Leading. Good afternoon dear friends. Good afternoon, dear relatives and guests. According to the good old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall so that in a solemn festive atmosphere celebrate birthday dearly beloved and respected by all of us, wife, mother, daughter-in-law, relatives, girlfriends - in general, simply (name of the birthday girl). And therefore, dear guests, do not be shy for food, you come up, take what looks at you.

Leading. Oh, you are the guests, gentlemen,
We called you here
So that you do not dare to be bored,
Allow us to begin.

I hope from the bottom of my heart
Let's have fun.
We will start our feast honestly
We ask everyone to sit down.

Leading. As you already understood, I spend this evening. But I need an assistant. Try each under your chair, on the underside of it, to find an attached whistle. Whoever has a whistle under the chair is obliged to whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order.

Leading. Well, now that everyone is sitting at the table
We will pour more glasses
And the first toast is ready -
For the birthday girl we drink
Don't cough, stay healthy!

Leading. Well, while you are eating and drinking, of course, there are those among you who adhere to the principle “between the 1st and 2nd interval is not large”, I would like to report the forecast of today's celebration. Cloudiness expected today, a champagne hurricane. The temperature above the table is 40, the air is filled with fun. My head is foggy at night, clearing is possible in the morning.

They also say that they don’t go to a strange monastery with their own rules, and therefore I want to read out the rules of conduct at today’s celebration for some guests.
The following remarks can be applied to different guests:
- We ask you to have fun, otherwise we will not let you get drunk.
- The first three glasses must be drunk without fail ... the rest will go without an invitation.
- I ask you not to lose heart, to dance until you drop.
- If you can't dance standing up, dance sitting down.
- Drink to the bottom, but do not lie down on the bottom.
- It is strictly forbidden to meet under the table or on the roof

Well, the leader of the rules of conduct ends with the following rhyme.

If you are before leaving
Found slightly
Wearing other people's things
This right is not a problem.

But we strictly forbid
Go home then
When next to you
Someone else's husband or wife.

Leading. And so, drink more, be sad less, don’t hide corks, don’t eat flowers. We continue our holiday, so I ask everyone to fill their glasses, glasses. Favorite _NAME_
Eastern wisdom says:
Only that age will win
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Pour glasses to fill up,
And he will not drink for a year,
that flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future
And the fuller and more often you drink,
The more years you can live!

Everyone drinks, eats, socializes. After a while, the host continues...

Leading. Dear guests, relatives and friends. Friends. Please look at this table. On it we see delicious beautiful dishes. They were made by masters of their craft. And now look at each other. How beautiful and elegant you all are. All costumes, dresses, hairstyles were also made by masters of their craft. And now look at our hero of today's celebration. And she was created by the masters of their craft - her parents. Without them, this fun holiday would not exist.

You can play funny scenes for an anniversary at the moment when gifts are given. Gifts are playful, you need to show everything that you do.

Gift - basin.

The words are:

For the anniversary we give a basin,

Can you wash floors in it?

you can milk the cows

you can pick berries

burp after drunk

you can take a bath with him,

he will be useful to you there, too,

you can wash clothes in it,

you can wash your butt

you can sow flour in it

and hang on a bitch

you can ride down the hill, oh

you will always come in handy,

and how it will be (50, 60 ...) we will come to you again,

prepare some for us

Yes, find a bigger spoon

we will pour okroshka into a basin,

so let's celebrate the anniversary,

in general, you keep it,

don't break it, don't crush it,

don’t leave it in the yard and put it away, with

congratulations on the anniversary,

we want to drink everything now,

who is from the pile, who is counting it, and we will drink from it!

Gift - birch broom.

We couldn't give you birth

Buy expensive gifts

But this birch broom

Can we give from the heart

You will steam with a broom on Saturday

Remember your noisy anniversary

And much more health

From fragrant fragrant branches

Gift - galoshes.

We couldn't have you on your birthday

Buy a unique gift

But here are rubber galoshes

Can we give from the heart

You put them on in damp weather

And with style you will go to the dacha

And, of course, for your garden

You can't find better shoes.

Take care, do not leave them anywhere

How to wash, dry in the shade

May they serve you with good glory

All gifts from a pure soul

When arranging funny scenes for an anniversary, dress up a woman - put on scarves, beads and sing ditties.

Funny and birthday - scenarios, games, contests birthday - birthday - new - from birth. Happy holidays. toasts, sms, sms. poetry

23.05.2010, 12:24

1. Cool contests"Line"

Gather two teams: one for men, the other for women.

At the signal of the leader, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line.

Winner: The team that made the longest clothing line.

2. "Tape"

Required: Several very long ribbons

Every lady keeps in right hand ribbon twisted into a ball. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the lady.

The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.

3. birthday contests "Zoo" (for 8 or more people)

The players stand in a circle. The facilitator whispers to each role: "behemoth" or "eagle". Everyone hugs each other by the shoulders. When the host says loudly to everyone "eagle!", Then the "eagles" draw in both legs. When "behemoth!", then they tighten their legs. There will be even more fun if suddenly there is a clear minority of certain "animals" in a large company.

