to 270 cm), weight (up to 800 - 1000 kg) and coat density (average pile length is about 7 cm). It is thanks to the dense fur protection that Bactrian camels are able to exist in harsh conditions. climatic conditions. The coat of dromedaries is much less dense and shorter, but it helps to protect the animals from the scorching sun and keep them from losing moisture. Camels are perfectly adapted to existence in a hot and arid climate. At the same time, they serve as a reliable means for a person to cross a desert area. No form of transport can replace camels in such conditions. Their extreme endurance allows animals to stay on the road for a long time, carrying not only riders, but also heavy luggage (the total weight of the load can be from 200 to 400 kg).

The body temperature of camels ranges from +34°C (at night) to +41°C (during the day). Camels can eat any herbaceous food unsuitable for other animals, including thorns (sand locust, saxaul, camel thorn), saltwort, wormwood, onions, brambles, astragalus branches, ephedra bushes, etc. Their lips and mouth are not sensitive to thorns. Camels digest dry food much worse, so it is necessary to provide them with fresh herbs from time to time, in which there is moisture. It is known that camels can go without food for a very long period (about a month) and even consume salt water. The loss of up to 25 - 30% of moisture by the camel's body does not affect the well-being of the animal, which can go without water for 8 - 15 days, but at the first opportunity it restores the balance by drinking shortest time over 100 liters of water. Long and thick eyelashes protect big eyes camels from getting dust and sand into them, and the special shape of the nostrils helps prevent the loss of moisture released in the form of steam during breathing and protect the respiratory tract from sand or dust storms. The excellent eyesight of these animals is able to distinguish objects located at a distance of about 1 km, and a subtle sense of smell captures the smell of water and fresh greenery of oases in the desert, more than 40-60 km away.

Camels are grown not only as a means of transportation in desert areas, but also as a valuable source of food - milk and meat. Camel milk is distinguished by its rich vitamin and mineral composition. The amount of iron in it is ten times higher than in cow's milk, and vitamin C - three times. It is a white, easily foaming liquid of thick consistency with a sweetish or sweet-salty taste. Can be stored fresh for about 5 days. Camel milk contains amino acids that promote hematopoiesis, therefore it is used as a healing and strengthening agent for anemia, pregnancy, and in the postoperative period.

Sour-milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, curdled milk, butter) made from camel milk are known for their dietary properties. Freshly sour milk quenches thirst very well, helps with diseases of the stomach and pancreas, and various forms of tuberculosis are treated with it. Both milk and its products are recommended for diabetes as insulin substitutes to lower blood sugar levels. One Bactrian camel produces from 500 to 800 kg of milk per year. The milk yield of dromedaries is much higher (1000 - 1200 kg or more).

All great popularity in the world also acquires camel meat. Due to the low fat content (1.2 - 2.8%), its consumption does not lead to the risk of cardiovascular disease. The meat of young camels (not older than 2.5 years) is very much appreciated by gourmets, it is served in some restaurants in Europe and the East as a delicacy (steak, goulash, pate, camel sausages, etc.). At proper preparation it has exquisite taste. In older animals, the meat is fibrous, stiff and wiry, so it is used only chopped (in sausages).

The use of camel meat is very common in Australia, where a rationed shooting of the natural population of animals is periodically carried out. Since the number of feral camels grows uncontrollably every year and requires an increase in pasture areas, their herds cause significant damage to the Australian landscape. wildlife. Camel meat is healthier than beef, its calorie content does not exceed 160.2 kcal. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, has a high content of natural antioxidants. It can be baked, boiled, stewed, fried, dried and smoked. Camel goes well with herbs, vegetables, rice, mushrooms, seafood.

The fat found in the humps of a camel is highly valued in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine. It is used as an external wound healing agent, to soften and restore the skin. Internal use of camel fat is recommended for coughs, bronchitis, inflammation, fever. This product improves immunity, protects against the development of cancer, helps reduce sugar levels. It is also known as a strong aphrodisiac.

To all the listed products that can be obtained from an amazing animal camel, you must add camel hair. High quality, unsurpassed insulating properties, hypoallergenicity, antistatic properties, strength and lightness have earned her extraordinary popularity all over the world.

Even the waste products of camels do not remain without use. Due to the extreme dryness, their excrement is used as an efficient biofuel. Urine, which is a thick, dark, syrupy liquid, is used as a folk remedy in the treatment of hair loss, improves their condition and growth, and helps get rid of dandruff. It contains natural antibiotics, so it is used to disinfect wounds. Camel urine is used to treat hepatitis, edema and critical changes in the liver (cirrhosis), as well as to lower blood sugar levels.