4. Competition "Associations" (for 4 or more people)

The host leaves the room, and the rest decide who will be guessed. Then the facilitator tries to guess the person, according to his abstract description. The facilitator asks leading questions. For example: "If this person were ... a cloud (tree, monkey, hanger, Snow Maiden), then what would he look like (run, fly, play hockey?)". You need to compare and guess. A very fun game.

5. funny contest birthday "Forks"

Required: forks and thread.

Several pairs of man/woman participate.

The forks are tied to the belt approximately at the level of the knee (select experimentally) at the back. The goal of the game is to stand facing each other and hook with the forks.

Attention. Skirts on girls are not a hindrance! Difficulty can be adjusted by the length of the thread.

6. Contest "Pencil" for a birthday

Teams in which men and women alternate must pass from first to last a simple pencil, and it is passed sandwiched between the nose and upper lip playing! Naturally, you can’t touch a pencil with your hands, but you can touch everything else with your hands.

7. Competition "Ring"

A large company (of any age) gets up in the order M--F--M--F--M--F. Each participant takes a toothpick (match) in his mouth. First, a ring is put on a match (any, you can engagement).

The meaning of the game: pass the ring along the chain (from match to match), of course, without the help of hands to the last participant.

8. Contest "Girlfriend's Leg" at a birthday party

In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. They show the man that his wife (girlfriend, acquaintance) is sitting among them and he is taken to another room to blindfold TIGHTLY. At this moment, all women change seats, and among them (for color) 1-2 men sit down. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and let in a man with a bandage. He is squatting, in turn touching his bare leg with his hands, he must recognize his wife. There is nothing very terrible, but jokes are a waste. There are many options. And a man “climbs” on his legs for a long time, and sometimes he doesn’t recognize the “believing one”, well, but if he pointed to another man, they say, here’s my wife (and that one is wearing a stocking to hide hairiness) - OTPAD will be complete. Then all the men will want to, they won’t drag it away !!!

9. Best Competition birthday "Rhinoceros"

Required: balloons (1 for each), ordinary thread, adhesive plaster, push pin (1 for each)

Quantity - the more the better. The game can be both team and every man for himself.

The balloon is inflated and tied with a thread in the waist area (the balloon should be at the level and in the area of ​​the buttocks). A piece of adhesive plaster is pierced with the button and glued to the player's forehead. This procedure is done with each participant. Then each player must fold his hands on his chest or behind his back (during the game he cannot use them), but you can tie them. After all these preparations, a start is given (some time is noted - for a team game, after the time has elapsed, it is considered who survived; and for the game, every man for himself - is played to the last), after which the player’s task is to pierce the opponent’s ball with the button on his forehead (not using hands). It all looks just amazing, the main thing is that there should be more people.

Winner: whoever is left with the whole balloon.

10. Cheerful birthday contest "Sniffer"

Necessary: ​​a lot of different items are tied to strings and hidden in a bag.

Call a volunteer, blindfold him. When the eyes are blindfolded, the host takes out of the bag and brings one of the prepared items hanging on a rope to the volunteer's nose. It is necessary to determine without the help of hands, only through the sense of smell: what kind of contraption is this. Guess what, you'll get this as a gift... The very first person is given something simpler, like an apple. The rest, inspired by the example, will then stand in line. It is very funny when an unfortunate sniffer pokes his nose, for example, into a suspended can of beer, which dangles back and forth ... Finally, it comes to the fact that volunteers are allowed to sniff flavored condoms. The volunteer sucks in the air with all his might, and the people from laughter just crawl under the furniture. You can also give bills to sniff. And if he guesses right, then let him say what value the money was. Practice shows that there is always someone who is able to guess the dignity by smell ...

11. Competition "Hunting for balls"

Required: inflated balloons

Evening dresses are not a hindrance. Inflated balls are tied to the ankles, in the absence of balls or their shortage for everyone, you can replace them with "rubber products" (checked - no worse). On command, everyone rushes to pop each other's balls with their feet, trying to protect their own. The game continues until the last ball.

The winner is the owner of that very last ball. The game runs very rapidly, noisily, cheerfully, but, unfortunately, quickly (but a lot of impressions).

12. fun game"Tomato"

First carried out exciting game, a banknote with a small denomination is placed on a table or stool between two players, and at the signal of the host, it must first be slammed from above. To warm up the excitement, you can even give it to the winner, and take the next bet from the loser. Further, the rules become more complicated, the players are blindfolded.

And when everything is ready, the presenter before the signal changes the banknote for a tomato! Both hit him at the same time, the audience rejoices.

13. Funny contest "Y-y-ytsa"

Required: a dozen boiled eggs

A dozen eggs are placed in a bowl. One of them is raw, warns the presenter. The rest are boiled. It is necessary to break the egg on the forehead. Whoever gets raw is the brave one. Participants take turns coming up, take the egg.

In fact, the eggs are all boiled, and the last participant receives the prize - he consciously took the risk of becoming a universal laughingstock.

14. Fun game "Labyrinth"

Required: several long ropes.

A labyrinth of one, two or three ropes is created in the room so that the player, passing through it, steps over somewhere, sits down somewhere. Having invited another player from the next room, they explain to him that he must go through the labyrinth blindfolded, having previously remembered the location of the ropes, and the audience will prompt him.

When he is blindfolded, the ropes are removed! And the audience continues to suggest actions to him, not giving away the secret of the rope labyrinth with laughter)

15. Competition "Chief Accountant"

On a large sheet of whatman paper, various signs are depicted in a scattered manner. They must be quickly counted, and the account must be kept as follows: one dollar, one ruble, one mark, two marks, two rubles, three marks, two dollars, etc.

Winner: who will count correctly, without getting lost, having reached the far banknote.

16. Birthday contest "Pass the hat"

All participants of the competition stand in two circles - internal and external. One participant has a hat on his head, it needs to be put in its own circle, there is only one condition - to transfer the hat from head to head, without touching it with your hands.

The team in which the private trader at number one will again be in the hat wins.

17. Competition "Harvesting"

The task of the players of each team is to transfer as quickly as possible without the help of hands to certain place oranges.

18. Competition "Let's make caps"

Participants are invited to look at a set of jars of various sizes and shapes from a distance. You cannot take them in hand. Each player has a piece of cardboard, from which they must cut the lids so that they fit exactly into the holes of the cans.

Winner: The one with the most lids that exactly matched the jar openings.

19. Funny contest "Piglets"

For this contest, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks.

20. Competition "Banker"

Required: 2-3 jars with lids. Fill jars with coins, make cuts in the lid.

The "banker" will be the one who shakes out the contents of his jar of coins the fastest through a narrow slot in the lid, without resorting to the help of foreign objects.

A cool script for a woman's birthday - - a collection of poems - a book of poems.ru

The organization of a woman's birthday, as a rule, is undertaken by her relatives and closest people. The husband and children are faced with the task of making this holiday unique, bright and unforgettable, allowing her to feel loved, desired and unique.

To do this, you first need to decide on the venue. celebratory event. Traditional home gatherings entail evening dishwashing and cleaning, which will not please the birthday girl. It is better to choose a cozy restaurant or cafe with a pleasant interior and soft, calm music. In addition, you need to take care of decorating the room in advance - garlands, Balloons, vases with flowers and small posters with congratulations. Of course, this is all individual, and depends on the number of invited guests, the age of the birthday girl, her tastes and preferences.

The search for a gift should also be taken very responsibly. Be sure to choose a beautiful bouquet of flowers - this is an indispensable attribute of any women's holiday. Well, as the main gift can act Jewelry, books, paintings, all kinds of expensive accessories, in general, everything that your beloved woman, wife and mother dreams of. If you want to present a rather expensive gift, you can invite all invited friends, relatives and relatives to purchase it together. Let everyone contribute a certain part total amount- such a solution would be quite acceptable.

And that's all gathered for festive table. The birthday girl is in the center, cordially greets guests and accepts congratulations and gifts. As a rule, the husband pronounces the first toast in honor of the hero of the occasion. It's great if it's a poem dedicated to your beloved wife.

Children should also prepare properly - you can sing a congratulatory song, give your mother homemade and crafts.

During the feast, it is necessary to give each guest the opportunity to congratulate the birthday girl, tell her warm words and present a memorable gift.

To keep your guests from getting bored, organize some fun entertainment contests. For example, the "Karaoke Competition", according to which each participant must perform a song, one way or another dedicated to the birthday girl. As a rule, there are no losers and winners in this contest, but there is a lot of fun, joy and positive emotions!

After that, you can invite all those gathered to dance a little. Fast and slow dances to your favorite tunes on such a festive evening will come in handy.

Also during the celebration of the birthday, you can hold a competition called "Portrait of a birthday girl." To do this, all participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given one piece of paper and pencils or markers. The task is to write a portrait, however, each participant can draw only one part assigned to him. For example, the first draws the outline of the face, the second draws the eyes, the third draws the nose, and so on. The birthday girl is assigned the role of a judge. The winner is the team that is better and faster to cope with the task.

In the intervals between competitions, all those present are invited to the table, at which you can also arrange quizzes, for example, with riddles for adults.

Make sure that all guests participate in entertainment activities. After all, the holiday will be unforgettable only if everyone has fun, dances and sings from the heart, giving each other their own and positive emotions.

At the end of the evening, you can hold a competition for the best dance, the winner of which will be the hero of the occasion!

Scenario for the anniversary (birthday) of a woman named Elena

Other scenarios

The script can easily be rewritten for a woman with a different name, using other site materials.


You are happiness, dear Elena,

Worthy like no other!

You are a flawless queen

Great success awaits you in everything!

Congratulations on your anniversary

We wish you great happiness

After all, everyone knows - there is no doubt

That our life is one moment.

Let humor, jokes and smiles

Flying fish fly here.

And please, always be like this -

Cheerful, joyful, simple.

And bright protecting years,

For adversity to pass.

For the hundredth anniversary

Friends company will come.

Meet your anniversary with a smile.

Champagne is poured into glasses.

The guests perform an old gypsy romance for the hero of the occasion (two can sing, and everyone else picks up the chorus):








FAMILY AND FRIENDS greet you with a song!




LENA, LENA, LENA, LENA, LENA, drink to the bottom

Musical pause. Then a toast is made to the parents.

(calling them by their first names)

We are all just children in this world

Parents in everything should,

Let's drink to them standing

We love you, we need you!

After the guests have eaten a little, the host holds a competition for how many guests know the hostess of the holiday well.

Three pairs of guests are called, some sit on chairs, partners stand behind.