The importance of camels in human life is enormous. This is not only an exotic mode of transport, a means for transporting goods, but also healthy food, valuable wool, and a source of medicinal components. Today, camel breeding can turn into a very promising and profitable business. It should be borne in mind that animals do not take root well in humid climatic conditions and in mountainous areas. From the main areas of cultivation and breeding of camels, either milk production or meat production is chosen. In the first case, preference is given to dairy breeds of camels (high milk yields are inherent in representatives of dromedaries). Bactrian camels (Bactrians) have more muscle mass, large in size, so they are better suited for growing as a meat breed. Bactrians also give more wool. Unlike dromedaries, they can adapt to cold climates. Hybrids of dromedaries and Bactrians (nar, iner) are in great demand among livestock breeders. These are large, strong and hardy animals, combining the best parental qualities.

There is a successful experience of growing camels not only in their natural habitats, but also in the Trans-Volga and Astrakhan steppes, in Altai and even in Holland. The main thing is to provide the animals with dry rooms protected from cold and precipitation. Hay, straw, reed, etc. can be used as bedding. In hot weather, camels are given water twice a day, in cold weather - once. If it is not possible to carry out free grazing of camels (in winter), then plant residues, vegetable and crop processing products, grain, and hay can serve as food. In addition, each adult animal additionally needs salts and minerals (about 70 kg per year).

One camel gives birth to a camel every two years. The cub feeds on mother's milk for 18 months. IN initial period life, he especially needs warmth and protection from drafts. Animals that have reached the age of seven are considered adults. Camels are sheared once a year, in spring, after molting. They are used in various jobs, including for the transport of goods. As a beast of burden, the camel is superior to horses and mules.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Camel breeding is uncharacteristic for Russia, but these animals tolerate the climate well even in the central and northern regions. Of course, it is best to engage in this type of animal husbandry in the regions of dry steppes, deserts and semi-deserts, but camel farms can be founded and generate income in other places with the right approach to organizing your business. At the same time, it must be said that there is also a demand for camel products in Russia, and the unpretentiousness of these animals allows you to maintain a fairly large farm at low cost, that is, such a business becomes a very profitable undertaking. The number of farms in Russia is very small, so there is virtually no competition in this market, you can become the first not just in your region, but in a significant part of Russia, and even several nearby farms are unlikely to interfere with each other's work today.

First you need to register your peasant farm (KFH), for this you need to contact the local tax authority. There is, of course, the opportunity to work and how individual entrepreneur, but there are no significant advantages in this form, even a simplified taxation system, or rather its analogue - a single agricultural tax - is available to the peasant farm. If we take into account legal entities, then it is better to choose a non-public company, a company with limited liability the best choice, but this is only suitable for the largest farms. Peasant farming is also attractive in that today the state is trying to somehow support agriculture, and, working in the KFH format, one can count on benefits and assistance. In some cases, when opening a very small farm, you can work in the format of a personal subsidiary plot (PSP), which, in fact, does not apply to business entities and is not taxed. True, private household plots can be considered a very small farm. In addition to simple registration, you need to contact the local veterinary service to be able to sell your products. If it is planned to produce camel meat, then it will even be necessary to slaughter animals under the supervision of a specialist, but all camel products must be submitted for laboratory research, only after that you can count on obtaining a veterinary certificate, which makes it possible to engage in camel breeding and sale of products. There are special requirements for milk, for meat, but there are also local requirements that take into account the characteristics of the region. Therefore, it is best to find a competent lawyer who is well versed in local legislation and apply directly to local regulatory authorities - then there will be no risk that any licensing and certification obligations will not be met. The process of resolving all bureaucratic issues will take a couple of months in the worst cases, and you need to allocate no more than a couple of tens of thousands of rubles for it (for example, the amount of the state fee for registration legal entity is 4 thousand rubles, and individual entrepreneurs or peasant farms - even less).