The first question is asked:

1. What day of the week was Elena born?

A couple who knows the answer to the question should give a sign with the crow of the rooster "KU-ka-re-ku !!!" loud!

Then just answer the question. The competition is very funny.

2. What is the name of the first love?

3. What grade was my physics?

4. In which maternity hospital was she born?

Questions can be asked absolutely no matter what, the very process of observing the subjects is already delightful.

After a short pause, offer to give gifts.

To do this, you can use a song to the motive "What do you need"

We chose a gift for you, oh all together

Suddenly we got a nervous tremor,

Although we all knew what they needed, what they needed

But where do you get, where do you get what you want.

We are in a crowd, oh! Went, oh! Went!

We wanted to take you a diamond brooch!

Although we all knew what they needed, what they needed,

But where do you get, but where do you get what you want?

And we bought you a treasured gift

And our nervous trembling has passed

We bought you what we could, what we could

Take it or not!

Gave a gift.

The host conducts an adjective contest, for example, with the letter L. You must first come up with (ask the guests) 9 adjectives. Then substitute them into the text. It usually turns out to be funny. Present the resulting copy to Elena as a keepsake.

We came to _______ (1) _______ holiday, to ___________ (2) ____________ Elena,

To _______ (3) ___________ congratulations on ____________ (4) ______________ anniversary.

Eat ________________ (5) ____________ food, give ________ (6) __________ gifts.

And leave _______________ (7) ________ mood. Remembering _____________ (8) __________ anniversary

until the end of his ___________(9)________________ life.

Fill the next pause with a sweet tooth contest.

Contest for adults "Congratulations"

For this contest, two or more participants are called, depending on how many candies you will have. Sweets prepared in advance 4 pieces (chupa-chups are much funnier).

Participants are invited to tell Elena or wishes.

Then the facilitator offers to open one candy and continue to pour out his wishes.

The next candy is also put into the mouth by congratulators and they continue to make compliments.

Then we open another candy and put it in our mouth, and congratulate them on three lollipops.

The fourth candy will be for reserve, so that the most wide-mouthed can try their hand at the competition.

The winner is the participant who big amount I was able to at least mumble something.

To entertain guests, hold a few more competitions, for example:


If your guests really cheered up and you have no more left, I offer an excellent competition in which no preparation is needed, but a roll toilet paper you will find in stock.

Props: Toilet paper

The team consists of two people:

Fashion designer and test subject….

From a roll of toilet paper, you need to build an outfit.

The audience decides whose outfit is better.

hero of the day best teams toilet paper rolls are awarded.

If all the guests gave gifts and congratulated the hero of the day, sing a song - a toast

Remastered song. The motif "robin heard a voice"

A reworked song for congratulating a woman on her anniversary, birthday, name day.

Today is your birthday

We came hastily to congratulate you

And wish you success and work

Leave happy with gifts

Take a cucumber on a fork,

Pour everyone a glass!

We drink to health

For a glorious anniversary.

You won't go to bed early tonight

Listening to all our wishes!

And only then will you understand, dear

How we love you gentle creature!

Take a cucumber on a fork,

Pour everyone a glass!

We drink to health

For a glorious anniversary.

If the guests have had enough fun, play with them in games and competitions.

Other games, draws, contests

Happy anniversary evening

Your mother, grandmother, wife will not be deprived of attention if you choose script for woman's anniversary, congratulate your dear, beloved person beautifully, the toasts that are available in the festive plan, sincere - will touch any woman, but they are intended only for the birthday girl.

Scenario for the anniversary of a woman - the beginning of the celebration

Leading: Make way friends, make way
Smile at this moment

Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday!

Expensive __________________________________________________

Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star on them.

So let your rays continue to endow us with affection,
And it seems to us that life is a big fairy tale.

To extend this fairy tale to us at least a little,
You are not in a hurry, manage to go through the star path.
Every star is just a mystery

You only need one clue.
Get up on the star track
And guess at least something!

This is what each of us dreams of
I think that including you

Get out of the hands of a man
Now beautiful ... (flowers)
(give flowers)

To remember later your biography
We will do this now ... (photo)

From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss)

For all the heroes of the occasion at such moments
We are ready to give endlessly ... (applause)

To be always with friends together,
We all need to perform ... (song)
(guests sing the song "Happy birthday to you")

And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here the anniversary ... (salute)
(guests, piercing balloons, imitate fireworks)

You passed the test, birthday girl, amazingly.
We want you to invite everyone to the table.

(guests sit down)
Leading: Good evening, Dear friends!
Good evening, dear guests!

Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the anniversary of a beautiful woman

Fill your glasses!

Today we will not call the round date out loud,
Because people know: twice you are 25!

You miraculously preserved your youthful agility and become,
So, we decided right: twice you are 25!

Mature mind, serious experience and courage to dare,
No, time does not hurry you - twice you are 25!

Host: Let's not make long digressions
Let's start now with heartfelt congratulations

Today to the birthday girl with a low bow
The constellation that belongs to relatives and friends is drawn.

Our birthday girl is surrounded by the attention and care of her family:

Husband ___________________________________________________;

Daughters _________________________________________________;

Grandchildren __________________________________________________.

And now I give the floor to the relatives and friends of the birthday girl.