The next step is to find a place to work. For a small herd of camels, a few ares of land will suffice, it is better to start with a hectare, because the cost of renting such an area is not high, especially since you do not have to rent agricultural land. In the southern regions, from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand rubles a year will have to be paid per hectare, and this is precisely for good land, completely uninteresting to growers, can be rented even cheaper, and in other cases, you can negotiate with local authorities to get land on a long-term lease at a very low price or even free of charge. On one hectare, you can grow a sufficient number of camels in pens, as well as enough space for the construction of auxiliary buildings. It is also optimal to open your farm on the basis of a farm that grows fodder crops. Then you can significantly save on feed for your animals, that is, the feed will be delivered conditionally free of charge. The biggest costs can be precisely in the construction of the facilities necessary for the maintenance of camels. These are the animals that should be kept in heated rooms during the cold season, so you need to build appropriate pens. It is rather difficult to calculate the exact amount of funds for the construction, but you need to count on several million rubles for an average farm. A small farm, of course, can be equipped for an amount within one million. In general, a farmer can save a lot if he independently takes care of the improvement of his territory, in the case of a small farm, this is quite within his power. That is, a lot depends on the chosen format of work and the entrepreneur himself. Also, in some cases, it is necessary to equip premises for butchering carcasses, for shearing camels, for milking them, and also to purchase the appropriate tools. But these expenses cannot be called significant.

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The next stage is the acquisition of breeding animals. You can also buy a camel in Russia, several farms that breed these animals supply young individuals at significantly reduced prices compared to foreign companies prices. One young camel can be bought for about 70 thousand rubles, adult animals are more expensive, but they are usually sold to circuses and zoos, they are no longer of interest to the farmer. At this stage, the entrepreneur must either understand camel breeding himself, or find a capable livestock breeder who can accurately calculate required amount animals and the ratio of females to males. True, some farms do not buy males at all, bringing them only at certain times for mating, that is, they manage only one camel, which brings more profit. Bringing one camel from abroad will cost about 100 thousand rubles, however, if you buy several animals at once, then the cost of one in terms will be somewhat cheaper. Let's take 10 animals for calculation, then you need to allocate at least 700 thousand rubles, but it is better to count on a slightly larger amount, because you need to have funds to transport these animals, although some farms take on the responsibility of delivering camels.

The next moment is the search for personnel for your farm, while even a relatively large herd can serve 1-2 people. Ten animals do not need to hire additional staff, unless, of course, the entrepreneur himself can maintain his farm. This is not specifically taught anywhere, so it often makes sense to just find experienced people to get necessary knowledge. There is no point in hiring a veterinarian, especially in regions with a stable situation where there are no epidemics. That is, it is better to find a specialist in order to involve him only when necessary. In general, the payroll can be more than 100 thousand rubles per month, and in some cases you won’t need to pay at all - if you manage on your own. As experienced people say, this is quite real. At the same time, it is also better to outsource some duties, for example, bookkeeping, because it is not economically profitable to have your own full-time accountant. When working in countryside in general, it can be difficult to find employees for your farm, so sometimes you have to rely on providing your workers with optimal conditions.

Now you need to consider how much it will cost to maintain your herd. Camels are quite unpretentious animals, while they live relatively long (30-35 years), and one animal can bring profit to its owner for a long time. At the same time, camels breed for a relatively long time, so one camel will bring cubs only once every two years, and only one. Camel food, as already noted, can be free for the owner, but only if there are crops that are unnecessary for sale. In general, it is not necessary to buy exactly traditional crops in the diet, for one camel a year it will take no more than 600 kilograms of any grain crops, 4.5 tons of hay and, which is very important, about 70 kilograms of minerals and salts. It is believed that it is generally possible to feed camels almost once a week, but in fact this is not the case, animals must receive good food all the time. Water is especially important for them, camels are watered twice a day, that is, you need to take care of supplying clean water directly to the pens. Thus, in order to feed one animal, you need to have funds in the amount of an average of 40 thousand rubles, on the basis that one kilogram of salt costs 50 rubles, one kilogram of hay costs 7 rubles, and 6.5 rubles costs a kilogram of oats, plus additional funds for water supply. Thus, 400 thousand rubles will be required for 10 animals, while 10 camels is a very small farm, that is, for large enterprises, the amount of expenses will be many times higher.

You can earn money in several ways. The first and most obvious is the sale of camel products. This includes milk, meat and camel hair. It must be said right away that it is the wool of these animals that is especially valued, some consider it even more valuable than sheep, it is often used in the textile industry, and camel wool products are expensive. There is a demand for the milk of these animals, it is considered healing and very useful, although it taste qualities, of course, differ significantly from the types of milk familiar to Russians. Finally, meat, which is consumed very little. There is practically no demand for camel meat in Russia, although some farms still sell it in large quantities. As for export, there is also no interest in this product abroad. In general, it is still better to raise camels for the sake of milk and wool, this will bring much more profit. Moreover, it is milk that turns out to be a very expensive product, it almost belongs to scarce products. Some farms sell it at a price of more than one thousand rubles per liter, while one camel gives more than a thousand liters of milk per year, the exact amount depends on the breed. That is, with one milk ideal conditions you can get more than one million rubles from just one camel. Of course, these are simple calculations, because the market will not consume that much milk, and moreover, there are competitors in this area, and you have to reduce the price of your product. It is easier to deal with the sale of wool, because it is in great demand in textile enterprises. One camel gives about 7 kilograms of wool per year, some breeds even up to 10 kilograms, the cost of one kilogram is about 300 rubles, that is, from one camel you can get 2.1 thousand rubles, from ten - 21 thousand. Of course, this is much less than when selling milk, so camels are bred exclusively for wool only in very large quantities. Although it must be said here that the price can vary greatly depending on the quality of the goods, sometimes it is possible to sell especially good wool for 2 times more, that is, 600 rubles per kilogram. If we assume that there will be a good demand for camel meat, then we can expect a good profit due to the fact that in some regions it is sold really very expensive as a delicacy. So, the starting price is about 200 rubles, but sometimes it reaches 1.5 thousand per kilogram, that is, almost 10 times more. Even if you count at the most modest price, then one camel can give up to 300 kilograms, that is, you can get 60 thousand rubles from it (large animals have a mass of more than 500 kilograms). Thus, it turns out that with constant market research and with exact definition his needs, you can quickly get three different products, earning on each, and the profit will be very significant.

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Other ways to earn money are breeding breeding animals and renting grown animals, as well as selling them to circuses and zoos. Camels are of interest to people, so they are used relatively often in performances and just for walks. True, in order to engage in this direction, a camel needs not only to be raised, but also trained, which will require the involvement of a new employee, namely a trainer. However, many circuses are ready to buy small cubs, just weaned from their mother, in order to raise them on their own. But still, it should not be surprising that some companies require animals that are already somehow tamed to humans, and are not just domesticated. The camel is also a riding and pack animal. Here the price depends on many factors, varies depending on the region, but as a source additional income may well be considered on farms. The sale of breeding animals can even bring a lot of money, because you can sell a year-old camel for an amount twice as much as was spent on its maintenance. However, given the low fertility of these animals, it makes sense to engage in exclusively breeding breeding only on very large farms, otherwise you have to deal with other areas. For some entrepreneurs, breeding camels for the sale of live animals simply becomes a source of additional income, because they can be grown while doing other types of agriculture, fortunately, camels can be raised on the same farm with horses (but not in the same paddocks and not even too close to each other). from a friend), as well as being engaged in crop production.

These are mammals of the camelid family of the callus-footed order. The undersurface of their foot is an elastic, calloused cushion. There are two types of camels: one-humped - dromedary and two-humped - Bactrian. Dromedaries live in more southern hot places - in India, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Africa, on the peninsula of Asia Minor.

Domestic Bactrian camels are bred in Mongolia, Western China and here, in the CIS - in Buryatia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, in the Astrakhan and Trans-Volga steppes of the Russian Federation, where there are dry steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. In the deserts Central Asia preserved wild two-humped camels. Camels are ruminants. Their body is adapted to the harsh conditions of dry steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. In the cells of the rumen of the stomach of a camel, the liquid is stored for a long time. Therefore, he can do without water, and also drink water that is unsuitable for other types of farm animals. Camels feed on saltwort and wormwood, as well as camel thorn, saxaul. In case of interruptions in feeding and watering, reserve fat stored in humps (up to 150 kg) is used.

Salt must be included in the diet. Water is drunk twice a day in summer, once in winter. Camels complete growth at 7 years of age. Camels give birth to one camel every two years. A camel breastfeeds for 18 months. In cold weather, camels are kept separately from their mothers in warm rooms and allowed to feed them 6-7 times a day.

In places with severe winters, camels are kept without a leash in barn bases with a walking yard, in the southern regions - in shed bases. The room should be dry, with regularly changing bedding (from the remains of hay, weeds, reeds). High humidity for a camel is detrimental.