Word __________________________________________________________

All the good and bright that is in the soul, we owe the dearest - our parents.

The little man cannot walk yet, and his first word will be the word MOM.

If he suddenly forgets his - mother - she will forgive if she is near - spring comes in her house!

Let's give our applause to _______________________, who raised beautiful daughters _______________________________________.

It's time for them to tell
Mom kind words!

(word to children)

Presenter: Today is the day of the big anniversary
There are no guests here and closer and dearer

All those who want to tell you have gathered here:
“Congratulations! Keep it up!"

______________________ - beloved grandchildren are in a hurry to congratulate their grandmother.

(congratulations, toast)

Leading: Our anniversary is gaining momentum,
And I call you to an oath
I command you to answer:

Let's get drunk on the anniversary today? (We swear!)

Will we smile when we meet the birthday girl? (We swear!)

Let's part for great joy without quarrels?

Card oath. We swear!

Do not forget this oath to raise glasses for ______________________________!


On this solemn day, several medals are awarded to you _____________, and several titles are awarded.

* You raised excellent children
They were clothed and fed

Are you ready to give them everything?
We award you the title "MOTHER"

* Protect the family hearth
And you live well with your husband,

You are always alone for him
Always beloved "WIFE"

* The house is in order, comfort, cleanliness
The title of "MISSESS" you wear not in vain

* Grandchildren grow up quickly,
And wish you health

And it's no longer a secret for them,
That there is no better "GRANDMA" in the world.

* Always clean
It turns out that you are a "GOOD NEIGHBOR"

* Let everyone remember for a century
You are a good person"

The scenario of the woman’s birthday “Wonderful Changelings” with elements of theatricalization is addressed to those who do not want to grow old in soul and prefer to enjoy every new day, rather than sigh about the past years.

Cool jokes, surprise moments and unexpected reincarnations will not only create a festive mood, but will also charge the birthday girl and her guests with optimism for a long time.

best gift from friends

Birthday can be celebrated in different ways. What will it be? A banquet, a stylish party, a picnic with a trip to nature - it's up to the birthday girl, on whose shoulders a lot of different troubles for organizing the reception of guests will fall.

Those invited can significantly alleviate her fate by taking preparation entertainment program to myself. And it will be the most best gift for a birthday you can think of.

In order for the “Wonderful Changelings” to be a complete surprise for the hero of the occasion, the script and the preparation process must be kept in strict confidence until the significant day. Of course, you will have to take care of costumes and props, find time for rehearsal, record music, but the pleasure of performing scenario ideas will surely pay off all the effort expended.

Hall decoration

The room in which it is planned to celebrate a significant date should be decorated. We don't need any special decorations for our scenario. But balloons, garlands, posters with wishes will give the hall a grand look and create a holiday atmosphere from the very threshold.

DIY costumes and props

Theater experts say that a good costume can save even a failed performance. There is little demand from home-grown artists, but costumes play no less a role in amateur staging than on the professional stage.
To implement the Miraculous Changeling scenario, you will need to create a number of vivid images from various historical eras.

ancient greek poet

The role of the ancient Greek singer of lyrical songs according to the script is reserved for the husband or young man holiday heroines. His appearance in such an unexpected role should make an indelible impression on her.
To do this, we take a white sheet, wrap it around the body and fasten the ends on the shoulder with a pin, forming beautiful tails. You will get a robe similar to a tunic - the traditional dress of the inhabitants of ancient Hellas.

We put on homemade sandals on our feet, which are cardboard soles with attached long strings, according to the principle of beach slates. You can get by with simple sandals, and in warm time nothing prevents the singer from appearing barefoot.

The head will be crowned with a wreath of wire closed in a ring and bay leaves glued to it with adhesive tape. The lyre in the hands of the poet, cut out of cardboard, will give the image a finished look.

medieval sorceress

Belted wide dress to the toes, loose and disheveled long hair, a bunch of dry grass on the belt ... We have no confidence that in the Middle Ages women who were accused of witchcraft looked exactly like that. But there is an opportunity to create an image in your imagination and embody it with the help of ordinary and simple things.

You should also prepare witchcraft props - a bottle filled with any liquid (elixir of immortality) and tea bags with signed labels:

  • From the evil eye;
  • From damage;
  • From erysipelas;
  • From evil spirits;
  • From the moth;
  • For a love spell;
  • For wealth;
  • Good luck;
  • For triplets.

crowned empress

Very vivid image, for which a magnificent ball gown, high hair, jewelry and a scepter are suitable.
Corrugated paper can be used to make a high collar and a fan.

The easiest option is to wrap the royal person in a robe of plain silky fabric, and put a homemade foil crown on her head. You should also prepare a scroll of paper rolled up with the text of the decree, which Her Majesty will announce at the festive table.

time lord

The master of time, who is also the co-host of the event, according to the scriptwriter, is a wanderer in a baggy robe with a bag on his shoulder and a staff in his hands. He has a thick beard of cotton or fur and a wrinkled hat.

He has the amazing ability to travel through time. All that is needed for this is to translate the arrows of the old alarm clock.

You can come up with your own options for decorations, because the development of costumes is a creative matter, giving wide scope for imagination.

And the music sounds...

The musical accompaniment of the event should be given the most serious attention. When preparing the dance part, it is necessary to take into account the musical preferences of the birthday girl and her guests.

So, for an age audience, it is appropriate to include melodies of the last century in the program. It is clear that the tastes of the older and younger generations will diverge.

In the event that a campaign of different ages gathers at the table, both old and modern rhythms should sound.

Another thing is the selection of music for dramatizations and competitions. Here you should be guided by other rules.

The melody should convey the mood of the moment, emphasize the character of the theatrical heroes, give the action a national or historical sound where it is necessary according to the script.

For the musical arrangement of the script "Wonderful Changelings" you will need a number of the following soundtracks:

  1. Nino Rota "Romeo and Juliet" (instrumental music).
  2. Sirtaki.
  3. "Dance of the Knights" (Nissan Murano commercial, remix).
  4. Fanfare for the herald's exit.
  5. Exit of the Queen (fanfare).
  6. A. Rybnikov "Music of Love and Space" (lyrical melody).

It is necessary not only to record these melodies, but also to determine the person responsible for the sound. He must know the script well in order to avoid problems with musical accompaniment.

You can use other soundtracks at your discretion. The main thing is that the music expresses the idea inherent in each scene.

A cool script for a woman's birthday "Wonderful Changelings"

Leading: Dear friends! Great occasion gathered us today at this festive table. It is not customary to talk about the age of a woman out loud, but in this case, this law does not apply, because our dear ... (name) is timeless. I propose to raise the first toast to the eternally young birthday girl!


Leading: Attention attention! A very unusual guest came to us for the holiday. He wanders the world and calls himself the lord of time.
No one knows who he is, where he comes from and where he is heading. We are a hospitable people and therefore we cannot let a person go hungry! Please come to the table!

time lord: Thank you, good people! Honor and praise to the hospitable house and its mistress. I know what a joyful event she is celebrating today, and it was no coincidence that I ended up in this place and at this time. I have been sent on a mission to send greetings to... (name) from different time dimensions.

Leading: (addressing the audience) All this sounds very strange. He seems to say hello himself!

time lord: Yes, yes ... I have been traveling in time for a long time, meeting different people, attending royal receptions and in the shacks of the poor.
The local people know the birthday girl well, her virtues are legendary. The ancient Greeks consider ... (name) the daughter of Zeus himself.
Medieval troubadours compose odes in her honor. Masters of the Renaissance brush paint portraits from it. And recently, in the palace of a philanthropist, I saw a naked female statue with wings - an exact copy of ... (name)!

Leading: Sorry, but it's really hard to believe!

time lord: Modern people too rational and often take me for a madman. For this reason, I open my gift only to the elect. I know that ... (name) still believes in fairy tales and is waiting for a miracle. And so I want to show her something...

He takes out an alarm clock from his bag, rotates the arrows and says:

One two three four five,
Turn back time, turn back
Through mountains and plains
oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of our earth
Move back!

(Guests can be cheered even more if you pull out a bunch from your beard each time with the words of the spell “Fuck-tibi-doh, tibi-doh”, “Mana-mana-tyts-tyts-tyryrym”, etc.)

Soundtrack number 1 sounds.

The husband of the birthday girl appears in the form of an ancient Greek poet. He “tweaks” the drawn strings of the lyre and reads to a muffled melody, drawing out the words strongly:

I saw you by chance
And immediately he seemed to go crazy.
Cupid, flying over us,
He fired ten arrows at me.

You with the grace of a Naiad
Floated, with only a glance,
And felt alternately
Chill and heat and great hail.

I thought that the goddess herself
Came down to earth from above
I wanted for you
Go to kiss the footprints.

Struck by your majesty,
The whole world is frozen to stone
The eagle fell to the ground from the sky
And the formidable lion purred.

A wonderful moment has passed
Many years have passed since then
But for me a different goddess
It won't, it won't, and it won't...

Leading: This story is surprisingly similar to the novel ... (name) and ... (husband's name), isn't it? Sit down, dear, at the table, help yourself.

ancient greek singer: Yes, I see you have a mountain feast and a river of wine! Why isn't anyone dancing?
We have in ancient greece now in vogue new dance. His movements are so simple that I can teach you right now.

Shows a set of movements and steps of sirtaki, guests are invited to a dance break. Phonogram No. 2.
Continuation of the feast

Leading: (carefully looks at the ancient Greek character) Well, I don’t know if there is some catch here. I have a vague doubt that I have already seen this poet somewhere ...

time lord: About such in ancient times they said: "His distrust was so great that he already seemed suspicious to himself."
And for our birthday girl, miracles are just beginning. The sorceress in the seventh generation, the Koldui Baba, wishes to congratulate her. Let's go to the Middle Ages.

One two three four five
Turn back time, turn back
Through mountains and plains
oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of our earth
Move back!

Phonogram No. 3. The Sorcerer Baba appears. Reads the text with a tongue twister, like a spell.

I see everything, I know everything
I take off the damage
I read thoughts
I will charm any man
Want a handsome
Want oblique.

To whom I will conjure children,
I only blow on water.
To whom a potion from idleness,
To whom a horse, to whom a bridle ...
I cook herbs for days.