Animals are used in various jobs in harness. The camel, especially the dromedary, as a beast of burden is far superior to the horse and mule. During long-distance transitions (passes 30-40 km a day and carries on (packs of 250-300 kg, i.e. almost half of its own weight. Under the rider, a camel can travel over 100 km a day, developing speeds up to 10-12 km / They also use camel's milk, wool, meat.Bactrians produce 600-800 kg of milk per year, and dromedaries - 1000-2 or more.The milk of camels is rich in fat -5-6%.In terms of vitamin C, it is much superior to cow's.C about 6-10 kg or more of wool is sheared from one Bactrian camel, and from dromedaries - an average of 2-4 kg.

They are sheared once a year, in the spring after molting, at the end of frost. camel meat High Quality. In our country, one breed of one-humped camels is bred - Arvana and three breeds of two-humped camels - Kalmyk, Kazakh and Mongolian. Most valuable breed- Kalmyk. Hybrids of dromedaries and Bactrians (bunk beds and iners) are widely used. They are larger and heavier than other camels. The growth of dromedaries and Bactrians is on average 170-175 cm, weight - 550-700 kg. Camels live up to 30-35 years.

- Ilnar Israfilovich, how did the idea of ​​breeding camels come about?

The inspirer of the project is Svetlana Kirichenko, who runs a large Russian research center. In 2011-2012, this center, where I also worked, was implementing a project to form a reserve of managerial personnel for the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. At the same time, not only the competencies of managers and talented specialists were analyzed, but also the structure of the work of the agricultural enterprises themselves was studied. Of course, a huge amount of research material has accumulated, studying which we involuntarily became imbued with agriculture. There was a desire to test theoretical knowledge in practice, to organize a farm. Svetlana Vladimirovna, in turn, being amazing person, such a "house of councils", which has a talent for generating ideas and attracting people, fully supported us and directed our further actions in the right direction.

You say "we", what do you mean by that?

A group of young and courageous like-minded people who, while working on the project I have already mentioned, really fell in love with agriculture and decided to bring their good ideas to life. At first we did not know what to give preference. Agriculture in Tatarstan is well developed, and we were not very interested in traditional activities.

- You won't surprise anyone with sheep in the republic.

You won't be surprised. It was necessary to find something that would not be afraid of Russia's entry into the WTO. Initially, the camel theme was not on the agenda. Breeding options for peacocks, llamas, bellied pigs were considered, someone even suggested breeding domestic moles. There was a need for a scarce product that everyone needs and that no one has. We were looking for a niche with low competition and high returns. As a result, we settled on camels, whose milk, wool and meat have unique healing and healing properties. Camels are found in Buryatia, Kalmykia, Astrakhan region. They are nowhere closer, the niche is free. Moreover, it is precisely farms of this kind in our strip that, in principle, do not exist.

“Have you even seen camels before that?”

In zoo. I am a lawyer by profession public organizations. If I had been told a few years ago that I would have to change my role and solve “camel” issues, I would have considered it a joke ... My colleagues and I studied camels meticulously. I was asked to think about the legal justification for the future project: any useful idea needs documentary and legal registration, otherwise the idea turns into projecting. However, without noticing it myself, I plunged headlong into this project and received an offer to lead it.

How did your friends react? The idea, it must be admitted, is quite unusual for our places ...

Everyone had a lot of fun. It seemed to friends that we decided just to attract attention. No one believed that here, in Tatarstan, camels could be bred. Although we, having become acquainted with these animals closer, came to the opposite conclusion. We went to get acquainted with the work of camel farms in Kazakhstan, also flew to the Egyptian Camel Park and Abu Dhabi, studied everything: the features of keeping, feeding, breeding, etc. The original idea was to get 10 - 15 animals and see what happens, but after the trips we realized that we need to create a full-fledged camel farm.

- What gave you confidence?

Good primary marketing research, which showed a high market capacity in this direction, and orders for products even before the purchase of land for a future farm, as well as acquaintance with experience and a comprehensive study of the issue. Our people are accustomed to seeing camels in a circus or a zoo, they are perceived as exotic animals. But it's not. Camels historically lived on the territory of Tatarstan. During the time of the Volga Bulgaria, the Kazan Khanate, these were ordinary animals familiar to the local landscape.


- Camel farms - a promising occupation?

Promising, and it can get a great development in Tatarstan. These animals are unpretentious and hardy. In places of traditional breeding, they are simply released into the steppe, usually in late February-early March, and collected only in November-December. The "ship of the desert" independently finds food, water. This is probably the only animal in the world in which everything is valued, from meat to calloused hooves. Many people ask: how to keep camels in winter? Most do not know that these animals tolerate both heat and cold normally. Closer to winter, they are covered with thick wool, and they are not afraid of 30 - 40-degree frosts. And in Tatarstan, the conditions for camels are simply “resort”. In the desert, steppes, these animals are interrupted by rare sources of water, dry grass with thorns. Our latitudes are full of greenery, there are no problems with water.

- How many camels do you currently have and how does the project look in terms of infrastructure?

We purchased 50 animals and purchased two large plots for them - 10 hectares in the Laishevsky district in the village of Travkino and 100 hectares in Kamsky Ustye. Camels are walking animals, they need a lot of space. A full-fledged farm has been created in the Laishevsky district. The territory is fenced with a decorative fence. It has its own administration with a leader, cattlemen, watchmen, managers. Only 16 people. Here we brought 15 breeding Bactrian colts. They all have names, passports, where relatives up to the third generation are indicated. On the territory of the farm, 7 spacious paddocks have been created, between them a walking route for tourists has been laid. By the way, we approached the latter with particular interest and invited specialists who develop routes within large shopping centers, - and our own unusual route was born. Each paddock will accommodate batches of camels: females with babies, males. In the same pens for camels, “roofs” are equipped - sheds for wintering and from rain.

Another 35 of our animals are in the Astrakhan region - certain problems arose with the supplier: our veterinarian sounded the alarm, he even rejected two camels, prescribed a "sanatorium" regimen for the rest. In general, our pets are still resting in Astrakhan.

You can look at the Bactrians today, for only 200 rubles for adults and 100 rubles for children. Camel tourists are delighted. They rent tents, which are included in the ticket price, admire the animals for a long time. Full house - Saturday-Sunday. Cars passing by stop, drivers waving affably. Exactly the same infrastructure is planned to be built in Kamskoye Ustye on the site of an old cowshed, which will become a camel hutch. The personnel in Kamskoe Ustye will number about 20 people.

But that's not all. On this moment another herd of 100 Kalmyk Bactrians was purchased, among which there are both adult males and females with camels. At the moment they are in Kalmykia and are undergoing veterinary training before being sent. They can be seen within our walls in October.

- Where did you buy camels and at what price?

On our farm, the Bactrians of the Kalmyk breed, which are considered the largest, the rest of our pets, located in the Astrakhan region in the summer camp, are of the Mongolian breed. On average, a purebred breeding Bactrian costs from 150 to 300 thousand rubles, some individuals are estimated at 400 thousand rubles. The price depends on the breed of the animal, age, and the cost of searching, transportation, mandatory veterinary work is also included in the price. Finding a good camel is very difficult these days. We were looking for our Bactrians for a very long time, sometimes out of 10 animals offered by breeders, we chose only one or two.

- How much have you already invested in the project? From what sources of funds? Did you take out loans?

The launch of such a project required considerable investments, private investments and funds from our friends were used. At this stage, investments in the project amounted to about 23 million rubles. So far, no credit lines have been opened.

- There were no problems during transportation: after all, a camel is a rather big animal?

We carried the camels on special trucks. They drove for a long time - two days, looked after them like babies. On the way, our pets made a splash. Drivers honked at them all the time. Passers-by slowed down and began to wave their hands. Skeptical friends, when they saw live camels, experienced indescribable delight. The attitude towards the idea of ​​their breeding has changed from minus to plus. People who yesterday did not believe in the reality of the project began to say: “Guys, go for it. And may you succeed."


- It is customary to say: stubborn as a camel. Is it fair?

There is another saying: one camel is worth seven donkeys. In its veracity, we were convinced by our own example. When our pets were brought in, we had to unload them. They drove the transport to the corral, naively believing that the camels would come out on their own and rush into the open. It wasn't there. Some have done so. But the majority just sat down and began to wait for something incomprehensible. We spoke affectionate words to them, stroked them, called them food - everything was useless. For 10 hours the camels just sat, obeying some of their camel logic. And only when they apparently got tired of it, they deigned to go down from the truck to the paddock and “bite off” the herbs.

- With character though...

The camel is an amazing animal that combines contradictory qualities. He is proud and ambitious. If a camel is offended, it can injure a person. We were warned about this more than once during study trips to camel farms. At the same time, if you treat him with affection and love, he becomes submissive, becomes attached to a person and does not show aggression. The attendants at the farm refer to camels exclusively by their first names: Aydin, Burkhan, Delgan. This animal does not recognize pressure - only love and affection.