And our birthday girl
Do not find more beautiful in the world
I give her a difficult elixir,
At least in a bottle of water.
Endured for ten centuries
Who will drink
Will be immortal!

time lord: A real magical gift! Yes, what a nuisance. There are skeptical citizens around this table. They refuse to believe in miracles.

Sorcerer woman: My sorcerer's gift is easily verified. Let the birthday girl guess any word, and I'll stand outside the door. Let's see what comes of it.

Leading: Attention, friends! Let's start a session of exposing medieval magic!

During the absence of the Sorcerer Baba, the heroine of the holiday thinks of a word.

After the return of the "clairvoyant", the presenter lists different words, until he calls the one that the hero of the occasion made up. It is at this moment that the clairvoyant will shout: "Here it is."

The session can be repeated several times with the same result. The secret of the focus is simple. The host and Koldui Baba are in cahoots. They established in advance that the previous word before the hidden word will certainly begin with the letter M. For example, the presenter lists dishes: borscht, vinaigrette, pizza, meatballs, herring under a fur coat, Korean carrots ...
The witch is already aware of what will follow next. favorite dish birthday girls.

After the competition, she presents the guests with a drug - signed tea bags.

Continuation of the feast.

The sorcerer woman and the ancient Greek singer quietly leave the room and return to the table in disguise.

Soundtrack number 4 sounds

Leading: What else is this?

time lord: These sounds come from the 18th century, directly from the imperial palace.
Let's hurry to the court, otherwise we won't be blown off our heads! The great empress herself wishes to see the birthday girl with her retinue.

One two three four five
Turn back time, turn back
Through mountains and plains
oceans and seas,
Through space
Into the depths of our earth
Move back!

Phonogram No. 5. Empress appears.

empress: Gracious sovereigns and empresses! I have gathered you on a joyful occasion for our entire fatherland - name day ... (name). And I want to immediately announce my royal decree.

Decree of the Most Serene, Most Powerful, great empress Catherine Alekseevna autocrats.

For considerable merits, but for glorious deeds, I wish to express my royal mercy to the girl ... (name), who, without sparing her life, serves the Russian land with faith and truth.
By his example, he teaches others how to love a husband, to honor a father and mother, to put unreasonable offspring on their feet. The day is full of work, like a bee.
Therefore, I command my lazy ministers to be driven from the yard, and put in their place ... (name).

I give the red maiden an ermine coat from the tsar's shoulder and a pair of bay horses, so that they are regularly delivered to the service of the sovereign. And since her rank went uphill, I order you to show ... (name) all respect and bow low with your forehead when you meet.

I order you to make fun on this occasion with music, magnificent tables, with overseas caviar - squash, with cannon fire.
Don’t pour too much wine for the guests, so that they don’t roam the city squares with red noses and don’t embarrass other people. And if someone changes the word of the sovereign, beat him with a whip, and hang him on a rack, if it was not customary for others.

The imperial order must be carried out exactly and without delay.

... (date) from the Nativity of Christ.

empress: And now I wish you fun.

time lord: Her Majesty cannot be rebuked. Everyone plays!

empress: Parsley, my pea jester is an inventor for all sorts of riddles. He composes on the go, and then thinks to everyone in a row. So I composed for your holiday. For the wise men who are the first to find the answer, I will make royal gifts.

  • What is not in Paris, but is in Moscow, is not in the Seine, but is in the Neva? (answer: letter "B")
  • The bell ringer Vaska needs 15 minutes to climb the bell tower. And how much time will he need for that, if he takes with him a clerk and a clerk? (answer: 15 minutes)
  • Yashka-serf ran across the field in the pouring rain. There was no dry thread left on it. As soon as he wringed out his trousers, a whole tub of water leaked out, and not a single hair on his head got wet. How can this be? (answer: Yashka was bald)
  • Gathered serf Glashka in the garden 6 apples. And since she is not a greedy girl, she gave half to Grishka the groom. Served, so to speak. How many apples does she have left after that? (answer: 5 and a half)
  • The landowner rode to the village in a carriage drawn by three horses. On the way he met the same 3 carriages. How many carriages went to the village? (answer: one carriage)
  • 5 rowans grew. Each has 5 large branches. And on the branches of these large 5 small ones. On the branches of those small, 5 liquid apples grows. How many fruits from the trees will the gardener Proshka collect? (answer: none. Apples do not grow on mountain ash)

empress: How much I love to meet brainy people in my state. For that, I allow the sovereigns to kiss my brightest hand, and I order the empresses to give out a gingerbread from the royal table that remained from the reception of the ambassadors.
And now I retire to rest in the bedchamber. I'm kind of tired of you. (leaves)

time lord: It's time for me to go, too. Kudos for the kind welcome. Warmed, fed, watered the tired wanderer.
For such hospitality I want to thank you with small presents that I have gathered around the world. Let everyone choose a gift to their liking.

A fun lottery is being drawn.
The role of the drum will be played by a hat, from which the guests will take notes one by one. Each participant must read the text aloud, and the lord of time will announce and present prizes.

Didn't sleep at night, counting sheep?
Here's a candle for that.
The aroma fills the house
And induce a sound sleep. (aroma candle)

Matches are needed always and everywhere
At home in the kitchen, on a picnic.
Strike a match - it's a simple matter,
And the meat from the grill is tastier than raw! (Matchbox)

Start the day with a cup of coffee
From dawn to dawn
You will be like an electric broom
With a battery inside! (sachet of coffee)

It is very important to wash
Mornings and evenings
And unwashed piglets
Shame and disgrace! (soap)

If you grease the handles with cream
With no regrets, from the bottom of my heart
Become like cat paws
Silky and soft. (hand cream)

If you want a sweet life
You can eat chocolate.
It's better to eat a piece
So that in doorway climb through. (Chocolate)

Be like a minister
Write plans in a notebook
Bring in the system quickly
The affairs of their cycle. (Notebook)

Take a sheet of music,
To write music.
The case of Mozart and Bach
Someone has to keep going! (notebook)

Rattle is a trifle
Might come in handy soon.
The news will arrive from the hospital,
And the folder is ready! (beanbag)

It's hard to come up with a more useful present,
Than waterproof glue durable "Moment".
Firmly adheres rubber to skin
So then it's impossible to tear it off. (Glue "Moment")

Continuation of the feast.

Final scene. Held closer to the end of the event. Phonogram No. 6.

Leading: A letter has just arrived in the name of the traitor. It is strange that there is no stamp or seal on the envelope.

The birthday girl opens the envelope and reads the text. A touching lyrical sound to the scene will be given by the melody of phonogram No. 6.

Darling, ... (name)! Do not be angry that for so long there was neither hearing nor spirit from me. All the years of our separation, I continued to wander the world.
And now I am writing to you from the distant future. It's amazing. Earthlings fly to the Moon and Mars. Robots live among people. There are no wars and cures for serious illnesses have been found.

By the way, I was very pleased to meet you again at your anniversary. So much time has passed and you haven't changed. The same charming smile, kind heart and wide soul.

I saw the happy faces of relatives and friends who came with flowers and congratulations. Your inquisitive and cheerful grandchildren made me completely delighted.
And what wonderful words you uttered at the festive table: “The secret of my longevity is not at all in the elixir of Koldui Baba, but in the fact that I have the most a strong family and the most reliable friends!

Any holiday is always a pleasant event. And if this holiday is a girl’s birthday, then this is a worldwide event! True, it will be so if you organize everything correctly and correctly. For example, you need a new cool birthday script for a girl. Many games and competitions can be held at home, so in our scenario there will be only such game blocks. So that you can organize everything yourself in your home. Watch, choose and celebrate.

Dear friends! Today we are gathered here to celebrate the birthday of our beloved (name of the birthday girl). Many do not know, but today we are celebrating the eighteenth birthday of (name of the birthday girl). Also, many do not know that this is already the fifth eighteen-year-old (name of the birthday girl). Fifth time, then this is already a small, but anniversary. Therefore, I ask her to congratulate her with loud applause!

And let's start our holiday with small competition. Since you came to the birthday of (name of the birthday girl), then you must know her. I will ask you to organize two teams of 5-7 people each.

Competition with numbers.
Each person in each team is given a plate with a certain number. If there are 7 people in the team, then they have seven plates with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The essence of the competition is as follows: the host asks a question, and the teams must give the correct answer to it with numbers.
- what is the number of the apartment (house) of the birthday girl?
What date is the birthday girl's birthday?
- ambulance phone number?
- year of birth of the birthday girl?
- what date was the wedding of the birthday girl with her husband?
- What date did the birthday girl have a child?
- In what year will the birthday girl celebrate her fiftieth birthday?
- using your numbers, show the largest possible number? (here you need to stand up so that the numbers are in descending order: 7654321)

Competition - what the birthday girl loves.
This competition takes place several times, because the birthday girl has great tastes!
Two guests come out first. They take turns naming the types of alcohol (vodka, beer, wine, and so on). Who did not call, he lost. You can't repeat.
Next, two new guests come out, they call women's accessories. Also, whoever did not name, he lost.
Now two other guests name car brands, because the birthday girl loves cars. Who could not name, then leaves.
And so on, to name what the birthday girl loves or is fond of.

Game - why did you come to the birthday.
It is time to find out the truth and find out who and why came to the holiday. For the game, you need to prepare cards on which it will be written why you came to the birthday party. Each guest in turn takes out cards and reads.
Answer examples:
- I thought they poured it here, and I was not mistaken!
- I'm hiding from the tax!
- yes, in fact, for the same, why others - congratulations!
- I'll just eat and sit quietly and watch.
- you know, I'm already old, I can't walk for a long time, so I sat down here to catch my breath, and once they poured me, in general, I stayed.
- some of the guests owe me money!
- so I bought a gift, how not to come?
- called - refused, paid - could not refuse.
- I was promised something after the party...
- no matter why, the main thing came!
- Think what you want, and I will eat.
- this is too provocative question.
- I think you should clarify: I do not reveal my secrets.
- But how not to come when it smells of vodka ?!
“So you dragged me here yourself?”

Competition - balloons.
In this competition, couples participate: a man and a girl. Men are blindfolded and given 5-7 uninflated balloons in their hands. And the girls are given pantyhose in their hands. At the command of the host, the girls put tights on the men's legs. As soon as the tights are worn, the men inflate the first balloon and tie it in a knot. They give the inflated balloon to the girl, and she puts it in tights. And the man inflates the next balloon and so on. The first team to put all their balloons into their tights wins.