In the East, the simple contemplation of a camel is equated with therapy - another amazing property these animals. Camel calms, relieves stress, which is noted by many tourists. He is exceptionally smart, curious, noble handsome. He has amazing, lively eyes. It was amazing for me to see how a camel sleeps - not putting its legs under it, but spreading it out. Approximately the way dogs and cats stretch their paws. When I saw this picture for the first time, it was a sinful thing to think that the camel was bad. But when I realized what was the matter, for a long time I could not take my eyes off this amazing sight - a sleeping camel.

Talking to you, I keep replaying in my head a scene from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune”, where a camel, as they say, “rewarded” Kramarov-Kosoy with a spit in the face. Have you experienced something similar?

Once, while unloading, one of the camels spat at a worker. The animals were unhappy, nervous - apparently, fatigue from long road. They sympathized with the worker, he washed himself for a long time afterwards. The camel spits not with a foamy mass, as was shown in the famous film, but with a greenish substance that spews from the bowels of the stomach. Terribly unpleasant mass. Contrary to popular belief, such breakdowns in an animal occur extremely rarely. As they say, a camel needs to be upset to the core so that he spit.


- Obviously, you have high hopes for your breeding stallions - Bactrians?

They are still young. But in general, the male camel has great potential. Such adults, ready for family life stallions are called bura. The male camel is a notorious polygamist. He needs a harem of 20 - 25 camels and he does an excellent job with them. By the way, a camel bears offspring for 13 months. At a time, the female produces only one stallion and never two. The cub stays with its mother for up to 8 months.

- Will you work on increasing the number of livestock?

Undoubtedly. As I said, we have 100 Kalmyk Bactrians on the way, including 20 females with cubs and 20 young camels who have not yet given birth. The farm plans to increase the herd to 500 heads. However, this number may be revised upwards as we are already experiencing an ever-increasing wave of hype for our camels. We are already well known not only in Tatarstan and Russia, but also outside the country. So, I was invited to the international festival of rural tourism in Karelia, where we started partnerships with representatives from Finland, the USA and Germany, whom we are waiting for to visit closer to winter. And just a few days ago we participated in the annual conference "Agroholdings of Russia in the Volga region". We went there for experience in the field of agribusiness, and returned with unprecedented orders for our products. It even turned out to be a paradox – the demand today exceeds the volume of our supply. Therefore, the number of livestock is an open question.

- What do you feed the animals?

This issue was treated in a modern way. We have outsourced the supply of feed, its preparation and transportation, and we have drawn up appropriate agreements with both local suppliers and farms from Chuvashia and Mari El. As I said, camels are unpretentious animals. Drink about once every three days. They love salt, which we specially bring. Here, on the Laish land, they liked the nettle very much, they ate it clean. With pleasure, camels absorb the foliage of trees. They have an interesting way of eating. They leave nothing within reach - age-old experience of living in extreme conditions affects. So you could say they trimmed the trees, which now look like a skilled gardener worked on them. However, animals do not touch the bark, so the trees were not particularly affected. With a bang there is a local burdock, which tourists love to feed camels with interest.

- What is your business plan? What areas related to camels do you intend to develop?

We see the following points of business development: camel milk production, agritourism, wool and meat. De facto agro-tourism direction already exists. The challenge is to make the process sustainable by improving the infrastructure, turning our farms into exemplary territories.

The most promising and profitable direction is the production of camel milk. The idea came up while wandering in search of experience. In the Chechen Republic in one of the districts there is a small camel farm, which appeared due to the healing properties of camel milk. The owner's mother suffered from cancer. None of the doctors undertook to treat her, considering the case hopeless. But the son heard somewhere that camel milk helps cancer patients, and in an incredible way he managed to get a camel, and then he started a whole household - to save his mother. The most amazing thing is that after six months he put his mother on her feet. She is still alive. And camel milk, although it is expensive, is taken apart without a trace on the farm.

- How much does a liter of product cost?

Until recently, the cost of a liter of milk in Russia was 1,000 rubles. Now the situation has changed, and the price ranges from 1300 to 1700 rubles. I will immediately explain why. The fact is that this milk acquires its unique healing properties only with the correct maintenance of the animals themselves, especially in nutrition. Any attempts to use low-quality hay or compound feed, additives and even low-quality water turn this drink from healing into just healthy milk. In our farm, camels drink only water from an artesian well, and feed on specially selected herbs. Yes, and milking itself is a rather laborious and difficult process. It is necessary to think over the process technologically, comply with sanitary standards and requirements. They are lured into special fences, tied, only after that you can get down to business. A camel gives milk within a year and a half after the birth of offspring. To study the experience of milking, we sent several of our employees to Kazakhstan for training.

- Is there a demand for meat?

Yes, and it's huge. Meat is always asked. This is not surprising, because it is a dietary product, used in the treatment of cancer and promotes male longevity. Orders are being accepted for the approaching Eid al-Adha. However, I would like to point out one aspect. The plans of the economy do not include the creation of a slaughterhouse, as well as the sale of meat by small retailers - only live weight. Moreover, we will not touch any of the camels that live with us in Laishevo. For these purposes, including for the mentioned Eid al-Adha, we ordered special meat breeds of Bactrians. And once again I repeat, we will give only live weight.

- What can be done from camel wool?

From it magnificent scarves, sweaters turn out. But wool is also valued in itself. In Eastern countries, it is customary to carry a bag of camel hair with you, especially when traveling and on long trips. Such a bag brings good luck, and in every sense.

- Is it difficult to find a specialist in camels?

In the Volga region, this is almost a fantastic task - it's like finding a diamond. A miracle happened only once - in the Laishevsky district, where fate brought us together with our veterinarian. He comes from Kazakhstan and, as it turned out, has been involved in camels for 10 years.


- How long do you plan to make the business pay off?

This should happen in two or two and a half years. But I would like to say that our team thinks not only about the financial side of things. We are not crude pragmatists. Nobody canceled the business component, but for us camels have become something more than just a business. The project has different dimensions: social, personal, ideological, scientific. There is a desire to reflect the experience of dealing with camels. We have topics of future dissertations “walking” here. We discussed the issue at the level of friendly contacts with representatives of agricultural universities and found a certain interest on their part. Perhaps in the future in Tatarstan there will even be a department of camel breeding.

Unexpected for us were the appeals of a number of leading Moscow cosmetology studios, which are happy to purchase our milk for the manufacture of anti-aging products.

In terms of culturological breeding of camels in the Volga region - in their historically native environment - we consider it as a kind of mission, because we are to a certain extent restoring the lost and almost destroyed in Soviet times camel industry. It may seem like a fantasy, but we dream that someday the camel will become a familiar addition to the local landscape.

In addition, our plans are to create a kind of agrotourism cluster in the Laishevsky district, and we are also preparing our proposals for the law “On agrotourism”, which should soon appear.

- What did you mean by mentioning the personal dimension?

I am a supporter of the project approach. Basically a project manager. Before joining the farm, he managed to polish this style by working with public organizations and businessmen. In the framework of LaiDay, at the beginning, this approach also dominated: put the project on! Make, organize. There was a lot of scope for activities: this was work with government agencies, and registration of land plots, and escort of livestock, and so on. Great practice. But when you work on the ground, there is a shift in emphasis. Involuntarily, you begin to look at things differently. You stop thinking exclusively in terms of the project. Me and my colleagues became attached to animals. We can't imagine ourselves without them now.

- Has the world become kinder with camels?

They are admired by everyone: children, officials, the poor and the rich. Wherever we turn, we are greeted with a friendly handshake: in the Laishev administration, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Veterinary Department. They tell us what to do in this or that situation, they rejoice, worry about us. The atmosphere is absolutely benevolent.

- Are you from Kazan?

No. I am from the village of Cheremshan, Cheremshansky district of the republic. The family moved to the capital when I was still small. In Kazan, I graduated from the Faculty of Law of KFU, now I am a postgraduate student.

- What do you like to do in your free time?

They say the most best job It's a well-paid hobby. This can be fully attributed to me, because camels have become for me not only work, but also a mental occupation. But that is not all. My credo is legal education of the population. I head the Council of Young Lawyers of the Russian Bar Association in Tatarstan. We have developed a practice of free legal consultations. The Ministry of Justice of the republic allocates a bus for these purposes, we go to the regions, communicate with people, and do educational work. Once a quarter we organize free legal consultations in Kazan. I also play football. For a while, he even did it professionally. Now I meet friends on the football field on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

- A traditional question from BUSINESS Online: three tips for a successful business?

First. You have to do what you love to enjoy it. Secondly, it is necessary to work out the project in detail. Attention to trifles is important, superficial attitude ruins business. A business project is like building a house, where there should be a complete set of materials, including the last screw. You miss one little thing - the house will collapse. The third component is the environment, the people with whom you work. Not only important professional quality but also the way people's eyes light up. Working with a spark always gives a greater effect.